Emotional Eavesdropping: Infants Selectively Respond to Indirect Emotional Signals University of Washington

Child Development, March/April 2007, Volume 78, Number 2, Pages 503 – 521
Emotional Eavesdropping: Infants Selectively Respond to Indirect Emotional
Betty M. Repacholi and Andrew N. Meltzoff
University of Washington
Two experiments examined whether 18-month-olds learn from emotions directed to a third party. Infants
watched an adult perform actions on objects, and an Emoter expressed Anger or Neutral affect toward the adult
in response to her actions. The Emoter then became neutral and infants were given access to the objects. Infants’
actions were influenced by their memory of the Emoter’s affect. Moreover, infants’ actions varied as a function
of whether they were currently in the Emoter’s visual field. If the previously angry Emoter was absent (Experiment 1) or turned her back (Experiment 2), infants did not use the prior emotion to regulate their behavior.
Infants learn from emotional eavesdropping, and their subsequent behavior depends on the Emoter’s orientation toward them.
In the course of their everyday lives, infants have
many opportunities to observe people acting on objects, interacting with other people, and emotionally
responding to these events. Thus, there is the
potential for infants to acquire a rich set of social
knowledge from observation alone. Infants seem
remarkably well equipped to engage in ‘‘socially
guided’’ learning (Feinman, 1992; Vygotsky, 1934/
1962), as indicated by the growing literature on
imitation, social referencing, and joint visual attention.
Human infants can learn to perform novel acts on
objects simply by observing how others interact with
those objects. For example, in Meltzoff (1988b), 14month-old infants watched an adult demonstrating
how to turn on a light panel by touching it with his
forehead. One week after observing this novel act,
66% of the infants imitated this behavior, although
0% of the control infants did so spontaneously, in the
absence of the demonstration. Moreover, imitation of
simple actions on objects has been noted as early as
6 – 9 months of age (e.g., Barr, Dowden, & Hayne,
1996; Meltzoff, 1988a). From an early age then, infants can acquire information about objects and how
This research was supported by grants from the University of
Washington Royalty Research Fund (65-2685) to Betty M. Repacholi and NIH (HD-22514) to Andrew N. Meltzoff. We thank Berit
Olsen, Nina Petrie, Dawn Kragness, Jacque Mullen, and Mary
Wald for their assistance with this research. Portions of these data
were presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research
in Child Development, Atlanta, GA, April 2005, and a conference
at Duke University, Durham, NC, May 2005.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
Betty Repacholi, Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, Box
357988, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-7988. Electronic mail may be sent to bettyr@u.washington.edu.
to manipulate them simply by observing other people’s instrumental behaviors.
Another avenue whereby infants can expand their
knowledge-base about objects is by paying attention
to how people emotionally respond to these stimuli.
This can be seen most clearly in the context of social
referencing. Numerous studies (see Feinman, Roberts, Hsieh, Sawyer, & Swanson, 1992, for a review)
have demonstrated that, by 12 months of age, infants
can use emotional cues (e.g., facial expression, tone
of voice) from other people to regulate their own
actions. In these laboratory-based studies, the emotional information is directly communicated to infants by their social partner. However, in the real
world, infants also frequently eavesdropFthey see
and hear emotional exchanges between other people
from a distance. For example, an infant might observe his mother scolding an older sibling for
throwing a baseball at a window. What does the infant do when he later has an opportunity to play
with the ball? One possibility is that he copies his
sibling and tosses it at the window. After all, his
mother was not angry at him, just his sibling. On the
other hand, the infant might use the emotional information to regulate his own behavior. For instance,
he might avoid reproducing his siblings’ actions and
consequently avoid his mother’s anger. Whether
infants can use ‘‘indirect emotional information’’F
emotional reactions that are directed at someone else
and not the infantFhas not been studied, despite its
relevance to the developing child. It is the primary
focus of the two experiments reported here.
r 2007 by the Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.
All rights reserved. 0009-3920/2007/7802-0010
Repacholi and Meltzoff
Previous Social Referencing Research
In the standard social referencing paradigm, infants are presented with a novel object that is designed to elicit uncertainty, and their mothers are
instructed to produce a specific emotional expression
in response to seeing this stimulus. The mothers do
not touch the object nor do they provide verbal instructions about what to do. Instead, infants must
rely on maternal emotional cues to determine how to
deal with the object. By 12 months of age, infants will
interact with the object when a positive expression is
posed but exhibit delayed and/or reduced object
contact if negative affect (e.g., fear) is conveyed.
When neutral expressions are shown, infants’ responses often resemble those of infants exposed to
positive messages (Hornik, Risenhoover, & Gunnar,
1987; Mumme, Herrera, & Fernald, 1996). Thus, the
regulatory effect appears to largely be a function of
the negative message. Social referencing has also
been observed when the affective signals are provided by infants’ father (Hirshberg & Svejda, 1990),
their day-care provider (Camras & Sachs, 1991), or
an adult stranger (Hertenstein & Campos, 2004).
There has been debate about the mechanism
underlying infants’ behavioral regulation in social
referencing studies. It could be argued that infants
appreciate the other person’s emotional state (e.g.,
‘‘she’s afraid’’) or communicative intent (e.g., ‘‘she’s
telling me that this is dangerous’’) and then use this
information to reappraise the situation (often referred
to as a cognitive account of social referencing). Alternatively, the other person’s expression might directly modify infants’ own feelings, which would then
mediate their subsequent behavior. If such a mechanism is operating, behavioral regulation could occur
without infants understanding anything about the
meaning of the emotional display and without appraising the situation for its relevance to the self (often
referred to as an emotional contagion account of social referencing). They might simply become scared.
To distinguish between these two alternatives,
some researchers have examined infants’ affective
responses in the social referencing paradigm. There
have been reports that infants express more negative
affect in response to an adult’s negative than positive
display (e.g., Hirshberg & Svejda, 1990; Mumme et
al., 1996). However, when infants are found to have
an affective response to the other person’s emotional
signal, this does not rule out a cognitive mechanism.
If infants’ object appraisal is altered because they
understand the emotional message, this new appraisal may influence both their instrumental
behavior and their own affective state (e.g., the
appraisal that mom is scared of the object may then
arouse fear in the infant). Based on the extant literature, no definitive conclusions can be reached about
the role of cognitive appraisal versus emotional
contagion in explaining infant social referencing.
In the typical social referencing study, emotional
information about a novel object is directly communicated to infants by their social partner. However, when infants simply witness an emotional
exchange between two other people, this also provides an important opportunity for them to gather
information that might be relevant to their own
situation. To date, there are two potentially relevant
studies. In one (Feinman & Lewis, 1983), 10-monthold infants were exposed to a stranger. In the direct
condition, mothers spoke to their infants about the
stranger, using either a positive or a neutral tone of
voice. In the indirect condition, mothers greeted the
stranger with either a positive or a neutral tone of
voice. Infants were less wary of the stranger after
their mother had spoken positively to them about
this person than when she had been neutral. On the
other hand, infants’ behavior toward the stranger
was not influenced if the emotional message was
indirect. In the second study (Feiring, Lewis, & Starr,
1984), 15-month-old infants observed either: (a) their
mother interacting positively with a stranger, (b) two
strangers interacting in a positive manner, or (c) a
stranger reading a magazine in the presence of their
mother and the other stranger. In all conditions, the
stranger subsequently tried to befriend the infant.
Infants were less wary and more willing to interact
with the stranger in the two positive interaction
conditions than in the no-interaction condition. Although this finding is consistent with infants being
able to use indirect emotional cues to regulate their
behavior, there are clearly several other explanations.
For instance, infants may have been responding to
whether or not the stranger had interacted with the
other adults in the room. When the stranger was
ignored, especially by their mothers, this might have
induced infants to avoid this individual. Because
there was no neutral interaction condition, this interpretation cannot be ruled out.
In the aforementioned studies, the emotional information was in reference to a person. If infants are
facile at using indirect emotional signals, then similar effects should also be evident when the referent is
an object. Two recent social referencing studies
(Friend, 2001; Mumme & Fernald, 2003) are relevant.
In both of these studies, infants watched videotaped
images of an adult emoting about a novel object.
Twelve- and 15-month-old infants spent less time
touching the object when it had been the target of a
Indirect Emotional Signals
negative rather than a positive expression. The
emotional information in these videotapes was indirect in the sense that infants did not actively participate in a social interaction with the emoting adult.
On the other hand, the videotaped adult alternated
her gaze between the object and the infant and/or
appeared to be speaking directly to the infant as she
repeated phrases such as ‘‘look at that.’’ Consequently, infants may have experienced the emotional
display as a communication directed at or intended
for them. In summary, it remains to be determined
whether infants’ will regulate their behavior in a
situation where they simply eavesdrop on the
interaction between two other peopleFone in which
it is another person, not themselves, who is the recipient of an emotional communication.
