Last Modified: 8-12-15 Biological Engineering (11BEBS) 2+2 Curriculum NC State Semester by Semester Plan: CHM 101 EGN 101 ENG 100/1 MAT 161 UNI 101 CHM 211 ENG 200/1 MAT 261 PED 101 PHY 201 MAE 208 Freshman Year (UNCW) Fall Semester Credits General Chemistry I 4 CHM 102 Introduction to Engineering 2 CSC *** College Writing & Reading I 3 E 115 Calculus/Analytic Geometry I 4 ECN 221 First Year Seminar (UNCW rqd.) 3 MAT 162 Semester Total 16 Sophomore Year (UNCW) Credits 4 BIO 201 3 BIO 202 4 MAE 206 2 MAT 361 4 PHY 202 *** Semester Total 17 Fall Semester 4 Organic Chemistry I College Writing & Reading II Multivariate Calculus Physical Activity & Wellness General Physics I Spring Semester 1 General Chemistry II 2 Java or C++ 3 Intro. to Computing Environ. + Microeconomics Calculus/Analytic Geometry II Semester Total Credits 4 3 1 3 4 15 Spring Semester Prin. of Biology: Cells OR Prin. of Biology: Biodiversity 3 Engineering Statics Differential Equations General Physics II + GEP Requirement Semester Total Credits Junior Year – Summer (NCSU) Summer Session I or II Credits Summer Session I or II Engineering Dynamics 3 MAE 301 Engineering Thermodynamics I Semester Total 3 Semester Total BAE 200 BAE 302 CE 382 MAE 308 ECE 331 *** *** Fall Semester Computer Methods in BE Transport Phenomena Hydraulics OR Fluid Mechanics Principles of Electrical Engr. I 6 Advanced Biology Elective + GEP Requirement Semester Total Junior Year (NCSU) Credits 2 BAE 100 3 BAE 202 BAE 315 3 BAE 322 3 CE 313 3 MAE 314 3 ST 370 17 BAE 401 BAE 451 BAE *** ENG 331 ENG 333 *** *** Fall Semester Bioinstrumentation Engineering Design I 7 BAE Elective Comm. for Engr. & Tech. OR Comm. for Science & Research 8 Engineering Elective +9 Ethics (GEP Requirement) Semester Total Senior Year (NCSU) Credits 3 BAE 452 2 BAE 425 3 BAE 474 *** 3 *** 3 *** 3 17 Spring Semester Introduction to Biological Engr. Intro. to Bio & Agr. Engr. Meth. Properties of Biol. Engr. Matrls. 5 Intro. to Food Process Engr. Mechanics of Solids OR Solid Mechanics Prob. & Statistics for Engr. Semester Total Spring Semester Engineering Design II Indstrl. Microbio. & Bioproc. OR Ecological Engineering + GEP-IP Requirement + GEP Requirement + GEP Requirement Semester Total 4 3 3 4 3 17 Credits 3 3 Credits 1 4 3 3 3 3 17 Credits 2 3 3 3 3 14 + General Education Program (GEP) Requirements: To complete the requirements for graduation and the General Education Program, various categories of credit hours and co-requisites must be satisfied. NCSU approved GEP course lists for each category can be found at: Equivalent UNCW courses that satisfy NCSU GEP requirements can be found at: 1 This course satisfies the Chemistry Elective requirement. A computer programming course is not explicitly required in the BE degree plan, however, in order to take BAE 302 in the first semester Junior year, it is required as a prerequisite since the prerequisite of BAE 200 has not been met. 3 Courses listed in red will be taken through the NC State College of Engineering Distance Education Program. 4 This course satisfies the Biological Science/Chemistry Elective requirement, but exceeds the credit hour requirement by 1. 5 This course satisfies a BAE Elective requirement. Technically, the approved BAE Elective courses are BAE 322, 361, 371 or 481, however, the prerequisite of BAE 202 has not been met for BAE 361, BAE 371 is offered in Fall only, and either BAE 322, 361, or 371 must be taken before taking BAE 451 in the first semester Senior year. 6 Advanced Biology Elective: See NCSU semester by semester plan for departmental approved list. 7 BAE Elective: See NCSU semester by semester plan for departmental approved list. 8 Engineering Elective: See NCSU semester by semester plan for departmental approved list. 9 Ethics Elective: See NCSU semester by semester plan for departmental approved list. 2