Estuaries Vol. 28, No. 5, p. 750~60 October 2005 Reversal of Eutrophication Following Sewage Treatment Upgrades in the New River Estuary, North Carolina MICHAEL A. M A L L I N * , MATTHEW R. MCIVER, H E A T H E R A. W E L L S , DOUGLAS C. PARSONS, a n d VIRGINIA L. J O H N S O N Centerj~r Marine Science, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 ABSTRACT: T h e New River Estuary consists of a series of b r o a d shallow lagoons draining a catchment area of 1,436 k m 2, located in Onslow County, N o l t h Carolina. During the 1980s a n d 1990s it was considered one of the most eutrophlc estuaries in the southeastern U n i t e d States a n d s~aslained dense phytoplankton blooms, b o l t o m water anoxia a n d hypoxia, toxic outbreaks of the dinoflagellate Pfiesteria, a n d fish kills. H i g h nulrient loading, especially of phosphorus (P), f r o m mtmicipal a n d military sewage trealment plants was the principal cause leading to the eulrophlc conditions. Nulrient addition bioassay experiments showed that additions of nitrogen (N) b u t n o t P consistently yielded significant increases in phytoplankton p r o d u O i o n relative to conlrols. During 1998 the City of Jacksonville a n d the U.S. Marine Corps Base at Camp Lejeune completely u p g r a d e d their sewage lrealment systems a n d achieved large improvements in nulrient removal, reducing point source inputs of N a n d P to the estuary by approximately 57% a n d 71%, respectively. The sewage lrealment plant upgrades led to significant es~uadne decreases in a m m o n i u m , ol~hophosphate, chlorophyll a, a n d turbidity concenlrations, a n d subsequent increases in b o t t o m water dissolved oxygen (DO t a n d fight penelration. The large r e d u O i o n in phytoplankton biomass led to a large reduction in labile phytoplankton carbon, likely an i m p o r t a n t source of biochemical oxygen d e m a n d in this estuary. The u p p e r estuary stations experienced increases in average bottom water DO of 9.9 to 1.4 m g 1 1, representing an i m p r o v e m e n t in benthic habitat f o r shellfish a n d other organisms. T h e reductions in fight attenuation a n d turbidity should also improve the habitat conditions for growth of submersed aquatic vegetation, an i m p o r t a n t habitat for fish a n d shellfish. Introduction (Monbet 1992; Cloern 2001). D o c u m e n t e d recoveries from estuarine eutrophication have occurred b u t r e m a i n few (Smith 1981; Brattberg 1986; Johansson and Greening 2000). In this paper we provide evidence of the reversal of eutrophication and subsequent habitat i m p r o v e m e n t in a large estualTf- fbllowing major nutrient reductions resulting from upgrades in sewage treatment. T h e New River is a fifth-order blackwater stream located entirely within Onslow County- on North Carolina's Coastal Plain. It drains a catchment area of approximately 1,436 k m 2 with an estimated h u m a n population of 84,360 in 1998 (NCDENR 2001). T h e New River Estuary- consists of a series of shallow (1-2 m ) , broad lagoons of mesohaline to polyhaline salinities (Dame et al. 2000). T h e m o u t h of the estuary- is constrained by barrier islands, restricting flushing, a n d the channels require frequent dredging to maintain a navigational depth. Recent estimates p u t the m e d i a n flushing time at 64 d, as opposed to the m o r e rapidly flushed (median 7 d) Cape Fear River EstualTf- 80 k m to the south (Ensign et al. 2004). Much of the area adjacent to the estuary- p r o p e r consists of the United States M a r i n e Corps (USMC) Base at C a m p Lejeune. T h e r e is one major municipality- in the watershed, the City- of Jacksonville, located on Wilson Bay-, the u p p e r m o s t portion of the New River Estuary- (Fig. 1). Upstream of Jacksonville the river primarily drains agricultural areas. Some areas Eutrophication of estuarine systems has numerous deleterious consequences and is considered to be a widespread problem by g o v e r n m e n t organizations and academic researchers (NRC 1993, 2000; Bricker et al. 1999; D a m e et al. 2000; Anderson et al. 2002). Causes of eutrophication vary- a m o n g regions and individual systems, but point source discharges of nutrients from municipal and industrial sewage treatment plants r e m a i n a widespread p r o b l e m (NRC 1993, 2000). In industrialized nations, during the second half of the 20th century- most raw sewage