AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF SIDNEY JOSEPH HAYES III M. 5. (Degree) for the (Name) Date thesis is presented Title in MICROBIOLOGY (Major) May 12, 1966 OCCURRENCE OF CLOSTRIDILTM BOTULINUM TYPE E IN SHELLFISH, LAKE FISH AND AQUATIC SEDIMENTS INEORTHNFST Abstract approv 7 Redacted for Privacy jor Professor Comparatively little work has been done to determine the ecolor of Clostridium botulinum type E since its initial isolation in the nineteen-thirties. This spore forming, anaerobic microorganism is relatively heat labile and has been missed in ecological surveys in which heat was used to selectively screen for spore formers. Use of gentler methods has, however, facilitated its demonstration in marine sediments throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The type E organism elaborates a highly potent neurotoxin and has been isolated as the causative agent in recent fatalities involving the consumption of fish products. Until recently the organ- ism was not believed to be present in the United States south of the Canadian border. The purpose of this investigation was to determine if the organism could be demonstrated in shellfish, inland lake fish, and sediment samples throughout the Northwest. Samples of coastal shellfish-- including various species of clams, crabs and oysters, varieties of smoked fish products, species of inland lake fish and inland lake, river and coastal sediment samples were examined for the presence of the type E organism. The organism was found, to some extent, in almost every type of sample tested. Type E toxin was demonstrated in incubated samples of shellfish and smoked fish products collected from eleven sites along the Oregon and Washington coast. The organism was found in shore sediments from the tidewater and freshwater areas of the Columbia, Alsea, and Umpqua rivers but could not be demonstrated in sedi- ments taken from saltwater beaches at the mouths of these rivers. The type E organism was also demonstrated in fish from inland lakes in the Oregon Cascade Mountains, in sediments from the shores of these lakes, and along the shores of a river and three reservoirs in this area. These samples were collected between 95 and 120 linear miles from the coast. The isolation of the type E botulinum organism in fish and shellfish products demonstrates that the organism does present a potential hazard which should be recognized by Northwest processors and distributors of these products. High concentrations of the spores of this organism, such as those found in bottom sediments of some of the inland lakes and reservoirs may serve to contaminate fish and other wildlife. Much of the data collected supports a terrestial distribu- tion of the spores. OCCURRENCE OF CLOSTRIDIU14 BOTULINUN TYPE E IN SHELLFISH, LAKE FISH AND AQUATIC SEDIMENTS IN THE NORTHWEST SIDNEY JOSEPH HAYES III A THESIS Submitted to OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE June 1966 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Professor of Microbiology In Charge of Major Redacted for Privacy Chairman of Department of Microbiology Redacted for Privacy Dean'of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Connie Hayes May 12, 1966 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Surveys of most any type are by nature time consuming and generally cannot be fully accomplished through the efforts of any one person. I am greatful to individuals who helped me and tolerated the hazard of continuous association with toxic or infectious cul-. tures and the smells of incubating samples which, at times, freshened our laboratory. I am especially greatful to Miss Janet Dougherty (who was very dependable) and, to Miss Roxie Rhodes who ran the chloride and moisture tests on the smoked fish. This present work was an extention of an initial ecological survey, here in the Northwest, begun and conducted by Professor James M. Craig. Jim offered valuable advice, assistance and friendship to me; and they were much appreciated. I wish to thank members of the Oregon State Game Coimnission, es- pecially Mr. Leonard Mateison, Director of the Central Area of the state, and the Oregon State Police for assistance in several phases of collection of the lake fish and some of the clam samples. My Trojan wife who typed this thesis may, in the long run, receive ample compensation but, her effort was no less appreciated. Sometimes a person gets to admire another individual so much they are afraid they will tell them. cellent major professor. I am happy to have had such an ex- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 LITERTURE REVIEW 3 Reviews on Clostridjun Bo-tulinum and Botdism World distribution of all types of Clostridiurn botulinurn Foods implicated in hutnan hchlism Outbreaks of type Ebctulis Ecology of Clostrtdium botulinun type E Factors conerning the origin of Clost,rjdium hotulinum type E Health Hazard of Closifidjum Botuljnurri Type H Food protection and the prevention of botulirum intoxication Effect of Physical and Chemical Factors in. Smoked Fish Products on Growth and Toxin Production by Cl Botulinum Type E Characteristics of ClostnidiLm Botulinum Type E Pharmacological action of hctulinurn toxin Physical and chemical characteristics EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE AND MATERIALS Culture Media TPG medium BHI medium Liver.veal-egg agar Blood agar Antitoxins Toxin Diluert Chemtcals Collection of Sarrples Shellfish Flsti Smoked fish Aquatic sediments Incubation Procedures Incubation techriqoes Clams and oysters (a0) Crabs (B.) Fish (c.) Smoked fish (d.) Sediment samples (e0) 3 3 24 24 5 5 8 8 8 11 11 U 13 13 13 13 121 15 15 15 16 18 18 19 19 20 21 23 23 23 224 224 25 Page Screenin.g Specimens for Toxicity Tissue samples Sediment samples Typing of Toxic Specimens with Antitoxin: Demcn stration of Botulinun Toxin Isolation of Clostridium Bat: linum Culture from Toxic Specimens Determination of the Sodium Choride Co'tent in Smoked Fish Determination of the Moisture Conteet of Smoked Fish RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Introduction: Physical Aspects in Demonstrating Cl. Botulinum An Analysis and Approach: Consideration of the Ecology of Cl. Botulinum Type E in the Northwest Development of Survey Techniques and Results Development of the technique for testing fish Result.s of the lake fish survey Procedure and results for shellfish Comparison of methods for detecting Cl. botulinum in mud specimens Comparison cf incubation temperatures of 20°C and 28°C for various periods in TPG medium Comparison of TPG medium with beef heart infu sion plus neat Results of survey of inland lake, reservoir, river, and marine sediments Comparison of the saltwater, tidewater, and freshwater areas of three Oregon rivers toxicity, chloride and Smoked fish produ:ts: moisture results Isolation of Cl. Bo±:iinum Cultures from Toxic Specimens Cultural examination of type E isolates SUI"ll"IARY AND CONCLUSIONS BIBLIOGRAPETY NOTE: 26 26 27 28 32 33 35 36 36 3? 141 141 L.5 L8 50 Si 53 55 58 60 6i 66 101 The generic and species name of the microorganism Clostridium tulinum has not been Latir.ized, i.e., underlined or italicized, in this section. or in headings throughout the text. This is in agreement with Section 1, Rule 5 of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria and Viruses, LIST OF FIGURES Page 1. 2. 3. Li. 5. Plastic bag incubation technique used with clams, oysters, lake fish, and crab viscera, 96 Isolated colonies of Clostridjum botulinum type E grori on blood agar from a cockle clam sample. 97 Isolated colonies of Clostridium botulinum type E grom on LVE from a cockle clam sample. 98 Isolated colonies of Clostridium botulinum type E gro on LVE from a kippered sturgeon sample. 99 Distribution of Clostridium botulinum type E in the Northwest. 100 LIST OF TABLES Page 1. 2. 3. Lake fish samples collected, screened for toxicity and typed for botulinum toxin 70 Crabs, oysters, and shrimp collected, screened for toxicity and typed for botulinuin toxin 71 Clams collected, screened for toxicity and typed for botulinum toxin 72 L Inland lake sediments collected, screened 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. lL. for toxicity and typed f or botulinum toxin 73 Inland river and reservoir sediments collected, screened for toxicity and typed for botulinum toxin 7L A comparison of 20°C and 28°C incubation temperatures for periods of 5, 7, and 1Li days in TPG medium with and without trypsinization for detection of toxic mud specimens 75 A comparison of two culture media and incuba-. tion procedures with and without trypsinization for detection of toxic mud specimens 76 Marine sediments collected, screened for toxicity and typed for botulinum toxin 77 Alsea river sediments collected, screened for toxicity and typed for botulinum toxin 78 Columbia river sediments collected, screened for toxicity and typed for botulinum toxin 79 Umpqua river sediments collected, screened for toxicity and typed for botulinum toxin 80 Toxicity tests on cultures derived from isolated colonies 81 Smoked or kippered fish collected, screened for toxicity and typed for botulinum toxin 83 Incidence of Clostridium botulinum type E in smoked fish products 8Li Page 15. 16. 17. Chloride and moisture content of smoked fish samples 85 Results of successful typing of toxic speci-. mens with antitoxin 86 Results of successful typing of toxic specimens with antitoxin 91- OCCURRENCE OF CLOSTRIDIUN BOTULINUN TYPE B IN SHELLFISH, LAKE FISH AND AQUATIC SEDINTS IN THE NORTHt1EST INTRODUCTION This investigation represents the result of an ecological survey to obtain more adequate data on the cocurronce and distribution of Clostridium botulinum type F in fish and their environments in the Northwest. This spore forming anaerobic microorganism produces a potent exotoxin which is quite lethal when ingested b:, man. Recent well publicized diagnoses of type S botulinal ieitoxica- tion, resulting from the consumption of fish products, aroused inIn terest in the distribution of the organism in the environment0 considering the large and growing fish processIng industry in the Northwest a survey of the distribution of the microorgansm in fish, fish products, sediment samples and water was initiated under a con tract with the U.S. Food and Dnug Administration at Oregon State in the early part of 196k. initial work primarily involved attempts to isolate the microorganism from the gills and viscera of river and marine fish. A subsequent attempt to complete the oologi- cal picture, concerning the distribution of the microorganims in four separate areas in Oregon, is presented in this thesis. Isolation of the organism has been attempted from some of the samples. A survey for the presence of the microorganims has been made in shellfish, including Oregon and Nashington crabs and oysters and, various types of Oregon clams. 2 Specimens of marine and river sediments have been taken from the banks of the Columbia, Alsea, and Umpqua rivers. Examination was made at three locations along the course of these rivers in order to shed some light on the possible source of these microorganisms. lected sites were: Se- (a) the saltwater beach adjacent to the river's mouth, (b) a saltwater or tidewater area of the river, (c) a freshwater zone of the river above tidewater. Lake fish and environmental sediments from Oregon and Northern California lakes and man-made reservoirs, have been examined to determine the distribution of the microorganism. Such results may be of some direct practical importance in considering that lake fisherman sometimes preserve these fish by home smoking methods. Examination of smoked fish products, primarily from producers along the Oregon and Washington coast has been carried out with regard to the distribution of the microorganism and the chloride and moisture content of the product. LITERATURE REVIEW Reviews on Clostridjum Botulinum and Botulism Dolman (21), has given an excellent review of the historical highlights concerning the isolation and immunological characteriza- tion of Clostridium botulinum types A (21), B (21), C (), C,B (L9), D (21), E (L-2), and of the characteristics of a type F (21) strain. Meyer (26), has reviewed the international literature, the state of public health knowledge, and statistical data on botulism up to 1956. World distribution of all types of Clostridium botulinum: The highest geographic incidence of type A has been found in the Western United States and the Soviet Ukraine (21). Type B is found primarily in France, Norway, and the Eastern United States (12). Type Chas been identified in the Western United States and Canada, South America, South Africa, and Australia; and type C, South Africa, Europe and North America (21). in Austrailia, Type U appears to be prevalent in South Africa and Australia (12). Type F has been iso- lated from outbreaks in Northern Japan, British Columbia, Labrador, Alaska, Sweden, Denmark, USSR and recently from the Northwestern U.S.A. (12,8 ) and the Great Lakes region (12). Type F has been iso- lated from an outbreak in Denmark (12), from marine sediments taken at depths of 725 and 900 fathoms off the Oregon and California coast (23) and from the viscera of a fish taken in the Columbia River (12, 9,23). L. Foods implicated in human botulism: in Europe, for the most part, outbreaks have been associated primarily with processed meats-especially ham, sausages, and other pork products, whereas most out- breaks in the U.S.A. are caused by home preserved vegetables and fruit; those in the USSR and Japan are caused by fish, and those in Alaska and Western Canada by fish and marine mammals, such as the seal, whale and walrus (26,16,to). Meyer states that the types of Cl. botulinum and the nature of the foodstuffs implicated greatly influence the local case-fatality rate. In addition, the amount of toxin ingested is a critical factor, and this is in turn affected by the physical and chemical characteristics of the food and the method of preserving it (26). Outbreaks of type E botulism: Cl. botulinum type E, unlike types A to U, is not known to have been isolated in the southern hemisphere i6,L1 ). Type E spores were similarly thought to occur rarely in the U.S.A. (33) (excluding Alaska); and only local outbreaks of type E intoxication were reported between 1950 and 1963 involving: white whale meat (1956), salmon-egg cheese (1959), fermented seal meat (1960), commercially smoked fish (ciscoes) in a vacuumpacked bag (1960), and salmon eggs (1961). two cases of type E botulism were reported. and two deaths were due to canned tuna fish. However in 1963 twentyIn Detroit three cases Two fatal cases occurred in Kalamazoo, Michigan through the consumption of smoked white fish. Seventeen cases and five deaths occurred in Tennessee, Alabama, and Kentucky from vacuumpacked smoked white-fish chubs. In the former and latter cases the U.S. Food and Drug Admthistration was able to remove the product from the market and prevent an inorease in the number of fatalities (ii). Eco10 of Clost.ridium botulinum trpe E: The isolation of a type E strain from soil was first reported by Dolmar. and Kerr in l9Ll7. A one to two gram sample was taken from a garden in Naiairno, B.C. Since then the organism has been. found widely dispersed in marine sediments and on the shores in certain parts of the world, in particular Japan, Germany, France, Denmark, Greenland and Sweden (21,16, 33,l,14.o). Recently type E has been shown to occur in aquatic sediments at three locations in Oregon (a spot along the Alsea River, the Siuslaw River at Florence, and in Yaquina Bay at Newport) (8); and it has been demonstrated in marine muds along the west coast of the United States down to 36° North Latitude, as far as 80 miles off shore and, at depths of 1070 fathoms. in addition, the latter survey revealed that the incidence of type E demonstrated for crabs and fish from two particular environments paralleled the incidence in sediment samples from the related environment (23). Factors concerning the crjgjn of Clostridium botulinum type E: As soon as it became apparent that Cl. botulinum type E had a predilection for fish the question arose as to whether spores of this type were primarily telluric or marine in origin (18). Various work supports or attests to a terrestrial predisposition of the spores (2o,12,l6,33,L,l8,16,l,Lio). Since l9L.? Dolman has stressed a He hypothesis which provides for a terrestrial origin of the spore. has postulated a mechanism whereby type E spores, perhaps widely, but thinly, scattered over land masses in the northern hemisphere, might be brought to coastal regions as the result of land erosion, and through the intercourse of streams, rivers, and ocean currents where they would tend to he distributed nidally in terraqueous deposits of the littoral. (16,19). Germination and multiplication in the marine and littoral foci where micro-environmental conditions are propitious could then account for the findings (l6,33,23,L0) that the concentration of type E in lagoon bottom sediment, coastal sand and adjacent sea sediments may be higher than in neighboring soil. Physically Clostridium botulinum type E is predisposed to a marine environment. Its spores show no significant difference to those of types A and B with respect to their ability to remain viable (no decline in number of spores) after eighty days incubation at 3° to O in sterile sea water and in growth (vegetation and multiplica- tion) in media containing up to four to six percent NAC1 (16). How- ever, type E cultures grow and produce toxin over a temperature range 50 to 100 lower than type A or B strains (Lvi). 