WMRC Reports Waste Management and Research Center A Division of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Na tur al R esour ce Natur tural Resour esource Damage Assessment: Methods and Cases Amy W. Ando 1 Madhu Khanna 2 Amy Wildermuth 1 Suzanne Vig 1 1 2 University of Illinois University of Utah RR-108 July 2004 http://www.wmrc.uiuc.edu E This report is part of WMRC’s Research Report Series. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. RR-108 Natural Resource Damage Assessment: Methods and Cases 1 Amy W. Ando Madhu Khanna 3 Amy Wildermuth 4 Suzanne Vig 2 1 Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. To whom correspondence should be addressed. 2 Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. 3 S.J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah. 4 Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. July 2004 Submitted to the Illinois Waste Management and Research Center (A Division of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources) One Hazelwood Dr. Champaign, IL 61820 The report is available on-line at: http://www.wmrc.uiuc.edu/main_sections/info_services/library_docs/RR/RR-108.pdf Printed by the Authority of the State of Illinois Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor Table of Contents ii. Table of Contents iii. Acknowledgements iv. Overview p. 1 Tables and Figures: Chapter 1 pp. 2 – 16 Chapter 1: Survey of Natural Resource Damage Assessment Tools Used by State Trustees Authors: Amy W. Ando and Madhu Khanna pp. 17 – 23 Appendix to Chapter 1 p. 24 Tables and Figures: Chapter 2 pp. 25 – 53 Chapter 2: Simplified Methods for Natural Resource Damage Assessment Authors: Amy W. Ando and Madhu Khanna p. 54 Tables and Figures: Chapter 3 pp. 55 – 80 Chapter 3: Ground water Damage Assessment - Methods and Values Authors: Madhu Khanna and Suzanne Vig pp. 81 – 103 Chapter 4: Natural Resource Damages Legal Overview and Sample Cases Authors: Amy Wildermuth and Amy W. Ando ii Acknowledgments Funding was provided by the Waste Management and Research Center of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (Contract No. HWR01170). This material is also based in part upon work supported by the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under Project No. ILLU 05-0305. We are grateful to John Braden and to staff members at the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for helpful comments and advice. We thank our team of excellent research assistants for their assistance: Wallapak Polasub on Chapters 1, 2, and 3, and Nada Djordevic, Matthew Kuenning, Phillip Russell, and Jason Yonan on Chapter 4. Many thanks go as well to the staff members of all the agencies that responded to our requests for information about their programs. Their cooperation and hard work was vital to the success of this project. All errors remain the responsibility of the authors. iii Overview State agencies have had legal standing to sue for damages to the natural resources in their respective states for decades. Some state agencies have been active in pursuing settlements with responsible parties for damages resulting from releases of oil or hazardous materials into the environment. Other agencies are just beginning to explore how a program to deal with natural resource damages (NRD) cases might look. In order to secure NRD settlements, trustees must engage in the process of NRD Assessment (NRDA). Much has been written to describe and improve upon the state of the art in NRDA. However, most state programs lack the funding or staff capacity to effectively use such sophisticated and expensive assessment methods. Furthermore, most of the cases that a state agency might have to grapple with are, in fact, very small, and may be poorly documented. In suc h cases, it may be infeasible or nonsensical to conduct a case-specific NRDA. This multi-part project reviews how state agencies with NRD programs have chosen to conduct NRDAs for their projects (Chapter 1), evaluates simplified assessment methods developed at the state level that might be adapted for use in other states (Chapter 2), and examines how trustees and academics have wrestled with the particularly thorny issue of evaluating NRDs when the damaged resource is groundwater (Chapter 3.) The project report also includes a document which may be of use in states where the trustees are just beginning to pursue NRD cases; it gives a summary of the federal statutes that give trustees the authority to pursue NRD cases, and provides summaries of illustrative cases (Chapter 4). iv Chapter 1: Tables and Figures Table 1.1: State Office Responses ............................................................................................ 4-5 Table 1.2: Number of Agencies Reporting Statutory Authority under State Law........................6 Table 1.3: Year in Which Offices Began NRD Activity ..............................................................6 Table 1.4: Staffing of NRD Programs (in FTE) ...........................................................................6 Table 1.5: Number of Cases Settled by Agency Prior to 1995 .....................................................7 Table 1.6: Number of Cases by Agency from 1995 to 2001 ........................................................8 Table 1.7: Statutory Authority Invoked ........................................................................................8 Table 1.8: Number of Trustees Involved in a Case ......................................................................8 Table 1.9: Number of Potentia lly Responsible Parties (PRPs) .....................................................9 Table 1.10: Distribution of Cases among Statutes and Year of Onset of Injury ..........................9 Table 1.11: Type of Event Responsib le for Natural Resource Injury...........................................9 Table 1.12: Type of Contaminant .................................................................................................9 Table 1.13: Injured Resources .................................................................................................................................... 10 Table 1.14: Cost to Trustee of Performing NRDA .....................................................................11 Table 1.15: Damage Estimates from NRDA ..............................................................................11 Table 1.16: NRDA Methods Used by Different Agents .............................................................11 Table 1.17: NRDA Methods Used for Varied Types of Injured Resources ...............................11 Table 1.18: Amount of Settlement .............................................................................................12 Figure 1.1: Mean Settlement by NRDA Method .......................................................................13 Figure 1.2: Mean Settlement by Statute Invoked........................................................................13 Figure 1.3: Mean Settlement by Resources Injured ....................................................................14 Figure 1.4: Relationship between NRD Estimates and Final Settlements..................................14 1 Chapter 1 Survey of Natural Resource Damage Assessment Tools Used by State Trustees I. Introduction A set of federal environmental statutes, including the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the Oil Pollution Act (OPA), contains important natural-resource liability provisions. These provisions give designated state agencies the right and responsibility to act on behalf of the public to recover damages for injuries to natural resources. Those damages may include restoration costs and interim loss (the economic value of the resource that is lost during the time that passes between injury to a resource and full recovery of that resource (Jones, 1997).) These liability provisions give states a powerful tool that may encourage private firms and individuals to take appropriate measures to reduce resource contamination (Baumol and Oates, 1988.) Many states have begun to make use of these statutes in their efforts to preserve the quality of public resources (ELI, 1998.) The public may reap great benefits when a state exercises its statutory authority to bring natural resource damage claims against responsible parties. However, there are costs to the state associated with this activity. In particular, it can be expensive for the state to develop its own estimate of the value of the injury caused by contamination. State-of-the-art valuatio n methods (Kopp and Smith, 1993) are complex, time-consuming and expensive to implement. In practice, most contaminant releases are small, and often the state has limited data regarding the affected resource or its injury. In such cases it may be impractical to perform a sophisticated analysis to estimate the damages which are due the state. The statutes allow for states to recover assessment costs as part of any settlement it might make, but only if those costs are “reasonable,” and certainly not if the costs exceed the value of the damages assessed. For this reason, some state agencies have begun to use methods for valuing changes in the quality of natural resources without conducting extensive new research and based on information already available. Hence, there exists a spectrum of methods available for use in conducting natural resource damage assessments. States may opt to use simplified methods that are inexpensive and can be carried out by personnel with little specialized training. The estimate that emerges is, however, likely to be somewhat inaccurate and more vulnerable to challenge by a potentially responsible party (PRP) if the case can not be settled out of court. At the other end of the spectrum, trustees or their paid consultants may conduct a sophisticated case-specific valuation study of the injured resources in question. There have been two surveys of state- level natural resource damage (NRD) assessment and recovery activity (ELI, 1998; ASTSWMO, 1997.) However, neither of them gathered information that identifies which methods trustees have chosen to employ for natural resource damage assessments (NRDAs). Such information can help economists to target their methodological research towards methods that are in relatively high demand by practitioners. In addition, knowledge of patterns in NRDA methodology might provide helpful guidance to the 2 staff of agencies that are just beginning to exercise their authority to pursue NRDs as natural resource trustees for their states. This chapter reports on the results of an effort made by the authors of this report to gather such information about state- level NRD programs. II. Method for gathering information Two questionnaires were designed to gather factual information about state NRD programs. The first was a one-page form which asked for information about the basic parameters of the agency’s program (e.g. staffing and funding levels) and any assessment methods the state trustees might have developed for their own use in conducting NRDAs. The second form was a case-information form, constructed to gather information about cases that agencies had assessed and/or settled in the years following major revisions to the federal regulations pertaining to NRD assessment and recovery. Each agency was asked to fill out one such form for each NRD case it had been handling since 1995. Copies of the questionnaires and the instruction sheet sent to the agencies are found in the Appendix. In order to choose where to mail these requests for information, a list was developed of up-to-date contact names and addresses at all state trustee agencies in the country. This effort began with lists from earlier studies (e.g. ASTWMO (1996) has a list of contacts) and from staff at the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). People on the preliminary list were contacted either to confirm that they were appropriate contacts or to suggest other names that would be more suitable. During this process, some states were identified as having no program relevant to the survey, and were dropped from the mailing list. When the list was complete, a packet was sent to each of the 64 agencies on the list. Each packet contained a cover letter, the instructions, one general survey form, and either 10 or 20 NRD case- information forms (depending on how large we expected their programs to be). The initial mailing was made in August 2001. One round of follow-up telephone calls and emails was made a month after the initial mailing; other reminders were made throughout the following months. As shown in Table 1.1, 20 of the 64 offices contacted responded with information a bout their NRD programs and 14 responded to inform us that they had no NRD program; several of the agencies with no current program did state that they are preparing to start engaging in NRD activity. The remaining offices did not submit completed questionnaires (though only two agencies sent official refusal to provide information). Many of the agencies that did not respond to our request for information are quite likely not to have had NRD programs at the time of our survey. However, offices in California and Texas, which have thriving NRD programs, were not able to respond to our request for information. To the extent that we can not include information about these programs in our report, any picture we draw of state- level NRD activity is necessarily incomplete. It is also true that many of the responses were incomplete; we report here as much information as was provided to us. 3 Table 1.1 State Office Responses Responded with information about an active program: 20 Responded with no program on which to report: 14 No responseb : 30 Agency name Florida Department of Environmental Protection Illinois Department of Natural Resources Indiana Department of Natural Resources Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Maryland Department of Natural Resources Michigan Attorney General Office Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Montana Department of Justice New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection New York State Department of Environmental Conservationa Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Washington State Department of Ecology – OPA Office West Virginia Division of Natural Resources Arizona State Land Department Georgia Environmental Protection Division Iowa Department of Natural Resources Kansas Department of Health and Environment Kentucky Department for Natural Resources Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks North Dakota Department of Health, Environmental Health Section Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Nebraska Game and Parks Commission New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services New Hampshire Department of Fish and Game Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Wyoming Game and Fish Department Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Alabama Department of Environmental Management Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality Arizona Office of the Attorney General Arizona Department of Environmental Quality California Department of Fish and Game Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection District of Columbia Department of Health Delaware Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control Hawaii Office of Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Indiana Department of Environmental Management Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection Maine Department of Environmental Protection Missouri Division of Environmental Quality Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Montana DNRC New Mexico Natural Resource Trustee 4 Acronym FLDEP ILDNR INDNR LADEQ MAEOEA MDDNR MIAGO MIDEQ MNPCA MTDOJ NJDEP NYSDEC OHEPA ORDEQ RIDEM SCDHEC SDDENR VDEQ WAECY- OPA WVDNR AZSLD GAEPD IADNR KDHE KYDNR MTFWP NDDH NEDEQ NEGPC NHDES NHDFG VDCR VTDEC WYGFD AKDEC ALDEM ARDEQ AZAGO AZDEQ CADFG CODPHE CTDEP DCDH DENDREC HIHEER IDDEQ INDEM KYDEP MEDEP MODEQ MSDEQ MTDNRC NMNRT Nevada Division of Environmental Protection Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection South Carolina Department of Natural Resources South Carolina Office of the Governor Texas General Land Office Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Utah Department of Environmental Quality Washington State Department of Ecology Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources NVDEP OKDEQ PADEP SCDNR SCOG TXGLO TXNRCC TXPWD UTDEQ WAECYCERCLA WIDNR All: 64 a The agency from New York provided a completed one-page questionnaire but declined to provide any completed case-information forms. b In some cases, the agency would not respond to our initial attempts to make contact and obtain a mailing address, and thus a mailing was never sent. Other agencies did respond to our mailing with informal communication but were unable to provide completed questionnaires. III. State NRD programs All states are authorized to pursue compensation for NRDs under federal statutes. However, some states have additional state legislation under the auspices of which NRD recovery is conducted. Of the 22 agencies that provided information about state- level NRD legislation, 15 indicated that their state does have independent state authority to address NRD issues, while six reported that their state did not have such a state law (see Table 1.2). Four of the 20 agencies with NRD programs reported that their programs were not active at the time we requested information. Table 1.3 shows that most of the agencies reporting active programs had begun NRD activity in the 1990s. The state trustee agencies generally have few staff members spending time on NRD assessment and recovery. As Table 1.4 shows, several agencies have no personnel who regularly dedicate time to NRD activities; the largest 1 program has only 13. Most of the agency personnel devoted to NRD programs are natural or physical scientists. In contrast, very few programs have an economist working on NRD issues. The next section of this chapter reviews the information states provided regarding individual NRD cases that were active after 1995. This report focuses on those cases because the federal regulations governing NRDA changed significantly in the mid-1990s (see Chapter 4). However, Table 1.5 shows that some of the agencies had obtained settlements for NRDs in a significant number of cases prior to that point in time. 1 Maryland reported having a very large staff (totaling 70 people), but this seems likely to be the size of the entire agency and not the staff devoted to NRD activity. 5 Table 1.2 Number of Agencies Reporting Statutory Authority under State Law State law authorizing NRD recovery? Yes No All states reporting Agency Number FLDEP, ILDNR, LADEQ, MAEOEA, MIDEQ, MNPCA, MTDOJ, NJDEP, OHEPA, ORDEQ, RIDEM, SCDHEC, SDDENR, VDEQ, WAECY-OPA NDDH, NEDEQ, NHDES, NYSDEC, SCDHEC, VTDEM/VTDEC, WVDNR 15 7 22 Table 1.3 Year in Which Offices Began NRD Activity Year 1980-1989 1990-1994 1995-1999 2000+ All agencies reporting Agency names FLDEP, MA EOEA LADEQ, MIDEQ, MNPCA, MTDOJ, NJDEP, NYSDEC, ORDEQ, SCDHEC, WAECY-OPA ILDNR, RIDEM, SDDENR, WVDNR KDHE, MDDNR Table 1.4 Staffing of NRD Programs (in FTE)a Economist(s) Scientist(s) FLDEP 1 3 ILDNR 2 4 INDNR 0 1 KDHE 0 0.2 LADEQ 0 1.25 MAEOEA 0 0 MIDEQ 0 0.5 MNPCA 0 0.1 MTDOJ 0 3 NJDEP 0 1 NYSDEC 1 3 OHEPA 0 0 ORDEQ 0 0 RIDEM 0 0.25 SCDHEC 0 0.1 SDDENR 0 0.1 VDEQ 0 0 WAECY-OPA 0 7 WVDNR 0 2 Average .21 1.39 a Attorney(s) 2 1 1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0.1 2 0 1.25 0 0 0.25 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 .42 Other(s) 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 1 2 0 0 0 0.25 0 0 0 0 0 .37 Total 13 9 2 0.3 1.35 0 0.5 0.7 6 3 5.25 <.01 0 0.75 0.2 0.1 0 7.1 2 2.70 Maryland is dropped here because it reported total agency staff, not staff devoted to NRD activity. 6 Number 2 9 4 2 17 Table 1.5 Number of Cases Settled by Agency Prior to 1995 Number of cases 0 1 - 10 11 - 100 400+ All agencies reporting Names of agencies ILDNR, KDHE, MDDNR, MTDOJ, OHEPA, SCDHEC, SDDENR, WVDNR LADEQ, MAEOEA, MIDEQ, MNPCA, RIDEM, VDEQ, NJDEP NYSDEC, WAECY-OPA FLDEP Number of agencies 8 7 2 1 18 IV. NRD cases Case information forms were received for a total of 88 NRD cases. However, because of incomplete responses, information for Tables 1.8 – 1.14 was not provided for all 88 cases in our sample. Washington and Florida each handle a very large number of NRD cases each year, but they use compensation formulae to conduct the NRDA and reach a settlement with the responsible party (for detailed information on those simplified methods, see Chapter 2 of this report or Ando and Khanna, 2002.) Staff in those states’ trustee agencies could not fill out a form for each case they handle; thus, those cases are not included in this report. Table 1.6 shows that while the agencies from New Jersey and Louisiana each reported on more than ten cases, all the others had fewer than ten cases, either settled or unsettled, since 1995. Table 1.7 shows the cases in our sample were brought largely under the authority of federal statutes. A significant number appealed to state law, but 17 of the 29 cases listed as such were handled under federal laws as well. About half of the cases in our sample (and nearly all the small cases) were handled by a single state agency acting as trustee, though many NRD cases were brought by multiple state trustees, or even by state and federal trustees working together (the federal trustee agencies are the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)); see Table 1.8. Similarly, most cases involved only one PRP, though a fair number involved more than one and a handful of cases sought to recover NRDs from more than ten PRPs; see Table 1.9. Tables 1.10 through 1.13 provide information about the natural resource injuries that were the subjects of the cases in our sample. Most of the injuries resulted from accidental spills, though a large number of cases involve injuries associated with contaminated sites on the National Priorities List (NPL) under CERCLA. Thus, while most of the events that led to the injuries occurred during the 1990s, many of the events occurred in earlier decades; some even pre-date the 1950s. In most cases, the contaminant in question was either petroleum or hazardous substances, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (commonly known as PCBs), though there were a few cases of natural-resource injury caused by other materials not ordinarily classified as “hazardous”, such as salt water. Injuries were spread across several categories of resources, though fish and wildlife were most commonly affected, and categories such as recreation, cultural resources, and air were affected somewhat rarely. 7 Table 1.6 Number of Cases by Agency from 1995 to 2001 State agency FLDEPa ILDNR INDNR LADEQ MAOEA MDDNR MIDEQb MNPCA MTDOJ NJDEP OHEPA ORDEQ RIDEM SDDENR VDEQ WAECY-OPA WVDNR All agencies reporting Number of cases 2 4 3 13 4 1 6 4 1 32 4 1 5 1 1 5 1 88 a Florida also sent several case-information forms for cases related to damaged coral reefs; they are not included in this report because they are qualitatively different from all the other cases in the sample. b Two case-information forms were sent for one of the Michigan cases – one from the MIDEQ, the other from the MIAGO. That case has been categorized under the MIDEQ. Table 1.7 Statutory Authority Invoked Law Number of cases a OPA 41 CERCLA 35 Other-state law 29 Any statute reported 85 a The top three entries sum to more than 85 because some cases are brought under state and federal law or under both federal statutes. Table 1.8 Number of Trustees Involved in a Case Number of trustees 1 2 3 4 5 6 Any number reported Number of cases 39 11 9 8 10 8 88 8 Table 1.9 Number of Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs) Number of PRPs 1 2-10 >10 Any number reported Number of cases 59 14 4 77 Table 1.10 Distribution of Cases Among Statutes and Year of Onset of Injury Year in which the event or activity responsible for injury began a <1950 1950-1959 1960-1969 1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-1999 2000-2001 Any year reported OPA 0 0 0 0 3 27 7 37 Statute invoked a CERCLA State/other Any statute reported 3 2 4 6 3 7 2 1 2 6 4 7 3 3 6 6 9 38 0 2 8 26 24 72 Multiple statutes were reported for 15 cases. Table 1.11 Type of Event Responsible for Natural Resource Injury Type of event National Priority List (Superfund) site Spill Voluntary release “Other” Any event reported a Number of cases 16 47 1 14 76 a Multiple event types were listed for two cases. Table 1.12 Type of Contaminant Type of contaminant Petroleum Hazardous substances Other Any contaminant reported a a Number of cases 50 41 8 87 Multiple contaminant types were reported for 11 cases. 9 Table 1.13 Injured Resources Type of resource injured Groundwater Surface water Wetland Fish Wildlife Recreation and/or cultural Air and/or other resources Any resources reported a a Number of cases 32 51 42 36 32 23 26 83 The right-hand column sums to much more than 83 because only 25 cases involved injury to a single resource. The trustees reported that an NRDA had been performed on the entire injury for only 33 of the 88 cases in our sample. Injury assessments were performed for the 32 cases submitted by New Jersey, but the agency did not consider those assessments to have been NRDAs. Tables 1.14 through 1.17 give information about the 33 assessments. These tables apply only to those cases that were reported to have been the subject of an NRDA, and information for these tables was not provided for even all of those cases. Trustee agencies reported hiring a consultant to assistant with the damage assessment process for 10 of the 33 cases for which they gave NRDA information. This may contribute to the fact (seen in Table 1.14) that the cost to trustees of conducting an NRDA varies tremendously. While most cases cost less than $10,000 to assess, several assessments in the data bear price tags in the millions; though the median assessment cost is only $30,000, the average is $643,000. Estimated damages (Table 1.15) were similarly quite diverse. While some estimates are lower than $10,000, there are enough estimates in excess of 10 million to pull the mean damage estimate up to 40 million and the median to over one million. Trustees were asked which of a range of assessment methods were used by their staff, the staff of other trustees, and any consultants in the process of estimating the damages associated with the case at hand. Note that the methods listed in Tables 1.16 and 1.17 are defined and described in the Appendix to Chapter 1. The single most commonly- used method was habitat equivalency analysis (HEA), while a few methods (factor- income analysis, hedonic analysis, Department of Interior (DOI) Type A models, NOAA compensation formulas, and conjoint analysis/contingent ranking) were not reported to have been used for any of the cases in our sample. Many cases were reported to have been assessed using a tool of the trustee’s own design or some unspecified method that was not among those we listed. This feature of the data captures everything from New Jersey’s method for assessing groundwater damage (Ando and Khanna, 2004) to back-of-the-envelope analysis based on applied professional judgment. 10 Table 1.14 Cost to Trustee of Performing NRDA Cost ($) 0 - $10,000 $10,001 - $100,000 $100,001 - $1,000,000 $1,000,001+ Any cost reported Number of cases 10 7 3 3 23 Table 1.15 Damage Estimates from NRDA Estimated damages ($) 0 – 10,000 10,001 - 100,000 100,001 - 1,000,000 1,000,001 – 10,000,000 10,000,001 + Any estimate reported Number of cases 2 3 5 8 3 21 Table 1.16 NRDA Methods Used by Different Agents Own valuation tool, other Benefit transfer Appraisal method, market price analysis Travel cost, averting behavior analysis Contingent valuation Habitat equivalency analysis Type A model; NOAA formula; factor income , hedonic, or conjoint analysis Number of cases in which method was used by: Reporting Another Consultant to At least one trustee trustee trustee trustees or consultant 27 3 1 29 5 3 2 9 5 0 6 11 3 1 6 13 1 0 4 5 8 10 3 15 0 0 0 0 Table 1.17 NRDA Methods Used for Varied Types of Injured Resources Own valuation tool, other Benefit transfer Appraisal method, market price analysis Travel cost, averting behavior analysis Contingent valuation Habitat equivalency analysis Number of cases in which method was used and the following resource was among those injured: Ground Surface Wetland Air, Fish, Recreation, water water other wildlife cultural 18 16 8 6 13 2 4 8 4 3 6 5 5 7 2 5 4 2 5 7 5 6 6 5 5 7 5 11 3 8 3 6 3 11 2 3 11 Sophisticated assessment methods such as contingent valuation or the indirect valuation methods (averting behavior and travel cost analyses) are not strictly tools of consultants. Table 1.16 shows that while most such tools were wielded by consultants, trustees report having performed some such studies themselves. Similarly, trustees are not the only analysts using simplified methods; they report their consultants having used such methods as well. A breakdown of methods by injured resource, Table 1.17, also shows a lack of specialization across resources; varied NRDA methods are used to assess damages from injuries of all sorts. Of the cases in the data, 61 have been settled completely, six have been the subject of a partial settlement, 20 remain unsettled, and one was reported without information on settlement status. Among the 41 cases for which information was provided about both the date of injury and the date of settlement, some settlement s were reached less than a year after the event that led to the NRDs, while others took decades to reach. When two Superfund outliers are dropped from the calculation (contamination at those sites began in the 1870s), the average length of time between event and settlement is about 11 years, and the median is four. A few cases settled for less than $10,000. However, the median settlement is close to $300,000 and the mean settlement is over eight million dollars. Five cases settled for more than ten million dollars (see Table 1.18). Figure 1.1 indicates that settlements have been higher for cases that were assessed using relatively sophisticated NRDA tools. While this probably reflects the fact that trustees do not choose to use expensive assessment methods when the damages are likely to be small, it is possible that it is easier for trustees to land larger settlements when they can back up their estimates with highly credible analyses. Figure 1.2 indicates that the largest recent settlements have been for NRDs associated with big Superfund sites, and that only small cases have been pursued under the auspices of state law. This is consistent with the data shown in Figure 1.3. The largest mean settlements are associated with the sort of uncommonly-claimed resource injuries (such as injuries to cultural resources) that tend to be associated with CERCLA cases. Finally, Figure 1.4 shows that there has not been a great gap between NRD estimates made by trustees and the settlements that are finally achieved. The points in the scatter-plot are visibly clustered around the 45-degree line, and the correlation coefficient between NRD estimates and settlements is .9956. Table 1.18 Amount of Settlement a Total settlement ($) 0 – 10,000 10,001 - 100,000 100,001 – 1,000,000 1,000,001 - 10,000,000 10,000,001 + Any settlement reported a Number of cases 5 12 12 10 5 44 This value includes cost estimates of compensatory restoration or acquisition done by the PRP under the settlement. 12 90 83.78 Mean Settlement (million $) 80 70 58.34 60 50.33 50 40 30 20 6.43 10 1.40 0.46 Own tool, "other" Benefit transfer 0 Appraisal, market price Travel cost, averting behavior CV HEA NRDA Method Figure 1.1 Mean Settlement by NRDA Method 18 17.11 Mean Settlement (million $) 16 14 12 10 8 6 4.69 4 2 0.20 0 OPA CERCLA State law only Statute Invoked Figure 1.2 Mean Settlement by Statute Invoked 13 $45 40.30 Mean Settlement (million $) $40 $35 28.18 $30 $25 $20 17.19 14.95 $15 16.45 13.22 $10 $5 $0 ground water surface water wetland air, other fish, wildlife recreational, cultural Injured Resource Figure 1.3 Mean Settlement by Resources Injured NRD Settlement (million $) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 NRD Estimate (million $) Settlement 45° line Figure 1.4 Relationship between NRD Estimates and Final Settlements a a One case with extremely large damages was removed to make the rest of the figure more readable. 