Report on Progress 2010–2011 The Second Integrated Plan as of May 2011 I am pleased to share with you this third report on the university’s progress towards the goals of its Second Integrated Plan: Toward an Engaged University. Nearly three years ago, we began implementing our newly approved plan and working towards the three priorities it set for the University of Saskatchewan: improve the student experience; enhance the university’s profile of research, scholarly and artistic work; and work together across boundaries. These priorities continue to guide the work of the university community and I believe we have made considerable progress as we approach the end of the second planning cycle and look ahead to the third planning cycle. With the support of the office of Institutional Planning and Assessment (IPA), I have recently completed my third round of meetings with each college, school and major administrative unit. I’ve been impressed by the increasing prevalence of comparator institution and benchmark information being used to inform planning within the colleges, schools and units, and the development of unit achievement records. I encourage all units to share their draft achievement records and indicator information with others through an internal website hosted by the IPA. I was also struck by the progress made in various initiatives happening within and across all of the units, and how these activities have moved the entire university forward. This report focuses on institutional accomplishments and outcomes achieved during the third year of the plan, covering the period of May 1, 2010 to April 30, 2011. When the plan was written, it included a number of “by 2012” statements—guideposts for measuring our progress in the priority and supporting strategy areas. In this report, we track the progress made to date on each of these 2012 statements. This year’s report builds on prior years’ work, particularly the first and second year progress reports and accomplishments in the university’s first planning cycle (2003-07). As we continue to plan for our next four-year planning cycle, I believe that we are working from a position of strength. Regards, Brett Fairbairn Provost and Vice-President Academic Summary Report 1 Measuring our progress Complete or on track Complete or on track Behind schedule Beh To be de Enhance the University’s Research, Scholarly and Artistic Profile CompleteSupporting or on track Strategies Behind schedule To be determined We are on track if, by 2012: We are on track if, by 2012: rsity’s Research, Scholarly and Artistic Profile Supporting Strategies We have identified areas of current and emerging pre-eminence complete with benchmarks, measures and convincing evidence that We have acted on our commitment to work together more effectively as described in the W Wethese are on track if, by 2012: are areas in which we have distinctive profile as national and international leaders. • BasedonmeasurementsfromtheWorkingTogetherAcrossBoundariespriority(previouspag Scholarly and Artistic Profile Supporting Strategies Improve the Student Experience ent and emerging pre-eminence complete with benchmarks, measures and convincing evidence that these to work together more effectively as described in the Work Together Across Boundaries pr • Theareashavebeenidentifiedas: We are on track if, by 2012:We have acted on our commitment We have maintained a balanced operating budget over the four-year period with adequat nctive–AboriginalPeoples:EngagementandScholarship profile as national and international leaders. • BasedonmeasurementsfromtheWorkingTogetherAcrossBoundariespriority(previouspage) Priorities Fund to invest in a number of academic initiatives arising from the commitments nce complete with benchmarks, measures and convincing evidence that these We have acted on our commitment to work together more effectively as described in the Work Together Across Boundaries priority area. as: –Agriculture:FoodandBioproductsforaSustainableFuture We have maintained a balanced operating budget over the four-year period with adequate financial reserves and utilized the • Balancedoperatingbudgetoverthefirstthreeyearsoftheplanningcycle international leaders. • BasedonmeasurementsfromtheWorkingTogetherAcrossBoundariespriority(previouspage) entandScholarship –EnergyandMineralResources:TechnologyandPublicPolicyforaSustainableEnvironment Priorities Fund to invest in a number of academic initiatives arising from the commitments articulated in this plan. ductsforaSustainableFuture –OneHealth:SolutionsattheAnimal-Human-EnvironmentInterface We have defined principles and a process for resource allocation within the operating budget, e We have maintained a balanced operating budget over the four-year period with adequate financial reserves and utilized the Academic • Balancedoperatingbudgetoverthefirstthreeyearsoftheplanningcycle s:TechnologyandPublicPolicyforaSustainableEnvironment –SynchrotronScience:InnovationinHealth,EnvironmentandAdvancedTechnologies priorities and potential risks, such as a downturn ininquiry-based, enrolment and tuition revenue. Our programs are recognized for their distinctive and Priorities innovative approaches onacademic the discovery-learning continuum, including Fund to invest in a number of initiatives arising from the commitments articulated in this plan. Animal-Human-EnvironmentInterface –WaterSecurity:StewardshipoftheWorld’sFreshwaterResources We have defined principles and a process for resource allocation within the operating budget, enabling us to better respond financia • Principlesdefined • Balancedoperatingbudgetoverthefirstthreeyearsoftheplanningcycle experiential and international learning. foraSustainableEnvironment oninHealth,EnvironmentandAdvancedTechnologies priorities and potential risks, such as a•downturn in enrolment and tuition revenue. Modelindevelopment—testinginprogress Our areas of pre-eminence and types of research reinforce a distinctive University of Saskatchewan identity that reflects our sense of place nterface oftheWorld’sFreshwaterResources We have defined principles and• aPrinciplesdefined process for resource allocation within the operating budget, enabling us to better respond financially to and aids recruitment•ofInitiativessuchastheInterprofessionalProblem-basedLearningTeamandthecreationoftheInternationalStudentandStudyAbroadCentreare students and faculty across the campus. We have developed new sources of revenue and have advanced our fundraising efforts in dAdvancedTechnologies priorities and potential risks, such as a downturn in enrolment and tuition revenue. • Modelindevelopment—testinginprogress types of research reinforce a distinctive University of Saskatchewan identity that reflects our sense of place • Positioningprojectisinformingthedevelopmentofundergraduateandgraduaterecruitmentstrategies • Duringthisplanningcycle,anaverageof$30millionperyearisraisedincomparisonto$12-1 urces examplesofprogressbeingmadeinthisarea • Principlesdefined ts and faculty across the campus. We have developed new sources of revenue and have advanced our fundraising efforts in support of this plan. • Modelindevelopment—testinginprogress We are offering more opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in the scholarship of discovery. We have completed most of the capital and infrastructure projects which currently have fu distinctive University of Saskatchewan identity that reflects our sense of place thedevelopmentofundergraduateandgraduaterecruitmentstrategies • Duringthisplanningcycle,anaverageof$30millionperyearisraisedincomparisonto$12-15millionperyearpriorto2002 • Forthethirdyearinarow,graduatestudentpopulationhasgrown—from14.7%to17.1%(SIS) • PlaceRielStudentCentre,StudentHealth&CounsellingCentre,andthereplacementofthest We have an undergraduate student population that isWestable or growing through retention andefforts participation rates pus. have developed new sources of revenueincreased and have advanced our fundraising in support of this plan. and that ities for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in the scholarship of discovery. We have completed most of the capital and infrastructure projects which currently have funding commitments. allbecompletedbySeptember2011 duateandgraduaterecruitmentstrategies • Duringthisplanningcycle,anaverageof$30millionperyearisraisedincomparisonto$12-15millionperyearpriorto2002 We continue to improve our research performance on a set of key indicators which have been jointly developed early in this planning cycle is more diverse. uatestudentpopulationhasgrown—from14.7%to17.1%(SIS) • PlaceRielStudentCentre,StudentHealth&CounsellingCentre,andthereplacementofthesteamdistributionpipelineonVeterina and widely communicated. We have expanded our commitment to environmental sustainability in our physical infras raduate students to participate in the scholarship of discovery. We have completed most of theallbecompletedbySeptember2011 capital and infrastructure projects which currently have funding commitments. • Undergraduatestudentnumbersincreasedfrom16,094in2008/09to16,590in2010/11(OctoberCensus) earch performance on a set of key indicators which have been jointly developed early in this planning cycle • Identificationofindicatorsisinprogress and environmentally sensitive building design. rown—from14.7%to17.1%(SIS) • PlaceRielStudentCentre,StudentHealth&CounsellingCentre,andthereplacementofthesteamdistributionpipelineonVeterinaryRoadwill