_ U!rpte_dtmSuta_te:' Forest NSeor_ihCcentra I _t°ate°tnExperiment Research Paper N0-242 _ Weight and Volume Equations and Tables for Red Mal)le inthe T. R. Crow and G. G. Erdmann La ke States Crow, T. R.; Erdmann, G. G. Weight and volume equations and tables for red maple in the Lake States. Res. Pap. NC-242. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station; 1983. 14 p. Weight and volume information based on regional sampling are provided for red maple in the Lake States. Both green weight and dry weight values are presented for biomass. Volume equations predict total stem volume, volume to 8-inch top, and volume to 4-inch top, inside and outside bark. KEY WORDS: Acer rubrum, biomass, total tree weight, component weight, stand weight, stem volume. North Central Forest Experiment Station Forest Service--U.S. Department of Agriculture 1992 Folwell Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Manuscript approved for publication February 14, 1983 December, 1983 WEIGHT AND VOLUME EQUATIONS AND TABLES FOR RED MAPLE IN THE LAKE STATES T. R Crow, Research Ecologist, Rhinelander, Wisconsin, and G. G. Erdmann, Silviculturist Marquette, Michigan Red maple (Acer rubrum L.)is a common component of second-growth forests in the Lake States. In Michigan's Upper Peninsula, it is second only to sugar maple (Acer saccharum L.) in terms of standing volume, and it is an important resource on more than 1 million acres of commercial forest in the region, Changing patterns of utilization have resulted in the need for mensurational information expressed as weight or biomass (Young 1974). In addition, more traditional mensurational units such as volume need to be derived for various standards of utilization. Although regression equations are available for predicting biomass of many hardwood species including red maple, most of these predictive equations are based on limited sample numbers and sample sites. Nothing in the theory of regression analysis suggests that these equations can be applied elsewhere--they are valid for regional application only if they are based on regional sampling. As part of a program in growth and yield research in northern hardwoods, volume and biomass information are presented here for red maple. The study objective was to predict weight and volume for red maple stands and individual trees across a range of stand ages and site qualities. The scope of the research included: (1) developing regression estimators for whole-tree and component weights and volumes for red maple and comparing these estimators among sites; (2) preparing weight tables from regression equations for the total tree and its components by d.b.h, and total height classes; and (3) predicting stand weights from measurements as basal area and mean stand height, such METHODS To provide a regional framework for predicting red maple weight and volume, sample sites were selected in Michigan and Wisconsin that represented the population of even-aged hardwood forests in the Lake States. Six sample stands, each dominated by red maple, were selected as closely as possible to the following age and site index (at age 50) specifications: Stand age Site index (years) (SI) 40 _<45 70 _<45 40 70 50-55 50-55 40 1>60 70 t>60 Sugar maple was a common associate of red maple on all sites. In the 70-year-old stands, beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.), yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britton), basswood (Tilia americana L.), and hemlock (Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr) were also common components. Other. species frequent to the 40-yearold stands include black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.), pin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica L.), paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.), and aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx). Within a sample stand, bered and d.b.h, measured all red maple and recorded. were numThe num- bered trees were partitioned into five d.b.h, classes (minimum diameter = 10 cm d.b.h.), with each class having an equal number of stems. Within a class, five trees were randomly selected for destructive sampling, thus providing 25 trees per site for a total of 150 samples in the study (table 1.) The procedures used to sample biomass of individual trees have been presented elsewhere (Crow 1983). Total tree in our paper refers to aboveground weight and is the sum of live canopy, dead branches, bole, and stump. Total canopy includes live branches and leaves but excludes dead branches, tioned. The additional sites, both located in Michigan, included a SI = 61, 50-year-old stand and a SI = 63, 53-year-old stand. Volumes were predicted using the linear form of the allometric equation and a simple linear model with D.B.H., D.B.H. 2, and D2H as the independent variables. Weight/tree dimension relations were expressed in the linear form of the allometric equation:laY = atotal + b(lnX)+ D.b.h. D2H (D.b.h.variables; squared green times height) lne.were the and independent weight and dry weight were the dependent variables. Both English and metric units are provided. Analysis of covariance was used to determine if significant differences existed among sets of allometric equations representing the six sites (Snedecor and Cochran 1967). Standardized curves were also developed for each stand age (40 and 70 years) using dummy variables in a multiple regression to control spacing (Jacobs and Cunia 1980, Draper and Smith 1981). By fitting laY = lnBo + B1 laX + (_llnZ, + a21nZ2 + lne, where (lnZl,lnZ2)= (1,0) for SI _<45 (lnZ,lnZ2) = (0,1) for SI 50-55 (lnZ,,lnZ2) = (0,0) for SI >I 60 and substituting for the three sets of values for lnZ1 and lnZ2, three curves with the same slope but different intercepts are obtained. Uniform spacing among intercepts is obtained by regressing the intercept with site index and using the estimated intercepts in the standardized curves. A set of asymptotic regressions is also calculated using the model, Y = _ + Bpz, where: Y is the dependent variable that approaches an asymptotic limit as Z approaches infinity; represents the asymptotic values of Y; B represents the total change in Y as Z passes from 0 to +; P represents the factor by which the rate of change in Y reduces as Y approaches its asymptote; and,. Z is the independent variable, Schwandt's (1979) procedures vector parameters for asymptotic to simultaneously for estimating the regression were used fit the curves. For volume predictors, two additional sampling locations were added to the six sites previously men- APPLICATION OF EQUATIONS Diflerences in Stand age and site index did not result in significant differences in biomass or volume equations. Regardless of the independent or dependent variable