14 20 V. Conclusions Trustees have had reasonable success in achieving settlements for the damage estimates that emerge from their NRDAs. While HEA is certainly the most common single assessment method in the current era of NRD activity, methods that place a dollar value on damages are still successfully in use. Indeed, trustees employ a wide range of assessment methods, seemingly matching the sophistication (and expense) of the method to the expected magnitude of the damages. Though state trustees often hire consultants or team up with federal trustees when a complicated NRDA needs to be done, state offices sometimes carry out relatively sophisticated analyses in- house. A trustee agency just beginning to develop an NRD program can take heart from the fact that a wide variety of assessment methods have been shown in practice to be successful tools for generating damage estimates that will stand up in the settlement- negotiation process. Furthermore, it is appropriate for a trustee to opt for a less complex method that is inexpensive to implement when one is faced with a relatively small case. Economists need to realize that traditional economic valuation approaches have not been supplanted entirely by HEA. Thus, there is still useful work to be done in refining damage assessment methods that estimate the monetary value of lost resources. It would be valuable for economists to turn more attention to developing economically rational simplified methods that can easily and inexpensively be used in- house by a small NRD group within a state trustee agency. There also may be some value to synthesizing the work that has been done on complex valuation methods, and facilitating the transfer of that expertise to staff me mbers of trustee agencies. 15 References Ando, A. W. and M. Khanna. 2004 (forthcoming). “Natural Resource Damage Assessment Methods: Lessons in Simplicity from State Trustees.” Contemporary Economic Policy. The Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO). 1997. Survey of State Remedial Program Activities in Natural Resource Damages (website version). www.astswmo.com. Baumol, W. J. and W. E. Oates. 1988. The Theory of Environmental Policy, 2nd Ed. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, England. Environmental Law Institute (ELI). 1998. An Analysis of State Superfund Programs: 50-State Study, 1998 Update. Environmental Law Institute: Washington, D.C. Jones, C.A. 1997. “Use of Non- market Valuation Methods in the Courtroom: Recent Affirmative Precedents in Natural Resource Damage Assessments.” Water Resources Update 109: 10-18. 16 Appendix: Materials in Information-Gathering Mailings Note that the appearance of these materials in the actual mailings was slightly different since there were no page numbers at the bottom of the pages. A cover letter accompanied the questionnaires and instruction forms. pp. 18-20: Survey Response Instructions p. 21: One-page questionnaire about overall NRD program pp. 22-23: Two-page case information form. These were printed on double-sided sheets of paper; a number of them were provided with each envelope that was mailed. 17 Survey Response Instructions The survey has two components. When you have finished filling out all forms, please put them in the enclosed self- addressed pre-stamped envelope and return them to us via U.S. mail. We would appreciate receipt of your responses within four weeks of the date on the cover letter. 1) Please fill out the one-page “Survey of State Natural Resource Damages (NRD) Programs”. There is only a single copy of this in the survey packet. 2) For each NRD case your office handled from 1995 to the present, please fill out one “NRD Case Information Form”. We are only interested in cases that were active during this time period. This excludes cases that were settled prior to calendar year 1995. We have included a number of copies of this form in your survey packet. If necessary, you may make more copies, contact us to have more forms sent to you, or request that we send you the electronic file for you to use in your response effort. There is extra space on the back of each case information form that you can use if the space provided for any particular question is too small for your answer. You may also attach descriptive material from other documents if that facilitates your response. Note that for unsettled cases, most of page 2 of the form does not need to be answered. For cases that have not yet been the target of a NRD assessment, the second half of page 1 should also be left blank. If you wish to seek our assistance in filling out the case information forms for a large number of cases, or if you have any questions about the survey, please contact one of the people listed below: Prof. Amy W. Ando Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 326 Mumford Hall, 1301 W. Gregory Drive Urbana, IL 61801 amyando@uiuc.edu, (217) 333-5130 Prof. Madhu Khanna Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 326 Mumford Hall, 1301 W. Gregory Drive Urbana, IL 61801 khanna2@uiuc.edu, (217) 333-5176 18 Guide to Terms and Acronyms Used in the Survey NRD: Natural resource damages. NRDA: Natural resource damage assessment. This process may or may not be done in formal compliance with federal regulations. OPA: Oil Pollution Act of 1990. CERCLA: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act. Pre-assessment screen: First step in the process of pursuing a NRD claim, during which the trustee determines whether a hazardous substance release may have caused injury to a natural resource whic h is likely to warrant pursuit of damages recovery. In the Oil Pollution Act regulations, this would simply be referred to as preassessment. NRDA methods listed in the Case Information Form: Own valuation tool: This refers to any formal damage-assessment tool (such as a lookup table, decision tree, or computer program) you might have described in question 6 on the cover page of this survey. Benefits transfer: This approach could more generally be named “value transfer.” It is a practical valuation alternative when direct survey data concerning the resource in question are unavailable. This valuation method relies on approaches for "transferring" existing studies, value estimates, and willingness to pay function to the damage estimation problem at hand. The “unit value method” described in the CERCLA regulations is a particular kind of benefits transfer. DOI Type A computer models: The Department of the Interior has developed two computer models that are approved for use in Type A “simplified” assessments. They are the Natural Resource Damage Assessment Model for Coastal and Marine Environments (NRDAM/CME) and the Natural Resource Damage Assessment Model for Great Lakes Environments (NRDAM/GLE). NOAA compensation formulas: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration included a compensation formula in its Oil Pollution Act regulations on 1/7/94; that formula was for use in assessing the damages from small oil spills in estuarine and marine environments. Variants of that formula can be derived using the NRDAM/CME. Appraisal method: This method measures compensable value, to the extent possible, in accordance with the applicable sections of the "Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisition." The measure of compensable value under this method will be the difference between the with- and without-injury appraisal value determined by the comparable sales approach as described in the Uniform Appraisal Standards. Factor income analysis (a.k.a. "reverse value added" methodology): If the injured resources are inputs to a production process, which has as an output a product with a well-defined market price, this method can be used to determine the economic rent associated with the use of resources in the production process. Market price analysis: If the natural resources are traded in the market, and if the market for the resources (or the services provided by the resources) is reasonably competitive, the diminution in the market price of the injured resources, or the lost services, can be used to determine the compensable value of the injured resources. 19 Hedonic price analysis : This may be used to determine the value of non-marketed resources by an analysis of private market choices. The demand for non-marketed natural resources is thereby estimated indirectly by an analysis of wage rates or of commodities, such as houses, that are traded in a market. Travel-cost analysis : An individual's incremental travel costs to an area are used as a proxy for the price of the services of that area. Compensable value of the area to the traveler is the difference between the value of the area with and without a discharge or release. Regional travel cost models may be used. Averting behavior analysis : This method infers values from observation of how changes in the quality and quantity of natural resources induces changes (often “defensive” in nature) in human behavior. Contingent valuation: This includes a body of techniques that set up hypothetical markets to elicit an individual's economic valuation of a natural resource. This method can determine use values and explicitly determine option and existence values, and thus be used to determine lost values of injured natural resources. Conjoint analysis/contingent ranking: Stated preference methods that ask respondents to make choices between two or more resource alternatives (conjoint analysis) or rank multiple resource alternatives (contingent ranking) that differ in at least some of their attributes can be used to estimate the value of changes in the attributes of the alternatives. Habitat equivalency analysis (a.k.a. resource equivalency analysis): This is a common way to scale compensatory restoration projects. The goal is to ensure that the quantity of replacement services provided equals the quantity of lost services. Services are quantified in physical units and not valued in monetary terms. NOTE: Definitions are taken and/or adapted from the following sources: 1) U.S. Department of the Interior. 1996. U.S. Department of the Interior Natural Resource Damage Assessment Regulations, 43 CFR PART 11 (1995), as amended at 61 Fed. Reg. 20609, May 7, 1996. http://www.doi.gov/oepc/wp_docs/43cfr11.html . 2) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Damage Assessment and Restoration Program. August, 1996. Specifications for Use of NRDAM/CME Version 2.4 to Generate Compensation Formulas. Guidance Document for Natural Resource Damage Assessment Under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. http://www.darcnw.noaa.gov/cfd_cov.pdf. 3) Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. November, 2000. Lower Fox River and Bay of Green Bay: Summary of Basis of Natural Resource Damages Settlement among State of Wisconsin and Fort James Corporation. http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/water/wm/lowerfox/Sediment/summary_nrd_settlement_final.pdf. 4) CH2M Hill. February 2000. Phase II Final Report: Human Effects Analysis of the Multi-Species Framework Alternatives. Prepared for Northwest Power Planning Council. http://www.edthome.org/framework/humaneffects/1.htm. 5) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Damage Assessment and Restoration Program. December 1997. Natural Resource Damage Assessment Guidance Document: Scaling Compensatory Restoration Actions (Oil Pollution Act of 1990). http://www.darp.noaa.gov/pdf/scaling.pdf 6) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Damage Assessment and Restoration Program. 2000. Habitat Equivalency Analysis: An Overview. http://www.darp.noaa.gov/pdf/heaoverv.pdf . 20 Survey of State Natural Resource Damages (NRD) Programs 1) Name of agency: ______________________________________________________________ 2) Person/office responding to the survey (name, office, telephone, email, address): 3) List other agencies/offices in your state with Trustee authority/activity: ______________________ 4) Does your state have independent state authority to address NRD issues? ___ yes ___ no 5) How many staff (in FTE) do you have working on NRD assessment and/or recovery? Economists: _____ Natural scientists: _____ Attorneys: _____ Other: _____ Total: ________ 6) What is your annual budget for NRD activity in the current fiscal year? Damage recoveries: $___________ State funds: $____________ Assessment costs recovered: $___________ Other: $____________ Total: $____________ 7) In what calendar year did your office begin its NRD activity? ______ 8) How many NRD cases did your office settle prior to 1995? ______ 9) From 1995 to the present, how many pre-assessment screens did you carry out? ______ Of those, how many cases met the criteria for potential further action? ______ Of those, how many cases do you actually intend to pursue further? ______ 10) Do you have any particular original, simplified method(s) for assessing natural resource damages that is(are) designed especially for use by staff members of your office? (This could be a lookup table, decision-making protocol, computer program, etc.) ___ yes ___ no If so: (a) Briefly describe the method(s) in the space below. (b) Do you have documentation for that method that you would be willing to share with us for the purposes of our project? ___ yes ___ no (c) Please provide a name and contact information for any staff member who would be willing to talk further to us about the nature of the method(s) you have developed: 21 1) Name and location of case: ______________________________________________________ 2) Under which statute(s) is(are) this case pursued? ___OPA ___CERCLA ___Other ( ) define 3) Trustees involved: ____________________________________________________________ 4) How many responsible parties are involved? #____ 5) When did the event/activity responsible for the injury begin? How long did it last? 6) Event/activity was: ___ NPL site ___ Spill CY ______ # months ______ ___ Voluntary ___ Other ( ___ ) describe 7) What was the nature of the contamination? (Check each that applies) ___ Petroleum ___ Hazardous substances ( ) ___ Other ( describe ) describe 8) What was the mass or volume of contaminant(s) released? _____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 9) The duration (actual or expected) of the injury is (answer one): # months _______ In perpetuity since CY _______ 10) What kinds of resources were injured? (Check each that applies) ___ Groundwater ___ Surface water ___ Wetland ___ Air ___ Fish ___ Non-fish wildlife ___ Recreational area ___ Cultural resource ___ Other ( ) describe 11) What was the magnitude of the injury? (e.g. miles of stream damaged, # animals killed, volume groundwater contaminated) _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 12) When was the pre-assessment screen performed? 13) Was a NRDA done for this case? ___ yes ___ no CY _______ (IF NOT YES, FORM IS DONE) 14) When was the NRDA completed? CY _______ 15) Did you hire a consultant to assist with the damage assessment process? ____ yes ____no 16) What was the total cost to your office of the NRDA (including fees)? $ ___________ 17) What total estimated damages emerged from your NRDA? $ ___________ In-house Other Trustee Consultant(s) 22 Travel-cost analysis Averting behavior analysis Contingent valuation Conjoint analysis/ contingent ranking Habitat equivalency analysis Other (specify): Hedonic analysis Benefits transfer DOI Type A computer models NOAA compensation formulas Appraisal method Factor-income analysis Market price analysis Own valuation tool Do not know Not applicable 18) Many methods are available to determine damages. For this case, check each of the following methods that were used by your staff, another Trustee, or consultants hired by the Trustees: 19) Has this case been settled? (Check one) __ yes __ no __ partially (IF NOT YES, FORM IS DONE.) 20) When was the final settlement reached? CY _______ 21) How was the final settlement document developed? (Check one) ___ Consent decree ___ Covenant not to sue ___ Other: ( ___________________________ ) describe 22) What was the estimated cost to the responsible parties of the settlement? Total: $ _________ Trustees’ assessment costs reimbursed: $__________ Compensatory damages paid: $__________ Other payment ( _______________ ): $__________ describe Primary restoration activity: $__________ Compensatory restoration activity: $__________ Other in-kind compensation ( ________________________________________ ): $__________ describe 23) Did the settlement include non-use values (either implicitly or explicitly)? ____ yes ____no If so, do you have an estimate of the compensated non-use values? $ _________ Please use the space below for any extensions of answers (give the number of the question to which the answer responds) or additional comments that you wish to make: 23 Chapter 2: Tables and Figures Figure 2.1 Number of Spills by Size of Spill in 2000..............................................................27 Figure 2.2 Volume of Oil Spilled in U.S. Waters by Spill Size in 2000 ..................................27 Figure 2.3 Oil Spills in U.S. Waters by State in 2000 ..............................................................28 Figure 2.4 Damages in Washington Cases, 1991-2001 ............................................................35 Figure 2.5 Value of Claim by Gallons Spilled in WA State, 1991-2001..................................35 Figure 2.6 Damages in Florida Cases, 1995-2001 ....................................................................40 Figure 2.7 Superfund Sites by State..........................................................................................41 24 Chapter 2 Simplified Methods for Natural Resource Damage Assessment 1 I. Introduction Natural resources can be injured when hazardous materials, such as oil and toxic chemicals, are released into the environment. It can be difficult to assess the value of those natural resource damages (NRD) because the lost benefits are often not the subject of market trades, and thus do not have prices that analysts can use to evaluate the loss to society due to degradation or destruction. Nonetheless, the state agencies that have been designated to act as trustees for the people of their states have fiduciary responsibility to engage in NRD Assessment (NRDA). Otherwise, they have no basis on which to file a claim to recover the value of lost or damaged resources according to the NRD provisions of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), the Oil Pollution Act (OPA), or related state law. Economists have built up an extremely large body of work which develops sophisticated valuation methods, such as contingent valuation, averting behavior analysis, hedonic analysis, and travel cost analysis. While these methods may be used to generate reasonably accurate casespecific estimates of NRDs, they have drawbacks that make them difficult to use. They are timeconsuming, since a study must be conducted to evaluate the exact magnitude and nature of the injury to natural resources, and then additional analysis must be carried out in order to ascertain the value of the injured resources to society. If a trustee opts for one (or more) of these valuation methods, much time will pass before the case is settled and the potentially responsible party (PRP) compensates the public for the lost values. A full- fledged assessment requires extensive data, which may not be available for old or small releases. Finally, these methods are expensive – it can cost millions of dollars to carry out a sophisticated NRDA. The data collection involved is costly, and substantial expertise is required to carry out these valuation efforts that may require the trustee to retain (or contract out to) highly trained, and thus costly, personnel. In practice, many states use valuation methods that are faster, less costly, less information intensive, and less precise than case-specific methods such as those mentioned above. Such methods may be simple formulas or computer programs. Of 38 cases about which we have gathered information, state trustees used some sort of simplified in- house valuation method for 13 of them, benefits transfer for six of them, and a simplified method designed by a federal agency2 for three of them. In addition, hundreds of cases are assessed and settled by states such as Washington and Florida using state-specific simplified assessment methods. This chapter describes and critiques some of the more formal simplified methods used by the trustee agencies of four states: Florida, Washington, New Jersey, and Minnesota. We work to 1 We are grateful to staff members at the Washington Department of Ecology, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for sharing information about their assessment methods with us. 2 This could be either the Type A computer model designed by the Department of the Interior or the compensation schedule designed by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. 25 evaluate the potential for other states to adopt similar methods, and identify ways in which economists could conduct research to improve the accuracy of such methods without sacrificing their simplicity. II. Simplified NRDA methods for oil spills State trustees obtain authority to pursue NRD recovery for oil spills largely from OPA, passed in 1990, and from various state laws. The passage of OPA was prompted at least in part by the enormous Exxon-Valdez spill. However, Figures 2.1 and 2.2 make clear that while most of the oil spilled comes from large releases, most oil-spill incidents are very small. It seems sensible to have a method to assess damages from such small spills in a manner that is not resource intensive. Oil spills are not limited to coastal areas (they occur in overland transport, at refineries, and around compromised pipelines), but coastal states do have the largest numbers of reported spills. As can be seen from Figure 2.3 below, a few states bear the effects of a disproportionate number of oil spills in U.S. waters. One might expect those states to have the most to gain from developing a simplified assessment method to deal with their heavy case load. While the state of Texas has state law dealing specifically with recovering NRDs from oil spills, that law does not authorize or specify a simplified assessment method. Louisiana trustees are investigating the use and/or modification of a Wetland Value Assessment methodology that was originally designed to evaluate wetland enhancement projects proposed for funding under the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (CWPPRA). At the time of our survey, the trustee agency in California did not use a compensation table or formula, opting instead to use casespecific Habitat Equivalency Analysis for all the spills it handled. Since then California staff members have developed a simplified method for use in small cases; for details, see Ando and Khanna (2004). In this chapter, we report on the assessment methods used by agencies in Florida and Washington (marked in black on the figure) for all but the biggest spills; each of those methods is established by state law. A. Washington Environmental contamination of the navigable waters of Washington by spills from vessels transporting oil into the state is a matter of concern to the state. Oil spills are recognized to cause injuries to fishing, tourism, recreation and the aesthetic value of natural resources in the state. The technology for containing and cleaning up an oil spill is not very well developed; therefore, prevention is a less costly and more effective way of protecting the environment. Among efforts to establish a spill prevention and response program, the state acts as the trustee of the state’s natural resources to ensure that PRPs respond to spills and provide compensation for all costs and damages. The legislature has declared that while some damages are easily quantifiable and recovered by the state, it is also true that “compensation should be sought for those damages that cannot be quantified at a reasonable cost and for unquantifiable damages that result from oil spills. This compensation is intended to ensure that the public does not bear substantial losses caused by oil pollution for which compensation may not be otherwise received” (Washington, 2001, § 010.) In addition to compensating the state for damages, the PRP is obliged immediately to collect and remove the contaminant and is liable for reimbursing 26 1,000 There were 8,058 spills in this category Number of Spills 800 600 400 219 200 37 0 1-100 12 101-1,000 1,001-3,000 3,001-5,000 16 6 4 2 0 5,00110,000 10,00150,000 50,001100,000 100,0011,000,000 1,000,000+ 50,001100,000 100,0011,000,000 1,000,000+ Size of Spill (gallons) Figure 2.1 Number of Spills by Size of Spill in 2000 Source: USCG (2002). 800 Total Volume Spilled (1000 gallons) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1-100 101-1,000 1,001-3,000 3,001-5,000 5,00110,000 10,00150,000 Size of Spill (gallons) Figure 2.2 Volume of Oil Spilled in U.S. Waters by Spill Size in 2000 Source: USCG (2002). 27 1800 1600 Number of Spills 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 0 AK AL AR AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MS MT NC NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY 200 State Figure 2.3 Oil Spills in U.S. Waters by State in 2000 Source: USCG (2001). expenditures incurred by the state in responding to the spill. Following Washington State law (Washington, 1992), after an incident causing damages to natural resources of the state, the Department of Ecology (DECY) conducts a formal preassessment screening. 3 That screening determines whether restoration or enhancement of the injured resource is not technically feasible, damages are not quantifiable at reasonable cost and restoration or enhancement projects proposed by the liable parties are insufficient to adequately compensate the public for damages. If these three conditions apply to the case, then a compensation schedule will be used to determine damages. If the screening committee determines that a compensation schedule should not be used, then a case-specific damage assessment will be performed. The PRP is required to provide compensation for cost of restoring the resource to its pre- injury condition (if feasible) and for the value lost during the period between the injury and the restoration. This interim lost value is to include consumptive values, non-consumptive and indirect use values (which may include existence, bequest, option and aesthetic values), and lost taxes and other revenues. In 1991, the DECY was authorized to establish a compensation schedule for oil discharges. The amount of compensation is between $1 per gallon and $50 per gallon of oil spilled. This schedule is to provide adequate compensation for unquantifiable damages or for 3 The DECY has two offices that deal with NRDs. One handles cases to be pursued under CERCLA, and the other handles oil spills. 28 damages not quantifiable at reasonable cost for adverse environmental effects caused by the spill. Compensation should be based on the characteristics of the oil spilled (such as its toxicity and persistence) and the sensitivity of the affected area. The latter depends on the location of the spill, the habitat sensitivity, seasonal distribution of this sensitivity, importance of the area for recreational, aesthetic or archaeological use and proximity of the spill to wildlife habitats. Washington’s compensation-schedule method 4 uses minimal spill-specific information, and only pre-existing information about resource vulnerability to the type of oil spilled. The method has four major components: (1) A relative “harmfulness” ranking of each of the classes of oil involved as determined by their known chemical, physical and mechanical properties and factors that affect severity and persistence of the effects of the spill on the environment. (2) A relative vulnerability ranking of the receiving environment which takes into account location of the spill, habitat and sensitivity of the resource to the spill, seasonal distribution of the resources, areas of recreational use and aesthetic importance, the proximity of the spill to important habitats for birds, aquatic mammals, fish or other species listed as threatened or endangered, and areas of special ecological or recreational importance. (3) A method for calculating the resource damages from the oil spill based on (1) and (2). (4) A method for adjusting the damages calculated in (3) based on actions taken by the PRP such as immediate removal of oil from the environment, enhancing or impeding the detection of the spill and extent of damage. Part 1: Ranking of “harmfulness” There are several facets to the “harmfulness” ranking of the released material. All three rankings are on a scale of one to five. Acute toxicity indices (OILAT), which depend on the properties of the oil and its solubility in seawater, have been developed by the state agency for seven different types of oil. An acute-toxicity ranking of one represents the least harmful substance. Relative scores for mechanical injury (OILMI) have been developed based on the specific gravity of the oil spilled. Persistence scores (OILPER) have been developed on a one to five scale depending on the length of time the spilled oil is known to persist in a variety of habitat types. For example, a score of five is assigned if the effects of the oil spill will persist for five to ten years while a score of one is assigned if these effects will only last for days or weeks. Part 2: Ranking of “vulnerability” Scores indicating how vulnerable an environment is to an oil spill are determined separately for each of sixteen marine and estuarine regions and one hundred and thirty-one sub regions in the state. There are vulnerability scores for spills in: marine and estuarine waters; the 4 For complete details including values of scores, see Washington (1992). 29 Columbia River estuary; 5 freshwater streams, rivers, and lakes; and freshwater wetlands. (a) Marine and Estuarine Waters: For marine and estuarine environments excluding the Columbia River, spill vulnerability scores (SVSME) for three oil effects (acute toxicity, mechanical injury and persistence) are calculated at the time of the spill for the most sensitive sub-region and season affected by the spill. 6 Each SVSME is determined by summing the vulnerability scores for habitats, marine birds, marine animals, fishery species, and recreational use. For each of 37 habitat types in the state, a score for vulnerability to acute toxicity, mechanical injury and persistence has been developed. Furthermore, each of the marine and estuarine sub-regions are ranked and scored on a one to five scale for each season for vulnerability of marine birds, marine fisheries, shellfish, salmon, mammals, and recreation. For example, the recreation vulnerability score is determined based on seasonal level of participation in recreational activities, number of recreation sites and types of recreational amenities available in a sub region for each of the four seasons. The formula used to calculate the SVSME for each of the three oil effects is given by Equation 1: SVSiME = HVSi + BVS + MVS + MFVS + SFVS + SAVS + RVS , where (1) SVSiME = Spill vulnerability score for oil effect i in a marine or estuarine environment i = Index for effect of oil: i ∈ {acute toxicity (AT), mechanical injury (MI), or persistence (PER)} K = Total number of habitats to be considered PCk = Percent coverage 7 of habitat type k hv ik = Habitat vulnerability score for habitat type k and oil effect i HVSi = Total habitat vulnerability to oil effect i : K HVSi = ∑ hv ik PCk k =1 BVS MVS MFVS SFVS SAVS RVS = = = = = = Marine bird vulnerability score for most sensitive season affected by spill Marine mammal vulnerability score for most sensitive season affected by spill Marine fisheries vulnerability score for most sensitive season affected by spill Shellfish vulnerability score for most sensitive season affected by spill Salmon vulnerability score for most sensitive season affected by spill Recreation vulnerability score for most sensitive season affected by spill. The vulnerability scores are increased if species of particular importance are likely to have been affected by the spill. A number of the vulnerability scores (BVS, MVS, SFVS, and SAVS) are increased by a multiplicative factor of 1.5 if any state or federal threatened or endangered species are exposed to the spill. In addition, the habitat vulnerability scores for a particular habitat type is increased by a multiplicative factor of 1.5 if sea grass or kelp is present. 5 The Columbia River estuary has been distinguished from other estuarine waters of the state because it resides within the jurisdiction of two states, Washington and Oregon. 6 There are 16 regions and 131 sub-regions defined for the purposes of this regulation. 7 For very small spills (fewer than 1000 gallons) percent coverage is given by the percentage of each habitat type in the affected subregion(s). For spills of 1000 or more gallons, percent coverage is given by the composition of only those habitats exposed to the spilled oil, requiring more data collection. 