discharges had been converted to primary- a n d secondary- treated discharges, which led to improvements in estuarine water quality in terms of reduced suspended sediments, biochemical oxygen d e m a n d (BOD), a n d fecal bacterial loads (Albert 1987; Grifflths 1987; Brosnan and O ' S h e a 1996). Secondary- treatment does not remove significant amounts of nitrogen (N) from wastewater (NRC 1993), and achieving significantly r e d u c e d nutrient output from point sources can be expensive in terms of infrasti~cture costs, and it requires considerable political will and cooperation (NRC 1993). Yet malay estuaries, especially shallow, poorlFflushed systems, are sensitive to even m o d e s t n u t r i e n t inputs * C o r r e s p o n d i n g author; tele: 910/962-2358; fax: 910/9622410; e-maih 9 2005 Estuarine Research Federation 750 Reversal of Estuarine Eutrophication A at 9 9 9 N S Fig. 1. Map of the sampling stations in the New River EstumT, coastal North Carolina, showing location of major confined animal facilities in the watershed. are u n d e r traditional agriculture while some areas contain n u m e r o u s c o n c e n t r a t e d animal feeding operations (CAFO), particularly swine CAFOs. In 2000 there were 138 registered animal operations with approximately 150,400 h e a d of swine and 868,000 head of poultry in the New River drainage basin (NCDENR 2001). Wastes f r o m CAFO spills and illegal discharges have also polluted this estuary (Burkholder et al. 1997; Mallin 2000). In a 1996 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration survey this estuary was considered one of the four most eutrophic estuaries in the southeastern U.S. (NOAA 1996; Bricker et al. 1999). T h e New River Estuary hosted massive phytoplankton blooms, incidents of bottom-water hypoxia and anoxia, and fish kills caused by low dissolved oxygen (DO) incidents and toxic Pfiesteria outbreaks (Burkholder et al. 1997; Mallin et al. 2000; Glasgow et al. 2001; N C D W Q 2005). T h e m o r p h o l o g y of this system, a series of b r o a d shallow lagoons that are p o o r l y flushed, tends to retain n u t r i e n t s a n d encourage algal b l o o m f o r m a t i o n (Mallin et al. 2000; Ensign et al. 2004). In 1988 the N o r t h Carolina Division of Environmental M a n a g e m e n t 751 declared the New River as nutrient-sensitive waters, so n o new wastewater discharges were to be p e r m i t t e d into Wilson Bay (Holder personal communication). A set of n u t r i e n t addition bioassays was perf o r m e d to assess the nutrients that were m o s t stimulator-/ to p h y t o p l a n k t o n p r o d u c t i o n (using &lanastrum capricornutum monocultures) in three locations near Morgan Bay in J u n e 1989 (NCDEHNR 1990). In those e x p e r i m e n t s n i t r o g e n (N) was d e t e r m i n e d to be the limiting nutrient. Phosphorus (P) was a b u n d a n t in this estuary due to p o i n t source inputs f r o m the 45 permitted point source discharges involving b o t h civilian a n d military wastewater facilities in the c a t c h m e n t (NCDEHNR 1990). In 1990 the total N and P loads to the u p p e r estuary (from Morgan Bay upstream) were estimated at 498,747 and 124,254 kg yr ], respectively ( N C D E H N R 1990). P o i n t s o u r c e d i s c h a r g e s accounted for 65% of the total P load and 49% of the total N load to the estuary (NCDEHNR 1990). Prior to upgrades the Jacksonville and Marine C o r p s sewage t r e a t m e n t plants s u f f e r e d f r o m f r e q u e n t p r o b l e m s and inefficiently treated discharges. In the late 1980s estimated total N load to Wilson Bay f r o m the Jacksonville discharge was 145,570 k g y r ] and estimated total P load was 54,380 kg yr ] (NCDEHNR 1990). In 1995 the City of Jacksonville b e g a n construction of a new 6 million gallon per day (MGD) wastewater t r e a t m e n t facility on 2,511 ha of land 15 km outside the city, and effluent discharge was r e m o v e d f r o m Wilson Bay in M a r c h 1998. T h e new facility consists of primary settling and secondary aeration in large lagoons, f r o m which chlorinated effluent is sprayed alternatively over 8 zones each consisting of 104 h a of pine forest (Holder personal c o m m u n i cation). T h e USMC previously o p e r a t e d 7 t r e a t m e n t plants with a c o m b i n e d flow of 7.4 MGD. Plankton samples collected in the estuary in 1994-1995 showed significantly higher