Procurement Card (PCard) Procedure Effective date January 1, 2016 The PCard is a corporate credit card provided through a university strategic supplier partnership contract for use as a procurement method to purchase small dollar purchases less than $5,000 Canadian (CAD). PCards may be used by employees of the university authorized to purchase goods and/or select services for university business, according to guidelines set out in the PCard Guidelines. The cardholder is responsible for maintaining receipts and completing the monthly reconciliation. The following dollar limits are in place to manage university risk and have been benchmarked against other Canadian universities. These limits are in Canadian dollars and include taxes, shipping and handling, etc.: Transaction limit Monthly limit $5,000 $20,000 NOTE: Monthly limits maybe increased or decreased by submitting a completed PCard Change Request form to Payment Services. Transaction limits cannot be increased. Procedure 1 Complete PCard application form Download the application form from the Financial Services webpage under Forms & Guidelines. 2 Obtain approvals a) The financial manager or dean/department head (person responsible for the financial account as designated by Financial Services) approves the PCard application. b) Submit completed application form to Payment Services. Applications are processed and cards received by Payment Services usually within 7 to 10 business days of submitting the application to the credit card provider. 3 Attend mandatory training and sign Cardholder Agreement a) PCard applicants are contacted to attend training and pick up their new PCard. This training is mandatory and the PCard will not be issued until the training is completed. b) At the training, PCard applicants are required to sign a Cardholder Agreement to formally acknowledge acceptance of responsibility for the PCard, and the use of the card. 4 Ordering goods from suppliers outside Canada a) Complete the PCard Fax Order Form and send to the university customs broker – Thompson, Ahern & Company Ltd. (TACO). The form can either be sent directly to TACO via fax or email, or send to Purchasing Services if there are other documents that need to be sent to TACO. b) Send the Shipping to Canada Instructions for Credit Card Purchases form with your order form, to the supplier. 5 Receiving goods from suppliers outside Canada See Shipping & Receiving Procedure. 6 Reconcile and submit monthly PCard statement rd a) The PCard statement is available through PAWS and must be reconciled each month by the 3 Friday of the following month. For example, the reconciliation of the September statement is due by the third Friday in October. No further accounting changes can be made after this timeline. b) Attach original receipts and forward the statement to the financial manager, dean/department head, and institutional approver if applicable, for review and approval. Approval indicates appropriateness of the expenditures. c) Forward the approved statement to Payment Services. Related Links/Forms Customs Importing Procedure Receiving & Shipping Procedure Strategic Supplier Partnership Procedure Procurement Policy Courier Account Setup Information – eMarket Procurement Card (PCard) Customs Information Shipping to Canada Instructions for Credit Card Purchases (also in printable PDF format) Versions Document Name Courier Account Set-up Information Electrical Equipment Certification Procurement Card (PCARD) Guidelines Procurement Card (PCard) Application Form Procurement Card (PCard) Cardholder Change Request Form Procurement Card (PCard) Dispute Form Procurement Card (PCard) Fax Order Form Procurement Card (PCard) Purchase Log Form Procurement Card (PCard) Supplier Referral Form Shipping to Canada Instructions for Credit Card Purchases Help Contact Information Contact: Phone: Website: For general information regarding the PCard Program To apply for and processing of PCard applications for employees For disputed charges on your monthly statement which the supplier cannot rectify. Refer to PCard Transaction Dispute Form To inquire as to why your card was rejected To cancel your card To report a lost or stolen card (*Also contact BMO regarding this matter) To obtain a card balance To notify of a change on your card (name, limit, default UniFi account number – CFOAPAL) To obtain copies of supporting documentation submitted with prior months' statements Contact: Phone: Website: Bank of Montreal (BMO) 800-263-2263 To report a lost or stolen card To request a copy of missing supporting documentation for a transaction NOTE: Contact the supplier first, as BMO can take up to 45 days to respond Contact: Purchasing Services, Financial Services 306-966-6704 All procurement related activities including supplier sourcing, competitive bid processes, contracts, customs/brokerage information or purchasing related training To identify suppliers who do not accept Mastercard, complete a PCard Supplier Referral Form and forward to Purchasing Services For information on coordinating returns with the supplier To report any discrepancies between what was ordered, received and paid Problems or concerns with suppliers or BMO Contact: Phone: Payment Services, Financial Services 306-966-8329 or 8326 Supplier To dispute a charge on your billing summary. If the supplier cannot address your concern, contact Payment Services To request purchase documentation for your transaction if it has not been provided To request a credit transaction slip to verify that a credit has been issued for a returned item(s)