Current Studies
The primary goal of this research was to explore
infants’ responses to indirect emotional signals. In
particular, when infants observe one person expressing an emotion toward another person, do they
then use that emotional information to regulate their
own object-directed actions? In order to examine this
question, a new test procedure was developed that
integrates into one episode both social referencing
and object-directed imitation (see Meltzoff, 1988b,
for further details about this type of imitation). In the
current ‘‘Emotion-Imitation’’ test procedure, infants
watch an Experimenter demonstrating an action on
an object. After two demonstrations, the Emoter enters the room and sees the Experimenter perform the
action a third time. The Emoter responds by expressing either Anger or Neutral affect toward the
Experimenter. Infants are then given an opportunity
to play with the object. During the response period,
both the Emoter and the Experimenter have neutral
facial expressions and are silent. Thus, infants are
given no additional information at this time about
what they should do.
We expected that infants would differentially
regulate their interaction with the object as a function
of the Emoter’s prior emotional display. Anger is
often used by parents to prohibit children from
performing a specific action or to communicate to
children that they have performed a forbidden act.
Moreover, during the second year of life, children are
held more responsible for their own actions and
there is an increase in the amount of parental anger
directly communicated to them (Saarni, Mumme, &
Campos, 1998). It is during this time that infants may
learn that anger can communicate that an act is forbidden. Thus, when infants observe the Emoter’s
anger being directed to the Experimenter who is
performing a certain act on an object, they may interpret this as a ‘‘forbidden’’ act and be hesitant to
copy that action themselves.
A second goal of the present research was to begin
exploring the conditions under which this indirect
emotion effect might operate. Are there some situations in which infants disregard the indirect emotional information and perform the forbidden act
despite eavesdropping on the emotionally laden
exchange between Emoter and Experimenter? For
example, adults may know that ‘‘Katherine will become angry if I touch her things,’’ but what happens
if Katherine is not present to observe this event? In
Experiment 1, we manipulated whether the previously angry adult remained in the room or was absent during the response period when infants had
access to the object. In Experiment 2, the Emoter remained in the room, but her physical orientation was
manipulated so that she either faced the infant or
had her back turned during the response period.
There is abundant evidence that very young infants
are drawn to faces. For example, they preferentially
attend to real faces and face-like patterns in comparison with other complex visual stimuli (Johnson
& Morton, 1991), and by 2 months of age, they are
more attentive to eyes than any other component of
the face (Maurer, 1985). Over the first year of life,
infants also become increasingly able to discriminate
gaze direction. They begin to look in the direction
indicated by another person’s turning eyes and head
(Butterworth & Jarrett, 1991; Flom, Lee, & Muir,
2007), and by 10 months of age, they do this when
the person’s eyes are open but not when the eyes are
closed (Brooks & Meltzoff, 2005). Given this sensitivity to faces, and eyes in particular, we hypothesized that whether the Emoter’s face was visible in
the response period, when infants had access to the
object, might be an important factor in their behavioral regulation.
Although infants can engage in social referencing
by 12 months of age, older infants were examined
here due to the complexity of the Emotion-Imitation
procedure. For example, the ability to respond appropriately to indirect emotional cues might emerge
later than direct social referencing. We expected that
this ability might be evident, however, by 18 months
of age. At this time, infants are becoming more
skilled at attending to and understanding conversations between two other people (Barton & Tomasello,
1991; Dunn & Shatz, 1989). Moreover, Floor and
Akhtar (2006) demonstrated that 18-month-old infants can learn new words by overhearing others’
conversations. It would likewise be adaptive for
Repacholi and Meltzoff
infants to also be able to learn about the affective
consequences of performing an action by ‘‘overhearing’’ and ‘‘seeing’’ emotional exchanges between
other people.
Experiment 1
The final sample consisted of ninety-six 18month-old infants (M 5 18.14 months; SD 5 5.43
days; range 5 17.65 – 18.38 months), with equal
numbers of boys and girls. Participants were recruited from the University of Washington’s infant
studies participant pool. All infants were full term
(37 – 43 weeks) with normal birth weight (2.5 – 4.5 kg)
and had no known physical, sensory, or mental
handicap. The ethnic composition of the sample was
79% Caucasian, 1% Asian, and 20% other (e.g.,
mixed race). An additional 12 infants were excluded
from the study because of parent interjections
(n 5 3), fussiness/inattention (n 5 7), or procedural
errors (n 5 2).
Infants were randomly assigned in equal numbers
(n 5 32) to one of three conditions: Anger-present;
Neutral-present; or Anger-absent. An equal number
of boys and girls were assigned to each condition. All
infants participated in three trials, each involving a
different test object and target action. In this first
experiment, the object – action pairs were presented
in a fixed order: dumbbell, cup, and buzzer.
Test objects. Three novel test objects were used and
each was the target of a different one-step action.
These test objects were replicas of those used in
Meltzoff’s (1988b) previous studies of imitation with
this age group. One object was dumbbell shaped,
consisting of two 2.5 cm wooden cubes, each with a
7.5 cm white plastic tube extending from it. One of
the tubes was solid and smaller in diameter than the
other hollow piece of tubing. The solid piece of tube
fit snugly inside the other and some force was required to pull the tubes apart. The demonstrated (or
target) act was to grasp the dumbbell by the wooden
cubes on each end and pull outward. As the object
came apart, a ‘‘popping’’ sound could be heard.
Another object was an orange collapsible plastic cup
that measured 6.5 cm in height and was made of a
series of graded rings. The target act was to collapse
the cup by pushing down on the top with a flat hand.
This action produced a ‘‘scraping’’ sound as the
plastic rings slid down to the base of the cup. The
third object was a black box (16.5 cm 15 cm 5.5 cm) with a slightly recessed rectangular button
(3.0 cm 2.2 cm) on the top surface. The box was
supported by a base that tilted 301 off the table so
that the front surface with the recessed button was
facing the infant. A wooden stick (10 cm 1.7 cm 1.0 cm) was presented along with the box. The target
act was to press the recessed button with the wooden
stick, thereby creating a ‘‘buzzing’’ sound.
Emotional stimuli. In the Anger-present and Anger-absent conditions, the Emoter’s angry facial expression was based on the description of Ekman and
Friesen (1975). Her eyebrows were lowered and
drawn together, and there was a narrowing and
squinting of her eyes and an elevation of the cheeks.
When she was not speaking, her lips were pressed
tightly together. This angry facial expression was
accompanied by matching vocalizations. The intonation was angry, and emotionally relevant words
were used to help the Emoter produce a convincing
and consistent facial and vocal expression. This
strategy has been employed in other social referencing studies (e.g., Mumme et al., 1996). In addition, in our pilot studies, this was found to be the
most naturalistic presentation format for the Emoter
and the infant. Because we were interested in infants’
responses to emotional as opposed to linguistic information, we selected emotion words that infants
would not typically understand at this age. Parents
often spontaneously commented that they did not
think their child understood the words. Thus, it was
assumed that infants would respond to the Emoter’s
tone of voice in combination with her facial expression (see Walker-Andrews, 1997 for a discussion
of infants’ recognition of multimodal affective displays). Of course, we cannot completely rule out the
possibility that individual infants understood some
of the emotion words.
Different verbal scripts were employed in each
anger trial; these were similar in their structure and
the syllable length was identical. An example of an
Anger script is as follows (see Appendix for the
complete set):
Emoter (in an angry tone): ‘‘That’s aggravating!
That’s so annoying!’’
Experimenter (in a neutral tone): ‘‘Oh, I thought it
was really interesting.’’
Emoter (in an angry tone): ‘‘Well, that’s just your
opinion! It’s aggravating!’’
Indirect Emotional Signals
The Emoter practiced the facial and vocal expressions extensively so that she would be consistent
both within and across testing sessions.
In the Neutral-present condition, the Emoter
produced a ‘‘neutral face’’ that involved minimal
facial movement, a relaxed mouth, and a smooth
forehead. This neutral facial expression was accompanied by a ‘‘matter of fact’’ vocalization in which
the Emoter’s tone of voice was relatively uniform.
The Neutral verbal scripts were identical in syllable
length and similar in sentence structure to the angry
vocalizations. Because it was difficult to find a set of
neutral words that mapped onto the structure of the
emotion words from the angry scripts, words with a
more positive meaning were used instead. Once
again, the emotion words were selected to be beyond
infants’ comprehension. An example of a neutral script
is as follows (see Appendix for the complete set):
Emoter (neutral tone): ‘‘That’s entertaining. That’s
so enticing.’’
Experimenter (neutral tone): ‘‘Oh, I thought it
might have been too distracting.’’
Emoter (neutral tone): ‘‘Well, you could be right.
But it is entertaining.’’
Across all conditions, the Experimenter’s facial
and vocal expressions were neutral when she
interacted with the Emoter. The emotional exchange
between the Emoter and the Experimenter (i.e.,
the emotional display period) lasted about 7 s
(M 5 6.86 s, SD 5 0.21 s).