30 (b) Columbia River Estuary: Bird, fish, mammal, invertebrate, habitat and human use resource sensitivity have been evaluated for each square kilometer cell in the region of the Columbia River Estuary for each season. These scores range from one to five. The vulnerability score for a particular cell i (VSi) is determined by adding the sensitivity scores assigned to each cell for each of five “uses” during the most sens itive season affected by the spill. VSi = BSSi + FSSi + MSSi + ISSi + HSSi + HUSi (2) where: VSi BSS FSS MSS ISS HSS HUS = = = = = = = vulnerability score for cell i Bird sensitivity score for most sensitive season affected Fish sensitivity score for most sensitive season affected Mammal sensitivity vulnerability score for most sensitive season affected Invertebrate sensitivity score for most sensitive season affected Habitat sensitivity score for most sensitive season affected Human use sensitivity score for most sensitive season affected. If there are N cells exposed to the spill, the overall spill vulnerability score (SVSCR) is calculated as the average of the vulnerability scores (VSi) for the cells exposed to the spill. N SVS CR = ∑ VS i =1 i N (3) (c) Freshwater streams, rivers, and lakes: For freshwater surface water bodies, such as streams, rivers, and lakes, spill vulnerability (SVSFW) is simply determined by multiplying a freshwater vulnerability score (FVS) with a habitat index score (HIS) as: SVSFW = FVS * HIS. (4) The FVS ranges from one to five depending on the type of water, where a score of five is assigned to the most sensitive category and one is assigned to the least sensitive category. “Sensitivity” in this context is, in large part, a function of the importance of the waters to domestic water supplies, recreation, fish or wildlife habitat, or water-quality protection. The HIS is an index representing existing stream conditions prior to the oil spill, and is estimated based on the following habitat quality parameters: barriers to natural fish movement, urbanization, land use of watershed, flow alteration, channel modification, water quality, and condition of riparian vegetation, floodplain, and streambed. The HIS can vary from 0 to 10, with high values associated with freshwater systems that are not highly degraded. (d) Freshwater wetlands: The spill vulnerability of freshwater wetlands (SVS WL) is set equal to a wetlands-vulnerability score, WVS, according to: SVSWL = WVS. All wetlands are grouped into four categories based on the sensitivity of habitat, plants, 31 (5) animals and recreational use to oil spills. The WVS for a particular spill site ranges from one to five depending on the category into which the site has been placed. The highest sensitivity score goes to wetlands that, for example, harbor endangered species, while the lowest score goes to small, hydrologically- isolated wetlands full of invasive species. Part 3: Calculation of damages using compensation schedule The formula used to calculate monetary damages for spills into marine and estuarine waters is: Damages ($) = V*m*[(OilAT* SVSAT) + (OilMI* SVSMI) + (OilPER* SVSPER)] (6) and the formula used to calculate monetary damages for spills into the Columbia River Estuary, freshwater bodies, or wetlands is: Damages ($) = V*m*SVS [OilAT +OilMI+OilPER] , where V SVS OILAT OILMI OILPER j m = = = = = = = (7) volume of spill (gallons) spill vulnerability score acute toxicity score for the oil mechanical injury score for the oil persistence score for the oil most sensitive season affected by the spill multiplier to adjust the damages to a range of $1-50 per gallon; equal to: 0.10 for marine and estuarine waters 0.20 for Columbia River 0.08 for freshwater bodies 0.81 for freshwater wetlands. When oil spills affect more tha n one type of environment, damages are calculated using the methods described above for each of the receiving environment types exposed to the spilled oil. Total damages are then estimated as the greatest of the damages calculated for the receiving environment types exposed to the spill. This allows damage assessment to proceed without trying to ascertain how much oil spread onto each of the different types of environments. Part 4: Adjusting damages for PRP mitigation The damages estimated above may be modified based on actions taken by the PRP, such as preventing spill injury to certain types of species and restoring resources injured by the spill. The extent to which damages are reduced is determined by the natural resource damage assessment committee. If the PRP contains the oil spill before it comes in contact with the shore and removes a part of the spilled oil then the damages assessed are reduced. For the portion of the oil that is removed damages are assessed after reducing the OILMI and the OILPER scores by 10%. These damages are then added to damages assessed for the portion of the oil not immediately removed from the receiving environment. However, damages are not to be reduced to less than one dollar per gallon of oil spilled. 32 Example of the Washington method in use: Suppose there were a spill of 30 gallons of asphalt sealant in an estuarine area during the summer. Of the area covered by the spill, 50% was open water, 20% was mud flats, and 30% was open rocky shores. The habitat vulnerability scores are calculated as: % coverage HVSAT HVSMI HVSPER Open water .50 5 3.2 2.2 Mud flats .20 3.7 2.6 4.1 Open rocky shores .30 3 3.5 3 Overall: 4.14 3.17 2.82 Other parameters for the area and season of the spill are: Notation BVS MVS MFVS SFVS SAVS RVS Parameter Marine bird vulnerability score Marine mammal vulnerability score Marine fisheries vulnerability score Shellfish vulnerability score Salmon vulnerability scorea Recreation vulnerability score Sum of vulnerability scores: Value 2 1 3 2 4.5 2 14.5 The two tables above imply that the spill vulnerability scores for the three oil effects are SVSAT = 18.64, SVSMI = 17.67, and SVSPER = 17.32. For this particular kind of oil, the harmfulness rankings are given by OilAT = .9, OilMI = 5, and OilPER = 4. Damages are thus equal to: Damages ($) = 30 * .1 * [(.9*18.64) + (5* 17.67) + (4* 17.32)] = $523.22 a The salmon vulnerability score is calculated with a page- long table that is omitted here in the interest of clarity. Source: Adapted from cases provided by the Washington Department of Ecology. Discussion of Washington method We have data from the DECY on NRD cases during the years 1991 to 2001. During that time, 90% of the oil releases in Washington were handled using this compensation method. The single most common pollutant was diesel oil, which accounted for 64% of all cases; the remaining cases were spread widely among at least 15 other categories of petroleum products. Most cases were either in freshwater streams and lakes (34%) or marine environments (51%). Of the cases for which claims have been filed, 84% are recorded as having been paid. Figure 2.4 33 gives a histogram of the claims made in cases that used the Washington state compensation schedule method. These claims are mostly moderate in size. While few exceed $25,000 (though the largest case involved a claim for over a million dollars), almost none are lower than $100. Figure 2.5 provides a scatter-plot of the value of NRD claimed against the volume of the spill in each of the cases for which the compensation schedule was used. The biggest cases were dropped from the graph in order to make the rest easier to display. While the claims do tend to be larger when the spill is bigger, the schedule is complex enough that the correlation between these two values is not perfect. For all 209 cases in the data set the correlation coefficient is 0.94, but when the largest five spills are dropped the correlation coefficient drops to 0.80. The Washington compensation schedule has many desirable features. It is inexpensive and easy to use, since it is designed to produce an estimate of damages using little more information than the type and volume of oil released and the location of the spill. Given its simplicity, this assessment method has a surprising amount of spill specificity, since the factors used to scale damages are calculated separately for each of a very large number of different geographic regions within the state. Many of the parameters used in the method were developed with the input of a knowledgeable scientific advisory board. The damage assessment formulas discussed above yield damage estimates that increase with the magnitude of the spill, proxies for the magnitude of the injury (e.g. vulnerability of different habitat types to mechanical injury and acute toxicity) and the length of time the injury is likely to persist. Damage estimates are likely to be higher in cases where the injured resources are of relatively great value. There are many places in the schedules where judgments of relative values are implicitly being made; four examples can be readily identified. First, spill vulnerability scores are higher in marine and estuarine areas if species of special importance (such as those thought to be endangered) are likely to have been affected. Second, spill vulnerability scores are higher in freshwater areas if the water system in question is important for benefits such as municipal water supply, recreation, or wildlife habitat. These scores are also higher if the water system is relatively pristine. Pristine water systems may actually be better able to recover from a spill than systems that are already highly degraded; this element of the SVS for freshwater spills seems to act as a measure of variation in the value of what is being injured. Third, the index of recreation vulnerability includes factors relevant to the social value of the damaged resource, since recreation vulnerability is a function of how many people participate in recreational activities in the area affected by a spill. Fourth, spill vulnerability scores are higher for freshwater wetlands that are important (for example, those that harbor endangered species) or unusual. However, there is no unified, transparent mechanism through which the value to society of damaged resources is brought into the calculations; many features of the assessment schedules seem to impose arbitrary and possibly undesirable structures on the damages that are assessed. For example, the multipliers used to adjust monetary damages to lie between $1 and $50 are arbitrary; there is no a priori reason that the monetary damages caused per gallon of oil spilled in each of the four types of receiving environments should adhere to the same numerical range. In general, placing a cap on the amount of damages assessed may reduce incentives to prevent the most harmful oil spills. Also, in the marine and Columbia River compensation schedules, 34 35 65 cases 30 57 cases % of All Cases 25 40 cases 20 15 28 cases 10 14 cases 5 5 cases 0 $0-$100 $101-$500 $501-$1,000 $1,001-$5,000 $5,001-$25,000 $25,001+ NRD $ Billed Figure 2.4 Damages in Washington Cases, 1991-2001 Source: Data from Washington Department of Ecology – OPA Division 70 60 NRD Claim ($1000) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Volume of Spill (gallons) Figure 2.5 Value of Claim by Gallons Spilled in WA State, 1991-2001 Source: Data from Washington Department of Ecology – OPA Division. Note the five largest spills have been removed from the graph to improve readability. 35 5000 6000 vulnerability and sensitivity scores for a variety of potentially injured resources are added together in a manner that forces the different uses to have identical weights. Thus, a spill that causes maximal damage to shellfish but leaves salmon untouched will be deemed as damaging as a spill of similar volume that causes maximal damage to salmon but leaves shellfish untouched. The equality of values implied by these formulas is questionable. How could the link to real economic damages be strengthened without sacrificing the great simplicity of the Washington compensatio n tables? One possibility would be to excise the implicit value judgments from the current method and use vulnerability scores solely to generate estimates of the quantity of resources likely to have been injured. Those quantity estimates could then be translated into monetary damages per-unit value estimates from meta-analyses of casespecific damage assessments of the resources in question. Meta-analysis involves the statistical analysis of previous research results to show how environmental values obtained from various studies vary with environmental characteristics, socio-economic characteristics or other particular features of these studies (see Loomis and White (1996) for an example). In this case, very simple analysis could be done to find the mean damage associated with a unit of injury to a type of resource. Those mean values could provide a link between proxies for extent of physical injury and estimates of monetary damages. In order to perform the relevant meta-analyses, more case-specific NRDAs would need to be done to provide accurate estimates of economic damages. The results of those studies then become the data for the meta-analyses. Analysts in Washington could at least use such a technique to verify whether per-gallon damages do, in fact, range from $1 to $50 in each of the four types of receiving environments enumerated by the regulations. Finally, with the exception of recreation vulnerability, there is no way for this assessment tool to produce larger damage estimates in situations where more people were using or otherwise benefiting from the resource that is injured. This weakness is present in all of the other assessment tools described in this paper, and is further discussed in the conclusions. B. Florida Florida has the nation’s second longest coastline, rich ecological resources, and a large number of oil spills and toxic chemical releases every year. Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is the agency vested with trustee responsibility and authority to assess and recover the damages to the state’s natural resources associated with oil spills and chemical releases. The agency has used relatively complex assessment methods (such as travel cost analysis, in conjunction with NOAA and consultants, and habitat equivalency analysis) in cases of large spills and groundings that led to coral-reef damage. However, the great majority of NRDAs in Florida are conducted using a simplified method set out in Florida law under Chapter 376, Pollution Discharge Prevention and Removal. Section 121 of that Chapter states the Legislature’s finding that PRPs should reimburse the public for damages to natural resources even when restoration is infeasible and lost values are difficult to quantify. It sets forth a compensation schedule that is designed to allow damages to be collected when resource values are lost as a result of a moderate or small discharge, while 36 preventing excessive expenditures on the assessment process. Most of the details of the compensation schedule and its proper use are stipulated in the law itself, except that the law charges the DEP with the task of ranking non-petroleum pollutants on a one-to-three scale of harmfulness. Section 121 grants rebuttable presumption in judicial and administrative proceedings to any NRDA performed in accordance with the rules established by this law. The statute claims that the compensation schedule is based upon both restoration costs and the loss of a wide range of use (economic, scientific, recreational, educational, consumptive, and aesthetic) and non-use (ecological and intrinsic) values associated with injured or destroyed resources. The law addresses damages due to discharges into coastal and offshore waters; the compensation schedule is not readily applied to land-based discharges that result in damages to terrestrial natural resources. While the schedule utilizes less data than would a full damage assessment, it does scale the required compensation on the basis of variation in the volume of the discharge, the harmfulness of pollutant discharged, proximity of the discharge to the Florida coastal shore and/or special management areas, the type and quantity of habitat affected, and the number of endangered or threatened species that are killed as a result of the discharge. When a discharge occurs, that discharge must be reported to the proper authorities (according, for example, to provisions in the Oil Pollution Act of 1990). A Pollution Discharge Report is completed within a very short time frame (roughly six working days). If the discharge is less than 30,000 gallons, the DEP uses the compensation schedule to assess the damage s. In case of a discharge greater than 30,000 gallons, the PRP may choose either to pay the amount calculated with the compensation schedule or to have a case-specific damage assessment performed and pay the damages determined by that assessment. If the PRP wants to opt for the extended damage assessment, it must notify the DEP within fifteen days of the discovery of the discharge. That choice is irreversible, even if the damages estimated using the damage assessment are greater than the damages calculated by applying the compensation schedule. Even if the PRP opts for a full damage assessment, all payment is not delayed until the assessment is complete. Within 90 days, the PRP is required to pay an amount calculated by application of the compensation schedule to the discharge assuming a volume of 30,000 gallons. Once the damage assessment is complete, the PRP must pay the state for any damages in excess of the early payment that was made. However, that initial payment represents a lower bound on the total payment for which the PRP is responsible even if the assessment yields a lower value. The details of the Florida assessment method are as follows. 8 Basic parameters for the spill and its effects are determined, and values for each of a number of scaling factors are chosen. All of these numbers are entered into Equation 8 (this formulation tracks the language of the law very closely) to determine a dollar value for the natural resource damages: Damages ($) = (($1 / gal * V * LDF * SMAF ) + (HF * H * SMAF )) * PC F + E + C (8) where: V = Volume of spill (gallons) 8 This representation of the schedule and the boxed example of its use are courtesy of Nick Stratis from the Florida DEP. 37 LDF SMAF H HF PCF E C = Location-of-discharge factor, equal to: 8 if inshore origin 5 if nearshore origin 1 if offshore origin or origin outside state waters 1 if small release in terminal facility or port authority = Special- management-area factor, equal to: 1 if origin outside special management area 2 if origin inside special management area 2 if origin outside SMA but discharge enters SMA = Amount of habitat = Habitat factor for areas damaged, equal to: $10/sq.ft. if coral reef $1/sq.ft. if mangroves, sea grasses $1/ft. if sandy beach $.50/sq.ft. if live bottom, oyster reef, worm rock, perennial algae, salt marsh, freshwater tidal marsh $.05/sq.ft. if sandy bottom, mud flat = Pollution-category factor, equal to: 8 if Category 1 (bunker, residual fuel) 4 if Category 2 (waste, crude, lubricating oils; asphalt, tars) 1 if Category 3 (e.g. diesels, heating oil, jet fuels, gasoline) = Compensation for death of imperiled species, equal to: $10,000*number of animals if species listed as endangered $5,000*number of animals if species listed as threatened = Cost of damage assessment. The first segment of the equation assigns some damages just for the existence of a release, even if there is no relevant contact with habitat or harm done to endangered animals. That amount of base damages increases with the volume of the release and proximity to shore. Base damages are also higher if the release is in (or spreads to affect) a “special management area” such as a state or national park or aquatic reserve. Each factor is multiplicative, not additive. Thus, inshore status and the presence of a special management area act to increase damages by a larger absolute amount for larger spills. The second segment of the equation adds to total damages in cases where habitat has been affected. That amount of damages increases with the amount of habitat. Damages are greater per unit of habitat for some habitat types than for others (coral is valued at $10 per square foot, while a mud flat is valued at only five cents per square foot), and damages are greater for the same amount of a given habitat type if it is located in a special management area. Habitat is deemed affected if the pollutant comes in contact with it; the agency need not demonstrate harm. Both of the damage components outlined above are increased by a multiplicative factor of four or eight if the material discharged is deemed to fall into a category of pollutants that is more harmful than Category 3 (which includes motor fuel and heating oil). The total bill is calculated by adding that amount to the costs of doing the assessment and a fine for the deaths of animals that are listed as being endangered ($10,000 each) or “threatened” ($5,000 each). 38 Example of the Florida formula in use: Suppose there were a spill of 1,000 gallons of waste and crude oils in a nearshore area within the boundaries of a coastal protection area. The resources damaged are: 100 square feet of coral reef, 200 square feet of mangroves, 1,000 feet of beach, 100 square feet of live bottom, and 100 square feet of sandy bottom. The cost of conducting the assessment is $40,000. NRD ($) = {($1*1,000*5*2) + [($10*1,000) + ($1*200) + ($1*1,000) + ($.50*100) + ($.05*100)]*2}*4 + $40,000 = $170,040 Source: Nick Stratis, Florida DEP Discussion of Florida method The Florida DEP has applied this simplified method to over 4,000 cases since 1992. The distribution of damages assessed since 1995 can be seen in Figure 2.6. Over 80% of all cases have had damages billed of $50 or less – the oil- spill equivalent of a speeding ticket. While 33 cases have been assigned damages of over $5,000, the monetary value of claims made in Florida are generally much lower than the NRD damages being charged in the state of Washington. Recovery rates (damage payments as a percent of damages assessed) have been approximately 75-80% in cases where the PRP is identifiable; this is comparable to the rates observed in the Washington data. One key to the use of this simplified method of NRDA is that Florida state law grants rebuttable presumption to any results of its proper use. The agency staff need not worry about a PRP challenging their NRD estimate in court just because they use a simplified NRDA method. Other state agencies interested in adopting a method like this might have little success unless they can convince their state legislatures to bless its use in their own body of state law. The correct damages associated with the deaths of endangered and threatened species may or may not be $10,000 and $5,000, respectively (see Loomis sand White (1996) for some estimates of values of endangered species.) However, it does make sense for some value to be added to the other damages in cases where species of particular importance are lost. This may be the only feasible way to incorporate that value given the large number of listed species. If there is the potential for a large number of such species to be killed, it is worth considering a modification to the schedule that recognizes that the marginal value of species killed is probably not linear. One would need to study the literature on endangered-species valuation to ascertain whether the incremental value of a threatened creature is increasing or decreasing with the number of such creatures that are lost. 39 70 2,597 cases 60 % of All Cases 50 40 30 20 644 cases 360 cases 10 157 cases 120 cases 103 cases 501-1,000 1,001-5,000 33 cases 0 0-49 50 51-100 101-500 5,000+ NRD $ Billed Figure 2.6 Damages in Florida Cases, 1995-2001 Source: Data from Florida DEP. The habitat factors have the appearance of mean values per unit of resource damaged. Such values could be obtained from a meta-analysis of previous valuation studies. It is not clear from the statute where the habitat factors in the Florida assessment method come from. If they are based on some such analysis, then this forms a reasonably good foundation for a simplified assessment of the value of the damaged resources. However, it is not clear why there should be a term for damages associated with the volume of the spill which is added to a term for damages associated with injured habitat. If affected habitat does not fall into one of the listed categories (coral reef, sandy beach, etc.) then it may make sense to estimate the damages just as a function of the volume, type, and location of the spill. If, on the other hand, oil is spilled right on top of a sandy beach, then it seems as though adding damages from the first term to damages from the second term is redundant, and may amount to double counting. This equation only makes sense if there is some damage associated with the mere fact of a discharge that is independent of the exposure of ecological systems to pollutants and the deaths of endangered species. III. Simplified NRDA for groundwater contamination CERCLA provides trustee agencies with a mandate to recover NRDs from parties responsible for discharging hazardous materials into the environment. While some NRD cases that states have pursued under CERCLA have been for recent releases, most have pursued 40 damages to natural resources at contaminated sites on the National Priorities List (“Superfund sites”). As Figure 2.7 makes clear, New Jersey has the largest number of Superfund sites. For this reason it is perhaps not surprising that the trustee agency in New Jersey has developed a simplified method for assessing at least some of the NRDs associated with chemical contamination of the environment. As pollutants move through the environment, groundwater is commonly contaminated by releases of hazardous materials even when the initial release is not directly into that resource. While all NRDA is challenging, it is particularly difficult to value the loss to society when groundwater resources are compromised (NRC, 1997). Thus, it may be of special use to trustees to use a simplified assessment when pursuing damages associated with groundwater contamination. Here, we outline and discuss two such methods developed by trustees in New Jersey and Minnesota. 140 Number of Superfund Sites 120 100 80 60 40 0 AK AL AR AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MS MT NC NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY 20 State Figure 2.7 Superfund Sites by State Source: Environmental Defense Fund. Data from Scorecard. Downloaded from http://www.scorecard.org/envreleases/land/ [7/02]. 41 A. New Jersey The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is the designated trustee for New Jersey’s natural resources. At the time of our survey, the Office of Natural Resource Damages (ONRD) was responsible for implementing the NRDA program to address and ensure that PRPs compensate the public for injuries to natural resources; that office is now named the Office of Natural Resource Restoration (ONRR). The New Jersey Legislature has declared groundwater to be one of the resources most vulnerable to contamination by hazardous discharges. Groundwater is an important natural resource for New Jersey. It is a major source of water for drinking and irrigation, and provides non-consumptive ecological services such as prevention of salt water intrusion, maintenance of freshwater wetlands, and base flow to surface waters. In addition to the Federal statutes previously discussed (notably OPA and CERCLA), there are multiple state statutes establishing the DEP’s authority to require the investigation and restoration of natural resource injuries. These include the Water Pollution Control Act, the Spill Compensation and Control Act, the Industrial Site Recovery Act and the Brownfield and Contaminated Site Remediation Act in addition to the Public Trust Doctrine under which the State is responsible as the trustee of the State’s natural resources to manage these resources. These statutes specify that PRPs should compensate the public for the loss associated with injuries to natural resources by paying monetary damages the State, committing to restore the injured resources to their former state, or engaging in restoration projects elsewhere in the watershed that achieve similar restoration benefits. The federal court has stated that “while it is not irrational to look to market price as one factor in determining the use value of a resource, it is unreasonable to view market price as the exclusive factor or even the predominant one… natural resources have values that are not fully captured by the market system” (NJDEP, 1999). The New Jersey Legislature also recognizes that the public value of a resource is distinct and could exceed the private value. At a minimum, NRDs include restoration costs and the cost of assessing the damages. Restoration costs are the costs of actions that return natural resource services to their baseline condition sooner than natural recovery. Assessment costs are the “reasonable” costs of performing the damage assessment; those expenditures must be commensurate with the estimated amount of damages. NRDs could also include interim losses. NRDs do not include punitive damages; thus, they do not depend on the conduct of the PRP. The DEP promulgated a document titled Technical Regulations for Site Remediation (New Jersey, 1999) which provides a mechanism for assessing the natural resource injuries required as part of the site remediation process. This chapter summarizes the 1999 policy and regulations, though some amendments to these regulations have been made recently. The assessment process involves a baseline ecological evaluation and an ecological risk assessment. The baseline assessment involves identifying if there is a contaminant of ecological concern at the site, if there are environmentally sensitive natural resources at or near the site and if there is a pathway that would link the contaminant with an environmentally sensitive natural resource. If these three criteria are met then an ecological risk assessment is required to evaluate the likelihood that adverse ecological effects to natural resources have occurred or may occur as a result of the discharge. The ecological risk assessment is used to identify the impact of the 42 discharge on receptors studied in the ecological risk assessment. In the case of groundwater, however, an ecological risk assessment is not required. The Department developed a method for determining the injuries to groundwater that is inexpensive and less time consuming than the methods applied to other resources. This method is applied to all groundwater that is classified as Class II pursuant to the State’s Groundwater Quality Standards. The simplified method utilizes only information that is already available or that must be collected as part of the remediation process by following the technical regulations for site remediation. This chapter describes and analyzes the method as it existed at the time of our survey. Unlike the simplified methods used by Washington and Florida, New Jersey’s simplified NRDA method is not codified by state legislation and thus is subject to change. Several changes have been made to the method since then. Some of those changes will be mentioned in the following discussion; however, for an updated description of the simplified method used by New Jersey, see the website of the state’s ONRR (Currently http://www.nj.gov/dep/nrr/nri/nri_gw.htm.) The basic steps in New Jersey’s 1999 simplified assessment process are as follows; note that steps four and five have been dropped in recent modifications: (1) Characterize extent of groundwater contamination. (2) Identify remedial action for groundwater contamination. (3) Determine duration of natural resource injury. (4) Determine applicability of onsite exemption. (5) Determine applicability of de minimis exemptions. (6) Determine which water supply planning area the contaminant plume is located in and the projected status (e.g. surplus, deficit) of that area in the year 2040. (7) Determine annual groundwater recharge rate. (8) Determine dollar value of potable water. (9) Calculate surrogate value of the groundwater injury. The first three steps are based on information obtained as part of the remedial investigation of the groundwater for the site as required by the Technical Requirements for Site Remediation. The most typical nondepletive remedial actions used for contaminated groundwater are, pump and treat systems that reinject the treated groundwater either on-site or off-site, natural attenuation, and in situ treatment. The duration of injury is defined as time in years between when the remedial decision is made and when the water meets New Jersey groundwater quality standards or 30 years, whichever is smaller. There were a variety of limits on assessed damages under this approach which seem to have been eliminated by recent changes to the policy. The Department did not require restoration of natural resource injuries to groundwater if the contaminated plume has not traveled beyond the current boundaries of the property where the discharge occurred, the remedial action is a nondepletive action, and no other natural resources (such as wetlands or surface waters) are affected by the contaminated groundwater. Even if the contaminant plume has moved off-site, the department specified de minimis criteria on the size and duration of the plume for which it would not require restoration of natural resource injuries to groundwater. Additionally, it was specified 43 that for contemporary injuries, only prospective lost use will be assessed (past lost use will not be added to the damages assessed), and the prospective duration of groundwater injury was limited to a maximum of 30 years. Injury designation is based on the projected status of the water supply planning area where the contamination occurs, with a higher injury designation for areas projected to be in deficit in 2040. The groundwater recharge rate over the duration of the existence of the contaminant plume is used to determine the volume of water that may be expected to be contaminated by coming into contact with the groundwater contamination plume. Alternatively, an estimate of the site-specific volume of the contaminated groundwater plume will be used if it can be obtained, since that is more likely to reflect the extent of contamination. The next step is to identify the dollar cost to consumers for potable water in the area of the site. Of the multiple potable water rates applicable in the area, the Department uses the high potable water rate for valuing injuries in deficit water planning areas, and the low potable water rate for surplus areas. These water rates are established by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities. In the last step, the surrogate groundwater injury value which establishes the magnitude of the restoration remedial action necessary to compensate for the injury to groundwater is determined as follows under the 1999 policy: NRD $ = PA * RR * 7.48 * DI * WR (9) where the constant 7.48 is just a conversion factor from cubic feet to gallons, and the notation is defined as : PA = off-property plume area (sq. ft.) RR = recharge rate (ft./yr.) DI = duration of injury (yrs.) WR = water rate ($/1000 gal.) Example of the New Jersey formula in use: Annual Groundwater Recharge Rate: 1.33 feet/yr Water Rate: $4.11 per 1000 gallons Extent of Contaminant Plume: 217,800 square feet Duration: 15 years STEP 1: Multiply extent of plume by annual recharge rate to get a measure of volume. (217,800 sq. ft.) x (1.33 ft./yr) = 289,674 cubic ft./yr STEP 2: Convert the volume from cubic feet to gallons (289,674 cubic ft./yr) x (7.48 gallons/cubic ft.) = 2,166,761 ga llons injured/yr STEP 3: Multiply total gallons injured by the water rate and duration for the total value (2,166,761 gallons/yr) x (15 years) x ($4.11 /1000 gallons) = $133,580.00 44 Information for this calculation is obtained from various sources. The Planning Area of the site and the projected water status of that area are identified from the New Jersey Statewide Water Supply Plan (1996). The annual groundwater recharge rate is the value in feet for the Planning Area, and is also determined from New Jersey Statewide Water Supply Plan (1996). The water rate is the current value in dollars per thousand gallons for the Planning Area, and is obtained from the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities. The aerial extent of the contaminant plume includes only the off- site plume in squa re feet, and is determined in a remedial investigation under the Technical Requirement for Site Remediation N.J.A.C.7:26E. There has been some interest in using this method elsewhere. For example, a rough calculation of groundwater value at a contaminated site in Illinois has been performed using the New Jersey formula. 