3.3° and 37.5°C (Ll,L?,18). Growth occurs between Maximum growth occurs at 35°C. toxin production is best at 25°C. However Evidence indicates that cultures groiii at 37°C are frequently nontoxic (L1,l6,L2). Dolman states (12) that Johannsen's demonstration of type E in potato peels (33) might reveal a mechanism whereby type E and possibly other types of Cl. botulinum could be intermittently replenished in cultivated soil. It is postulated that such a mecha- nism would be similar to that shown (13L) for type C organisms which are able to multiply and produce toxin in decomposing marsh vegetation rich in organic matter. In addition he (17) has renewed inter- est in the idea that fish (and shellfish), birds and animals' may act as reservoirs and healthy carriers of type E organisms. Bengston's demonstration that the Lucilia larvae is a concentrator and reservoir of type C organisms (3), Johannsen's isolation of types B and C from the livers of lemmings in Northern Sweden,2 Eklund's isolation of type E from crabs(23) and repeated demonstrations of the organisms in fish and marine mammals (16) tend to support this hypothesis. Thus, type E spores carried by fish or animal reservoirs, land erosion, or ocean currents might be found, at extensive distances from their telluric starting point, perhaps accumulating along parts of the shore and bottom of rivers and lakes, along the coast, or in sea sediments. As a result of these accumulations, other marine or freshwater fish and animals may ingest the spores, or become con- taminated through skin apertures or wounds, and thus might continuously or transiently harbor the organism. Upon the death of the host (presumably brought about through hunters, fishermen or natural causes), the spores, under favorable conditions of temperature and 1 Burova, A.E. et al. The role of animals in the distribution of botulism; sited in (12). 2 Personal communication in 1963 between Johannsen and Dolman; sited in (12). anaerobiosis, may vegetate and migrate from the gut or other integuments into the muscles (12,16,19). Conditions conducive to the proli- feration of the microorganism would result in the formation of toxin. Health Hazard of Clostridium Botulinum Type F Food protection and the prevention of botulinum intoxications: For years (24) the canning industry has used as an index of safety a processing time and temperature which would destroy 60 billion of the most heat resistant type A and B botulinum spores present in the part of the can having the greatest temperature lag (43). It has been recognized that cultural findings on plant products reflect the flora of the soil and may indicate the potential botulinal hazard in a community (39). It is also a possibility that Clostridium botu-. linum or its spores can gain entrance to the tissues and organs of an animal during life and proliferate and produce toxin after slaughter and processing. In this regard, better quality raw materi- als may be necessary for safe food preservation by new methods than were required for foods commerically sterilized by heat (10). Effect of Physical and Chemical Factors in Smoked Fish Products on Growth and Toxin Production by Cl. Botulinum Type E As a result of recent outbreaks of type E botulinum from smoked white fish and vacuum-packed smoked chubs (1963) considerable atten- tion has been given to food packaging methods in addition to prophylactic considerations of the ecology, germination, and developmental (outgrowth) aspects of the organism. With regard to the questionable procedure of vacuum packaging smoked fish, experiments have shown that this seems to be the only procedure that definitely disturbs the microbial equilibrium in a mixed microbial population, i.e. as determined by a comparison of fish exposed to oxygen versus vacuum-packed fish. Vacuum-packed fish have a prolonged shelf life which increases the botulinal risk in the product if spores are present. The nonproteolytic Cl. botu- linum type E organism can develop toxin in this environment without the common organoleptic spoilage indication which is a major safety factor. Toxin containing fish in an air atmosphere spoil to a point where an ordinary consumer (excluding Eskimos) would probably reject it; however there would be no undesirable organoleptic properties to cause rejection of a toxic vacuum-packed fish (52). Dolman, however, considers the difference is slightly more subtle. He states that: "If during some process between the catching of the fish and its insertion into the package spores are introduced into or onto the fish, there appears to be a danger of the development of toxin. If that contamination is surface contamination, the danger would be enhanced, in my view, by its enclosure in a vacuum. If, however, the spores were introduced by pollution of muscle adjacent to the intestine at the time of gutting (which is a pretty crude procedure under any circumstances) or if it were introduced from immersion of the fish in brine or pickling solution so that spores therein could penetrate to a depth of, I should think, not more than perhaps a few millimeters and certainly not more than half an inch, one would have toxin production whether the vacuum pack was there or not." (13). 10 With respect to outgrowth, important influencing factors are temperature, salt or sugar concentrations, (or perhaps water activity), pH, and substrate (L6). ture has been considered.) (The minimum outgrowth tempera- Dolman has stated (12) that too little is known about the minimum amounts of water in foods that are corn- patible with toxigenesis. In addition there appears to be no data available in the literature on the sugar concentration required to inhibit outgrowth of type E spores (246). The literature of pH in- hibition varies with growth reported down to pH 60°c. A pH of at 23°C or at has been considered a satisfactory level for public health safety, with respect to type A and B spores of Cl. botulinurn (Li6). 0 0 Findings that at L6 F and 50 F growth of type E 0 0 occurs at L.O but not at L.5 percent salt and that at 60 F, 70 F and 85°F growth occurs at a salt concentration of LI.5 but not at 5 percent have indicated that type E spores are considerably less salt tolerant than types A and B spores at optimal incubation temperature (L6). Dr. Slocum of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in con- sidering this aspect has stated (so) that the composition of fish products range between some which are not vastly different from the raw materials in salt and moisture content to others which are very dry and high in salt. The latter group he believes represent no substantial hazard but between these two groups are all gradations. 11 Characteristics of Clostridjum Botulinum Type E Toxin Pharmacolojcal action of botulinurn toxin: acts in a well-defined manner: Botulinum toxin it paralyzes cholinergic synapses (i.e., the acetyichoLine release mechanism at the nerve terminals). After an initial latency of about 20 minutes, transmission across individual synapses becomes impaired. Once junctional block becomes complete, it is irreversible by any knom procedure (5,6). differences of various types of toxin (A - Antigenic E) are reflected only in susceptibilities of animal species and in dose-response relationships (6,36). The toxins are distributed in the body through the blood stream, and death usually results from respiratory paralysis (6). These types are quite toxic when administered via oral, respiratory or intraperitoneal routes; Unactivated (see below) cultures containing type E toxin are most toxic when administered via oral and respiratory pathways (7). Physical and chemical characteristics: Type E toxin is a simple protein which possesses hemagglutinating properties and is considered highly purified when it acts like a single substance in the toxin antitoxin reaction, in the ultracentrifuge, and in electrophoresis. It has a strong absorption at 278 millimicrons and contains no nucleic acids. The ratio of absorbance at 260 millimicrons to that at 278 millimicrons has been used as an index of purity (L45). weight of the protein has been found to be 18,6000. activation the toxicity was 7.5 x 10 The molecular After trypsin mouse minimum lethal dose MLD) 12 per milligram of nitrogen (29). From this activated protein a pep- tide has been isolated with a maximum absorbance at 280 millimicrons and a toxicity of 2.8 x 10 mouse MLD per milligram of nitrogen (30). (It should be noted that the toxicity of type E toxin is increased 50 to 100 fold by controlled treatment with trypsin at pH 6.2 (53); however, uncontrolled trypsin digestion destroys (activated) type E toxin (32). The activation procedure allows attainment of culture toxicities of the same order of magnitude as those obtained with types A, B, C, and D; and provides an explanation for the lower toxicity of type E cultures .-- an observation that had been difficult to understand in view of the high mortality associated with outbreaks of type.E botulism (7).The toxicity of any botulinum toxin is destroyed if heated for 10 minutes in a boiling-water bath (32). 13 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE AND MATERIALS Culture Media TPG Medium: 1. Trypticase -- Baltimore Biological Laboratory 2. BactoPeptone -- 'Difco' 3. Bacto-Dextrose -- 'Djfco' 4. Sodium thioglycoilate -- 'Difco' The above reagents were used in the preparation of trypticase - proteose - glucose medium (TPG medium) which had the following composition: 50 gram (gm.) trypticase; .5 gm. peptone; 4 gm. glucose; 2 gm. sodium thioglycollate; made up to 1000 milliliter (ml.) using distilled water. The pH of this solution was adjusted to 7.0 before sterilization in an autoclave for 15 minutes (at 15 pounds pressure and l2l0C).3 BEl Meat Medium: 3 5. Bacto - Beef heart for infusion -_ 'DiSco' 6. Ground round steak 7. Sodium chloride -- "Baker Analyzed" reagent grade The method is a modification of Schmidt et al. procedure (48) in which sterile concentrated solutions of sodium thioglycollate and glucose are added to a trypticase (5%) - peptone (o.%) medium just prior to inoculation. The trypticase - peptone medium which has been used for the preparation of spore suspensions of the proteolytic types A and B Cl. botulinum yields only slight growth and poor sporulation with the predominantly saccharolytic type E strains. Addition of 0.4 percent glucose to the trypticase - peptone medium provides a satisfactory growth and sporulation medium for type E strains. lL The above reagents were used in the preparation of a beef heart infusion with minced meat medium (BHI meat medium) (25). 50 gm. of Bac-bo-Beef heart for infusion was made up to 1000 ml. with H20 and allowed to infuse for one hour, heated to 80°C to coagulate some of the protein, and clarified by several filtrations through layers of gauze and cotton. To the filtrate 1.5 percent Bacto - peptone and 0.5 percent NaCl were added. To 5 gm. of minced meat in a ounce (oz.) screw-capped bottle 30 ml. of the above solution was added. The meat suspension in each bottle was adjusted to approximately pH 6.9 - 7.0 by addition of N/i NaOH using pH paper. The bottles of medium were autoclaved 15 minutes and the caps screwed tightly shut while they were still hot. Liver Veal Eg Agar: 8. Bacto - Liver - Veal agar base -- 'Difco' 9. Fresh eggs The liver-veal agar base was used in preparing liver-veal-egg agar plates. The base was rehydrated by suspending 97 gm. in 1000 ml. cold distilled water. The suspension was heated to boiling to dis- solve the medium completely and autoclaved for 15 minutes. The eggs were scrubbed and disinfected by allowing them to set for an hour in solutions of 1:10,000 mercuric chloride and 70 percent ethanol respectively. The egg-yolks were aseptically separated from the white by the usual culinary technique, dropped into a sterile beaker, and mixed with an equal volume of sterile 0.85 percent saline. The 15 autoclaved liver-veal-egg agar base was cooled to L5°_5O°C and the eggyolk suspension was added to a final concentration of 8-10 percent. Plates were poured immediately and kept at Li°C where they remained us- able for several months (53). Blood Aar: 10. Bacto - Blood - agar base -- 'Difco' 11. Outdated defibrinated human blood 12. Defibrinated sheep blood The blood-agar base was used in preparing blood-agar-plates. The base was rehydrated by suspending LIO gm. in 1000 ml. cold distilled water. The suspension was heated to boiling to dissolve the medium completely and, autoclaved for 15 minutes. The sterilized medium was allowed to cool to Lj.5°C and 5 percent sterile dêfibrinated blood was added. Plates were poured immediately and kept at Li,°C. Antitoxins: 13. Type A botulinum antitoxin, equine serum, 10 units per ml. lLi. Type B botulinum antitoxin, rabbit serum, 28 units per ml. 15. Type C botulinum antitoxin, equine serum, 10 units per ml. 16. Type E botulinum antitoxin, equine serum, 10 units per ml. 17. Glycerol -- 'Baker Analyzed' reagent grade Vaccine vials containing 120 units of lyophilized antitoxin (sent to us by U.S. Food and Drug Admin.) were reconstituted with so% (v/v) sterile glycerol-water (pH 7.0). Toxin Diluent: 18. Bacto - Gelatin -- 'Difco' 19. Sodium phosphate, dibasic -- 'Baker Analyzed' reagent grade 16 The above reagents have been used at concentrations of 0.2 per.- cent gelatin and 0.L percent phosphate as a toxin diluent and animal injection menstrum which was suggested by Duff et al. (22). The pH of the diluent was adjusted to 6.2 with N/lU hydrochloric acid. 20. Trypsin (1:250) -- 'Djfco' A concentrated trypsin solution, which it was hoped would approximate 10 percent, was made up by suspending 10 gm. of trypsin (1:250) in enough distilled water to obtain 100 ml. of suspension. This was covered and allowed to sit at room temperature overnight to effect a better solution of the trypsin. The solution was filtered under negative pressure through a Seitz EK filter pad and distributed in 30 ml. quantities into vaccine vials. 0 These were stored at -12 C. Chemicals: 21. Potassium chromate -- 'Baker Analyzed' reagent grade A 5 percent solution of K2Cr0 in deionized water was used as an indicator in the standardization of silver nitrate against an NaCl solution containing a known number of equivalents. 22. Ferric ammonium sulfate -- 'Baker Analyzed' reagent grade An indicator was made up by preparing a saturated solution of FeNH(SO1)2.l2H2Q in deionized water. The saturated solution was The toxicity of various botulinal toxin preparations in saline which is the classic diluent for the extraction and dilution of toxin from suspected specimens and cultures (10) or in simple buffers, has been found to be lower than in buffered systems containing gelatin (37). 17 prepared by 'dissolving' 80 gm. of the reagent in enough water to make 1000 ml. Silver nitrate -- 'Baker Analyzed' reagent grade 23. A N/b solution of silver nitrate was prepared by dissolving 16.989 gin. AgNO3 in deionized water and diluting to 1000 ml. solution was standardized against a N/b This NaCl solution containing 5.8Li5 gm. of pure dry NaC1 per 1000 ml. Ammonium thiocyanate -- 'Baker Analyzed' reagent grade 21L. A N/b solution was prepared from a reagent that contained only a trace of Cl by dissolving 7.613 gin. NHSCN in enough deionized water to make 1000 ml. This solution was standardized against a standard N/mo AgNO3 solution. 25. Ethyl alcohol (95 percent CH3CH2OH) 26. Nitric acid (69.0 - 71.0 percent HNO3) -- Baker and Adamson, reagent grade 27. Acetone -- United States Pharrnacopeia grade Acetone was used for cleaning needles, syringes and Milbipore 'Swinney' syringe type filters. 28. Saline solution (0.85 percent NaC1 in distilled water) 29. Plastic poultry bags 9 x 3 x 18 inches These bags were used for collecting and incubating fish and shellfish samples. 18 Collection of Samples Independently, specimens of shellfish, lake fish, marine and. river sediments, and inland lake and reservoir sediments have been collected. The methods, which for some cases differ only slightly, are given below. Shellfish: Six different species of clams are included in the collection as indicated. in Table 3. Specimens of razor clams, in the main, were collected by the Oregon State Police (from violators of undersize and overlimit regulations) along the beach at Seaside, Oregon. The remaining clam specimens were dug along the Oregon coast; the sites from which they were taken are also indicated in Table 3. Most of the Washington or littleneck clams were obtained from fish markets along the coast. Five to ten clams of the same species were placed in a clean plastic bag after most of the adherent sand had been rinsed away in seawater. The plastic bags were sealed with rubber bands and kept on ice until returned to the laboratory, where they were refrigerated at 7°C until they could be tested. Some of the last samples to be incubated were held at this temperature for 18 days. The oysters, which had been washed free of mud were picked from oyster buckets at canneries in the towns indicated in Table 2. Four individual oysters were included per plastic bag and were held. under the same conditions described for the clams. A few crabs were caught by hand; however, the majority of samples 19 were purchased live from the crab canneries indicated in Table 2. These were held in their paper containers at 5°C for not more than three days before they were incubated. Fish: The specimens of trout, kokanee (land-locked salmon), perch, chubs and catfish were taken by means of gill nets from the inland and mountain lakes: to a depth of six feet in Kiamath lake, thirty-six feet in Elk Lake and one-hundred feet in Odell Lake. The fish taken by hand from the gill nets were transferred to plastic bags, one to three fish per bag depending upon their size. Surface slime was rinsed from the collectors hands between each group of two or three fish in an attempt to minimize cross contamination. The fish from South Twin Lake were picked from the water by hand or with a net and rinsed in the water adjacent to the boat before they were inserted into individual plastic bags. Rotenone had been added to the lake; as a result of the poison the fish lost their equilibrium and came to the surface. All lake trout and kokanee specimens were held (up to a week) on ice until incubated; most of the chubs and perch were frozen at -12°C until they could be incubated and tested. These samples and the lakes from which they were taken are indicated in Table 1. Smoked fish: Samples of smoked and kippered fish products were purchased from various processors along the coast of Oregon and Southern Washington. kets in Corvallis. A few samples were collected from retail marIndividually wrapped and labeled items were placed in plastic bags and held at 7°C until they could be tested. 