Equipment. Three digital video cameras were used
in this study. One video camera recorded a close-up
view of infants’ faces to examine their facial expressions and looking behavior. Another camera recorded the infant (head, torso, hands) and part of the
table surface in front of the infant and was used to
examine infants’ instrumental behavior. A third
camera was positioned so that it recorded a wideangle view of the Experimenter and the Emoter. This
latter videotape was used to determine whether the
Emoter’s expressions were recognizable to naı̈ve
adult coders and to check that the Emoter remained
neutral during the response period.
Infants were tested in a laboratory room while
seated in their parent’s lap (usually the mother) and
faced a female Experimenter who was seated on the
other side of the table. Infants remained seated
throughout the testing procedure. Parents were
asked to remain emotionally neutral and to avoid
interacting with their child during the experiment
(e.g., to avert their gaze if the child looked at them).
Infants were seated in the parent’s lap to decrease
attrition, but this raises concerns as to whether
parents were providing haptic cues. Infants were
excluded from the experiment if such cues were
detected (e.g., a parent stroked the infant’s arm), but
their presence cannot be completely ruled out. Anecdotally, parents themselves did not become visibly
tense during the Anger displays; indeed, many parents were amused by the procedures. Thus, if haptic
cues had been detected by infants, it is likely that this
would have biased them to interact with the object
and weakened our findings.
The Experimenter maintained a friendly demeanor throughout the testing. Each test session
began with a brief warm-up with age-appropriate
toys, to familiarize infants with the Experimenter
and the setup of the testing room. In all three
trials, the Experimenter initially demonstrated the
target action twice on the test object. After each
demonstration, the object was placed under the
table and out of sight, in preparation for the next
demonstration. The Experimenter did not express
any particular emotion during or after performing
the target act (i.e., she maintained a neutral expression).
After the second demonstration, an unfamiliar
adult female (the Emoter) entered the room. The
Experimenter introduced the Emoter by stating in a
natural and friendly voice, ‘‘This is Nina. Nina is
going to sit here and read a magazine.’’ The Emoter
seated herself to the right of the Experimenter, at the
corner of the table, and briefly pretended to read a
magazine. The Experimenter then elicited the Emoter’s attention (‘‘Nina, look at this’’) and demonstrated the action a third time. On completion of the
action, the Emoter immediately expressed either
Anger (Anger-present and Anger-absent conditions)
or Neutral affect (Neutral-present condition) toward
the Experimenter. The Experimenter always responded in a neutral fashion and the Emoter then
expressed further Anger or Neutral affect (see
Emotional stimuli). In all three conditions, the
Emoter stopped emoting at the conclusion of her
interaction with the Experimenter, and adopted a
neutral facial expression. In the Anger-present and
Neutral-present conditions, the Emoter remained
seated; however, in the Anger-absent condition, the
Emoter left the room at this point in time. As the
door was closing, the Experimenter drew attention to
the Emoter’s absence by stating ‘‘Nina’s gone. Nina’s
gone bye-bye.’’ This statement was accompanied by
a waving gesture.
Repacholi and Meltzoff
In all three conditions, the Experimenter then
placed the test object on the table, directly in front of
the infant, and said ‘‘Here’’ in a neutral tone of voice.
A 20-s response period was timed from the moment
the object was positioned on the table. During this
time, the now neutral and silent Emoter oriented
toward the Experimenter, in order to avoid making
direct eye contact with the infant. The Emoter did not
directly face and look at infants during the response
period because, in pilot testing, we found that this
occasionally upset infants. However, the infant was
well within the Emoter’s visual field and her face
was fully visible to the infant. The Experimenter
likewise maintained a neutral facial expression, and
silently looked down at a stopwatch in her lap during the response period. After the response period
terminated, the Experimenter retrieved the object
and in the Anger-present and Neutral-present conditions the Emoter left the room so that the next trial
could commence (she was already out of the room in
the Anger-absent condition). As the door was closing, the Experimenter stated ‘‘Nina’s gone. Nina’s
gone bye-bye’’ and produced a waving gesture.
The next two trials followed an identical procedure, with the following exceptions. First, the Experimenter did not reintroduce the Emoter when she
entered the room; only her departure was noted in
each trial. In addition, different object – action pairs
were employed. Finally, different words were used
in the verbal scripts employed in each trial but these
contained the same number of syllables and maintained a similar sentence structure (see Appendix).
The scripts were identical in the Anger-present and
Anger-absent conditions.
The video records of infants’ instrumental behavior were edited so that the coding DVD’s only
included the three 20-s response periods from each
infant, thereby ensuring that coders were completely
uninformed as to infants’ experimental condition. A
naı̈ve coder used these edited video records to score
infants’ performance of the target act in each response period. This behavior was coded using a dichotomous (yes/no) measure, adopting Meltzoff’s
(1988b) scoring definitions. For the dumbbell, a
‘‘yes’’ was scored if the infant pulled the object apart.
A ‘‘yes’’ was scored for the cup if it was fully or
partially collapsed without being thrown or banged.
The buzzer was scored as a ‘‘yes’’ if the infant used
the stick to push the button and the buzzing sound
was then heard. Each infant’s responses were summed across the three trials to yield a single score
reflecting the total number of target acts produced
(range of 0 – 3). A second naı̈ve coder scored 35% of
the data set. Interrater agreement was 100%.
We also examined several other aspects of infants’
object-directed behavior to see if they varied as a
function of the Emoter’s expressions. In each response period, naı̈ve coders recorded infants’ latency
to touch the object, timed from the moment the object
was placed in front of the infant. If the infant did not
touch the object, the latency was recorded as 20 s.
Duration of object touch (in seconds) was measured
starting from the moment the object was first touched by the infant. No duration score was recorded
in those instances in which infants did not touch the
object. Intercoder agreement (based on 35% of the
data set) was high for both the latency and duration
measures (both r’s 5 .98).
The duration of infants’ looks (in seconds) toward
the Emoter, Experimenter, and Parent during each
response period were also scored by a naı̈ve coder.
Every look toward one of the three adults that lasted
for at least 0.17 s (five video frames) was tallied. The
durations of these individual looks were then summed to yield separate duration scores for looks to
each adult during the response period. A second
naı̈ve coder scored 35% of the data set and once
again, high intercoder reliabilities were obtained
with r’s ranging from 0.97 to 1.00.
Infant affect (indexed by facial expression) was
measured both during the emotional display period
(i.e., the emotional exchange between the Emoter
and the Experimenter) and the response period. The
close-up recordings of infants’ faces were examined
without sound to ensure that coders had no artifactual way of knowing the infants’ experimental condition. Infant facial expressions were rated every 2 s
in each of these periods, using separate 3-point scales
for positive and negative hedonic tone (derived
from Hirshberg & Svejda, 1990). A score of 2 on the
positive affect scale indicated a broad smile or
laughter; a score of 1 was assigned for a slight smile,
and a 0 indicated the absence of any positive affect.
On the negative scale, a score of 2 was given for a
cry-face/crying, big frowns, grimaces, or scowls; a
score of 1 was for mild frowning/furrowing of the
brows or slight wariness/worried expressions, and a
score of 0 was given when there were no signs of
negative affect. Mean positive and negative affect
scores were then calculated for the emotional expression and for the response periods, based on the
number of codable intervals for each infant. A second coder rated 25% of the data and reliabilities were
high for both the positive (r 5.86) and negative
(r 5.83) affect scores.
Indirect Emotional Signals
Finally, a manipulation check was performed to
determine whether the Emoter had expressed the
appropriate affect. A naı̈ve coder rated the hedonic
tone of the Emoter’s facial expressions, without
sound, during the expression period. A 5-point scale,
ranging from 2 (very negative) to 12 (very positive),
was used to rate hedonic tone. The coder was also
required to indicate which discrete emotion was
predominant in each facial expression, using the
following list: happiness, interest, neutral, surprise,
sadness, anger, disgust, and fear. The Emoter’s facial
expression was coded in the same manner during the
response period for those conditions in which she
remained in the room. A second naı̈ve coder examined 25% of the data set. Interscorer reliabilities were
high for both hedonic tone (r 5 .93) and predominant
emotion classification (K 5 .84). The few cases of
disagreement only occurred with respect to the
Emoter’s neutral displays, such that one coder
sometimes classified the predominant emotion as
‘‘interest’’ when the other classified it as ‘‘neutral.’’
A manipulation check was also performed on the
Emoter’s vocalizations during the expression period.
Using digital editing software, the Emoter’s vocal
expressions were low-pass filtered at 475 Hz, to make
the lexical content unintelligible. The resulting audio
files were then scored by two naı̈ve coders, one
examined the entire data set and the other scored
25%. Both coders reported that they were unable to
identify any of the words uttered by the Emoter. Like
the facial expressions, these vocalizations were coded
in terms of hedonic tone (ranging from
2 to 12)
and good interrater reliability was achieved (r 5.80).