9 The site studied was Kankakee, Illinois, where a pipeline break in 1988 released thousands of gallons of gasoline into the environment. Although most of this spill evaporated or was cleaned up, some gasoline percolated into the underlying aquifer. The contaminant of concern was MTBE, a fuel additive that may be carcinogenic. The contaminant plume for MTBE in this area was studied from 1989-1994. Those studies yielded three different estimates of the extent of the contamination, depending on the size of the plume, the shape of the plume, and the movement of the contaminant through the aquifer. These were 1.45 square miles (40,400,000 sq. ft.), 0.91 square miles (25,500,000 sq. ft.), and 7.2 square miles (201,000,000 sq. ft.). The average annual recharge rate was estimated at approximately 5.7 inches per year, and a water rate of $2.00 per 1000 gallons was used. Calculations were made with two different durations, either 10 years or 30 years. The resulting values ranged from approximately $1.8 million to approximately $42.8 million, depending on the size of the plume used in the calculation as well as the duration of the pollutant in levels exceeding water quality standards in the aquifer. Discussion of New Jersey method The method used by the New Jersey DEP has low assessment costs, which ensures that assessment costs will not exceed estimated damages. In addition, the method is valid in the sense that it attempts to value the loss of consumptive services that people gain from public supplies of groundwater. It assigns higher values in places where water is likely to be in excess demand, and thus there will be a higher price of water. This method is used as a surrogate or a substitute for the actual value of the injury because the state is yet to identify the best way to place a dollar value on the non-consumptive human services and the ecological services provided by groundwater. However, the method has various limitations. Some of them are necessary features of a simplified assessment method. Other weaknesses could be remedied without sacrificing the simplicity of the approach. Desvousges et al. (1999) have written a fairly detailed critique of this valuation tool, outlining its strengt hs and weaknesses. We will touch upon some of the same points, but aim to highlight some of the most important limitations of this method from the viewpoint of economics. In general, it is impossible to say whether damage estimates produced using this method will be biased up or down since there are biases of both types built into the method; the net results will vary with the details of the assessment at hand. First, the New Jersey method considers the lost use value to be the same over the duration 9 Correspondence with Al Wehrmann, Illinois State Water Survey. February 26, 2002. 45 of the injury by simply multiplying the per annum loss by the number of years of lost use. To the extent that a dollar lost in the future is worth less than a dollar lost today because of a positive time value of money; that leads to an upward bias in estimates of the losses due to groundwater contamination. The method also does not recognize that future generations may impute different values to groundwater than does the current generation depending on prices and social preferences in the future. Second, injuries were considered under the original formulation of the method to last for a maximum duration of 30 years. This was similar to the limit set for injuries from Superfund sites and provided a modeling horizon accepted by other agencies. Given the slow moving nature of many contaminants in aquifers and the irreversible impact of some contamination, this could underestimate the duration of the injury. This limitation on duration of natural resource injuries has now been eliminated by the state of New Jersey. Third, there are many problems associated with the use of the water rate as a proxy for the value of lost services. These are not market prices, which would reflect the cost of acquiring the next unit of water in the least expensive manner. Rather, they are regulated rates. These tend to be based on average, rather than marginal, costs, are slow to adjust to changes in supply and demand, may not accurately reflect variation in the value of groundwater to its users, and are chronically too low. It is not clear that a simple fix is available for this problem in the assessment method, since water-rate information is so easy to obtain and measures of marginal costs are so difficult to acquire. We should recognize, however, that these features of water rates and their use in the assessment method may tend to bias estimates of damage to water-consumption services. In addition, water rates (or even true market prices of potable water) only value consumptive use of groundwater. Non-consumptive values, such as ecosystem services provided by groundwater, are not included. Non-use values, such as existence and bequest values, are also excluded, though there is reason to believe that groundwater is not likely to have large non-use values (NRC, 1997). Economists have found it difficult to measure the non-consumptive values of groundwater even with sophisticated, expensive valuation methods (Mitchell and Carson, 1989). It may, therefore, not be possible at this time to include those values in a simplified assessment method. However, those who work with the results of such assessments should bear in mind that an entire category of value is excluded. Finally, the use of the price of water tends to bias damage estimates upwards to the extent that this practice does not take into account the existence of substitute sources of water or the possibility that contaminated groundwater could be de-contaminated and then used. As the next section of this chapter shows, the state of Minnesota uses an approach that avoids at least some of this particular bias. B. Minnesota10 In 1994, the state of Minnesota launched a Closed Landfill Program to clean up and handle the long-term care for over 100 closed municipal solid waste landfills in the state. Broad10 Background information comes from MPCA (2002). 46 based funding for the program was provided for in the Minnesota Landfill Cleanup Act of 1994. The 1996 Amendments to that Act (Minn. Stat. Ch. 115B.441 – 115B.445) set forth a mechanism for obtaining contributions from insurance carriers to the funding for the program. In many cases, the people who bore legal responsibility for environmental response costs at these facilities (the owners or operators, those who hauled waste to the facility, or those who produced waste that was disposed of at the landfills) held liability insurance for environmental response costs at the landfill. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) works with the Attorney General’s Office to obtain appropriate payments from those insurance carriers which have outstanding exposure for cleanup liability at the closed landfill sites. In order to have a foundation for the settlement negotiation process, the MPCA has developed estimates of the environmental response costs the state expects to incur at each of the landfills in the program. The agency has also developed estimates of NRDs, since the carriers can request settlement for NRDs at the time they settle for response costs and thus be granted immunity from future legal action regarding NRD compensation. As of November of 2001, the NRD portion of the settlements paid to the state totaled $3,359,072. 11 The MPCA chose to base its NRD estimates on groundwater contamination at the 66 landfills at which groundwater contamination exceeds the state’s Health Risk Limits (HRL). The method they used was simplified, and used only data that was already readily available. Total damages at the 66 landfills were estimated to be $50,712,046. The approach involves four steps:12 (1) Estimate average cost of lost groundwater services at a landfill ($/gallon). (2) Estimate the volume of groundwater contaminated at each of the 66 sites. (3) Calculate value of the groundwater injury as (volume * average cost). (4) Allocate damages among carriers by multiplying the total groundwater damages at a landfill by each carrier’s percentage share of the liability for costs at that landfill. The average cost of lost groundwater services was estimated as the amount by which source groundwater contamination increases the cost of providing potable municipal water. The average cost to design, construct, operate, and maintain a groundwater treatment system over 30 years was calculated (based on information from six landfills in the program) to be .57 cents/gallon. The cost of supplying drinking water based on uncontaminated groundwater supplies was estimated (based on five municipalities) to be .1 cents per gallon. Thus, the average cost of groundwater services lost due to contamination was assumed to be .47 cents/gallon (the difference between the two numbers). Discussion of Minnesota method The MPCA’s simplified valuation method is employed for a somewhat different purpose than New Jersey’s groundwater damage assessment method. The MPCA is seeking to file damage claims against those companies that insured the PRPs rather than the PRPs themselves, and insurance carriers have often settled with the state with a single payment that releases them 11 12 Personal correspondence with Shawn Ruotsinoja at the MPCA. Ruotsinoja (1997). 47 from liability for cleanup costs and NRDs at all closed landfills in the state. However, the two methods have some weaknesses in common that come as the cost of simplification. Like the New Jersey method, the MPCA’s approach implicitly assumes all groundwater is being used in municipal water supply and neglects non-consumptive values in its estimates of damages due to contamination. The Minnesota method also imposes a simplified assumption about the duration of the injury, though rather than placing an upper bound on injury duration at thirty years, it seems implicitly to assume that all injuries will last exactly thirty years. The key feature of the Minnesota method that is different from the method developed in New Jersey is that the MPCA does not use the water rate to measure the damage associated with contaminating a gallon of groundwater (thereby treating the contaminated water as a total loss). Instead, this method recognizes that contamination can be dealt with by additional treatment. This mitigates some of the upward bias embodied in the New Jersey method. The Minnesota estimates of the damages to use values are still likely to be somewhat inflated, however, since the least-cost response to contamination of source groundwater might be to switch to a different source rather than treating the contamination. In addition, the Minnesota method does not allow the per gallon damages to vary among contaminated landfills, not even as a function of the level of contamination or the price of water in different areas. This extreme simplification probably reflects the fact that the MPCA is not using its NRD calculations in case-by-case negotiations with PRPs. Rather, the agency was interested largely in devising a very rough estimate of what the NRDs at all sites in the Closed Landfill Program might be. IV. Conclusions There are some very general lessons to be learned from reviewing some of the weaknesses of the simplified damage assessment methods currently in use by these four states. First, states should avoid fixing dollar values into a compensation schedule that are not indexed for inflation, especially if the details of the assessment method are going to be written into law. Such values are fixed by Washington and Florida state law; making appropriate changes to the monetary parameters of those assessment methods will therefore be relatively difficult. Second, any agency or legislature trying to develop even a simplified assessment method should pay attention to discounting. Damages that society bears in the future have a lower present discounted value than similar damages that are borne today. This distinction should be reflected in the formulas of simplified methods, but is neglected in the New Jersey method and obscured or neglected in the formulas used by Washington, Florida, and Minnesota. Third, if the damages arise from lost use values13 , then economic theory would indicate that damages will be higher in places where many people benefit from the resource in question, and where people have high willingness-to-pay (WTP) for the resource. Since WTP is higher when income is higher (holding preferences constant), then lost use-values may well be greater if 13 If the lost benefits are thought to be largely non-use values, such as existence or bequest values, then one might argue that damages from a spill are not very sensitive to the human demography of the particular location of the spill because non-use values can accrue to people across a very large geographic area. 48 a spill occurs in a high income area. In order to incorporate such considerations into a simplified assessment tool, the designers need to think about exactly what the values are that are being assessed, and exactly who loses when those values are lost. None of the four methods we have studied have provisions to account for the characteristics of those citizens to whom the lost benefits would have accrued. This review of existing simplified methods also yields some useful guidelines and lessons for states trying to decide whether they should try to adopt similar methods, and if so, how. First, there is likely to be a big up- front cost to designing a simplified assessment method if the creators want the numbers that emerge from such assessments to be meaningful for their own states. It may only make sense to try to use such a tool if you are in a state with a large case load. Second, a state’s choice of simplified method should depend on the types of resources that are most commonly damaged in the state and the types of cases that comprise the bulk of the state’s case load. Damages from oil spills can be assessed using a fairly rich simplified method (such as those used in Washington and Florida). Since there is a short list of damaging materials that are released into the environment by such a spill, a schedule can be designed that outlines the damage that is likely to be done by those materials to the most commonly affected resources in the state. 14 In contrast, it is difficult to design a simplified method that captures all of the damages associated with a site that is contaminated by releases of materials that are old, or mixtures of materials, or both. In such cases, it may be that the only simplified method possible is one that values the damage associated with contamination of a very small number of commonly damaged resources. New Jersey and Minnesota have both singled out groundwater for this purpose; Minnesota has also contemplated valuing the loss associated with wetland destruction from landfill formation. Compensation formulas such as those in Florida and Washington assess damages to multiple types of ecosystems and species which do not have readily associated market prices. These existing methods use a variety of ranking indices to ascertain the extent and harmfulness of the damage caused by the spill. The details of these compensation schedules are in many ways specific to the states in which they were developed. However, another state could adopt a similar method if an effort were undertaken to generate parameters that make sense for the state in question. For example, few states other than Florida have coral reef. A modified compensation schedule would need to include “habitat factors” for the habitat types found in the adopting state. Florida’s method is somewhat more transparent than Washington’s in that the damage depends quite clearly on four components: one depends on the volume of spill and area of spill, the second depends on the pollution intensity of the spill and the value of the habitat damaged, the third depends on the value of species damaged, and the fourth is assessment costs. While there may be some potential for double-counting between the components, such transparency facilitates communication about the method and damages assessed to PRPs. 14 Recent releases of other hazardous materials might also be handled in such a fashion because at least one can identify the quantity and identity of the material released in such an event. However, it should be noted that while Florida law has provisions for that state’s assessment method to be applied to non-petroleum hazardous materials, such application has rarely been made. 49 Both of these states’ methods could be modified by using benefit transfer methods to incorporate resource values estimated using economic valuation methods. This would enable better identification of how these values are being assessed, the types of values that are included (such as use or non-use values), the time over which lost value is being assessed, and the human population whose lost values are being assessed. If another state wants instead to design its own groundwater damage assessment tool, it should try to adopt the best features of the New Jersey and Minnesota simplified methods. For example, the New Jersey method allows the damage associated with groundwater contamination to vary across parts of the state based on plume size recharge rate, water rate and duration. On the other hand, the Minnesota method reflects a better understanding of the true economic damage associated with groundwater contamination, in that it moves towards a formula that calculates the damage as the increased cost of providing municipal water as a result of the contamination. A more accurate assessment method would assign damages as the lower of the cost of decontamination or of providing water from alternative sources altogether. However, that specificity may be beyond the scope of a simplified method. This sort of simplified assessment method is relatively easy for a state trustee agency to design because damages to only one resource are being assessed there are not too many statespecific parameters that need to be developed. However, while a price is available for water, that price ignores ecological service benefits. These valuation tools would benefit from being expanded to include non-consumptive and non- use values using benefit transfer methods. Economists have much work to do in this area if these tools are to capture more than the simplest use values of groundwater. All of these simplified assessment methods need to be tested. Trustees should be wary of a formula that yields results that are highly sensitive to the exact values chosen for the parameters (as seems to be the case of the New Jersey groundwater valuation method). Research should be done which conducts non-simplified NRDAs for a set of cases in states such as Washington and Florida, and compares the damages that emerge from the more costly casespecific methods to the damage estimates yielded by the simplified methods. This sort of study could determine at least whether the simplified methods are subject to chronic over- or underestimation of damages. If such bias is found, the simplified methods can be modified to correct it. While it is surely desirable to develop tools capable of yielding NRD estimates in a quick and inexpensive manner, we can still strive to make them as accurate as they can be. 50 References Cozine, M. H. 1999. “Natural Resource Damages: A Sleeping Giant Awakes.” New Jersey Law Journal. CLVII-No. 1-INDEX 6, July: 156-158. Desvousges, W. H., R. W. Dunford, K. E. Mathews, C. L. Taylor and J. L. Teague. 1999. A Preliminary Economic Evaluation of New Jersey’s Proposed Groundwater Damage Assessment Process. Prepared for New Jersey Site Remediation Industry Network by Triangle Economic Research, Durham, NC. Loomis, J. B. and D. S. White. 1996. “Economic Benefits of Rare and Endangered Species: Summary and Meta-analysis.” Ecological Economics 18: 197-206. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). Closed Landfill Program – Insurance Recovery Effort . Downloaded from http://www/pca.mn.us/cleanup/landfill-closed.html [7/02]. Mitchell, R. C. and R. T. Carson. 1989. Existence Values for Groundwater Protection. Draft Final Report Prepared Under Cooperative Agreement CR814041-01 between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Resources for the Future. National Research Council. 1997. Valuing Groundwater: Economic Concepts and Approaches. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). 1999. Frequently Asked Questions about Natural Resource Damages in New Jersey. Office of Natural Resource Damages, NJDEP. Ruotsinoja, S. 1997. Natural Resource Damages Calculations for Closed Landfill Program Insurance Settlements. State of Minnesota Office Memorandum. Shrestha, R. K. and J. B. Loomis. 2001. “Testing a Meta-analysis Model for Benefit Transfer in International Outdoor Recreation.” Ecological Economics 391: 67-83. State of New Jersey (New Jersey). 1999. Technical Requirement for Site Remediation N.J.A.C.7:26E. State of Washington (Washington). 1992. Preassessment Screening and Oil Spill Compensation Schedule Regulations. Title 173 Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-183. Downloaded from http://www.leg.wa.gov/wac/index.cfm?fuseaction=title&title=173 [9/01]. State of Washington (Washington). 2001. Oil and Hazardous Substance Spill Prevention and Response. Revised Code of Washington Chapter 90.56. Downloaded from http://search.mrsc.org/nxt/gateway.dll?f=templates&fn=legpage.htm$vid=rcwwac:leg [9/01]. U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). 2001. Pollution Incidents In and Around U.S. Waters – Internet Version. Created August 2001. Downloaded from http://www.uscg.mil/hq/g51 m/nmc/response/stats/ac.htm [7/02]. U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). 2002. Polluting Incident Compendium, Cumulative Data and Graphics for Oil Spills 1973-2000. Downloaded from http://www.uscg.mil/hq/gm/nmc/response/stats/Summary.htm [7/02]. 52 Chapter 3: Tables and Figures Table 3.1 Summary of Studies Estimating Averting Expenditures ...................................66 Table 3.2 Contingent Valuation Studies of Groundwater Values ......................................67 Table 3.3 Using Benefits Transfer for Estimating Willingness to Pay...............................70 Table 3.4 Groundwater Case Studies ..................................................................................74 Figure 3.1 Market Price Method .........................................................................................59 Figure 3.2 Reductions in Profits from Groundwater Contamination...................................60 Figure 3.3 Frequency of Use of Alternative Methods for Groundwater Damage Assessment ...........................................................................................71 Figure 3.4 Frequency of Damage to Other Resources in Cases Involving Groundwater ....72 Figure 3.5 Number of Assessment Methods Used by Number of Resources Damaged ....72 54 Chapter 3 Groundwater Damage Assessment: Methods and Values I. Introduction Groundwater is an important natural resource which can be pumped through wells and used in homes, agriculture, and in industry. In rural areas it may be the only source of drinking water. Groundwater can also be a source for surface water discharges and wetlands, and can support ecosystems and recreational activities. Precipitation percolates through the subsurface, becoming part of the groundwater supply. Contamination of groundwater develops slowly. Some contaminants occur naturally in the rock below the surface and enter the groundwater. Other contaminants found in groundwater, such as pesticides, fertilizers, road salt, and oil, are the result of human activities. Furthermore, underground tanks, septic systems, and landfills pose a threat to the quality of groundwater. As groundwater flows through permeable rock and sand beneath the earth’s surface, some harmful substances may be naturally filtered and broken down by microbes. However, because of slow flow rates and dilution, it takes long periods of time for aquifers to recover naturally from harmful pollution (IEPA, 1985). A National Research Council study (NRC, 1994) assessing the feasibility of restoring groundwater quality at hazardous waste contamination sites found that it could be resource intensive and technically difficult. Natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) provides a mechanism to impose liabilities on potentially responsible parties (PRPs) after contamination has occurred and also create incentives for PRPs to take actions to protect groundwater quality. The purpose of NRDA is to compensate the public for the direct loss of use of the resource as well as for the interim lost use and services that the resource provided. This compensation takes the form of either monetary damages paid by the responsible parties or a commitment from the PRPs to restore the injured resources to their former state. This compensation could include the cost of assessing the injuries to the resource, the cost of restoration and the value of the interim lost use. Assessment of groundwater damages caused by contamination requires that monetary values be assigned to groundwater and that these values recognize the many unique services provided by groundwater. The economic value of groundwater should be determined prior to deliberating regulatory guidelines designed to prevent contamination and implement remedial actions. Groundwater valuation should quantify its total economic value which consists of use values and nonuse va lues. Use values arise from consumptive uses, such as drinking water or irrigation supply and nonconsumptive uses such as water supply for wetlands. Nonuse values include option, existence and bequest values (Freeman, 2003). These values may arise because people might wish to preserve the environment to have the option for future use, to bequeath to their heirs or simply to preserve the resource in its current state even if they may never demand in situ the services it provides. Groundwater is a non- market good. This means that unlike goods that are traded in an open market for a pre-determined price, groundwater does not have an attached price that reflects its total economic value. Estimation of the total value of groundwater may therefore require either analytic techniques that elicit the values that people place on groundwater or indirect approaches that reveal the value they place on groundwater through choices they make regarding market goods that are closely related to groundwater. 