23 Titles in the Toxicology Centre Library by Category - updated February 24, 2016 Animal Models Alternatives to the Use of Live Vertebrates in Biomedical Research and Testing. National Library of Medicine, 1997. AM AL Animals for Medical Research: Models for the Study of Human Disease. Mitruka, B.M. et al, 1982. AM AN Guide to the Care and Use of Experimental Animals Vol. 2. Canadian Council on Animal Care, 1984. AM GU Guide to the Care and Use of Experimental Animals Vol. 1 2nd ed. Canadian Council on Animal Care, 1993. AM GU Guidelines on: The Care and Use of Wildlife. Canadian Council on Animal Care, 2003. AM GU The Laboratory Rabbit. Suckow, M.A. and F.A. Douglas, 1997. AM LA The Laboratory Rat. Sharp, P.E. and M.C. LaRegina, 1998. AM LA Of Mice, Models, & Men: A Crtitical Evaluation of Animal Research. Rowan, A.N., 1984. AM OF Pathology of the Fischer Rat: Reference and Atlas. Boorman, G.A. et al (eds), 1990. AM PA Postmortem Change in the Rat: A Histologic Characterization. Seaman, W.J., 1987. AM PO Practical Concepts for Dose Selection in Chronic Toxicity and Carcinogenicity Studies in Rodents. ECETOC, 1996. AM PR Practical Concepts for Dose Selection in Chronic Toxicity and Carcinogenicity Studies in Rodents. ECETOC, 1996. AM PR Report on Status and Trends in In Vitro Toxicology and Methodology Modifications for Reducing Animal Use. Gilman, J.P.W., 1991. AM RE Report of a Workshop on Alternatives to the Use of Laboratory Animals in Biomedical Research and Teaching. Canadian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 1980. AM RE Normal Table of Xenopus Laevis (Daudin), 1996. Ed. P.D Nieuwkoop and J. Faber. AM NO Analytical Analysis of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Pesticides in Waters and Wastewaters. Chau, A.S.Y., 1972. AN AN Analysis of Tricyclic Antidepressants by Capillary Electrophoresis. Golin, M., 1995. AN AN Analytical Reference Standards and Supplemental Data for Pesticides and Other Organic Compounds. US EPA, 1978. AN AN Analytical Chemistry for Technicians 2nd ed. Kenkel, J., 1994. AN AN Exploring Chemical Analysis. Harris, D.C., 1997. AN EX Exploring Chemical Analysis: Solutions Manual. Harris, D.C., 1997. AN EX Handbook of Property Estimation Methods for Chemicals. Boethling, R.S. and D. Mackay, 2000. AN HA Instrumentation Quality Assurance Manual. US Consumer Product Safety Commission, 1979. AN IN Laboratory Safety Handbook. The Chemical Institute of Canada, 1987. AN LA Legal Sampling and Analysis. BC Ministry of Environment, 1981. AN LE An EPA Manual for Organics Analysis Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. US Dept. of Commerce, 1979. AN MA Manual of Analytical Methods for the Analysis of Pesticides in Humans and Environmental Samples. US EPA, 1980. AN MA Manual of Analytical Quality Control for Pesticides and Related Compounds in Human and Environmental Samples. A Compendium of Systematic Procedures Designed to Assist in the Prevention and Control of Analytical Problems. US Dept. of Commerce, 1979. AN MA Methods for Nutritional Assessment of Fats. Beare-Rogers, J. (ed), 1985. AN ME Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Offical Analytical Chemists 15th ed Vol. I. Helrich, K. (ed), 1990. AN OF Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Offical Analytical Chemists 15th ed Vol. II. Helrich, K. (ed), 1990. AN OF Optimizing Chemical Laboratory Performance Through the Application of Qualtiy Assurance Principles. Garfield, F.M. et al (eds), 1980. AN OP FDA Pesticde Analytical Manual. Vol. I Methods Which Detect Multiple Redisues. US Dept. of Commerce, 1977. AN PE Pesticide Analytical Manual. Vol.II Methods for Individual Pesticide Residues Part 3 of 3. US Dept. of Commerce, 1977. AN PE Pesticide Analytical Manual. Vol.II Methods for Individual Pesticide Residues Part 1 of 3. US Dept. of Commerce, 1977. AN PE Pesticide Analytical Manual. Vol.II Methods for Individual Pesticide Residues Part 2 of 3. US Dept. of Commerce, 1977. AN PE A Primer on Quality in the Analytical Laboratory. Kenkel, J., 2000. AN PR Proceedings of 19th Annual Pesticide Residue Workshop & 12th Annual Workshop of Chemistry & Biochemistry of Herbicides. Wescott, N.D. (ed), 1984. AN PR Products/Procedures Manual for Water/Wastewater Analyses. Fisher Scientific, 1976. AN PR Quality Assurance Principles for Analytical Laboratories. Garfield, F.M., 1984. AN QU Regulatory Gas Chromatography. US Consumer Product Safety Commission, 1978. AN RE Systematic Identification of Mycotoxins. Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, 1986. AN SY Agriculture/Veterinary Medicine Agricultural Health and Safety: Workplace, Environment, Sustainability. McDuffie, H et al, 1994. AV AG Agricultural Health and Safety: Workplace, Environment, Sustainability (Supplement). McDuffie, H et al, 1994. AV AG Agricultural Chemicals and Farm Health and Safety. Ontario Task Force on Health and Safety in Agriculture, 1984. AV AG Annual Report on Chemical and Biological Testing of Agri-Food Commodities. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 1992/93. AV AN Clinical and Diagnostic Veterinary Toxicology 2nd ed. Buck, B.B, & G.D. Osweiler, 1973. AV CL Compendium of Medicating Ingredient Brochures 6th ed. Canada Department of Agriculture, 1990. AV CO Compendium of Veterinary Products. Canadian Animal Health Institute, 2005. AV CO Human Health Risks with the Subtherapeutic Use of Penicillin or Tetracyclines in Animal Feed. Institute of Medicine, Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, 1988. AV HU Mineral Levels in Animal Health: Diagnostic Data. Puls, R., 1988. AV MI Mycotoxins in Grain: Compounds Other Than Aflatoxin. Miller, J.D. and H.L. Trenholm, 1994. AV MY Principles of Health and Safety in Agriculture. Dosman, J.A. and D.W. Cockcroft, 1989. AV PR Proceedings of an International Workshop: Effects of Acid Forming Emissions in Livestock. Coppock, R.W. and L.E. Lillie, 1992. AV PR Rumesin Technical Manual. Elanco Products Company, 1975. AV RU Spoilage and Heating of Stored Agriculture Products. Agriculture Canada, 1989. AV SP Toxicology: The National Veterinary Medical Series. Osweiler, G.D., 1996. AV TO Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 5th ed. Booth, N.H. and L.E. McDonal (eds), 1982. AV VP Veterinary Toxicology. Gabriel, K.L. et al, 1964. AV VT Biological and Chemical Weapons Biological and Toxin Weapons Today. Geissler, E. (ed), 1986. BC BI Handbook for the Investigation of the Use of Chemical or Biological Weapons. Government of Canada, 1985. BC HA International Atomic Energy Agency Safeguards as a Model for Verification of a Chemical Weapons Convention. Schiefer, H.B. and J.F Keeley (eds), 1989. BC IN Multilateral Approaches to Verification. O'Manique, J. (ed), 1986. BC MU Problems and Possible Solutions Associated with Verification of Chemical- Bacteriological Weapon's Use Vol. I: Review. Schiefer, H.B. and R.G. Sutherland, 1984. BC PR Problems and Possible Solutions Associated with Verification of Chemical- Bacteriological Weapon's Use Vol. II: Action Plan. Schiefer, H.B.& R.G. Sutherland, 1984. BC PR Systems Study of an International Verification Organization on Chemical Weapons. Government of Canada, 1987. BC SY Verifying Obligations Respecting Arms Control and the Environment: A Post Gulf War Assessment. Schiefer, H.B. (ed), 1992. BC VE Biomedical and Human Health Antineoplastic Drugs: Occupational Health and Safety Requirements for Handling Antineoplastci Drugs in Hospitals. Saskatchewan Human Resources and Labour, 1987. BH AN APMIS: Hormones and Endocrine Disruptors in Food and Water. Anderson, A.M. et al (eds), 2001. BH AP Biological Effects of Asbestos. Addingley, C.G. et al, 1965. BH BI Carcinogens Fifth Annual Report. Technical Resources Inc., 1989. BH CA Carcinogens Sixth Annual Report. Technical Resources Inc., 1991. BH CA Chemical Exposures: Low Levels and High Stakes. Ashford, N.A. and C.S. Miller, 1991. BH CH Chronic Neurotoxicity of Solvents. ECETOC, 1996. BH CH Chronic Neurotoxicity of Solvents. ECETOC, 1996. BH CH Electric and Magnetic Fields and Your Health. Health and Welfare Canada, 1990. BH EL Handbook of Evironmental Health and Safety: Principles and Practices Vol. II. Koren, H., 1991. BH EN Handbook of Evironmental Health and Safety: Principles and Practices Vol. I. Koren, H., 1991. BH EN Essentials of Pathology for Toxicologists. Grasso, P., 2002. BH ES Essentials of Pathology for Toxicologists. Grasso, P., 2002. BH ES Evaluations of Drug Interactions 3rd ed. Shinn, A.F. and R.P. Shrewsbury, 1985. BH EV Experimental "Metabolic" Cardiopathies and Their Relationship to Human Heart Diseases. Bajusz, E. (ed), 1969. BH EX Exposure Factors Handbook Vol. I: General Factors. US EPA, 1989. BH EX Exposure Factors Handbook Vol. II: Food Ingestion Factors. US EPA, 1989. BH EX Exposure Factors Handbook Vol. III: Activity Factors. US EPA, 1989. BH EX Fats and Oils: The Complete Guide to Fats and Oils in Health and Nutrition. Erasmus, U., 1986. BH FA Fish and Human Health. Lands, W.E.M., 1986. BH FI Flaxseed in Human Nutrition. Cunnane, S. and L.U. Thompson (eds), 1995. BH FL Food Reviews International: Production Processing Acceptance Nutrition and Health. Teranishi, J. and I. Hornstein (eds), 1986. BH FO Food Contamination from Environmental Sources. Nriagu, J. and M.S. Simmons (eds), 1990. BH FO Health Effects of Mycotoxins (volatile or adsorbed paticulates): A Review of the Relevant Data from Animal Experiments. Schiefer, H.B., 1985. BH HE Health Effects of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Seafoods. Simopoulos, A.P. et al (eds), 1986. BH HE Inorganics in Drinking Water and Cardiovascular Disease. Calabrese, E.J. et al (eds), 1985. BH IN Mechanistic Toxicology: The Molecular Basis of How Chemicals Disrupt Biological Targets. Boelsterli, U.A., 2003. BH ME Mechanistic Toxicology: The Molecular Basis of How Chemicals Disrupt Biological Targets. Boelsterli, U.A., 2003. BH ME Metronidazole. Finegold, S.M. (ed), 1976. BH ME Models for Biomedical Research. National Research Council, 1985. BH MO Neurotoxins. Adams, M.E. and G.Swanson, 1994. BH NE New Concepts and Developments in Toxicology. Chambers, P.L. et al (eds), 1986. BH NE Nutrition Recommendations. Health and Welfare Canada, 1990. BH NU Nutritional Evaluation of Long-Chain Fatty Acids in Fish Oil. Barlow, S.M. and M.E. Stansby (eds), 1982. BH NU Occupational Toxicology 2nd ed. Winder, C. and N. Stacey (eds), 2004. BH OC Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Health and Disease. Lees, R.S. M. Karel (eds), 1990. BH OM The Omega-3 Breakthrough: The Revolutionary Medically-Proven Fish Oil Diet. Fast, J., 1987. BH OM The Oncogene and Tumour Suppressor Gene: Facts Book 2nd ed (2 copies). Hesketh, R., 1997. BH ON Proceedings of the AOCS Short Course on Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Eicosanoids. Lands, W.E.M. (ed), 1987. BH PR Proceedings of International Conference on Hydrogen Sulphide Toxicity. Prior, M.G. et al (eds), 1989. BH PR Proceedings of the Second Colloquim on Particulate Air Pollution and Human Health. Lee, J. and R. Phalen, 1996. BH PR Renal Effects of Petroleum Hydrocarbons. Mehlman, M.A. (ed), 1984. BH RE Report of the Expert Advisory Committee on Herbs and Botanical Preparations. Health and Welfare Canada, 1986. BH RE Report to the Worker's Compensation Board on Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer Among Firefighters. Industrial Disease Standards Panel, 1994. BH RE Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Composition of Special Margarines. , 1980. BH RE Safety