We have expanded our commitment• Continuationofactivitiesreportedlastyear to environmental sustainability in our physical infrastructure, both through energy savin allbecompletedbySeptember2011 • areas Self-identifiedAboriginalstudentnumbersincreasedfrom1,561in2008/09to1,722in2010/11(OctoberCensus) We have involved more of the campus research community in participating in academic programs and experiential learning opportunities. f key indicators which have been jointly developed early in this planning cycle progress and environmentally sensitive building design. • NumberofadjunctsinCGSRhasgrownfrom308in2008/09to390in2010/11 We have improved our overall approach to risk management and enhanced our ability to mitig We have expanded our commitment to environmental sustainability in our physical infrastructure, both through energy savings projects • Continuationofactivitiesreportedlastyear • Firsttosecondyearretentionrateindirectentrycollegesremainedconstant—78%in2008/09,77%in2009/10 the campus research community in participating in academic programs and experiential learning opportunities. and strategic risks. and environmentally sensitive building design. We have leveraged additional funding for strategic research initiatives and research centres. sgrownfrom308in2008/09to390in2010/11 We have improved our overall approach to risk management and enhanced our ability to mitigate and respond to human, financial, • Anexternalreviewofourriskmanagementpracticesratedourapproachasverygood • Continuationofactivitiesreportedlastyear • GlobalInstituteforWaterSecurityofficiallylaunchedinMarch—jointfederal-provincial-universitycommitment We programs have grown the graduate student population so that it approaches 15% of our total studentWebody. ity in participating in academic and experiential learning opportunities. and strategic risks. funding for strategic research initiatives and research centres. • CentreofExcellenceinNuclearStudiesannouncedinMarch,includingcyclotronandPET-CTscanner—jointfederal-provincial-RUHFoundation have designed and implemented a comprehensive quality assurance framework in ou o390in2010/11 We have improved our overall approach to risk management and enhanced our ability to mitigate and respond to human, financial, infrastructure • Anexternalreviewofourriskmanagementpracticesratedourapproachasverygood • Forthethirdyearinarow,graduatestudentpopulationhasgrown—from14.7%to17.1%(OctoberCensus) ityofficiallylaunchedinMarch—jointfederal-provincial-universitycommitment commitment report on progress at regular intervals. and strategic risks. hStudiesannouncedinMarch,includingcyclotronandPET-CTscanner—jointfederal-provincial-RUHFoundation initiatives and research centres. We have designed and implemented a comprehensive quality assurance framework in our academic and administrative funct • TheIPAreleasedthefirstsynthesisofinformationfromadecadeofstudentsurveys • Anexternalreviewofourriskmanagementpracticesratedourapproachasverygood The following commitments are grouped within this priority area: Research Success and Collaboration, Areas of Pre-Eminence, Issues-based, h—jointfederal-provincial-universitycommitment on progress regular intervals. • TheCollegeofDentistryandInformationandTechnologyServicesDivisionwerereviewedthi WeInnovation have increased the number of graduate students who are effectivelyreport engaged in atundergraduate training. Interdisciplinary Scholarship, and Cultural Contributions ncludingcyclotronandPET-CTscanner—jointfederal-provincial-RUHFoundation We have designed and implemented a comprehensive quality assurance framework in our academic and administrative functions and • TheIPAreleasedthefirstsynthesisofinformationfromadecadeofstudentsurveys grouped within this priority area: Research Success and Collaboration, Areas of Pre-Eminence, Issues-based, The following commitments are grouped within this priority area: People Resources, Fi • Thenumberofstudentsemployedasgraduatestudentassistants,graduateteachingfellowsorgraduateservicefellowshasincreasedfrom989in report on progress at regular •intervals. TheCollegeofDentistryandInformationandTechnologyServicesDivisionwerereviewedthisyear ation and Cultural Contributions Resources, Quality and Accountability • TheIPAreleasedthefirstsynthesisofinformationfromadecadeofstudentsurveys y area: Research Success and2009/10to1,045in2010/11 Collaboration, Areas of Pre-Eminence, Issues-based, The following commitments are grouped within this priority area: People Resources, Financial Resources, Infrastructure an • TheCollegeofDentistryandInformationandTechnologyServicesDivisionwerereviewedthisyear ns Resources, Quality and Accountability The following commitments grouped within this priority area: People Resources, Financial Resources, We offer more opportunities for e-learning and other alternate modes ofaredelivery of courses and/or programs in addition toInfrastructure and Capital We are on track if, by 2012: Resources, Quality and Accountability We are on track if, by 2012: Work Together Across Boundaries oss Boundaries in-class options. Academic and non-academic units are working together in integrated and decentralized ways to achieve common objectives. • SPEPidentifiednumerousopportunitiestoimprovecollaboration,limitduplicationandmoreefficientlyutilizeresourcesinordertosupportthe have further enhanced opportunities for professional development in teaching for faculty and graduate students and encouraged them to nits areuniversity’scoremissions working togetherWe in integrated and decentralized ways to achieve common objectives. rtunitiestoimprovecollaboration,limitduplicationandmoreefficientlyutilizeresourcesinordertosupportthe in these opportunities. We have reduced theparticipate time it takes to approve and launch new faculty-, student- and staff-driven initiatives, while enhancing meaningful ntegrated and decentralized ways to achieve common objectives. opportunities for input and collaboration. • AttendeehoursinGMCTEworkshopsandcoursesincreasedfrom3,905in2008/09to5,665in2010/11 tion,limitduplicationandmoreefficientlyutilizeresourcesinordertosupportthe kes to approve and launch new faculty-, student- and staff-driven initiatives, while enhancing meaningful University faculty, students and staff access leadership and personal development opportunities in growing numbers. • IndividualconsultationsbyGMCTEincreasedfrom70in2008/09to208in2010/11 aboration. • Anincreasefrom543in2008/09to746in2010/11registeredinprofessionaldevelopmentopportunitiesthroughCentreforContinuingand w faculty-, student- and staff-driven initiatives, while enhancing meaningful staff access leadership and personal development opportunities in growing numbers. DistanceEducationandHumanResources We have implemented a comprehensive evaluation framework which assesses program, instructor and course quality. 9to746in2010/11registeredinprofessionaldevelopmentopportunitiesthroughCentreforContinuingand Employee opinion surveys indicate that faculty and staff are more engaged in the life and vitality of the university and are actively involved ersonal development opportunities in growing numbers. nResources • GraduateProgramReviewhasbeencompletedforsevenprograms in shaping their careers and developing their capacities. nprofessionaldevelopmentopportunitiesthroughCentreforContinuingand cate that faculty and staff are more engaged in the life and vitality of the university and are actively involved • EOSremainthesame(64.3%in2008,65.5%in2009) veloping their capacities. Students tell us that they receive excellent advice from trained professional student advisors who help them with their academic programs A comprehensive sustainability policy has been developed and implemented, and sustainability has become a defining area of university activity. more engaged in the life and vitality of the university and are actively involved 2008,65.5%in2009) • Sustainabilitypolicyunderdevelopment and their life goals. olicy •has been developed and implemented, and sustainability has become a defining area of university activity. CampusSustainabilityPlanunderdevelopment • Inasurveyofcampusstudents,71%ofstudentsindicatedthattheyalwaysorusuallyreceivedinformationthatenabledthemtomakethe elopment Timelines associated with processes for faculty appointment, student recruitment and program approval have been substantially reduced. mplemented, and sustainability has become a defining area of university activity. derdevelopment decisionsthattheyneededtomake(AdvisingSurvey) • HumanResources,StudentandEnrolmentServicesDivision,CollegeofGraduateStudiesandResearchandtheSecretary’sOffice esses for faculty appointment, student recruitment and program approval have been substantially reduced. havebeenworkingonprojectstoincreasethetimelinessoftheseprocesses andEnrolmentServicesDivision,CollegeofGraduateStudiesandResearchandtheSecretary’sOffice Students indicate in surveys that they have a sense of belonging to the university community and are respected on campus. Academic leaders are evaluated on their willingness to advance interdisciplinarity, to privilege university-wide priorities, and to work , student recruitment and program approval have been substantially reduced. ctstoincreasethetimelinessoftheseprocesses across existing boundaries. • 76%agreed“IfeelasifIampartoftheuniversity”:UndergraduateStudents2007/08 