55 This chapter will examine the extent to which available direct and indirect valuation methods are able to estimate the total value of groundwater and the range of estimates for the value of groundwater obtained by existing studies using these methods. Available studies and estimates are examined to determine how they might be used in obtaining values for groundwater. Finally, the difficulties in mechanically transferring non-market values from the literature to assess damages in a different context are discussed. II. Classification of Groundwater Services Groundwater in an aquifer provides a reserve with given quantity and quality dimensions for consumptive and non-consumptive uses. In addition, groundwater discharges to surface water contribute indirectly to the services provided by surface water and wetland ecosystems. These two functions provide a variety of services that can be classified into human- use and ecological (those provided to the ecosystem as a whole). Classifying groundwater in this manner is helpful in determining an appropriate valuation method and its use values. Human-use services can be further categorized into consumptive use services and non-consumptive use services. Examples of consumptive use services include drinking water irrigation and for manufacturing. Examples of non-consumptive uses include subsidence protection due to low groundwater levels, as a resource stock, and as a barrier against saltwater intrusion. Groundwater may protect water quality by maintaining the capacity to dilute and assimilate groundwater contaminants, support surface water supplies, provide ecological services to wetlands and riparian habitat, and prevent erosion and flood control through absorption of surface water runoff. It can facilitate habitat and ecological diversity and provide discharge to support recreational activities. Groundwater recharge provides nonuse services to surface water bodies or wetlands and other ecosystems (Bergstrom et al., 1996). III. A Conceptual Framework for Valuing Groundwater Valuation of groundwater damages requires a determination of injury, quantification of injury and damage assessment. Determination of injury requires technical data on current or baseline conditions of the aquifer in terms of quantity and quality, delineation and size of the contaminated plume, effect on water quality caused by the contamination, and changes in groundwater services as a result of quantity and quality changes. Quantity dimension includes the location of the plume relative to public water supply or private drinking water wells, amount of groundwater available within a specific geographic region in a given period of time, and the change in this quantity over time from recharge and extraction. Changes in groundwater quality could impact human health, plant density, and habitat of species depending on those plants. Quantifying the share of surface water services that can be credited to groundwater is a challenge and may involve modeling the interaction between groundwater and surface water services so that incremental contributions of groundwater can be identified. In doing this double counting of service flows should be avoided. The extent of loss of services due to groundwater contamination is quantified using a with-and-without analysis, by comparing the services provided following the injury to the services that would have been provided in the absence of the injury. Since services that would 56 have been provided in the absence of the injury cannot be observed, they must be estimated. One approach is to use services provided in an uncontaminated reference area to predict the services in an injured area. The other approach is to predict such services using historical information on the services in the injured area prior to the injury. It is important, however, to recognize that a ‘with-and-without analysis’ is different from a ‘before-and-after’ analysis. Comparing the services provided by an aquifer before and after an injury may not be a valid method for valuing the damages due to an injury. This method does not account for changes that may have taken place to affect the quantity and quality of the resource. Once the losses of economic and ecosystem services ha ve been quantified, the next step is to assess the value of those changes. Potential changes in services that may occur with groundwater contamination are availability of drinking water, human health risks measured by changes in mortality, morbidity, cancerous and non-cancerous health effects, costs of medical treatment, increased fear and anxiety within a community, averting or defensive expenditures to protect oneself from groundwater contamination, property value loss, ecological injury and loss of recreational use and loss in nonuse values (Abdalla, 1994). Dose-response models that link contaminant sources to changes in contaminants in groundwater and then to changes in economic and ecosystem services may be needed to estimate the damages due to groundwater contamination. The final step in the groundwater benefit estimation process is to assign monetary values to the changes in groundwater services. A number of techniques are available depending on the groundwater services that are being valued. After the economic value of groundwater to an individual is determined, the aggregate economic value is estimated by summing individual economic values over the total number of people who benefit from groundwater services. This requires determining the spatial distribution of consumers and producers who benefit from the groundwater resource. There is no consens us in the literature on how to determine market size, particularly when nonuse values are involved. Since contamination can affect groundwater services over a long time horizon, its total economic value to the current generation is the discounted sum of va lues in each time period over the entire time horizon required to restore groundwater quantity or quality to baseline levels. Both the length of the time horizon and the choice of discount rate can affect the estimates of groundwater values. Data regarding the quantity and quality of groundwater are imperfect and there is uncertainty about the actual changes in the current level of services projected into the future and the alternative level of services. Thus the change in service flows is an expected change and is not known with certainty. Expected changes in groundwater service flows are a function of possible alternative changes in current and future groundwater conditions and the probabilities of each of those alternatives occurring (Bergstrom et al., 1996). IV. Economic Valuation Methods Many economic methods may be used to value natural resources, although some methods may be more applicable to certain resources than others. Although there may be other methods that can be applied to the task of valuing groundwater, the following list provides an introduction to some of the economic methods that can be used and the complexity involved in applying them. The following methods were chosen because most are authorized for use by the 57 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (NRD Task Force, 1998), key legislation that helps to protect groundwater resources. Because of the limited extent of actual use of some of these methods to value groundwater, many of these methods have not been fully assessed for their advantages, disadvantages, and practicality in determining an appropriate value for groundwater. Specific case studies in which some of these methods have been used to value groundwater are included later in this chapter. A. Market Price Method The market price of water can be used to provide a measure of the economic value of a change in the quality or the quantity of groundwater due to an injury under certain restrictive conditions. If the quality of the service flow is reduced due to an injury to it, then the price of water would fall in a competitive market. The change in the market price multiplied by the number of units of flow gives the value of the loss. This assumes that the quantity of water supplied is fixed as in Pane l A of Figure 3.1. Suppose the groundwater contamination reduces the quality of the groundwater, which in turn reduces demand for it. The demand curve shifts down from D0 to D1 . With a given supply of groundwater, this reduces price from P0 to P1 . The area between the two demand curves ABCK shows the extent to which contamination has reduced the value of groundwater. This area can also be approximated by the area P0 CKP1 . This sum represents the result of the market price method of valuing damages to groundwater. It is estimated by multiplying the fixed quantity of groundwater by the change in the price of groundwater. However, this method is appropriate only if the quantity of groundwater sold in the market, Q0, is not affected by the contamination (that is, the supply of groundwater is fixed and not responsive to its price). If that is not the case and the supply curve of groundwater is instead upward sloping, then Panel B of Figure 3.1 is applicable. A reduction in the quality of the groundwater still shifts the demand curve to the left; however, market price falls by less than the amount by which the demand curve shifts since the supply curve is upward sloping. True damages are still given by the area ABCK. However, in this case the market price method wo uld lead to an estimate of damages only equal to P0 CJP1 , which would be an underestimate of the true damages. In this case, additional information on the demand curve for groundwater is needed to obtain an estimate of the loss in value of groundwater. In either case, the market price method can only measure consumptive uses of groundwater and thus provides a lower bound on the total economic value of groundwater (NRC, 1997). The advantage of this method is that it is based on observable data and is relative ly inexpensive to use. B. Production Cost Technique This technique can be used when groundwater is used as an input into a production process and groundwater contamination affects profits. Suppose that a firm uses groundwater to produce some output whose supply curve is given by S0 in Figure 3.2. Suppose the contamination of groundwater requires the firm to acquire water from a more costly source. This raises the cost of producing the output and shifts the supply curve to the left to S1 . At a given output price P0 , this reduces the output being produced and the profits of the firm. The reduction in profits is given by the area between the two supply curves, ABCD. 58 Price of groundwater Supply A B P0 C P1 J K Panel B: Upward-sloping supply D0 D1 Quantity of groundwater Q0 Price of groundwater D A Supply B P0 C P1 K Panel A: Fixed supply D0 D1 Quantity of groundwater Q0 D D0 is the demand for groundwater before contamination. D1 is the demand for groundwater after contamination. P0 is the price of groundwater before contamination. P1 is the price of groundwater after contamination. A, B, C, and K identify key points on the graphs; see text. Figure 3.1: Market Price Method 59 S1 Output price P0 A B Q1 Q0 S0 C D Output quantity S0 is the supply of a product before groundwater contamination. S1 is the supply of a product after groundwater contamination. Q0 is output of a product before groundwater contamination. Q1 is output of a produce after groundwater contamination. A, B, C, and D identify key points on the graph; see text. Figure 3.2: Reductions in Profits from Groundwater Contamination Reductions in profit can also be measured by the price of the output times the change in the quantity of the good being produced. This can be treated as an estimate of the value of water if it is assumed that the price of the output is fixed and the price of the remaining inputs is unchanged. This method ignores the potential for substitution of other inputs for water in the production process. It can also lead to incorrect estimates if groundwater values or output prices are distorted due to government programs. C. Appraisal Method The appraisal method can be used in accordance with the applicable sections of the “Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisition” incorporated into Title 43 of the Code of Federal Regulations. When contamination occurs, the value of the loss due to this contamination is determined by the difference between the va lue of the groundwater with contamination and without contamination. The value of groundwater in the absence of contamination could be its market value if groundwater rights are marketable. For example, suppose that the water at a site is potable prior to the contamination and is only suitable for 60 irrigation after contamination. Suppose further that the rights for drinking water and irrigation are valued at $2,500/acre foot and $50/acre foot respectively. The value of damages is obtained by multiplying the volume of water injured by $2,450 (=$2,500-$50). This represents the diminished market value of a perpetual- use right for one acre-foot of local groundwater. Market prices are determined with the help of local water brokers. To use this method, however, groundwater must have a predetermined value, and its quality before contamination must be known. Although this method only captures use values, the advantage is that given the value of the resource with and without contamination, it is relatively easy to determine the value lost due to pollution (NRD Task Force, 1998). D. Cost-of-Illness Method Groundwater contamination can lead to long term or chronic illnesses and possibly death. This method involves estimating the expenses resulting from illness and the lost earnings due to sickness. The limitations of this method are that it does not consider the disutility caused by illness. It also does not take into account that individuals faced with contamination undertake defensive or averting expenditures to protect themselves. This method will therefore underestimate the true willingness to pay for pollution reduction. E. Averting Expenditures Method Averting-expenditure analysis relies on observed data on expenditures incurred by individuals to avoid consuming contaminated water. Examples include the purchase of bottled water and water filters if groundwater is being used as a source of drinking water. How much people are willing to spend on these items to avoid contaminated water helps to determine the value that they place on good water quality. A drawback of this method is that it does not take into account all losses from the contamination of the resource. This method can provide a lower bound for willingness to pay if the following assumptions hold: averting actions are perfect substitutes for pollution reduction; the household does not obtain any direct utility from averting behavior; there are no income effects because of loss of work through illness; averting behavior does not require significant fixed costs such as drilling new wells. This method is easy to implement and it is relatively inexpensive to obtain the information required (Abdalla, 1994; 1991). It must, however, be noted that the average expenditure on avoidance by those who chose to undertake that expenditure is not a measure of the average value for the entire population since it does not incorporate the lack of expenditure by some portion of the population who are either unaware or chose not to spend on avoidance. The appropriate average avoidance cost measure for the entire population should average expenditures over all individuals including those with zero expenditures. Additionally, averting expenditures are based on an individual’s expectations regarding what the government (or others) will do to reduce an individual’s exposure to contamination. Low expenditures may simply reflect the expectation that the problem will be addressed publicly and rather than a low value for groundwater (Segerson, 1994). F. Travel Cost Method 61 Travel-cost analysis can be used for determining the value of groundwater if it enhances the value of outdoor experiences by recharging surface water supplies, such as lakes or wetlands, from which recreational value is derived. This method examines the travel costs, in terms of money and time, which people incur to travel to a specific site or resource. Changes in the environmental quality of an area may change the demand for that resource and imply a lower value for the resource. An advantage of this method is that it uses actual behaviors and preferences. The major disadvantage of this method for valuing groundwater is that it is difficult to determine the share of recreational value that can be attributed to groundwater alone (NRC, 1997). G. Hedonic Pricing Metho d Yet another method of valuing groundwater is hedonic price analysis, which is based on the premise that people value a good because of the attributes of that good rather than the good itself. The hedonic pricing method can use market data (such as housing values) to determine the implicit price of groundwater, by examining the differences in property values of houses with different environmental attributes (such as groundwater quality and proximity to wetlands) while controlling for other factors that might explain differences in property values. An advantage of this method is that, like the travel cost method, it measures actual behaviors and preferences. A disadvantage of this method is that the connection between the groundwater quality for each house, if known, and real estate price may be technically complex or unclear (NRC, 1997). Additionally, like the travel cost method, this method values only use values and does not consider nonuse values. H. Contingent Valuation (CV) Method CV involves elicit ing the value of a groundwater resource by using a survey or questionnaire that assesses an individual’s willingness to pay for that resource. The questions are usually hypothetical. The survey first provides a scenario of groundwater contamination. This scenario may take an ex ante perspective by including a probability of contamination or an ex post perspective by presenting the effects of groundwater contamination. After the scenario is presented, respondents are asked what they would be willing to pay to achieve or avoid the given scenario. This is the only method that can be used to estimate use values and nonuse values. Final regulations promulgated in 1994 by the Department of Interior (DOI) define nonuse values as values that are not dependent on the use of the resource. These values include an existence value, which is the value of knowing a resource exists and a bequest value which is the value of knowing that a resource will be available for future generations (59 Federal Register 14263). There are a number of problems associated with obtaining unbiased and valid value statements from individuals using the CV method (NRC, 1997; Diamond and Hausman, 1994; Freeman, 2003). These include errors due to misrepresentation of values, the hypothetical nature of the scenario, lack of connection between willingness to pay and budgets, and insensitivity of responses to the scope of the nonmarket good being measured. For familiar goods like drinking water, this method has been shown to compare favorably with other nonmarket valuation techniques such as travel cost and hedonic methods (Mitchell and Carson, 1989). However, using this method for estimating nonuse values is controversial. 62 Nonuse values are likely to be more important for unique or rare resources and for irreversible changes. Resources such as ordinary streams or lakes are not likely to generate significant nonuse values because of the availability of close substitutes (Freeman, 2003). Final regulations put forth by DOI in 1994 and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 1996 state that only reliably calculated values should be included in estimates of compensable value. This is particularly difficult in the case of nonuse values for groundwater because unlike surface resources, groundwater is not readily visible and people lack experience with it. Studies have shown that people have misconceptions about the nature of the groundwater resource, the speed with which groundwater moves, and whether contamination can be contained (Mitchell and Carson, 1989). These misconceptions make it more difficult to measure nonuse values for groundwater. I. Benefits Transfer Method Benefits transfer uses information from existing studies to develop use and nonuse values for groundwater. Suppose existing CV studies have obtained the willingness to pay at one or more sites for protecting groundwater quality and related it to variables such as income, demographic characteristics, probability of contamination, and so forth. Then a benefits transfer procedure can be used to transfer the benefits developed at the original site(s), A, to the new site, B. It is based on the assumption that individuals in area A have the same underlying preferences as in area B. The validity of the estimates however, will depend on the quality of the original studies and on errors associated in transferring these estimates to the policy site1 . The advantage of this method is that it is relatively fast and inexpensive. There are three versions of this method. The first version is called a “point transfer” and involves transferring the average willingness to pay obtained for study site A to a new site B. Adjustments can be made to the willingness to pay estimate based on the characteristics of the original site and the new site and on the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the affected population. The application of this method requires an assessment of the relevance of the commodity being valued in the original study and at the new site B. The quality of the original study in terms of sample size, response rates and significance of findings in statistical analysis should be evaluated before undertaking a point transfer of values. The second version involves a weaker assumption that the preferences of residents in A are the same as those of residents in B, but the socio-demographic characteristics are different between the two populations. In this case, one uses a “transfer function” to estimate willingness to pay while controlling for differences in demographic characteristics (Crutchfield et al., 1997). This is done by using the willingness to pay relationships estimated for A and substituting data about socio-economic and other characteristics of individuals or group means for variables in 1 McConnell (1992) lists five main sources of error in estimating benefits in the study site A. These include choosing the wrong functional form for the benefits function, omitting important variables in the benefits function, measuring the dependent and independent variables incorrectly and misspecifying the random process that generated the data. Sources of error in the calculation of benefits at site B include errors of aggregation in calculating group means for the independent variables, errors in calculating the number of affected households and the extent of the market for the environmental service being valued. 63 area B and computing willingness to pay in area B. Economists prefer the second method since it is based on less restrictive assumptions. Criteria for selection of studies to use for benefits transfer are discussed in Boyle and Bergstrom (1992) and in McConnell (1992) and include considerations of sample size, theoretical appropriateness of the benefits measure used in the original study, correct specification of the valuation equation and availability of data for site B that matches the explanatory variables used in the original study. The third version, meta-analysis, can be used to adjust the willingness to pay estimates obtained using the procedures described above (Boyle et al., 1994). 2 For example, a comparison across studies to see how willingness to pay estimates vary with changes in contamination levels can be useful for adjusting existing benefit estimates for benefits transfer. A meta-analysis is a statistical procedure that treats unique point estimates of willingness to pay from different studies as observations and estimates a meta- function which shows the effect of study or scenario characteristics on willingness to pay. This can be used to determine the extent to which willingness to pay estimates can be explained by characteristics of different studies, for example the types of contaminants, the probability of contamination etc. Relevant scenario characteristics for site B are input into the meta-function to derive a value for site B. The consumptive services provided by groundwater directly or indirectly through discharges to surface water, such as provision of drinking water, irrigation water, water for industrial processing and power generation as well as nonconsumptive uses such as erosion and flood control benefits, can be measured using the market price technique, the production cost method, appraisal method, CV or benefits transfer. Value of human health affected by groundwater quality can additionally be measured by averting behavior and hedonic price/wage methods. V. Results from Past Groundwater Valuation Research Most of the research has focused on groundwater as a drinking water source and estimated damages to human health, fear and anxiety and averting expenditures or avoidance costs. Some studies have used the CV method to estimate use and nonuse values for groundwater. Avoidance cost estimates can be obtained at the municipality level or the household level. At the municipality level these include costs of water treatment that depend on the size of the population served. Nielson and Lee (1987) estimate that annual pesticide removal costs ranged between $67 and $333 per household for water systems serving between 5,000 and 500,000 customers. Walker and Hoehn (1990) estimated the economic damages associated with removing nitrates from groundwater via central or point-of-use treatment. Annual costs for typical rural communities in Michigan were estimated at $40 to $330 per household. A. Averting Expenditure Studies Several studies have sought to determine the value of groundwater by measuring averting 2 A meta-analysis is based on the assumption that underlying preferences and willingness to pay for environmental improvements are the same in the study region and the region to which benefits are being transferred, and that any differences in mean willingness to pay across studies are due to differences in measurable variables. 64 expenditures, that is, money spent to avoid consuming contaminated water. These are summarized in Table 3.1. Powell (1991) obtained household bottled water expenditures as part of a CV study of groundwater benefits in eight clean and seven contaminated communities in Massachusetts, New York and Pennsylvania. Although half of the communities surveyed had recent contamination problems, only 16% of the respondents were aware of the contamination. He found that average expenditures on bottled water were $32 per year. Households aware of the contamination were willing to pay $82 per year for increased water supply protection and those relying on private wells were willing to pay $14 per year more for protection than those relying on the public system. Another study used the averting expenditures method to determine how much households actually spent in avoidance costs in College Township, Pennsylvania, where perchloroethylene (PCE), a volatile organic compound, was discovered in the groundwater that served as the source of the public water supply (Abdalla, 1991). Over the 6-month period between when customers were notified of the PCE contamination and when an alternative water supply for the community was put in place, over 76% of the households surveyed undertook averting activities such as purchasing bottled water, bringing water in from elsewhere, boiling water, using home water treatment systems, and purchasing food and beverages that did not require the addition of water. Averting expenditures included costs of bottled water, cost of transportation and lost leisure time hauling water, energy costs and lost leisure time boiling water and costs of home water treatment devices. The total costs, in 1987 dollars, were estimated to range between $137,371 and $160,343 depending on the imputed value of leisure. The mean value was $148,900 for the entire community over the 6- month period, or an average of $21 per month per household for those households who undertook averting activities (Abdalla, 1991). Abdalla et al. (1992) used averting expenditures to estimate the economic costs to households in southeastern Pennsylvania affected by groundwater contamination over an 88week contamination period. The area studied was Perkasie, Pennsylvania, where trichloroethylene (TCE) had been detected in a public well. Over the 88-week period between the time when public water supply customers were notified and when this study was conducted, customers undertook such actions as buying bottled water and home water treatment systems. Less than half of those affected by the TCE contamination were aware of the pollution, despite the fact that the public water supply was to notify their customers of the contamination. Of those that knew of the contamination, slightly less than half undertook actions to avoid the contamination. Costs averaged $123 for each household that chose to avoid the contaminant. Regression analysis showed that households were more likely to make averting expenditures if: they received information about TCE; they rated the cancer risks associated with the levels of TCE to be relatively high; children between ages three and 17 were present in the household. Households with children younger than three years of age incurred larger averting expenditures than others. Collins and Steinback (1993) found that 85% of rural households, relying on individual wells in West Virginia, engaged in averting behavior (such as cleaning and repairing water systems, hauling water, and water treatment) when informed about contamination. Average avoidance costs were estimated to be $320, $357 and $1,090 for households with bacteria, minerals and organic contamination problems, respectively. Table 3.1 highlights the facts from the above studies. 65 Table 3.1: Summary of Studies Estimating Averting Expenditures Location MA, NY, PA College Township PA Perkasie, PA West Virginia Source of contamination TCE in six communities; diesel fuel in one PCE (a volatile organic compound) TCE (a volatile organic compound) Bacteria, minerals and organics Groundwater use valued Drinking water Municipal public water supply Municipal public water supply Drinking water from private individual wells Average household avoidance cost $32, $82 and $14 per year for bottled water, water supply protection and by private well owners, respectively Average: $252/HH/year Average costs of a filtration system: $383/HH/year (1987 dollars) Average avoidance cost: $123/HH/year Average bottled water exp: $75/HH/year (1989 dollars) $320-$1,090 per year per household (1990 dollars) Reference Powell, 1991 Abdalla, 1991 Abdalla et al., 1992 Collins and Steinback, 1993 These studies show that households do undertake expenditures to avoid exposure to groundwater contaminants in their drinking water. These expenditures can be substantial, with annual costs ranging from $125 to $330 per household per year. Expenditures on bottled water alone ranged from $32 to $330 per year. The magnitude of these costs varies with: the contaminant and its health risks; type of water supply; cost of averting actions; household and community characteristics. Households with individual water supplies were found to spend more than those served by the public system. Extent of public notification, confidence in the local water supplier, amount of information about contaminant or its health risk, and presence of children were also factors that influenced the extent of averting expenditures. B. Contingent Valuation Studies of Groundwater Studies using the CV method to estimate groundwater values are summarized in Table 3.2. These studies are typically eliciting ex ante values for programs to prevent groundwater contamination. The willingness to pay values reported here are measured for the year of the study and not corrected for inflation. The study by Edwards (1988) used the CV method to elicit a household’s total maximum willingness to pay to prevent uncertain nitrate contamination in Cape Cod’s only aquifer. A discrete choice willingness to pay question was posed to respondents with annual payments ranging from $10 to $2,000. Alternative payment vehicles were described such as a bond, a contribution and a higher water bill. Willingness to pay increased with income, with an increase in the probability of living in Cape Cod at the time of the contamination, and as the proposed management plan increased the probability of low cost groundwater supplies. Bequest motives (protecting groundwater for use by future generations) were found to have a strong influence on willingness to pay. The annual willingness to pay per household was estimated to be $1,623. This value is higher than those found in other studies for several possible reasons. These include the uniqueness of the aquifer in Cape Cod, the inclusion of option price and option values and the high mean income of the sample compared to the typical mean income of rural water users. 66 Table 3.2: Contingent Valuation Studies of Groundwater Values Action evaluated Uses of water Cape Cod, MA Protection from nitrates Increased water supply protection $1,623/HH/year to increase probability of supply from 0 to 1. $815/HH/year for a 25% reduction in risk Mean = $129/HH/year. Median = $40/HH/year. Edwards, 1988 Dover, NH Drinking water Omitted health effects; included option values and bequest values Current personal use values, option values and bequest values MI Protection from pesticides and nitrates Increased water supply protection from agricultural chemicals, nitrates and pesticides Groundwater Rural: $43-46/HH/year. Urban: $34-69/HH/year. Mean = $641/HH/year Caudill, 1992 Sun, et. al., 1992 National Protection from landfill leachate Groundwater; Included health effects $84/HH/year McClelland et al., 1992 GA Protection from nitrate contamination Drinking water; Included health effects Public water: mean = $121/HH/year Jordan and median = $66/HH/year Elnagheeb, Private water: mean = $149/HH/year 1993 median = $89/HH/year MA, NY, PA Increased water supply protection (TCE contamination and diesel fuel) Protecting rural drinking water fro m contamination by agricultural chemical residues A filter that would reduce or completely eliminate nitrates from drinking water Groundwater protection program to ensure nitrate standard for drinking water after testing water Municipal public water supplies Mean: $62/HH/year Powell, et. al., 1994 Drinking water Mean: $128-$639/HH/year Crutchfield et al., 1995 Municipal public water supplies; mentioned human health effects WTP for safer water: $545$661/HH/year (mean = $634). WTP for nitrate-free water: $580$781/HH/year (mean = $654). $207/HH/year if subjective probability of exceeding nitrate standard is 0.5 and $516 if probability is one Crutchfield et al, 1997 Groundwater protection program to ensure nitrate standard for drinking water after testing water Delaying nitrate contamination of water supply by 10, 15 and 20 years Private well drinking water quality $412/HH/year Poe and Bishop, 1999 Private well drinking water quality $118/HH/year for 10 year delay $191/HH/year for 20 year delay Hurley, et al., 1999 Dougherty Co., GA IN, NE, WA, Lower Susquehanna Same as in above study Portage County, Wisconsin Portage County, Wisconsin Clark and Adam counties, Iowa Municipal public water supplies and rural private wells; Included health effects Private well drinking water quality Approximate WTP Reference Location NOTE: “HH” = household; WTP = willingness to pay. Values rounded off to the nearest dollar. 