ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Resolution No. IDA-13-10-24 October 2, 2013 AUTHORIZING THE UNDERTAKING FOR A PROJECT IN THE FORM OF A SALES AND USE TAX EXEMPTION FOR PURCHASES AND RENTALS RELATED TO UNDERTAKING A PROJECT (AS DESCRIBED BELOW); APPOINTING THE ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY IDA LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AS AGENT TO UNDERTAKE THE PROJECT and AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF RELATED DOCUMENTS WITH RESPECT TO THE PROJECT; and ACCEPTING AND ADOPTING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO THE PROJECT PURSUANT TO SEQRA WHEREAS, the St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency (“SLCIDA”) is authorized and empowered by Title 1 of Article 18-A of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, as amended, and Chapter 358 of the Laws of 1971 of the State of New York, as amended and codified as Section 914 of the General Municipal Law (collectively the "Act") to promote, develop, encourage and assist in the acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, improving, maintaining, equipping and furnishing of industrial, manufacturing, warehousing, commercial, research, civic and recreation facilities, including industrial pollution control facilities, railroad facilities and certain horse racing facilities, for the purpose of promoting, attracting, encouraging and developing recreation and economically sound commerce and industry to advance the job opportunities, health, general prosperity and economic welfare of the people of the State, to improve their recreation opportunities, prosperity and standard of living and to prevent unemployment and economic deterioration, and WHEREAS, to accomplish its stated purposes, the SLCIDA is authorized and empowered under the Act to acquire, construct and equip one or more “projects” (as defined in the Act) or cause said projects to be acquired, constructed and equipped, and to convey said projects or to lease said projects with the obligation to purchase, and WHEREAS, the St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency formed the St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation (the “SLCIDA-LDC”) to relieve and reduce unemployment, to promote and to provide for additional and maximum employment, to better and maintain job opportunities, to instruct or train individuals to improve or to develop their capabilities for jobs, to carry on scientific research for the purpose of aiding the community of St. Lawrence County, New York by attracting industry to the community and by encouraging the development of, or retention of, an industry in the community, and to lessen the burdens of government and to act in the public interest, thus performing an essential governmental function, and WHEREAS, the SLCIDA-LDC, acting pursuant to a certain Agreement with the St. Lawrence River Valley Redevelopment Agency (the “SLRVRA”), and having purchased two long-vacant buildings in the Massena Industrial Park, applied for and subsequently received grant financing from New York State Empire State Development Corporation to assist in the repairs, replacements and improvements to the buildings, and WHEREAS, the SLCIDA wishes to designate the SLCIDA-LDC as its agent for the purpose of a certain project consisting of repairs, replacements and improvements to 21 Trade Road (Lot 18) and 31 Trade Road (Lot19), located within the Massena Industrial Park (the “Project”), and WHEREAS, the SLCIDA has given due consideration to the representations by the SLCIDALDC that the completion of the Project will not result in the removal of an industrial or manufacturing plant of the SLCIDA-LDC or any proposed occupant of the Project Facility from one area of the State to another area of the State or in the abandonment of one or more plants or facilities of the SLCIDA-LDC or any proposed occupant of the Project Facility within the State, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (collectively the “SEQR Act”), the St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency has issued a negative declaration (a copy of which is attached to this resolution) with respect to the Project Facility, determining that the Project Facility will not have a significant effect on the environment, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Based upon the representations made by the SLCIDA-LDC to the SLCIDA, the SLCIDA hereby makes the following findings and determinations: (A) The Project Facility constitutes a “project” within the meaning of the Act, and (B) The proposed Financial Assistance will promote the job opportunities, general prosperity and economic welfare of the inhabitants of the County and improve their standard of living, and thereby serve the purposes of the Act, and (C) The proposed Financial Assistance will not result in the removal of an industrial or manufacturing plant of the SLCIDA-LDC of any proposed occupant of the Project Facility from one area of the State to another area of the State or in the abandonment of one or more plants or facilities of the SLCIDA-LDC or any proposed occupant of the Project Facility, and (D) It is desirable and in the public interest for the SLCIDA to undertake said project. Section 2. The SLCIDA-LDC is appointed the true and lawful agent of the SLCIDA to (1) undertake the project, and (2) to make, execute, acknowledge and deliver any contracts, orders, receipts, writings and instructions, as the stated agent for the SLCIDA, and in general to do all things which may be requisite or proper for acquiring, constructing and equipping the Project Facility, all with the same powers and the same validity as if the SLCIDA were acting in its own behalf. Section 3: The agency created by this resolution (i) is limited to the this Project; and (ii) shall expire on December 31, 2013 unless extended by the SLCIDA by showing good cause. Section 4. The estimated value of New York State and local sales and use tax exemption provided under this agency shall not exceed $25,000. Section 5. Officers and members are hereby authorized and directed to distribute copies of this Resolution to the SLCIDA-LDC and to do such further things or perform such acts as may be necessary or convenient to implement the provisions of this Resolution. Move: Second: VOTE Blevins Hall LaBaff McMahon Peck Staples Weekes Blevins Weekes AYE X NAY ABSTAIN ABSENT I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared this copy of this Resolution with the original record in this office, and that the same is a correct transcript thereof and of the whole of said original record. X X X X Natalie A. Sweatland October 2, 2013 12-12-79 (3/99)-9c SEQR State Environmental Quality Review NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice of Determination of Non-Significance Project Number 4001-13-06 Date: September 19, 2013 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Conservation Law. The St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency as lead agency, has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant environmental impact and a Draft Impact Statement will not be prepared. Name of Action: Repairs and Improvements Lots 18 & 19 MIP SEQR Status: Type 1 Unlisted G ✔ G Conditioned Negative Declaration: G ✔ G Yes No Description of Action: This project involves repairs and improvements to existing facilities to prepare them for occupancy. Location: (Include street address and the name of the municipality/county. A location map of appropriate scale is also recommended.) 21 & 31 Trade Road Massena, NY 13662 SEQR Negative Declaration Page 2 of 2 Reasons Supporting This Determination: (See 617.7(a)-(c) for requirements of this determination ; see 617.7(d) for Conditioned Negative Declaration) There will be no physical change to the property. If Conditioned Negative Declaration, provide on attachment the specific mitigation measures imposed, and identify comment period (not less than 30 days from date of pubication In the ENB) For Further Information: Contact Person: Patrick J. Kelly Address: 19 Commerce Lane, Suite 1, Canton, NY 13617 Telephone Number: 315-379-9806 For Type 1 Actions and Conditioned Negative Declarations, a Copy of this Notice is sent to: Chief Executive Officer , Town / City / Village of Other involved agencies (If any) Applicant (If any) Environmental Notice Bulletin, Room 538, 50 Wolf Road, Albany NY, 12233-1750 (Type One Actions only) Reset Form