sion,CollegeofGraduateStudiesandResearchandtheSecretary’sOffice d on their willingness to advance interdisciplinarity, to privilege university-wide priorities, and to work softheseprocesses Mechanisms have been created to ensure ongoing dialogue between administrative units, and colleges and departments. • 79%agreed“IfeelasifIampartoftheuniversity”:GraduatingStudents2008/09 • Alongwiththemanynewavenuesreportedlastyear,StudentandEnrolmentServicesDivisionhascreatedaCollegeRecruitmentAdvisoryBoard ance interdisciplinarity, to university-wide priorities, and to work • privilege 86%had“some”or“verymuch”successadjustingtothefollowingatuniversity“FeelingasifIbelongattheuniversity”:First-yearStudents2009/10 to ensure ongoing dialogue between administrative units, and colleges and departments. The university has developed a larger number of long-term relationships and formal partnerships with other universities and post-secondary uesreportedlastyear,StudentandEnrolmentServicesDivisionhascreatedaCollegeRecruitmentAdvisoryBoard institutions in support of student learning and of research, scholarly and artistic work. between administrative units, and colleges and departments. Student evaluations tell us that our course delivery methods have been effective, efficient and intellectually stimulating. rger•number of long-term relationships and formal partnerships with other universities and post-secondary PartnershipwithGuruAngadDevVeterinaryandAnimalSciencesUniversityinIndia andEnrolmentServicesDivisionhascreatedaCollegeRecruitmentAdvisoryBoard learning and of research, scholarly and artistic work. • UofS—ChinaDoctoralScholarPartnershipwithsixChineseuniversities • 89%agreed“Mylearningexperiencesatthisuniversityhavebeenintellectuallystimulating”:UndergraduateStudents2007/08 tionships and formal partnerships with other universities and post-secondary DevVeterinaryandAnimalSciencesUniversityinIndia There is an increased • number of faculty and students participating in research and educational partnerships with community-based organiza92%agreed“Myacademiclearningexperiencesatthisuniversityhavebeenintellectuallystimulating”:GraduatingStudents2008/09 arly and artistic work. rPartnershipwithsixChineseuniversities tions, other universities, and with the private and industry sector in support of student learning as well as addressing important society issues. ncesUniversityinIndia • 81%agreed“Mostprofessors’teachingwasintellectuallystimulating”:GraduatingStudents2008/09 faculty and students participating in research and educational partnerships with community-based organizauniversities The following commitments are grouped within this priority area: Collaboration between Academic and Non-Academic Units, h the private and industry sector in support of student learning as well as addressing important society issues. Leadership and Career Development, Engagement in Governance and Decision-Making, Responsive and Flexible Policies and Processes, ating in research and educational partnerships with community-based organizaRecent graduates tell us that we have delivered a high-quality program, relevant to the workplace, with current ideas and methods e grouped within priority area: Collaboration between Academic and Non-Academic Units, Sustainability as athis Shared Challenge, Engagement with External Partners or in support of student learning as well as addressing important society issues. nt, Engagement in Governance Responsive and Flexiblefor Policies and Processes, plusand theDecision-Making, fundamentals required innovation. ty Engagement area: Collaboration between Academic and Non-Academic Units, ge, with External Partners Aninstitutionalgraduateoutcomessurveyiscurrentlyunderdevelopment ce and Decision-Making, • Responsive and Flexible Policies and Processes, Partners Sum We have completed the University Learning Centre/Library Transformation building projects, revitalized Marquis Hall to provide upgraded and contemporary Food Services and Bookstore facilities reflective and responsive to diverse student needs, expanded and renovatedSummary Place RielReport Student Centre, improved existing student housing and initiated new housing projects to reach the national average forReport percentage of students Summary living in on-campus housing, and are well advanced in establishing additional student facilities (e.g. Aboriginal Students Centre). • ULC/LibraryTransformationPhasesI,II,IIIcomplete;MarquisHallandBookstorerenovationscomplete;PlaceRielrenovationandexpansion complete;renovationstoexistingstudenthousingcomplete;newstudenthousingopeninginSeptember2011andSeptember2012 The following commitments are grouped within this priority area: The Teacher-Learner Experience, Innovation in Programs, A Diverse Body of Students, Retention Strategies and Initiatives, Aboriginal Engagement, The Campus Environment for Students University of Saskatchewan Report on Progress 2010-2011 2 Complete or on track Complete or on track Behind schedule Beh To be de Enhance the University’s Research, Scholarly and Artistic Profile CompleteSupporting or on track Strategies Behind schedule To be determined We are on track if, by 2012: We are on track if, by 2012: rsity’s Research, Scholarly and Artistic Profile Supporting Strategies We have identified areas of current and emerging pre-eminence complete with benchmarks, measures and convincing evidence that We have acted on our commitment to work together more effectively as described in the W Wethese are on track if, by 2012: are areas in which we have distinctive profile as national and international leaders. • BasedonmeasurementsfromtheWorkingTogetherAcrossBoundariespriority(previouspag Scholarly and Artistic Profile Supporting Strategies Enhance the University’s Research, Scholarly and Artistic Profile ent and emerging pre-eminence complete with benchmarks, measures and convincing evidence that these to work together more effectively as described in the Work Together Across Boundaries pr • Theareashavebeenidentifiedas: We are on track if, by 2012:We have acted on our commitment We have maintained a balanced operating budget over the four-year period with adequat nctive–AboriginalPeoples:EngagementandScholarship profile as national and international leaders. • BasedonmeasurementsfromtheWorkingTogetherAcrossBoundariespriority(previouspage) Priorities Fund to invest in a number of academic initiatives arising from the commitments nce complete with benchmarks, measures and convincing evidence that these We have acted on our commitment to work together more effectively as described in the Work Together Across Boundaries priority area. as: –Agriculture:FoodandBioproductsforaSustainableFuture We have maintained a balanced operating budget over the four-year period with adequate financial reserves and utilized the • Balancedoperatingbudgetoverthefirstthreeyearsoftheplanningcycle international leaders. • BasedonmeasurementsfromtheWorkingTogetherAcrossBoundariespriority(previouspage) entandScholarship –EnergyandMineralResources:TechnologyandPublicPolicyforaSustainableEnvironment Priorities Fund to invest in a number of academic initiatives arising from the commitments articulated in this plan. ductsforaSustainableFuture –OneHealth:SolutionsattheAnimal-Human-EnvironmentInterface We have defined principles and a process for resource allocation within the operating budget, e We have maintained a balanced operating budget over the four-year period with adequate financial reserves and utilized the Academic • Balancedoperatingbudgetoverthefirstthreeyearsoftheplanningcycle s:TechnologyandPublicPolicyforaSustainableEnvironment –SynchrotronScience:InnovationinHealth,EnvironmentandAdvancedTechnologies priorities and potential risks, such as a downturn in enrolment tuition revenue. We have identified areas of current and emerging pre-eminence with benchmarks, measures and convincing thatand these Priorities Fund to complete invest in a number of academic initiatives arising from the commitments articulated inevidence this plan. Animal-Human-EnvironmentInterface –WaterSecurity:StewardshipoftheWorld’sFreshwaterResources We have defined principles and a process for resource allocation within the operating budget, enabling us to better respond financia • Principlesdefined • Balancedoperatingbudgetoverthefirstthreeyearsoftheplanningcycle are areas in which we have distinctive profile as national and international leaders. foraSustainableEnvironment oninHealth,EnvironmentandAdvancedTechnologies priorities and potential risks, such as a•downturn in enrolment and tuition revenue. Modelindevelopment—testinginprogress Our areas of pre-eminence and types of research reinforce a distinctive University of Saskatchewan identity that reflects our sense of place nterface oftheWorld’sFreshwaterResources We have defined principles and• aPrinciplesdefined process for resource allocation within the operating budget, enabling us to better respond financially to and aids recruitment•ofTheareashavebeenidentifiedas: students and faculty across the campus. We have developed new sources of revenue and have advanced our fundraising efforts in dAdvancedTechnologies priorities and potential risks, such as a downturn in enrolment and tuition revenue. • Modelindevelopment—testinginprogress types of research reinforce a distinctive University of Saskatchewan identity that reflects our sense of place • Positioningprojectisinformingthedevelopmentofundergraduateandgraduaterecruitmentstrategies • Duringthisplanningcycle,anaverageof$30millionperyearisraisedincomparisonto$12-1 urces –AboriginalPeoples:EngagementandScholarship • Principlesdefined ts and faculty across the campus. We have developed new sources of revenue and have advanced our fundraising efforts in support of this plan. • Modelindevelopment—testinginprogress We are offering more opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in the scholarship of discovery. We have completed most of the capital and infrastructure projects which currently have fu distinctive University of Saskatchewan identity that reflects our sense of place thedevelopmentofundergraduateandgraduaterecruitmentstrategies • Duringthisplanningcycle,anaverageof$30millionperyearisraisedincomparisonto$12-15millionperyearpriorto2002 –Agriculture:FoodandBioproductsforaSustainableFuture • Forthethirdyearinarow,graduatestudentpopulationhasgrown—from14.7%to17.1%(SIS) • PlaceRielStudentCentre,StudentHealth&CounsellingCentre,andthereplacementofthest pus. We have developed new sources of revenue and have advanced our fundraising efforts in support of this plan. ities for undergraduate and–EnergyandMineralResources:TechnologyandPublicPolicyforaSustainableEnvironment graduate students to participate in the scholarship of discovery. We have completed most of the capital and infrastructure projects which currently have funding commitments. allbecompletedbySeptember2011 duateandgraduaterecruitmentstrategies • Duringthisplanningcycle,anaverageof$30millionperyearisraisedincomparisonto$12-15millionperyearpriorto2002 We continue to improve our research performance on a set of key indicators which have been jointly developed early in this planning cycle uatestudentpopulationhasgrown—from14.7%to17.1%(SIS) • PlaceRielStudentCentre,StudentHealth&CounsellingCentre,andthereplacementofthesteamdistributionpipelineonVeterina and widely communicated. We have expanded our commitment to environmental sustainability in our physical infras –OneHealth:SolutionsattheAnimal-Human-EnvironmentInterface raduate students to participate in the scholarship of discovery. We have completed most of theallbecompletedbySeptember2011 capital and infrastructure projects which currently have funding commitments. earch performance on a set of key indicators which have been jointly developed early in this planning cycle • Identificationofindicatorsisinprogress and environmentally sensitive building design. rown—from14.7%to17.1%(SIS) • PlaceRielStudentCentre,StudentHealth&CounsellingCentre,andthereplacementofthesteamdistributionpipelineonVeterinaryRoadwill –SynchrotronScience:InnovationinHealth,EnvironmentandAdvancedTechnologies We have expanded our commitment• Continuationofactivitiesreportedlastyear to environmental sustainability in our physical infrastructure, both through energy savin allbecompletedbySeptember2011 We have involved more areas of the campus research community in participating in academic programs and experiential learning opportunities. f key indicators which have–WaterSecurity:StewardshipoftheWorld’sFreshwaterResources been jointly developed early in this planning cycle progress and environmentally sensitive building design. • NumberofadjunctsinCGSRhasgrownfrom308in2008/09to390in2010/11 We have improved our overall approach to risk management and enhanced our ability to mitig We have expanded our commitment to environmental sustainability in our physical infrastructure, both through energy savings projects • Continuationofactivitiesreportedlastyear the campus research community in participating in academic programs and experiential learning opportunities. and strategic risks. and environmentally sensitive building design. We have leveraged additional funding for strategic research initiatives and research centres. sgrownfrom308in2008/09to390in2010/11 We have improved overall approach to risk management and enhanced abilitysense to mitigate respond to human, financial, • Anexternalreviewofourriskmanagementpracticesratedourapproachasverygood Our areas of pre-eminence and types of research reinforce a distinctive University ofour Saskatchewan identity that reflectsourour ofand place • Continuationofactivitiesreportedlastyear • GlobalInstituteforWaterSecurityofficiallylaunchedinMarch—jointfederal-provincial-universitycommitment ity in participating in academic programs and experiential learning opportunities. and strategic risks. funding for strategic research initiatives and research centres. • CentreofExcellenceinNuclearStudiesannouncedinMarch,includingcyclotronandPET-CTscanner—jointfederal-provincial-RUHFoundation We have designed and implemented a comprehensive quality assurance framework in ou and aids recruitment of students and faculty across the o390in2010/11 Wecampus. have improved our overall approach to risk management and enhanced our ability to mitigate and respond to human, financial, infrastructure • Anexternalreviewofourriskmanagementpracticesratedourapproachasverygood ityofficiallylaunchedinMarch—jointfederal-provincial-universitycommitment commitment report on progress at regular intervals. and strategic risks. Positioningprojectisinformingthedevelopmentofundergraduateandgraduaterecruitmentstrategies hStudiesannouncedinMarch,includingcyclotronandPET-CTscanner—jointfederal-provincial-RUHFoundation initiatives and research•centres. We have designed and implemented a comprehensive quality assurance framework in our academic and administrative funct • TheIPAreleasedthefirstsynthesisofinformationfromadecadeofstudentsurveys • Anexternalreviewofourriskmanagementpracticesratedourapproachasverygood The following commitments are grouped within this priority area: Research Success and Collaboration, Areas of Pre-Eminence, Issues-based, h—jointfederal-provincial-universitycommitment report on progress at regular intervals. • TheCollegeofDentistryandInformationandTechnologyServicesDivisionwerereviewedthi Interdisciplinary Scholarship, Innovation and Cultural Contributions ncludingcyclotronandPET-CTscanner—jointfederal-provincial-RUHFoundation have designed and implemented ato comprehensive quality assurance framework in our and administrative functions and • TheIPAreleasedthefirstsynthesisofinformationfromadecadeofstudentsurveys We are offering more opportunities for undergraduateWeand graduate students participate inThe the scholarship ofacademic discovery. grouped within this priority area: Research Success and Collaboration, Areas of Pre-Eminence, Issues-based, following commitments are grouped within this priority area: People Resources, Fi report on progress at regular •intervals. TheCollegeofDentistryandInformationandTechnologyServicesDivisionwerereviewedthisyear ation and Cultural Contributions Resources, Quality and Accountability • Forthethirdyearinarow,graduatestudentpopulationhasgrown—from14.7%to17.1%(SIS) • TheIPAreleasedthefirstsynthesisofinformationfromadecadeofstudentsurveys y area: Research Success and Collaboration, Areas of Pre-Eminence, Issues-based, The following commitments are grouped within this priority area: People Resources, Financial Resources, Infrastructure an • TheCollegeofDentistryandInformationandTechnologyServicesDivisionwerereviewedthisyear ns Resources, Quality and Accountability We continue to improve our research performance on a set of key indicators which have been jointly developed early in this planning cycle The following commitments are grouped within this priority area: People Resources, Financial Resources, Infrastructure and Capital We are on track if, by 2012: Resources, Quality and Accountability and widely communicated. We are on track if, by 2012: Work Together Across Boundaries oss Boundaries • Identificationofindicatorsisinprogress Academic and non-academic units are working together in integrated and decentralized ways to achieve common objectives. • SPEPidentifiednumerousopportunitiestoimprovecollaboration,limitduplicationandmoreefficientlyutilizeresourcesinordertosupportthe nits areuniversity’scoremissions working togetherWe in integrated and decentralized ways to achieve common objectives. have involved more areas of the campus research community in participating in academic programs and experiential learning opportunities. rtunitiestoimprovecollaboration,limitduplicationandmoreefficientlyutilizeresourcesinordertosupportthe We have reduced the•time it takes to approve and launch new faculty-, student- and staff-driven initiatives, while enhancing meaningful NumberofadjunctsinCGSRhasgrownfrom308in2008/09to390in2010/11 ntegrated and decentralized ways to achieve common objectives. opportunities for input and collaboration. tion,limitduplicationandmoreefficientlyutilizeresourcesinordertosupportthe kes to approve and launch new faculty-, student- and staff-driven initiatives, while enhancing meaningful University faculty, students and staff access leadership and personal development opportunities in growing numbers.initiatives and research centres. We have leveraged additional funding for strategic research aboration. • Anincreasefrom543in2008/09to746in2010/11registeredinprofessionaldevelopmentopportunitiesthroughCentreforContinuingand w faculty-, student- and staff-driven initiatives, while enhancing meaningful • GlobalInstituteforWaterSecurityofficiallylaunchedinMarch—jointfederal-provincial-universitycommitment staff access leadership and