Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Adjunct Faculty Policy


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Adjunct Faculty Policy

Adopted 02/24/2005

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry can invite qualified scientist to participate in our research and instructional activities as adjunct faculty for a one year term which can be renewed as needed. The department values the expertise and contributions made by our adjunct faculty. Adjunct faculty receive no salary or benefits associated with adjunct status.

Adjunct faculty can serve as co-principal investigators on research proposals. Adjunct faculty who hold additional UNCW appointments (for example part time faculty, research analyst, research faculty) can serve as instructor of record for courses and can supervise graduate student and honors student committees.


Tenure-track faculty in the department can recommend adjunct status for an appropriate candidate, who then must submit a detailed resume to the department for consideration, along with a list of proposed activities that would justify awarding adjunct status. Examples of appropriate activities include serving on graduate student or undergraduate honors student committees or making a significant contribution to the educational content of a course. The tenure-track faculty of the Department of Chemistry and

Biochemistry will vote on the request for adjunct status, and if approved, the department chair will forward the request to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences for further consideration.