Manipulation Check
In this experiment, a was set at .05 and thus all
results reported as significant are po.05 or better.
The manipulation check showed that the Emoter
followed the procedure very accurately. In the emotional expression period, all of the Emoter’s angry
facial displays were rated as negative (M 5 1.95,
SD 5 .10), and all of her neutral faces received a score
of 0. There was no significant difference between the
Anger-present (M 5 1.96, SD 5 .11) and the Angerabsent (M 5 1.94, SD 5 .08) conditions in the degree to which negative affect was expressed by the
Emoter. Discrete emotion coding indicated that all of
the Emoter’s facial displays of anger were classified
as ‘‘anger.’’ Fully 82% of the neutral facial displays
were classified as ‘‘neutral’’ for predominant emotion,
which conforms to the procedural requirements,
with 28% identified as ‘‘interest.’’ The majority (84%)
of the filtered anger vocalizations were rated as negative in hedonic tone (M 5 1.29, SD 5 .46) and the
remainder were assigned a score of 0. As expected,
there was no significant difference between the Angerpresent (M 5 1.04, SD 5 .38) and Anger-absent
(M 5 1.10, SD 5 .43) conditions. About 86% of the
filtered neutral vocalizations were rated as mildly
positive in hedonic tone (i.e., a score of 11), and the
remainder were assigned a score of 0. All of the
Emoter’s facial expressions during the response period
were assigned a score of 0 for hedonic tone. Consistent
with the hedonic ratings, 89% of these facial expressions were classified as ‘‘neutral’’ for the predominant
emotion and 11% were classified as ‘‘interest.’’
Latency to Touch the Object
Latency to first touch of the object was analyzed
using a 3 (condition) 2 (gender) 3 (trial) analysis
of variance (ANOVA), with repeated measures on
the last factor. This analysis yielded significant effects for condition, F(2, 90) 5 11.87, Z2p (partial effect
size) 5 .21, and trial, F(2, 180) 5 7.92, Z2p 5 .08. There
was also a condition trial interaction, F(4, 180) 5
3.76, Z2p 5 .08. Simple effects analyses were performed to explore the interaction effect. All post hoc
comparisons in this experiment were conducted using Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) procedure. The latency to touch was compared across
the three experimental conditions for each trial taken
separately. There was a significant condition effect in
each of the trials. Follow-up comparisons indicated
that, in each trial, latency to touch was significantly
longer in the Anger-present than in each of the other
conditions. There were no significant differences
between the Anger-absent and Neutral-present conditions for any of the trials. Mean latency to touch (in
seconds) for each condition are presented in Table 1.
The source of the interaction effect was revealed
when latency to touch was compared across the three
trials for each condition. Although there was a tendency for infants to become increasingly delayed in
touching the test object over the three trials, this trial
effect was only significant in the Anger-present condition, F(2, 62) 5 6.04. In this condition, infants touched the object more slowly on the second (M 5 5.48 s,
SD 5 8.54) and third (M 5 6.40 s, SD 5 8.78) trials than
in the first trial (M 5 2.91 s, SD 5 6.17). There was no
significant difference between Trials 2 and 3.
Duration of Object Touch
In order to analyze whether the duration of infants’ touching of the object varied as a function of
Repacholi and Meltzoff
Table 1
Experiment 1: Mean (and SD) Infant Instrumental and Affective Behavior as a Function of Experimental Condition
Experimental condition
Latency to touch object
Duration of object touch
Duration of looks to Emoter
Duration of looks to Experimenter
Duration of looks to Parent
Positive affect in expression period b
Negative affect in expression period b
Positive affect in response period b
Negative affect in response period b
4.93 s
14.54 sa
3.67 s
4.20 s
0.21 s
0.65 s
18.71 s
1.71 s
3.65 s
0.18 s
0.43 s
19.07 s
Not applicable
3.13 s
0.33 s
Note. n 5 32 except where otherwise noted.
n 5 30, two infants did not touch the object in any of the trials.
Ratings based on a scale from 0 to 2.
Cochran Q tests were calculated for each experimental condition to determine whether infants’
imitative behavior differed across the three trials.
Infants were no more or less likely to imitate on one
trial relative to another. Infants’ total imitation scores
(range: 0 – 3) were then analyzed with a 3 (condition)
2 (gender) ANOVA. As predicted, there was a
significant condition effect, F(2, 90) 5 9.05, Z2p 5 .17
(Figure 1). Infants in the Anger-present condition
(M 5 1.69) had significantly lower imitation scores
than did infants in either of the other conditions.
Infants in the Anger-absent condition (M 5 2.78)
tended to imitate more than did infants in the
Neutral-present condition (M 5 2.28), t(62) 5 1.95,
p 5 .055. Nonparametric analyses of the imitation
scores were also conducted, and yielded the same
Mean Imitation Score
trial, a repeated measures ANOVA was conducted
with the subset of infants who touched the objects on
all three trials (n 5 86). There was a significant trial
effect, F(2, 160) 5 8.15, and follow-up tests revealed
that infants spent a longer time touching the object in
the first trial than in either of the other two trials. In
the absence of a significant Condition Trial interaction, a mean duration score (see Table 1) was calculated for each infant based on those trials in which
the object was touched. This maximized the number
of infants that could be included in the analysis. Only
two infants were excluded and this was because they
did not touch the test object in any of the trials.
Because the 20-s response period was timed from
the moment the object was presented to infants,
duration of touch was not independent of the latency
measure. Consequently, mean duration of touch
was analyzed with mean latency to touch entered
as a covariate. A 3 (condition) 2 (gender) analysis
of covariance (ANCOVA) yielded a marginally significant condition effect, F(2, 87) 5 3.20, p 5 .05,
Z2p 5 .07. Infants in the Anger-present condition
spent significantly less time touching the object than
did infants in either of the other two conditions.
There was no significant difference between the
Neutral-present and Anger-absent conditions.
Experimental Condition
Figure 1. Mean total imitation score as a function of experimental
condition (with vertical lines depicting standard errors) for Experiment 1 (n 5 32).
Indirect Emotional Signals
basic pattern as the parametric analyses. A Kruskal –
Wallis test indicated that the number of target acts
infants produced significantly differed as a function
of experimental condition, w2(2, N 5 96) 5 15.07. A
series of Mann – Whitney Us revealed significantly
higher imitation scores in the Anger-present than in
either of the other conditions. As in the parametric
analysis, there was marginally more imitation in the
Anger-absent than in the Neutral-present condition,
p 5 .05. There was also a significant main effect of
gender, such that across all conditions, boys
(M 5 2.48, SD 5 0.92) were more likely to imitate the
Experimenter’s actions than were girls (M 5 2.02,
SD 5 1.26), F(1, 90) 5 4.76, Z2p 5 .05.
Infant Looking During the Response Period
The duration of looks to the Emoter during the
response period in the Anger-present and Neutralpresent conditions are presented in Table 1. (This
behavior was not coded for the Anger-absent condition because the Emoter left the room before the
response period began.) The duration scores were
analyzed with a 2 (condition) 2 (gender) 3
(trials) ANOVA. Infants spent significantly more
time looking at the Emoter when she had previously
been angry than when she had expressed neutral
affect toward the Experimenter, F(1, 60) 5 12.36,
Z2p 5 .17. This difference occurred despite the fact
that, in the response period, the Emoter was now
showing a neutral expression in both conditions. No
other effects were significant.
Preliminary analyses indicated that there were no
trial effects for looks to Parent or Experimenter
during the response period, so this variable was not
included in the subsequent analyses. These two
looking measures (see Table 1) were analyzed in a 3
(condition) 2 (gender) multivariate analysis of
variance (MANOVA). There was a significant multivariate gender effect, F(2, 88) 5 4.38, but no other
effects were significant. A more detailed investigation of the gender effect was conducted using a
Roy – Bargmann stepdown analysis (see Tabachnick
& Fidell, 2001), to take into account the correlation
between the two looking measures. A Bonferroni
corrected a level of .025 was used in the two subsequent analyses to maintain familywise a 5 .05.
Looking to the Experimenter was examined first
because this dependent variable yielded the highest
F value in the univariate 3 (condition) 2 (gender)
ANOVA. Girls (M 5 4.08, SD 5 1.87) spent significantly more time looking at the Experimenter than
did boys, (M 5 3.24, SD 5 1.87), F(1, 90) 5 5.02. Duration of looks to the Parent was then analyzed using
a 3 (condition) 2 (gender) ANCOVA, with looks to
Experimenter entered as a covariate. There was no
significant gender difference, but the pattern was for
girls to spend more time looking at the Parent.