tested, no statistical differences were found at the P_<0.05 level in regression slopes or intercepts among the sample sites (Crow 1983). These results indicate that a general biomass predictor is valid for red maple within the range of data tested (table 1). Because the sample sites represent the range of site and stand conditions for red maple in the Lake States, the general predictors are recommended for regional inventories within the Lake States (table 2). Application of a general predictor to a specific site or application outside the sample region, however, could result in substantial bias. The error associated with weight estimates did differ substantially among components (table 2). Total tree weight or bole weight can be estimated with greater confidence than canopy weight. Although differences among the D2H predictors were statistically nonsignificant using the test criterion P_<0.05, plots of individual curves often indicated consistent trends among equations that were correlated to site index and stand age (fig. 1). This consistency suggests that for specific sites, greater accuracy can be obtained by including site quality and stand age in the predictive model. Under the assumption that a larger sample size would result in uniform spacing among curves in figure 1, the original equations for total weight/D2H have been "standardized" using dummy variables to control spacing. When applying these predictors, simply select a table based on the weight units (English or metric, green weight or dry weight) and select the predictor that most closely represents your sample population in terms of stand age and site quality. Total tree weights are given in the following tables: Table 3ugreen weight-metric, stand age-40 years, Table 4--green weight-metric, stand age-70 years, Table 5--dry weight-metric, stand age-40 years, 600 , _ _ , _ , (A) 40-YEAR OLD STANDS _' _ _ , 750 ..... _ 480 _ _ ; , _ , I I 27,000 _ I I I 36,000 t (D) 70-YEAROLDSTANDS J 600 m 12o 15o i 3,600 00 1 7,200 I 10,800 t 14,400 0 I 18,000 I 9,000 I i 10,000 D=H (CM2M) 1,300 _ , , , , _ _ _ , 250 I... , , , _ , :_ , , 780 , ..... Sl _<45 ¢, _ 45,000 D2H (CM2M) = . 150 ¢ Q ,,,,I 260 520 _ 00 9,000 18,000 27,000 SII_---60 J 36,000 J _ 50 _ 100 0 45,000 4,000 D'H (CM2M) 350 J _ _ , J Sl >'60 [ ,,i 16,000 J 12,000 8,000 20,000 D2H (CM2M) t (C) 40-YEAR OLD STANDS i i I 500 /J _ l _ _ _ v _ , , , (F) 70-YEAROLD STANDS Sl _ 45 :3:: 210 300 ,,j _ 70 00 3,600 7,200 10,800 14,400 18,000 D_H (CM_M) Figure 1.--Comparison of allometric relation between D2H and (A) total tree dry weight for 40-year-old stands; (B) total tree dry weight for 70-year-old stands; (C) bole dry weight for 40-year- 100 0 _ 9,000 ' ' 18,000 _ _ 27,000 ' ' 36,000 _ 45,000 D2H (CM_M) old stands; (D) bole dry weight for 70-year-old stands; (E) canopy dry weight for 40-year-old stands; and (F) canopy dry weight for 70-year-old stands. Table 6--dry weight-metric, stand age-70 years, Table 7--green weightmEnglish, stand age-40 years, Table 8--green weight--English, stand age-70 years, Table 9--dry weight--English, stand age-40 years, Table 10--dry weightnEnglish, stand age-70 years, 600 , _ i ; i , With d.b.h.