Late Late Registration/ Registration Schedule Opens Changes Closes Regular Registration Closes Regular Registration Fee Payment Deadline 11/19/15 12/7/15 3:30 p.m. 12/8/15 3:30 p.m. 12/08/15 11/19/15 1/12/16 3:30 p.m. 1/12/16 3:30 p.m. Spring 2016 1st 8 Weeks (1/19-3/11) 11/19/15 1/12/16 3:30 p.m. Spring 2016 2nd 8 Weeks (3/14-5/13) 11/19/15 1/12/16 3:30 p.m. 11/11/15-11/12/15 - Special Groups 11/16/15 - Graduates/Seniors 11/17/15 - Freshmen 11/18/15 - Sophomores and Juniors 11/19/15 - Open to All Eligible Students Winter Session Registration follows same sequence as Spring Registration 12/15/15 3:30 p.m. 12/07/16 12/14/15 01/04/16 01/15/16 01/13/16 1/22/16 11:30 a.m. 1/22/16 3:30 p.m. 01/11/16 01/19/16 04/05/16 05/13/16 1/12/16 3:30 p.m. 01/13/16 1/20/16 11:59 p.m. 1/22/16 3:30 p.m. 01/11/16 01/19/16 02/19/16 03/11/16 1/12/16 3:30 p.m. 01/13/16 1/22/16* 11:30 a.m. 1/22/16 3:30 p.m. 03/07/16 03/14/16 04/22/16 05/13/16 01/23/16 3/15/16* 3:30pm housing assignment and meal plan. Winter/Spring 2016 Registration Schedule 12/15/15 3:30 p.m. will result in the cancellation of classes, (1/19-5/13) Classes End $100 Late Fee for Students registering on/after this date Spring 2016 Full Term W Date assignment and meal plan. (Winter Break 12/24-1/1) Classes Begin in the cancellation of classes, housing (12/14-1/15) Waitlist Purge Date pay account balances by this date will result Wintersession 2015 Final Fee Payment Deadline applies after this date. For Spring, failure to (Rev 9/17/15) For Wintersession, $50 late payment fee Regular Registration Opens for All Students Failure to pay account balances by this date Important Dates Winter and Spring 2016 The dates in this calendar are accurate at the time of printing. The dates are not expected to change but are subject to change if needed. Last Updated 9/17/15 Special Registration/Payment Notes for Wintersession: For all registrations that have occurred prior to 3:30pm on 12/7/15, payment is due by 3:30 p.m. on 12/8/15 or a $50 late payment fee will be incurred. For all registrations that occur after 3:30pm on 12/7/15, a late registration fee of $100 will be incurred and payment is due by 3:30 p.m. on 12/15/15. *Special Registration/Payment Notes for Spring 2nd 8 Weeks: For all registrations that have occurred prior to 11:30am on 1/22/16, payment is due by 3:30pm on 1/22/16. Late registration will resume on 1/23/16 with final fee payment due by 3:30pm on 3/15/16. Failure to pay account balances by this date will result in the cancellation of 2nd 8 week classes.