Infant Facial Expressions
Infants displayed very little positive or negative
affect during the emotional expression period, that
is, the emotional exchange between the Emoter and
Experimenter (see Table 1). Preliminary analyses indicated that there were no trial effects so this variable
was not included in the main analysis. A 3 (condition) 2 (gender) MANOVA was then conducted
with the two sets of affect scores. There were no
significant effects. Infants’ affect during the subsequent response periods (when the adults were neutral) was analyzed in a similar manner and this
revealed a significant multivariate condition effect,
F(4, 180) 5 3.53. In the stepdown analysis, the condition effect was only significant for infants’ positive
affect scores, F(2, 90) 5 6.51, Z2p 5 .13. Infants in the
Anger-present condition had significantly lower
positive affect scores during the response period
than did infants in either of the other conditions
(Table 1). Infants were equally positive in the Angerabsent and Neutral-present conditions.
These results indicate that indirect emotional signals can influence infants’ behavior on a variety of
measures, including imitation, looking time, object
touching, and facial expressions. As predicted, infants’ object-directed behavior varied as a function of
the emotions that were shown. For instance, in the
Anger-present condition, infants were less likely to
imitate than were infants in the Neutral-present
condition. In both conditions, the Emoter remained
in the room and her behavior was identical during
the response period (i.e., she maintained a calm,
neutral expression). The only difference between the
two conditions was in terms of the Emoter’s prior
emotional reaction to the Experimenter’s actions.
Interestingly, the indirect emotion effect was not restricted to infants’ imitative behavior. Infants were
more hesitant to touch the object when the previously angry Emoter was present than when the
previously neutral person was present. It is also
noteworthy that, in this Anger condition, infants
looked more at the Emoter during the response
period than did infants in the Neutral condition.
Infants may have been monitoring the Emoter for
any signs of further anger. Finally, infants in the
Repacholi and Meltzoff
Neutral-present condition had higher positive affect
scores in the response period than did those in the
Anger-present condition. This affective difference
may be due, in part, to the fact that infants in the
Neutral condition were engaged in a pleasurable
activity (i.e., reproduction of the target act) during
the response period.
Infants’ behavior was also influenced by whether
the Emoter was physically present or absent during
the response period. When the Emoter had been
angry, and then left the room, infants were more
likely to imitate the target act than were infants in the
Anger-present condition. In addition, even though
both groups of infants had witnessed the Emoter’s
angry outburst, those in the absent condition were
less hesitant to touch the object and had higher
positive affect scores during the response period.
Why did behavioral regulation occur in the presence of the previously angry adult but not in her
absence? One explanation is that infants were scared
of the Emoter as a result of her angry display and
that her physical presence maintained their fear,
even though she was now silent and neutral. This is
inconsistent, however, with the affective data. There
were no differences across conditions with regard to
infants’ negative affect, in either the expression or
the response period. Another possibility is that the
presence of the Emoter served as a memory cue for
her previous angry display and, in her absence, infants could no longer remember what had been associated with the negative emotional expression.
Although such an explanation can not be completely
ruled out, it seems less likely given Hertenstein and
Campos’ (2004) finding that, after 1 hr, 14-month-old
infants could still remember which of two objects
had previously been the target of a (now absent)
person’s emotional display.
What, then, was governing infants’ behavior in
the Anger-present condition? It is important to consider that in this condition, the Emoter was not
simply in the room during the response period, but
her face was visible to the infant. Thus, perhaps it
was not the Emoter’s physical presence per se, but
something about her physical orientation that was
leading infants to regulate their behavior (despite the
fact that she remained silent and neutral in the response period). A second experiment was conducted
to explore this possibility.
that she was facing the infant in one condition and
not in the other might be important. To distinguish
between these two alternatives, we introduced a new
manipulation. In all of the conditions, the Emoter
remained in the room (i.e., was ‘‘physically present’’)
during the response period. However, after her
emotional outburst and before the infant was given
the object in the response period, she either faced the
infant (Anger-face and Neutral-face) or turned
around so that her back was to the infant (Angerback). We predicted that infants in the Anger-back
and Neutral-face conditions would display higher
levels of imitation relative to those infants in the
Anger-face condition.
We also refined the test procedure. In the first
experiment, there was a tendency for infants in the
Neutral-present condition to imitate less than those
in the Anger-absent condition. Although this might
seem counter intuitive, even adults might become
disconcerted or self-conscious if a stranger looked at
them, in silence, for an extended period of time.
Thus, in the second experiment, we attempted to
address this issue by training the Emoter to adopt a
more relaxed facial expression during the response
periods for the Anger-face and Neutral-face conditions. The revised expression was intended to give
the impression that the Emoter was ‘‘watching with
friendly interest.’’ It was expected that this modification would help to minimize any consternation
that might arise when the Emoter becomes silent and
still in the response period. Second, pilot testing revealed that if she adopted this modified neutral face
after an angry outburst, the Emoter could now look
directly at infants during the response period,
without causing any undue upset.
A total of seventy-two 18-month-old infants were
included in the final sample (36 girls, M 5 18.18
months, SD 5 3.48 days, range 5 17.85 – 18.38 months).
Infants were recruited in the same manner as in Experiment 1. The ethnic composition of the sample was
77.5% Caucasian, 1.4% Hispanic, and 21.1% other (e.g.,
mixed race). An additional 12 infants were excluded
due to parental interjections (n 5 3), procedural errors
(n 5 4), and fussiness/inattention (n 5 5).
Experiment 2
This second experiment was designed to determine
whether infants simply respond to the previously
angry adult’s physical presence or whether the fact
Infants were randomly assigned in equal numbers
(n 5 24) to one of three conditions: Anger-face;
Indirect Emotional Signals
Neutral-face; or Anger-back. An equal number of
boys and girls were assigned to each condition. Infants participated in three trials, each involving a
different object and target action. There were six
possible orders for presenting the objects and these
orders were counterbalanced across males and females in each condition.
tional expression and response periods. Finally, a
manipulation check was conducted on the Emoter’s
facial and vocal displays. Interrater agreement for
hedonic tone were high (face r 5 0.95; voice r 5 0.89).
The two coders had 100% agreement as to the predominant emotion classifications for the facial
Materials and Experimental Setup
The Emoter, the setup of the testing room, and the
three test objects were identical to those used in
Experiment 1.
The procedure was identical to that employed in
Experiment 1 except for the Emoter’s behavior following her emotional outburst. In the Anger-face
and Neutral-face conditions, the Emoter swiveled
her chair at the conclusion of the emotional exchange, so that she completely faced the infant and
she looked toward the infant’s waist (just above the
table surface). The Emoter was silent, and adopted
the modified neutral facial expression described
earlier. After expressing anger toward the Experimenter in the Anger-back condition, the Emoter
swiveled her chair so that she completely turned her
back on the infant, and she pretended to read a
magazine. She likewise became silent and neutral. In
each condition, once the Emoter had assumed the
correct orientation, the Experimenter placed the test
object on the table directly in front of the infant. At
the end of the 20-s response period, the Experimenter retrieved the object and the Emoter left the
room. This procedure was then repeated with the
other two test objects.
Manipulation Check
Once again, a was set at .05. The results show that
the Emoter followed the desired procedure. All of
the Emoter’s angry facial expressions were rated as
negative in hedonic tone (M 5 1.83, SD 5 .24) and
all of her neutral expressions were assigned a score of
0. There was no significant difference in hedonic tone
for Anger-face (M 5 1.84, SD 5 .25) versus Angerback (M 5 1.83, SD 5 .24). The discrete emotion
coding indicated that the appropriate emotions
(Neutral or Anger) were predominant in all of the
facial displays. The majority (87%) of the filtered anger
vocalizations were rated as negative in hedonic tone
(M 5 1.32, SD 5 .37), and the remainder were assigned a score of 0. There was no significant difference
between Anger-face (M 5 1.12, SD 5 .49) and Anger-back (M 5 1.10, SD 5 .44) for vocal hedonic
tone. About 93% of the filtered neutral vocalizations
were rated as mildly positive in hedonic tone (i.e., a
score of 11), and the remaining expressions were
assigned a score of 12. Finally, the Emoter’s facial
expression during the response period was examined in the Anger-face and Neutral-face conditions.
All of her expressions were assigned a score of 0 for
hedonic tone, indicating that she was neutral.
Latency to Touch the Object
The video records were scored in the same manner as in Experiment 1. There were no disagreements
as to whether the infant had performed the target act.
Agreement was also high for latency to touch
(r 5 0.99) and duration of touch (r 5 0.99). The
interrater reliabilities for duration of looks to the
Emoter, Experimenter, and Parent during the response periods ranged from r 5 0.83 to 1.00. In this
experiment, coders also recorded the duration of
infant looks to the test object during the response
period. As with the other looking measures, there
was high scorer agreement, r 5 0.98. The agreement
was likewise high for infant-positive (r 5 0.90) and
for infant-negative affect (r 5 0.83) during the emo-
Latency to touch the object was analyzed with a 3
(condition) 2 (gender) 3 (trial) repeated measures
ANOVA. This analysis yielded a significant main effect of condition, F(2, 66) 5 4.54, Z2p 5 .12 (see Table 2).
