DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY GUIDELINES FOR PEER REVIEWERS: POST TENURE REVIEW Please remember that post-tenure review is NOT an opportunity to make suggestions for improvements in satisfactory faculty performance. The purpose of post-tenure review is "to identify and reward exemplary faculty performance, and to identify and correct deficient faculty performance". In all cases, the criteria for satisfactory performance according to the UNCW Post-Tenure Review Policy are: (a) professional competence; (b) conscientious discharge of duties, taking into account distribution of workload as assigned by the department chair; and (c) efforts to improve performance. According to the UNCW Post-Tenure Review Policy, the criteria for exemplary performance are: (a) sustained excellence in teaching, research, and service; and (b) professional performance that is substantially above expectations and that significantly exceeds the performance of most faculty. Deficient performance is performance that does not meet the criteria for satisfactory performance. The UNCW Post-Tenure Review Policy explicitly requires that "Annual evaluations for the period under review shall be given great consideration during PTR; faculty whose annual reviews have indicated satisfactory performance or better during that period shall normally be expected to receive a satisfactory evaluation or better under PTR." Begin your review with the annual evaluations. Then consider each of the three areas listed below, assigning a rating (exemplary, satisfactory, or deficient) to each area and an over-all rating. Be sure to include justifications for any exemplary ratings, any deficient ratings, and any ratings which do not agree with the annual evaluations. I. TEACHING Successful teaching is the primary criterion for satisfactory performance. Faculty at the rank of Professor are expected to assume leadership roles. Evaluate: • the range and depth of topics covered • quality of course materials • currency of course content • SPOTs, peer observation in the classroom, annual evaluations • Advising • • contributions to teaching outside the classroom: Web based instruction, instructional software, departmental honors projects, DIS, student participation in research, internships, instructional grants, mentoring junior faculty, new courses, revised courses, curriculum development efforts to improve teaching leadership in the department's teaching mission (for those at the rank of Professor) II. SCHOLARSHIP AND RESEARCH All faculty must document efforts to remain current in Chemistry. Evaluate: • regular professional reading • conference or tutorial attendance • seminar participation • focused programs of study • writing or reviewing textbooks • refereeing papers • software, talks, papers, etc. which are NOT subject to external professional review Faculty whose workload includes the expectation of published research should document at least 2 different pieces of work (papers, presentations, software, etc) which have received successful external professional review during the 5 year period. III. SERVICE All faculty should participate in departmental meetings and activities, and should carry out departmental duties such as annual reports, peer reviews, committee assignments, etc. in a timely and professional manner. Faculty at the rank of Professor are expected to assume leadership and role model responsibilities. Service assignments beyond this will vary; evaluate: • • • • • • • • participation in routine departmental duties and activities departmental committees, course coordinators, other responsibilities departmental leadership role, if any campus committees (how much work is involved? leadership role?) system-wide committees (how much work is involved? leadership role?) service to professional societies (how demanding?) service to the community is the service component appropriate given the other components of this individual's total workload? IV. OVER-ALL RATING For your over-all rating, weight each area according to the workloads which have been assigned to this individual in accordance with the College guidelines which state that service normally is between 5% and 20% of the annual workload, research is between 10% and 40% of the annual workload, and teaching is between 60% and 80% of the total workload (each 3 hour course is normally considered 10% of the total annual workload).