personal development opportunities in growing numbers. DistanceEducationandHumanResources 9to746in2010/11registeredinprofessionaldevelopmentopportunitiesthroughCentreforContinuingand • CentreofExcellenceinNuclearStudiesannouncedinMarch,includingcyclotronandPET-CTscanner—jointfederal-provincial-RUHFoundation Employee opinion surveys indicate that faculty and staff are more engaged in the life and vitality of the university and are actively involved ersonal development opportunities in growing numbers. nResources in shaping their careerscommitment and developing their capacities. nprofessionaldevelopmentopportunitiesthroughCentreforContinuingand cate that faculty and staff are more engaged in the life and vitality of the university and are actively involved • EOSremainthesame(64.3%in2008,65.5%in2009) veloping their capacities. A comprehensiveThe sustainability policy has commitments been developed and implemented, and sustainability has become defining areaarea: of university activity. Success and Collaboration, Areas of Pre-Eminence, Issues-based, following are grouped within this apriority Research more engaged in the life and vitality of the university and are actively involved 2008,65.5%in2009) • Sustainabilitypolicyunderdevelopment Interdisciplinary Innovation Contributions olicy •has been developed and implemented, andScholarship, sustainability has become a defining and area ofCultural university activity. CampusSustainabilityPlanunderdevelopment elopment Timelines associated with processes for faculty appointment, student recruitment and program approval have been substantially reduced. mplemented, and sustainability has become a defining area of university activity. derdevelopment • HumanResources,StudentandEnrolmentServicesDivision,CollegeofGraduateStudiesandResearchandtheSecretary’sOffice esses for faculty appointment, student recruitment and program approval have been substantially reduced. havebeenworkingonprojectstoincreasethetimelinessoftheseprocesses andEnrolmentServicesDivision,CollegeofGraduateStudiesandResearchandtheSecretary’sOffice Academic leaders are evaluated on their willingness to advance interdisciplinarity, to privilege university-wide priorities, and to work , student recruitment and program approval have been substantially reduced. ctstoincreasethetimelinessoftheseprocesses across existing boundaries. sion,CollegeofGraduateStudiesandResearchandtheSecretary’sOffice d on their willingness to advance interdisciplinarity, to privilege university-wide priorities, and to work softheseprocesses Mechanisms have been created to ensure ongoing dialogue between administrative units, and colleges and departments. • Alongwiththemanynewavenuesreportedlastyear,StudentandEnrolmentServicesDivisionhascreatedaCollegeRecruitmentAdvisoryBoard ance interdisciplinarity, to privilege university-wide priorities, and to work to ensure ongoing dialogue between administrative units, and colleges and departments. The university has developed a larger number of long-term relationships and formal partnerships with other universities and post-secondary uesreportedlastyear,StudentandEnrolmentServicesDivisionhascreatedaCollegeRecruitmentAdvisoryBoard institutions in support of student learning and of research, scholarly and artistic work. between administrative units, and colleges and non-academic departments. areandworking together in integrated and decentralized ways to achieve common objectives. rger•number of long-termAcademic relationships andand formal partnerships with otherunits universities post-secondary PartnershipwithGuruAngadDevVeterinaryandAnimalSciencesUniversityinIndia andEnrolmentServicesDivisionhascreatedaCollegeRecruitmentAdvisoryBoard learning and of research, scholarly and artistic work. • UofS—ChinaDoctoralScholarPartnershipwithsixChineseuniversities • SPEPidentifiednumerousopportunitiestoimprovecollaboration,limitduplicationandmoreefficientlyutilizeresourcesinordertosupportthe tionships and formal partnerships with other universities and post-secondary DevVeterinaryandAnimalSciencesUniversityinIndia There is an increased number of faculty and students participating in research and educational partnerships with community-based organizauniversity’scoremissions arly and artistic work. rPartnershipwithsixChineseuniversities tions, other universities, and with the private and industry sector in support of student learning as well as addressing important society issues. ncesUniversityinIndia faculty and students participating in research and educational partnerships with community-based organizauniversities The following commitments are grouped withinthe this time priorityitarea: Collaboration betweenand Academic and Non-Academic Units, student- and staff-driven initiatives, while enhancing meaningful We have reduced toimportant approve launch new faculty-, h the private and industry sector in support of student learning as well astakes addressing society issues. Leadership and Career Development, Engagement in Governance and Decision-Making, Responsive and Flexible Policies and Processes, ating in research and educational partnerships with organizaopportunities forcommunity-based input and collaboration. e grouped within priority area: Collaboration between Academic and Non-Academic Units, Sustainability as athis Shared Challenge, Engagement with External Partners or in support of student learning as well as addressing important society issues. nt, Engagement in Governance and Decision-Making, Responsive and Flexible Policies and Processes, ty Engagement area: Collaboration between Academicfaculty, and Non-Academic Units,and staff access leadership and personal development opportunities in growing numbers. ge, with External Partners University students ce and Decision-Making, Responsive and Flexible Policies and Processes, • Anincreasefrom543in2008/09to746in2010/11registeredinprofessionaldevelopmentopportunitiesthroughCentreforContinuingand Partners Work Together Across Boundaries We are on track if, by 2012: Sum DistanceEducationandHumanResources Summary Report Employee opinion surveys indicate that faculty and staff are more engaged in the life and vitality of the university and are actively involved Summary Report in shaping their careers and developing their capacities. • EOSremainthesame(64.3%in2008,65.5%in2009) A comprehensive sustainability policy has been developed and implemented, and sustainability has become a defining area of university activity. • Sustainabilitypolicyunderdevelopment • CampusSustainabilityPlanunderdevelopment Timelines associated with processes for faculty appointment, student recruitment and program approval have been substantially reduced. • HumanResources,StudentandEnrolmentServicesDivision,CollegeofGraduateStudiesandResearchandtheSecretary’sOffice havebeenworkingonprojectstoincreasethetimelinessoftheseprocesses Academic leaders are evaluated on their willingness to advance interdisciplinarity, to privilege university-wide priorities, and to work across existing boundaries. Mechanisms have been created to ensure ongoing dialogue between administrative units, and colleges and departments. • Alongwiththemanynewavenuesreportedlastyear,StudentandEnrolmentServicesDivisionhascreatedaCollegeRecruitmentAdvisoryBoard The university has developed a larger number of long-term relationships and formal partnerships with other universities and post-secondary institutions in support of student learning and of research, scholarly and artistic work. • PartnershipwithGuruAngadDevVeterinaryandAnimalSciencesUniversityinIndia • UofS—ChinaDoctoralScholarPartnershipwithsixChineseuniversities There is an increased number of faculty and students participating in research and educational partnerships with community-based organizations, other universities, and with the private and industry sector in support of student learning as well as addressing important society issues. The following commitments are grouped within this priority area: Collaboration between Academic and Non-Academic Units, Leadership and Career Development, Engagement in Governance and Decision-Making, Responsive and Flexible Policies and Processes, Sustainability as a Shared Challenge, Engagement with External Partners 3 Complete or on track Complete or on track Behind schedule Beh To be de Enhance the University’s Research, Scholarly and ArtisticComplete Profile Supporting or on track Behind be determined Complete orschedule on track Strategies Behind To schedule To be determined We are on track if, by 2012: We are on track if, by 2012: rsity’s Research, Scholarly and Artistic Profile Supporting Strategies We have identified areas of current and emerging pre-eminence complete with benchmarks, measures and convincing evidence that We have acted on our commitment to work together more effectively as described in the W Wethese are on track if, by 2012: are areas in which we have distinctive profile as national and international leaders. • BasedonmeasurementsfromtheWorkingTogetherAcrossBoundariespriority(previouspag Scholarly and Artistic Profile Supporting Strategies Supporting Strategies ent and emerging pre-eminence complete with benchmarks, measures and convincing evidence that these to work together more effectively as described in the Work Together Across Boundaries pr • Theareashavebeenidentifiedas: We are on track if, by 2012:We have acted on our commitment We have maintained a