Pharmacology in Pharmaceutical Development and Approval. Gad, S.C., 2004. BH SA Toxicological Aspects of Energy Production. Sanders, C.L., 1986. BH TO Trace Contaminants from Coal: Pollution Technology Review. Noyes Data Corp., 1978. BH TR Basic Science Biochemistry. Zubay, G., 1983. BS BI Cells and Organelles 3rd ed. Holtzman, E. and A.B. Novikoff, 1984. BS CE Chemistry: Science of Change 2nd ed. Oxtoby, D.W. et al, 1994. BS CH Chemistry of the Elements 2nd ed. Greenwood, N.N. and A. Earnshaw, 1997. BS CH Goodman and Gilman's: The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 6th ed. Gilman, A.G. et al (eds), 1980. BS GO Modern Hydrology 2nd ed. Kazmann, R.G., 1972. BS HY Lipid Peroxidation in Biomembranes. Kagan, V.E., 1988. BS LI Molecular Biology of the Cell. Alberts, B. et al, 1983. BS MO Physiological Basis of Medical Practice 12th ed. West, J.B. (ed), 1991. BS PH Principles of Drug Action: The Basis of Pharmacology 2nd ed. Goldstein, A. et al, 1974. BS PR Principles of Pharmacology: Basic Concepts and Clinical Applications. Munson, P.L. (ed), 1995. BS PR The Toxicology and Biochemistry of Insecticides. Yu, S. J.2008. BS TT Water-Soluble Synthetic Polymers: Properties and Behavior Vol. I. Molyneux, P., 1983. BS WA Environmental/Ecological Acid Rain: The Potential for Saskatchewan. Hammer, U.T., 1980. EE AC Fundamentals of Aquatic Toxicology: Effects, Environmental Fate, and Risk Asssessment 2nd ed. Rand, G.M. (ed), 1995. EE AQ Avian Endocrinology. Dawson, A. and C.M. Chaturvedi (eds), 2002. EE AV Avian Effects Assessment: A Framework for Contaminant Studies. Hart, A. et al (eds), 2001. EE AV Avian Effects Assessment: A Framework for Contaminants Studies. Hart, A. et al (eds) (2 copies), 1999. EE AV Basic Concepts of Environmental Chemistry. Connell, D.W., 2005. EE BA Biassessment of Freshwater Ecosystems - Using the Reference Condition Approach. Bailey, R.C. et al, 2004. EE BI Bioassessment of Freshwater Ecosystems - Using the Reference Condition Approach. Bailey, R.C. et al, 2004. EE BI Bioavailability of Metals in Terrestrial Ecosystems. Allen, H.E. (ed), 2002. EE BI Bioavailability of Metals in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Importance of Partitioning for Bioavailability to Invertebrates, Microbes, and Plants. Allen, H.E. (ed), 2002. EE BI Chemical Residues in Fish Tissues in Alberta. Alberta Environment Cenrte, 1982. EE CH Codes of Federal Regulation - Protection of Environment. US National Archives and Records Administration, 1992. EE CO Community-Level Aquatic System Studies - Interpretation Criteria. Giddings, J.M. et al (eds), 2002. EE CO Contaminated Soils: From Soil-Chemistry Interactions to Ecosystem Management. Lanno, R.P. (ed), 2003. EE CO Ecological Variability: Separating Natural from Anthropogenic Causes of Ecosystem Impairment. Baird, D.J. and G.A. Burton (eds), 2001. EE EC Ecology of Shallow Lakes. Scheffer, M., 2004. EE EC Ecotoxicity: Responsibilities and Opportunities. Hall, R.H. and D.A. Chant, 1979. EE EC Ecotoxicology: The Study of Pollutants in Ecosystems 3rd ed. Moriarty, F., 1999. EE EC Ecotoxicology - A Comprehensive Treatment. Newman, M. C., Clements, W. H. 2008 EE EC Baic Environmental Toxicology. Cockerham, L.G. and B.S. Shane, 1994. EE EN Endocrine Disruptors in Wastewater and Sludge Treatment Processes. Birkett, J.W. and J.N. Lester, 2003. EE EN Environmental Chemical Exposures and Immune System Integrity. Burger, E.J. et al (eds), 1987. EE EN Environmental Chemistry. Bunce, N.J., 1991. EE EN Environmental Geochemistry. Fortescue, J.A.C., 1980. EE EN Environmental Standards: A Comparative Study of Canadian Standards, Standard Setting Processes and Enforcement. Franson, M.A.H. et al, 1982. EE EN Environmental Monitoring. Wiersma, G.B. (ed), 2004. EE EN Environmental Ecology 2nd ed. Freedman, B., 1995. EE EN Environmental Ecology. Freedman, B., 1989. EE EN Environmental Chemistry, Answer Guide to . Bunce, N.J., 1990. EE EN The Environmental Chemistry of Aluminun. Sposito, G. (ed), 1996. EE EN Evaluation of dose-response relationships for the effects of PCBs on the reproduction of mink (Mustela vison). Leonards, P.E.C. et al, 1994. EE EV Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Symposium Proceedings. Rice, S.D. et al (eds), 1996. EE EX Extrapolation Practice for Ecotoxicological Effect Characterization of Chemicals. Solomon, K. R., Brock, T. C. M. et al. 2008 EE EX Fisheries Techniques 2nd ed. Murphy, B.R. and D.W. Willis (eds), 1996. EE FI Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology, 2nd ed.. Newman, M.C. and M.A. Unger, 2003. EE FU Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology 2nd ed. Newman, M.C. and M.A. Unger, 2003. EE FU Handbook of Ecotoxicology. Hoffman, D.J. et al (eds), 2003. EE HA Humic Substances and Chemical Contaminants. Clapp, C.E. et al (eds), 2001. EE HU Identification and Measurement of Environmental Pollutants. , 1971. EE ID Impacts of Coal-Fired Power Plants on Fish, Wildlife, and Their Habitats. US Dept. of Commerce, 1978. EE IM Inter-Connections Between Human Health and Ecological Integrity. Di Giulio, R.T. and W.H. Benson (eds), 2002. EE IN Interconnections Between Human Health and Ecological Integrity. Di Giulio, R.T. and W.H. Benson (eds), 2002. EE IN Introduction to Environmental Toxicology: Impacts of Chemicals Upon Ecological Systems, 3rd ed. Landis, W.G. and M-H Yu, 2004. EE IN The Insects: Structure and Function 4th ed. Chapman, R.F., 1998. EE IN Mathematical Modeling in Ecology. Jeffries, C., 1989. EE MA Mercury Analysis in Environmental Samples. Alberta Environment Centre, 1982. EE ME Mercury and Cadmium: Chemical Agents of Environmental Concern in Alberta Waters: A Bibliography. Alberta Environment Centre, 1983. EE ME Metals in Aquatic Systems: A Review of Exposure, Bioaccumulation, and