20 The identity of these specimens and their sources are shown in Tables l3 and lL1, respectively. Aquatic sediments: Three rivers draining the Oregon coastal watershed were selected as sources of sediment specimens to be examined for the presence of Cl. botulinum type E. These are the Columbia on the north, the Alsea about midway between the northern and southern borders, and the Umpqua, about 100 miles further south. Each of the rivers flows from east to west and empties directly into the Pacific Ocean. Sediment samples were initially collected along the shore at the waters edge and sometimes up to a depth of one foot at three different locations along each watercourse: to the rivers (a) the salt water beach adjacent mouth, (b) the tidewater zone of the river, and (c) a freshwater zone well upstream from the tidewater. Samples of 100 to 150 grams were taken by pushing a sterile open wide mouth, screw cap bottle into the bottom mud or sand. The bottles were capped and stored at 5°C until the sediments could be incubated and tested. Samples from areas of the beach and adjacent land were taken from some of the areas in a similar manner. Sediment samples were also obtained from eight lakes in the Cascade mountain region of Central Oregon (several of which provided the fish specimens) and from Tule Lake in Northern California. These were collected by the method just given for obtaining river samples. A number of specimens were also taken with an Ekman dredge from depths of 35 and 12 feet respectively in Elk and Kiamath lakes. The contents 21 of the dredge were emptied into plastic bags or into a well rinsed bucket from which a sterile screw capped bottle was filled. specimens were held at All °C until they could be tested. In addition sediment samples taken at the waters edge from three man made reservoirs in Central Oregon were obtained. These are the Haystack reservoir, the Round Butte Dam reservoir, and the Pelton Dam reservoir. All three of them are of recent origin, having been constructed within the past five years; they thus represent a some- what different environmental situation from that of the eight natural lakes. The specimens were collected in sterile wide mouth screw 0 capped bottles and held at 5 C until tested. Incubation Procedures Heat is the ecological selective agent that has been most frequently employed in the isolation of Clostridium botulinum from habitats that usually contain a preponderance of concomitant microorganisms. Heat treatments of soil-enrichment cultures for 1 to 2 hours at 70°C and for 30 minutes to 1 hour at 8000 have in the past been routine general methods; however, recent data indicate that many botulinum strains, in particular type E, cannot survive such drastic treatment. Pedersen (L2) found that exposure of soil and mud speci- mens to a temperature of 80°C for 5 minutes prevented isolation of many type E strains. Dolman (T1J4) has successfully isolated type E organisms by heating food or soil enrichments to 60°C for 15 minutes. Foster (26) found that heating his samples to 60°C for 30 minutes 22 reduced the number of his cultures with type E toxin. He also found that drying the samples before testing gave no benefit -- but he found that incubating the enrichment cultures at 20°C for lL days gave a slightly higher percentage of cultures with type E toxin than incubation at 2°C (for 8 days), which had previously been considered the optimum temperature for the elaboration of toxin by the organism. In this investigation we have not used a heat activation technique in any of our incubation procedures. Crisley (10) has reviewed the enrichment media which have been employed for cultivating the various types of Clostridium botulinum. The most common enrichment media are those into which cooked meat is incorporated. Many employ 0.1 or 0.2 percent starch which has been shown (5L) to adsorb unsaturated fatty acids in the recovery medium, which may delay germination of the spores (28). Others contain thio-. glycollate and agar which help prevent the diffusion of oxygen into germinating spore cultures which may be especially oxygen-sensitive. In this investigation we have used beef heart infusion medium with minced meat (BHI meat medium) to recover Clostridium botulinum type E from most of our sediment samples. Foster (27) has found the BHI meat medium superior to six commonly used enrichments for spore forming anaerobes. In addition we have used TPG medium for incu- bating fish, shellfish, and smoked fish products. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in work with several (type E) laboratory strains has found more complete and better sporulation in this medium than in cooked-liver or cooked-meat medium (51). 23 Incubation techniques: (a) Clams and oysters: testing in the following way: Clams and oysters were prepared for From three to ten individuals of a single species were taken from the refrigerated plastic bag and the shells removed with a single sterile knife or pair of scissors. The tissues of each individual in the group of shellfish were transferred to a new clean plastic bag, and sufficient sterile TPG medium added to cover the tissue. Most of the air was squeezed out of the bag, and the open end twisted and closed with a rubber band. Bags con- taining the prepared specimens were then placed in metal pans and incubated for five days at 27°C - 28°C. The plastic bag incubation is illustrated in Figure 1. (b) Crabs: For the crab specimens, the top shell was cracked and the intestines and gills were transferred to a plastic bag and incubated in TPG medium in the same manner. Muscle tissue from each crab, amounting to three grams, was picked with sterile forceps from the joints between the legs and body and placed in a four ounce screw capped bottle containing 50 ml. TPCT. A similar sample to which three grams of mud containing type E organisms was added was used as a control. The caps of such bottles were placed on loosely and the bottles were placed in Case-Anaero jars and evacuated to 27 inches of mercury and flushed with an atmosphere of nitrogen containing L percent CO2. The jars were evacuated and flushed at least three times. method has been used by several investigators (51,1). A similar 2L4 (c) Fish: In the case of the trout and other lake fish, the plastic bag containing one or more fish was cut open and used to hold the fish while the peritoneal cavity and gill region were opened and the viscera and gills cut into fragments with a sterile pair of scissors. The fish (one large fish or up to three small fish) were then transferred to a clean plastic bag and sufficient sterile TPG The rest of the procedure was the same as added to cover the tissue. that described for the shellfish. For the handling of both fish and shellfish specimens sterile rubber gloves were worn. After the preparation of each specimen, the gloves were dipped in a 1.25 percent hypochlorite solution, dried with paper towels, and the excess chlorine rinsed off in a tap water bath. They were then dried again with paper towels before handling the next specimen. (d) Smoked fish: The smoked (or kippered5) fish samples (which were held on ice in plastic bags or refrigerated in toto in grocery bags) were removed aseptically from their paper wrappers and placed on a piece of sterile paper. A large section of skin and some tissue representing in all 5 - 10 grams was placed in each of two four ounce bottles containing 50 ml. TPG. The remaining skin and tissue was placed in an empty, sterile, L ounce bottle, tightly capped, ref rig- erated, and held for moisture and chloride determinations. Kippering implies a semi-cooked product (120°F or higher for up to two hours). Plain smoked fish (1cc smoked) do not reach this temperature. 25 A control was used to determine whether micro-flora on the smoked product would competitively outgrow, repress or elaborate enzymes which could destroy or in some way inactivate the type E toxin. This was prepared by the addition of 3 grams of mud known to contain Clostridium botuilnum type E to one of the two bottles containing the fish specimen in TPG. Use of a fish control is an extention of a sediment control procedure described by Foster (26). The organism is considered absent from the specimen only if the control culture contains type E toxin and the specimen culture does not. The loosely capped sample and control bottles were evacuated in a Case jar and incubated for five days at 28°C. The five day incubation temperature was adopted for TPG medium after previous experiments with pure and mixed cultures showed a significant toxicity developed at 28°C during this period. A few of the earlier samples were incubated at this temperature and duration after placing a 20 to O gram sample in 150 ml. of TPG in an 8 ounce screw cap bottle or plastic bag. Some of these cultures were incubated without special anaerobic precautions while others were held in Case anaerobic jars. (e) Sediment samples: Sediment samples were not heat shocked and were incubated using a modified version of a method suggested by Foster (26). Instead of inoculating three, 10 ml. cultures of the BUT meat medium with one gram samples of a soil sediment, a single screw cap bottle containing 30 ml. of the medium was inoculated with a three gram sample of the sediment. A second control bottle of the 26 medium received three grams of the sample being tested plus three grams of control mud known to contain the type E organism. These bottles were incubated anaerobically in Case jars for fourteen days at 20°C, as recommended by Dr. Foster. Where a comparison of sediments was made between the 881 meat medium and TPG or where the TPG medium was used independently to cultivate sediment samples, the procedure was the same except that the mud was added to 50 ml, TPG and these bottles were incubated anaerobically for five days at 28°C. Screening Specimens for Toxicity Tissue Samples: Fish, clams, oysters, crabs, and smoked fish products were tested or screened, i.e., incubated suspensions were tested for toxicity, in the following manner. Eight ml. of the incu- bated culture was transferred to a centrifuge tube and then centrifuged between 2500 and 20 minutes. 000 revolutions per minute (rpm) for 15 to In some cases in which the suspension was quite clear centrifugation was omitted. An additional LQ ml. of the suspension which had been incubated in plastic bags was removed to sterile bottles. All bottles containing incubated suspensions were frozen at -12°C. (Additional aliquots of the incubated suspensions for transfers to TPG (at a level of 10 percent), rescreening, or antitoxin procedures, were withdrawn, after thawing, from the frozen suspension bottles.) A portion of the supernatant fluid was removed to a sterile vaccine vial and the pH adjusted to 6.2 with N/l or N/b HC1 27 (depending on the sample). The pH was measured with pH paper. NaOH was used when the pH was overshot. N/i One-tenth ml. of a 10 per- cent sterile trypsin solution was added per ml. of culture supernatant to give a solution containing approximately 1 percent trypsin. The specimen was mixed and held at 37°C for L5 minutes. Cultures of fish, clams, oysters, and the first several crab specimens were diluted 1:5 with gel- phosphate buffer at p1-i 6.2, and 0.5 ml. was injected intra- peritoneally in two Swiss-Webster strain white mice, which were then observed at intervals over a four day period. The later clams and all the smoked fish, for which moisture and chloride tests were run, were treated in the same manner except that the trypsinized. specimens were diluted 1:1 with gel- phosphate. Consideration of the dilution in regard to non-botulinal deaths is treated in the results and discussion section. Sediment Samples: The sediment samples run in all comparison tests were tested for toxicity by centrifuging, diluting 2 ml. of the supernatant with 2 ml. of gel- phosphate at pH 6.2 and injecting 0.5 ml. into each of two mice. Where trypsinization was carried out, the supernatarit fluid was adjusted to pH 6.2 with N/l HC1, sterile tryp- sin added to a concentration of 1 percent, and the mixture held at 37°C for 45 minutes. It was then diluted with gel- phosphate at pH 6.2 and 0.5 ml. injected intraperitoneally in two mice. A modi- fication was used on all sediment specimens for which controls were run. Two ml. of the surface fluid from the sample or control was withdrawn from the incubation bottle, placed in a sterile injection 28 bottle and diluted with 2 ml. of gel-phosphate at pH 6.2. zation was not employed. Trypsini- Two mice were each injected intraperito- neally with 0.5 ml. of the diluted specimen and one mouse was simi larly injected with the diluted control suspension. observed over a four day period. The mice were The centrifugation was eliminated due to the increased time required for screening the controls in addi-. tion to the sediment samples. The effect of this omission is con- sidered in the results and discussion section. In all procedures the undilu Led and diluted suspensions in the injection bottles were kept refrigerated at 5°C when not in use. dilutions were made with 5°C buffer. The injection bottles were capped with rubber hoods after dilution. out aseptically. trays, All All procedures were carried The prepared injection bottles, syringes, pij . were autoclaved at the end of the run. Unused incubated suspensions were distributed in gallon paint cans and autoclaved along with cultures which were being discarded. of Toxic Specimens with Antitoxin: Typjn Demonstration of Botulinum Toxin Antitoxin is a serum antibody produced by immunization of animals with small amounts of a toxin or a detoxified preparation of the toxin called a toxoid. A specific antitoxin can combine vivo or vitro with its homologous toxin and in so doing neutralize the toxic character of the toxin. Specific antitoxins can be prepared against the toxins produced by Clostridiuxn botulinum types A, B, 29 0, E, and F. Each type of antitoxin reacts specifically with its homologous toxin. Type Cproduces a toxin whose antitoxin neutra- lizes the toxin produced by type C,B as well as its homolog. Specific neutralization may be demonstrated by in vitro mixing of toxin and antitoxin preparations and injection of the suspension into a mouse (or other test animal); or by injection of the antitoxin preparation into the mouse, followed after a period of time, by injection of the homologous toxin into the same mouse. In both cases, if there is enough antibody present to neutralize the toxin the mice will remain alive. The latter method is preferred because it requires less anti- An International Unit for toxin and permits dilutions of the toxin. relating the strength of the botulism antitoxin to the strength of In terms of MLD's per unit its homologous toxin has been established. or anti - MLD's the unit for types A, B, C, and 0 antitoxin is con- sidered to be the smallest quantity of antitoxin which will protect a mouse given 10,000 MLD of toxin and, for type E antitoxin the smallest quantity that will protect against 1,000 NLD of toxin (32). In this investigation an aseptic technique was used to withdraw an aliquot from the stock antitoxin preparation, which was diluted to one unit per ml. with gel- phosphate at pH 6.2 and, 0.5 ml. (or 0.5 unit) was injected intraperitoneally into each of four mice for each toxic specimen tested. A minimum of 20 to 30 minutes was allowed to pass before the mice were challenged. As a standard routine only type E protected mice and unprotected mice were originally challenged. One-half ml. of 1:5 and 1:50 dilutions of the toxic specimen was 30 injected intraperitoneally into two protected and two unprotected mice for each dilution. If both protected and unprotected mice died the antitoxin test was rerun using type A and B antitoxin protected mice and additional unprotected mice. In the original screening injected mice which died in more than 1 hour but less than 2L and showed progressive evidence of respira-. tory paralysis before death were presumptively considered to have died from botulism. These specimens were tested for the presence of botulinum toxin by performing antitoxin tests as quickly as possible (several days) on the incubated suspensions which had been held at 0 . -12 C. The incubated suspension was thawed, an aliquot was centri.