(Name) Samuel L. Seahawk (Major/s) Political Science (Minor/s) Leadership Studies (Hometown) Wilmington, NC

(Name) Samuel L. Seahawk
(Major/s) Political Science
(Minor/s) Leadership Studies
(Hometown) Wilmington, NC
(Summary of your experiences at UNCW) Sammy has held several positions with his fraternity, Kappa Alpha Tau,
including President, Philanthropy Chair, and Treasurer. He was instrumental in creating the Pie a Brother event,
which helped raise over $5,000 for their national philanthropy, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. He has also
been a member of the 1in4 men’s group, the Campus Conduct Board, and the club lacrosse team. Sammy was a
Seahawk Link and an Orientation Leader. He volunteered for Stop Hunger Now and the Senior Olympics, and
volunteered several times at the Halloween Carnival. He is a regular volunteer at the Good Shepherd Center at
Wilmington. Sammy was named Employee of the Year through his work with Campus Recreation. He was a
recipient of the Excellence in Engagement Award, Dean’s List Honors and he works off campus at Applebee’s.
(Plans after graduation) Sammy will be joining the Peace Corps, as he is very passionate about fighting for human
rights, and is anxiously awaiting his assignment.
(Six words to describe your UNCW experience) “Once a Seahawk, Always a Seahawk.”