Toxicity Models. Paquin, et al, 2003. EE ME Metals in Aquatic Ecosystems: A Review of Exposure, Bioaccumulation, and Toxicity Models. Paquin, P.R. et al, 2003. EE ME Mutation Research: Chemical, Mutagenic and Tumor-Pattern Characteristics of Human and Rodent Carcinogens. Sobels, F.H. (ed), 1988. EE MU The Nature and Properties of Soils 7th ed. Buckman, H.O. and N.C. Brady, 1969. EE NA Northern River Basins Study. Ayles, G.B. et al, 1996. EE NO Partitioning of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in the North Saskatchewan River. Alberta Environment Centre, 1984. EE PA PCBs in European otter (Lutra lutra) populations. Smit, M.D. et al, 1994. EE PC Pesticides and PCBs in the North Saskatchewan River and Red Deer River. Alberta Environment Centre, 1983. EE PE The Physiology of Fishes, 3rd ed. Evans, D.H. and J.B. Claiborne, 2006. EE PH Pollution Science. Pepper, I.L. et al (eds), 1996. EE PO Pollution Control and Environmental Assessment for Thermal Generation Plants. Szladow, A.J. et al, 1986. EE PO Population-Level Ecological Risk Assessment. Barnthouse, L. W. 2008. EE OP Principles of Ecotoxicology, 2nd ed. Walker, C.H. et al, 2001. EE PR Principles of Ecotoxicology, 3rd ed. Walker, C. H. et al, 2006 EE PR Principles and Processes for Evaluating Endocrine Disruption in Wildlife. Kendall, R. et al (eds) (2 copies), 1998. EE PR Reassessment of Metals Criteria for Aquatic Life Protection. Bergman, H.L. and E.J. Dorward-King (eds) (2 copies), 1997. EE RE Reproductive and Developmental Effects of Contaminants in Oviparous Vertebrates. Di Giulio, R.T. and D.E. Tillitt (eds), 1999. EE RE Restoration and Recovery of an Industrial Region. Gunn, J.M. (ed), 1995. EE RE Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Ware, G.W. (ed), 1997. EE RE Selenium Assessment in Aquatic Ecosystems. Lemly, A.D., 2002. EE SE Species Sensitivity Distributions in Ecotoxicology. Posthuma, L et al (eds), 2002. EE SP Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 20th ed. Clesceri, L.S. et al (eds), 1998. EE ST Surface Water Quality Objectives. Saskatchewan Environment and Public Safety, 1988. EE SU Technical Support Document for Water Quality-Based Toxics Control. US EPA, 1985. EE TE Techniques in Aquatic Toxicology, Vol. 2. Ostrander, G.K., 2005. EE TE The Tobin Lake Project. Birkholz, D.A. et al, 1980. EE TO Toxicity and Environmental Chemistry of Wastewater from a Kraft Pulp and Paper Mill: Fish Toxicity Studies. Alberta Environment Centre, 1987. EE TO Uranium in the Environment: Mining Impact and Consequences. Merkel, B.J. and A. Hasche-Berger, 2006. EE UR The Use of Sediment Quality Guidelines and Related Tools for the Assessment of Contaminiation Sediments. Wenning, R. J. et al (eds), 2005. EE US A Vital Link: Health and the Environment in Canada. Health and Welfare Canada, 1992. EE VI Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing: An Evaluation of Methods and Prediction of Receiving System Impacts. Grothe, D.R. et al (eds), 1996. EE WH General and Biomedical Atlas of Experimental Toxicological Pathology. Gopinath, C. et al, 1987. GB AT Basic Science in Toxicology. Volans, G.N. et al (eds), 1990. GB BA Basic Toxicology: Fundamentals, Target Organs, and Risk Assessment 2nd ed. Lu, F.C., 1991. GB BA The Basis of Toxicity Testing 2nd ed. Ecobichon, D.J. (ed), 1997. GB BA The Basis of Toxicity Testing. Ecobichon, D.J. (ed), 1992. GB BA Biochemical Mechanisms and Regulation of Intercellular Communication. Milman, H.A. and E. Elmore (eds), 1987. GB BI Casarett & Doull's Toxicology the Basic Science of Poisons 4th ed. Amdur, M.O., J. Doull, and C.D. Klaassen (eds), 1991. GB CA Casarett & Doull's Toxicology the Basic Science of Poisons 5th ed. Klaassen, C.D. (ed), 1996. GB CA Dermal Absorption and Toxicity Assessment. Roberts, M.S. and K.A. Walters (eds), 1998. GB DE The Dose Makes the Poison 2nd ed. Ottoboni, M.A., 1991. GB DO The Dose Makes the Poison. Ottoboni, M.A., 1984. GB DO The Dose Makes the Poison. Ottoboni, M.A., 1984. GB DO Handbook of Toxicology. Derelanko, M.J. and Hollinger, M.A. (eds), 2nd ed., 2002. GB HA Handbook of Toxicology. Derelanko, M.J. and M.A. Hollinger (eds), 1995. GB HA Handbook of Human Toxicology. Massaro, E.J. (ed), 1997. GB HA Introduction to Toxicology 2nd ed. Timbrell, J.A., 1995. GB IN Investigative Immunotoxicology. Typhonas, H. et al (eds.), 2005. GB IN Mechanisms and Toxicity of Chemical Carcinogens and Mutagens. Flamm, W.G. and R.J. Lorentzen, 1895. GB ME Metals, Fertility, and Reproductive Toxicity. Golub, M.S., 2006. GB ME A Textbook of Modern Toxicology. Hodgson, E. and P.E. Levi, 1987. GB MO Experimental and Clinical Neurotoxicology. Spencer, P.S. and H.H. Schaumburg, 1980. GB NE Introduction to Neurobehavioral Toxicology: Food and Environment. Niesink, R.J.M. et al (eds), 1999. GB NE Pathology of Drug-Induced and Toxic Diseases. Riddell, R.H. (ed), 1982. GB PA Principles of Toxicological Pathology. Glaister, J., 1986. GB PR Principles and Methods of Toxicology Student Edition. Hayes, A.W., 1982. GB PR Principles of Toxicology. Stine, K.E. and T.M. Brown, 1996. GB PR Principles and Methods of Toxicology 2nd ed. Hayes, A.W., 1989. GB PR Principles and Methods of Toxicology 3rd ed. Hayes, A.W., 1994. GB PR Principles of Biochemical Toxicology, 3rd ed. Timbrell, J., 2000. GB PR Principles of Food Toxicology. Püssa, T. 2008. GB PR Progress in Toxicology: Special Topics. Zbinden, G., 1976. GB PR Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. Coulston, F. et al (eds), 1994. GB RE Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology. Korach, K.S. (ed), 1998. GB RE Reproductive Toxicology. Dixon, R. L. (ed). 