- fuged, 2 ml. of the supernatant was transferred to a sterile dilution bottle and the pH was adjusted to 6.2 with N/i Rd. After adding sufficient sterile trypsin to give a 1 percent solution, the specimen was mixed and held at 37°C for L5 minutes. It was then diluted 1:5 with gel- phosphate; this was mixed and 2 ml. was transferred to a second bottle which was diluted up to 1:50 using the gel- phosphate menstrum. The diluted suspensions were refrigerated until needed and injected as indicated. Before dilution or trypsinization, the supernatants (of a centrifuged aliquot) of toxic clam or lakefish cultures were filtered. This was done by using either a millipore 'Swinney' syringe filter with a 0.22 micron cellulose acetate pad, or by using a 2 ml. Boerner centrifuge filter with a Seitz asbestos 'germicidal' filter pad. Filtration of the supernatant was not employed in the case of smoked 31 fish or for sediment samples. For samples in which the screening test was toxic (positive) but for which toxicity could not be demonstrated (loss of toxicity) in the antitoxin test, an aliquot of the incubated suspension was transferred to 20 ml. TPG in a screw capped tube and incubated anaero- bically for five days at 28°C. A similar trpe of transfer was made for those samples in which the injected mice died after 24 hours in the initial screening test. All transfer cultures were rescreened for toxicity before antitoxin procedures were employed by centrifugin preparing a 1:1 gel- phosphate dilution of the supernatant, and injecting 0.5 ml. intraperitoneally in two mice. Nontoxic (negative) or questionably toxic transfers were not considered further. The designation of a sample as questionably toxic is based on the time of death and symptoms of the injected mice. Mice usually die within 20 minutes after the intraperitoneal injection of a suspension containing a high concentration of a proteiriaceous material. Such deaths were considered nonspecific in that mice injected with the most concentrated botulinum toxin rarely die before 45 minutes. In addition, samples were considered questionable when one of the two injected mice died, or when both mice died late in the observation period (between 40 and 96 hours). An unsterile suspension in- jected into the peritoneum of a mouse may initiate a bacterial infec- tion (peritonitis); the mouse may become inactive and will generally die between 40 and 96 hours. 32 Isolation of Clostridium Botulinum Cultures from Toxic Specimens Meyer (:38) has pointed out that the percentage of toxic cultures in soil surveys may be as high as L0 to 50 percent, and typing or isolation may be achieved in only 5 percent. Ultimate isolation of Clostridium botulinum has been described as "an art in which the judicious use of enrichment cultures, and plating from toxic cultures are carried out, frequently without assurance that success in any of the steps will subsequently be rewarded" (10). Crisley (10) has reviewed a number of the plating methods which have been used successfully for the isolation of Clostridium botulinum in pure culture. In this investigation we have used a slightly modi- fied procedure which was developed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (51). To a 2 ml. aliquot from the toxic culture (transferred to a sterile tube) 2.2 ml. of 95 percent ethyl alcohol was added and the suspension allowed to stand at room temperature for a minimum of 1 hour with frequent mixing. Serial 1:10 dilutions were made (from an initial 1:2 to at least 1:2000) using 0.85 percent sterile saline. A loop (approximately 0.01 ml.) of each dilution mixture was streaked over liver-veal-egg agar plates and a loop of the 1:20 or 1:200 dilution streaked over a blood agar plate. Thoroughly dry plates were employed, as recommended by Dolman (lLJ), to limit growth-spreading and film formation which is aggravated by condensation in the an- aerobic jcs. he plates were incubated anaerobically in the Case jars by evacuating and flushing the jars at least three times with :3:3 nitrogen gas containing a 4 percent CO2, and holding them for 48 0 hours at 28 C. Following incubation the plates were removed from the jars and immediately examined under a 3tereo-microscope. Colonies were Gram stained and those composed of gram-positive or gram-variable spore forming rods were cut out and transferred to screw capped tubes con- taming 20 ml. of TPG medium. With their caps loose, the tubes were incubated anaerobically in Case jars for four or five days at 28°C. The tubes were screened for toxicity using a method similar to that employed for screening sediment samples (cultures were not trypsinized). The toxic cultures were then typed with antitoxin using the procedure which has been outlined. Positive identification of a particular type of botulinal toxin in the antitoxin test confirmed the presence of that botulinal type organism in the original sample. Additional plating, isolation, screening, and antitoxin procedures were necessary in order to guarantee the isolation of a bacteriologically pure culture. or alcohol fermentation tests were run. No sugar Consideration of the pro- blems involved in picking 'typical' type E colonies is treated in the results and discussion section. Determination of the Sodium Chloride Content in Smoked Fish The procedure was taken from section 18.008 of Methods of Analysis A.0.A.C. (2) and is the official method. From the smoked fish specimens refrigerated in sterile 4 ounce 34 screw capped bottles a sample between 2.5 to 13.0 grams was taken and weighed (accurate to four decimal places) into a 250 ml. Erlenmeyer flask. Exactly 30 ml. of standard N/b silver nitrate (AgNO3) was added and the fish was broken up with a glass rod, which was with.- drawn carefully from the beaker so that no fish particles were withdrawn. The rod was rinsed with the subsequent addition of 20 ml. of 69 to 71 percent nitric acid. The mixture was swirled several times and the flask placed on a stove burner; the solution was allowed to boll gently for 15 minutes until all the solids except the grey silver chloride precipitate were dissolved. The solution was allowed to cool and 50 ml. of deionized water and 5 ml. of the ferric ammonium sulfate indicator were added. dard N/b The suspension was titrated with stan- ammonium thiocyanate (NH4SCN) solution until a light brown- orange color was obtained. A measure of the variation in replicate analyses run on different portions of the same specimen is given in the results and discussion section. The f-b?. wing formula was used to calculate the percent of NaCl in the sample: millieguivalents of NaCl in sample X 58.45 gram Sample Weight X 103 (boo) = equals percent NaC1 in sample The number of milliequivalents (meq.) of NaC1 in the sample equals the meq. of AgNO3 which reacted with the NaCl. This is determined by subtracting the meq. of NH4SCN used in the titration from the meq. of AgNO3 added originally to the fish suspension. 35 Determination of the Moisture Content of Smoked Fish The procedure was taken from section 23.003 of Methods of Analysis A.O.A.C. (2). From the smoked fish specimens refrigerated in sterile Li ounce screw capped bottles a sample between 3.0 to 5.0 grams was taken and weighed (accurate to four decimal places) into an aluminum dish 50 millimeters in diameter and 20 millimeters deep. A tight fitting aluminum lid was fitted over the dish and the sample was placed in an oven (no mechanical convection) for 16 to 18 hours at 1000 to 102°C. The dish was cooled in a desicator and weighed. The weight of the aluminum dish plus the fish sample minus the weight of the aluminum dish plus the dried fish sample equals the weight of the moisture in the fish sample. The weight of the mois- ture in the sample divided by the weight of the moist fish sample times 100 equals the percent moisture in the sample. 36 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Introduction: Physical Aspects in Demonstrating Clostridium Botulinum There is no known quick simple procedure for demonstrating the presence of Clostridium botulinum in a specimen. Procedures that have been tried or are in the process of being evaluated include hemagglutination, the opsoriic index, the hypersensitive animal, selec- tive media, and fluorescent antibody techniques; however, no simple Workers are tied to a time succssful procedure has been achieved. honored, but slower than time, mouse bioassay procedure (L4). In order to demonstrate the presence of any botulinal type in a specimen it is first necessary to stimulate the growth of the organism and consequent production of toxin by incubation of the suspected specimen in an enrichment medium. The success of the enrichment medium depends on its ability to activate, or break the dormancy of the botulinal spores, which may contaminate the specimen, and stimulate germination of the active spores as well as outgrowth and subsequent vegetative multiplication. The concept of 'dormancy', as applied to the bacterial endospore implies the apparent metabolic inactivity characteristic of the spore stage, as compared to the vegetative cell. The concept of 'breaking the dormancy' by 'activating' the spore describes the fact that spore suspensions respond poorly or not at all to germination agents under conditions that permit rapid germination of aged or heat-activated 3? spores. Activation does not occur in all spores, and the need for this process depends on the spore itself, its history, and on the circumstances inducing its transformation into a vegetative cell. Subsequent irreversible germination of the activated spore results in a process of degradation of spore macromolecules, resulting in the excretion of many typical spore substances into the medium. The germinated spore then undergoes outgrowth, which is a process of syn- thesis of new macromolecules, new classes of proteins, and new struc- tures which result in the emergence of a new vegetative cell (3). An Analysis and Approach: Consideration of the Ecologr of Clostridium Botulinum Type E in the Northwest Since Dolman's isolation of Clostridium botulinum type E from the soil in l9L9 numerous procedures have been used to cultivate and isolate the organism; however, no comparative evaluation of methods has been reported. Investigators have tended to use media and condi- tions which they have found to work without suggesting that they are the best for all circumstances or even for the purpose for which they have chiefly used them. Considering this situation, in this investi- gation, procedures were employed which, it was hoped, would incorpor- ate some of the best techniques for demonstrating the presence of botulinum in a specimen. Even the methods which were adopted, how ever, were not considered inflexible, and, where it was felt that a procedure could be improved or simplified, such improvements were tested. In previous work done on this contract major emphasis was placed on investigating possible association between the type E botulinum The gills and viscera organism and Northwest river and ocean fish. were aseptically removed from fresh fish, as they were received at canning and processing points throughout the Northwest, and placed in plastic bags. frozen. The samples were held on ice until they could be It was found that the incidence of type E botulinum in these viscera samples increased as the source of the fish approached the Of mouth of the Columbia river from either the north or the south. the samples collected, most were from salmon which migrate from freshwater streams into the ocean and then return to spawn. Since the incidence was higher in fish taken from the Columbia river as compared to fish taken from adjacent ocean areas it became of interest to determine if the river fish were being contaminated from the bottom sediment. As means were not available for testing the pre- valence of the organism in river bottom sediment, indirect methods were employed for testing areas which might suggest the organism was in the river sediment and support hypotheses as to how it gets there. A definitive ecology has not been determined for Clostridium botulinum type E. Although the organism has been found widely dis- persed in marine sediments on the shores in certain parts of the world, aside from Dolman and Johannsen's isolation of the organism from garden soil and potato peelings respectively, there is little or no evidence for a terrestial distribution of the organism or to indicate that it is a common soil contaminant. The occurrence of 39 the organism was virtually unknown in the United States until several years ago when cases of type E botulinum poisoning began occurring from Great Lakes fish. This indicated that the organism might be of fresh water as well as of marine origin. The supposition that the type E organism could be of telluric origin instituted a survey of lakefish and of the popular inland fishing lakes, reservoirs and river sediments in Central Oregon. These sites, as well as Kiamath Lake in Southern Oregon and Tule Lake in Northern California are in the migratory bird flyway and as such might provide points for disseminating or acquiring the organism. Clostridium botulinum type C is known to occur in sediments of some waterfowl refuges and at times causes serious outbreaks of limberneck in ducks. The possibility of the presence of other botulinal types, in particular type E, was considered of theoretical interest. In addition to the general ecological information a survey of these sedi- ments would provide, it appeared to have some practical importance in that lake trout fishermen sometimes preserve these fish by home smoking methods. It was also hoped that a search for the organism along the shoreline of the saltwater beach near the mouth, tidewater, and freshwater areas of ocean flowing rivers might provide direct evidence for the possible source of these organisms. The demonstration of the organism in soil adjacent to the shore of the rivers, but not in direct or intermittent contact with any body of water, would lend support to the hypothesis that the spores are not primarily aquatic in origin LO but that they are carried to the bottom and shore of rivers and into coastal areas through the erosion and water run off of land masses. In view of the fact that no known survey of shellfish for botulinum, other than crabs, has been reported in the literature, and in view of the large number and variety of crabs, clams and oys- ters that are distributed from the Oregon and Washington coast to many points within the United States, it was considered important to determine the incidence of the organism in these shellfish, even though no known botulinal outbreaks have been attributed to them. Ultimately and perhaps of major interest the incidence of the organism in smoked fish products from Oregon and Washington processors was assayed. Samples which were sufficiently contaminated to produce toxic specimens on assay might he assumed to reflect con- tamination present in the fish at collection or that introduced from curring brines or in handling during processing and distributing processes. Moisture and chloride determinations on some of these products were run to determine the range of these values in the market products. The moisture and chloride content of the fish reflect the conditions under which they have been processed and probably their ability to resist the growth of type E organisms. However, the con- centrations of each which are incompatible with the growth of Clostridium botuilnum type E are not clearly understood. The results of this survey in terms of the identity and source of the toxigenic samples which have been successfully typed with botulinum antitoxins are presented in Tables 16 and 17. Figure 5 gives the approximate geographical distribution of these samples. Development of Survey Techniques and Results Development of the technique for testing fish: When the collec- tion of lake fish was first contemplated in mid- July of 1965 no clear idea had been formulated as to whether the whole fish or merely viscera would be collected. Collection of viscera necessitates the use of an aseptic technique requiring sterile knives, sterile paper, and sterile gloves. When collection can be made at canneries during the time the fish are brought in by the fishing trawlers the operation is not too difficult and provisions for resterilizing knives and gloves can be made. in a boat. The procedure is not easily carried out, however, Although we were primarily interested in the flora of the gills and gut of the fish, because of the field difficulties, the whole fish was collected. The Oregon State Game Commission kindly permitted us to accompany them on several of their surveys of the lake fish in the Cascade mountairis-. They would set up gill nets in the lakes which generally netted more fish than they required. The excess were removed from the nets by hand over the side of the boat and placed into individual plastic bags. In this manner brook and rainbow trout and kokanee salmon were collected from the Deschutes National Forest lakes in midJuly and in mid- October and blue and tui chubs and perch were taken from Klamath lake in the early part of August and October. The col- lection of less than fifty fish per trip facilitated their quick 14'2 testing. Freezing and lengthy storage of a sample introduces an unknown factor and may result in the destruction of some of the microorganism or a tendency for one of the species present to dominate the popula- This factor was eliminated except for a few of the Klamath lake tion. chubs. Freezing and storage problems are almost unavoidable when large numbers of viscera samples are collected. The sampling of raw fish has several inherent limitations. The surface and viscera of all the fish tested were observed to contain highly proteolytic organisms. shrimp samples. The same results were observed for Using the plastic bag proäedure for incubating samples, which is only a semi-anaerobic procedure, viscera samples were extensively digested and shrimp were completely so and appeared as a flocculent sediment. However when the samples were incubated under complete anaerobiosis under a nitrogen atmosphere and in Case jars, extensive proteolysis was nearly eliminated. Shrimp, for ex- ample, remained firm and retained their characteristic appearance. in general, previous incubation procedure for viscera samples consisted of adding a volume of T weight of the sample. equivalent to about l/LI the After incubation, the highly viscous organic samples, removed from the plastic bags, required centrifugation at 3000 rpm for at least 25 minutes. In the most favorable