Section A: Reasons for Choosing to Attend University 1. What were your reasons for choosing to go to university – not just the University of Saskatchewan – but university in general? (Check all that apply) Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο To learn and gain knowledge To develop job skills To help me earn more money To achieve a position of higher status in society To get an interesting and satisfying career To contribute to the welfare of others To make meaningful changes to society To prove to others that I can succeed in university There was someone who believed I could succeed It would allow me to help my family or community financially Someone I admired or respected encouraged me For personal growth/personal development My family or community expected me to go to university Funding was offered to me There was nothing else for me to do My friends expected me to go to university It was the next obvious step in my education To have a better life To meet my educational goals To meet new people/make new friends It is better than the alternatives 2. Look at the previous list of reasons for choosing to come to university. Of all the reasons that you gave, which one is your most important reason for attending university? Section B: Reasons for Attending the University of Saskatchewan 3. What were your reasons for coming to the U of S instead of going to another university or college? (Check all that apply) Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο I wanted to live at home while attending university Location is close to my home/community Location is far away from my home/community Friends are currently attending (have attended) the U of S Family members are currently attending (have attended) the U of S Family members are employees of the U of S Was attracted by the recruitment/outreach/liaison activities U of S offered me a scholarship, bursary or some other funding Cost of living in Saskatoon is less than other cities U of S tuition & fees are reasonable It was the only college/university that accepted me It has the specific academic program(s) that I’m interested in Has good academic programs Entrance requirements are easier University facilities (e.g., library, PAC, campus residences, parking) Sports teams (i.e., Huskies athletics) Cultural events (e.g. Pow-wow, International Student Week) Student support services (e.g. learning centre, counseling services) A specific individual encouraged me to come to U of S Social activities and events (e.g. student orientation, Amati concerts, plays) 4. Look at the previous list of reasons for choosing to come to the U of S. Of all the reasons that you gave for attending the U of S, which one is your most important reason for attending this university? 5. How many universities or colleges in total excluding the U of S did you apply to? Ο Ο Ο Ο Only applied to the U of S Skip to question 7 1 – 2 universities/colleges Continue to next question 3 – 4 universities/colleges Continue to next question 5 or more universities/colleges Continue to next question 6. Again, excluding the U of S, how many other universities/colleges were you accepted into but decided not to attend? Ο I was only accepted at the U of S Ο One other university/college Ο I was accepted at 2 other universities/colleges Ο I was accepted at 3 or more universities/colleges 7. Do you plan to complete a degree at the U of S? Ο Yes Skip to question 9 Ο No Continue to next question Ο Not sure/Don’t know Continue to next question 8. If No/Not Sure/Don’t know: What is your reason for not completing a degree at the U of S? (Check all that apply) Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο I am not sure what my educational goals or interests are at this time Using courses here for transfer to another university Using courses here for transfer to college (e.g., SIAST) Using courses here for upgrading/up-dating job skills Enrolling in courses just for interest’s sake I don’t feel that university is the right place for me I need to improve my academic skills (e.g., writing skills, math skills) to succeed My academic performance is poor U of S does not offer the academic program(s) that I want U of S does not offer the support or services that I need Career/employment opportunities have come up I cannot afford to continue I am leaving due to physical or mental health reasons Difficulty in juggling academic demands and job responsibilities Difficulty in juggling academic demands and family responsibilities Other ___________________ Section C: Experiences at the University of Saskatchewan 9. The next set of statements deals with your positive and negative experiences at the University of Saskatchewan. Please rate each of the statements using the 5-point scale ranging from 1 = Strongly Disagree to 5 = Strongly Agree. If a statement does apply to you, check-off N/A = not applicable. My classes have too many students in them. The quality of teaching is excellent. My professors are interested in meeting the learning needs of all students. My course schedule makes it difficult to meet other demands in my life (e.g., work, family). Overall, the amount of course work is reasonable. The quality of academic programs at the U of S is excellent. Most students are welcoming to people from all cultures. It is easy to get information about the academic programs available at the U of S. Most university staff and advisors provide a welcoming atmosphere for students from all cultures. I have heard negative statements made about ethnic minority students. It is easy to get information about the student services