1985. GB RE Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology. Haschek, W.M. and C.G. Rousseaux, 1991. GB TO Toxicological Chemistry and Biochemistry. Manahan, S.E., 2003. GB TO Toxicology (2 copies). Kamrin, M.A., 1988. GB TO Toxicology: A Case-Oriented Approach. Fenton, J.J., 2002. GB TO Toxicology of Metals. Chang, L.W. et al (eds), 1996. GB TO The Toxicology and Biochemistry of Insecticides. Yu, S. J.2008 GB TO The Toxicology of Fishes. Di Giulio,, R. T., Hinton, D. E. 2008 GB TO Understanding Toxicology: Chemicals, Their Benefits and Risks. Schiefer, H.B., D.G. Irvine, and S.C. Buzik, 1997. GB UN You and Toxicology. Schiefer, H.B., D.G. Irvine, and S.C. Buzik, 1986. GB YO Indoor Air Quality Biological Contaminants in Indoor Environments. Morey, P.R. et al (eds), 1990. IA BI Exposure Guidelines for Residential Indoor Air Quality. Health and Welfare Canada, 1987. IA EX Indoor Air '90: The Fifth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate Vol. 4. , 1990. IA IN Indoor Air '90: The Fifth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate Vol. 1. , 1990. IA IN Indoor Air '90: The Fifth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate Vol. 5. , 1990. IA IN Indoor Air '90: The Fifth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate Vol. 2. , 1990. IA IN Indoor Air Pollution and Housing Technology. Small, B.M. et al, 1983. IA IN Indoor Air Quality. Walsh, P.J. et al (eds), 1984. IA IN Indoor Air '90: The Fifth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate Vol. 3. , 1990. IA IN Indoor Pollutants. National Research Council, 1981. IA IN Significance of Fungi in Indoor Air: Report of a Working Group. Health and Welfare Canada, 1987. IA SI Significance of Fungi in Indoor Air: Report of a Working Group. Health and Welfare Canada, 1986. IA SI Strategy for Studying Air Quality in Office Buildings. Goyer, N. and V.H. Nguyen, 1989. IA ST Miscellaneous Air Pollution Emissions and Control Technology: Thermal Power Generation Industry. Vol. 2 Particulate Emissions from Steam-powered Stations. Hamilton, K. and H.A. Bambrough, 1980. MI AI Introduction to Statistics for Biology. 3rd ed. McCleer, R. H. et al, 2007. MI BI Bhopal Aftermath Review: An Assessment of the Canadian Situation. , 1986. MI BH Chemical Sensitivity: A Report to the New Jersey State Department of Health. Ashford, N.A. and C.S. Miller, 1989. MI CH Formation and degration of PCDD/F in waste incineration ashes. Lundin, L.2007 MI FO Guide to the Freshwater Invertebrates of the Midwest. Kansas Biological Survey. The University fo Kansas. Technical Publication Number 11. Second Edition. 1985 MI GU The Groundnut Aflatoxin Problem: Review and Literature Database. Mehan, V.K. et al, 1991. MI GR Hazard Assessment & Disposal Options for TDGA Waste Types 1 to 97 Vol. 1: Criteria, Methodology, Comments & Recommendations. Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd. & The Toxicology Research Centre, 1985. MI HA Hazard Assessment & Disposal Options for TDGA Waste Types 1 to 97 Vol. 3: TDGA Waste Type 1 to 97 Profiles. Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd. & The Toxicology Research Centre, 1985. MI HA Hazard Assessment & Disposal Options for TDGA Waste Types 1 to 97 Vol. 2: Waste Component Data Sheets. Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd. & The Toxicology Research Centre, 1985. MI HA Hazard screening of conatminated sites - biavailable fractions and biological in vitro tools. Ragnvaldsson, D. 2007 MI HA High Tech and Toxics: A Guide for Local Communities. Sherry, S., 1985. MI HI Highly Toxic Chemicals: Detection and Protection Methods: Proceedings of an International Symposium. Schiefer, H.B. (ed), 1985. MI HI Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation: Literature Review. , 1985. MI JO Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation: Literature Review. , 1984. MI JO Northern Science for Northern Society: Building Economic Self-Reliance. Science Council of Canada, 1991. MI NO The Scientist and Engineer in Court. Bradley, M.D., 1983. MI SC Serotonin Neurotoxins. Jacoby, J.H. and L.D. Lytle (eds), 1978. MI SE Study of the Pathology of Tricothecene Mycotoxins in Experimental Animals. Schiefer, H.B., 1985. MI ST Tellurium. Cooper, W.C. (ed), 1971. MI TE Tricothecene Mycotoxins. Douville, J.A., 1985. MI TR Water Quality Survey of Saskatchewan Surface Waters. Rutherford, A.A., 1970. MI WA Water Quality Survey of Saskatchewan Groundwaters. Rutherford, A.A., 1966. MI WA Wastewater Irrigation and Health, Assessing and Mitigating Risk in Low-Income Countries, Drechsel, P., (ed), 2010. MI WA World Scientific, Climate Change Economics, Vol. 3, Number 4, November 2012. MI WO Organic Pollutants Applied Toxicology of Petroleum Hydrocarbons. MacFarland, H.N. et al (eds), 1984. OP AP Benzene: Occupational and Environmental Hazards-Scientific Update. Mehlman, M.A. (ed), 1989. OP BE Effect of Carbon Black on Worker Health in the Rubber Industry. Rivin, D., 1985. OP EF Exposure Tests for Organic Compounds in Industrial Toxicology. Piotrowski, J.K., 1977. OP EX Health Effects of Halogenated Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Nicholson, W.J. and J.A. Moore (eds), 1979. OP HE Hexachloro-cyclopenta-diene. Haley, J., 1985. OP HE Multimedia Criteria for the Dibenzofurans. US EPA, 1980. OP MU No Margin of Safety: A Preliminary Report on Dioxin Pollution and the Need for Emergency Action in the Pulp and Paper Industry. Greenpeace, 1987. OP NO Organic Pollutants. An Ecotoxicological Perspective. Walker, C. H. 2nd Ed. 2009. OP OR Persistent Organic Pollutants. Ritter, L. et al, 1995. OP PE A Review of Selected Persistent Organic Pollutants. Ritter, L. et al, 1995. OP RE Scientific Criteria Document for Standard Development: PCDDs and PCDFs. Ontario Ministry of the Environment, 1985. OP SC TCE: A Case Study for Researchers Concerned About Wastes and Public Health. Hild, N.R., 1985. OP TC Toxicology