circumstances the result was a centrifuge tube containing three fractions: a compact organic lower layer, a fairly clear to extremely turbid middle layer, and a 1/2 to 3/LI- inch surface layer of fatty products and L3 light apparently proteinatious material. From such a tube it was seldom that more than a millilitr of the central layer could be removed. Filtration was difficult and time consuming and was accom- plished with Millipore 'Swinriey' syringe filters or by transferring the supernatant to the 2 ml. cup of a Boerner asbestos disc centrifuge filter. After this step many times less than 1/2 ml. of filtrate was ob- tamed which was not always sterile. Filtration and dilution of the sample at no less than 1:5 was considered necessary because of the possible presence in some unsterile filtrates of a variety of organisms able to produce peritonitis and to nonspecific toxic materials in fish specimens. in addition, two mice were injected at each of two serial 1:10 dilutions due to uncertainties concerning the signi- ficance of mortality occurring beyond 2L hours, especially when only one di1uton was used. It was observed in early experiments that it takes longer f or a mouse to die which has been injected with a highly diluted filtrate from a pure type E culture than for an animal receiving a more concentrated one and that though the symptoms of mice dying from type E toxin all seem to be consistent, those dying from more dilute solutions have less pronounced symptoms which closely resemble deaths produced by peritonitis. Because the level of the toxin present in incubated suspensions may be quite low, recovery is best obtained using the lowest dilution which may be employed without producing death from causes other than botulism. Although type E spores may be present in a sample, toxin may not be evident subsequent to incubation. Foster (27), in reviewing Johannsen's work (in Swedish), wrote that Johannsen suggested that competing organisms may influence type E in four ways: (i) to pre- vent growth of type E, (2) to prevent toxin formation, (3) to destroy toxin as it is produced, and (L) to bring about mutation of type E to a non-toxic form. Toxicity could not be demonstrated in split 50 gm. shrimp samples in 150 ml. TPG, seeded with 920 type E spores and in- cubated in plastic bags and in Case jars for five days at 28°C in our laboratory. Attempts to demonstrate toxicity by transferring these incubated suspensions to fresh TPG followed by reincubation and screening were not successful. After three transfers the sample originally incubated in the Case jar was only questionably toxic and toxicity was never demonstrated for material which had been originally incubated in the plastic bags. Evidence such as this, and results obtained from similarly treated sediment samples formed an impirical basis for a view that samples that show high levels of toxicity initially most probably contain an appreciable amount of type E contamination. In an attempt to simplify the procedure of injecting two dilutions of the incubated suspensions per sample and to eliminate the sterility test, fish samples were incubated with an excess of TPG and a comparison was made between 58 fish specimens using a 1:5 dilu- tion of unfiltered centrifuge supernatants versus injection of dilutions of 1:5 and 1:50 of the filtered supernatent. The results did not show sufficient advantage in filtration or injecting two dilutions to 45 justify the extra time and effort involved. In addition, by using an excess of TFG the suspensions were little different from bacterial cultures with heavy growth and lent themselves readily to centrifugation procedures. Elimination of the filtration step allowed us to increase the number of samples which could be screened at any one time from a maximum of 20 to between 30 and 70. Results of the Lake Fish Survey: A summary of the screening results for lake fish using the method previously described is given The only fish which could be obtained from for each lake in Table 1. Odell lake were ten small, four inch kokanee salmon. The toxicity results for this lake which these fish represent cannot be considered to be of much significance. The samples of small frogs were taken from the only marsh that any type of samples were collected from, at the edge of Davis lake in quite warm water. They were nontoxic and should represent to some extent the land they were taken from since sediment and reeds were also scooped up with them and the whole thing incubated. The level of type E contamination is quite high in fish taken from Elk lake and the rotenone poisoned fish from South Twin lake. These results indicate that lake fish, as they are pulled from the lake, may be highly contaminated with type F botulinum organisms and as such represent a special hazard to those sportsmen who smoke and consume them. Three types of scrap fish and perch were collected from Klamath lake. The lake has an average depth of twelve feet and is considered to be too warm for trout. Incubated specimens of these varieties were not toxic enough to type and the toxicity L6 could not be increased on subculture. The clams, small crabs, Procedure and Results for Shellfish: and oysters which were collected in the last part of August in 1965 were arbitrarily incubated by the same procedure and with similar time and temperature as for the lake fish. The best medium and tern.- perature for incubation along with the length of incubation which produces the highest titer toxin is not known0 Luckily, the method worked and the matter was not pursued further. Type E botulinum has been found (typed) in oysters from each of the four collection sites. The beds from which they were taken lie adjacent to the canneries from which they were collected. all situated in the near shore area of bays: These are samples from Newport, Oregon were taken from Yaquina Bay; samples from Tillamook and Bay City, Oregon were taken from Tillamook Bay; and samples from Nahcotta, Washington were taken from Willapa Bay. The results are indicated in Table 2. Since the oysters had been scrupulously washed in the canneries and were not subject to recontamination on incubation it seems likely that the type E organisms are present in the gut of the oysters. Clams have been typed from 7 of 8 beach spots along the Oregon and Washington coast. Interestingly, no samples containing type E were found in any of a large number of clams obtained from beaches at Seaside and Garibaldi, which are south of but near to the Columbia river; however, the organism has been found in oysters taken from beds at Bay City, just four miles south of Garibaldi. None of the i47 clams taken from Garibaldi which represent four of the six types (except razor and softshell) indicated iii Table 3 were toxic. Of the 71 samples of razor clams collected from Seaside (many of which were heavily covered with sand) only 12 percent were tox-i.c and, of these one contained type A toxin, another one typed B. Further south at Yaquina Bay at Newport. at the mouth of the Yaquiria river 13 out of 13 incubated samples of cockle, littheneck, and softshell clams contained type E toxin. From the beath south of Yachats 3 of 6 samples of cockle and horseneck clams were type E. At Florence at the mouth of the Siuslaw river 3 of 3 toxic samples of softshell and horseneck clams were typed E. Two of L samples of' softshell clams at Reedsport and 3 of L razor and softshell clams at Winchester Bay gave cultures containing F toxin. river. These sites are both at the mouth of the [Jmpqua Winchester Bay is the most southern point from which clams were collected. Except for the clam samples obtained at Seaside all mud and sand had been washed free of the shell and exposed areas; many of the specimens remained alive at least a week after collection arid the majority were free of cuts or' punctures. It is felt that in most of the samples containing type E the organism was present in the gut of the clam. Except for several small specimens, the crab samples are seen to be quite toxic as noted in Table 2. Ten of 12 crab viscera col- lected from Chinook, Washington were toxIc and of these 3 were typed as Cl. botulinum F and 1 as type B. Four viscera of the 6 crabs L8 obtained at Winchester Bay were toxic. One muscle tissue culture was also toxic which was taken from a crab whose viscera culture was not toxic. Several of these toxic viscera samples could not be typed after storage of the suspensions at minus 12°C for two and one-half days. This rapid loss of toxicity might indicate that highly active competitive organisms were present. For that one crab, the finding of a high level of toxicity in the muscle tissue but not in the vis.. cera is hard to understand. Since the top shell was incubated along with all the viscera samples it is possible that the type E organisms were present on the outer shell. The organisms may or may not be in the viscera. Comparison of methods for detecting Cl. botulinum in mud specimens: Sediment or mud samples in previous work were collected with a gravity coring device consisting of a foot long bronze pipe with an inner diameter of two inches and a sharpened end. A sterile plas- tic tube was inserted inside which was held in place by a core catcher with fine leaves of sheet bronze that allowed a sediment sample to be forced into the plastic liner but held it from coming out. The sam- pler, which was designed for collection of underwater sediment, was too bulky for use in collecting shoreline samples. The plastic core liners themselves were used, for a time, by stabbing the end of the tube into various parts of the shore. This device had drawbacks in that there were only enough tubes for twenty core samples and, addi- tional samples could not be col]ted until these were released; in addition large samples were taken from small areas and, it was Li9 impossible to bacteriologically correlate supposedly identical samples from closely related portions of sand from the core. This method was used to collect some of the samples from Odell lake in the Deschutes National Forest but was quickly abandoned. It was felt that a more satisfactory survey of a large area could be made by using small sterile bottles to collect the sediment. This procedure, which has been used throughout the survey, has been described in the section of this report concerning the methods and materials. Although the method of collection had been worked into a simple routine, the sediments from the inland lakes (Table L) and rivers (Table 5) in the Deschutes National Forest area and those from Kiamath lake in Oregon and Tule lake, California, which had all been collected between July and mid- October, sat in the cold room for two months until a method for incubation and testing could be devised. Several procedures including the heating of sediment samples or their treatment with alcohol, incubation temperatures varying from 0 0 12 C to 35 C, trypsinization procedures, and various media, such as Cardella's medium, Dolman's GPI3I medium, Johannsen's beef heart infu.- sion medium, Kanzawa's fish medium, Pederson's medium, Reinforced Clostridium medium, and TPG medium have been proposed for the demonstration of type E botulinum in soil samples. Initial sediment experiments (method considered above along with the shrimp experiment) in which natural sediments were seeded with type E showed that an incubation temperature of 12°C for a seventeen day period was inferior to incubation temperatures of 20°C and 28°C 50 using TPG medium. Comparison of incubation temperatures of 20°C and 28°C for various periods in TPG medium: A second experiment was initiated to determine which of the above temperatures gave the highest toxicity for a given incubation time. Fourteen samples of mud taken from three widely separated sites near the shore of Elk lake in the Deschutes National Forest area, and one sample taken at a depth of 35 feet, were selected for this experiment because preliminary work had shown Clostridium botulinum type E was present. After thoroughly mixing each mud sample (which had been collected in sterile bottles) two 3 gram portions were weighed out and each portion inoculated into 60 ml. of TPG medium in a ounce wide mouth screw cap bottle. One bottle of each pair was incubated at 20°C in a Case anaerobic jar, the other in a similar jar at 28°C. Samples of 5 ml. were withdrawn aseptically from each culture bottle at the intervals required for testing, and the bottles returned to the anaerobic jar. Samples were prepared for toxicity testing by centrifuging at 2500 rpm for twenty minutes. The supernatant fluid was then removed and diluted with an equal volume of gel- phosphate at pH 6.2; 0.5 ml. was injected into each of two mice. Where trypsinization was carried out, the supernatant fluid was adjusted to pH 6.2 with N/i HC1, sterile trypsin added to a concentration of 1 percent, and the mixture held at 37°C for L5 minutes. It was then diluted and injected as above. The results obtained in this experiment are shown in Table 6. 51 Although the number of cultures examined was small and the variation in toxicities between the two temperatures is not great enough to be highly significant, the 28°C incubation is seen to be equal or superior to the 20°C incubation in each testing interval. The figures suggested that incubation at 28°C for five or seven days and testing the cultures without trypsinization resulted in the greatest number of toxic cultures. Neither a lower temperature, a long incubation period, trypsinization, or the preparation of subcultures offered any advantage over the above simple procedure. Comparison of TPG medium with beef heart infusion plus meat: Shortly after we had finished the TPG experiment and had begun using the suggested method to test the inland lake, and river, and several of the coastal sediments, Dr. E.M. Foster of the University of Wisconsin kindly made available to us the data assembled by his group on this problem (27). In summary, the results indicated that beef heart infusion medium with minced meat detected a somewhat greater number of toxic mud specimens than did TPCI or other media that were included in the comparison. In view of this information it was de- cided that the next fifty specimens examined would be tested in both TPG medium incubated at 28°C for five days and the BHI medium incu- bated (using a slight modification of Fosters method) at 20°C for fourteen days and, the proportion of toxic cultures obtained by the two methods compared. The procedure used in the comparison and the consideration of the use of a control has been described in the section on methods and 52 materials. A summary of the results obtained with the fifty mud specimens tested by both methods is presented in Table 7. These specimens were collected from nine different lakes and rivers in the Deschutes National Forest in Central Oregon, from four shore sites and seven dredge sites across the center of Kiamath lake, and from the perimeter of Tule lake in Northern California. It is probable that they show considerable variation in mineral and organic composition and microflora. Differences in the medium and methods are reflected in the resuits. Twenty-five of the fifty specimens yielded toxic cultures in the BHI test, without trypsinization, while the parallel tests with TPG medium produced nineteen toxic cultures out of fifty. Six speci- mens yielded toxic cultures in the beef heart infusion but not in TPG, while there were no specimens which developed toxicity in TPG and not in BHI. The data also indicate that trypsinization of the BHI cultures reduced the number of toxic specimens detected. In the case of the cultures in TPG medium, some specimens were toxic only after trypsinization but an approximately equal number lost toxicity after the enzyme treatment. The reason why the toxin molecule from sediment cultures is more delicate and is destroyed by trypsinization, whereas the molecule from fish cultures is generally increased in toxicity by 100 fold is not readily apparent. in the fifty tests made by the TPG method there were five in which the control cultures failed to develop toxicity. In these cases the negative or questionable results obtained with the test 53 specimens alone would not be consred to show significant inhibition by competitive organisms in the test mud as all five of these specimens gave control cultures which were toxic in the BHI method. Only one control was nontoxic with this method, while the corresponding sediment test on the same specimen in the TPG medium was toxic. The results of this comparison of the two methods for detecting toxicity in incubated mud specimens supported the findings of Foster's group by further suggesting the superiority of the BRI medium with minced meat, and incubation at 20°C for fourteen days. Thus, this work provided the basis for the testing of sediments from the three areas of three ocean flowing rivers and the artificial reservoir sediments. Results of survey of inland $iments lakes reservoir, jver, and marine A summary of the results of the toxicity testing of the inland lake sediments, and the rivers associated with them and the results for the artificial reservoirs, may be found in Tables 5, respectively. samples. aud No attempt was made to type all of the toxic Those which have been typed were selected arbitrarily. The lakes in the Deschutes National Forest are the same as those from which trout and kokanee salmon had been collected and are all in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon which lie between 70 and 120 miles from the coast (map distance). Toxic cultures developed from sediment specimens taken from all of these lakes and in some cases over half of such cultures were toxic. Five of five toxic cultures from Elk 5L. lake contained type E toxin, This lake lies approximately 95 miles inland and more than 