abundances of nontoxic Pfiesteria stages present at the sewage t r e a t m e n t plant outfalls c o m p a r e d with control areas of no outfalls (Burkholder and Glasgow 1997, Fig. 12). These outfalls likely served as nutrient-rich reservoirs for potentially toxic h a r m f u l algae. In November 1998 the wastewater that previously flowed into those plants was consolidated into a single new 15 MGD capacity p l a n t that features biological n u t r i e n t removal. T h e discharge enters the estuary n e a r Channel Marker 39 in Farnell Bay (Fig. 1). T o t a l USMC N l o a d i n g has d e c r e a s e d f r o m 113,500 kg yr ] to 54,480 kg yr ] and total P has decreased f r o m 18,160 k g y r ] to approximately 2,270 kg yr ] (Ashton personal c o m m u n i c a t i o n ) . 752 M . A . Mallin et al. T h e objectives of this research were to spatiallyand temporally assess water quality- conditions in the New River Estuary-, determine the nutrients most limiting to phytoplankton production, and to assess t h e effect o f the wastewater t r e a t m e n t p l a n t upgrades on concentrations of nutrients, chlorophyll a (chl a), DO, a n d o t h e r water qualityparametm~ in both Wilson Bay- and the New River Estuary- as a whole. Methods SAMPLINGAREA Sampling was initiated in N o v e m b e r 1994 at several stations and was continued at approximately monthly intmwals. I n J u l y 1995 a swine waste lagoon breached, p o u r i n g 1.43 • 107 1 of swine waste into the New River, which reached the estuary- located 35 k m downstream of the spill (Burkholder et al. 1997). T h e h o g spill sent a large load of a m m o n i u m and P into the u p p e r estuary-, and caused algal blooms that persisted ~br 3 m o (Burkholder et al. 1997). To avoid potential skewing of the nutrient and chl a data by this event we used (~br the pointsource comparison) only data collected b e g i n n i n g with N o v e m b e r 1995, 6 m o after the spill a n d after its water column and sediment effects had passed (Burkholder et al. 1997). Eight stations have b e e n routinely s a m p l e d since N o v e m b e r 1995 (Fig. 1). T h e hydrology of the New River Estuary- lends itself well to algal bloom ~brmation. This system consists of a series of broad shallow lagoons linked together by narrow channels (Fig. 1). Six of the eight sampling stations were located at n u m b e r e d channel markers (M52, M47, M39, M31, M18, and M15). Wilson Bay (Station WB) ~eeds into Morgan Bay (sampled at Station M47) through a channel sampled at Station M52. Several tributaries including Southwest, Northeast, a n d Wallace Creeks, draining Camp Lejeune and parts of Jacksonville also ~eed into Morgan Bay-. Channel Marker 39 represents the region in Farnell Bay nearest the previous and present treated sewage discharge fi-om the main wastewater treatment plant on C a m p Lejeune; this area also receives drainage fi-om French's Creek. Downstream of Farnell Bay lies Stones Bay (sampled at Station M31), part of which previously (until March 1997) received drainage fi-om a smaller sewage treatment plant located near a rifle range. Station 172 lies in a narrow channel separating Stones Bay fi-om C o m t h o u s e Bay and the lower New River Estuary-. Courthouse Bay previously (until July 1996) received inputs fi-om a small sewage treatment plant. T h e lower portion of the estuary- (Stations M18 and M15) is the best flushed part of the system, as it adjoins the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and receives some exchange with the Atlantic O c e a n near Topsail Island (Fig. 1). FIELD AND LABORATORYMETHODS Sampling was conducted approximately monthly fi-om N o v e m b e r 1995 through August 2002, during ebb tide. Field parameters (water temperature, pH, D O , turbidity, salinity-, a n d conductivity) were m e a s u r e d at each site using a YSI 6920 Multiparameter Water Quality- Sonde linked to a YSI 610D display- unit. YSI Model 85 and 55 D O meters were also u s e d on occasion. T h e i n s m a m e n t s were calibrated prior to each sampling trip to ensure accurate measurements. T h e light attenuation coefficient k was determined fi-om data collected on site using vertical profiles obtained by a Li-Cor LI1000 integrator interfaced with a Li-Cor LI-193S spherical q u a n t u m sensor. When field conditions indicated a potential algal b l o o m in progress (elevated p H or supersaturated D O concentrations) whole