Please rate your course. Very Poor Poor Fair Very Good Good Excxellent a. On the whole, the course was b. The content of the course was 2. Were course expectations made clear for the following? Strongly Strongly N/A Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree a. Course goals and objectives b. Assignments c. Test / Quizzes d. Deadlines e. Discussions 3. Please rate your instructor. Very Poor Poor Fair Very Good Good Excxellent a. The instructor's contribution to the course was: Strongly Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree b. Explanations by the instructor were clear. c. In this course, you received constructive and timely feedback from your insturctor. d. You were able to communicate individually with your instructor when you needed to. 4. Please rate the design of this course. Strongly Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree a. The course was well organized and easy to navigate. b. You were satisfied with the level of communication and interaction with other students. What could have been added to the course to help you better understand the material? (Check all that apply) Readings Visual content Audio content Handson activities Video Case studies Practical application Discussion Nothing Other ( Please List) 5. Please rate assignments and tests. Strongly Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree a. Assignments and activities helped me to understand course content. b. Grading of test and assignments was fair. 6. Please identify technical problems and rate technical support. Strongly Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree a. Sufficient technical support was available when you needed it. b. While trying to access the course materials, did you encounter technical problems with any of the followin? (Check all that apply) Vista (online course management) MyPage (SLCC web portal, place to register, check general college email, pay tuition, etc. Personal Computer (your own computer) Browser (software program used to display pages, such as Internet Explorere, Netscape, Firefox or Safari) Plug-Ins (an add-on that allows you to view additional types of content, such as Flash, Real Player, Quicktime, etc. Pop-up Blocker (setting that controls pop-up windows) Not Sure No technical problems Other ( Please List) c. Have you participated in one of the general in-person Distance Education Orientations or reviewed the Online Orientation Resources? Yes No d. List specific ideas or resources that the College should provide to better assist you with any technical problems. 7. Please rate your participation in the course. a. Sufficient technical support was available when you needed it. Just enough to pass Minimal Average b. On average, how many hours per week did you spend on this course? 8. 9. Under 2 6-7 12-13 18-19 2-3 8-9 14-15 20-21 4-5 10-11 16-17 22 or more What grade do you expect from this course? A B+ B- C D+ D- A- B C+ C- D E Which requirement does this course fulfill? Program Requirement 10. Prerequisite Elective General Other Why did you take this course online? (Check all that apply) Oncampus sections were full Other sections conflicted with my work schedule Other ( Please List) Family constraints Flexibility of online courses Prefer to take online classes Above Average 11. Was this class intellectually stimulating? Did it stretch your thinking? Yes No Why? Why not? 12. How can this course be improved? 13. What aspects of this class contributed most to your learning? (IAS) 14. What aspects of this class detracted from your learning? (IAS) 15. Including this course, how many online/distance courses have you taken? 1 16. 2 3 4 or more Would you be interested in taking other online courses?) Yes No Why? Why not? 17. Would you be interested in taking courses in the following formats? (Check all that apply) Open entry/ Open exit The Web conferencing Short, intensive term CD/DVD