Shipping & Receiving Procedure Effective date January 1, 2016

Shipping & Receiving Procedure
Effective date January 1, 2016
Shipping and receiving functions are handled by designated campus stores areas, centralized
ordering units such as Radiation Safety and Health Sciences Animal Ordering, or by individuals in
Procedure – Receiving
Receive package/shipment
Before accepting and signing for any shipment:
 Check the delivery slip to see if the shipment has been delivered to the correct location.
 If the courier/freight company asks for “Power of Attorney” to clear a shipment , check the delivery
slip to see who is named as the Importer of Record.
- If the University of Saskatchewan is named, direct the courier/freight company to the
university customs broker.
- If “Bill Shipper” appears on the delivery slip, the supplier’s customs broker is responsible for
assigning a customs broker and handling all customs related issues and costs.
 Check the delivery slip to match the number of boxes listed to the actual number of boxes
 Check for visible signs of damage to the shipment and note any damage on the delivery slip. Add
“Subject to further inspection” for large shipments and equipment to cover any hidden damage
that may have occurred.
For areas with receiving docks, assist with unloading as necessary.
Handling of hazardous goods is subject to health and safety regulations.
NOTE: Once the delivery slip is signed, the courier/freight company transfers liability to the
university, for any problems with shipment. It also becomes the receiver’s
responsibility to correct deliveries to the wrong location.
Examine shipment immediately
Report discrepancies and damage
Open the shipment and verify quantity and goods or equipment against supporting documents
such as a PCard order form or purchase order, to ensure that what was ordered represents what
was received.
Inspect for any hidden damage e.g. dents, broken glass, etc.
Supplier outside of Canada – For Customs compliance purposes, any change between the
original order and what was received must be reported to Purchasing Services. This includes
changes in total quantity, goods or pricing. The change may also require an amendment to
customs documentation.
Changes from the original purchase order may require adjustments in UniFi, in the form of a
change order.
Contact the supplier to rectify problems such as damage, shortages and nonconformance to
specifications – goods for return may require a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number.
Complete Receiving
For purchase orders, enter the quantity received against each line item. See the UniFi Training
Manual – Section 12.
For exception standing orders, complete an Exception Standing Order Confirmation of Receipt of
Goods form.
Complete any tracking logs for PCard, if applicable.
Claim for damaged goods
In order to make a claim, Federal government regulations state that all concealed damage must be
reported to the carrier (transportation company) within 48 hours upon receipt of goods. Visible
damage must be reported within 10 days upon receipt of goods.
If timelines are not met, the university department/unit could end up being responsible for the repair
or replacement costs. Regulatory time constraints also apply to late dry ice shipments that result in
If the shipment was sent FOB destination or FOB University of Saskatchewan, the supplier is
responsible to ensure the goods arrive intact. If goods are sent FOB origin, the university is
responsible for the shipment. In either case, keep the following documentation to support the claim:
Original delivery slip/bill of lading
Receipted copy of transportation bill
Certified copy of supplier’s invoice
All documentation received with the shipment.
Determination of how damage occurred will involve arrangements for an inspector from the
transportation company. If the transportation company declines responsibility for reimbursement for
loss or damage in transit due to improper packaging, then reimbursement or replacement must be
requested from the supplier. Keep the carton, wrapping and damaged goods until the claim is settled.
Upon receipt of a damaged parcel post shipment, notify the supplier to replace damaged goods,
place a claim against Canada Post and keep the carton, wrapping and damaged goods for
submission, if required.
Contact the supplier and/or Purchasing Services for assistance.
Procedure – Temporary Import of Goods
When a department/unit requires equipment for demonstration or test purposes from a supplier outside of
a) Complete a Temporary Importation Bond (TIB) Information form
Equipment received from out of country must have the serial number, model number, country of origin,
and value of goods listed on the shipping documents. Note that all equipment must meet Saskatchewan
electrical standards (see Electrical Equipment Certification form). Safety Resources may need to be
informed to ensure the equipment meets university requirements while being used on campus.
b) Risk management assessment
The TIB information is also required for insurance purposes, in the event of loss or damage. Purchasing
Services will contact Risk Management & Insurance Services to determine insurance coverage, and risk
and liability.
c) Complete a purchase requisition in UniFi (university financial system)
Once the university customs broker advises that the goods qualify under TIB, enter a purchase
requisition. This is required for customs, university insurance purposes, and to cover freight and
brokerage charges.
d) Return of goods to foreign supplier
The department/unit will be contacted prior to the expiration date of the TIB to confirm that the goods will
be returned. The university customs broker must be notified of the planned date of export prior to the
return of the goods. Failure to do so may result in the payment of GST and applicable duty on the total
value of the temporary import. The goods must be exported prior to the expiry date of the temporary
entry (maximum of 18 months) or a request for extension must be submitted to the Canada Customs
through Purchasing Services.
e) In the event that the goods are purchased, a memo should be sent to Purchasing Services to request an
amendment to the customs entry and to initiate the appropriate changes to the purchase order. All
applicable duties and taxes will need to be paid on the full value of the goods.
