Document 12053520

Curriculum Vitae
[Note: Use black Arial 10 pt. font throughout. Hide table border
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Manouchehr Misaghian
Faculty Name:
Work Address:
P.O. Box 519; MS 1060
Prairie View, TX 77446
Position Title:
Office Location:
Associate Professor
Banks Bldg. Room 302 F
Office Phone:
Email Address:
(936) 261-2090
Degree and Area of Study
Institution Name
Degree Date
PhD, Algebraic Number
The University of Iowa
M.S, Ring Theory
B.S, Mathematics
Tehran University
M.S 1976
B.S 1974
Position Title
Institution Name
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics, Prairie
View A & M University, Prairie
View, TX 77446
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics,
Prairie View A & M University,
Prairie View, TX 77446
Tehran University
Position Dates
(Beginning and End)
Fall 2014-Present
Fall 2008-2014
[Note: Provide only significant publications relevant to position. Include full citation data.]
2015, Manouchehr Misaghian, “The Smooth Representations of the Unitary Group U(1), British Journal
of Mathematics & Computer Science, 6(1), pp 24-29
2013, Manouchehr Misaghian, “Factor Rings and their decompositions in the Eisenstein integers Ring,
ℤ[ω] " Armenian Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2013, pp 58-68.
2010. Manouchehr Misaghian, “Twisted Structure of U (2) and its representations”, GlasnikMatematicki,
Vol. 45, No.2, pp 373-393.
2008. M.R. Darafsheh and M. Misaghian, “Construction of the Irreducible characters of
the Heisenberg group and a similar special group”, Algebra Colloquium, volume 15,
Issue 3, pp 471-478
2005. Manouchehr Misaghian, “Theta-correspondences attached to (U (1), U (2))
ramified case”, Journal of Number Theory, Volume 111, Issue 2, April 2005, Pages
2005- Present, Zentrablatt Math. Reviewer
2011- Mathematical Review (MR) Reviewer
2014, Contact organizer of a special session on “Representations of p-adic Groups, and
Automorphic Forms”, American Mathematical Society Annual Joint Meeting,
Baltimore, MD, USA, January 2014
2012-2015, Manager of Undergraduate Biology and Mathematic (UBM) Program, a
joint NSF Grant with Texas A&M University.
PVAMU Test-Site coordinator for UTMOST program, The NSF Grant # DUE-1022574,
a multiple universities project, supported by NSF