-dry weight as the variables, differences among sites were so small (fig. 2) that the individual curves provided little additional resolution and the common regression in table 2 was used to generate the valuesin table 11. The term forest residuals applies to recoverable and usable materials left in the forest followingharvest. Equations presented in table 12 can be used to , 750 (A) 4D-YEAR OLD STANDS "- J i f , , i (D) 70-YEAR OLD STANDS 480- 00 5 10 15 20 D.B.H 1,300 , ; i , 25 30 450 00 35 , _ / 15 i 20 , s,: _- ss I 25 D.B.H. 250 , i 10 5 40 (CM) _ i S // i _ // 600 _ i I 30 I 35 1 40 145 50 (CM) .... , i _" _- 200 (B) 70-YEAR OLD STANDS _ (E) 40-YEAR OLD STANDS 150 Q Q _ s2o 00 lO0 _ S 10 lS 2O 25 30 3S .... 40 i 4S s,_>6o 00 5i _ 10 15 I 50 20 i 25 i 30 I 35 .J.B.H. (CM) D.B.H (CM) i (C) 40-YEAR OLD STANDS _. ! i i i i i i 25 30 35 40 (F) 70-YEAR OLD STANDS 210 Q 7o 0 _ Ioo 5 10 15 D.B.H. 20 25 50 35 (CM) Figure 2.nAllometric relations between d.b.h, and (A) total tree dry weight ['or 40-year-old stands; (B) total tree dry weight ['or 70-year-old stands; (C) bole dry weight [.or 40-year-old stands; (D) bole 0 5 10 15 20 D.B.H. 45 (CM) dry weight for 70-year-old stands; (E) total canopy ['or40-year-old stands; and (F) total canopy ['or70year-old stands. predict residual green weight including canopy weight. above a 4-inch top, __ _ Y--,._,. o_,x Sy.x = 1¢25 / C.V. OF Y : 7.S Rz= .964 N=34 . " BASAL AREA(M'VHA) xMEANSTANDHEIGHT(M) Figure 4.--Stand dry weight expressed as a linear function of mean stand height and stand basal area for forests dominated by red maple. merchantable weight (above 1-foot stump to a 4-inch top) in a full-tree harvest, weight of stump, bole, and canopy), estimates ofmerchantable stem weight to various top diameters (in- In addition to estimates of individual tree weight, weight yields can be estimated from stand measurements. Stand weights were estimated as a function of stand basal area (B) and average total stand height (H), and were expressed as a composite index (BH) in a linear regression (fig. 4). Stand estimates were derived by summing individual tree estimates on 321,000 m 2 plots located on the six sample sites. In- side bark) can be obtained by applying the ratios of merchantable weight:total weight presented in figure 5. These asymptotic equations estimate the pro- dividual developed in our study applied totree red regressions maple. Published regressions were were utilized for the other species (Zavitkovski 1971, Crow 1977). From _"_ 50 ,o u. °" _. 30 i "" estimates of total stand weight (dry _(29) | (18) (5) (14) (10) (7) t (9) _10 oCQ250 ?_ / The percentage of total weight represented by residual material differs greatly with tree size (fig. 3). The percentage of residual weight declines rapidly as tree size increases and it becomes constant at 2224 percent in the 18 to 26 cm d.b.h, range. The increase observed for the largest size classes reflects the two-aged nature of most second-growth hardwood stands. The second-growth stands originated in most part from commercial clearcuts in which a number of smaller stems or culls were not cut. As dominants in the new stand, these residual trees often developed large crowns and thus have large residual weights. On the average, approximately a 30 percent increase in harvest yield would result for red maple if residual weight is harvested along with , , / • _ _o _ ,, _Q ,00 .. ~_Y,,sT,,os ._ " Q o ' loo ' 2oo _ 4oo' s_) 00o' 7oo' aoo' 00o' 1,00o •portions of merchantable weight as a function of average stand diameter and merchantable top diameter. For example, a stand with 35 