water samples were taken ~br qualitative phytoplankton identifications, accomplished in the laboratory- using an Olympus BX50 phase contrast microscope. Potentially harmfill algal specimens (primarily Pfiesteria-like mganisms) were sent to Dr. J. M. Burkholder at N o r t h Carolina State University- ~br identification using electron microscopy. For nitrate + nitrite (hereafter referred to as nitrate) and orthophosphate assessment, 3 replicate acid-washed 125-ml bottles were placed c. 10 cm below the surface, rinsed, filled, capped, and stored on ice until processing. In the laboratory- the triplicate samples were filtered simultaneously t h r o u g h 25 m m G e l m a n A / E glass fiber filters (nominal pore size 1.0 ~tm) using a mani~bld with 3 fimnels. T h e pooled filtrate was stored fi-ozen until analysis. Nitrate and orthophosphate were analyzed using Technicon and Bran and Luebbe AutoAnalyzers ~bllowing U.S. EPA protocols. San,ples ~br a m m o n i u m were collected in duplicate, presmwed with phenol in the field, stored on ice, and analyzed in the laboratory- according to the methods of Parsons et al. (1984). Triplicate samples ~br silicate (hereafter, Si) were collected on site, and reactive Si was measured using the m e t h o d described in Parsons et al. (1984). Chl a concentrations were determined fi-om the filters used ~br filtering samples ~br nitrate and orthophosphate analyses. All filters were wrapped individually in a l u m i n u m ~bil, placed in an airtight container with desiccant, and stored in a freezer. During the analytical process the glass fiber filters were separately i m m e r s e d in 10 ml of 90% acetone. T h e acetone was allowed to extract the chlorophyll fi-om the material ~br 18-24 h. T h e extracted Reversal of Estuarine Eutrophication material was analyzed for chl a concentration using a Turner AU-10 fluorometer (Welschmeyer 1994). 753 August, September, and N o v e m b e r 1995; and February, March, April, May-, and J u n e 1996. NUTRIENT LIMITATIONBIOASSAYEXPERIMENTS STATISTICALANALYSIS We tested the hypothesis that N is the key limiting nutrient in the New River EstualTf-. The basis of these experiments was to add the suspected limiting nutrient in excess to replicated estuarine water samples and determine if the phytoplankton community- in the samples showed a positive response (i.e., chlorophyll or carbon [C] uptake increase). Other possible limiting nutrients (treatments) were tested as well, with a replicated set of control samples incubated to serve as a baseline. The specific design was as follows: water was collected at Station 172 in 25-1 carboys, returned to the laboratoi% and dispensed into 4-1 cubitainers (3 1 per cubitainer). Nutrient treatments were added as follows (expressed as final concentration): no additions (controls), orthophosphate alone (100 ~tg 1 1 or 3.2~tM as P), nitrate alone (200~tgl ~ or 14.3 ~tM as N), combination (200 ~tg 1 a nitrate and 100 ~tg 1 1 o r t h o p h o s p h a t e ) , a n d silica a l o n e (200 ~tg 1 a or 7.1 ~tM as Si). All treatments were conducted in triplicate. After nutrient addition a 10 ~tCi aliquot of 14C-NaHCOs was added to each cubitainer to allow measurement of photosynthetic a4C assimilation as an estimate of algal growth (Rudek et al. 1991; Fisher et al. 1992). Cubitainers were floated on circulating ponds at the University- of North Carolina Wilmington at ambient seawater temperatures. The cubitalners were covered by 2 layers of neutral density- screening to allow solar irradiance penetration of about 30% of that reaching the water surface, to prevent photostress to the phytoplankton (Mallin and Paerl 1992). The cubitalners were kept in motion by constant circular agitation of the p o n d water using a submerged bilge pump. The cubitalners were sampled daily for 3 d for ~4C uptake as follows: a 50ml aliquot was filtered through Whatman 934 AH glass fiber filters. Filters were fumed with hydrochloric acid vapors for 30 min to remove abiotically precipitated a4C, dried, and treated with Ecolume scintillation cocktail. Carbon uptake (a4C activity-) was assayed on a Wallac LKB 1214 Rackbeta liquid scintillation counter. The cubitainers were also sampled daily for chl a content (50-ml samples measured by the fluorometlTf- method of Parsons et al. 1984) and analyzed as above. To minimize bottle effects we restricted the length of the bioassays to 3 d. This length