All post hoc comparisons in this experiment were
conducted using the LSD procedure. Infants in the
Anger-face condition took significantly longer to touch
the object than did infants in either of the other conditions. There was no significant difference between
the Neutral-face and the Anger-back conditions.
Duration of Object Touch
Preliminary analyses did not reveal any trial effects, so the duration scores were averaged across
Repacholi and Meltzoff
Table 2
Experiment 2: Mean (and SD) Infant Instrumental and Affective Behavior as a Function of Experimental Condition
Experimental condition
Latency to touch object
Duration of object touch
Duration of looks to Emoter
Duration of looks to Experimenter
Duration of looks to Parent
Duration of looks to Object
Positive affect in expression perioda
Negative affect in expression perioda
Positive affect in response perioda
Negative affect in response perioda
2.95 s
16.61 s
4.24 s
2.55 s
0.60 s
11.00 s
0.78 s
18.91 s
2.59 s
2.63 s
0.03 s
14.02 s
0.63 s
18.84 s
0.29 s
3.00 s
0.50 s
15.01 s
Note. n 5 24.
Ratings on a scale from 0 to 2.
those trials in which infants made contact with the
object (see Table 2). As in Experiment 1, mean duration of touch was analyzed in a 3 (condition) 2
(gender) ANCOVA, with mean latency to touch entered as a covariate. No infants were excluded from
this analysis because they all touched an object in at
least one trial. There were no significant effects.
Cochran Q tests indicated that there were no significant trial effects for imitation in any of the experimental conditions. Infants’ total imitation scores
Mean Imitation Score
Experimental Condition
Figure 2. Mean total imitation score as a function of experimental
condition (with vertical lines depicting standard errors) for Experiment 2 (n 5 24).
were then analyzed with a 3 (condition) 2 (gender)
ANOVA. There was a significant main effect of condition, F(2, 66) 5 7.20, Z2p 5 .18 (see Figure 2). As predicted, infants in the Anger-face condition (M 5 1.67)
had significantly lower imitation scores than infants in
either of the other conditions. There was no significant
difference between infants in the Anger-back
(M 5 2.71) and Neutral-face (M 5 2.33) conditions.
Nonparametric analyses (Kruskal – Wallis and Mann –
Whitney Us) yielded an identical pattern of results.
Because infants in the Anger-face condition were
slow to touch the object, they may have had insufficient time remaining in the response period in
which to perform the target action. In order to explore this possibility, we conducted a subsidiary
analysis using only those trials in which infants had
at least a 15 s window, from first touch of the object.
Previous research (e.g., Meltzoff, 1985, 1988b) has
shown that infants will typically imitate within this
length of time. We then calculated the proportion of
trials in which infants imitated within this time
window. This type of proportion score has been used
in previous multitrial studies of imitation (e.g.,
Meltzoff, 1988b). The proportion score was calculated as follows. If the infant was delayed in touching
the target object for more than 5 s in a trial, that trial
was dropped from the analysis because the time
window for imitating the action was less than 15 s. In
this case, the infant’s imitation score would be the
proportion of the two remaining trials in which
the target behavior was produced. For example, if
the infant produced the target behavior in one of the
two trials, the score would be .50. Proportion scores
were not used in Experiment 1 because only 75% of
Indirect Emotional Signals
the trials in the Anger-present condition had this 15 s
window. On the other hand, in Experiment 2, about
94% of the data set could be included in the analysis.
Consistent with the analysis based on the entire
data set, the 3 (condition) 2 (gender) ANOVA revealed a significant condition effect, F(2, 65) 5 5.60,
Z2p 5 .15. As with the previous analysis, infants were
significantly less likely to imitate in the Anger-face
(M 5 .54, SD 5 .37) than in either the Neutral-face
(M 5 .74, SD 5 .34) or the Anger-back conditions
(M 5 .85, SD 5 .22). There was no significant difference between the latter two conditions.
Infant Looking During the Response Period
Preliminary analyses indicated that there were no
trial effects for duration of infant looks to the Emoter,
Experimenter, or Parent. Therefore the durations
were averaged across the trials (see Table 2) and the
three dependent measures were analyzed using a
3 (condition) 2 (gender) MANOVA. There were significant multivariate effects for condition, F(6, 128) 5
9.30, and for gender, F(3, 64) 5 3.69.
A stepdown analysis was conducted to explore
the condition effect and a Bonferroni corrected a level of .017 used to determine the significance of the
three F values. Duration of looks to the Emoter was
examined first because it yielded the highest F in a 3
(condition) 2 (gender) ANOVA, F(2, 71) 5 22.93,
Z2p 5 .41. Post hoc comparisons indicated that infants in the Anger-face condition spent significantly
more time looking at the Emoter than did infants in
either of the other conditions. In addition, infants in
the Neutral-face condition looked longer at the
Emoter than did those in the Anger-back condition.
Duration of looks to the Parent was analyzed in the
second step because it yielded the next highest univariate F value. A 3 (condition) 2 (gender) ANCOVA was conducted with looks to the Emoter
entered as a covariate. There was a significant condition effect, F(2, 65) 5 5.39, Z2p 5 .14. Infants spent
more time looking at their Parent in the Anger-face
than the Neutral-face condition, but no other comparisons were significant. In the final step, duration
of looks to the Experimenter was analyzed, with
looks to the Emoter and Parent entered as covariates.
The condition effect was not significant.
A second stepdown analysis was performed to
explore the multivariate gender effect. This more
detailed analysis indicated that the gender effect
was only significant for looks to the Parent,
F(1, 66) 5 10.30, Z2p 5 .13. Girls (M 5 .63, SD 5 .97)
spent more time looking at their Parent during the
response period than did boys (M 5 .12, SD 5 .31).
It was possible that, as a result of her angry outburst, the Emoter became an arousing stimulus, such
that when she was facing infants in the response
period, they were more interested in her than the test
object. To explore this possibility, we compared the
duration of infant looks to the Emoter and the
Object using a 3 (condition) 2 (gender) repeated
measures ANOVA. Regardless of condition, infants
spent significantly more time looking at the Object
(M 5 13.34 s, SD 5 3.38) than the Emoter (M 5 2.38 s,
SD 5 2.55) during the response period, F(1, 66) 5
404.50, Z2p 5 .86 (see Table 2). We also examined
whether infants’ looks toward the Object differed as
a function of experimental condition. Looks to the
Emoter and the Parent were entered as covariates
because there were condition effects for these two
variables (as noted above) and because these measures were correlated with looks to the Object. A 3
(condition) 2 (gender) ANCOVA indicated that
there were no significant differences across conditions
in the amount of time that infants spent looking at the
Object, F(2, 64) 5 1.06. In summary, infants in the Anger-face condition spent the bulk of their time looking
at the Object during the response period, and did so to
the same extent as infants in the other conditions.
Infant Facial Expressions
Preliminary analyses indicated that there were no
trial effects for infant affect during the emotional
expression period (i.e., the emotional exchange between Emoter and Experimenter). We therefore collapsed across trials, and the mean positive and
negative affect scores (see Table 2) were analyzed
using a 3 (condition) 2 (gender) MANOVA. There
was a significant multivariate interaction effect,
F(4, 130) 5 3.40. In the stepdown analysis, this Condition Gender interaction was only significant for
the mean negative affect score, F(2, 66) 5 5.52,
Z2p 5 .14. Simple effects analyses yielded a significant condition effect for the girls, F(2, 33) 5 4.11, but
not the boys. Girls expressed significantly more
negative affect during the neutral than either of the
angry emotional exchanges. There were no significant trial effects for infants’ facial expressions during
the response period. Infant affect during the response period (Table 2) was analyzed in a similar
manner and there were no significant effects.
Experiment 2 replicated and extended the findings obtained in the earlier experiment. When the
Emoter faced infants during the response period,
Repacholi and Meltzoff
they were less likely to imitate if she had previously
expressed anger than neutral affect toward the Experimenter. Once again, this indirect emotion effect
was not limited to infants’ imitative responses but
was also evident in their general object-directed behavior. Infants in the Anger-face condition were
initially hesitant to touch the object in comparison
with infants in the Neutral-face condition. These indirect emotional cues during the expression period
also influenced infants’ subsequent looking behavior. Infants spent more time looking at the Emoter in
the response period if she was facing them and had
previously been angry than when she had previously
been neutral. More importantly, the findings indicated that these effects were not simply due to: (a)
the fact that the Emoter had been previously angry
nor (b) the mere physical presence of that previously
angry adult. Infants were only loathe to touch the
object and imitate the action when the previously
angry Emoter was facing them during the response
period; when she showed anger but then turned
away from infants, they eagerly played with the
object. Infants in the Anger-back condition also spent
less time looking at the Emoter than did infants in
the other two conditions; thus infants seemed to
behave as if she was no longer a source of emotional
information now that her back was turned.