Procedure – Temporary Import of Goods Qualifying under the Scientific or
Exploratory Expeditions Remission Order
The Scientific Expeditions or Exploratory Remission Order can be used when a project is conducted or
sponsored by a scientific or cultural organization, and institution of learning or a foreign government, where
the participants are non-residents and the sponsors have undertaken to make available to the Government of
Canada all information obtained in Canada, as a result of the expedition's field studies
a) Contact Purchasing Services
Provide details of the project including the collaborative partners. Purchasing Services will work with
Canada Customs to determine eligibility of the project. Once approval is received, prior authorization is
not required for temporary imports of equipment used on the project.
b) Complete a Temporary Importation Bond (TIB) Information form
Equipment received from out of country must have the serial number, model number, country of origin,
and value of goods listed on the shipping documents. Note that all equipment must meet Saskatchewan
electrical standards (see Electrical Equipment Certification form). Safety Resources may need to be
informed to ensure the equipment meets university requirements while being used on campus. The
university customs broker will prepare a customs release with a minimum of 48 hours notification.
c) Risk management assessment
The TIB information is also required for insurance purposes, in the event of loss or damage. Purchasing
Services will contact Risk Management & Insurance Services to determine insurance coverage, and risk
and liability.
d) Complete a purchase requisition in UniFi (university financial system)
Once the university customs broker advises that the goods qualify under TIB, enter a purchase
requisition. This is required for customs, university insurance purposes, and to cover freight and
brokerage charges.
e) Return of goods to foreign supplier
The department/unit will be contacted prior to the expiration date of the TIB to confirm that the goods will
be returned. The university customs broker must be notified of the planned date of export prior to the
return of the goods. Failure to do so may result in the payment of GST and applicable duty on the total
value of the temporary import. The goods must be exported prior to the expiry date of the temporary
entry (maximum of 18 months) or a request for extension must be submitted to the Canada Customs
through Purchasing Services.
Procedure – General Shipping
For couriers, complete the shipping documentation for applicable university contracted supplier. Accounts
must be setup and linked to a PCard (Procurement Card). Contact Purchasing Services for assistance in
selecting other types of shipping services – truck, rail, or air freight.
Goods for Return – A Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number from the supplier must be included on
any paperwork.
Procedure – Canadian Shipping
Complete shipping documentation
Include name, address and telephone number of the consignee (person receiving the shipment).
Indicate name of individual and department/unit sending the goods.
Full description and value of each item must also be shown. This information is required for
claims and insurance purposes in the event the shipment is lost or destroyed.
Indicate whether the shipment is prepaid or collect.
Specify any special handling instructions.
Contact courier/freight company for pickup
Specify the pickup location.
Procedure – International Shipping
To meet requirements of foreign government regulations, customs documentation must be completed prior to
shipping. Contact the university contracted customs broker for assistance.
Procedure – Chemical, Animal, Print Material & Media Shipping
Chemicals – In addition to standard information required on shipping documentation, name of chemical,
volume, hazardous or non-hazardous status and weight (including wet or dry ice) are required.
Animals – May require special handling arrangements.
Food Related Material, including seed and seed samples – All food related material identified under the
US Bioterrorism Act must be shipped through Agriculture Stores.
Print Material & Media – Reference material, examinations, grant applications, etc. much be declared as
such. This type of print material is generally valued at $5 per pound for customs purposes. Books must be
declared at market value. Media shipments of film, slides, tapes, photographs, etc. that will not be returned to
Canada should be declared as being used for collaborative research, and a value attached.
Procedure – Equipment for Repair & Return
Canadian Supplier
a) Complete a purchase requisition in UniFi (university financial system)
This is required for university insurance purposes, estimated or quoted cost of repair, and to
cover freight charges.
b) Contact Purchasing Services, if required
Equipment sent out for repair or calibration must have the serial number, model number,
university equipment tag number (if applicable), Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number
and value of goods, on shipping documents. This information is required for insurance purposes,
in the event of loss or damage.
Foreign Supplier
a) Complete a purchase requisition in UniFi (university financial system)
This is required for customs, university insurance purposes, estimated or quoted cost of repair,
and to cover freight and brokerage charges.
b) Contact the university customs broker
Equipment sent out of country for repair or calibration must have the serial number, model
number, university equipment tag number (if applicable), country of origin, Returned Material
Authorization (RMA) number and value of goods listed on the shipping documents.
U.S. only – shipping documents must also include Federal Communication Commission (FCC)
identifier number for electronics and consignee’s tax identifier (IRS) number. This information is a
requirement of both Canada and U.S. Customs to identify goods as being sent for repair. Failure to
provide this information will not only delay processing of paperwork but upon re-entering Canada after
repair, will be considered by Canada Customs as “new” and subject to duties and taxes on the full
value of equipment rather than the value of the repair.
Related Links/Forms
Controlled/Restricted Goods Procedure
Customs Exporting Procedure
Customs Importing Procedure
Document Name
Customs & Brokerage Information
Exception Standing Order Confirmation of Receipt of Goods Form
Electrical Equipment Certification Information
Electrical Equipment Certification Form
FDA Prior Notice Data Form Instructions
FDA Prior Notice Data Form
FDA Bioterrorism Act Information
Receiving Log for Imported Goods
Shipping Log for Exported Goods
Shipping to Canada Instructions for Credit Card Purchases
Shipping to Canada Instructions for Purchase Orders
TAHOCO Tariff Classification form
Temporary Importation Bond (TIB) Information Form for General Goods
Temporary Importation Bond (TIB) Information Form for Goods Qualifying under the Scientific or Exploratory
Remission Order
Contact Information
Agriculture Stores – food related material, including seed & seed samples
Purchasing Services, Financial Services