of Man-Made Organic Fibres. ECETOC, 1996. OP TO Toxicology of Man-Made Organic Fibres. ECETOC, 1996. OP TO Pesticides Agrochemical and Pesticide Safety Handbook. Waxman, M.F., 1998. PE AG The Report of the Alachlor Review Board. Government of Canada, 1987. PE AL Analyses of MCPA and Its Metabolites in Soil. Sattar, M.A., 1980. PE AN Assessment of Ecological Effects of Extensive or Repeated Use of Herbicides. US Dept. of Commerce, 1967. PE AS Chemical Pesticides: Mode of Action and Toxicology. Stenersen, J., 2004. PE CH Chemical Pesticides - Mode of Action and Toxicology. Stenersen, 2004. PE CH Deltametrhin. , 1982. PE DE The Effect of Pesticides on Human Health. Baker, S.R. and C.F. Wilkinson (eds), 1990. PE EF Environmental Chemistry of Herbicides. Grover, R. and A.J. Cessna, 1991. PE EN Forest Spraying: Nova Scotia Court Case. , 1983. PE FO Freshwater Vegetation Management. Gangstad, E.O., 1986. PE FR Fundamentals of Pesticides: A Self-Instruction Guide. Ware, G., 1986. PE FU A Guide to Agricultural Spary Adjuvants Used in the United States. Thomson Harvey, L., 1990-91. PE GU Guide to Crop Protection Saskatchewan 2003. Sask Agriculture, Food and Rural Revitalization, 2003. PE GU Guide to Crop Protection 2001. Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food, 2001. PE GU Guide to Crop Protection 2002. 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PE LI Metabolic Maps of Pesticides. Aizawa, H., 1989. PE ME Microbial Insecticides in Canada: Their Registraion and Use in Agriculture, Forestry and Public Health. , 1986. PE MI Multi-Stakeholder Negotiation in Environmental Controversies: The Case of Antisapstain Chemicals in the British Columbia Wood Products Industry. Leiss, W., 1992. PE MU Novel Pesticides and Herbicides. Chemical Abstracts Services, . PE NO Pest Control with Nature's Chemicals: Allelochemics and Pheromones in Gardening and Agriculture. Rice, E.L., 1983. PE PE Pest Control Canada: A Reference Manual. , 1987. PE PE Pest Control Canada. , 1986. PE PE Pest Control Canada: A Reference Manual. , 1988. PE PE Pesticide Assessment Guidelines (Microbial Pest Control Agents). Betz, F.S. et al, 1983. PE PE Pesticide Handling: A Safety Handbook. Health and Welfare Canada, 1987. PE PE Pesticide Toxicology and International Regulation. Marrs, T.C. and B. Ballantyne (eds), 2004. PE PE Pesticide Workshop Proceedings. Canadian Council of Resource and Environment Ministers, 1982. PE PE Pesticide Alert: A Guide to Pesticides in Fruits and Vegetables. Mott, L. and K. Snyder, 1987. PE PE Pesticide Assessment Guidelines for Microbial Agents. US EPA, 1984. PE PE Pesticide Safety Handbook. Saskatchewan Agriculture, Saskatchewan Labour, 1986 PE PE Pesticides in Canada: An Examination of Federal Law and Policy. Castrilli, J.F. and T. Vigod, 1987. PE PE Pesticides in the Soil: Ecology, Degradation & Management. , 1970. PE PE Pesticides: An Auto-Tutorial Approach. Ware, G.W., 1975. PE PE The Pesticide Book 5th ed. Ware, W.W., 2000. PE PE The Phenoxyalkanoic Herbicides. Que Hee, S.S. and R.G. Sutherland, 1981. PE PH Proceedings of the Science Workshop on 1080. Seawright, A.A. and C.T. Eason, 1993. PE PR Report of the Task Force on Use of Herbicides in Forest Management. Rennie, D.A. et al, 1985. PE RE Residue Reviews. Melnikov, N.N., 1971. PE RE The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides. Marer, P.J. et al, 1988. PE SA Scientific Dispute Resolution Conference on 2,4,5-T. American Farm Bureau Federation, 1979. PE SC Testing of HI-6 as a Therapy for Poisoning by Commonly Used Agricultural Insecticides. Schiefer, H.B. et al, 1987. PE TE Toxicologic and Epidemiological Assessments of the Oncogenic Potential of 2,4-D. , 1987. PE TO The Use and Significance of Pesticides in the Environment. McEwen, F.L. and G.R. tephenson, 1979. PE US Popular Literature The Apocalyptics: Cancer and the Big Lie (2 copies). Efron, E., 1984. PL AP Beyond Interdependence: The Meshing of the World's Economy and the Earth's Ecology. MacNeill, J. et al, 1991. PL BE A Bitter Fog: Herbicides and Human Rights (2 copies). Van Strum, C., 1983. PL BI Canada Choice: Economic, Health, and Moral Issues in Food from Animals. Fairbarn, G., 1989. PL CA Design for a Livable Planet. Naar, J., 1990. PL DE DMSO The Pain Killer. Jacob, S. and R. Herschler, 1981. PL DM The Food Additives Book. Freyburg, N. and W.A. Gortner, 1982. PL FO Guide to Food Additives. Health and Welfare Canada, 1977. PL GU The Healthy Home: An Attic-to-Basement Guide to Toxin-Free Living. Mason Hunter, L., 1989. PL HE Home Place: Essays on Ecology. Rowe, S., 1990. PL HO How to Survive in Your Toxic Environment. Bergin, E.J. and R.E. Grandon, 1984.PL HO From Land to Mouth: Understanding the Food System. Kneen, B., 1989. PL LA Leaving Eden: To Protect and Manage the Earth. Nisbet, E.G., 1991. PL LE Our Common Future: The World Commission on Environment and Development. , 1987.PL OU Pills That Dont' Work. Wolfe, S.M. et al, 1981. PL PI Planet Under Stress: The Challenge of Global Change. Mungall, C. and D.J. McLaren,1990. PL PL The Politics of Cancer. Epstein, S.S., 1978. PL PO Reconciling Man with the Environment. Ashby, E., 1978. PL RE Rural Environmental Planning for Sustainable Communities. Sargent, F.O. et al, 1991. PL RU Soil at Risk: Canada's Eroding Future. , 1984. PL SO State of the World 2000. Brown, L.R. et al, 2000. PL ST State of the World 1988. Brown, L.R. et al, 2000. PL ST Tired or Toxic? A Blueprint for Health. Rogers, S.A., 1990. PL TI Toxic Substances in the Environment 2nd ed. Kendall, R.J., 1983. PL TO Toxic Terror. Whelan, E.M., 1985. PL TO Toxic Chemicals, Health, and the Environment. Lave, L.B. and A.C. Upton (eds), 1987. PL TO Trading Up:: How Cargill, the World's Largest Grain Company, is Changing Canadian Agriculture. Kneen, B., 