Spring 2011: MATH 1220-004 Wed. 20th April Calculus II Dr. F?. Lodh Midterm Examination 50 minutes Name: Student ID: Instructions. 1. Attempt all questions. 2. The examiner values clear writing, neat presentation. ai~d logical arguments. 3. No calculators or cheat sheets allowed. 4. Scratch paper is on the last page. Ask tile instructor if you need some more. ~__Question Points Your Score Q~ 20 Q2 20 Q3 20 TOTAL 60 Qi]... [20 points] Consider the series Z~ (i) Show that the series converges. (ii) Determine an upper bound for the error made in approximating the sum of the series with the i~artia1 sum. ci) 10th Lkcgn~ ~t: S _N6+s I —x C 60 —~ tN~ L __ L OVER “C I S~c~ 1 ~t S r b~ \~t~r4 = H __ Q2]. (x—1~ [20 points] Find the convergence set of the power series ~ ~ + 2 Carefully justify any claim you make. cd0s~~c ~*o 1$ z r~ v~3 —~ c~UNvu~~r -~ ~ {-crf H ~\1 t~f I L ~ co x~ en 0 0 ~Ez~t 1 -t — __ ~ 21) Q3]. [20 points] Find the Taylor series of f(x) notation. . . = %/~ around a = 1. Write your answer in summation ± ~1 v~1~ 4 C 2 - — Z ~o. ~