of time was chosen to be appropriate for m e a n i n g f u l statistical comparisons based o n our previous estuarine bioassay experiences. Nutrient limitation bioassays were c o n d u c t e d d u r i n g August a n d November 1994; February-, April, May-, June, July, Statistical analysis of n u t r i e n t limitation test results was performed using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) procedure of analysis of variance (ANOVA). This test uses the means and standard deviations of the response data (chlorophyll concentrations and 14C uptake) and determines if there exists a significant difference (p < 0.05) between the response means of the various nutrient treatments. We used the meal, responses for each cubitalner over the 3-d tests for the analyses. If a difference in response means exists among the treatments, the ANOVA test is fbllowed by treatm e n t ranking by the least significant difference (LSD) procedure (Day- and Q u i n n 1989). We tested the hypothesis that there were no significant differences in parameter concentrations before and after sewage treatment upgrades for individual upper and middle estuaiTf- stations and for the New River Estuary- as a whole. To account for seasonality in nutrient runoff and phytoplankton productivity we compared data for Wilson Bay collected between November 1995 and March 1998 to data collected between November 1998 and March 2002. For all other stations and the New River Estuary- as awhole (the means of all 8 stations) we compared data collected between November 1995 and October 1998 to data collected between November 1998 and October 2002. Before statistical analyses the data sets were tested for normality- using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Water temperature, salinity-, and DO data sets were normally distributed; nutrients, chl a, turbidity-, and hydrological vaiiables required log-transfbrmation before statistical analyses were performed. Differences between parameters befbre and after sewage treatment upgrades were tested using the two-sample t-test with a significance level of p 0.05. Statistical analyses were performed using the SAS (Schlotzhauer and Littell 1997). To help ascertain the relationship among nutrient sources, hydrology, and estuarine responses we perfbrmed correlation analyses among nutrient and chl a concentrations, river discharge, and local rainfall data. Correlations were performed using individual stations and the combined New River Estuary- stations. New River discharge data were obtained from the U.S. Geological Sui~zey, Raleigh, North Carolina, office website http://nc.water.usgs. gov/. We tested both day-of:sampling discharge and average discharge for the 7-d period preceding sampling. Local rainfall data were obtained from the USMC at Camp Lejeune, measured at a station near Stones Bay (Fig. 1). We used total rainfall in 754 M . A . Mallin et al. TABLE1. Nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations (gg 1 ~) by station for the New RiverEstuary, 1995-2002,as mean (+ SD) and range. Station Ammonium Wilson Bay 79.4 (134.1) 1.0-656.0 32.2 (60.6) 1.0-340.0 20.4 (38.5) 1.0-238.0 15.4 (32.0) 1.0-227.0 15.4 (30.7) 1.0-231.0 17.8 (33.5) 1.0-224.0 17.6 (31.7) 2.0-230.0 14.6 (27.2) 1.0-204.0 M52 M47 M39 M31 172 M18 M15 Nitzate Or tlaophosphabe 171.6 (202.6) 1.0-701.0 46.5 (83.9) 1.0-403.0 22.4 (56.1) 1.0-300.0 10.0 (27.8) 1.0-161.0 5.5 (16.4) 1.0-128.0 5.0 (13.2) 1.0-100.0 4.4 (10.2) 1.0-73.0 4.1 (7.1) 1.0-43.0 the 24-h p e r i o d p r e c e d i n g sampling and total rainfall in the 72-h p e r i o d p r e c e d i n g sampling fbr the correlation analyses. Results WATER QUALITYPATTERNSIN THE NEW RIVER ESTUARY N u t r i e n t and chl a concentrations were highest in Wilson Bay- and decreased downstream in order of M52, M47, M39, and M31 (Table 1). Sharp maxima in a m m o n i u m and nitrate were evident in u p p e r stations (Table 1), especially p r i o r to t r e a t m e n t p l a n t upgrades (Fig. 2). Phytoplankton blooms could be extremely dense, with chl a concentrations exceeding 180 gg 1 1 at times in the u p p e r 3 stations (Table 1, Fig. 2). Substantial algal blooms o c c u r r e d as far downstream as M39 in Farnell Bay-. Qualitative examinations of phytoplankton samples indicated that the blooms primarily consisted of diatoms (especially Thalassiosira spp., Nitzs&ia closterium, and Skeletonema costatum), dinoflagellates (especially