Striking a Beat Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction Striking a Beat History Outline Cartesian Coordinates Ashley Martin Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates PHY 495 Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center Spring 2012 References Striking a Beat Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Where is it optimal to strike a circular drum? Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History I Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782) - introduced concept of Bessel functions I Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) - used Bessel funtions of both zero and integral orders I Friedrich Bessel (1784-1846) - generalized the Bessel function Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction I wish to ascertain the difference one hears between striking a drum at the center and off center. I Two Dimensions I I I Cartesian Coordinates Polar Coordinates Striking the Center vs. Striking Off Center History Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Rectangular Membrane Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction The wave equation in Cartesian Coordinates History Outline ∂2u = c2 ∂t 2 ∂2u ∂2u + ; c= ∂x 2 ∂y 2 r t > 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ L, 0 <≤ y ≤ H T ρ Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Conditions Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History The fixed boundary conditions are u(0, y , t) = 0, u(L, y , t) = 0 u(x, 0, t) = 0, u(x, H, t) = 0 Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates with initial conditions u(x, y , 0) = f (x, y ) ut (x, y , 0) = g (x, y ) Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Separation of Variables Ashley Martin Let u(x, y , t) = F (x)G (y )T (t), then PHY 495 F (x)G (y )T 00 (t) = c 2 (F 00 (x)G (y )T (t) + F (x)G 00 (y )T (t)) Introduction History Outline which leads to T 00 F 00 Cartesian Coordinates G 00 1 = + = −λ c2 T F G Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics thus obtaining two equations Striking the Center References 00 2 T + c λT = 0. (1) F 00 G 00 + = −λ F G (2) Striking a Beat Time Dependence Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History Outline √ T (t) = A cos ωt + B sin ωt, ω = c λ. Frequency of oscillations for the harmonics are ω c √ ν= = λ. 2π 2π Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Spatial Equations Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction F 00 G 00 =− − λ = −µ , −µ < 0. F G History Outline Cartesian Coordinates This leads to two equations Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates 00 F + µF = 0 (3) Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References G 00 + (λ − µ)G = 0. (4) Striking a Beat Apply BCs Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction F (0) = 0 =⇒ A = 0, F (L) = 0 =⇒ B = 0 or sin λx L =0 Fn (x) = Bn sin nπx ,λ= L nπ 2 L , n = 1, 2, . . .. Similarly, Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center G (0) = 0 , G (H) = 0 Gm (y ) = Dm sin History Outline mπ 2 mπy ,λ − µ = , m = 1, 2, . . .. H H References Striking a Beat Ashley Martin Yields the product solutions PHY 495 nπx mπy unm (x, y , t) = (Anm cos ωnm t + Bnm sin ωnm t) sin sin ; L H where, History Outline λnm = ωnm = c nπ 2 L + r nπ 2 L Cartesian Coordinates mπ 2 + Solutions Dynamics Harmonics H mπ 2 H Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics . Striking the Center Thus the general solutions is u(x, y , t) = Introduction ∞ X ∞ X (Anm cos ωnm t+Bnm sin ωnm t) sin n=1 m=1 References nπx mπy sin . L H Striking a Beat Fourier Coefficients Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction Initial displacement is u(x, y , 0) = f (x, y ), thus f (x, y ) = ∞ X ∞ X History Outline Anm sin n=1 m=1 nπx mπy sin . L H Rewriting as a single sum gives ∞ X nπx f (x, y ) = An (y ) sin , where L n=1 ∞ X mπy An (y ) = Anm sin . H m=1 Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Fourier Coefficients Striking a Beat Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction The coefficients of Fourier sine series Z 2 L nπx An (y ) = dx, f (x, y ) sin L 0 L Z H 2 mπy Anm = An (y ) sin dy . H 0 H Results in a double Fourier sine series, Z HZ L mπy 4 nπx sin dxdy . Anm = f (x, y ) sin LH 0 0 L H History Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Fourier Coefficients Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History Outline Initial velocity, ut (x, y , 0) = g (x, y ), g (x, y ) = ∞ X ∞ X n=1 m=1 Bnm = 4 ωnm LH Z H Z 1 nπx mπy Bnm sin sin . ωnm L H L g (x, y ) sin 0 0 Cartesian Coordinates nπx mπy sin dxdy . L H Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Ashley Martin This completes the full solution of the vibrating rectangular membrane problem: PHY 495 Introduction History ∞ X ∞ X mπy nπx u(x, y , t) = sin , (Anm cos ωnm t+Bnm sin ωnm t) sin L H n=1 m=1 Anm = Bnm 4 LH H Z 4 = ωnm LH Z L f (x, y ) sin 0 0 Z ωnm HZ L nπx mπy sin dxdy L H nπx mπy g (x, y ) sin sin dxdy L H 0 0 r nπ 2 mπ 2 =c + L H Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Harmonics Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History Outline Cartesian Coordinates nπx mπy ϕnm (x, y ) = sin sin L H Nodal lines occur when ϕnm (x, y ) = 0. Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics [3] Striking the Center References n=m=1 sin πx = 0, x = 0, L; L sin πy = 0, y = 0, H H Striking a Beat Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics [3] Striking the Center References n = 3, m = 2 sin 3πx L 2L = 0, x = 0, , , L; L 3 3 sin 2πy H = 0, y = 0, , H H 2 Striking a Beat Circular Membrane Ashley Martin The wave equation in polar coordinates 2 ∂2u 1 ∂u 1 ∂2u 2 ∂ u =c + + 2 2 ; ∂t 2 ∂r 2 r ∂r r ∂θ PHY 495 Introduction History Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics t > 0, 0 ≤ r ≤ a, 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References [3] Striking a Beat Conditions Ashley Martin PHY 495 The fixed boundary conditions are Introduction History u(a, θ, t) = 0 t > 0, 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π. The periodic conditions are Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates u(r , θ, t) = u(r , θ + 2π, t) uθ (r , θ, t) = uθ (r , θ + 2π, t), with initial conditions u(r , θ, 0) = f (r , θ) ut (r , θ, 0) = g (r , θ) Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Separation of Variables Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History Outline Let u(r , θ, t) = R(r )Θ(θ)T (t), Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Θ00 + n2 Θ = 0 00 (5) 2 2 T +c λ T =0 (6) r 2 R 00 + rR 0 + (r 2 λ2 − n2 )R = 0. (7) Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Simple Equations Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics The solutions to (5) and (6) are Θn (θ) = An cos nθ + Bn sin nθ; Polar Coordinates √ T (t) = Cnm cos ωnm t + Dnm sin ωnm t, ωnm = c λnm . Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Radial Equation Ashley Martin PHY 495 The solutions to functions. r 2 R 00 + rR 0 + (r 2 λ2 − n2 )R = 0, are Bessel Introduction History Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Figure: A few Bessel Functions with their zeros, znm [7]. Apply BCs Striking a Beat Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History Outline Cartesian Coordinates u(a, θ, t) = 0 for t > 0 and 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π =⇒ R(a) = 0. Since we expect solutions to be finite at the center, therefore √ R(r ) = CJn ( λr ). Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Apply BCs Ashley Martin PHY 495 Since, R(a) = 0, Introduction √ Jn ( λa) = 0. History Outline Cartesian Coordinates Listing a few of the mth zeros of Jn znm m=1 m=2 m=3 m=4 n=0 2.4048 5.5201 8.6537 11.792 n=1 3.8317 7.0156 10.173 13.324 n=2 5.1356 8.1472 11.620 14.796 n=3 6.3802 9.7610 13.015 16.223 Table: Approximate location of the zeros of Bessel functions of the first kind, Jn (znm ) = 0 [7]. Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Ashley Martin PHY 495 Denoting that znm is the mth zero of Jn (x), then, √ Jn ( λa) = 0, tells us that √ λa = znm λnm = z nm a 2 . Substituting this into R(r ) gives z nm R(r ) = Jn r . a Introduction History Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References General Solution Striking a Beat Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History Outline Cartesian Coordinates u(r , θ, t) = ∞ X ∞ X Jn (λnm r ) [Anm cos nθ + Bnm sin nθ] cos ωnm t n=0 m=1 +Jn (λnm r ) [Cnm cos nθ + Dnm sin nθ] sin ωnm t. Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Harmonics Striking a Beat Ashley Martin The circular membrane harmonics are given by ! znm r Φ(r , θ) = cos(nθ)Jn . a znm r ) = 0. Nodal curves occur when cos nθ = 0 or Jn ( a PHY 495 Introduction History Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Figure: Vibrational Modes of a Circular Membrane with dashed nodal curves [3]. Striking a Beat Nodal Circles Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History znm r We wish to find values of r such that is a zero of the a Bessel function. Thus, znm r = znj , j ≤ m a r= znj a, r ≤ a. znm Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Ashley Martin [3] For m = 2, we have two circles, r = a and r = zzn1 for each n2 n. We will need to calculate r for each n = 0, 1, 2 by using the table. PHY 495 Introduction History Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics For n = 0, r= 2.4048 zn1 = a ≈ 0.4356a. zn2 5.5201 For n = 1, Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References 3.8317 r= a ≈ 0.5462a, 7.0156 and for n = 2, r= 5.1356 a ≈ 0.6304a. 8.1472 General Solution Striking a Beat Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History Outline Cartesian Coordinates u(r , θ, t) = ∞ X ∞ X Jn (λnm r ) [Anm cos nθ + Bnm sin nθ] cos ωnm t n=0 m=1 +Jn (λnm r ) [Cnm cos nθ + Dnm sin nθ] sin ωnm t Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Initial displacement, u(r , θ, 0) = f (r , θ), u(r , θ, 0) = ∞ X ∞ X Ashley Martin PHY 495 Jnm (λnm r ) [Anm cos nθ + Bnm sin nθ] . Introduction n=0 m=1 Let an (r ) = ∞ P History Anm Jn (λnm r ) and bn (r ) = ∞ P Outline Bnm Jn (λnm r ). m=1 m=1 Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Rewriting the equation gives u(r , θ, 0) = ∞ X Cartesian Coordinates Polar Coordinates [an (r ) cos nθ + bn (r ) sin nθ], where n=0 an (r ) = bn (r ) = Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References 2π 1 π Z 1 π Z f (r , θ) cos nθdθ, 0 2π f (r , θ) sin nθdθ. 0 Striking a Beat Ashley Martin PHY 495 Since an (r ) = ∞ P Introduction Anm Jn (λnm r ), History m=1 Anm = Outline 2 a2 [Jn+1 (zn )]2 a Z an (r )Jn (λnm r )dr . 0 Similarly, Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Bnm = 2 a2 [Jn+1 (zn )]2 Z a bn (r )Jn (λnm r )dr 0 Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History Intitial velocity, ut (r , θ, 0) = g (r , θ), Z a 2 Cnm = cn (r )Jn (λnm r )dr , ωnm a2 [Jn+1 (zn )]2 0 Z a 2 dn (r )Jn (λnm r )dr , Dnm = ωnm a2 [Jn+1 (zn )]2 0 Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Axisymmetric Solution Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History The solution independent of θ, Outline Cartesian Coordinates u(r , t) = ∞ X m=1 J0m z 0m a r [αm cos ω0m t + βm sin ω0m t] . Notice for n ≥ 1, each vibrational mode has nodal curves that pass through the center so none of these modes can be excited. Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Striking a Beat Conclusion Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History Outline Cartesian Coordinates Where is it optimal to strike a drum? Off Center Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Acknowledgements Striking a Beat Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References Dr. Russel Herman, Allison Martin, Navid Sharifian, and my friends and family! A. Bruder. Two mathematical models for the tympanic membrane. pages 157–166, 2005. Models_for_the_Tympanic_Membrane.pdf. R. Herman. An introduction to fourier and complex analysis with applications to the spectral analysis of signals. FCABook/Book2010/FCA_Main.pdf, March 2012. R. Herman. An introduction to mathematical physics via oscillations. MathPhysBook/MathPhys_Main.pdf, March 2012. M. Kac. Can one hear the shape of a drum? The American Mathematical Monthly, 73:1–23, 1966. Striking a Beat Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References 22/Ford/MarkKac.pdf. O. Shipilova. Differential equations lecture vi, February 2008. bm20a2101/luennot/lecture_4.pdf. A. Wazwaz. Partial Differential Equation and Solitary Wave Theory. Higher Education, Beijing, 2009. D. Young. An introduction to partial differential equations in the undergraduate curriculum. https://http: // [4] [6] [3] [2] [1] [5] [7] Striking a Beat Ashley Martin PHY 495 Introduction History Outline Cartesian Coordinates Solutions Dynamics Harmonics Polar Coordinates Solutions Harmonics Dynamics Striking the Center References