balanced operating budget over the four-year period with adequat nctive–AboriginalPeoples:EngagementandScholarship profile as national and international leaders. • BasedonmeasurementsfromtheWorkingTogetherAcrossBoundariespriority(previouspage) Priorities Fund to invest in a number of academic initiatives arising from the commitments nce complete with benchmarks, measures and convincing evidence that these We have acted on our commitment to work together more effectively as described in the Work Together Across Boundaries priority area. as: –Agriculture:FoodandBioproductsforaSustainableFuture We have maintained a balanced operating budget over the four-year period with adequate financial reserves and utilized the • Balancedoperatingbudgetoverthefirstthreeyearsoftheplanningcycle international leaders. • BasedonmeasurementsfromtheWorkingTogetherAcrossBoundariespriority(previouspage) entandScholarship –EnergyandMineralResources:TechnologyandPublicPolicyforaSustainableEnvironment Priorities Fund to invest in a number of academic initiatives arising from the commitments articulated in this plan. ductsforaSustainableFuture –OneHealth:SolutionsattheAnimal-Human-EnvironmentInterface We have defined principles and a process for resource allocation within the operating budget, e We have maintained a balanced operating budget over the four-year period with adequate financial reserves and utilized the Academic • Balancedoperatingbudgetoverthefirstthreeyearsoftheplanningcycle s:TechnologyandPublicPolicyforaSustainableEnvironment –SynchrotronScience:InnovationinHealth,EnvironmentandAdvancedTechnologies priorities and potential risks,Boundaries such as a downturnpriority in enrolmentarea. and tuition revenue. We have acted on our commitment to work together Priorities more effectively described ininitiatives the Work Across Fund to invest in as a number of academic arisingTogether from the commitments articulated in this plan. Animal-Human-EnvironmentInterface –WaterSecurity:StewardshipoftheWorld’sFreshwaterResources We have defined principles and a process for resource allocation within the operating budget, enabling us to better respond financia • Principlesdefined • Balancedoperatingbudgetoverthefirstthreeyearsoftheplanningcycle • BasedonmeasurementsfromtheWorkingTogetherAcrossBoundariespriority(previouspage) foraSustainableEnvironment oninHealth,EnvironmentandAdvancedTechnologies priorities and potential risks, such as a•downturn in enrolment and tuition revenue. Modelindevelopment—testinginprogress Our areas of pre-eminence and types of research reinforce a distinctive University of Saskatchewan identity that reflects our sense of place nterface oftheWorld’sFreshwaterResources We have defined principles and• aPrinciplesdefined process for resource allocation within the operating budget, enabling us to better respond financially to and aids recruitment of students and faculty across the campus. We have developed new sources of revenue and have advanced our fundraising efforts in dAdvancedTechnologies We have maintained a balanced operating budget over priorities potential risks, such as a downturn in enrolment and tuition revenue. • Modelindevelopment—testinginprogress theand four-year period with adequate financial reserves and utilized the Academic types of research reinforce a distinctive University of Saskatchewan identity that reflects our sense of place • Positioningprojectisinformingthedevelopmentofundergraduateandgraduaterecruitmentstrategies • Duringthisplanningcycle,anaverageof$30millionperyearisraisedincomparisonto$12-1 urces • Principlesdefined ts and faculty across the campus. We have developed new sources of revenue andinhave advanced our fundraising efforts in support of this plan. Priorities Fund to invest in a number of academic initiatives arising from the commitments articulated this plan. • Modelindevelopment—testinginprogress We are offering more opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in the scholarship of discovery. We have completed most of the capital and infrastructure projects which currently have fu distinctive University of Saskatchewan identity that reflects our sense of place thedevelopmentofundergraduateandgraduaterecruitmentstrategies • Duringthisplanningcycle,anaverageof$30millionperyearisraisedincomparisonto$12-15millionperyearpriorto2002 • Forthethirdyearinarow,graduatestudentpopulationhasgrown—from14.7%to17.1%(SIS) • PlaceRielStudentCentre,StudentHealth&CounsellingCentre,andthereplacementofthest • Balancedoperatingbudgetoverthefirstthreeyearsoftheplanningcycle pus. We have developed new sources of revenue and have advanced our fundraising efforts in support of this plan. ities for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in the scholarship of discovery. We have completed most of the capital and infrastructure projects which currently have funding commitments. allbecompletedbySeptember2011 duateandgraduaterecruitmentstrategies • Duringthisplanningcycle,anaverageof$30millionperyearisraisedincomparisonto$12-15millionperyearpriorto2002 We continue to improve our research performance on a set of key indicators which have been jointly developed early in this planning cycle uatestudentpopulationhasgrown—from14.7%to17.1%(SIS) • PlaceRielStudentCentre,StudentHealth&CounsellingCentre,andthereplacementofthesteamdistributionpipelineonVeterina and widely communicated. We have expanded our commitmentfinancially to environmental We have definedofprinciples withinmost theof operating enabling uscurrently to better tosustainability in our physical infras raduate students to participate in the scholarship discovery. and a process for resource allocation We have completed theallbecompletedbySeptember2011 capital and budget, infrastructure projects which have respond funding commitments. earch performance on a set of key indicators which have been jointly developed early in this planning cycle • Identificationofindicatorsisinprogress and environmentally sensitive building design. rown—from14.7%to17.1%(SIS) • PlaceRielStudentCentre,StudentHealth&CounsellingCentre,andthereplacementofthesteamdistributionpipelineonVeterinaryRoadwill priorities and potential risks, such as a downturn in enrolment and tuition revenue. We have expanded our commitment• Continuationofactivitiesreportedlastyear to environmental sustainability in our physical infrastructure, both through energy savin allbecompletedbySeptember2011 We have involved more areas of the campus research community in participating in academic programs and experiential learning opportunities. f key indicators which have been jointly developed early in this planning cycle progress and environmentally sensitive building design. • Principlesdefined • NumberofadjunctsinCGSRhasgrownfrom308in2008/09to390in2010/11 We have improved our overall approach to risk management and enhanced our ability to mitig We have expanded our commitment to environmental sustainability in our physical infrastructure, both through energy savings projects • Continuationofactivitiesreportedlastyear the campus research community in participating in academic programs and experiential learning opportunities. and strategic risks. • Modelindevelopment—testinginprogress and environmentally sensitive building design. We have leveraged additional funding for strategic research initiatives and research centres. sgrownfrom308in2008/09to390in2010/11 We have improved our overall approach to risk management and enhanced our ability to mitigate and respond to human, financial, • Anexternalreviewofourriskmanagementpracticesratedourapproachasverygood • Continuationofactivitiesreportedlastyear • GlobalInstituteforWaterSecurityofficiallylaunchedinMarch—jointfederal-provincial-universitycommitment ity in participating in academic programs and experiential learning opportunities. and strategic risks. funding for strategic research and research centres. • CentreofExcellenceinNuclearStudiesannouncedinMarch,includingcyclotronandPET-CTscanner—jointfederal-provincial-RUHFoundation We have and implemented a comprehensive quality assurance framework in ou We initiatives have developed new sources of revenue and haveWeadvanced fundraising efforts in support ofourdesigned this plan. o390in2010/11 have improvedour our overall approach to risk management and enhanced ability to mitigate and respond to human, financial, infrastructure • Anexternalreviewofourriskmanagementpracticesratedourapproachasverygood ityofficiallylaunchedinMarch—jointfederal-provincial-universitycommitment commitment report on progress at regular intervals. and strategic risks. Duringthisplanningcycle,anaverageof$30millionperyearisraisedincomparisonto$12-15millionperyearpriorto2002 hStudiesannouncedinMarch,includingcyclotronandPET-CTscanner—jointfederal-provincial-RUHFoundation initiatives and research•centres. We have designed and implemented a comprehensive quality assurance framework in our academic and administrative funct • TheIPAreleasedthefirstsynthesisofinformationfromadecadeofstudentsurveys • Anexternalreviewofourriskmanagementpracticesratedourapproachasverygood The following commitments are grouped within this priority area: Research Success and Collaboration, Areas of Pre-Eminence, Issues-based, h—jointfederal-provincial-universitycommitment report on progress at regular intervals. • TheCollegeofDentistryandInformationandTechnologyServicesDivisionwerereviewedthi