Organizational Coaching Request for Proposal Founded in 2006, Quality Enhancement of Nonprofit Organizations (QENO) is a partnership between the University of North Carolina Wilmington, funders, civic leaders and other community organizations to help build the capacity of nonprofit organizations and increase philanthropy in southeastern North Carolina. QENO facilitates professional workshops and trainings, provides organizational coaching, holds a monthly nonprofit lunch & learn series, provides technical assistance, and bridges the nonprofit sector of southeastern North Carolina to faculty research and student applied learning. We provide one-on-one coaching because we believe this internal organizational work is critical to help build the strength and resilience of our local nonprofit sector so that the residents of our community have the quality services and support they need to thrive. Proposals for up to 40 hours of organizational coaching are invited by existing nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations working to improve the communities in Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover, Onslow, and Pender counties. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Once the available grant funds are expended, the application period will close. There are many areas of coaching available to your organization. You may request assistance with one or more of the following coaching areas: 1. Organizational Assessment: Organizations undergo an assessment of current capacities where board and staff reach a shared understanding of the organization’s strengths and challenges. 2. Basic Board Development: Coaching to support board recruitment strategies, understand and define board member responsibilities, establish well-functioning board committees, and strengthen the overall governance function of an organization. 3. Advanced Board Development: This is a NEW offering for established boards of directors that are ready to move from a responsible board to an exceptional board. This coaching session is 12 hours and helps you to learn how to more effectively work as a team to better govern your organization. Topics covered are appreciative inquiry, culture of inquiry, diversity, conflict management, supportive communication, and more. 4. Strategic Planning: Support in defining organization’s strategy or direction and making decisions on the allocation of its resources to pursue this strategy. In order to determine the direction of the organization, it is necessary to understand its current position and the possible avenues through which it can pursue a particular course of action. 1 5. Program Evaluation: Coaching in establishing and refining systematic method for collecting, analyzing, and using information to answer questions about projects, policies and programs, particularly about their effectiveness and efficiency. Program Evaluation helps organizations know whether the program, policy or project has, as indicated, the intended effect 6. Strategic Restructuring / Leadership Transitions: Assessment/planning to support an organization during a merger, transition of key leadership, or restructuring of the programs, mission, and/or methods of operations. During a time of transition, it is important to have an objective person in the room helping to guide conversations and allowing the team to focus on priority areas. 7. One-on-One Leadership Coaching: Coaching for new Executive Directors or others new to key leadership positions in the organization. This could also be used for a new board chair. This coaching is done individually with the new leader and can cover topics such as moving from colleague to supervisor, managing vs. leading, leading organizational change, conflict resolution, and more. 8. Staff Performance/ HR Planning: Nonprofit staff and volunteers are the key to effective programmatic outcomes. QENO is excited to be able to offer coaching to assess current HR policies and procedures to determine areas for improvement and risk. Coaching can also be provided to help create a performance management system including revision of job descriptions, evaluation metrics, motivational and engagement strategies to maximize efficiencies. Coaching can also be customized for team building and improving communication within your organization. 9. Financial Management: Coaching can be provided to complete an assessment of the current financial management reporting system for your organization, to provide on-site training of your board or staff on analyzing financial reports, creating a financial dashboard, fund development strategies, and cash flow planning. Working with QENO Coaches QENO may assign more than one coach to your organization depending on your needs. You are allowed to request coaching to assist with multiple areas from the list above. If approved, QENO staff will set up a 30 minute phone call to discuss application and needs. Then, a QENO Coach(s) will be assigned to your organization based on expertise area and personality fit. The QENO coach or coaches will contact you to create a coaching plan indicating desired outcomes and deliverables. Once the plan is approved, the QENO coaching will begin. All coaching must be completed by May 31, 2016. Application Process: A. Please prepare a proposal (no more than 2 pages; bullet points are fine) outlining the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Organization’s mission, brief history, and list of programs List previous involvement in QENO training, coaching, or technical assistance What training, other than QENO, has your board completed in the past three years, if any? What specific type of capacity building support are you requesting and why? B. Required Attachments: 2 1. Proposal outline the above items 2. List of current board of directors. 3. Copy of most recent approved operating budget. C. Proposal and attachments should be submitted electronically to Joe Fields at with a CC: of the board chair as an indication of the board’s support of the proposal. Questions: Please e-mail Joe Fields, QENO Graduate Program Assistant, at with questions. 3