As we expected, there was no difference in the
amount of imitation in the Neutral-face versus the
Anger-back condition. This differed from the results
in Experiment 1 and is likely due to the fact that in
the response period for Experiment 2, the Emoter’s
facial expression was modified to give the impression that she was ‘‘interested’’ in what infants were
doing. This modification appeared to decrease any
concerns that infants might have had when the
Emoter became silent and still in the response period. The fact that there was no difference between
infants in the Neutral-face and the Anger-back condition with regard to their facial expressions and
other behaviors (e.g., latency to touch) likewise
suggests that infants did not view the Emoter’s
neutral silence as ‘‘odd’’ behavior.
One final point to note is that the indirect emotional signals did not appear to have an immediate
impact on infants’ own affective behavior, as might
have been expected from a purely emotional contagion viewpoint. During the emotional expression
period, infants in the two Anger conditions were no
more negative in their facial expressions than were
those in the Neutral condition. Indeed, in all three
conditions, infants’ affect scores indicated that they
remained neutral as they watched the interaction
between the Emoter and the Experimenter. As noted
earlier, in previous social referencing studies there
has been a tendency for infants to display more
negative affect in response to another person’s
negative than happy or neutral displays. However,
this affective difference has not been consistently
reported (e.g., Hornik et al., 1987; Sorce, Emde,
Campos, & Klinnert, 1985). It is unclear if this reflects
methodological differences across studies, such as
the identity of the emoting individual (e.g., experimenter, mother) or the type of negative emotion (e.g.,
fear, disgust). In the current experiments, it is perhaps not surprising that infants did not react negatively to the Emoter’s angry outburst: After all, the
Emoter’s anger was relatively mild, short lived, and
infants observed this display while seated safely in
their parent’s lap. In addition, the Emoter looked at
the Experimenter as she delivered the emotional
message, thereby suggesting that she was angry with
this particular person or her activity, and not the
infant. Thus, unlike other social referencing studies,
the infant was a bystander, observing an emotional
exchange between two other people.
General Discussion
This research advances our understanding of infants’
ability to learn from observing the interactions of
othersFto profit from ‘‘socially guided’’ learning.
These experiments are the first to demonstrate that
infants can appropriately modify their actions in
response to an emotional communication that does
not directly involve them. The Emoter expressed
anger toward the Experimenter in response to her
actions on an object, and infants then used that information to regulate their own object-directed actions. This finding is in line with the recent work of
Floor and Akhtar (2006) demonstrating that, at the
same age, infants are also able to learn new words by
listening to the conversations of others. Thus, early
learning is not restricted to dyadic contexts in which
relevant information is directly communicated to
infants by their social partner; it can also occur when
the infant overhears and sees two other people
A lean interpretation of these results might be that
infants simply reacted as if the Emoter was angry at
them. However, during her angry outburst, there
were no signs that infants were taking this personally. Infants were not visibly upset; instead, they
watched and listened with great interest. Infants
looked back and forth between the two adults as
they closely followed the conversation, and they
were no more negative in their affect than those infants exposed to a neutral exchange. Moreover,
Indirect Emotional Signals
because the Emoter was looking at the Experimenter
as she expressed her anger, this helped convey that it
was not the infant who was being scolded. Various
studies (e.g., Moses, Baldwin, Rosicky, & Tidball
2001; Repacholi, 1998) have shown that, by 12 – 14
months of age, infants can use gaze direction to
identify which of two objects is the referent of an
emotional expression. Thus, the 18-month-old infants in the current experiments should have had
little difficulty determining that the target of the
emotional communication was the Experimenter.
It appears that 18-month-old infants are responsive to emotional signals even when the message is
intended for another person. Moreover, infants are
adept at using this type of emotional information to
guide their object-directed actions. This is an important ability because it will often enable infants to
avoid negative outcomes that might arise were they
to directly investigate the situation for themselves.
On the other hand, it would be maladaptive if infants
were compelled to respond to every emotional display that they overheard or saw. Infants need to be
able to determine when these indirect emotional
signals are relevant to their own situation and when
they are not. In the current experiments, 18-monthold infants were highly selective. They regulated
their actions if the previously angry adult’s face was
visible to them as they were presented with the test
objects, but they discounted the Emoter’s anger if
she left the room or was present but no longer facing
them. Thus, it is not simply the case that when a
person has been angry, negative affect ‘‘lingers in the
air.’’ Instead, infants are discriminating users of indirect emotional information.
This research is also unique in that the emotional
information was in reference to an action that had
been performed on an object. In traditional social
referencing studies, the test object is never touched
by the emoting adult. In addition, these stimuli are
usually designed to be ambiguous, so that before the
delivery of the emotional message, infants are uncertain about whether to approach or avoid. It has
been reported that as object ambiguity increases,
infants become more receptive to the influence of
direct emotional signals (Gunnar & Stone, 1984;
Sorce et al., 1985). This is reminiscent of what has
been observed in the classic social psychology literature on conformity. When adults are faced with
uncertainty or ambiguity, they are also more susceptible to the influence of others’ attitudes (Asch,
1955; Sherif, 1937). It is interesting, then, that regulatory effects were obtained in the current experiments. Infants not only saw the Experimenter
touching a novel object, but she also demonstrated
an action on that objectFan action that resulted in
an interesting outcome. Thus, before the Emoter’s
angry outburst, infants’ appraisal of the object would
have been very positive and they would have been
eager to imitate. Indeed, infants’ desire to interact
with the object was readily apparent during the
demonstration of the target act. They often vocalized,
smiled, and/or reached for the object. Thus, the design of the ‘‘Emotion-Imitation’’ procedure is one
that makes the task of behavioral regulation more
difficult for infants than is usually the case in the
standard social referencing study. Infants’ had to
inhibit their desire for the object and their proclivity
to imitate what they had seen the adult repeatedly
do with it. This is no small feat for an 18-month-old
infant. Yet, in two separate experiments, evidence
was obtained that infants can do just that.
One question that immediately arises from this
research is whether infants were linking the Emoter’s anger with the target act or the object. Is the
Emoter angry that the Experimenter is pulling apart
the dumbbell (i.e., performing a forbidden act), or
angry about the object itself? Our working hypothesis is that infants interpret the Emoter’s anger to be
about what the Experimenter is doing with the object
(i.e., the target act). Consistent with this assumption,
infants rarely refused to touch the object after the
Emoter had expressed anger toward the Experimenter (they did so in only 19 of 96 Anger-present
trials in Experiment 1 and 6 of 72 Anger-face trials in
Experiment 2). This remains an unanswered question, however.
We recognize that, in both experiments, it was not
simply that infants performed fewer of the ‘‘forbidden’’ target acts, but they also took longer to initially
touch the object than did infants exposed to Neutral
affect. This could mean, contrary to our working
hypothesis, that infants had linked the Emoter’s
anger to the object (e.g., ‘‘It’s a bad object’’). It could
then be argued that these infants had lower imitation
scores only because there was not enough time left in
the response period for them to perform the target
act. This seems unlikely for two reasons. First,
Meltzoff (1985) reported that when 14-month-old
infants imitated the target act on the dumbbell object
used here, 79% did so within 5 s of touching it.
Across the two experiments reported here, the average delay to touch an object was about 4 s; thus,
infants had ample time remaining in the response
period in which to produce the target act. Second, in
Experiment 2, we were able to recalculate infants’
imitation score so that it included only those trials in
which infants had a 15-s response window following
their first touch of the object. Even when they had a
Repacholi and Meltzoff
lengthy period of time in which to imitate, infants in
the Anger-face condition were still less likely to do so
than infants in each of the other conditions. Thus, we
favor the idea that infants interpret the target act as
‘‘prohibited’’ or ‘‘bad,’’ and this leads to dampened
imitation. Indeed, the prohibition on the action may
in turn have created some hesitancy to touch the
object (e.g., ‘‘If I can’t do that action, then maybe
there are other things that I shouldn’t be doing with
the object’’).
Having analyzed 18-month-old infants’ regulation
of their actions in response to indirect emotional
information, we now need to consider the underlying mechanism a little more closely. The most
obvious possibility is some form of emotional contagion. On the contagion account, infants’ affective
state automatically became negative in response to
the Emoter’s anger and, as a consequence, they were
now less motivated to interact with the object.
However, contagion by itself is an implausible
mechanism in the current experiments, given infants’ behavior when the Emoter left the room or
remained physically present with her back turned. If
infants had simply caught the adult’s negative
mood, then they should have been delayed in
touching the object and/or hesitant to imitate, regardless of whether the Emoter was absent or turned
her back. In addition, the affect data in both experiments are inconsistent with contagion. Infants in the
Anger conditions did not exhibit more negative
affect during the emotional expression period than
those infants in the Neutral conditions. Until now, it
has been impossible to discount contagion as the
mechanism underlying the regulatory effects in the
standard social referencing paradigm. However, the
current research provides a more definitive test and
the findings presented here are not reducible to
contagion alone.