67 Shultz & Lindsay, 1990 Poe, 1998 Schultz and Lindsay (1990) estimated the willingness to pay for a hypothetical groundwater protection plan by households in Dover, New Hampshire. Dover was currently considering alternative plans to protect their groundwater supplies. Although Dover had not had any significant groundwater contamination incidents aside from some benzene contamination, neighboring towns had recent pollution problems involving toxic chemicals. Therefore, the study sought to quantify Dover’s willingness to pay for an increase in groundwater protection in comparison with the costs of the proposed protection policies, namely zoning near particular groundwater use areas. The payment vehicle was an annual increase in property taxes. They found that age of the respondent and the dollar amount of the bid presented to respondents had significant negative impacts on willingness to pay whereas income and land values had significant positive impacts. Other characteristics such as education and awareness of past water contamination did not have significant impacts on willingness to pay. In Michigan, Caudill (1992) estimated the option price of groundwater, or the maximum willingness to pay to remediate contamination from landfills to secure the option of using groundwater in the future. However, they did not specify the contaminants. Sun et al. (1992) estimated the benefits of protecting the currently “safe” groundwater from potential future contamination from agricultural chemicals in Dougherty County, Georgia. The groundwater in this area was considered safe at the time of the study by standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). However, due to the heavy use of pesticides and fertilizers in the area, groundwater in the study area was deemed at risk for contamination. This study sought to quantify the benefits of increased water supply protection measured in willingness to pay compared to the costs of new policies to reduce agricultural chemical use in the area. Groundwater provides the sole source of public and private water supplies in that county. The payment vehicle was a reduction in the amount of money available to spend on other goods and services. Income, own health concern, subjective contamination probability and probable length of future residence in the county had a significantly positive impact on willingness to pay whereas bid value and age had significant negative effects. McClelland et al. (1992) estimated nonuse values for groundwater. A review by EPA’s Science Advisory Board, however, concluded that the researchers did not develop reliable estimates of nonuse values for groundwater because they were unable to convey the characteristics of the resource, the nature of the contamination and the availability of substitutes to respondents successfully (Desvousges et. al., 1999). Powell et al. (1994) used the CV method to determine if households that received water from a municipal public water supply would be willing to pay for increased protection of their groundwater supply, and if so, how much. Respondents were selected from several towns in Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania. Some had past experience with water contamination, especially trichloroethylene (TCE), which is a volatile organic compound. The results of the mailed survey indicated that each household was willing to pay an average of $61.55 per year for an increase in water supply protection. They also found that willingness to pay increased $26.01 when the household had previous experience with water contamination. Willingness to pay also increased with income, perception of water supply safety, amount spent on bottled water and private water supply. Surprisingly, age and existence of children in the 68 household were not significant predictors of willingness to pay. Poe (1998) examined willingness of private well owners to pay for a groundwater protection program that would ensure that nitrate standards remain below 10mg/L in Portage County, Wisconsin. Willingness to pay was found to be significantly positively related to existing nitrate levels in the well, and either age, education, or income. Poe and Bishop (1999) estimated willingness to pay for a groundwater protection program that would reduce nitrate levels in all Portage County wells by 25%. They found that willingness to pay increased with nitrate concentrations, but the rate of increase was diminishing with contamination levels. They also found that nonuse concerns for the health of others had a positive significant effect on willingness to pay. Actual averting actions that have been undertaken did not negatively impact willingness to pay. The estimated willingness to pay for a 25% reduction from 14.5 mg/L was $412 per year per household. This study was based on a well-developed theoretical model of willingness to pay and the researchers provided respondents with information on the nitrate levels in the researchers’ own well. Crutchfield et al. (1997) examined the willingness to pay for installation of a water filter that could either reduce nitrates in tap water to safer levels or completely eliminate nitrates from drinking water to households in the White River Region in Indiana, Central Nebraska, Lower Susquehanna and Mid-Columbia Basin in Washington State. They found that willingness to pay was positively related to income, extra income, and number of years lived in the zip code, but negative ly related to age. The higher estimate obtained by Crutchfield et al. (1997) as compared to that obtained by Poe and Bishop (1999) could reflect the incremental benefits of reducing nitrates from safe levels to zero. Hurley et al. (1999) used data from a CV study in Clark and Adams counties in Iowa to determine rural residents’ willingness to pay to delay nitrate contamination of their water supply from large animal confinement facilities by 10, 15, and 20 years. Both counties relied heavily on surface water supplies for drinking water. The researchers found that higher education, income and expected length of time to remain in the community were positively and significantly related with willingness to pay values. Willingness to pay ranged from $118/HH/year for a 10 year delay to $191/HH/year for a 20 year delay by a household with sample mean characteristics. However, the study suffered from a low overall response rate, a small sample of private well users that would be affected by nitrate contamination, and the fact tha t over 50% of the survey respondents rejected the scenario and stated no willingness to pay for any delay in nitrate contamination. Benefit transfer methods are one way to use these estimated values for policy analysis or for inferring the value of groundwater in other regions. Crutchfield et al. (1995) used benefits transfer methods using the three previous studies summarized in Table 3.3 (Shultz and Lindsay, 1990; Jordan and Elnagheeb, 1993; and Sun et al., 1992) together with farm and county level data for four regions (the White River Region in Indiana, Central Nebraska, the Lower Susquehanna River, and the Mid-Columbia Basin in Washington State) and estimated the benefits of protecting rural drinking water from contamination caused by agricultural che mical residues. They use the data collected from the four regions being studied to substitute for the explanatory variables used in the three original studies and estimated willingness to pay for those 69 Table 3.3: Using Benefits Transfer for Estimating Willingness to Pay Original Study Shults & Lindsay, 1990 Jordan and Elnagheeb, 1993 Sun et. Al. 1992 Original WTP $.HH/Yr $129 $120.8 $641 Transferred WTP $/HH/Yr $128 $233 $637 Total WTP (1.1M HHs, $M) $197 $241 $730 Source: Crutchfield (1995). regions. They found that the benefit estimates after being adjusted for differences in characteristics at the sites of interest were very similar to those obtained by the original studies in two out of the three cases as shown below. Aggregate estimates of groundwater (summed up over the 1.1 million households in the four regions) varied considerably depending on the study that was used to generate those estimates. Giraldez and Fox (1995) also used benefit transfer methods and estimated the cost of controlling groundwater pollution from agricultural use of nitrogen in the village of Hensall in southwestern Ontario. They used three approaches for estimating values for reducing nitrates: value of human life as present value of lifetime average earning, value of statistical life based on wage-risk premiums, and CV. Aggregate values were reported for benefits for the entire village and varied greatly with the assumptions of the analysis resulting in considerable uncertainty about the benefits of reducing nitrate concentrations. Boyle et al. (1994) did a meta-analysis using seven of the CV studies included in Table 3.2 above and one study by Poe (1993). They found that willingness to pay estimates obtained in these studies increase if nitrates were mentioned as a source of contaminant, if the probability of contamination was included in the survey, and as income increases. Willingness to pay was lower if the study primarily focused on use values and higher if cancer risks were mentioned in the study. A limitation of the Boyle et al. (1994) study is the inconsistent definition of groundwater contamination across the studies used in their analysis. VI. Natural Resource Damage Assessments for Groundwater in Practice A. Overview Although academic studies have tended to rely on averting expenditure methods and CV to value groundwater, assessment of damages to groundwater in practice has been based on simpler and more pragmatic methods, such as the market price approach and production cost approach. These approaches rely more on engineering or accounting methods than on economic theory to assess damages. Several states such as New Jersey, Washington, Florida and Minnesota have developed compensation tables or simplified rules to assess damages. These compensation tables are discussed in more detail in Chapter 2 of this report. Here we discuss patterns in groundwater damage assessments done by the states, with a focus on some of the methods used in specific cases. Figure 3.3 uses data from 29 cases from 10 state agencies in which groundwater was one 70 of the resources damaged, and shows that compensation tables were the most frequently used tool for damage assessment. Habitat equivalency analysis and market price methods were the second and third most frequently used methods. The frequency of use of sophisticated economic valuation methods was only about 20%. Two cases had used methods other than those discussed above, including the replacement cost method and the restoration planning approach. Figure 3.4 shows that the 29 cases considered here also involved damages to natural resources other than groundwater, such as surface water, wetlands, air, fish, wildlife, and cultural resources. Damage assessment methods often vary with the type of resource damaged. Some methods are mo re suitable for assessing damages to certain resources. For example, the travel cost method may be more suitable to measure damages to recreational values and surface water than to groundwater. Figure 3.5 shows that agencies have tended to use a greater va riety of methods as the number of resources damaged increased. HEA 16% other 4% own tool 34% CV 9% averting exp. 4% benefits transfer 9% travel cost 9% appraisal 4% market price 11% Figure 3.3 Frequency of Use of Alternative Methods for Groundwater Damage Assessment 71 Number of Cases 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 ground water surface wetlands water air fish wildlife recreation cultural other resources resources Figure 3.4 Frequency of Damage to Other Resources in Cases Involving Groundwater Number of Methods Used 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 Number of Resources and Uses Damaged Figure 3.5: Number of Assessment Methods Used by Number of Resources Damaged 72 10 B. State Groundwater Damage Assessment Cases New Jersey has pursued more cases for groundwater damages than any other state. The trustee agency of that state uses a simplified method for valuing damages to groundwater which is based on market prices for municipal water supplies. For more details on this approach, see Chapter 2 of this report. Other state agencies have assessed the value of groundwater contamination and held parties responsible for it. As discussed below, these cases differ in the variety of methods used to determine damage and the types of groundwater services valued; four such settled cases are summarized in Table 3.4. In one case, the state of Utah filed suit against the Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation in the early 1990’s. Mining operations in Bingham Pit led to high levels of metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, copper, and zinc in the groundwater and restoring the groundwater back to baseline conditions was considered infeasible. Damages were estimated by determining the volume of contaminated water that would need to be treated and the volume of water that would be lost during treatment. It was estimated that 8,235 acre-feet of groundwater per year would become contaminated. The total claim for the injured groundwater using a withand-without contamination scenario amounted to $37 million over a 50-year period using a 7% discount rate. These costs included the costs of pumping and treating contaminated water, lost use during treatment and assessment costs plus future oversight costs (NRD Task Force, 1998). In a second case, the state of Massachusetts assessed damages to groundwater at the Charles George Landfill, a federal Superfund site. Private wells had been contaminated in the area due to this site. A replacement cost method was used to value the loss of consumptive use services of water to residential and non-residential users of the aquifer for 50 years due to groundwater injury. By subtracting the costs of the current private well system without contamination (~$3.1 million) from the cost of replacing this water with a municipal distribution system (with contamination = $11 million), it was determined that damages were approximately $7.9 million (NRD Task Force, 1998). A third case involved the State of Nevada vs. Santa Fe Pacific Pipelines, Inc. and involved the release of 2.5 million gallons of petroleum products into an aquifer in 1991. Damages for lost nonconsumptive use values were estimated using a benefits transfer approach based on a modified CV study performed on residents near the site. A settlement of $10 million was agreed to (NRD Task Force, 1998). A fourth NRD case was filed by the state of Montana against the Atlantic Richfield Corporation (ARCO) in 1983 to recover damages for injury to natural resources caused by mining, milling and smelting operations since the 19th century. Natural resources that were damaged included aquatic and terrestrial biota, surface water, and groundwater. The State’s natural resource damage assessment report covered natural resource injuries at 150 river miles (Silver Bow Creek and the Clark Fork River from Butte to Milltown Dam), the city of Butte, and the Anaconda area, including surrounding mountains and opportunity ponds. The state claimed that about 600,000 acre- feet of groundwater in the Upper Clark Fork River were injured; substantial injuries had occurred to surface water, fish, sediment, wildlife and vegetation in the hills around Anaconda. 73 Table 3.4 Groundwater Case Studies Location Date of study Scale of study Source of contamination Uses of groundwater resource Contaminated Mining operations Public water groundwater: which led to dangerous supply 8,235 acft/yr levels of metals in over 50 years water Affected area of Charles George Private wells aquifer over 50 Landfill years (a Superfund site) Bingham Pit, UT 1987 Charles George Landfill, MA Washoe County, Nevada 1990 1991 Aquifer Clark Fork, Montana 1993 600,000 acft of Mining, milling and groundwater smelting operations Petroleum products andPublic water volatile organic supply compounds Method used Approximate value With and $37 million without contamination Replacement costs $7.9 million Benefits transfer $10 million Private wells and Replacement public water costs and CV supply $40 - $80 million The damages to groundwater used for drinking purposes were estimated as the difference between costs to provide drinking water services with and without the mining related injuries. These costs were computed by identifying the number of households that would have benefited from having access to the contaminated aquifer, estimating the economic loss per household and calculating the product of these two quantities for each year from 1981 into perpetuity. The economic loss per household was estimated as the sum of the extra cost of being connected to the existing Butte municipal water system compared to the cost of a system based on groundwater and the averting expenditures by households to improve the quality of the Butte municipal system tap water. Additionally, a site-wide CV study was conducted to estimate lost compensable (use and non- use) values for the site. Public willingness to pay for each of the different injured resources, terrestrial habitats, aquatic and surface water habitats and groundwater were estimated separately (NRD Task Force, 1998). The total cost of conducting the natural resource damage assessment was about $8 million. The compensable damages for past lost use and non-use of the injured natural resources going back to 1981 were estimated to be approximately $300 million. The present value of future compensable damages was estimated to be about $10 million. The value of lost recreational fishing in the river was estimated to be $2.5 million. Montana’s total claim for damages against ARCO, including litigation and assessment costs were $765 million. A partial settlement was reached in 1999. Under the consent decree Montana received $215 million, which included $15 million for assessment and litigation costs, $80 million for Silver Bow Creek remediation, $120 million for natural resource restoration, and $15 million in interest. ARCO received a release of State’s compensable value claims and the restoration claims for all sites except three. Restoration damages for these three sites are estimated to be $180 million. Litigation and efforts at settlement of these remaining damages are still ongoing. 74 C. An Application of the Benefits Transfer Method for Valuing Groundwater We briefly describe the case study conducted by Crutchfield et al. (1995) to show how estimates of groundwater quality benefits can be transferred to areas beyond the original study sites. They selected three studies from those listed in Table 3.2 because of the small amount of information needed to compute willingness to pay estimates and because these studies had been published in peer-reviewed literature. These three studies are Jordan and Elnagheeb (1993), Shultz and Lindsay (1990) and Sun et al. (1992). Each of these studies estimated a willingness to pay function for groundwater protection given by WTP = f(b,x,z), where WTP is willingness to pay for preventing contamination or cleaning groundwater to safe levels for drinking, and the other notation is defined as follows: f(.) is a valuation function b= hypothetical bid value x = variables proxying for price of access to the resource, quantity and quality of resource z =demand determinants such as income, education, age etc. The three original studies had included variables such as income, gender, race, age, education, status of current water quality, land value, future demand for clean water and bid value. Crutchfield et al. (1995) used USDA data from surveys of farmers in four Area Studies regions in 1991 to obtain comparable data about socio-economic characteristics of farmers in their study region. A proxy variable for income was constructed using data from the USDA Farm Costs and Returns Survey. County level data on sex and racial composition was obtained from the latest Census of Agriculture. Since the researchers did not have information on farmers’ attitudes about pollution probabilities for sites for which benefits were being estimated, they used mean values from the original studies. They used these data to estimate willingness to pay for groundwater quality in four areas on a county-by-county basis. County averages were then used to estimate willingness to pay per househo ld. The per-household values were multiplied by the number of rural households in each county to obtain an estimate of aggregate willingness to pay at the county level. These estimates were further improved by correcting for differences in the distribution of risks across households based on the whether the region was classified as hazardous, risky, slightly risky or safe, and by assuming that households whose water supplies are not at risk will not be willing to pay. D. Legislation Applying to Groundwater As already established, ground water is an important natural resource with many uses. In a majority of situations, it is more expensive to clean up contaminated groundwater than it is to prevent its contamination. Therefore, legislation to prevent or reduce contamination of groundwater, as well as clean up the contamination when it does occur, has been instituted. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of these laws in protecting groundwater may be limited, as many of these laws focus on surface water rather than groundwater. Additionally, water protection programs are split between federal, state, and local levels, making the enforcement of these laws 75 and overall protection of the resource more difficult (NRC, 1997). At the federal level, there are several laws that relate to maintaining groundwater quality. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, also known as CERCLA or Superfund, requires that groundwater contaminated with waste be cleaned up and holds responsible the polluters for the costs of the cleanup. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act regulates waste disposal and underground storage tanks that may pollute groundwater. The Clean Water Act aims at pollution control, although regulation of polluting sources applies mainly to surface water (NRC, 1997). The Safe Drinking Water Act provides for clean public drinking water supplies specifying maximum contaminant levels for pollutants that are found in public water supplies. These maximum contaminant levels are also used in determining the amount of cleanup of groundwater supplies necessary at Superfund sites. Additionally, the 1996 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act allow funding for greater protection of groundwater supplies in areas where groundwater is the primary source of the public water supply (NRC, 1997). In Illinois, the Illinois Groundwater Protection Act serves as the main piece of legislation that aims to maintain a high level of quality of our groundwater supplies. Enacted in 1987, the Illinois Ground water Protection Act focuses on maintaining the quality of groundwater supplies through prevention of groundwater contamination. It calls for cooperation between local and state authorities and places emphasis on the protection of wells (IDNR, 2000). It is difficult to determine the effect that these policies have had on reducing groundwater contamination or on cleaning up the contamination that does occur. Few case studies make reference to these laws, and the ones that do are cleanup sites based on CERCLA. The groundwater protection program under the Illinois Ground water Protection Act sets a good foundation for the prevention of groundwater contamination in Illinois, yet it is also difficult to quantify how much groundwater pollution has been prevented by this program. VII. Conclusions As can be seen from the results of various studies and cases reported above, the estimates of groundwater values vary widely, and there are no single values that can be attached either to groundwater quality or to the damages caused to water quality by human activities. The valuation of these damages will depend on the impact of those activities on concentrations of contaminants in groundwater as well as the monetary value of damages caused by those contaminants and is a site-specific problem. The physical impact of activities such as spills, agricultural production and landfills on groundwater is site-specific because of differences in factors such as the physical impact of soils, topography, depth of water table, and recharge rate of water into the aquifer, which will influence the amount of leaching and its effect on the concentration of contaminants in groundwater. The monetary value of damage caused by contaminants will vary with factors such as the uses of the groundwater, ecological services provided by the groundwater, the type of contaminant, and the preferences and socio-economic characteristics of heterogeneous individuals affected by the contamination. Several methods for determining the value of groundwater are available. A National 76 Research Council study (NRC, 1997) concluded that it is hard to generalize about the validity or reliability of specific valuation approaches – the appropriateness of an approach depends on the valuation context and the groundwater services being valued. Different approaches may be needed to value different uses. The current empirical knowledge of the values of groundwater is fairly limited and is restricted to valuing a few uses such as the consumptive uses of drinking water. Ind irect valuation methods (such as averting expenditure analysis, travel cost analysis, and hedonic price methods), when used correctly, can only estimate use values of groundwater. CV methods allow the estimation of the total value of groundwater. However, few if any, of the existing studies have met the stringent conditions set by the NOAA panel, to produce defensible estimates of nonuse values (NRC, 1997; Desvousges et al., 1999). The pervasiveness and magnitude of nonuse values for groundwater cannot be reliably ascertained from existing studies. Estimates of consumptive use value are more common and reliable, but may underestimate total value when groundwater has a strong connection with surface water and contamination will substantially alter surface water quality. Academic studies conducted thus far have focused on CV and averting expenditures methods. The results of these studies show that environmental values depend not only on the physical measures of the extent of contamination but also on the demo graphic and socioeconomic characteristics of the affected population. In practice, however, state agencies have relied primarily on compensation schedules, habitat equivalency analysis, and market price methods. These simplified methods disregard the characteristics and preferences of the affected population in estimating the value of damages. Alternative approaches that could be used for damage assessment while taking into account both the physical level of damages and characteristics of the affected population are benefits transfer methods. Benefits transfer and meta-analysis provide mechanisms which provide information about the benefits of groundwater quality without requiring analysts to gather extensive new data or conduct expensive and time consuming original stud ies. However, the quality of the benefits measures will depend on the quality of the original studies themselves and requires analysts to assume that individual preferences are the same at the new site and the site in the original study. Care needs to be taken before conducting a benefits transfer exercise to evaluate the quality and comprehensiveness of the published research and its suitability for obtaining estimates for a new site. Though appropriate for preliminary evaluations, benefits transfer may need to be supplemented with primary studies using new data when site-specific measures are required for determining compensation and liability for damages. 77 References Abdalla, C. W. 1991. “Measuring Economic Losses from Ground Water Contamination: An Investigation of Household Avoidance Costs.” Water Resources Bulletin 26(3): 451-63. Abdalla, C. W., B. A. Roach, and D. J. Epp. 1992. “Valuing Environmental Quality Changes Using Averting Expenditures: An Application to Groundwater Contamination.” Land Economics 68(2): 163-69. Abdalla, C.W. 1994. “Groundwater Values from Avoidance Cost Studies: Implications for Policy and Future Research.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 76: 10621067. Bergstron, J. C., K. J. Boyle, C. A. Job and M. J. Kealy. 1996. “Assessing the Economic Benefits of Groundwater for Environmental Policy Decisions.” Water Resources Bulletin 32(2): 279-291. Boyle, K. J. and J. C. Bergstrom. 1992. “Benefit Transfer Studies: Myths, Pragmatism and Idealism.” Water Resources Research 28(3): 657-64. Boyle, K. J., G. L. Poe and J. C. Bergstrom. 1994. “What do We Know about Groundwater Values? Preliminary Implications from a Meta Analysis of Contingent Valuation Studies.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 76: 1055-1061. Collins, A. R. and S. Steinback. 1993. “Rural Household Response to Water Contamination in West Virginia.” Water Resource Bulletin 29: 199-209. Caudill, J. D. 1992. “The Valuation of Groundwater Pollution Policies: The Differential Impact of Preve ntion and Remediation.” Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University. Crutchfield, S. R., J. C. Cooper and D. R. Hellerstein. 1997. Benefits of Safer Drinking Water: The Value of Nitrate Reduction. United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Agricultural Economic Report 752, Washington D.C. Crutchfield, S. R., P. M. Feather and D. R. Hellerstein. 1995. The Benefits of Protecting Rural Water Quality. Agricultural Economic Report 701. Washington DC: United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. Desvousges, W. H., R. W. Dunford, K.E. Mathews, C.L. Taylor and J. L. Teague. 1999. A Preliminary Economic Evaluation of New Jersey’s Proposed Groundwater Damage Assessment Process. Prepared for New Jersey Site Remediation Industry Network by Triangle Economic Research, Durham, NC. Diamond, P. A. and J. A. Hausman. 1994. “Contingent Valuation: Is Some Number Better than No Number?” Journal of Economic Perspectives 8(4): 45-64. 78 Edwards, S. F. 1988. “Option Prices for Groundwater Protection.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 15: 465-87. Freeman III, A. M. 2003. The Measurement of Environmental and Resource Values: Theory and Methods, Second Edition. Washington DC : Resources for the Future, Giraldez, C. and G. Fox. 1995. “An Economic Analysis of Groundwater Contamination from Agricultural Nitrate Emissions in Southern Ontario.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(1): 177-84. Hurley, T., M. Otto and D. Holtkamp. 1999. “Valuation of Water Quality in Livestock Regions: An Application to Rural Watersheds in Iowa.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 31(1): 177-84. Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). February 2000. The Illinois Groundwater Protection Act: A Safeguard for Illinois’ Water Supply. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). November 1985. All About Groundwater. EPA Publication No. 15009. Jordan, J. L. and A. H. Elnagheeb. 1993. “Willingness to Pay for Improvements in Drinking Water Quality.” Water Resource Research 29(2): 237-245. McConnell, K. E. 1992. “Model Building and Judgment: Implications for Benefit Transfers with Travel Cost Models.” Water Resources Research 28 (3): 695-700. McClelland, G. H., W. D. Schulze, J. K. Lazo, D. Waldman, J. K. Doyle, S. R. Elliott, J. R. Irwin. 1992. Methods for Measuring Non-Use Values: A Contingent Valuation Study of Groundwater Cleanup. Final Report, Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation, Environmental Protection Agency, Cooperative Agreement #CR-815183. Mitchell, R. C. and R. T. Carson. 1989. Existence Values for Groundwater Protection. Draft Final Report Prepared Under Cooperative Agreement CR814041-01 between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Resources for the Fut ure. National Research Council (NRC). 1997. Valuing Groundwater: Economic Concepts and Approaches. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. National Research Council (NRC). 1994. Alternatives for Groundwater Cleanup. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Natural Resource Damages Task Force of the CERCLA Subcommittee, Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (NRD Task Force). April 1998. Compendium of Groundwater Valuation Methodologies. 79 Nielson, E. G. and L.K. Lee. October 1987. “The Magnitude and Costs of Groundwater Contamination from Agricultural Chemicals: A National Perspective.” Agricultural Economic Report 576. Washington DC : United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. Poe, G. L. 1993. Information, Risk Perceptions and Contingent Values: The Case of Nitrates in Groundwater. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Agricultural Economics, Cornell University. Poe, G. L. 1998 “Valuation of Groundwater Quality Using a Contingent Valuation-Damage Function Approach.” Water Resources Research 34(12): 3627-33. Poe, G. L. and R. C. Bishop. 1999. “Valuing the Incremental Benefits of Groundwater Protection When Exposure Levels Are Known.” Environmental and Resource Economics 13(3): 341-67. Powell, J. R. 1991. The Value of Groundwater Protection: Measurement of Willingness to Pay Information and Its Utilization by Local Government Decision-Makers. Ph.D. Dissertation, Cornell University. Powell, J. R., D. Allee, and C. J. McClintock. 