4,000 feet above sea level. Although only a small number of samples were taken from each of five points along four of the fast flowing streams in this area, samples from three of the five show toxicities of greater than 30 percent. The toxin in one sample, taken not far from the source of a branch of the Deschutes river was found to be type E. Several shore samples from Kiamath lake were toxic; however, the bottom sediments were atoxic. Although no samples from this lake were typed, several of the shore samples initially exhibited toxicities and symptoms of death in mice which are typical of botulinum toxins; however, after a period of holding at minus 12°C subcultures of these suspensions would not yield toxic cultures. Interestingly, duplicate tests run on Tule lake sediments which ranged from quite moist to very dry yielded only a few questionably toxic cultures. Subcultures of these were all negative. The screening results of these lake sediments seem to closely agree with and support the toxicity results in Table 1 for the fish from the same lakes. The sediments in Elk lake found to contain type E support the results of typing 16 of the 22 fish collected. in addition a large sediment sample collected from this lake along the shore just beneath the surface of the water has given 290 toxic controls out of the last 29 controls run (using BHI meat medium); this result attests to the abundance of type E organisms which may occur in some areas of the lake and serve to contaminate fish and 55 other wildlife. Conversely, the low incidence of toxicity in the sediments from Kiamath lake agrees with the observation that only 6 of the 88 fish samples tested were toxic. Incubated sediments from three man made reservoirs located about 65 miles north east of the Elk lake area were found to contain type E toxin. Haystack reservoir is fed by underground streams and is used as a source of irrigation water. Much of the shoreline consists of a volcanic type shale and there are few places where it is fine enough to push any amount of it into the mouths of our collecting bottles. The samples were collected (in the last part of December, 1965) at a depth of several inches below the water just past a foot-wide periphery of ice along the waters edge; and 80 percent of these samples were quite toxic. The toxicities were not so high for samples taken along the shore at Round Butte Dam reservoir, which is fed by the Deschutes and the Crooked rivers or from Pelton Dam reservoir which is fed by the Metolus in addition to these. The shores of these latter reservoirs varied between sand and mud in consistency and appeared to have much higher organic content than some parts of the shale type shoreline found at the Haystack reservoir. A higher con- tent of organic matter would probably support a greater variety of microorganisms. Comparison of the saltwater. tidewater, and freshwater areas of three Oregon rivers: Table 8 presents the screening results on marine sediment samples collected from three sites north of the mouth of the Columbia and four sites to the south. Although 2 of the 6 56 samples collected north of the river and 5 of the 19 collected further south were toxigenic none of the cultures, even on subculture, were ever toxic enough to be considered worth typing, i.e., produce toxins which on injection will kill mice in less than 16 hours. The survey work which has been accomplished along saltwater, tidewater, and freshwater areas of the Columbia, Alsea, and Umpqua rivers is presented in Tables 9, 10, and 11, respectively. The mouth of the Alsea river is about 100 miles south of the mouth of the Columbia and, the Umpqua is L0 miles south of the Alsea. The Alsea is the shortest and is surrounded in its entire length by coastal mountains which are part of the Siuslaw National Forest. The Columbia and Umpqua are straddled only in spots by mountain ranges. It may be seen from the tables that beach sediments taken along the shore at the waters edge at the saltwater mouths of each of these rivers were not toxic, whereas sediments containing the type E organism were obtained at the waters edge from the beaches in the tide- water areas, where the water contains only a trace of salinity and, from freshwater shore areas of each of the rivers. At least half of the samples from the tidewater areas of each of the rivers were toxic. In addition similar high toxicities may be observed for the freshwater areas of the rivers. In an attempt to determine if only samples taken along the shoreline at the waters edge were toxic, sediments from areas of the shore not usually in contact with the water and from land further back which was above the water level even during floods, were examined. 57 This was done on land adjacent to the previously sampled shoreline in the freshwater area along the Columbia and the tidewater area of the Alsea. The land adjacent to the shore in the freshwater area along the Columbia was predominantly sand and few of the samples were toxic; however, a dry sand sample taken three yards up a sandy bank which was five yards from the waters edge (considered eight yards in all) No type E sediment cul- was shown to contain type A botulinum toxin. tures were found from the land adjacent to the river. In the Alsea tidewater area the picture is quite different. Half or more of all the sediment samples taken from the land adjacent to the shoreline from the waters edge up to forty-five yards back were toxic. Sediment samples taken at 3_L yards, 12-15 yards, and at 35 and L5 yards from the waters edge were typed. The sampling area consisted of a strip of flat land about fifty yards in width extending several hundred yards between the river and State Highway 3L (only an area about 100 yards in length was sampled), just west and across the river from a fishing charter service called Taylors Landing and about five miles east of the town of Waldport, Oregon. Along this area the shore is never more than a yard wide and gives way to an almost perpendicular bank between three and four yards high leading up to the area where many of the samples were taken. Much of this area was covered with jagged bushes and grass, and contained a few trees, a few samll puddles of water, and a dirt pile and was in no way marshy. The samples were collected (in the winter when the surface was damp yet the ground was hard) at the distances indicated in Table 9, in rows parallel with the shoreline. The land has remained dry during several periods of very high flooding of the river. The demonstra- tion of type E at distances of 35 and 245 yards from the shore in grassy land strongly supports hypotheses which assume a terrestrial distribution of the organisms. A survey of the tidewater and fresh- water areas of the Umpqua river is currently being undertaken but the results are not included in this thesis.. Smoked fish products: toxicity chloride, and moisture results: The samples of smoked fish grouped according to type, are listed in Table 13 along with the results of screening tests for toxicity. Only 19 of 161 samples screened were toxic. Antitoxin typing was attempted on 18 of these; however, only 14 samples could be success- fully typed and all proved to be type E. These include: a highly contaminated piece of smoked herring salted and smoked in Bay City, packaged in cellophane and distributed at Newport, Oregon; a kippered salmon tip processed and distributed at Seaside; a piece of bc smoked salmon processed and distributed at Astoria, and a piece of sturgeon kippered by a wholesale processor in Chinook, Washington and distributed by a second retailer in Astoria, Oregon. Eleven of the 19 collection sites indicated in Table 114 had one or more toxic samples. tam Two of the 24 samples which were found to con- type E organisms were processed at the site they were sold; the other 2 were distributed at sites (where they were purchased) other than where they were processed (one of these processors is not listed 59 in Table iLi). At least 6 of the 19 distributors leave their products uncovered and at room temperature throughout the selling day and 5 of the 19 package some or all of their products in plastic bags, piofllm containers or cellophane. A surmnary of the chloride and moisture contents which have been determined for more than half of the samples screened is presenc1 Table 15. Grinding or homogenization was not attempted; however, some randomization occurred in cutting, selecting and preparing the sample for the test. Nevertheless, the mean variation of the difference in duplicate chloride analyses run on 32 fish was only 0.13% which indicates the samples were fairly homogenous with respect to salinity. The finding that the base salinity of raw salmon may range up to perhaps 0.25% may be used to estimate the level of salt added to the products in processing. It is evident from the table that about half of the fish products obtained had salinities below 2.5% and, two-thirds have salinities below 3.5%. bc6 in Many of the higher salinities were found smoked salmon products almost three-fourths of which had salinities above L'.5%. All chloride values are in terms of NaC1. Duplicates were not run for the moisture tests. Twenty percent of the samples have moistnre contents comparable to raw fish. 6 More Loc smoking implies that large salmon fillets are processed in their entirety rather than cut into small pieces, which is done in kippering fish. In bc smoking the fish fillets are held in 30% to 90% salt brine from around two days to two or more weeks (whereas kippered samples are held up to a day); some of the salt may be leached out, the samples are hung at room temperature or below (65 F is supposedly considered optimum), and subjected to dry smoke (no heat) at various intervals between one and three weeks. than sixty percent of the samples contain between L5% and 65% water. The samples with moisture contents between 35% and Li5% appeared fairly dry and those below 35% were very dry and could not be bent, or cut with a sharp knife. Isolation of Cl. Botuljnujyi Cultures From Toxic Specimens Isolation of Cl. botulinum was attempted from the mixed cultures of twenty-seven toxic specimens which had been typed. contained type E toxin, one type A and one type B. Twenty-five The specimens were various species of lake fish, clams, oysters, crabs, kippered and smoked fish products and river and reservoir sediments. The method used has been described in the section on methods and materials. The results are presented in Table 12. In the isolation of cultures from specimens (No. 2 through 296) almost all type of colonies were picked and subcultured in TFG tubes. Duplicate isolation was attempted for cultures No. 93 through 296. An attempt was made to pick colonies which resembled stock type E colonies for cultures No. 7L6 through 911; and of the twentj'.three- colonies picked, nine did not grow -- which is perhaps an indication of the marked oxygen sensitivity of the anaerobic organisms which may be present. In all, one hundred and eighty-five colonies were picked and subcultured, of which forty were toxic; nineteen were from blood agar plates and twenty-one from LVE plates. Some of the toxic colonies from the blood agar were selected because they resembled stock type E colonies; however, the recovery of the toxic colonies 61 from the LVE plates may be attributed to luck.7 The toxic colonies from blood represent twelve mixed cultures while those from LVE represent nine. Isolation was successful for thirteen of the twenty-seven mixed cultures, or an average of slightly less than O percent. of Cl. botulinum were isolated from the following samples: Cultures trout from Elk lake in the Deschutes National Forest area of the Oregon Cascade Mountains; horseneck and softshell clams from Florence, Oregon; a cockle clam from Yachats, Oregon; oysters and smoked herring from Newport, Oregon; kippered sturgeon from Astoria, Oregon; a crab (vis- cera) purchased from Chinook, Washington; and a sediment sample from 3-4 yards above the waters edge from the tidewater area of the Alsea river in Oregon. Cultural examination of type E isolates: The twelve type E colony isolates representing specimen numbers 146 through 224 (except No. 156; the twelve isolates were from seven mixed cultures) in Table 16 were examined for purity and colonial uniformity by streaking on LVE and blood agar plates. Seven of the twelve appeared to yield only a single type of colony when examined microscopically (45x: using a Bausch andLomb stereo-disecting microscope) by reflected and transmitted light. Five of these seven isolates giving uniform colonies (on LVE and blood agar,i.e., ten plates in all) were then selected for Apparently luck was as effective as selection by appearance 62 further examination. (Three of these represented isolations from distinct mixed cultures; two had been isolated from the same mixed culture, i.e., all told they were from four mixed cultures). A colony from the blood agar and LVE plates of each culture was transferred to a tube of TPG (after the plates had been intermittently removed from and replaced in their Case jars and reevacuated -- in all they were exposed to air approximately six hours). colonies (from each of the above ten plates None of these ten one colony was picked from each of the five blood agar plates and one from each of the five LVE plates) were heat shocked. After incubation these cultures were tested for toxicity and typed. Four of the five cultures from the blood agar (which represented each of the four mixed cultures) produced type E toxin, failed to grow. Of the five transfers from the LVE agar, four The one which grew produced no toxin. Gram stained smears of the colonies on blood agar showed a pre.- dominance of highly refractile mature spores, while the colonies on LVE contained mostly pleomorphic gram negative rods containing emerging spores suggestive of the forespore stage and only a few typically refractile spores. Other workers (Dr. J. Hobbs, Professor of Bacteriology, School of Medicine, Leeds, England .-- personal communication: Jan. lL, 1965) have observed the tendency of type E cultures to incompletely sporu.. late on LVE agar. The inability of the four LTE colonies to grow may be due to any of a number of single or interrelated factors; however, one hypothesis is that some aspect of sporulation is repressed and 6 as a result many of the filamentous vegetative cells do not pass beyond the forespore stage and develop into completely mature highly refractile spores. These repressed forms may be more sensitive to oxygen than mature spores and might be killed on exposure of the plates to air as they are taken out of the anaerobic incubator. Re- pressed colonies might also he 'killed' by their own autolytic enzymes during the anaerobic incubation due to the lack of a spore capsule. Possible explanations for the survival and maintenance of toxi- city of four of the five colonies from blood agar might include autooxidizable substances in this medium, such as hemoglobin,which might foster a lower oxidation reduction potential in the blood agar than would be present in the LVE and would enhance the viability of the anaerobe; or perhaps an amount of iron is required in sporulation which may be supplied by the blood agar but not by the LVE. Although these ideas may be of some interest a major stumbling block for all workers who have tried to identify Clostridium botulinuni type E is exemplified by the two colonies from the blood and LVE plates which grew but were completely nontoxic. Strains of or- ganisms which present a similar morphological cultural and biochemical picture but differ in one important respect: ability to produce type E toxin, have been worked on by various groups without any success. The nontoxic cultures are merely referred to as 'E-like'. Dolman has presented detailed pictures and biochemical data for three mutational types, two of which he considers are nontoxic. He distinguishes these as TOX for the toxigenic mutant and TP for the transparent proteolytic mutant and, he considers these colonies are mutational derivatives of a primordial organism represented by an opaque, sporulating (Os) colony. He states that these "strains ex- hibit very different mutational tendencies -- some persist in the 'TOX' phase for long periods, whereas some quickly degrade to the '05' form and do not revert; and still others, though remaining toxigenic, are found to be heterogeneous in a state of complex mutational equilibrium ... any given mutant, once separated, is of rather unpredictable stability; but in general the 'TP' mutants are very unstable and tend to degrade into the relatively stable '05' form." (12a). He recommends that they be distinguished by inspecting the colonial growth with a hand lens or low-power microscope objective. Careful analysis of Figure 2 reveals that all the colonies, although they have slight density differences, appear to be of a similar type. The colonies are magnified five times and represent one of four of the five cultures from the blood agar which produced type E toxin. Figure 3 shows the colonies (X) from the LVE plate of this same culture; these were the only colonies of the five LVE plates which grew and, as has been mentioned, were not toxic. These colonies do not produce a dense opalescence in the egg yolk medium around the peri- phery of the colony (the lecithovitellin reaction, or Nagler reaction when human serum is substituted for the egg) which has been thought to be characteristic of type F botulinum as well as many other clostridia. Figure L depicts the colonies (5X) of one of the four (of the 65 five LVE plates) cultures which did not grow when suhcultured. show a medium lecithovitellin reaction. showed medium to weak colonial reactions. These The other three LVE plates The difficulty of recog- nizing Dolman's three mutant types on