m2/ha (152 ft2/a) of basal area and a mean height (based on dominants and codominants) of 21 m (69 ft) has an estimated aboveground stand weight'equal to 238 mt/ha (aboveground stand dry weight = 44.339 + 0.263 (735) om figure 4). Given an average stand diameter of 8.5 inches and a 4-inch utilization limit, the ratio of merchantable weightto total dry weight obtained in figure 5 is 0.66. Thus, 0.66 x 238 = 157 mt/ha (70 short tons/a) represents the merchantable dry weight of the stand. sl _.8 2 ,NCHE _" _ o.,.,.(c,) Figure 3.--Residual biomass as a percentage of total aboveground biomass presented as mean with +_ 14 16 18 20 22 214 26 34 36 1SD 110by 12diameter class (e.g. >t 10 <28 123_)cm312d.b.h .... ). Values in parentheses represent number of samples in diameter class. Residual biomass is defined as tops above 4-inch diameter inside bark, branches, and foliage, |_ _.if -- _ 4 8 10 , AVERAGE STAND DIAMETER (INCHES) Figure 5.--The ratio of merchantable weight to total aboveground dry weight expressed as a function of average stand d.b.h, and top diameter inside bark. Regression equations for estimating volume did not differ significantly among the sample sites, and thus a single predictor was developed for all sites, Stem volume inside bark and outside bark as well as volume inside bark to 8-inch and 4-inch tops can be estimated using the equations in table 13. The equation for volume to an 8-inch top is based on a variable length stem. Volume estimates to a 4-inch top are based on full 100-inch sticks, with a minimum of 4-inches inside bark for the top 100-inch stick, Crow, T. R. Comparing biomass regressions by site and stand age for red maple. Can. J. For. Res. (in press.) Draper, N.; Smith, H. Applied regression analysis. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons; 1981. 709 p. Jacobs, M. W.; Cunia, T. Use of dummy variables to harmonize tree biomass tables. Can. J. For. Res. 10: 483-490; 1980. Schwandt, D. L. Asymptotic regression with vector parameters. Res. Note 28. L'Anse,MI: Michigan Technological University, Ford Forestry Center; 1979. lop. LITERATURE CITED Beauchamp, J. J.; Olson, J. S. Corrections for bias in regression estimates after logarithmic transformation. Ecology 54: 1403-1407; 1973. Crow, T. R. Biomass and production regressions for trees and woody shrubs common to the Enterprise Forest. In: The Enterprise, Wisconsin, Radiation Forest, Radioecological Studies. Washington, D.C: ERDA; 1977: 63-67. Table 1.--Characteristics Snedecor, G. W.; Cochran, W. G. Statistical Methods. 6th ed. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press; 1967. 593p. Young, H. E. Growth, yield, and inventory in terms of biomass. In: Proceedings, IUFRO Biomass Studies, IUFRO Working PartyS4.01-4. Vancouver, B.C: Aug. 20-24, 1973; Orone, ME: University of Maine; 1974: 1-9. Zavitkovski, J. Dry weight and leaf area of aspen trees in northern Wisconsin. In: Forest Biomass Studies. Orono, ME: University of Maine; 1971: 193-205. of sample stands and sample trees Sample trees--red Standlocation D.b.h. Stand Site Red Other age index 1 maple species Mean Range Wetmore, MI SugarBush, MI EagleRiver,Wl RockRiver, MI Argonne, Wl Silver Falls, MI Years 40 40 40 70 70 70 'Site Index-feet at age 50. <45 50-55 >160 _<45 50-55 i>60 ---Stemsha............ 