Interdisciplinary Scholarship, Innovation and Cultural Contributions ncludingcyclotronandPET-CTscanner—jointfederal-provincial-RUHFoundation We haveprojects designed andwhich implemented a comprehensive quality assurance framework in our academic and administrative functions and • TheIPAreleasedthefirstsynthesisofinformationfromadecadeofstudentsurveys We area: have completed of the capital and infrastructure currently have funding commitments. grouped within this priority Research Success andmost Collaboration, Areas of Pre-Eminence, Issues-based, The following commitments are grouped within this priority area: People Resources, Fi report on progress at regular •intervals. TheCollegeofDentistryandInformationandTechnologyServicesDivisionwerereviewedthisyear ation and Cultural Contributions Resources, Quality and Accountability • PlaceRielStudentCentre,StudentHealth&CounsellingCentre,andthereplacementofthesteamdistributionpipelineonVeterinaryRoadwill • TheIPAreleasedthefirstsynthesisofinformationfromadecadeofstudentsurveys y area: Research Success and Collaboration, Areas of Pre-Eminence, Issues-based, The following commitments are grouped within this priority area: People Resources, Financial Resources, Infrastructure an • TheCollegeofDentistryandInformationandTechnologyServicesDivisionwerereviewedthisyear allbecompletedbySeptember2011 ns Resources, Quality and Accountability The following commitments are grouped within this priority area: People Resources, Financial Resources, Infrastructure and Capital We are on track if, by 2012: Resources, Quality and Accountability We have expanded our commitment to environmental sustainability in our physical infrastructure, both through energy savings projects We are on track if, by 2012: Work Together Across Boundaries oss Boundaries Academic and non-academic units are working together in integratedbuilding and decentralized ways to achieve common objectives. and environmentally sensitive design. • SPEPidentifiednumerousopportunitiestoimprovecollaboration,limitduplicationandmoreefficientlyutilizeresourcesinordertosupportthe nits areuniversity’scoremissions working together•inContinuationofactivitiesreportedlastyear integrated and decentralized ways to achieve common objectives. rtunitiestoimprovecollaboration,limitduplicationandmoreefficientlyutilizeresourcesinordertosupportthe We have reduced the time it takes to approve and launch new faculty-, student- and staff-driven initiatives, while enhancing meaningful Weways have improved overall approach to risk management and enhanced our ability to mitigate and respond to human, financial, infrastructure ntegrated and decentralized to achieve commonour objectives. opportunities for input and collaboration. tion,limitduplicationandmoreefficientlyutilizeresourcesinordertosupportthe kes to approve and launchand new faculty-, studentand staff-driven initiatives, while enhancing meaningful strategic risks. University faculty, students and staff access leadership and personal development opportunities in growing numbers. aboration. • Anincreasefrom543in2008/09to746in2010/11registeredinprofessionaldevelopmentopportunitiesthroughCentreforContinuingand • Anexternalreviewofourriskmanagementpracticesratedourapproachasverygood w faculty-, student- and staff-driven initiatives, while enhancing meaningful staff access leadership and personal development opportunities in growing numbers. DistanceEducationandHumanResources 9to746in2010/11registeredinprofessionaldevelopmentopportunitiesthroughCentreforContinuingand We have implemented a life comprehensive quality assurance framework in our academic and administrative functions and Employee opinion surveys indicatedesigned that faculty andand staff are more engaged in the and vitality of the university and are actively involved ersonal development opportunities in growing numbers. nResources in shaping their careers and developing their capacities. report on progress at regular intervals. nprofessionaldevelopmentopportunitiesthroughCentreforContinuingand cate that faculty and staff are more engaged in the life and vitality of the university and are actively involved • EOSremainthesame(64.3%in2008,65.5%in2009) veloping their capacities. • TheIPAreleasedthefirstsynthesisofinformationfromadecadeofstudentsurveys A comprehensive sustainability policy has been developed and implemented, and sustainability has become a defining area of university activity. more engaged in the life and vitality of the university and are actively involved 2008,65.5%in2009) • Sustainabilitypolicyunderdevelopment • TheCollegeofDentistryandInformationandTechnologyServicesDivisionwerereviewedthisyear olicy •has been developed and implemented, and sustainability has become a defining area of university activity. CampusSustainabilityPlanunderdevelopment elopment Thewith following commitments arerecruitment grouped withinapproval this have priority area: People Timelines associated processes for faculty appointment, student and program been substantially reduced. Resources, Financial Resources, Infrastructure and Capital mplemented, and sustainability has become a defining area of university activity. derdevelopment • HumanResources,StudentandEnrolmentServicesDivision,CollegeofGraduateStudiesandResearchandtheSecretary’sOffice Resources, Quality and Accountability esses for faculty appointment, student recruitment and program approval have been substantially reduced. havebeenworkingonprojectstoincreasethetimelinessoftheseprocesses andEnrolmentServicesDivision,CollegeofGraduateStudiesandResearchandtheSecretary’sOffice Academic leaders are evaluated on their willingness to advance interdisciplinarity, to privilege university-wide priorities, and to work , student recruitment and program approval have been substantially reduced. ctstoincreasethetimelinessoftheseprocesses across existing boundaries. sion,CollegeofGraduateStudiesandResearchandtheSecretary’sOffice d on their willingness to advance interdisciplinarity, to privilege university-wide priorities, and to work softheseprocesses Mechanisms have been created to ensure ongoing dialogue between administrative units, and colleges and departments. • Alongwiththemanynewavenuesreportedlastyear,StudentandEnrolmentServicesDivisionhascreatedaCollegeRecruitmentAdvisoryBoard ance interdisciplinarity, to privilege university-wide priorities, and to work to ensure ongoing dialogue between administrative units, and colleges and departments. The university has developed a larger number of long-term relationships and formal partnerships with other universities and post-secondary uesreportedlastyear,StudentandEnrolmentServicesDivisionhascreatedaCollegeRecruitmentAdvisoryBoard institutions in support of student learning and of research, scholarly and artistic work. between administrative units, and colleges and departments. rger•number of long-term relationships and formal partnerships with other universities and post-secondary PartnershipwithGuruAngadDevVeterinaryandAnimalSciencesUniversityinIndia andEnrolmentServicesDivisionhascreatedaCollegeRecruitmentAdvisoryBoard learning and of research, scholarly and artistic work. • UofS—ChinaDoctoralScholarPartnershipwithsixChineseuniversities tionships and formal partnerships with other universities and post-secondary DevVeterinaryandAnimalSciencesUniversityinIndia There is an increased number of faculty and students participating in research and educational partnerships with community-based organizaarly and artistic work. rPartnershipwithsixChineseuniversities tions, other universities, and with the private and industry sector in support of student learning as well as addressing important society issues. ncesUniversityinIndia faculty and students participating in research and educational partnerships with community-based organizauniversities The following commitments are grouped within this priority area: Collaboration between Academic and Non-Academic Units, h the private and industry sector in support of student learning as well as addressing important society issues. Leadership and Career Development, Engagement in Governance and Decision-Making, Responsive and Flexible Policies and Processes, ating in research and educational partnerships with community-based organizae grouped within priority area: Collaboration between Academic and Non-Academic Units, Sustainability as athis Shared Challenge, Engagement with External Partners or in support of student learning as well as addressing important society issues. nt, Engagement in Governance and Decision-Making, Responsive and Flexible Policies and Processes, ty Engagement area: Collaboration between Academic and Non-Academic Units, ge, with External Partners ce and Decision-Making, Responsive and Flexible Policies and Processes, Partners Summary Report Summary Report Summary Report Sum 4 Academic Priorities Fund expenditures Academic Priorities Fund expenditures The University The of University Saskatchewan’s of Saskatchewan’s Academic Priorities AcademicFund Priorities (APF)Fund is a special (APF) is fund a special used to fund support used to institutional support institutional priorities. Itpriorities. contains $4.5 It contains million$4.5 in permanent million in permanent funds for the funds second for the planning secondcycle. planning Two million cycle. Two of this million totalofis this total is provided by provided a specialby grant a special from grant the