Heterocapsa triquetra, Prorocentrum minimum, a n d Katodinium rotundatum), and various cryptomonads. During blooms of other taxa elevated numbers of Pfaesteria spp. were periodically noted (during some fish kills this estuary- had tested positive for both toxic Pfiesteria piscicida and P. shumwayae; Glasgow et al. 2001). P. minimum has displayed toxicity- to finfish or shellfish elsewhere (Burkholder 1998), but has not caused fish kills in the New River Estuary-. Bottom-water hypoxia was a p r o b l e m in the u p p e r estuary- (Fig. 2). Long-term average surface DO concentrations at stations WB, M52, M47, and M39 r a n g e d fi-om 8.9 to 9.2 mg 1 1. Long-term average bottom DO concentrations at WB, M52, M47, and M39 were 5.8, 6.7, 7.3 and 7.6 mg 1 1, respectively. Over the course of the study we measured severe hypoxia (defined as DO < 2.0 mg 1 1) in Wilson Bay- 47.0 (48.0) 1.5-321.0 22.1 (28.3) 1.0-127.0 14.4 (18.2) 1.0-87.9 9.0 (13.9) 1.0-73.2 6.5 (10.2) 1.0-81.0 6.2 (9.6) 1.0-79.0 5.7 (7.4) 1.0-59.0 5.3 (6.4) 1.0-51.0 Silicate 1829.2 (1015.6) 43.1-6538.8 1298.7 (814.1) 88.4-4181.2 1154.9 (767.8) 62.0-4192.7 993.7 (702.2) 18.5-3717.4 874.0 (693.6) 7.0-3662.5 729.1 (570.3) 30.8-2572.6 540.8 (475.1) 15.8-1980.1 388.2 (442.3) 5.3-2320.9 Qlalorophy]l a 40.8 (64.4) 1.0-379.3 25.1 (35.2) 1.0-189.4 16.9 (24.8) 1.0-193.1 12.9 (13.3) 1.9-73.0 7.3 (5.6) 1.4-32.0 5.6 (4.4) 1.0-24.8 4.1 (2.7) 1.0-13.4 3.3 (2.0) 1.0-10.1 bottom waters on 9 occasions. Severe hypoxia was m e a s u r e d 5 times at M52 and 2 times each at M47 and M39; severe hypoxia was not e n c o u n t e r e d in bottom waters fi-om M31 downstream to the estuarym o u t h at M15. RESULTS OF NUTRIENT ADDITION BIOASSAYEXPERIMENTS Phytoplankton p r o d u c t i o n as 14C was stimulated by additions of nitrate and the N + P combination on 13 out of 15 e x p e r i m e n t s (Table 2). Chl a p r o d u c t i o n also was stimulated on 14 out of 15 experiments. P alone was stimulatoi T only- in April 1995 and February- 1996, when inorganic N : P ratios were well above 30. Si proved to be a limiting n u t r i e n t in April 1995 just after a diatom bloom. While Si c o n c e n t r a t i o n s averaged 650 ~tg 1 1 at Station 172 t h r o u g h o u t the bioassay study, concentrations fell to undetectable levels in late April when the bioassay was performed. T h e N : P ratios d u r i n g most experiments were below the Redfleld ratio of 16, likely owing to the P c o n t r i b u t i o n s fi-om wastewater discharges. N was the primax T n u t r i e n t limiting phytoplankton p r o d u c t i o n in the New River Estuary-, essentially year-round. EFFECT OF SEWAGE TREATMENTUPGRADES Wilso~ Bay A m m o n i u m concentrations in Wilson Bay- decreased by 81% fbllowing sewage t r e a t m e n t upgrades, a highly significant decrease (p 0.0001). Nitrate concentrations decreased 28%, which was statistically nonsignificant (Fig. 2, TaMe 3). D u r i n g this p e r i o d the average chl a biomass decreased fi-om 76.7 to 20.9 ~tg 1 z, a highly significant decrease (Fig. 2, Table 3). O r t h o p h o s p h a t e concentrations showed a significant 49% decrease fbllowi n g sewage t r e a t m e n t i m p r o v e m e n t s (Fig. 2, Reversal of Estuarine Eutrophication 800 400 +Before T A B L E 2. R e s u l t s o f 1 9 9 4 - 1 9 9 6 n u t r i e n t a d d i t i o n b i o a s s a y experiments showing nutrient treatments y i e l d i n g ~4C a n d c h l o r o p h y l l a r e s p o n s e s s i g n i f i c a n t l y (p < 0 . 0 5 ) g r e a t e r t h a n control. Test water was from Station 172, New River Esmary. na means not available. e . . . A~er 200 y~ax 1994 1995 4OO E 200 1O0 0 Cq ~ 9 ~ 755 9ra 1996 400 ~1 200 MontJa 14C response August November February April May June July August September November February March April May June Clalorophyll a response N, N+P N, N+P N, N+P N+P, Si N, N+P N, N+P N, N+P N, N+P N, N+P N, N+P N, P, N+P N, N+P N, N+P N, N+P N, N+P N, P, N+P, Si N, N+P N, N+P N, N+P N, N+P N, N+P N, N+P N, P, N+P N, N+P N, N+P N, N+P N, N+P Inorganic N : P rno] ax ratio na na 9.3 49.7 49.6 9.5 1.8 7.6 18.1 2.2 37.2 5.3 8.5 4.7 1.5 8 ~00 80 g e o 16 2 0k.. ~ ~ -*.,,'~ ............. ~ ~'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bOJF~I~MJJA~Ot,DJF~/~MJ,ASO'OJF~ANUJASONDJFM~J ,ASQ,~ F~MJ,A $ C N W ~ 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 :~. . . . . . . . & ~ ~ 2001 2002 F i g . 