685 537 13.7 564 412 13.7 483 407 17.1 607 41 24.0 643 167 20.5 478 305 28.5 maple Totalheight Mean cm.................... 10.0-26.6 13.85 10.0-24.6 13.83 10.0-33.2 17.70 10.4-46.1 19.42 10.5-36.2 19.74 14.0-52.2 24.92 Range m........... 12.63-16.60 12.23-15.90 13.65-20.74 12.14-22.65 15.10-23.10 18.08-26.84 Table2.--General biomasspredictorsfor red maple in the Lake States (regressionmodel:lnY =a + blnX; In = natural logarithms; N= 150; where Y= weight, X= d.b.h, or D2H) Dependent variable ' Independent Intercept variable (a) Dry Weight-kilograms Slope (b) r2 SvxI Correction factor 2 Totaltree Bolewood Bolebark Totalbole Leaves Branches Totalcanopy D.b.h.(cm) D.b.h. D.b.h. D.b.h. D.b.h. D.b.h. D.b.h. -1.721 -1.833 -3.207 -1.637 -3.288 -4.899 -4.385 2.334 2.234 1.985 2.207 1.540 2.831 2.701 0.98 .97 .95 .97 .54 .85 .84 0.116 .152 .186 .150 .569 .479 .471 1.007 1.012 1.017 1.011 1.173 1.120 1.116 Totaltree Bolewood Bolebark Totalbole Leaves Branches Totalcanopy D2H(cm2m) D2H D2H D2H D2H D2H D2H -3.008 -3.158 -4.404 -2.943 -3.648 -6.128 -5.539 .928 .898 .801 .888 .556 1.087 1.035 .98 .99 .97 .99 .44 .79 .77 .139 .104 .142 .099 .627 .568 .559 1.009 1.005 1.010 1.005 1.213 1.173 1.166 DryWeight-pounds Totaltree Bolewood Bolebark Totalbole Leaves Branches Totalcanopy D.b.h.(inches) D.b.h. D.b.h. D.b.h. D.b.h. D.b.h. D.b.h. 1.245 1.040 -0.566 1.211 -1.062 -1.469 -1.077 2.334 2.234 1.985 2.206 1.540 2.831 2.701 .98 .97 .95 .97 .54 .85 .84 .116 .152 .186 .150 .569 .479 .471 1.007 1.012 1.017 1.011 1.173 1.120 1.116 Totaltree Bolewood Bolebark Total bole Leaves Branches Totalcanopy D2H(infft) D2H D2H D2H D2H D2H D2H -1.545 -1.715 -3.038 -1.513 -2.434 -4.524 -3.976 .923 .894 .797 .883 .550 1.078 1.027 .97 .98 .96 .98 .43 .77 .76 .169 .135 .161 .131 .631 .585 .574 1.014 1 009 1 129 1 008 1 217 1 184 1 176 Green Weight-kilograms Totaltree Totalbole Branches Leaves Totalcanopy D.b.h.(cm) D.b.h. D.b.h. D.b.h. D.b.h. -1.249 -1.123 -4.712 -2.617 -3.942 2.320 2.177 2.885 1.592 2.688 .99 .93 .86 .58 .85 .112 .239 .464 .537 .459 1.006 1.029 1.112 1.153 1.109 Totaltree Totalbole Branches Leaves Totalcanopy D2H(cm2m) D2H D2H D2H D2H -2.539 -2.427 -6.005 -3.026 -5.096 .924 .878 1.113 .579 1.031 .98 .95 .80 .48 .78 .127 .204 .550 .597 .546 1.008 1.021 1.161 1.192 1.158 ............. ........ (Table2 continuedon nextpage) (Table 2 continued) Dependent variable Totaltree Totalbole Branches Leaves Totalcanopy Independent Intercept variable (a) Green Weight-pounds D.b.h.(inches) D.b.h. D.b.h. D.b.h. D.b.h. 1.705 1.697 -1.232 -0.343 -0.645 Slope (b) r_ S,.,1 2.320 2.177 2.885 1.592 2.688 .99 .93 .86 .58 .85 .112 .239 .464 .537 .459 Totaltree D2H(infft) -1.086 .920 .97 .154 Totalbole D2H -1.014 .875 .94 .216 Branches D2H -4.385 1.104 .79 .567 Leaves D2H -1.792 .573 .47 .603 Totalcanopy D2H -3.537 1.023 .77 .561 'Standard error estimate in log, form. ^ 2Correction forbiasinherent inapplying logarithmic transformations; Y,,j= (exp(a +b.lnx)).K (Beauchamp andOlson 1973). Correction factor _ 1.006 1.029 1.112 1.153 1.109 1.018 1.023 1.172 1.196 1.168 Table 3.--Total tree green weight of red maple trees (stand age _ 40 years) Table 4.