Women’s and Gender Studies Minor
Course Offerings, Fall 2015
WGS 210
Introduction to Women’s Studies
MWF 10-10:50, Jamie Pond, KE 1111
MWF 11-11:50, Jamie Pond, KE 1111
Core Courses
ANT 303
ENG 230
WGS 212
WGS 280
Culture and Gender, MWF 9-9:50, SB 1005
Women in Literature, MWF 1-1:50, Amanda Cosgrove, MO 210
Sexuality and Gender, MWF 1-1:50, Jamie Pond, TL 1006
Special Topics: The Politics of Sex and Reproduction, TR 9:30-10:45, Katie
Peel, DL 113
CLA 330
Women in Ancient Greece and Rome, R 2-3:15, Andrea Deagon, LH 107
CRM 315
Victimology, TR 12:30-1:45, Shannon Santana, TL 1050
CRM 370
Minorities, Crime, & CJ Policy, Jacob Day, TR 2-3:15, CH 211
ENG 226
World Literature Since 1600, TR 3:30-4:45, Katherine Montwieler, CS 138
ENG 290:001 Writers in Exile, TR 12:30-1:45, Kimi Faxon Hemingway, MO 207
ENG 290:003 Gothic Rising, TR 11-12:15, Mark Boren, MO 202 (Honors)
ENG 318
Writing and Activism, TR 11-12:15, Jeremy Tirrell, MO 204
ENG 337
Victorian Literature, MW 3:30-4:45, Katie Peel, MO 207
ENG 383
Classics Reconsidered, TR 11-12:15, Victor Malo-Juvera, MO 210
FRH 412
Women and Revolution in the Maghreb Since 1954, TR 3:30-4:45, Greta Bliss
HEA 205
Reproduction and Sexuality, TR 9:30-10:45, Jorge Figueroa, TR 143
HST 487:002 Seminar: Revolutions and Rebellions in the Modern Middle East, T 3:306:15, Lisa Pollard, MO 214
NSG 330
Maternal-Infant Nursing, five sections
PBH 320
Foundations in Global Health, Randy Cottrell, MWF 3-3:50, TR 143
PLS 334
Revolutionary Movements, Daniel Masters, TR 11-12:15, LH 110
PLS 360
Introduction to Nonprofit Management, Christopher Prentice, TR 2-3:15, LH
PSY 265
Human Sexual Behavior, MWF 9-9:50, Jennifer Meyers, TL 1011
PSY 366
Close Relationships, MWF 1-1:50, Sun Lee, TL 1052
TR 2-3:15, Shanhong Luo, TL 1008
SOC 345
Sociology of the Family, TR 12:30-1:45, Jennifer Vanderminden, FR 2052
SOC 490
Senior Seminar: Family Violence, W 2-4:45, Jennifer Vanderminden, BR 281
SWK 311
Child Abuse and Neglect, four sections
SWK 355
Issues in Diversity for Generalist Practice, four sections
WGS 491
Directed Independent Study
WGS 498