2. C h a n g e s i n a m m o n i u m , nitrate, orthophosphate, c h l o r o p h y l l a, l i g h t a t t e n u a t i o n , a n d b o t t o m d i s s o l v e d o x y g e n b e f o r e a n d a f t e r s e w a g e t r e a t m e n t u p g r a d e s i n W i l s o n Bay. Table 3). Average bottom water DO concentrations increased 0.9 mg 1 1 (not statistically significant due to high variability). Befbre the upgrades severe bottom-water hypoxia was measured on 4 of 27 occasions; severe hypoxia still occurred after sewage upgrades, but at a slightly lesser fi-equency, with 5 out of 45 measurements yielding DO less than 2.0 mg 1 1. The sewage treatment improvements improved water clarity, as light attenuation showed a significant decrease of 27% and turbidity showed a significant decrease of 41% (Fig. 2, Table 3). Some of the turbidity in Wilson Bay-was likely due to phytoplankton biomass, as there was a positive (r 0.334, p 0.017) correlation between turbidity and chl a. Station M52 Station M52, located where the narrow channel into Wilson Bay- opens into the estuary- proper (Fig. 1), showed slight but nonsignificant decreases in a m m o n i u m and nitrate, but statistically significant decreases in orthophosphate (average of 26.318.3 g g P 1 1), chl a (42.8-10.1 g g 1 1), l i g h t attenuation coefficient k (2.3-1.7 m 1), and turbidity (11.2-6.1 NTU). There also was a statistically significant increase in average bottom water DO concentration (6.0-7.4 mg 1 1). Due to its location this station would be affected by improvements in b o t h the Jacksonville and USMC wastewater treatm e n t systems. Mainstem Estuary Stations Station M47 in Morgan Bay- showed highly significant (p 0.0001) decreases in average chl a (27.8-8.2 gg 1 1) and turbidity (8.1-4.7 NTU), but changes in nutrient concentrations were not statistically significant. There was an increase in average b o t t o m water DO c o n c e n t r a t i o n fi-om 7.1 to 7.7 mg 1 1 at this site, a l t h o u g h this was n o t statistically significant. Stations located fbrther downstream did not show decreases in nutrient concentrations or increases in average bottom water DO concentrations. Highly- significant (p 0.0001) decreases in chl a occurred at stations M39 and M31, and turbidity showed a significant (p 0.02) decrease at M39. New River Estuary as a Whole An, m o n i u m concentrations fbr the entire estuary(means of 8 stations) decreased approximately- 41% fbllowing sewage treatment upgrades (nonsignificant, Fig. 3, Table 4). Nitrate decreased on average 26% and orthophosphate decreased just slightly, about 21% (both nonsignificant). These reductions in nutrients translated to an approximate 69%, 756 M . A . Mallin et al. TABLE 3. Changes in Wilson Bay water quality--pre versus post sewage treatment upgrades, November 1995-March 1998 versus November 1998-March ~00~, as mean ( + SD). Nutrient and chlorophyll a data as btg 1 ~, turbidity as NTU, dissolved oxygen data as mg 1 light attenuation as k ~. * Indicates significant (p < 0.05) change; ** indicates highly significant (p < 0.01) change. pazamemr Ammonium Nitrate Orthophosphate Turbidity Chlorophyll a Bottom dissolved oxygen Light attenuation ]De-upgrades 168.4 ~35.8 67.~ 15.0 76.7 5.5 3.3 0995 1998) Post upgrades (187.8) (~33.0) (64.4) (8.3) (94.3) (3.0) (1.0) h i g h l y s i g n i f i c a n t (p 0.0001) d e c r e a s e in chl a (Fig. 3). T u r b i d i t y s h o w e d a n e s t u a r y - w i d e s i g n i f i c a n t d e c r e a s e as well, a n d a v e r a g e b o t t o m water DO showed a nonsignificant increase of 0.2 m g 1 ~ ( T a b l e 4). F o l l o w i n g t h e 1998 sewage t r e a t m e n t i m p r o v e m e n t s t h e N o r t h C a r o l i n a Division o f M a r i n e Fisheries was a b l e to r e o p e n 122 h a o f s h e l l f i s h i n g waters p r e v i o u s l y c l o s e d d u e to e l e v a t e d fecal c o l i f b r m b a c t e r i a l o a d i n g . 