--Total tree green weight of red maple trees (stand age -_ 70) (Inkilograms) Totaltree height(meters) D.b.h. (cm) 12 14 16 18 20 22 <_45EQUATION: Logo (totaltreewt)= -2.888+0.975 Logo (D2H) (Inkilograms) Totaltree height(meters) D.b.h. (cm) 16 18 20 22 24 26 SI_<45EQUATION: Log,(totaltreewt)= -3.211+ 1.002 Logo (D2H) 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 56 80 108 140 176 216 260 309 361 417 477 65 93 125 163 205 251 303 359 419 484 554 74 106 143 185 233 286 345 408 477 552 631 83 119 160 208 261 321 387 458 536 619 708 92 131 178 230 290 356 429 508 594 686 785 101 144 195 253 318 391 470 557 651 753 861 S150-55 EQUATION: Logo(total treewt)= -2.933+0.975 Logo (D2H) 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 54 76 103 134 168 207 249 295 345 398 456 62 89 103 155 196 240 289 343 401 463 530 71 101 137 177 223 274 330 391 456 527 603 79 113 153 199 250 307 370 438 512 592 677 88 126 170 220 277 340 410 485 567 656 750 97 138 186 242 304 373 450 533 623 720 823 _>60EQUATION: Logo (totaltreewt)= -2.978+ 0.975 Logo(D2H) 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 51 73 99 128 161 198 238 282 330 381 436 59 85 115 149 187 230 277 328 383 443 506 68 97 131 169 213 262 315 373 436 504 577 76 108 146 190 239 293 353 419 490 566 647 84 120 162 210 265 325 392 464 542 627 717 92 132 178 231 291 357 430 509 595 688 787 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 128 168 213 263 318 378 444 515 592 673 760 145 189 239 295 358 426 500 580 666 758 856 161 177 193 209 210 231 252 273 266 293 319 346 328 361 394 427 397 437 477 517 473 521 568 615 556 611 667 723 644 709 774 838 740 814 888 963 842 927 1011 1095 951 1046 1142 1237 S150-55 EQUATION: Log,(total treewt)= -3.286+1.002 Logo (D2H) 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 119 156 197 244 295 351 412 478 549 .625 706 134 175 222 274 332 395 464 538 618 703 794 149 195 247 305 369 439 515 598 687 781 882 164 179 194 214 234 253 271 296 321 335 366 396 406 443 480 483 527 571 567 619 670 658 718 778 755 824 893 860 938 1016 971 1059 1148 SII>60EQUATION: Log,(totaltreewt)= -3.361+ 1.002 Log,(D2H) 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 111 145 183 226 274 326 382 444 509 580 655 124 163 206 254 308 366 430 499 573 652 737 138 181 229 283 342 407 478 555 637 725 819 152 199 252 311 376 448 526 610 701 798 901 166 180 217 235 275 298 339 368 411 445 489 530 574 622 666 722 765 828 870 943 983 1065 C-nO o (-n"_JCO _-n -'_Ix_"_4O° c--_ _ 0'_ 0"_ 0"_ 41_ r-..OO0 r"o r'0 "--L --_ -'_ _ -I_-I_. 0 00_ "_4-I_. r.nIx_.I_. 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I_ rx_ ...._ _o C.,_ 1_._"_ t_,_ _J_ 0"1 .._ "-_ O0 _rl "" r,o .--_ --_ --_ _ _ _0__ _O_O_ _0__ 0___ _ _ II _0_ __0_ __0_ _ _oo_o _ _ • , _0__ ...._ --_ .. rn _ _ _ II _ _ Z _ Oo 0'_ Oo _ 0"_ 0 I_0 0"_ 2:E) -r'° (3") _'-i" "_1 "1:::_ "-" _ _0 -.-'. 0"_ "_1 O0 CJ_I._ r.._ IX3 r,,3 -,.._ ..-_ _ _" + ---_-I:_ _4:::) 4:_ r_E)O_ O_ --_ _ O O_ r, Jr_C_) --_ --_ rJrlr..,_l C.Or_ Ix3 .--,..-.,. I ix3 r_ ___ ___ __0_ _0__ ___ ___ ___ _o_o_ ___ m _ ..-_ -...L 4::_ IX° .._4 _4D I_ _E:) _'-" _::l"(:_° rx'_ °° I_._ ._ O0 C_'_I_0 --,-_0"_ ._ 0 _b Oo 0 I_ c_ o3 r_ .. _ _ .I_ _,_I0 rj_l0 --_I Oa .._ rj-i0 rjrl0 _._i-.__::)-._ r._o Po r_,_ ---_- ---_ r,o IX3 .-_ --_ __ ___ _0__ _0_0_ __0__ _0__ _0_0_ _O_O__II ___ __O_Z m I _ " + _ .. rn _ _ _ "'4 _ _ m I "*' _ =" I_ _ ( 2 '_ 0_ 0_" _ _ _ ..._ .._ --_""-_ "_ ...... C_O0"_ I'0 4_ ...-._..1_ C_ _0 _ I Z "" . . J_ --_qD O_ ._ O_ --_ m _ •-._..-_ . . _ .... I_0 ""_ "-'_" CO C_ C.O (.0 r..o _o I'_0 "-..4 . . . (D_ O_ 0 "_.ICjr_C_ --_ ._._ .,._..,._ ._- .-._ . . ..._ ._ ..._ _.l..._ _._ _0__ ___ ___ _o__ _ ___ ___ + __ = __ _ _o__ __ __o_ _0__ _ _0_ _0__ ___ m _0_ I .-,,. = m_ "" m _,_ _ _ _ pO .