each of these photographic plates may be evident, Perhaps, through the app1icaton of much of the receob successful work with the aerobic sporeformers to the anaerobic sporeformers more intimate physiological and less qualitative experiments may bring answers to many of the cultural questions arising around Clostridium botulinum type E. 66 SUWIARY AND CONCLUSIONS Studies were conducted to deteciine the occurcecce cf the toxin producing, anaerobic, spore forming microorganism num type E in shellfish, fresh water fish, and aquatic sediments from the state of Oregon and from adjacent areas in Washi --- on and Califcr. nia. The samples collected inolude coastal species of clams9 oysers and crabs; sediments from coastal beach areas and from locations along the shore at the mouth and in the tidewater and freshwater areas of of three ocean-flowing rivers; and, fish and sediments from inland mountain lakes and reservoirs0 Smoked fish products were also ex amined with regard to the distribution of the microorganism and the chloride and moisture content of the products. The samples were incubated anaerobically, at temperatures9 and in media designed to promote favorable outgrowth and optimum prodo: tion of toxin by the type E organisms. Preparations of these inru- bated cultures were tested for toxicity by injection into mice0 Specific neutralization of an aliquot of the cultures found to be toxic was attempted using botulmnuui antitoxin. A sample9 which on in- cubation was found to be toxic and in which a hotulinom toxi:: was demonstrated, was considered to cothain cells of of that toxin type. Ii:i An attempt was made to isolate the organism from a number of the samples in which the presence of the toxin was demon strated. Clostridium botulinum type E was isolated from inland lake trout; 67 from clams collected at Florence, Yachats, and Newport, Oregon; from oysters and smoked herring from Newport; from kippered sturgeon from Astoria, Oregon; from crab viscera collected in Chinook, Washington; and from a sediment sample collected 3..4 yards from the waters edge (i a bank) in the tidewater area of the Alsea river in Oregon. Clam samples from 7 of the 9 sites along the coast from which they were collected showed botulinum contamination. Of 116 clam samples incifoated, 28 were found to contain botulinum toxin (26 con- tained type E toxin, 1 type A, and 1 type B). Of the 16 incubated oyster samples from four collection sites along the coast, 5 of the samples, representing each of the sites, were shown to contain type E botulinum toxin. harvested from three bay areas along the coast. These samples were Type E botulinum organisms could not be demonstrated in 52 sediment samples from 8 sites along the coast. Three of these sites were at the mouths of the Coluribia, Alsea and flmpqua rivers. The presence of type E organisms was, however, demonstrated at sites along the shores in the tidewater and freshwater areas of each of these rivers. Four Dungeness crabs collected off the coast were typed for the presence of B and B hotulinum toxins. type E. One was typed B and 3 were Approximately 80 percent of all incubated viscera samples from crabs collected at Chinook, Washington and Winchester Bay, Oregon yielded toxic cultures. Only one of the muscle tissue samples from these crabs was toxic however. The incidence of type E organisms in smoked fish products was SI. found to be low. Of 11 varieties of products collected from 19 dis- tributors along the coast, arid representing 161 individual samples, only Li of the 19 toxic samples were shown to contain type E botulinum organisms. Chloride and moisture determinations on 99 of the samples revealed that two-thirds of these had a total NaCl content below 3.5 percent and about the same number were shown to contain between Lj5 and 65 percent water. Clostridium hotulinum type E has been demonstrated in trout taken from two high lakes in the Oregon Cascade Mountain range which lies approximately 95 miles (map distance) from the coast; in sediments from one of these lakes and from the bank of a nearby river; and along the shores of three recently constructed reservoirs located nearly 120 miles inland. The possibility of the existence of type E organisms in the gut of clams, crabs and oysters has been discussed. Experiments to determine the optimum incubation time and temperature for sediment samples in TPG medium, and a comparison between this medium and beef heart infusion with minced meat medium were presented. id Fifty sediment samples from mountain lakes were run in paral- in the latter comparison and the results indicated that beef heart infusion medium with minced meat detected a somewhat greater number of toxic mud specimens than did the optimum incubation procedure found for the TPG medium. The data also indicated that a trypsinization procedure, which has been used to increase the toxicity of type E toxin from fish cultures, reduced the number of the toxic beef heart 69 infusion cultures and was of questionahie value when used on the TPG sediment cultures. The demonstration of the type E organism inland lake river9 and reservoir sediments; along the shores in the tidewater and fresh water areas of three ocean-flowing rivers; and in land up to 45 yards from the waters edge in the tidewater area along the Alsea river, supports theories of terrsiriaT origin of the organism. Findings of the organism in shellfish, smoked fish products and coastal and inland sediments indicate that this organism does indeed present a potential hazard for individuals who process ar.d consume fish arid shellfish products in the Northwest without adequate pre cautions to prevent growth and toxin formation. TABLE 1 Lake Fish Samples Collected, Screened for Toxicity1 and Typed for Botulinum Toxin Identity of Specimen LAKE FISH 1. Elk Lake a. Trout, eastern brook b. Trout, rainbow c. Kokanee Salmon 2. Davis Lake a. Frogs, small Location Where Obtained Samples2 Screened Samples Toxic % of Samples Toxic 2 Questibnably Toxic Samples Fraction of Samples Typed Found to Contain Botulinuni Toxin D.N.F. 10 8 80 0 8E/8 D.N.F. D.N.F. 1 11 1 8 100 63 0 0 1E/i 7E/7 JJ.M.F. 1 0 0 0 - D.N.F. 10 0 0 0 -- 5 0 0 0 3. OcIell Lake a. Kokanee Salmon 1. Klamath Lake a. Catfish b. Chubs, blue c. Chubs, tut d. Perch 5. South Twin Lake a. Trout, rainbow , S.S.L. S.S.L. S.S.L. S.S.L. D.N.F. 5Li 5 9 2L Li' 5 5 0 17 10 0 0 30 5 17 3 -- 5E/5 All samples incubated in TPG medium for five days at 28°C in Case anaerobic jars 3 fish incubated per sample Samples not considered definitely toxic: Results considered questionable if only one of two mice died or if two mice died between LI0 and 96 hours D.N.F. - Deschutes National Forest in Oregon Cascade Mountain range S.S.L. - Samples obtained from southern section of Kiamath Lake 0 TABLE 2 Crabs, Oysters, and Shrimp Collected, Screened for Toxicity' and Typed for Botulinum Toxin Identity of 1. Crahs Dungeriess a. one-half inch h. 3-5 inches4 c. above 5 inches I. muscle tissue 2. viscera Individuol: Collected Per Number of Samples Quesionabiy Toxi. Toxic Samples 2 1 50 3/3 2 0 0 18 1 lL 1 2 BotulinrmTccn 0 0 --- 78 0 1 0/1 3E91B/6 0 0 0 -- 15 6 O 8 0 0 18/18 10/2 3. Oysters, Pacific7 50/13 Shrimp8 % Of Samples 21-/2 2. Oysters, Eastern6 , Samples Toxic Fraction of Samples Typed Found to Contain 1 lb./l 6 5E/5 2 -- All samples incubated in TPG medim for five days at 28°C in Case anaerobic jars Samples not considered definitely toxic: Results considered questionable if only one of two nice died or if two mice died between LQ and 96 hours Samples collected from beach at Garibaldi, Oregon Samples collected from beach at Garibaldi and Yaquina Bay, Oregon Samples collected live from seafood dealers in Chinook, Washington and Winchester Bay, Oregon Samples collected from cannery at Newport Samples collected from canneries at Nahootta, Washington and Bay City and Tillamook, Oregon Uncooked sample obtained from shrimp boat at Charleston, Oregon H TABLE 3 Clams Collected, Screened for Toxicity And Typed for Botulinum Toxin 1 Fraction of Identity of Specimen Individuals Collected Per Number 'F Collection Groups I. Clams9 razor1 230/29 2. Clams, 113/10 3. Clams, cockles soft shell5 Clams, littleneck6 . Clems, horseneck7 5. 6. Clams, 1 blue8 Samples Screened Samples Toxic % of Samples Toxic Questionabiy Toxic Samples Samples Taped. Found to Con':ain Botulinum Toxin 3E9IAJB/6 12 63 16 11 79 2 lIE/li 12 8 67 2 9E/9 11 3 27 5 3E/3 6/2 3 1 33 1 IE/l 3/1 1 0 0 0 6/9 185/10 75 All samples incubated in FPG medium for five days at 28°C in Case anaerobic jars Results considered questionacle if only one aS two mice Samples non considered delinitely noxic died or if two mice died between L3 and 96 hours Samples collected from beach at Seaside and Winchester Bay, Oregon Samples collected from beach at Garibaldi, Yaquina Bay, and Yachats, Oregon Samples collected from beach at Yaquina Bay, Yachats, Florence, Reedsport, and Winchester Bay9 Ores Samples collerned from beach at Garibaldi, Yaquina Bay and Florence, Oregon and from seafood dealers at Nahcotta and Ilwaoo, Washington Samples collected from beach at Garibaldi, and Florence, Oregon e Samples collected from beach at Garibaldi, Oregon TABLE 4 Inland Lake Sediments Collected, Screened for Toxicity1 and Typed for Botulinum Toxin Identity of Specimen Location here 2 Obtaired Samples Screened Samples Toxic % of Samples Toxic Questionably Toxic Samoles Fraction of Samples Typed Found to Contain Botulinun Toxin INLABD LAKES I. 2. 3. 4. Cultus Lake Davis Lake Devils Lake Elk Lake a. bottom sediment 5. Kiamath Lake D.N.F,4 4 D.N.F, 6 1 2 --- D.NOF. 2 1 67 50 D.N.F. D.N.F. 32 1 24 1 100 1 1 1 0 0 near Klamath Falls, 16 4 25 3 14 0 0 1 4 1 25 1 - 13 1 2 0 8 4 -- 25 2 - 0 4 -- 75 5E/5 --- Ore. a. bottom sediment l " 6, Little Lava Lake D.N,F. (source Desehutes R.) 7. Odell Lake D.N.F. 8. South Twin Lake D.N.F. 9. Tule Lake, Calif. Northern California 2 8 16 All samples incubated in TPG medium for five days at 28°C in Case anaerobic jars Samples collected at the waters edge to one foot below the water surface Samples not considered definitely toxic: Results considered questionable if only one of two mice died or if two mice died between 40 and 96 hours D,N.F, Desohutes National Forest in Oregon Cascade Mountain range TABLE 5 Inland River and Reservoir Sediments Collected, Screened frr Toxicity1 and Typed for Botulinum Toxin Identity INLAND RIVERS I. Culbus River 2, Deschutes River 3. Desohutes River N. Davis Creek 5. Quinn River at source Location Where 2 D.N.F. Samples Screened 2 Century Drive D.N.F. Cow Camp DNF. Samples % of Samples Toxic Questlonab1y Tcxj.c Samples Bcnclnmx1 0 0 2 50 0 1 2 2 1 0 50 0 Wickinp Res 0 0 D.N,F. D.N.F. 6 2 53 2 10 8 10 8 80 0 2 25 10 0 0 INLAND RESERVOIRS 6. Haystack Res. near Madras Ore. 7. Pelton Dam Res. near Madras, Ore. 3. Round Butte Dam Res. near Madras, Ore. 1 Fraction of Samples Typed Found to Contain - IE/1 2E/3 IE/l IE/l medium for five days at 28°C in Case anaerobic jars All samples incubated in T Srnples collected at the waters edge to one foot below the water surface Samples not considered definitely toxic: Results considered questionable if only one of two mice died or if two mice died between 14Q and 96 hours D.N,F. - Deschutes National Forest in Oregon Cascade Mountain range TABLE 6 0 0 A Comparison of 20 C and 28 C Incubation Temperatures for Periods of 5, 7 and lL Days in TPG Medium With and Without Trypsinization for Detection of Toxic Mud Specimens Incubation Fraction of Specimens Toxic 2/2 Mice 1/2 Mice Total Dead Dead 20°C Incubation Time and Sample Treatment 5 days incubation; not trypsinized 7 days incubation; not trypsinized 7 days incubation; plus trypsinization Incubation Fraction of Specimens Toxic 2/2 Mice 1/2 Mice Dead Total Dead L1/1L 2/1J 6/lLi l0/lLl 0/lLi l0/lL4 5/lLi 2/lL 7/lLI 8/l2-- /lL ll/lLi --1 7/11 1Li days incubation; not trypsinized 28°C 6/1L 2/1Ll 8/lL 2/1Ll 1/114 io/i 5/lL /1Li 8/iLl' 7/1Ll' 8/lLI 11/114- 2/iLl' 1/iLk 10/iLl- 8/iLl Subcultures made by trans ferring 5 ml of original culture of specimen after 5 days incubation at 20°C or 28 C to 50 ml fresh TPG and incubating 5 days more Not trypsinized Trypsinized s/i'-i ?/1L4 12/lLl antitoxin oi the 7th day (using Several toxic samples (2/2) on the fifth day were typed a trypsinization procedure) and the results are included as total toxic -0 TABLE 7 A Comparison of Two Culture Media and Incubation Procedures With and Without Ti'ypsinization for Detection of Toxic Mud Specimens Culture Medium and Incubation Fraction of Mud Specimens Found Toxic Untrypsinized 3 gram mud specimen incubated in 50 ml TPG at 28°C for 5 days in Case anaerobic jar. 3 gram mud specimen incubated in 30 ml of Beef Heart Infusion plus meat for lL days at 20 C in Case anaerobic Fraction of Mud Specimens Trypsinized That Were Toxic Only After Trypsinizatior Fraction of Mud Specimens Losing Toxicity After Tryspinization Total Fraction of Mud Specimens Toxic After Trypsinization Fraction of Control Specimens Found Toxic (1) 19/50 8/L0 7/L0 20/L0 L5/50 25/50 1/36 7/36 19/50 L9/50 jar. (1) (2) Nine of the toxic specimens killed 2/2 mice; 10 killed 1/2. Sixteen of the toxic specimens killed 2/2 mice; 9 killed 1/2. TABLE 8 Marine Sediments Collected, Screened for Toxicityl and Typed for Botulinum Toxin Identity of Specimen Location Nhere Obtained2 Samples Samples _creened Toxic % of Samples Toxic Questionably3 Toxic Samples Fraction of Samples Typed Found to Contain Bctulinum Toxin LAY SEDIMENTS 1. N. Fork Nehalem River NehlaLn, Ore. 3 1 33 1 2. Salmonherry River Mohler, Ore. 3 0 0 0 I. Sandy beah Oceanpark, Wash. 3 0 0 0 -- 2. Public boat dock Chinook, Wash. 3 1 33 0 -- 3. Shore oyster bed S. of Chinook, Wash. 3 1 33 0 -- L, Sandy beach Seaside, Ore. 10 3 30 3 -- 3 1 33 1 -- BEACH SEDIMENTS . Sandy beach Oceanside Ore. All samples incubated in TPG medium for five days at 28°C in Case anaerobic jars Samples collected at the waters edge to one foot below the water surface 2 So1es not considered definitely toxic: Results considered questionable if only one of two mice died or if two mice died between LiO and 96 hours -u -u TABLE 9 Alsea River Sediments Collected, Screened for Toxicity1- and Typed for Botulinum Toxin Identity of Specimen 1. Saltwater beach near mouth s3 ws Location Where Obtained Samples Screened Samples Toxic of Samples Toxic Waldport, Ore. 10 1 10 Taylors Landing 20 10 12 16 8 2 6 8 80 60 75 100 86 80 3 3 2 10 8 2 Questionably Toxic Samples Fraction of Samples Typed Found to Contain Botulinum Toxin 2. Tidewater study site a. WE b. 3- yards AWE5 c. 12-15 yards AWE d. 20 yards AWE e. 25 yards AWE f. 30 yards AWE g. 35 yards AWE 2 7 10 6 h. Li5 yards AWE 3. Freshwater study site WE Alsea, Ore. 6 3E / 3 1 1 0 0 1 2E/2 2E/2 50 67 0 IE/l 0 2E / 2 80 1 3E/3 All samples incubated in BHI meat medium for fourteen days at 20°C in Case anaerobic jars Samples not considered definitely toxic: Results considered questionable if only one of two mice died or if two mice died between LIO and 96 hours S - Samples collected from southern shore WE - Samples collected at the waters edge to one foot below the water surface AWE - Samples collected above the waters edge at distance indicated TABLE 10 Columbia River Sediments Collected, Screened for Toxicity1 and Typed for Botulinum Toxin Location Identity of Specimen Jhere Samples Screened Obtained Samples Toxic % of Samples Toxic 2 Questionably Toxic Samples Fraction of Samples Typed Found to Contain Botulinun Toxin COLUMBIA RIVER 1. Saltwater beach near mouth S3 WE2 2. Tidewater study site WE 3. Freshwater study site No. 1 a. WE b. 3.4 yards AWE c. 8-12 yards AWE LJ Freshwater study site No. 2 WE Fort Stevens, Ore. 10 0 0 1 -- Tongue Point, Ore. 10 5 50 2 1E/3 Rainier, Ore. 20 10 10 5 1 1 2 25 10 10 5 1E/3 1 1 lA/i 100 0 0/1 " ft " Scappoose Bay (near St. Helens, Oregon) 2 -- All samples incubated in BHI meat medium for fourteen days at 20°C in Case anaerobic jars Samples not considered definitely toxic: Results considered questionable if only one of two mice 2 died or if two mice died between Li,0 and 96 hours S - Samples collected from southern shore WE - Samples collected at the waters edge to one foot below the water surface AWE - Samples collected above the waters edge at distance indicated TABLE 11 Umpqua River Sediments Collected, Screened for Toxicity1 and Typed for Botulinum Toxin Identity of Specimen Location Where Obtained Samples Screened Samples Toxic % of Samples Toxic , Questionably Toxic Samples Fraction of Samples Typed Found to Contain Botulinum Toxin UNPQUA RIVER 1. Saltwater beach near mouth s3 WE4 2. Tidewater study site AWES 3. Freshwater study site WE Winchester Bay 10 0 0 1 -- above Reedsport, Ore. 10 6 60 3 2E/3 Elkton, Ore. 10 5 50 1E/l All samples incubated in BHI meat medium for fourteen days at 20°C in Case anaerobic jars Samples not considered definitely toxic: Results considered questionable if only one of two mice died or if two mice died between L0 and 96 hours S - Samples collected for southern shore WE - Samples collected at the waters edge to one foot below the water surface AWE - Samples collected above the waters edge TABLE 12 Toxicity Tests on Cultures Derived from Isolated Colonies T00 Type of Toxin Demonstrated iio Mixed Specimen Cultro Toxic Cultures Single Colony Cultures Tested from Blood ag_ar Toxic Cultures from LVE1 Type of Toxin in Culture from Isolated Colonies2 Location Where Obtairoed Identity of Specimen No 2 E 7 2/0 E Elk lake, Ore. 3 E 7 2/0 E Elk lake, Ore. 6 E 9 2/3 E Elk lake, Ore. 8 E E A B E E E E E E E 5 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/3 1/0 2/2 1/1 2/3 -- 15 93 110 lL6 152 155 156 159 160 170 5 9 5 10 10 l- 13 12 17 13 3/Lb i/o Trout, eastern brook Trout, eastern brook Trout, eastern brook --- E E 3E -3E 2E E LVE - liver-veal-egg agar The TPO subcultures from isolated colonies were stored at 5°C Florence, Ore. Florence, Ore. Newport, Ore. Softshell clam Horseneck clam Cockle clam Newport, Ore. Newport, Ore. Yachats, Ore. Pacific oyster Pacific oyster Cockle clam TABLE 12 (continued) Toxicity Tests on Cultures Derived from Isolated Colonies Foxic Specimen Type of Toxin Demonstrated in Mixed Culture Single Colony Cultures Tested Toxic Cultures from Blood agar Toxic Cultures from LVE1 Type of Toxin in Culture from Isolated Colonies2 Location Where Obtaired lEcieritity of Specimen No. 224 E 2/49 8/40 E E E F F F F F 866 895 F E 900 911 E E 296 7/46 755 805 82/4 838 11 1/3 E 2 o/o 0/0 o/o -------F E -- 13 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 /4 2 0,/0 0/0 0/1 0/0 0/1 1/0 o/o 0/0 1/0 E LVE - liver-veal-egg agar The TPG subcultures from isolated colonies were stored at 5°C Astoria, Ore. Kippered sturgeon Chinook, Wash. Newport, Ore. Crab viscera Smoked herring Tidewater area, Alsea river, Oregon Sediment from bank 3-/4 yards from waters edge TABLE 13 Smoked or Kippered Fish Collected Screened for Toxicity1 Typed for Botulinum Toxin Tdentity of Specimen 2 1. Kippered Black Cod 2. Kippered Halibut 3. Smoked Herring 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. /4 Kippered Perch Kippered Red Snapper Kippered Salmon Smoked Salmon Smoked Smelt Kippered Sturgeon Smoked Sturgeon Kippered Tuna Sauples Screened Samples Toxic L. Found to Coo,.ajr. Botulinum Toxin 0 0 9 1 12 9 LI 0 lE/9 lE/2 1 1 0 1 0 3,. 