Project Terms of Reference

Promise and Potential: Project Terms of Reference
Project Terms of Reference
as of September 16, 2013
Project: Campus Climate Survey
Description: As outlined in IP3, one of the strategic goals of the University of Saskatchewan is to “provide a safe and welcoming
environment in attitude, support services, and infrastructure” and to “carry out efforts to encourage and support activities that lead to
the development of a more diverse and inclusive community”. Based on these strategic goals, and the recognition of an increasingly
diverse campus community, it is important to establish a baseline in response to the question “how ‘welcoming’ is the University of
Saskatchewan?” Therefore, the aim of this project is to collect detailed information from students (initially) and ultimately from
students, faculty and staff about the current campus climate, where campus climate is defined as ‘the current perceptions and attitudes
regarding issues of diversity on a campus’ (Rankin & Reason, 2005).
Commitment Leaders: Pauline Melis, Assistant Provost, Institutional Planning and Assessment
Expected Outcomes for Project:
(1) Increased understanding of the current state of inclusiveness/welcome at the University of Saskatchewan.
(2) Occasional surveys on the campus climate (in successive planning cycles)
(3) Reports to unit leaders on campus climate issues
Committee members: Troy Harkot, IPA; Tanya Robertson-Frey, IPA; Nelson Chen, IPA; Danny Robertson, IPA; Jennifer Robertson, IPA
(Communications); Meghan Sired, SESD (Communications); Vicki Squires, SESD; Stephanie Mulhall, SESD. Additional members for the
university community pilot may include Human Resources, Advancement and Community Engagement.
Work to be undertaken:
Carry out literature review regarding campus
climate surveys conducted elsewhere.
Develop a campus climate survey to be piloted
first with students in 2013/14.
Implement an online campus climate survey.
Share results and recommendations in the form
of a full report, fact sheets and presentation
Committee (Team Lead)
June 2013
Current status
Committee; representatives from USSU and
U of S students
IPA, SESD, Provost’s Office, USSU, GSA,
wider campus community
By October 2013
In progress
By Nov 29, 2013
By April 30, 2014
In progress
In progress
Promise and Potential: Project Terms of Reference  1