-._.-._--_ rx_ I_O c._ --.,.- .-.,.. c_ c.,o o'_ ..... CO -I:_ ---_ CO 0"_ r.._ I'_ ._i_._ ..-k ._k .__ _,_ _._ ._L _0_0_ ___ __0_0 _ __ - _b__ _ ___ m I ,..-.. r- _:) _ • _ r.n "_, _ _q _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" (_ _" 0 Table 11.--Total tree weight--d.b.h. (N= 150) Green weight 1 Equations: Log.(totaltreewt-kg)= -1.249+ 2.320log. D.b.h.-cm) og.(totaltreewt-lbs)= 1.705+ 2.320log° (D.b.h.-in.) D.b.h. Weight D.b.h. Weight cm kg in. Ibs 10 60 4 138 12 92 5 231 14 132 6 353 16 179 7 505 18 236 8 689 20 301 9 905 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 375 10 1 459 11 1 156 442 553 12 1 765 657 13 2 125 771 14 2 524 896 15 2,962 1,031 16 3 440 1,177 17 3 960 1,334 18 4 522 1,503 19 5,126 1,683 20 5,774 Dryweight 1 Equations: Log.(totaltreewt-kg)= -1.721+ 2.334Log. (D.b.h.-cm) Log,(totaltreewt-lbs)= 1.245+ 2.334Log° (D.b.h.-in.) D.b.h. Weight D.b.h. Weight Table 12.--Residual weight (green) assuming 4 inch topdiameter inside bark; residue = canopy weight + bole weight above4-inch top Stand age/SI Equations 1 Y = green weight (kg); X = d.b.h. (cm) 2 40_<45 4050-55 40>i 60 70_<45 7050-55 70I>60 InY = InY = InY= InY= InY= InY= -0.903+ 1.811In D.b.h. O.111+ 1.395InD.b.h. -1.264+ 1.909InD.b.h. -2.512+ 2.338InD.b.h. -1.746+2.044 InD.b.h. -4.385+ 2.801InD.b.h. Y = greenweight(kg);X = D2H(cm2m) 2 40 _<45 4050-55 40 i> 60 70_<45 7050-55 70 1>60 InY= InY= InY= InY= InY= InY= -2.533+0.811 In02H -0.895+0.5951nD2H -2.555+0.786 InD2H -4.179+ 0.975InD2H -3.492+ 0.876InD2H -6.769+ 1.190InD2H 'In = naturallogarithms,basee. 2Forconversionto Englishunits: kg x 2.2046 = pounds cmx0.3937= inches mx3.2808= feet cm kg in. Ibs 10 39 4 89 12 59 5 150 14 85 6 229 16 116 7 328 18 153 8 448 20 196 9 590 22 245 10 754 24 300 11 943 26 361 12 1,155 28 430 13 1,392 30 505 14 1,655 32 587 15 1,944 34 676 16 2,260 36 773 17 2,604 38 877 18 2,975 40 988 19 3,375 42 1,107 20 3,805 'Correction factors have b_enapplied toweight estimates; 1.007. 13 Table 13.--Regression equations for estimating stem volume of red maples; Y = cubic volume in m3 Correction Equation 1 r2 S_-x factor(K)2 Y = volume(m3)outsidebark-total stem X -- d.b.h. (cm) sample number (N) = 331 Y - -0.012+0.00075(X 2) 0.92 0.085 InY= -7.900+2.207(Inx) .95 .207 1.022 Y = volume (m 3) outside bark-total stem X -- D2H (cm2m) N = 331 Y = 0.042+0.000031(X) .89 .097 InY = -9.403+0.910(INX) .95 .194 1.019 Y = volume (m 3) inside bark-total stem X = d.b.h. (cm) N = 331 Y - -0.011+ 0.00067(X2) .91 .075 InY= -8.210+2.271(INX) .93 .248 1.031 Y = volume (m 3) inside bark-total stem X = D2H(cm2m) N = 331 Y = 0.037+0.000028(X) .90 .084 InY= -9.759+0.937(INX) .94 .236 1.028 Y = volume (m 3) inside bark-above 1-ft stump to 8-inch top X = d.b.h. (cm) N = 84 Y = -0.181+0.000577(X 2) .86 .096 InY= -12.544+3.338(INX) .83 .277 1.038 Y = volume (m 3) inside bark-above 1-ft stump to 8-inch top X = D2H (cm2m 2) N = 84 Y = -0.108+0.000023(X) .86 .096 InY=-15.391+1.437(INX) .82 .289 1.042 Y = volume(m3)insidebark-above1-ftstumpto4-inch top X = d.b.h. (cm) N = 262 Y =-0.037+0.000057(X 2) .92 .064 InY= -9.967+2.732(INX) .89 .319 1.052 Y = volume (m 3) inside bark-above 1-ft stump to 4-inch top X = D2H(cm2m) N = 262 Y = 0.0052+0.000024(X) .93 .060 InY=-11.970+1.142(InX) .90 .308 1.048 1In = Loge 2Yadj = (exp(a + b.lnX))-K" 14 u.s. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE:f984-765-557/5136