1990. PL TR Tragic Mountains: The Hmong, the Americans, and the Secret Wars for Laos, 1942-1992. Hamilton-Merritt, J., 1993. PL TR WCVM The First Decade and More. Bigland, C.H., 1990. PL WC Will the Bounty End? The Uncertain Future of Canada's Food Supply. Fairbairn, G.L., 1984. PL WI Risk Assessment The Assessment of Cumulative Effects: A Research Prospectus. CEARC, 1988. RA AS Bioavailability in Environmental Risk Assessment. Hrudey, S.E. et al, 1996. RA BI Risk Management and EIA: Research Needs and Opportunities. Grima, A.P. et al, 1986. RA CE Selected Mathematical Models in Environmental Impact Assessment in Canada. de Boissia, M, 1986. RA CE Cumulative Environmental Effects: A Binational Perspective. CEARC NRC, 1986. RA CU Cumulative Effects Assessment: A Context for Further Research and Development. Sonntag, N.C. et al, 1987. RA CU Cumulative Effects Assesment in Canada: An Agenda for Action and Research. Peterson, E.B. et al, 1987. RA CU Ecological Risk Estimation. Bartell, S.M. et al, 1992. RA EC Ecological Risk Assessment for Contaminated Sites. Suter, G.W. et al, 2000. RA EC Evaluating Environmental Impact Assessment: An Action Prospectus. CEARC, 1989. RA EV A Framework for Effective Monitoring. Krawetz, N.M. et al, 1987. RA FR Health Hazards and Risks from Exposure to Complex Mixtures and Air Toxic Chemicals. Mehlman, M.A., 1991. RA HE Human Risk Assessment: The Role of Animal Selection and Extrapolation. Roloff, M.V. et al (eds), 1987. RA HU Improving Risk Communication. National Research Council, 1989. RA IM Learning from Experience: A State-of-the-Art Review and Evaluation of Environmental Impact Assessment Audits. Munro, D.A. et al, 1986. RA LE Living with Risk: Environmental Risk Management in Canada. Burton, I. et al (eds), 1982. RA LI Mitigation and Compensation Issues in the Environmental Assessment Process: A Research Prospectus. CEARC, 1988. RA MI National Workshop on Risk-Benefit Analysis. Agriculture Canada, 1985. RA NA Policies and Poisons: The Containment of Long-term Hazards to Human Health in the Environment and in the Workplace. Science Council of Canada, 1977. RA PO Political Economy of Environmental Hazards. Schrecker, T.F., 1984. RA PO Prediciting Ecosystem Risk. Cairns, J. et al (eds), 1992. RA PR Reporting on Risk: A Journalist's Handbook on Environmental Risk Assessment. Kamrin, M.A. et al, 1995. RA RE Research Priorities in Environmental Risk Assessment. Fava, J.A. et al (eds), 1987. RA RE Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Industrial and Environmental Chemicals. Cothern, C.R. et al (eds), 1988. RA RI Risk Assessment of Pesticides. C&EN News Forum, 1991. RA RI Risk Assessment for Carcinogens. ECETOC, 1996. RA RI Risk Assessment: Ecological Risk-Based Decision-Making. Ralph, G. Stahl. Et al (eds), 2009. RA RI Risk and Responsibility. Leiss, W. and C. Chociolko, 1994. RA RI Risk Assessment for Carcinogens. ECETOC, 1996. RA RI The Role of Bioaccumulation in Environmental Risk Assessment: The Aquatic Environment and Related Food Webs. ECETOC, 1995. RA RO The Role of Bioaccumulation in Environmental Risk Assessment: The Aquatic Environment and Related Food Webs. ECETOC, 1995. RA RO Safety Evaluation: Toxicology, Methods, Concepts and Risk Assessment. Mehlman, M.A. (ed), 1987. RA SA Reference 1 Acidification in the Canadian Aquatic Environment: Scientific Criteria for Assessing the Effects of Acidic Deposition on Aquatic Ecosystems. NRCC, 1981. 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RE1 ST Strengths and Limitations of Benefit-Cost Analyses Applied to the Assessment of Industrial Organic Chemicals Including Pesticides: Epidemiological Evidence of the Effects of Pesticides on Human Health in Canada. NRCC, 1985. RE1 ST Strengths and Limitations of Benefit-Cost Analyses Applied to the Assessment of Industrial Organic Chemicals Including Pesticides: Evaluation of Costs Associated with Human Health Impacts. NRCC, 1985. RE1 ST Strengths and Limitations of Benefit-Cost Analyses Applied to the Assessment of Industrial Organic Chemicals Including Pesticides: Extrapolation of Toxicological Data from Laboratory Studies to the Human Situation. NRCC, 1985. RE1 ST Strengths and Limitations of Benefit-Cost Analyses Applied to the Assessment of Industrial Organic Chemicals Including Pesticides: Evaluation of the Biological and Economic Benefits of Pesticide Use. NRCC, 1985. RE1 ST Report on Toxicology in Canada. NRCC, 1985. RE1 TO Toxicology Education in Canada. NRCC, 1990. RE1 TO 2,4-D: Some Current Issues. NRCC, 1983. RE1 TW A Twenty Year History of the Associate Committee on Scientific Criteria for Environmental Quality. NRCC, 1990. RE1 TW Ultrsound: Characteristics and Biological Action. NRCC, 1981. RE1 UL Effects of Vanadium in the Canadian Environment. NRCC, 1980. RE1 VA Video Display Terminals - Do They Emit Dangerous Levels of Radiation?. NRCC, 1987. RE1 VI Workshop on the Combined Effect of Xenobiotics. NRCC, 1981. RE1 WO Reference 2 Agricultural Statistics. Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food, 1998. RE2 AG Family Reference Atlas of the World. National Geographic, 2002. RE2 AT (Old) Canadian Ennvironmental Quality Guidelines. Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, 1999. RE2 CA Canadian Arctic Conatminants - Assessment Report II - Knowledge in Action. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 2003. RE2 CA Canadian Arctic Conatminants - Assessment Report II - Contaminant Levels, Trends and Effects in the Biological Environment. 