1994. “Groundwater Protection Benefits and Local Community Planning: Impact of Contingent Valuation Information.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 76(5): 1068-75. Segerson, K. 1994. “The Benefits of Groundwater Protection: Discussion.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 76(5): 1076-1978. Shultz, S. D. and B. E. Lindsay. 1990. “The Willingness to Pay for Groundwater Protection.” Water Resources Research 26(9): 1869-75. Sun, H., J. C. Bergstrom, and J. H. Dorfman. 1992. “Estimating the Benefits of Groundwater Contamination Control.” Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics 24(2): 63-71. Walker, D. R. and J. P. Hoehn. 1990. “The Economic Damages of Groundwater Contamination in Small Rural Communities: An Application to Nitrates.” North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics 12(1): 47-56. 80 Chapter 4 Natural Resource Damages: Legal Overview and Sample Cases I. Introduction When the state exercises its statutory authority to bring natural resource damage claims against responsible parties under the federal (and in some cases, state) legisla tion, there can be great benefit. However, there are costs to any state associated with this activity. Among other things, the state can incur substantial administrative costs in the process of reaching an appropriate final settlement with a polluting firm. Both the costs of negotiation and the probability that a case will lead to expensive litigation are greater when a firm’s beliefs about reasonable damages diverge widely from the judgment made by state officials. This document presents information tha t may be useful in narrowing the gap between the bargaining positions of the state and potentially responsible parties (PRPs). First, it presents an overview of key features of the federal statutes under which any state may bring natural resource damage (NRD) claims. Second, it gives extensive summaries of five settled NRD cases in a manner consistent with the legal overview, such that the reader can quickly get a sense of the key features of the cases and their settlements. Cases were chosen for inclusion in this chapter from a pool of settled cases that satisfied two criteria. First, this chapter focuses entirely on cases that were settled after 1995. That restriction helps ensure that the cases included here are relevant to any future NRD activity, since the statutory and regulatory environment for NRD cases changed substantially in the mid-1990s. Second, this chapter summarizes only cases that were not pursued under any particular state law, since similar legislation may not be present in other states. II. Natural Resource Damages: Legal Overview A. The Federal Statutes Natural resource damage (NRD) claims are statutory causes of action. They are designed to compensate the public for the loss of services when publicly owned natural resources are damaged or destroyed. Any compensation awarded in an NRD suit is used to restore or replace the damaged site. There are several federal statutes that authorize NRD claims. The best known of these is the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). Section 107 of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. § 9607, provides that “damages for injury to, destruction of, or loss of natural resources, including the reasonable costs of assessing such injury, destruction, or loss resulting from such release.” CERCLA § 107(a)(4)(C). The Clean Water Act (CWA) also provides a cause of action for recovery of NRDs. Under § 311(f)(4) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1321(f)(4), if a party is liable under CWA § 311(b) for the discharge of “oil or hazardous substances” “into or upon the navigable waters of the 81 United States, adjoining shorelines, or into or upon the waters of the contiguous zone,” or in connection with activities under either the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act or the Deepwater Port Act of 1974, that party is also liable for the costs and expenses incurred by the federal or state government “in the restoration or replacement of natural resources damaged or destroyed as a result of [the] discharge.” CWA § 311(b)(3), (f)(4). Section 1002 of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA), 33 U.S.C. § 2702, also provides a cause of action for NRDs. When oil is discharged “into or upon the navigable waters or adjoining shorelines or the exclusive economic zone” and the discharge is not exempted from liability as a discharge authorized by permit, a release from a “public vessel,” or an onshore facility subject to the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act, a United States trustee, a State trustee, and Indian Tribe trustee, or a foreign trustee may recover for “[d]amages for injury to, destruction of, loss of, or loss of use of, natural resources, including the reasonable costs of assessing the damage.” OPA § 1002(b)(2)(A). There are other statutes that authorize recovery of NRDs. Most of these, however, do so in the context of certain designated natural resources under the jurisdiction of the federal government. For example, the National Park System Resource Protection Act provides that “any person who destroys, causes the loss of, or injures any park system resource is liable to the United States for response costs and damages resulting from such destruction, loss, or injury.” 16 U.S.C. § 19jj-1(a) “[P]ark system resources” are limited in scope; the term is defined as “any living or non-living resource that is located within the boundaries of a unit of the National Park System, except for resources owned by a non-Federal entity.” 16 U.S.C. § 19jj(d). CERCLA, the CWA, and OPA designate trustees to recover NRDs. Under CERCLA, the designated trustees include the United States government, the State, if the State controls, manages, or owns the natural resources that were damaged, and an Indian tribe, if the tribe controls, manages, or owns the natural resources or if the natural resources are held in trust for the Indian tribe, or if a member of the tribe owns the land and there is a trust restriction on alienation on the resources. CERCLA § 107(f)(1). The President designates the federal officials who act on behalf of the public as trustees. CERCLA § 107(f)(2)(A). Likewise, the Governor of each State designates State officials to act as trustees under this statute. CERCLA § 107(f)(2)(B). The duties of the trustees are outlined in each of the statutes. See CERCLA § 107(f)(1), CWA § 311(f)(5), OPA § 1012(a)(2). But in general, as the National Association of Attorneys General has stated: “The states and the Federal Governments [sic] are trustees for the people, and . . . their trust corpus includes this nation's glorious natural resources. We, as trustees, have an obligation to protect these often irreplaceable resources from harm, and those that harm them have the obligation to restore them for all the people.” That is, “NRD trustees do indeed have a fiduciary duty to protect and restore the public's resources, as well as to refrain from abusing their power in carrying out their responsibilities.” Kevin R. Murray et al., Natural Resource Damage Trustees: Whose Side Are They Really On?, 5 Envtl. L. 407, 423 (2000). Because CERCLA, the CWA, and OPA are the only NRD statutes that allow a State to act as a trustee and recover NRDs, we will only focus on the NRD provisions of those statutes. 82 B. CERCLA NRD Claims CERCLA allows the federal government and the state government--acting on behalf of the public--and Indian tribes to assert claims for NRDs that result from the “release” of a “hazardous substance.” CERCLA § 107(a)(4)(C). Private entities may not bring an NRD claim under CERCLA. See Lutz v. Chromatex, 718 F. Supp. 413, 419 (M.D. Pa. 1989). “Natural resources” are defined in the Act as “land, fish, wildlife, biota, air, water, groundwater, drinking water supplies, and other such resources belonging to, managed by, held in trust by, appertaining to, or otherwise controlled by the United States, . . . any State or local government, any foreign government, any Indian tribe, or, if such resources are subject to a trust restriction on alienation, any member of an Indian tribe.” CERCLA § 101(16). Accordingly, “purely private” property does not fall within the definition of natural resources and an NRD claim cannot be brought for damages to purely private property. See Ohio v. U.S. Dep’t of the Interior, 880 F.2d 432, 460 (D.C. Cir. 1989). But to be deemed “natural resources” under this Act, the Government need not own the resources; “a substantial degree of government regulation, management, or other form of control” over the property will be sufficient to make the natural resource damages provisions apply. See id. at 461. CERCLA does not specify which resources are under state trusteeship and which resources are under federal trusteeship. That is, there may be times where there are “coexisting or contiguous natural resources or concurrent jurisdictions.” As a result, multiple trustees may have a claim with respect to a single NRD incident. When this happens, trustees must coordinate their claims as provided in 40 C.F.R. § 300.615. A “release” is defined under CERCLA to include “spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping, or disposing into the environment.” CERCLA § 101(22). The definition of hazardous substance under CERCLA includes both what has been designated as hazardous under CERLCA as well as a number of substances designated as hazardous, toxic, or an imminent hazard under other statues. In particular, a hazardous substance under CERCLA is defined as: (1) anything designated as hazardous under CWA § 311(b)(2)(A) (2) anything designated as hazardous under RCRA § 3001 (unless regulation of the waste has been suspended by Congress) (3) any toxic pollutant listed under CWA § 307(a) (4) any hazardous air pollutant designated under the Clean Air Act § 112 (5) certain imminently hazardous chemicals under the Toxic Substances Control Act § 7 (6) anything designated as a hazardous substance under CERCLA § 102. See CERCLA § 101(14). Petroleum, including oil, gasoline, and natural gas, is excluded from this definition. See id. Therefore, NRDs cannot be recovered under CERCLA for oil spills or any other release of petroleum, unless the petroleum is contaminated with other hazardous substances not normally found in petroleum. See In re Montauk Oil Trans. Corp., 1996 WL 340000 (S.D.N.Y. June 19, 1996); Robert L. Glicksman, Pollution on Federal Lands IV: Liability for Hazardous Waste Disposal, 12 J. Envtl. L. 233, 243-45 (1994). 83 Once there is a “release” of a “hazardous substance,” the trustee must show that there has been “injury to, destruction of, or loss of natural resources resulting from such a release.” CERCLA § 107(a)(4)(C). The terms injury, destruction, and loss are not defined in CERCLA. The Department of the Interior (DOI), however, has defined “injury” in its natural resource damage assessment regulations as “a measurable adverse change, either long- or short-term, in the chemical or physical quality or the viability of a natural resource resulting either directly or indirectly from exposure to a discharge of oil or release of a hazardous substance, or exposure to a product of reactions resulting from the discharge of oil or release of a hazardous substance.” 43 C.F.R. § 11.14(v). The regulations allow proof of injury either by using empirical evidence of an adverse change in a particular case (e.g., increased tumors) or by relying on a prior regulatory determination such as water quality standards, which make the presence of a hazardous substance in excess of that prescribed limited injury per se. The courts have not settled on what constitutes “resulting from such release.” The D.C. Circuit has explained that “CERCLA left it to Interior to define the measure of damages in natural resource damage assessment cases . . . . While the statutory language requires some causal connection between the element of damages and the injury--the damages must be ‘for’ an injury ‘resulting from a release of oil or a hazardous substance’--Congress has not specified precisely what that causal relationship should be.” Kennecott Copper Utah Corp. v. U. S. Dep’t. of Interior, 88 F.3d 1191, 1224 (D.C. Cir. 1996). As such, the D.C. Circuit later upheld regulations that allow for the use of computer models to determine what injuries “result from a release,” finding that the reliance on computer models was reasonable under the statute. See National Ass’n of Mfrs. v. U. S. Dep’t of Interior, 134 F.3d 1095 (D.C. Cir. 1998). Another important part of an NRD claim is figuring out who is liable under CERCLA. Subject to the requirement that there must some causal connection between the release and the injury, the potentially liable parties, more commonly known as PRPs, include the following: current owners/operators of the site; past owners/operators of the site if “disposal” occurred during their ownership/operation of the site; arrangers for disposal or treatment of the hazardous substance; and transporters of the hazardous substances who selected the site to which the substances were taken. The first category of PRPs, the present owner/operator of the site, is liable even if the owner/operator had no involvement with or responsibility for the release. It is useful to note that federal, state, and municipal governments are all included in the definition of owners and operators. In fact, CERCLA § 120(a)(1) expressly waives the federal government’s sovereign immunity with respect to NRD suits. There are some limited exceptions to liability available to governments if they acquired the land involuntarily. See CERCLA § 101(20)(D) (exempting units of State and local governments from the definition of owner or operator if the unit acquired ownership involuntarily such as through bankruptcy or tax delinquency); CERCLA § 101(35)(A)(ii) (providing a defense to liability for governmental entities that acquire land through escheat, eminent domain, or the like). There are also several other limited defenses to liability available to all categories of PRPs, including current owners and operators. See CERCLA § 101(35)(A) (outlining the innocent landowner defense and the inheritor defense); CERCLA § 107 (providing an exemption to liability for an act of God, an act of war, and federally permitted releases). 84 With respect to the second category of PRPs, past owners/operators of the site, liability will attach if there was “disposal” during their ownership. CERCLA defines “disposal” to include “the discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking or placing of any solid or hazardous waste into or on any land or water so that such solid waste or hazardous waste or any constituent thereof may enter the environment.” 42 U.S.C. § 6903(3) (incorporated by reference in 42 U.S.C § 9601(29)). Courts, however, have split on whether the passive migration of hazardous waste during the ownership of a prior owner/operator constitutes disposal. Compare Nurad, Inc. v. William E. Hopoper & Sons Co., 966 F.2d 837 (4th Cir. 1992) (holding that passive migration during prior ownership constituted “disposal” under CERCLA), with United States v. CDMG Realty Co., 96 F.3d 706 (9th Cir. 1996) (rejecting the view of Nurad). Accordingly, it is possible that a past owner/operator will not be liable for NRDs if the “disposal” that took place while it owned or operated the site was simply passive leaking. Ultimately, the resolution of this issue, however, will depend on the court where litigation is brought. Moreover, past owners and operators have the defenses to liability noted above (such as the innocent landowner defense) available to them as well. The third category of PRPs, those that have arranged for the disposal or treatment of hazardous waste, is quite broad. To be liable as an arranger, most courts have held that it is enough if it is shown that: the arranger sent a hazardous substance to the site; the arranger’s hazardous waste or some like it is fo und at the site; there is a release or threatened release of any hazardous substance from the site; the release or threatened release is causes the incurrence of costs. See United States v. Wade, 577 F. Supp. 1326 (E.D. Pa. 1983). A corporate officer may be individually liable as an arranger under CERCLA if he or she was closely involved and had direct supervisory powers over the events that led to the wrongful conduct. See Kelley v. ARCO Indus., 723 F. Supp. 1214 (W.D. Mich. 1989). Again, as with the other categories of PRPs, the limited defenses available to all PRPs, like the federally permitted release, are also available to arranger PRPs. The final category of PRPs, transporters to the site, may also be held liable for NRDs, but only if the transporter selected the site. See Tippins Inc. v. USX Corp., 37 F.3d 87 (3d Cir. 1994). Transporters that ultimately select the site are included as well as transporters that have “substantial input into the disposal decision.” Id. at 95. Like arrangers, transporter PRPs have the limited defenses like the act of God defense available to them as well. Once PRPs are identified, their liability is strict. This means that PRPs are liable even if they were not negligent in their handling of the hazardous substance at issue. In addition, liability is joint and several. Therefore, a PRP is potentially responsible for 100% of the cost of NRDs regardless of how much hazardous waste the PRP contributed to the site. Although liability under CERCLA is intended to be broad, the re are a few limits on recovery for NRDs. First, CERCLA limits the recovery of NRDs per release to $50 million unless the release was the result of willful misconduct, willful negligence, or a violation of federal safety or operating standards. CERCLA § 107(c)(1)(D), (c)(2). The Ninth Circuit has held that “incident involving release” means “an occurrence or series of occurrences of relatively short duration involving a single release or a series of releases all resulting from or connected to the event or occurrence.” United States v. Montrose Chemical Corp., 104 F.3d 1507 (9th Cir. 85 1997). Second, there can be no recovery if the release that caused the damages and the damages themselves occurred “wholly before December 11, 1980.” CERCLA § 107(f)(1). A trustee can recover, however, for all damages that occur after December 11, 1980, regardless of whether they result from pre-enactment or post-enactment releases. If damages are divisible and it can be shown that the damages occurred before December 11, 1980, the trustee cannot recover for the pre-December 11, 1980 portion of the damages. But if damages are not divisible and the release and/or damages continue post-December 11, 1980, the trustee can recover for the entire amount of non-divisible damages. See generally In re Acushnet River & New Bedford Harbor: Proceedings re Alleged PCB Pollution, 716 F. Supp. 676 (D. Mass. 1989). Third, the statute of limitations period for NRDs under CERCLA is different than that for response costs. If the damaged site is listed on the National Priorities List (NPL) or is a federal facility, the statute of limitations is slightly different: an action for NRDs need only be filed within three years after the completion of the remedial action. CERCLA § 113(g)(1). Under CERCLA § 113(g)(1), if the site is not on the NPL and it is not a federal facility, an action for NRDs must begin within three years of the later of “(A) [t]he date of the discovery of the loss and its connection with the release in question” or “(B) [t]he date on which regulations [on natural resource damage assessment procedures] are promulgated under [CERCLA § 301(c)].” This date of regulations prong is irrelevant for future cases because the courts have ruled that the regulations were promulgated, at the latest, as of March 20, 1987. See Kennecott Copper, 88 F.3d at 1212-13. Accordingly, the trustee is left with the “date of discovery” prong, which is not defined by CERCLA. But it is important to remember that even where there is a release, the nature and extent of the injury as well as the connection of the injury to the release is often not known until much later in time. As a result, the clock may not begin to run as quickly as one might anticipate. Nevertheless, trustees have entered into tolling agreements at some sites to avoid any statute of limitations problems. Once the PRPs are determined and liability seems appropriate, the next question is how much damage was done. Or, more simply, what do the PRPs owe for NRDs? Although the proper measure of damages is discussed in more detail in the other chapters, there are a few basic components. CERCLA § 301(c) provides that regulations shall be promulgated that specify “standard protocols for simplified assessments,” known as the Type A rules, and “alternative protocols for conducting assessments in individual cases to determine the type and extent of short- and long-term injury, destruction, or loss,” known as the Type B rules. These regulations “shall identify the best available procedures to determine such damages, including both direct and indirect injury, destruction, or loss and shall take into consideration factors including, but not limited to, replacement value, use value, and ability of the ecosystem or the resource to recover.” CERCLA § 301(c)(2). Thus far, DOI has promulgated only two types of Type A procedures. One is for coastal and marine environments and the other for Great Lakes environments. See 43 C.F.R. § 11.40; see also National Association of Manufacturers v. United States Dep’t of the Interior, 134 F.3d 1095 (D.C. Cir. 1998) (detailing procedures under Type A rules and upholding the rules). 86 The Type B rules, however, have a more complicated history. The first set of Type B rules was promulgated in 1986. After a court challenge, the rules were amended and the amended rules were finally promulgated on May 25, 1994. See 59 Fed. Reg. 14,262 (codified at 43 C.F.R. §§ 11.60-.84). These rules were then challenged in Kennecott v. Department of the Interior, 88 F.3d 1191 (D.C. Cir. 1996), but the court upheld most of the new rules. The Type B rules set up a four stage administrative process. First, there is the “preassessment screen,” during which the trustee determines whether a hazardous substance release may have caused injury to a natural resource. Next, during “assessment planning,” the trustee decides what methodologies to apply during damage assessment and plans the assessment process, often with the help of the PRPs. The third step is the “damages assessment.” During this stage, the trustee determines the injury to the natural resources, quantifies the injury and the lost “services provided by the resources,” determines the release pathways of the hazardous substance to the injury (satisfying the causation requirement), and quantifies the damages. Finally, there is “post-assessment” phase that takes place after a settlement is reached or litigation has concluded. At this point, the trustee knows how much money is available and can develop the final plan for restoration, replacement, or acquisition of equivalent resources based on that amount. The goal of NRDs is to return the natural resources to their “baseline” condition. The baseline condition, however, is not necessarily the condition of the resource before the release of the hazardous substance. It is, instead, the condition the resource would have been in if it had not been exposed to the reservoir of hazardous substances to which the defendant contributed. See 43 C.F.R. § 11.14(e). Congress also realized, however, that trustees could not always restore the exact resources that were injured. As a result, there is no general preference expressed in the DOI rules for restoration over acquisition of replacement resources. See Kennecott v. Interior, 88 F.3d at 1224. But DOI has made clear that restoration/replacement is complete only if the services are returned to their baseline level. In addition, NRDs may also include lost use values (benefits derived from the availability of a resource for current and future uses by identifiable people), lost non-use or passive values (benefits derived from the knowledge of the existence of resources), and any other indirect costs so long as they are “necessary” to “support” the selected remedial option. Compliance with the DOI NRD regulations is optional with trustees. See 40 C.F.R. § 300.615(c)(4); 43 C.F.R. § 11.10. If the trustee conducts the damage assessment in accordance with the DOI rules, the assessment will be entitled to a “rebuttable presumption” in any legal proceeding. See 42 U.S.C. § 9607(f)(2)(C). It is unclear what the practical significance of this “rebuttable presumption” is. But it is clear that a trustee that is willing to forego this statutory presumption may use any injury tests and/or methods of damage quantification it chooses, even though the DOI has not adopted them. Trustees may settle NRD claims under CERLCA. Some have settled natural resource damages claims before the remediation process. While the statute does not prohibit settlement prior to remediation, courts have frowned upon this approach. See Utah v. Kennecott Corp., 801 F. Supp. 553, 568 (D. Utah 1992); In re Acushet River and New Bedford Harbor: Proceedings re Alleged PCB Pollution, 712 F. Supp. 1019, 1035 (D. Mass. 1989) (ultimately approving 87 settlement of NRD claim prior to and independent of the clean up and remediation process, but imposing conditions including a requirement to “protect and restore.”). In addition, if a federal trustee is involved in the settlement, it may include a covenant not to sue for additional money. CERCLA § 122(j)(2). But in order to receive such a covenant, the PRP must agree to “protect and restore the natural resources damaged” by the release. Id. And some courts have been quite strict whe n interpreting this phrase. See Kennecott Corp., 801 F. Supp. at 569-70 (holding that the settlement at issue did not satisfy the “protect and restore” standard because the agreement did not provide protection against further contamination of groundwater). Moreover, the DOI has adopted a policy of including a reopener provision for unknown NRDs in settlements of this sort under the “extraordinary circumstances” standard found in CERCLA § 122(f)(6)(B) is satisfied. C. CWA NRD Claims The CWA also allows for recovery of NRDs. Liability for NRDs attaches if one discharges “oil or hazardous substances” “into or upon the navigable waters of the United States, adjoining shorelines, or into or upon the waters of the contiguous zone,” or in connection with activities under either the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act or the Deepwater Port Act of 1974. The CWA does not define “hazardous substance” but leaves the definition to regulations. See CWA § 311(b)(2)(A). The regulations, in turn, provide that “hazardous substance” has the same meaning that the term has under CERCLA. See 43 C.F.R. § 11.14(u). Therefore, the difference in coverage between CERCLA and the CWA is that the CWA applies only to certain bodies of water but the CWA includes discharges of both hazardous substances as well as oil. To be liable under the CWA, one must “discharge” oil or hazardous substances. “Discharge” includes such things as leaking, spilling, pumping, pouring, emitting, or dumping, but does not include those discharges that are permitted under the CWA. CWA § 311(2). In addition, the discharge must be in a quantity that the President has deemed harmful. See CWA § 311(b)(3). The amount of oil that has been designated as harmful is found in 40 C.F.R. § 110.3 (the discharge of oil not deemed harmful is found in 40 C.F.R. § 110.5); the amount of particular hazardous substances deemed harmful is found in 40 C.F.R. § 117.3. Aside from some difference in scope, NRD assessment under the CWA is the same as under CERCLA because both operate under the same set of DOI assessment regulations. As a result, a trustee should follow the same procedures to assess and recover NRDs under both statutes. D. OPA NRD Claims OPA allows for recovery for damages for “injury of, loss of, or loss of use of, natural resources including the reasonable cost of assessing the damages” recoverable by a trustee. OPA § 1002(b)(2)(A). Trustees are designated according to the process outlined in OPA § 1006(b). Unlike CERCLA, however, OPA also allows recovery for damages “for injury to, or economic losses resulting from destruction of, real or personal property by a claimant who owns or leases that property”. OPA § 1002(b)(2)(B). OPA also allows for other recovery as well such as for loss of revenue, loss of profits, and loss of subsistence use. See OPA § 1002(b)(2)(C)-(F). 88 “Natural resources” are defined in OPA as they are in CERCLA to include “land, fish, wildlife, biota, air, water, groundwater, drinking water supplies, and other such resources” managed, owned, or otherwise controlled by any level of government or an Indian tribe. OPA § 1001(20). Once damages are recovered under OPA, they must be used only for costs incurred with respect to NRDs; they may not be placed in the general revenues. OPA § 1006(f). One is liable under OPA for NRDs if one discharges oil “into or upon the navigable waters or adjoining shorelines or the exclusive economic zone” of deep ocean waters. OPA § 1002(a). Exempt discharges are those that are permitted under a permit is sued under federal, state, or local law, those from a public vessel, e.g., one owned by the federal or state government, and those from an onshore facility subject to the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act. OPA § 1002(c). In addition, there are several defenses to liability such as if the discharge was caused by an act of God or an act of war. See OPA § 1003. Like CERCLA, OPA imposes strict as well as joint and several liability. Also like CERCLA, OPA has a three-year statute of limitations that begins to run when “the loss or the connection of the loss with the discharge in question are reasonably discoverable with the exercise of due care” or when the natural resource damage assessment is completed. OPA § 1017(f). Finally, OPA caps total liability, not just that for NRDs, depending on the type of facility or vessel discharging the oil. See OPA § 1004. For example, offshore facilities are liable for up to $75 million; onshore facilities are liable for up to $350 million. Because there can be some overlap in coverage between OPA and the CWA, 15 C.F.R. § 990.15 makes clear that for oil discharges that would be covered under OPA, damage assessments that begin after February 5, 1996 must follow the OPA regulations, not those promulgated for CERCLA and the CWA, in order to obtain the rebuttable presumption. For discharges that include a mixture of oil and hazardous substances, trustees must use the CERCLA and the CWA regulations in order to obtain the rebuttable presumption. See id. § 990.15(c). The measure of NRDs under OPA is slightly different than that under CERCLA. Under OPA, a trustee can recover “(A) the cost of restoring, rehabilitating, replacing, or acquiring the equivalent of, the damaged natural resources; (B) the diminution in value of those natural resources pending restoration; plus (C) the reasonable cost of assessing those damages.” OPA § 1006(d)(1). The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) promulgated the NRD regulations under OPA. Because the NOAA regulations were drafted after the DOI regulations by a different agency and under a different statutory mandate, there are some differences. For example, in a situation where there is more than one trustee with jurisdiction to seek recovery of NRDs, the NOAA regulations call for the designation of one or more “Lead Administrative Trustees.” See 15 C.F.R. § 990.14(a)(1). The stated goal of the NOAA NRD regulations is “the return of the injured natural resources and services to baseline and compensation for interim losses of such natural resources and services from the date of the incident until recovery.” 