If it is not contagion, then maybe simple associative learning processes can explain the pattern of
results. For instance, in each trial, the emotional expressions immediately followed the completion of
the target act. Thus, the temporal contiguity between
these two events might have enabled infants to
connect the Emoter’s anger to the action and/or its
outcome, so that they now viewed it negatively. Or,
based on past experience, infants might have learned
to associate anger displays with negative outcomes.
Consequently, when exposed to the angry adult, infants may have anticipated that something bad was
going to happen and became behaviorally inhibited.
However, these approaches seem insufficient by
themselves to explain why infants were so very
willing to touch the object and perform the target
acts in the Anger-absent (Experiment 1) and Angerback (Experiment 2) conditions.
There is one further lean interpretation of the
findings that needs to be considered. By virtue of her
prior anger, the Emoter’s face may have become an
interesting or arousing stimulusFmore so than the
test object itself. This would not only explain why
infants spent more time looking at the previously
angry Emoter when her face was visible, but would
also account for their lower rates of imitation. On the
other hand, the majority of these infants touched the
object and, in Experiment 2, they spent similar
amounts of time touching it compared with infants
in the Neutral-face and Anger-back conditions. Both
of these findings suggest that infants retained an
interest in the object, despite the Emoter’s prior anger and the visibility of her face in the response
period. Indeed, in Experiment 2, infants in all three
conditions spent more time looking at the object than
the Emoter during the response period. Moreover,
infants in the Anger-face condition spent just as
much time looking at the object as did infants in the
other conditions. Thus, although the face of the
previously angry Emoter may have been arousing, it
is unlikely that it captured infants’ attention to such
an extent that they lost interest in the test object.
We favor an interpretation more solidly rooted in
infants’ developing social cognition whereby infants
grasped the ‘‘aboutness’’ of the adult’s emotion and
searched for a cause of the Emoter’s anger. For instance, infants might understand something about
how actions are linked to people’s emotions, which
would allow them to make predictions about the
other person’s likely affective state. After watching
the Emoter express anger in response to the Experimenter’s actions, infants might have expected her to
become angry if they themselves were to perform the
target act. But how do we then explain infants’ eagerness to play with the object when the previously
angry adult left the room or stayed present and
turned her back? Maybe infants were simply responding to the Emoter’s physical orientation. For
example, the Emoter’s visible face could have signaled to infants that she was ‘‘available’’ as a social
partner and might then engage in an angry interaction with them if they performed the action, just as
she had done with the Experimenter. On the other
hand, infants may have been sensitive to whether the
Emoter had visual access to their actions. When facing
infants in Experiment 2, the Emoter’s eyes, head and
body were directed toward them, and these cues
might have indicated to infants that the Emoter was
looking at what they were doing with the object.
Likewise, in Experiment 1, although the Emoter did
Indirect Emotional Signals
not look directly at infants, it was obvious that they
were within her visual field. Consequently, in both
experiments, infants might have expected that the
Emoter would become angry, but only if she could
see them performing the target action. The key notion
here is that the Emoter is also a Perceiver.
This builds a potential link between our current
data and the joint visual attention literature. Several
converging lines of evidence suggest that, in the
second year of life, infants begin to understand
‘‘seeing’’ and ‘‘perception’’ in a new and richer way.
For instance, at around 12 months of age, infants will
turn to look in the same direction as an adult who
can see an object but not when that person is unable
to see the target by virtue of having closed eyes
(Brooks & Meltzoff, 2002). Nine-month-olds, on the
other hand, look to where the adult is turning even if
the adult’s eyes are closed (Brooks & Meltzoff, 2005).
Moreover, Moll and Tomasello (2004) reported that
12-month-olds actively follow another’s gaze to an
object hidden behind a barrier, rather than to the
barrier itself, suggesting that infants are trying to
identify what another person is seeing. Finally, at this
age, infants also begin to produce gestures like
pointing and showing, and use these to direct another person’s attention to a specific event (Brooks &
Meltzoff, 2002; Liszkowski, Carpenter, Henning,
Striano, & Tomasello, 2004). Ultimately, however,
further studies using the ‘‘Emotion-Imitation’’ procedure will need to be conducted to determine
whether infants are able to predict another person’s
emotional responses by taking into account their
visual experiences.
The findings are also significant with respect to
the child clinical literature on family emotional climate. For instance, children from families in which
there are high levels of interparental anger are at risk
for behavior problems (see Hudson, 2005 for a review). In line with this, Cummings and colleagues
(Cummings, 1987; Cummings, Iannotti, & ZahnWaxler, 1985) reported that when young children are
exposed to adult (verbal) conflict in the laboratory,
this influences their social behaviors (e.g., peer-directed aggression) in the period immediately after
the conflict episode. To date, however, the research
on family background anger has not included infants, nor has it explored its potential impact on
learning mechanisms such as imitation. If a brief and
relatively mild anger display can temporarily inhibit
infant imitation, as it did in the current experiments,
it is possible that the effects are more pervasive when
infants are exposed to frequent episodes of intense
interparental anger. Also, the question then arises as
to whether chronic inhibition of infants’ imitative
performances might ultimately have some impact on
their proclivity to engage in observational learning
itself or dampen specific skills that are learned by
observing others.
Finally, the issue of individual differences in infants’ responses to anger and other emotional signals
requires systematic investigation. As in most social
referencing studies, there was some variability in the
current experiments in the degree to which individual infants were affected by the Emoter’s negative emotional display. For instance, a small number
of infants not only failed to imitate but also refused
to touch the test object in one or more trials. Likewise, some individuals imitated on every trial, despite
the visibility of the previously angry Emoter’s face.
Thus, further research is required to identify whether
these individual differences are related to specific
infant (e.g., executive function) or family variables
(e.g., interparental anger).
In summary, these findings constitute the first
evidence that infants are able to regulate their actions
in response to indirect emotional cues, what we call
‘‘emotional eavesdropping.’’ By 18 months of age,
infants do not have to wait for emotional information
to be directly communicated to them in the course of
their social interactions. Rather, infants can take advantage of the information that is available when
other people are engaged in an emotional exchange.
Infants can use this indirect source of emotional information to guide their own actions. Moreover, infants are apparently selective in their use of this
information. Rather than responding to every emotional expression that they see and/or hear, infants
have some capacity to determine whether the information is personally relevant. Thus, by 18 months of
age, infants are becoming discriminating users of
emotional information.
This research also makes a contribution to the
long-standing debate about the mechanism underlying infant social referencing. In the current experiments, emotion contagion was not an adequate
explanation of the indirect emotion effect. Instead, it
was argued that infants understood something about
the meaning of the emotional display and used that
information to reappraise the situation (e.g., this is a
‘‘forbidden’’ action). Finally, this research adds to the
growing body of evidence that toddlers possess
embryonic social-cognitive skills that may pave the
way for the later emergence of a more adult-like
theory of mind (e.g., Meltzoff, 2007). Specifically, the
findings suggest that 18-month-old infants understand the primitive ‘‘aboutness’’ of other people’s
emotions. At this age, infants apparently understand
how actions on objects can impact another person’s
Repacholi and Meltzoff
emotions a n d are then able to make predictions about
that person's future emotions if the self were to act
likewise. As such, the "Emotion-Imitation" procedure promises to become a useful tool for investigating
developmental changes in infants' social cognition.
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Complete Set of Anger Scripts
Emoter: ‘‘That’s aggravating! That’s so annoying!’’
Experimenter: ‘‘Oh, I thought it was really interesting.’’
Emoter: ‘‘Well, that’s just your opinion! Its aggravating!’’
Emoter: ‘‘That’s infuriating! That’s so irritating!’’
Experimenter: ‘‘Oh, I’m sorry you feel that way about it.’’
Emoter: ‘‘Well, you should be sorry! It’s infuriating!’’
Emoter: ‘‘That’s so frustrating! That’s really distracting!’’
Experimenter: ‘‘Oh, I didn’t realize you’d care so
Emoter: ‘‘Well, you’re wrong about that! It’s very frustrating!’’
Complete Set of Neutral Scripts
Emoter: ‘‘That’s entertaining. That’s so enticing.’’
Experimenter: ‘‘Oh, I thought it might have been too
Emoter: ‘‘Well, you could be right. But it is entertaining.’’
Emoter: ‘‘That’s encouraging. That’s so engaging.’’
Experimenter: ‘‘Oh, I had no idea you’d feel
that way.’’
Emoter: ‘‘I do feel that way. But it is encouraging.’’
Emoter: ‘‘That’s stimulating. That’s very striking.’’
Experimenter: ‘‘Oh, I didn’t think you’d really notice
Emoter: ‘‘Well, not to worry. But it is stimulating.’’