Dr. Immaculata N. Igbo Prairie View A&M University College of Nursing 6436 Fannin Houston, TX 77030 713-797-7041 (office) 713-797-7018 (fax) inigbo@pvamu.edu CURRICULUM VITA EDUCATION • • • 1990 - Ph.D., Cardiovascular Pharmacology. Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, College of Medicine University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria 1983 - M.S., Cardiovascular Pharmacology. Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, College of Medicine University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria 1977 - B.S. (Honors), Pharmacology. Department of Pharmacology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria EXPERIENCE • • • • 2008- Present Associate Professor – College of Nursing, Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU) 1999-2008 Assistant Professor- College of Nursing, PVAMU 1992-1993 ECFMG Foreign Faculty Fellow/Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Texas Tech University HSC, Lubbock, Texas 1983-1992 Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus COURSES TAUGHT Pharmacology; Pathophysiology; Academic Strategies for Nursing Student Success; Exploring Concepts of Patient Care across the Lifespan COURSES DEVELOPED Advanced Pharmacology – with Dr. Christiana Akoma and Dr. Chloe Gaines Advanced Pathophysiology – with Dr. Paul Femea Basic Pathophysiology (Online) Academic Strategies for Nursing Student Success – with Ms. Margie Landson Nursing Concepts across Lifespan – with Ms. Margie Landson PROFESSIONAL, TECHNICAL AND WORK-RELATED EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS • • • 2015 to Date Peer Reviewer for Journal of Pharmacology & Pharmacy 2009 to Date Peer Reviewer for Journal of Nursing Education Perspectives 2012 to Date Peer Reviewer for African Social Sciences Review Journal • 2009 - 2012 • 2009 Recipient, TAMUS Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Award (5X) MOODLE Online Course Delivery Training • 2007 Certified Online Instructor, PVAMU, Prairie View • 2001 Developed online Pathophysiology course • • • 2001 Certified Virtual Instructor, Texas A&M University 1999 1999 Co-Developed Advanced Pathophysiology Co-Developed Advanced Pharmacology GRANT FUNDING 1. 2011-2012 - P.I. HRSA grant Scholarship for Disadvantaged Student (SDS). Amount Awarded $650,000.00 2. 2011-2013 – P.I. THECB Nursing Innovative Grant Program. Amount Awarded $90,000.00 3. 2010-2011 - P.I. HRSA grant Scholarship for Disadvantaged Student (SDS); Amount Awarded $399,004.00 4. 2010-2011 - P.I. HRSA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act- Scholarships for Disadvantaged Student (ARRA- SDS). Amount Awarded $250,996.00 5. 2008 - P.I. HRSA grant Scholarship for Disadvantaged Student (SDS). Amount Awarded $77,427.00 PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS AND PUBLICATIONS (7 Most Recent out of 17) Book Chapters Contributions 1. Immaculata Igbo (2015). Academic Failure in Smith, M. J., Carpenter, R., & Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2015) Encyclopedia of nursing education. New York: Springer Publishing. 2. Immaculata Igbo, Margie Landson, and Kathleen Straker (2014). Nursing Student Retention: An Integrated Study Skills Elective in Linda Caputi (2014) the Innovations in Nursing Education, 2nd ed. NLN and Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals 3. Margie Landson, Kathleen Straker and Immaculata Igbo (2015). Adapting a Social Media Strategy in the Classroom: The PEET. Journal of Nursing Education 54 (10): 600 4. Yakubu, MA., Sofola, OA., Igbo, I. and Oyekan, AO. (2012). Impaired Endotheliumdependent and -independent relaxation of aorta from diabetic rats. BRATISL MED J. 113(2), 61 - 65 4. Immaculata Igbo, Kathleen Straker, Margie Landson, et.al. (2011). Multidisciplinary Approach: An Innovative Strategy to Improve Retention of Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds. Nursing Education Perspectives, 32(6), 375 - 379 5. Adeagbo, A.S.O., Zhang, X., Patel, D., Joshua, I.G., Wang, Y., Sun, X., Igbo, I.N., and Oriowo, M.A. (2005). Cyclo-oxygenase-2, endothelium and aortic reactivity during deoxycorticosterone acetate salt-induced hypertension. J. Hypertens, 23(5):1025-1036 6. Yakubu MA, Sofola OA, Igbo I and Oyekan AO (2004): Link between free radicals and protein kinase c in glucose-induced alteration of vascular dilation. Life Sci. 75(24):292132. 7. Sofola, O., Yakubu, M., Igbo, I., Newaz, M. and Oyekan, A. (2003) High salt diet modulates cAMP- and nitric oxide-mediated relaxation responses to isoproterenol in the rat aorta. Eur. J. Pharmacology, 474(2-3), 241-247. 8. Saha, L.S., Igbo, I.N. and Opere C.A., Zhan, G.L., Taniyama J., Ohia, S.E., and Roche, V.F (2001): Assessment of the intra-ocular pressure lowering activity of bicyclic derivatives of 1-substituted benzyl-octahydroisoquinolines. J. of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 17(5), 413-420. Peer Reviewed Published Abstracts and Presentations at Conferences (8 Most recent out of 43) 1. Margie Landson, Immaculata Igbo and Kathleen Straker (2015). "Retention Strategies: Bridging Perception to Reality To Improve Student Outcomes” Presented, 2015 PNEG Conference, October 22 – 25, Indianapolis, Indiana. 2. Kathleen Straker, Margie Landson and Immaculata Igbo (2015). “A Nurse, an Educator and a Scientist:Collaboration in Action" Presented, 2015 PNEG Conference, October 22- 25, Indianapolis, Indiana 3. Immaculata Igbo, Margie Landson and Kathleen Straker (2015). "Technology and Classroom Engagement: Friends or Foes?" Presented, 2015 PNEG Conference, October 22 – 25, Indianapolis, Indiana. 4. Immaculata Igbo, Margie Landson and Kathleen Straker (2015). Teaching Pathophysiology to Baccalaureate Nursing Students: Useful Strategies, Presented at Experimental Biology, Boston, MA March 28 – April 1, 2015. Abstract published, FASEB J. 29 (1): Suppl. 541.19 5. Immaculata Igbo, Margie Landson and Kathleen Straker (2014). PNEG “Leading Reform and Advancing the Science of Nursing Education” 41st Annual National Conference, Rochester, MN, Oct 3-5 2014. Presentation “Integrating Critical Thinking in Class Engagement”. 6. Margie Landson, Immaculata Igbo and Kathleen Straker (2014). PNEG 41st Annual National Conference, ”Leading Reform and Advancing the Science of Nursing Education”, Rochester, MN. Oct.3-5 2014. Presentation “Strategies for Developing Electives with Unusual Challenges” 7. Immaculata Igbo, Margie Landson and Kathleen Straker (2013). PNEG “Lessons from Oz: Assuring Capabilities for Future Nursing Education & Practice” 40th Annual National Conference, Kansas City, MO, Oct 17-20, 2013. Podium Presentation, “Increasing Nursing Student Class Engagement.” 8. Immaculata Igbo (2012). Invited Conference presenter, Montreal 2012 International Biomedical & Nursing Forum, September 27 – 28, 2012, Montreal, Canada. “An Innovative Multidisciplinary Strategy to Improve Retention of Nursing Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds”.