Acknowledgement Form for Minor Participants Please read the statements below and indicate your agreement to those statements by signing and dating the form at the bottom of the page. I acknowledge that I am under the age of 18 and am considered a minor for the purposes of psychological research. I have been given the opportunity to read the consent form for this study and to ask questions about the study as necessary. I understand that I am participating in the research process for educational purposes only, and that any data collected from me during this process will be omitted from the final results and will not be used for research purposes. Minor Participant Statement and Signature: I understand and agree to the above statements. __________________________________ Signature of minor ________________ Date ___________________________________ Printed name of minor Acknowledgement Form for Minor Participants Please read the statements below and indicate your agreement by signing and dating the form at the bottom of the page. I acknowledge that I am under the age of 18 and am considered a minor for the purposes of psychological research. I have been given the opportunity to read the consent form for this study and to ask questions about the study as necessary. I understand that I am participating in the research process for educational purposes only, and that any data collected from me during this process will be omitted from the final results and will not be used for research purposes. Minor Participant Statement and Signature: I understand and agree to the above statements. __________________________________ Signature of minor ___________________________________ Printed name of minor ________________ Date