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TH The Role of Oxygen Free Radicals in the Endotoxic Shock Induced Myocardial Dysfunction and Cellular Injury. Pattanaik, U., 1996. TH Fate and Effects of Triallate in a Prairie Wetland. Desy, J., 1996. TH The Interaction of Chlorpyrifos with Bacillus Thuringiensis var. Kurstaki or Bacillus Pumilis in Combination on Diamond Back Moth Larvae. Jones, T.J., 1996. TH Oxygen Free Radicals - Mediators of Vascular Tone. Bharadwaj, L.A., 1997. TH Association of Pseudomonas Species and Forage Grasses Enhance Degradation of Chlorinated Benzoic Acids in Soil. Siciliano, S.D., 1998. TH Correlative Analysis of Thyroid Hormones and Gamma-Glutamyltranspeptidase in Fischer 344 Rats in Relation to a Possible Modulatory Mechanism. Rogers, V.V., 1998. TH Oxygen Free Radicals and Modulation of Ileum Smooth Muscle Tone. Eizadi-Mood, N., 1998. TH The Effects of Dextran Sulphate, Heparin and Antioxidants on Free Radical Damage in Endothelial Cells. Ram-Joshi, J.I., 1998. 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TH Zebrafish as a Toxicological Model System for Evaluating the Effects of Environmental Estrogens on Development. Willey, J.B., 2000. TH The Effect of Dichloro-Diphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) on Steroidogenesis in Granulosa Cells. Crellin, N.K, 2000. TH Assessment of Pesticide Mixtures Using the Probabilistic Ecological Risk Assessment- Toxic Equivalent Combination Approach. George, T.K., 2001. TH Effects of Dietary Deltamethrin Exposure on the Immune System of Adult Tiger Salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum). Froese, J.M.W., 2002. TH The Effect of Processed Kimberlite Effluent from the Ekati(TM) Diamond Mine on Freshwater Zooplankton. Crocquet de Rosemond, S.J., 2002. TH How to Write a Thesis. Murray, R., 2002. TH Using HSP70 Expression as an In Vivo Biomarker of Cellular Toxicity in Early Life Stages of Zebrafish Following Exposure to Cadmium and Arsenic. Blechinger, S.R., 2002. TH How to Write a Thesis. Murray, R., 2002. TH Temporal and Spatial Expression of Hoxa2 Gene in the Developing Mouse Palate and the Effects of Valporic Acid on Hoxa2 Expression During Murine Palatogenesis. Zhang, W., 2003. TH Acute and Chronic Effects of Lindane on Frog Tadpoles Native to Saskatchewan. Serben, K.C., 2003. TH Reducing Oxidative Damage in Brain and Aortic Endothelium: The Protective Action of Dextran Sulphate. Schneider, S.N., 2003. TH Mammalian Toxicity of Naphthenic Acids Derived from the Athabasca Oil Sands. Rogers, V.V., 2003. TH Validation of Capillary Zone Electrophoresis . Copley, H., 2003. TH Creation and Improvement of a Yeast RNR3-lacZ Genotoxicity Testing System. Jia, Xuming, 2003. TH Accumulation of 2-cholor-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine (Atrazine) in the Livers of Wistar Rats. Fahlman, B.M., 2003. TH Establishment of a Genetically Modified Stable Granulosa Cell Line to Study the Effects of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals. Smida, A.D., 2004. TH Chronic Toxicity and Accumulation of Uranium in the Aquatic Invertebrate Chironomus tentans. Muscatello, J.R., 2004. TH Characterization, Control and Biological Effects of Airborne Dust in Swine Barns. Cleave, J., 2004. TH Development of a Life Cycle Bioassay with Chironomus tentans in Artificial Streams. Hruska, K.A., 2004. TH Bioavailability and Toxicity of Lead Shot .Palasz, F.A., 2004. TH Influence of Organic Matter on the Bioavailability and Toxicity of Nickel to the Amphipod Hyalella azteca. Doig, L.E., 2004. TH The Effect if Alpha Radiation from Polonium-210 on Bovine Tracheal Basal Epithelial Cells. Phaneuf, M.O., 2004. TH Assessment of the Impact of Oil and Gas Industry Emissions on the European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris). Irvine, M.D., 2004. TH Trace Mineral Concentrations in the Tissues of Wild Deer. Chronic Wasting Disease. May, V.L., 2005. TH Genotoxic Effects of Petroleum Industry Emissions in Richardson’s Groud Squirrels (Spermophilis richardsonii). 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TH Toxicological Evaluation of Inhalation Exposure to Benzene ad Toluene in a Raptorial Bird, the American Kestrel, Falco Sparverius. Olsgard, M.L., 2007. TH Interactions of Contaminants, Stress and Physiological Consequences in Male Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis) from the Northern Boreal Forest. Pollock, B., 2007. TH Effect of Nitrate on Human Cell Lines in Culture. McGuigan, C.F., 2007. TH Nanotoxicology: Pulmonary Toxicity Studies on Self-Assembling Rosette Nanotubes. Journeay, W.S., 2007. TH A Role for Toll-like Receptor-4 in Pulmonary Angiogenesis Following Multiple Exposures to Swine Barn Air. Juneau, V.J., 2007. TH Dissipation and Phytotoxicity of Oil Sands Naphthenic Acids in Wetland Plants. Armstrong. S. A. 2008. TH Response And Variability Of Arctic Soils Exposed To Nitrogenous Compounds. Anaka, A. 2008. TH The Effects Of Cadmium On The Olfactory System Of Larval Zebrafish. 2008 TH Matz, C.J. 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B TH Oxidative Metabolism and Cytochrome P450 Enzyme Inhibition Potential Of Creosote Bush and Flaxseed Lignans 2009 Billinsky, J. L.TH Toxicity And Mutagenicity Of Upper Danube River Sediments Determined By Chemical Fractionation, The Danio Rerio Embryo Assay, The Ames Fluctuation Test And The H295R Assay. 2009. Higley, E. J. TH Effects of Chlorinated Diozins and Furans on Avian Species: Insights from In Ovo Studies. 2009. Yang, Y. TH Effects of Metal Mine and Municipal Wastewater on Growth and Energy Stores in Juvenile Fishes. 2009. Driedger, K. L. F. TH Caridovascular Effects Of Environmental Tobacco Smoke And Benxo(A)Pyrene Exposure In Rats. Gentner. N. J. 2010 TH Mechanisms of Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Benzo(A) Pyrene Induced Cardiovascular Injury and the Protecive Role of Resveratrol. Al-Dissi, A. N. 2010 TH Evaluating Metal Bioaccessibility Of Soils And Foods Using The Shime. Laird. B. 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