0 lL 50 3 0 0 201 1 31 0 5 0 8 l3 Questionably3 Toxic Samples 0/2 0/1 1E/1 1 2 1 67 30 Fraction of Samples Typed 2 1 0 0 0 36 ll;. 6 % of Samples Toxic 1 I/2 0/1 All samples incubated in TPG medium for five days at 28°C in Case anaerobic jars Samples obtained from smoked fish processors indicated in Table lL Results considered questionable if only one of two Samples not considered definitely toxic: mice died or if two mice died between /40 and 96 hours In some instances more than one sample was taken from a single piece of smoked fish TABLE 14 Incidence of Clostridium botulinum type E In Smoked Fish Products Source Nahcotta, Wash. Long Beach, Wash. liwaco, Wash. Chinook, Wash. Joseph., Astoria Thomp., Astoria Seaside Roackaway Garibaldi Lincoln City Lincoln Beach Newport Corvallis Waldport Yachats Florence Winchester Bay Charleston Wedderburn TOTAL 1 No. Samples Screened 1 Samples Toxic 11 1 6 - 2 Questionably Toxic Samples 3 4 4 13 16 1 2 1 ---1 31 ( 5 1 9 1 2 1 15 4 -- 1 9 8 1 4 -- - 3 -1 -- -- 1 161 19 -1 1 1 -- 2 2 1 9 8 3 3 Siiples Shown to Contain Type E Toxin 15 1 -- 4 Samples represent the 11 types of smoked, fish products adurubrated in Tables 13 and 15 which have been collected from the individual processors at the above spots along the Washington and Oregon coast. 2 Samples not considered definitely toxic: Results considered questionable if only one of two mice died or if two mice died between 40 and 96 hours. TABLE 15 Chloride and Moisture Content of Smoked Fish Samples 1. 2. 3. L 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Identity of anp1es Sneo-ne'- estec1 --' -_2 -' 8 1 6 1 0 0 0 0 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 3 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 lLI 2 0 0 0 1 3 Kippered Black Cod Kippered Halibut Smoked Herring Kippered Perch Kippered Red Snappei Kippered Salmon Smoked Salmon Smoked Smelt Kippered Sturgeon Smoked Sturgeon Kippered Tuna TOTAL 1 percent NaC1 Content 2, 3 1 0 3 0 0 1 28 21 13 1 3 2 0 1 0 11 5 5 9 3 0 6 0 0 99 1Li 33 21 3 16 1 0 6 1 i' _L4 . .L4 Percent Moisture Content b & U & uo 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 16 10 5 0 5 2 2 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Li-S 20 3 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 3 9 22 6 8 20 6 These smoked fish products were collected from processors along the Washington and Oregon coast and, The points of collection are do not include all the samples which have been screened for toxicity. given in Table iLl. 2 , Samples had chloride contents which ranged between 0.9 and 12.3 percnet. The mean NaCl content from four determinations on each of two raw salmon was 0.097% and 0.188%. The mean variation of the differences in duplicate chloride analyses run on 32 fish is 0.133%. The respective moisture content of Samples had moisture contents which ranged between 23 and 77%. the raw salmon in (2) was 73% and 66%. TABLE 16 Results of Successful Typing of Toxic Specimens with Antitoxin Type of Antitoxin Used ype Dilution of Fiitem1e Identity cf Source. 1:50 Individuals No. mice No. mice dead in,j ected 1 0/2 0/2 1. Trout, Rainbow Elk Lake 2. Trout, East Brook Elk Lake 1 0/2 3. " " 1 0/2 ft ft U ft " " ft U U 6. " " " 0/2 0 E l:.5 J None jnprotected 1:5 1:O Bot.uljnum No. mLce No. mice dead in,j ected S anple Type of Toxin in hr 2/2;L_12hr E 0/2 2/2;L12hr 2/2;Ll2hr E l/2;L8_ 72 hr 2/2;24 hr 2/2;2-L hr E 0/2 2/2;L_l2hr 0/2 E 2/2;2_24 1 0/2 0/2 2/2;Lk.l2hr 2/2;12-3Ohr E 1 0/2 0/2 2/2;Ll2hr 2/2;LL_12hr B 1 0/2 0/2 2/2;2L. hr 2/2;2-LL hr B 7 " 8. " " " " " 1 0/2 0/2 2/2;2_Ll hr 2/2;l2-3Ohr E 9. " " " " " 1 0/2 0/2 2/2;2...4 hr 0/2 B 2 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-4 hr 2/2;2_L hr E 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-4 hr 2/2;2-L hr E 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-L hr 2/2;Ll-l2hr E " 12. Kokanee Salmon 13. " 15. " Elk Lake " " 2 TABLE 16 (continued) Results of Successful Typing of Toxic Specimens with Antitoxin No. Identity of Dilution Specimen 27. Kokanee Salmon of Fi1terele_ Individuals Source Elk Lake " 29 " 32. " " " 139. Clams, Softshell Newport, Ore. 1143. Florenne, Ore. " Type Type of Antitoxin. Used E NoneUnproteo ted l:O Trpe of Botulinim ToxIn in 2 No, iiice No. mice No. mice No. mioe injecied dead injpted dead 0/2 2/2;2 hr 2/2;2 hr 0/2 3 0/2 0/2 2/2;2L hr 2/2;2_Ll hr E 2 0/2 0/2 2/2;L4_lhr 2/2;Ll5hr E 2 0/2 0/2 2/2;LI_l5hr 2/2;L-l5hr E 0/2 0/2 2/26-l5hr 0/2 E l/2;23- 0/2 2/2;2_l6hr 2/2;2-l6hr E i/i;31- 1/2;3172hr 72hr 2/2;2-l6hr 2/2;2-l6hr E per sample 3 31 hr E 1L4. " Newport, Ore. Li- lLi6. " Florence, Ore. Li- 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-l6hr 2/2;2-l6hr E 1Li7. " Newport, Ore. Li- 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-8 hr 0/2 E Li- 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-3lhr 2/2;2-l6hr E l/1;LI_15hr E 0/2 E 11i-8. " 162. " i6Li-. " 165. " I' Winchester Bay 3 0/2 0/2 l/2;15-2Li- Reedsport, Ore. 3 0/2 0/2 2/2;Ll-6Llhr 3 0/2 0/2 hr 2/2;1536 0/2 TABLE 16 (continued) Results of Successful Typing of Toxic Specimens with Antitoxin N. Identity of Specimen 140, Clams9 cockle 141. " U Dilution of Filtered Sample Individuals Sourc.e per sample Newport, Ore, Type of Antitoxin Used Type E None: Unprotected 1:50 1:5 1:50 1: 5 No. mice/No. mice No. nice No. mice dead injected dead / ipjeoted 4 0/2 0/2 4 0/2 142. " 4 145. 4 151, " l/2;1524 Type of Botulinum Toxin in SaU. B 0/2 0/2 hr 7/2;4.24hr 0/2 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-l6hr 2/2;2-l6hr B 0/2 2/2;2.16hr 1/2;2-l6hr F 4 1/2;216 hr 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-l6hr 2/2;2-l6hr F 154. " 4 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-l6hr 2/2;2-l6hr F 155 " 7 0/2 0/2 2/2;2.-l6hr 2/2;2-l6hr E 157. " 5 0/2 2/2;L4-15hr 2/2;4-lShr E 4 0/2 1/2;415 hr 0/2 2/2;2-8 hr 0/2 E 4 1/2;415 hr 1/2;215 hr 0/2 0/2 2/2;4-l5hr 1/2;15-24hr E 0/2 2/2;2-l6hr 2/2;2-l6hr E 0/2 2/2;6-lShr l/2;6-lShr E 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-l5hr 0/2 E U Yachats, Ore. 169. " 170. " 153. Clams, littleneck Florence, Ore. 156. Newport, Ore. 176. " " Nahcotta, Wash. 8 10 7 E TABLE 16 (continued) Results of Successful Typing of Toxic Specimens with Antioxin Dilution of Filtered Identity of Nc. Specimen 152 Clams, I-ioreseneck Individuals mle Source Floren:e Type of Antitoxin Used Type E None Unprotected 5O 1 5O 1: 5 1 5 No, mice/No. mice Nc, mice/No, mice dead dead injected / injtedj / Type of Bc tulinuin Toxin in S amole Ore. 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-l6hr 2/2;2-l6hr E 171. Clams, razor Winchester Bay 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-l5hr 2/2;2-cthr E JJL. ft II 5 0/2 0/2 2/2;L_15hr 2/2;L_15hr E 3 2/2;Ll 2/2;L- 2/2;Lk.l6hr 2/2;L_l6hr -l.1 Il Seaside, Ore. 93. " l6hr U ft ft 3 Type B Antitoxin 1/2;L_ 2/2;14-- 3 Type A Antitoxin 0/2 0/2 3 2/2;LI._ l6hr 93. " 110. ft ft ft ft ft I, l6hr l6hr 0/2 16 hr 110. I, if ft ft ft I 3 Type B Antitoxin 0/2 0/2 Type A Antitoxin 3 2/2;14_ 21l hr 0/2 A TABLE 16 (continued) Results of Successful Typing of Toxic Specimens with Antitoxin of Identity of No. Soecimen on of Filered Sample Individuals Source per sample 159. Oysters, Pacific Newport, Ore. 160. " n 189.T2" Tillamook, Ore. l93.T1" Bay City, Ore. L. Type E 1:5 1:50 No. mice/No. mice dead / injected 0/2 Type of Botulinum Toxin in Samicle 2/2;2-6 hr 2/2;26 hr' F 0/2 0/2 2/2;L.2Lhr 2/2;Lk2Lhr E L. 0/2 0/2 2/2;lL hr 2/2;16-32hr E Li 1/2;15-. 0/2 2/2;15-96 l/2;15-28hr hr E 28 hr 1 itoxin Used None: Unprotected 1:5 1:50 No. mice No. mice dead inected For both the cotected and unprthe:ted nice, 2, at each of the dilutions, were injected with 0.5 ml. of the diluted (see methods and materials section of text) centrifuged supernatant of a toxic culture, These injected mice were held in jars which were layered with wood chips and which contained a source of food and water; and they were observed over a Li day period. The intervals in tine between which the mice died are indicated in hours. The antitoxin test on the samples presented ic Table 17 was La'rLed oo ad e rec2r were recded in the same nan-er TABLE 17 Results of Successful Typing of Toxic Specimens with Antitoxin Typof_Antitoxin_Used Type E 31 Sa'rJe Stz of Sample o Identity cf No, Specimen Source 1 I No, rriie/N None Q I rctected 1 0 Type of Bc u nUrr Toxin in mi:o I ii1ected No. mice/No, mice 0/2 l/2;1L hr 2/2;114 hr 2/2;1-L4 hr E dead deadjjted Sampe 218. Clams, razor Winchester Bay 223. Pacific oysters Nahcotta, Wash, 2 oysters l/2;14-- 0/2 2/2;LI-_l2hr 2/2;Ll2hr E Astoria, Ore, 20 gm 12 hr l/2;L_ 16 hr 0/2 2/2;1_Ll hr 1/2;l632hr E Astoria, Ore. 20 gm 0/2 0/2 1/2;L_12hr 0/2 E 0/2 0/2 2/2;lLI hr 2/2;lJ-- hr E 1 " 0/2 0/2 2/2;l-L hr 2/2;1-l5hr E 1 0/2 0/2 2/2;l-L4 hr 1 " 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-8 hr 2/2;2-8 hr E 22L. Kippered sturgeon 2LJ9. Smoked salmon 275. Trout, Rainbow " 285. " ft clams South Twin Lake 1 fish 278. " 29L. L ft ft " 2/2;Ll5 hr E 296. " U 1 " 0/2 0/2 2/2;1-4 hr 2/2;1-LI hr E 381. Shore sediment Elk Lake 3 gm 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-l2hr 2/2;2-l2hr E 3 gm 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-l2hr 2/2;2-l2hr E 387. " 3 gm 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-l2hr 2/2;2-l2hr E L23. " 3 gm 0/2 0/2 2/2;l-8 hr 2/2;8_LLhr E 385. " H TABLE 17 (continued) Results of Successful Typing of Toxic Specimens with Antitoxin Identity of Dilution of Filtered Sa1e No. Specimen 518. Shore sediment Size of 2 Columbia 3 1E Alsea 742. FW Type of Botulinum 3 gin 2.5 ml 0/2 0/2 2/2;8...l6hr 2/2;8-l6hr E Tongue Point 3 gin 0/2 0/2 F Alsea, Ore. 3 gin 0/2 0/2 l/2;l8_40 0/2 hr Sample settled sediment TW1 1:5 No. mice/No. mice No. mice No. mice Toxin in injcted Sap dead I in.lected dead E 0/2 0/2 2/2;1-8 hr 2/2;1-8 hr Source Elk Lake 525. Muddy liquid above Elk Lake 688. Type of Antitoxin Used E None: Unprotected 1:50 1:5 1:50 Type l/2;l-6 hr 1/2;l8-LlOhr E 7L6. " " " 3 gin 0/2 0/2 2/2;l-6 hr 2/2;l-6 hr E 7Li9. " " " 3 gin 0/2 0/2 1/2;TL-6 hr 2/2;l-6 hr E 1/2;618 hr 2/2;1-6 hr 2/2;1-6 hr E 0/2 2/2;l-6 hr 1/2;6-l8hr E 755. TW IE Alsea Taylors Landing 3 gin 0/2 758 " " " " " 3 gin 0/2 760. " " " " 3 gin 0/2 0/2 2/2;1-6 hr 2/2;6-LI0hr E 3 gin 2/2;28 hr 0/2 2/2;2-8 hr 2/2;2-8 hr E 788. TW IE Umpqua above Reedsport TW - sediment sample from tidewater area of river WE - sediment sample taken at waters edge FW - sediment sample from river freshwater area of TABLE 17 (continued) Results of Successful Typing of Toxic Specimens with Antitoxin Dilution of Filtered Sample Size of Source Sappe Identity of No.Eecimen Type of Antitoxin Used None: Unprotected Type E 1:50 1:50 l l_ No, mice/No. mice No. mice/No. mice dead / iected dead / injected Type of Botulinurri Toxin in Sanjle 789. TW1 NE2 Umpqua above Reedspert 3 0/2 0/2 2/2;28 hr 2/2;28 hr E 793, FW0 NE Umpqua Elkton, Ore, 3 gm 0/2 0/2 2/2;2_8 hr 2/2;8-l6hr E 803, NE Haystack near Madras 3 gm 0/2 0/2 l/2;6-lBhr 2/2;6..l8hr E " 3 gm 0/2 0/2 2/2;1-6 hr 2/2;l-6 hr E gm 0/2 0/2 E 1/2;618 hr 2/2;l8- 0/2 2/2;l8-L0 1/2;l8.4Ohr hr 2/2;l-6 hr 2/2;l-6 hr reservoir 805. NE " " 8lL. NE Round Butte Dam " " 3 82Ll. WE Pelton reservoir " " 3 gm 835. Dungeness Crab Chinook Wash, viscera L0hr 835." 835. " " " " TW - sediment sample from tidewater area of river WE - sediment sample taken at waters edge 1/2;18L,0hr Type B Antitoxin 0/2 0/2 E 2/2;6_l8hr 0/2 B Type A Antitoxin 2/2;60/2 18 hr FW - sediment sample from freshwater area of river TkBLE 17 (continued) Results of Successful Typing of Toxic Specimens with Antitixin Identity of No, Specimen Dilution of Filtered Sample Size of Souroe Sample Type of Antitoxin Used Type E None: Unprotected 1:50 1:5 1!5 No. mice/No. mice No. mice/No. mice dead dead / / in.jected ected 10 Type of Botulinum Todn in Sample 837, Dungeness Crab Chinook, Wash. viscera 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-8 hr 2/2;8-l6hr F 838. " U viscera 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-28hr 0/2 E viscera 0/2 0/2 2/2;2l8hr 0/2 E 866. Smoked herring Newport, Ore. (1.0% NaC1; Li3% moisture) 5-10 gm 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-l6hr 2/2;2-l6hr F 873. FW1 8-12 yards AWE2 Columbia 3 gm 2/2;2- 2/2;2- 2/2;28 hr 2/2;8-l6hr E 8hr 8hr 8L0. " U ft 873." U Rainier, Ore. U Type B Antitoxin 2/2;22/2;8- II 8hr l6hr ype A Antitoxin 873. " " " 895. FW WE3 Columbia " Rainier, Ore. 3 i 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 FW - sediment sample from freshwater area of river AWE - sediment sample taken above ters edge, distance indicated A 2/2;2-l2hr 0/2 E WE - sediment sample taken at waters edge TABLE 17 (continued) Results of Successful Typing of Toxic Specimens with Antitoxin Identity of No. Specimen 900, TW1 Dilution of Filtered Sample Size of Source Sample l2l5 yards Type of Antitoxin Used None: Unprotected Type E 1:5 1:50 No. mice/No. mice No. mice/No. mice dead / -nected dead I uYected j5 Type of Botulinum Toxin in Sainrie Taylors Landing 3 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-l2hr 2/2;2-l2hr F " 3 gin l/2;212 hr 0/2 2/2;2-l2hr 2/2;2-l2hr E 3 gm 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-l2hr 2/2;2-l2hr E " 3 gm 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-l2hr 2/2;2-l2hr F 964. TW 45 yds ANE Aisea " 3 gm 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-8 hr 0/2 E 966. TW 35 yds AWE Alsea " 3 gm 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-8 hr 0/2 E 968. TW 45 yds AWE Alsea " 3 gm 0/2 0/2 2/2;2-8 hr 0/2 E 1063.Kippered salmon 5-10 gm 0/2 0/2 l/2;22-30 0/2 hr E AWE' Alsea 911. TW 3_4 yards AWE Alsea " 915. TW 12...15 yards AWE Alsea 923. TW 3_4 yards AWE Al sea Seaside, Ore. TW - sediment sample from tidewater area of river AWE - sediment sample taken above waters edge, distance indicated FIGURE 1. Plastic bag incubation technique used with clams, oysters, lake fish, and crab viscera. The specimen was placed in a plastic bag, TPG medium added, and the sample incubated for 5 days at 28 C. FIGURE 2. Isolated colonies of ClostMdiuni botulinum type E grown (in Case anaerobic .iars for 2 days at 28uC) On blood agar from a cockle Olam sample. On subculture colonies from this plate grew and produced type E toxin. (5X.) a. FIGURE 3. Isolated colonies of Clostridium botulinum type E grown (in Case anaerobic jars for 2 days at 28"C) on LVE (liver-vealegg agar) from a cockle clam sample. A comparison of this figure with Figure 2 reveals the different colony characteristics exhibited by this organism streaked from the same source on 2 medium. These colonies do not exhibit a ledthovitellin precipitate. On subculture colonies from this plate grew but did not produce toxin. (5X.) 99 S. * I a.. FIGURE 4, Isolated col onies of Clgstridiuin botulinum type E grown (in Case ans erobic jars for 2 days at 28C) on LVE from a kippered sti .rgeon sample. Colonies of this sample isolated on blc od agar appeared very similar to those in 1 hese colonies exhibited a weak to medium ledFigure 2. thovitellin precipitate (around periphery of colonies darlens on setting) not demonstrated by the colonies shown in Figure 3. On subculture these colonies did not grow. (5X). 100 -- --- - f11,V (cii4ili Oss4rb'LiOr L'A ,-')ibi ,The. NorL.hW tE E,Crb. Beach L0 0 e Se )ASH I4GTO4 See \ES :, Sed. scp. ( C tr / a OR C L qt!v 3E,C(. s / I,5ed Sa4y a. s.&. 1o.hats ASea. 7E, KS. 2E,c1. ,1r. Elk Lava L.. Ct5pr ovt0( (vlt. L'4 eti- Fort CfttO.'\\ / ; eerd Ci. Cd,. Crab Sonce 045. Oj 2 SnF. Tr. Tule L $orcrvt Corvo FIGURE 5 5el s. S,4t - Trejt. 101 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Angelotti, R. et al. Quantitation of Clostridium perfringens in foods. Journal of Applied Microbiology 1O:193_199. 1962. 2. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. methods of analysis 9th ed. Washington, 1960. 3. Bengston, l.A. Preliminary note on a toxin..producing anaerobe isolated from the larvae of Lucilia caesar. U.S. Public Health Reports 37(l):164-17O. 1922. Li. Official 832 p. Bott, T.L, et al. Ecology of Cl. botulinum in the Great Lakes. In: Botulism - Proceedings of a Symposium, ed. by K.H. Lewis and K, Cassel, Jr. Cincinnati, 1964. p. 22l.23l. U.S. Public Health Service Publication no. 999FP-l) 5. Brooks, V.B. An intracellular study of the action of repetitive nerve volleys and of botulinum toxin on miniature end-plate potentials. Journal of Physiology l3Li:264_277. 1965. 6. Brooks, V.B. 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