Government from the Government of Saskatchewan; of Saskatchewan; $2.5 million$2.5 is allocated million isby allocated the university by the university in its Multi-Year in its Operating Multi-Year Budget Operating Framework. Budget Framework. The purpose The ofpurpose integrating of integrating financial and financial institutional and institutional planning planning is to support is to areas support of highest areas priority. of highest Funds priority. committed Funds committed from the APF from in 2010-11 the APF reflect in 2010-11 this reflect closelythis in that closely in that items funded items arefunded initiatives areexpected initiativesto expected improveto the improve studentthe experience, student experience, enhance research enhance profile research andprofile and improve our improve ability to ourwork ability together to workmore together effectively. more effectively. In additionIn toaddition the initialto$4.5 the million, initial $4.5 in the million, 2010-11 in the 2010-11 year the Provost’s year theCommittee Provost’s Committee on Integrated on Integrated Planning decided Planning todecided redirect to funds redirect invested funds during invested the during prioritythe priority determination determination process, which process, was which in place was prior in place to theprior integrated to the integrated planning process. planning process. Spent /Allocat Committed to Permanent Permanent Funding Committed Funding Committed in the Second in thePlanning Second Cycle Planning Cycle as of Aprilas 30, of2011 April 30, 2011 Remaining This chart shows This chart a summary showsof a summary the permanent of thefunds permanent committed fundsin committed the second inplanning the second planning cycle to datecycle which tototals date which $2.094totals million. $2.094 million. Permanent funds Permanent in the Academic funds in the Priorities Academic FundPriorities Fund Total availableTotal over available planning over cycleplanning cycle $2.094 Millions Permanent allocations Permanent allocations$3.36 $ 4.5 M Allocated/committed Allocated/committed in 2008-09 in 2008-09 College of Graduate CollegeStudies of Graduate and Research Studies (scholarships, and Research (scholarships, fellowships, teaching fellowships, awards) teaching1.0 awards) M Interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary Graduate Schools Graduate Schools 0.574 M $2.094 Millions $3.36 $ 4.5 M 1.0 M 0.574 M Allocated/committed Allocated/committed in 2009-10 in 2009-10 Implementation Implementation of the Framework of the forFramework Assessmentfor Assessment Allocated/committed Allocated/committed in 2010-11 in 2010-11 Social SciencesSocial Research Sciences Laboratories Research Laboratories Redirected from Redirected Priority Determination from Priority Determination Process Process 0.3 M 0.3 M 0.22 M $ (0.96 M) 0.22 M $ (0.96 M) TOTAL REMAINING TOTAL REMAINING $ 3.36 M $ 3.36 M Spent/Allocated/ Spent/Allocated/ Committed to date Committed to date Remaining Remaining One-timeOne-time Funding Funding Committed Committed in the Second in thePlanning Second Planning Cycle as of Cycle April as30, of April 2011 30, 2011 Below are the Below totalsare of the one-time totals of funding one-time commitments funding commitments made to datemade for the to four-year date for the planning four-year cycle, planning totaling cycle, $13.9M. totaling $13.9M. More one-time More funding one-time is likely funding to beiscommitted likely to bein committed the remainder in theofremainder the planning of the cycle. planning cycle. Enhance the Research, and Artistic Profile Enhance the Research, Scholarly andScholarly Artistic Profile Improving theImproving Student Experience the Student Experience CLASSIC CLASSIC $ Biomedical Sciences Biomedical Sciences 260,000 $ Indigenous 260,000 Land Indigenous Management Land Management Institute Institute 868,000 $ 868,000 Chairs Centennial Centennial – Interdisciplinary Chairs – Interdisciplinary school school 560,000 $ 560 1,080,000 1,080 100,000 100 500,000 Interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary Centre for Culture Centre andfor Creativity Culture and Creativity 500,000 Centre for the Centre Study of forCooperatives the Study of Cooperatives College of Graduate CollegeStudies of Graduate and Research Studies and Research780,000 780,000 275,000 International Centre International for Northern CentreGovernance for Northern and Governance Development and Development 275 Student Information StudentSystems Information (SESD)Systems (SESD) 130,000 130,000 Research Matching Matching GrantResearch ProgramGrant Program 770,000 770 Huskies Athletics Huskies Marketing Athletics Director Marketing Director 150,000 150,000 Chair in Quality Chair Improvement in Quality Improvement Science Science 350,000 350 Learning Community LearningProject Community Project 827,470 827,470 Dairy ResearchDairy Facility Research Facility 150,000 150 Graduate Students Graduate Association Students Commons Association Commons 59,000 59,000 Geographical Geographical Information Systems Information Systems 330,000 330 SWITCH 90,000 388,530 Post Graduate Diploma Post Graduate in Agriculture Diplomaand in Agriculture Land Management and Land Management 388 SWITCH 90,000 Student Evaluation Student of Educational Evaluation ofQuality Educational Quality 116,000 116,000 School of Public School Health of Enrolment Public Health Growth Enrolment Growth Recognizing and Recognizing Rewardingand Teaching Rewarding Teaching 200,000 200,000– Director JSGSPP JSGSPP – Director Undergraduate Undergraduate Student Advising Student Advising 100,000 100,000 Innovation Enabling Enabling in Social Innovation Sciences in Social Research Sciences Research Aboriginal Student Aboriginal Achievement Student Achievement 55,433 Guaranteed Scholarships Guaranteed Scholarships 1,360,000 210,000 Edwards interest Edwards on loan interest for downtown on loan for campus downtown campus Graduate Student Graduate Housing Student Design Housing Phase Design Phase 500,000 (investment, to(investment, be repaid totoAPF) be repaid to APF) Clarion ProjectClarion DesignProject Design 105,761 (investment, to(investment, be repaid totoAPF) be repaid to APF) College Quarter College Amenities Quarter building Amenities building 129,500 (investment, to(investment, be repaid totoAPF) be repaid to APF) 28,506 Museums andMuseums Galleries and Galleries Dr. Peter Donald Dr.Stewart Peter Donald Endowment Stewart Endowment Indian TeacherIndian Education Teacher Program Education Program Reform to Respect Reform andtoPrivilege Respect and Privilege Aboriginal Education Aboriginal Education (26,000) 25,000 240,000 70,000 70 100,000 100 57,584 57 55,433 Work Together More Effectively Across Boundaries Work Together More Effectively Across Boundaries 1,360,000 $ 160,000 $ Wanuskewin Agreement Wanuskewin Agreement 210,000 Sustainability Sustainability as a Shared Challenge as a Shared Commitment Challenge Commitment 270,000 500,000position) (liaison (liaison position) Implementation Implementation of Globalism Foundational of Globalism Document Foundational Document675,000 105,761 Leadership and Leadership Career Development and Career Development Commitment Commitment 500,000 International Recruitment Internationaland Recruitment Advising and Advising 129,500 160 270 675 500 539,377 539 148,000 $ 148 Supporting Supporting Strategies 28,506 Strategies (26,000) Resources Financial Financial Commitment Resources Commitment (project (projectposition) coordinator position) 25,000coordinator A Framework for A Framework AssessmentforImplementation Assessment Implementation 240,000 ICT InnovationICT Fund Innovation Fund $ 208,000 208 300,000 300 Redirected from Redirected Priority Determination from Priority Determination Process Process (1,452,476) (1,452 Priority Determination Priority Determination Process Transition Process Costs Transition Costs 623,000 623 1,000,000 1,000 IP Initiatives Fund IP Initiatives Fund $13,910,685 $13,910,685 TOTAL Funding TOTAL Allocated/Committed Funding Allocated/Committed 5 ted/ o date The second integrated plan at a glance The diagram below is a snapshot of the university’s second integrated plan which focuses on three priority areas: 1. improve the undergraduate and graduate student experience, both inside and outside the classroom; 2. enhance the university’s profile in research, scholarly and artistic work; and 3. work together more effectively across unit and institutional boundaries. Threaded across these priorities are three institutional imperatives, shown in the green ring: 1. to engage more fully with Aboriginal Peoples; 2. to internationalize the university and the student experience; and 3. to foster innovation throughout our programs and services. Sixteen commitments are grouped within the three priority areas (the pie-shaped pieces around the inner circle), and four commitments are grouped together and called “supporting strategies” because they intersect across all three priorities (the four arcs outside the circle). Each commitment is written as an action statement, indicating what the university will accomplish, or work towards accomplishing, in that specific commitment by 2012. The overall goal is to become a more engaged university. Prepared by the Office of Institutional Planning and Assessment. For more information about institutional planning, please visit 010-11 June11 .25M 6