available at the U of S. Professors usually provide useful feedback to students concerning their academic work. Professors are willing to help students with their academic work outside of class. I have heard negative statements made about Aboriginal (i.e. Native Canadian) students. The programs and courses available at the U of S meet my academic goals. I would recommend the University of Saskatchewan to others. Professors provide a welcoming atmosphere for students from all cultures. The programs and courses available at the U of S meet my career goals. I know an academic advisor who understands me and is sensitive to my needs. There is at least one professor who I can talk to and who is sensitive to my needs. I have been singled out in class and treated differently from other students. It has been easy for me to make friends at the U of S. I feel as if no one cares about me personally on this campus. The U of S encourages and supports ethnic groups on campus. I have developed a close personal relationship with at least one other student here. Other students have positively influenced my personal growth and values. There is nobody here that would listen to me or help me if I had a personal problem. I am satisfied with my social life at the U of S. There is nobody here that would listen to me or help me if I had an academic problem. Since coming to the U of S, I have made friends with students from different cultures. When on campus I interact only with students from my own community or culture. Too many of the students that I meet on campus are unfriendly or distant. I have met with other students to discuss course work (e.g., studying for tests, assignments). The U of S values students from all cultures. I have often had discussions with students whose values and beliefs were different from my own. There is at least one staff member who I can talk to and who is sensitive to my needs. 10. Since coming to the University of Saskatchewan, about how often have you ……. Never Sometimes Often Attended campus social events (e.g., concerts, plays) Attended special campus lectures (in addition to regular classes) Attended campus cultural events (e.g., Pow-wow, International Students Week) Attended home games of university athletic teams (e.g., Huskies) Participated in discipline-related societies (e.g., ESB’s Students Society) Participated in student government (e.g., USSU elections) Participated in cultural societies (e.g., Pakistani Canadian Student Association) Participated in student recreational and sports programs (e.g., Campus Rec, PAC programs) Participated in campus community service/volunteer activities (e.g., Campus for Christ) Participated in social activist associations (e.g., Youth for Environmental Sustainability Section D: Adjustment to University Life 11. The following statements ask about how you see yourself in relation to faculty, staff, and other students at the University of Saskatchewan. Please rate each of these items on the 5-point scale ranging from 1 = Strongly Disagree to 5 = Strongly Agree. If a statement does not apply to you, check off N/A = Not Applicable. I see myself as part of the U of S community. I feel that I have to change myself in order to fit in at the U of S. I try not to show parts of me that are based on my cultural background or ethnicity. I often have to change myself depending on the culture of the person that I’m with on campus. I feel that my ethnicity or culture is not compatible with most other students at the university. I have heard faculty or staff make negative comments about my or other ethnic groups. I can talk to my friends at U of S about my family, community, and culture. As an ethnic or cultural minority, I feel as if I belong on this campus. I feel that I am leaving my family or community values behind by going to university. My cultural values are in conflict with what is expected of me at university. I can talk to my family and community about my friends from the U of S. I have heard students make negative comments about my culture or ethnic group. I feel that my language and/or appearance make it hard for me to fit in with other students. My family/community values are often in conflict with the values of the U of S. I feel accepted at the U of S as an ethnic minority. I can talk to my family or community about my struggles or concerns at university. Section E: Academic Preparation for University 12. To what extent did your previous education (such as high school or other post-secondary institution) prepare you for taking classes at the University of Saskatchewan? Ο Ο Ο Ο Did not prepare me at all Prepared me a little Prepared me somewhat Prepared me completely 13. In what way(s) did your previous education prepare you for taking classes at the University of Saskatchewan? (Check all that apply) Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Writing term papers Mathematics skills Reading skills Using a library or other resources Managing academic workload Meeting academic deadlines Taking notes during lectures Study skills Knowing how to write tests/exams Importance of attending classes Other (please specify) ________________________ 14. In what way(s) did your previous education NOT prepare you for taking classes at the University of Saskatchewan? (Check all that apply) Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Writing term papers Mathematics skills Reading skills Using a library or other resources Managing academic workload Meeting academic deadlines Taking notes during lectures Study skills Knowing how to write tests/exams Importance of attending classes Other (please specify) ________________________ 15. What is your average grade so far in the courses that you have taken at the University of Saskatchewan? Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο 90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% 50-59% Below 50% Section F: Non-Academic Responsibilities and Demands Many undergraduate students are faced with challenges when they try to balance the demands of pursuing a university education and those of family, jobs, health, and finances. The next set of questions deals with non-academic pressures that may be having an impact on your academic work. 16. Please indicate how you are currently funding your university education: (Check all that apply) Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Employment during academic year (Sept – April) Employment during summer only (May – August) Personal savings/investments Employer/company bursary University scholarship/bursary First Nation post-secondary student support program (“Band council funding”) Government-sponsored student loan Other type of loan Parents/relatives Spouse/partner Other (please specify) ______________________________ 17. Are you currently employed or have a job? Ο Ο Ο Ο No Skip to question 20 Yes, on-campus Continue to next question Yes, off-campus Continue to next question Yes, both on- and off-campus Continue to next question 18. If Yes: Overall, about how many hours per week do you work at your job(s)? Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Less than 5 hours per week 5 to 9 hours per week 10 to 14 hours per week 15 to 25 hours per week More than 25 hours per week 19. Has your job(s) ever interfered with your academic work such as studying for tests, keeping up with your assigned reading, or completing papers? Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο No Yes, only a few times Yes, sometimes Yes, very often Yes, almost all the time 20. Are you the primary caregiver for children under the age of 16 (i.e., the children live in your home and/or you are primary responsible for looking after them)? Ο Ο No Skip to question 23 Yes Continue to next question 21. If Yes: How many children under the age of 16 are you taking care of? Ο Ο Ο Ο One child Two children Three to four children More than four children 22. Have your childcare responsibilities ever interfered with your academic work such as studying for tests, keeping up with your assigned reading, or completing papers? Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο No Yes, only a few times Yes, sometimes Yes, very often Yes, almost all the time 23. Since starting at the University of Saskatchewan, have you experienced any personal or nonacademic problem that you feel affected your academic work in a significant way? Ο Ο No Skip to question 25 Yes Continue to next question 24. If Yes: Which of the following type(s) of personal problem(s) did you experience? (Check all that apply) Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Physical or mental health issue (e.g., chronic illness, severe injury) Family-related crisis (e.g., death of a close relative, illness of loved one) Financial (e.g., loss of funding, unable to pay bills) Housing-related (e.g., unable to find housing, loss of housing) Transportation (e.g., no regular transportation to/from campus) Employment-related (e.g., increased job hours, loss of employment) Other (please specify) ____________________________ Section G: Background and Demographics The following questions are for demographic purposes only and will not be linked to any identifying information. Your responses to these questions will give us an idea of the sample of students who responded to our questionnaire. 25. What is your gender? Ο Ο Male Female 26. What is your age? _______ (years) 27. What is your marital status? Ο Ο Ο Ο Single (never married) Married, common-law, or cohabitating Separated, widowed, or divorced Other (please specify) _________________ 28. Do you consider yourself to be an Aboriginal person? Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο No Yes, Status First Nations Yes, Métis Yes, Inuit Yes, Non-Status First Nations Yes, Indigenous from outside Canada 29. Do you consider yourself a member of a visible minority other than Aboriginal (e.g., African Canadian, East Asian, Indo-Pakistani, Latin American, Middle Eastern)? Ο Ο Ο Yes No Not sure 30. What is the population of the community in which you lived before attending the University of Saskatchewan? Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Less than 5,000 5,000 to 24,999 25,000 to 49,999 50,000 to 99.999 100,000 to 500,000 More than 500,000 31. Were your born in Canada? Ο Ο Ο Ο Yes No, I have been living in Canada for less than 5 years No, I have been living in Canada between 5 to 10 years No, I have been living in Canada for more than 10 years 32. What is the highest level of education that your parent(s) completed? Father ↓ O O O O O O O O Mother ↓ O O O O O O O O O O Did not finish high school Graduated from high school Attended college or university, but did not finish College diploma (e.g., technical school, SIAST) Completed a Bachelor’s degree (B.A., B.Sc. etc.) Completed a Master’s degree (M.A., M.Sc. etc.) Completed a Ph.D. degree Completed a professional degree (M.D., L.L.B., D.D.S) Don’t Know/Not Sure 33. Did any of your family members (parents, siblings, etc.) attend (or are currently attending) the University of Saskatchewan? Ο Ο Yes No 34. What is the single most important change that the U of S can make to improve the educational experience of its students?