15 C.F.R. § 990.10. The OPA 89 regulations divide the assessment procedure for NRDs into three phases: a preassessment phase, a restoration planning phase, and a restoration implementation phase. See 15 C.F.R. § 990.12. During the preassessment phase, the trustee must determine whether there has been a discharge to which OPA applies. In the restoration phase, the trustee determines the type and degree of injury to the natural resources and evaluates the restoration alternatives. One unique feature of the NOAA rules is that, rather than including the economic value of interim lost use and passive use, the rules focus the entire damage claim on the costs of restoration projects. This then consists of “primary restoration,” which includes the restoration needed to return the injured resource to its baseline condition, as well as “compensatory restoration,” which refers to enhancing or restoring resources to compensate for interim losses of resource services, including both use and passive use losses. Finally, in the restoration implementation phase, the trustee selects and implements a restoration alternative. When the trustee selects a restoration method, it is to evaluate a range of alternatives for primary and compensatory restoration, including natural recovery. See 15 C.F.R. § 990.53. The six criteria that must be included when evaluating the different alternatives are: (1) the cost to carry out the alternative (2) the extent to which each alternative is expected to meet the trustees' goals and objectives in returning the injured natural resources and services to baseline and/or compensating for interim losses (3) the likelihood of success of each alternative; (4) the extent to which each alternative will prevent future injury as a result of the incident, and avoid collateral injury as a result of implementing the alternative (5) the extent to which each alternative benefits more than one natural resource and/or service (6) the effect of each alternative on public health and safety (15 C.F.R. 990.54(a)). Under the OPA regulations, trustees have the authority to enter into settlement agreements of claims. See 15 C.F.R. § 990.25. In addition, if a trustee follows NOAA’s regulations for NRD assessment, its determination under those regulations has “the force and effect of a rebuttable presumption.” OPA § 1006(e)(2). And, like the DOI regulations, use of the NOAA regulations is optional. See 15 C.F.R. § 990.11. 90 III. Natural Resource Damages: Cases A. Tulalip Landfill Superfund (CERCLA) Site Site: The site is a 147-acre landfill on North Ebey Island in the delta of the Snohomish River, north of Seattle, Washington. The island was a relatively undisturbed wetland owned by the Tulalip Indian Tribe before the Tribe leased the land to the Seattle Disposal Company for use as a landfill. Release: Insufficient grading of the soil covering the landfill permitted rainwater to penetrate the landfill and create a pool of contaminated groundwater (leachate) in the landfill. The leachate seeped both into the surrounding wetlands and into the groundwater below. Mixed commercial and industrial wastes were released into the landfill. The contaminants consisted of: benzo (a) anthracine; benzo (a) pyrene; chrysene; fluorine; naphthalene; pyrene and several others. Metals found at the site include: arsenic, lead, and chromium. Three to four million tons of waste was deposited at the site between 1964 and 1979. Injury: Groundwater, wetland water, and slough water near the site all contained heavy metals in excess of the EPA maximum under the Safe Drinking Water Act. The leachate leaving the site exceeded water quality criteria for a number of pesticides, heavy metals, and other contaminants. The contaminated resources were the habitat for many species of animal, including the bald eagle and the stellar (northern) sea lion, both of which are considered threatened under State and Federal law. The contamination at the site spread to surrounding wetlands, tidal mudflats, and the Snohomish River. Attachment of Liability: CERCLA permits NRDs here because there was a “release” of “hazardous substances” that resulted in injury to natural resources. Trustees: • Tulalip Tribes of Washington, the current owner/operator of the site who leased it to Seattle Disposal Company • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration • The State of Washington • The United States Department of the Interior. Potentially Responsible Parties: There were a large number of PRPs, including the current owner/operator of the site, several former owner/operators, several arrangers for disposal or treatment, and also transporters of the hazardous substances. Some of the more heavily involved parties are: • Seattle Disposal Company, a former owner/operator of the site and a transporter of hazardous substances to the site. • Rubatino Refuse Removal, Inc., a transporter of hazardous substances to the site. • Entities now under Washington Waste Hauling Inc., transporters of hazardous substances to the site. 91 Damages: The trustees calculated the total damages associated with the injury as the amount of money necessary to engage in a cost-effective plan to “restore, replace, rehabilitate, or acquire the equivalent” of the habitat services of the 147 acres of wetlands that comprised the area of the landfill itself. In order to decide how large the restoration project needed to be, the trustees used habitat equivalency analysis. Their conclusion was that 290 to 360 acres would be needed to replace the habitat services of the 147 acres of Category 1 wetlands from 1980 through project completion. This approach was conservative in two ways: • It did not take into account damage to the resources surrounding the landfill. • It used a conserva tive replacement ratio. Washington State uses a wetlands model that recommends a replacement ratio of six acres for every one acre injured. A previous project near the Tulalip site used a replacement ratio of three to one. Available documentation does not explain how the trustees calculated the cost of their desired restoration project. Settlement: Five separate consent decrees have been reached, totaling more than $1.85 million. Most of the settlements to date have been with parties with de minimis involvement. Other settlements are expected in the future. The money will be used to fund a restoration project that will involve a combination of various strategies, including creating and restoring habitats, enhancing existing habitats, and taking actions to restore specific species that had been harmed. Restoration plans do not include the construction of hatcheries. References U.S. Department of the Interior, State of Washington, Department of Ecology, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, The Tulalip Tribes of Washington. 1997. Draft Programmatic Natural Resources Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment for the Tulalip Landfill CERCLA Site. http://www.darcnw.noaa.gov./tulalip.htm. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2002. NPL Site Narrative Listing. http://www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/npl.nar1318.htm. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 2001. Tulalip Landfill Superfund Site. http://www.darcnw.noaa.gov/tulalip.htm, last updated October 10, 2001. 92 B. Lower Fox River Site: The site is the Lower Fox River in Wisconsin, which flows from Lake Winnebago into Green Bay, which in turn empties into Lake Michigan. The source of the contamination was the Appleton Coated Paper facility, as well as several other paper mills located in Appleton, Wisconsin, on the banks of the Lower Fox River. Release: Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which contain ink and solvent and are used to make carbonless copy paper, were released into the Lower Fox River. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources estimated that 660,000 lbs. of PCBs were released into the Fox River between 1950 and 1997. Injury: PCBs contaminated fish and other wildlife in the River. PCBs cause death, deformity and disease in fish and other wildlife. PCBs have been linked to a number of health problems in humans, including cancer. PCBs are bioaccumulative pollutants; low concentrations at low levels in the food chain lead to higher concentrations at higher levels. Attachment of Liability: CERCLA permits the recovery of NRDs because there was a “release” of “hazardous substances” that caused injury to natural resources. Trustees: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Potentially Responsible Parties: There were seven companies in the “Fox River Group”: • Fort James Corp., owner of Green Bay West Mill which processed waste and scrap NCR paper. The WDNR estimates that Fort James was responsible for 19 - 39% of the 660,000 lbs. of PCBs released into the river. • National Cash Register (NCR) Corporation, for which the mills were producing carbonless copy paper. • Appleton Papers, Inc. (API), which made the carbonless copy paper and which owned the facility from which the PCBs were released. • P.H. Glatfelter Co. • Riverside Paper Corp. • U.S. Paper Mills Corp. • Wisconsin Tissue Mills, Inc. Damages: Most information is available for the damage assessment done in support of the Fort James settlement. In general, these damage estimates were made using a compensatory restoration approach. Under this approach, damages are calculated as the money needed to fund projects that will both restore the injured resource and compensate society for interim or residual losses. A value is never explicitly placed on the lost resources. The Fort James settlement was based specifically on two kinds of natural resource damages: lost habitat services for birds (terns and bald eagles) and mammals (especially mink) and lost recreational services arising from formal advisories not to eat fish from the Fox River due to PCB contamination. 93 The State hired consultants (ARCADIS JSA, 2000) who used Habitat Equivalency Analysis (HEA) to calculate what the PRPs could fairly be required to do to compensate for the loss of habitat they had caused. HEA is based on the idea that it is possible to calculate, for each affected species, a quantity of restored or newly created habitat that has a present value equal to the present value of the quantity of habitat that has been injured and will render a lower level of “ecological services” to that species because of the contamination. Losses and gains in habitat services are measured in “acre years”. In order to estimate the damages associated with recreation losses, consultants used random- utility models to analyze recreational-trip data (Desvousges, MacNair, and Smith, 2000). They used survey data about both the actual and hypothetical recreational behavior of Wisconsin residents. That is, residents were asked both about what they had done during periods in which formal PCB advisories were in effect, and what they would do in response to such an advisory. Based on that data, the consultants calculated both the loss in utility or personal satisfaction from fishing recreation attributable to the release of PCBs and the gain in utility from the various facilities that Fort James is required to construct under the settlement. The trustees aimed to settle with Fort James for an amount of restoration that was equitable given that multiple PRPs contributed to the injury. Thus, they stipulated in the Consent Decree that Fort James must add features to various fishing sites – e.g. docks, boat ramps, picnic areas, and more fish – such that the present value of the utility added by those features will at least equal the present value of the utility that Fort James’s share of the PCBs removed. Similarly, the trustees sought to require habitat restoration of Fort James that was consistent with that company’s share of the initial release of contaminants. Settlement: Fort James agreed to the following terms in a Consent Decree: • Contribute to restoration of Cat Island habitat: $300,000 • Convey approximately 700 acres of wetlands along the Peshtigo Creek to the State • Expand a spotted muskellunge hatchery: $300,000 • Northern Pike habitat preservation and restoration: $200,000 • Recreation enhancement projects • Reimburse trustees for assessment costs: $50,000 The Fort James settlement was estimated to restore 32 – 65% of the recreational services that were lost as a result of the injury (Desvousges, MacNair, and Smith, 2000). More recently, API and NCR Corp. agreed to the following terms in a Consent Decree: • Payments totaling $40 million over four years for restoration projects • Payments to DOI equaling $1.5 million over four years to pay for expenses incurred in the NRDA process. References ARCADIS JSA. 2000. Lower Fox River and Green Bay Potential Natural Resource Damages and Restoration Offsets for Ecological Losses. Prepared for the Fort James Corporation 94 for settlement purposes. http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/water/wm/lowerfox/sediment/jsa_final_offset_report_111 300.pdf . Desvousges, William, Douglas MacNair, and Ginger Smith. Lower Fox River and Bay of Green Bay: Assessment of Potential Recreational Fishing Losses and Restoration Offsets. Prepared for Fort James Corporation, for settlement purposes. http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/water/wm/lowerfox/sediment/ter_final_offset_report_111 500.pdf. Stratus Consulting. 1999. PCB Pathway Determination for the Lower Fox River / Green Bay Natural Resources Damage Assessment. http://www.stratusconsulting.com/Staff/PDFs/pathway.pdf. U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin. Consent Decree for State of Wisconsin v. Fort James Operating Company and Fort James Corporation. http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/water/wm/lowerfox/sediment/nrd_cd_final.pdf. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1997. U.S. EPA’s Superfund Role: Lower Fox River Cleanup. http://www.epa.gov/region5/pdf/lowerfox.pdf . Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. 2000. Summary of Basis of Natural Resources Damages Settlement Among State of Wisconsin and Fort James Corporation. http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/water/wm/lowerfox/sediment/summary_nrd_settlement_fi nal.pdf. 95 C. Lake Barre/Texaco Site: The site is Lake Barre, Louisiana, part of the Barataria – Terrebonne estuary system on the Gulf Coast, south and slightly west of New Orleans. The lake averages a depth of about two meters and consists mostly of salt marsh. Many species of plants and animals inhabit the lake and the adjacent marshes, including several listed as endangered or threatened, such as the bald eagle. The area is an important site for both commercial and recreational fishing, hunting and trapping, and of wildlife viewing and other forms of tourism. Release: A sixteen- inch crude oil pipeline operated by Texaco Pipeline, Inc. ruptured in Lake Barre and dispersed oil over the surface of the lake and onto the surrounding marshland. An estimated 4,165 acres of vegetated marsh were lightly oiled, and 162 acres of vegetated marsh were heavily oiled. Injury: Crude oil dispersed over the surface of the lake and onto the surrounding marshland. In small areas of the affected marsh acreage, oil collected in “streamers”, resulting in the death of all above ground biomass. Across most of the affected marshland the damage was less dramatic. Two oiled birds were found dead, along with some brown shrimp. Other oiled birds were observed alive. Small numbers of dead fish, brown shrimp, and blue craps were recovered in the cleanup process. Commercial oyster harvesting in Lake Barre was halted for 74 days. The cleanup operations prevented recreational access to the affected area for a few days. The oil caused increased stress to plants, which lowered their productivity and resulted in a partial loss of the services provided by the marsh land. Attachment of Liability: NRDs are permitted under OPA because there was a nonexempt “discharge” of oil on the navigable waters or adjoining shorelines of the United States covered by OPA. Trustees: • • • The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Several agencies of the State of Louisiana Potentially Responsible Parties: Texaco Pipeline, Inc., the entity responsible for the discharge. Damages: Pursuant to OPA, Texaco was invited to join in the damage assessment process and participated throughout. To calculate the amount of marsh restoration that would compensate the public for the damage caused by the spill, the trustees and Texaco each calculated the amount of aquatic animal and bird life destroyed, and translated the total loss of life into an equivalent in marsh acre- years. The trustees and Texaco cooperated to calculate the amount of marsh acreage affected by the oil, 96 and translate that into marsh acre-years. They then calculated how long it will probably take the damaged resources to recover. Texaco then offered to create new marshland so that the present value of the acre- years of new marsh would compensate for the present value of the acre-years lost. To calculate the number of aquatic animals and birds killed by the spill, the trustees and Texaco agreed to use models to estimate the figure based on the amount of oil spilled, rather than attempt to count carcasses. They decided not to try to count because it would be expensive. Moreover, a count would likely be inaccurate because of the difficulty of finding dead animals in the lake and marsh and because of the difficulty of knowing whether variations in plankton counts were caused by the spill or by other factors. In addition, the small number of dead birds and marine animals found during the containment and cleanup indicated that the loss of life was relatively small. The trustees estimated that the spill killed 7,650 kg of marine biomass and 333 birds. Texaco estimated that the numbers were significantly smaller. However, because the trustees found that Texaco’s restoration offer was more than sufficient to compensate for the high estimate, there was no need to resolve that disagreement. To calculate the amount of marshland services lost, the trustees and Texaco conducted a joint field study in July and October of 1997 and in June of 1998. Based on these studies and on observations of the size and shape of the oil slick during the containment and cleanup, they divided the damage to marshland into four categories of severity and estimated the amount of marsh in each category. Based on that, they then estimated the amount of acre- years of marsh services lost to the spill. The total damage to marshland in acre-years was estimated at 75.6. The trustees determined that human use of the area was not significantly affected, since alternative resources were easily available during the time the affected area was unavailable, and the cost of estimating any loss would probably outweigh the loss itself. The trustees did consider that there was some loss of human use in deciding on the appropriate compensation. To calculate how many acres of salt marsh grass Texaco should plant, the trustees considered several factors, including: the amount of time it would take the planted marsh to reach maturity, the amount of time it would take marsh grass to grow on the site through natural colonization, the fact that the grass will be planted in strips so that unplanted areas will be colonized by the planted grass, and the fact that the planted grass will prevent erosion and thus preserve the site. Texaco was required to plant enough grass so that the number of acre-years, discounted to present value, created on the site through Texaco’s efforts, minus the number of discounted acre-years that would arise naturally, equals the amount of acre-years of damage. The trustees calculated that Texaco must plant 18.6 acres. Settlement: Texaco agreed to implement a restoration project that consists of planting marsh grasses on 18.6 acres of East Timbalier Island and to pay approximately $480,000 to cover response and assessment costs. The trustees held public meetings and other consultations to consider what restoration projects would most effectively compensate for the damage. The trustees found that, because all of the directly affected area, except for 0.28 acres, was recovering rapidly, primary restoration 97 would be inefficient and unnecessary. The trustees decided that the best compensatory restoration would be to create new marshland, since such projects would create new habitats for the species of bird and aquatic animal that suffered losses because of the spill, and because such projects are cost effective and likely to succeed. References Federal Register. October 7, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 194), p. 54643. Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinators Office, Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan, Texaco Pipeline, Inc., Lake Barre, Louisiana, May 16, 1997. 1999. http://www.darp.noaa.gov/publicat.htm. 98 D. M/V Formosa Six Location: The site is in the Gulf of Mexico, about three miles off the Southwestern pass of the Mississippi River. On April 11, 1997, the M/V Formosa Six, a chemical tanker, collided with the M/V Flora, causing a large chemical release from the M/V Formosa Six into the water. Release: 1,500 to 1,800 metric tons of ethylene dichloride (EDC) were released from the M/V Formosa Six into the Gulf waters. Injury: Because EDC has a much higher specific gravity than sea water, the trustees estimated that most of the EDC sank rapidly to the sea floor below, with minimal exposure to marine animals on the surface or in the water column. Sampling of the sea floor, done in May 1997, revealed that EDC was present in the sea bed at a concentration of greater than 100 parts per million (ppm) over a 12 acre area. The highest concentration found was greater than 26,000 ppm. Approximately 50 acres showed concentrations between one and 100 ppm. EDC biodegrades slowly, and was expected to gradually disperse into the water column. Dispersion occurs more rapidly when the water is turbulent. Hurricane Daniel passed near the area in July of 1997. Based on these facts, the trustees believed that by May 1999, the affected area had recovered completely. Although the accident caused vessel traffic to be rerouted, any effect on commercial or recreational use of the area was negligible. The only significant loss of resources was the effect on services provided by benthic bacteria on the sea floor. Benthic bacteria breaks down organic matter that settles on the sea floor, and they serve as prey for larger organisms, including the commercially important brown shrimp. Concentrations of EDC over 100 ppm occurred over an area of 12 acres, and are estimated to have caused a loss of services from benthic organisms for approximately two years. Attachment of Liability: NRDs are permitted under both CERCLA and CWA because of the “release” or “discharge” of a hazardous substance into the waters of the adjoining shorelines of the United States or into a contiguous zone of the United States. Trustees: • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration • Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries • Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality • Louisiana Departme nt of Natural Resources Potentially Responsible Parties: • Formosa Plastics Tanker Corporation, owner and operator of the M/V Formosa Six at the time of the incident. • EFNAV Co., LTD, manager of the M/V Flora at the time of the incident. • Segesta Shipping Co., LTD, owner of the M/V Flora at the time of the incident. 99 Damages: The U.S. Coast Guard required the responsible parties to arrange for sampling of the sea bed below the site of the collision. This sampling provided the statistics for EDC concentration on the sea floor. It was determined that the acres of benthic bacteria with concentrations higher than 100 ppm would suffer a service loss caused by toxicity to those benthic organisms. The trustees used a compensatory restoration approach to quantifying damages. The trustees found that the creation of intermediate marshland would be the most efficient and otherwise appropriate form of restoration to compensate the public for the loss of ecological services in the affected area from the time of the inc ident until full recovery. The marsh will contribute organic matter to offshore environments like the 12-acre area where the concentration of EDC was over 100 ppm. The trustees also found that the marsh would provide services to species that also used the damaged area, such as the brown shrimp. Using Habitat Equivalency Analysis, the trustees determined that at least one to two acres of marsh would have to be created to compensate for the loss of the services in the affected area of sea floor. Settlement: The responsible parties agreed to pay $65,000 in compensatory damages and $25,000 to reimburse the trustees for the costs of investigating the incident. The money paid in compensatory damages was applied to a wetland-restoration project that was already being funded with state and matching funds. The project is being carried out under the Wetlands Reserve Program, which is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service. Through this program, private landowne rs are given the opportunity to enter into a conservation easement or a cost-share restoration agreement; both options preserve private ownership of the land. This allows marginal farmland to be converted back into valuable wetlands. The original project aimed to remove levees in low lying coastal areas, causing approximately 500 acres of land that had been converted from estuarine marsh to farmland to return to wetland status. The Formosa Six settlement funds will enable an additional 140 acres of land to be converted to marsh. References Formasa Six Spill Agreement. 1999. http://www.darcnw.noaa.gov/download.htm. Kern, John, Brian Julius, John Iliff, Stephanie Fluke, LisaMarie Frietas, Heather Finley, Him Hanifen, Chris Pichler, Linda Pace. 1999. Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment: M/V Formosa Six Ethylene Dichloride Discharge, Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana, April 11, 1997. http://www.darcnw.noaa.gov/download.htm#rest. 100 E. Blackbird Mine CERCLA Site Site: Blackbird Mine consists of more than 10,000 acres of mining claims in Salmon National Forest, which is in east central Idaho, 20 miles west of the town of Salmon, Idaho. There are mine tunnels, waste rock piles, and a 10.5 acre open pit at the headwaters of Bucktail and Meadow Creeks, which drain into Big Deer and Blackbird Creeks, which in turn drain into Panther Creek, a major tributary of the Salmon River. Cobalt and copper mining began at the site in the late 19th century and mining activity peaked in the 1940s and 1950s. By 1982, the current owner, the Noranda Mining Company, had ceased operations. Release: Copper, cobalt, arsenic, and other hazardous materials have leached out of the mine tunnels and waste rock piles and into the watershed. Surface water and sediment in the creeks contain high levels of these contaminants. Injury: There has been no accurate measure of the quantities of contaminants due to the protracted nature of the release. However, the hazardous substances leached into the waters of Panther Creek and into the surrounding watershed, contaminating surface water and sediments in the creeks. Panther Creek had historically supported substantial runs of Chinook salmon. By the early 1960s, these fish had been completely eliminated from Panther Creek by contamination from the Blackbird Mine. The sockeye and Chinook salmon and the Steelhead and Bull trout downstream in the Salmon River are threatened by the poor water quality. The populations of other species of fish have also been reduced. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game found that the population density of rainbow trout in Panther Creek upstream from the mining influence were 35 to 50 times higher than in the part of that stream most directly affected by the mine. Attachment of Liability: NRDs are permitted under both CERCLA and CWA because of the “release” or “discharge” of a hazardous substance into the waters of the adjoining shorelines of the United States or into a contiguous zone of the United States. Trustees: • State of Idaho • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration • U.S. Forest Service Potentially Responsible Parties: • Noranda Mining, Inc. and Noranda Explo ration, Inc., the current owner of the site • M.A. Hanna Company and Hanna Services Company, a former owner of the site • Alumet Corporation, a former owner of the site • Blackbird Mining Company Limited Partnership Damages: The reduction of fish populations entails some injury in the form of lost ecosystem services. There are also damages due to the recreational activity surrounding Panther 101 Creek and the cultural importance of Panther Creek fish to certain Native American tribes. Damages were determined using a compensatory restoration approach. The service-toservice scaling methodology used in this case calculates the size of the compensatory restoration project necessary to ensure that the present discounted quantity of replacement services is equal to the present discounted quantity of services lost during the time between the beginning of the injury and the accomplishment of primary restoration. The key to this approach is that it equates quantities, rather than values, of services lost and restored. In the damage assessment and in the settlement, primary and compensatory restoration activities were assumed to be conducted concurrently, since that approach was deemed to be cost-effective. It was also assumed that water quality would return to baseline cond itions in 2005 as a result of remediation conducted under the auspices of the U. S. EPA. The trustees established a baseline by determining that, but for the contamination, there would have been a population of 200 adult Chinook salmon spawning in Panther Creek each year. The trustees selected the Chinook salmon population as the baseline measure for all the environmental services lost because of the contamination, on the assumption that salmon vitality is a good measure of the overall health of the habit at. This assumption makes sense because the conditions necessary for salmon vitality also support the other fish and streambed resources that the mine damaged. The baseline was used to identify actions that would return the salmon population to baseline and compensate for losses due to reduced fish populations between 1980 and the date when fish populations were restored to the baseline. Using a salmon life-cycle model, the trustees estimated that if salmon recovery efforts began in 2005, baseline populations would be restored in 2021. However, in order to compensate for interim losses, salmon populations need then to be restored to levels exceeding the baseline. The trustees calculated the present value of the total number of salmon years lost since 1980, which is 200 (baseline number) times 15 years times 3% per year, and equated that to the present value of a certain number of salmon years above the baseline over the life of the restoration project. The responsible parties therefore were required to provide that extra amount of restored salmon years to compensate for the salmon years that they destroyed. Settlement: The PRPs agreed to: • Clean up the mine site and restore water quality according to a cleanup program selected by the EPA • Implement a Biological Restoration and Compensation Plan (BRCP) to restore, enhance, and create anadromous and resident salmonid habitat in site- impacted and outof-basin streams • Put $2.5 million in a fund for hatchery operation • Pay $1-2 million for trustee oversight costs associated with the BRCP • Pay government agencies $328,742 for past response costs associated with the site • Pay $4.7 million for reimbursement of damage assessment costs Restoration activities in Panther Creek are being designed to improve water quality; 102 restore, enhance, and create Chinook salmon and steelhead habitat; and reintroduce spring/summer Chinook salmon. Those activities include: • Restore water quality in Panther Creek to support all life stages of salmonids • Reintroduce spring/summer Chinook salmon to Panther Creek • Realign a section of Panther Creek to create and improve salmon and steelhead spawning and rearing habitat • Create off-channel habitat in Panther Creek to improve juvenile salmonid rearing conditions • Construct livestock exclusion fencing to restore degraded riparian habitats and improve spawning and rearing conditions for salmon and steelhead The responsible parties will implement components of the restoration plan with trustee oversight. Implementation will proceed over a period of years, with measures timed to coincide with water quality remediation. All decisions regarding implementation will be made by a Trustee Council comprised of representatives from NOAA, the U.S. Forest Service, and the State of Idaho. The trustees are working closely with EPA to ensure a coordinated, cost-effective remediation and restoration strategy. References Chapman, David, Nicholas Iadanza, and Tony Penn. 1997. Calculating Resource Compensation: An Application of the Service-to-Service Approach to the Blackbird Mine Hazardous Waste Site. NOAA Damage Assessment and Restoration Program, Technical Paper 97-1. http://www.darcnw.noaa.gov/blackfnl.pdf. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 2001. Blackbird Mine Restoration. http://www.darcnw.noaa.gov/Bbird.htm. Press Release dated May 1, 1995. http://www.publicaffairs.noaa.gov/pre95/may95/blkbrd2.html. U. S. District Court in the District of Idaho. 1995. Consent Decree: State of Idaho et al. v. The M. A. Hanna Company, et al. http://www.darcnw.noaa.gov/bbm-cd.pdf. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2000. Blackbird Mine Site Description. http://yosemite.epa.gov/r10/nplpad.nsf/88d393e4946e3c478825631200672c95/eb9d9c56 387b99f2852565940073000e?OpenDocument. 103