3~.0 170.9 34.5 8.9 18.8 6.4 ~.4 % change (36.1) (185.8) (3~.4) (4.5) (14.8) (3.3) (0.7) 81%** ~8% 49%** 41%** 75%** +16% ~7%** t i o n b e t w e e n local rainfall a n d o r t h o p h o s p h a t e , b u t n o t N variables ( T a b l e 7). Discussion Decomposing phytoplankton can be an import a n t s o u r c e o f B O D in coastal w a t e r b o d i e s p r o n e to algal b l o o m s (NRC 1 9 9 3 ) . I n a n u m b e r o f lakes, rivers, a n d estuaries in N o r t h C a r o l i n a ( M a l l i n et al. 2005) and elsewhere (Heiskary and Markus 2001) HYDROLOGICAL FORCING AND NUTRIENT SOURCES W h e r e a s a m m o n i u m a n d o r t h o p h o s p h a t e dec r e a s e d c o n s i d e r a b l y in W i l s o n Bay- a n d various stations in t h e u p p e r N e w River Estuary-, n i t r a t e d e c r e a s e d o n l y slightly o r n o t at all. W e p e r f o r m e d c o r r e l a t i o n analyses to h e l p assess n u t r i e n t sources t h a t may- b e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h h y d r o l o g i c a l variables (i.e., r i v e r d i s c h a r g e a n d l o c a l rain~M1). M o s t n u t r i e n t variables t e s t e d w e r e positively c o r r e l a t e d with river d i s c h a r g e a n d n e g a t i v e l y c o r r e l a t e d with salinity- in W i l s o n Bay- a n d M 5 2 ( T a b l e 5). N i t r a t e s h o w e d a p a r t i c u l a r l y s t r o n g c o r r e l a t i o n with river d i s c h a r g e . T h i s i n d i c a t e s t h a t u p s t r e a m sources play a n i m p o r t a n t post-sewage t r e a t m e n t u p g r a d e r o l e in n u t r i e n t delivery to t h e estuary. T h e r e was a w e a k inverse c o r r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n r i v e r d i s c h a r g e a n d chl a, i n d i c a t i n g t h a t h i g h flow (river-like o r lotic) physical c o n d i t i o n s are n o t immediately- c o n d u c i v e to p h y t o p l a n k t o n b l o o m ~bm~ation. L o c a l rainfall, m e a s u r e d n e a r S t o n e ' s Bay- (Fig. 1), was weakly c o r r e l a t e d with n i t r a t e at M52 a n d weakly c o r r e l a t e d with o r t h o p h o s p h a t e at b o t h u p p e r stations, ind i c a t i n g t h a t l o c a l i z e d ~nanoff is p r o b a b l y a m i n o r n u t r i e n t s o u r c e to t h e u p p e r estuary- ( T a b l e 5). T h e M o r g a n Bay- a n d F a r n e l l Bay- stations ( M 4 7 and M39) generally showed strong correlations between river discharge and nitrate but much w e a k e r c o r r e l a t i o n s with a m m o n i u m a n d n o n e with Si ( T a b l e 6). L o c a l rainfM1 was weakly c o r r e l a t e d with o r t h o p h o s p h a t e c o n c e n t r a t i o n s at M 4 7 a n d M 3 9 as well. T h r o u g h o u t t h e estuary t h e r e w e r e s t r o n g c o r r e l a t i o n s b e t w e e n river d i s c h a r g e a n d nitrate and weaker correlations between river discharge and ammonium and orthophosphate ( T a b l e 7). T h e r e was also a n estuary-wide correla- (1998~2002) 25O g aoo~ ~ z 150t ~ o : 1~176 I Before :~ 9 o. 9 A~er ca 100 D- 60 f 80 a: O 2 40 3O ~ *0 co o~a%9 00 $ ~Dj r M ~ ~Ag0N00 ~,l~a J JASONDJ r ~ 1996 1997 J J~ SO.C J ~ 1998 0oo8o0 o 6 c~ce J JA SO~0J ~ 1999 %.~ao ,4%ooa~ J J ~ SOlD J ~AU J J~ ~ m ~ ~.l~a J JAS 2000 2001 2002 Fig. B. Changes in ammonium, nitrate, orthophosphate, chlorophyll a, and light attenuation before and after sewage treatment upgrades in the New River Estuary, means of eight stations. Reversal of Estuarine Eutrophication 757 TABLE 4. Changes in New River Esmary water quality (means of eight stations)--pre versus post sewage treatment upgrades, November 1995-October 1998 versus November 1998-October 2002, as mean (+ SD). Nutrient and chlorophyll a data as btg 1 ~, mrbidity as NTU, dissolved oxygen data as mg 1 ~, and light attenuation data as k m ~. * Indicates significant (p < 0.05) change; ** indicates highly significant (p < 0.01) change. DIN dissolved inorganic nitrogen; DIP dissolved inorganic phosphorus. pazamemr ]De-upgrades (1995 1998) Ammonium Nitrate Orthophosphate Tm'bidity DIN : DIP 34.3 39.2 16.4 10.3 12.6 5.7 23.4 7.3 1.8 Chlorophyll a Bottom dissolved oxygen Light attenuation Postupgrades (1998 2002) (47.2) (49.8) (12.7) (5.5) mean median (16.4) (1.9) (0.6) c h l a h a s b e e n s t r o n g l y c o r r e l a t e d w i t h B O D . If we c o n v e r t p h y t o p l a n k t o n c h l a b i o m a s s to p h y t o p l a n k ton carbon biomass using a rough conversion factor o f 50 ( R i e m a n n et al. 1 9 8 9 ) , we s e e a n a v e r a g e d e c r e a s e i n W i l s o n Bay- p h y t o p l a n k t o n C fl-om 3 . 8 3 5 to 1.045 m g C 1 1, o r a n a p p r o x i m a t e 7 3 % d e c r e a s e in labile phytoplankton C t h a t was p r e v i o u s l y a v a i l a b l e as a s o u r c e o f B O D . T h e a m o u n t o f B O D demanding material decreased considerably, contributing toward the increase in bottom water DO (Fig. 2, T a b l e 3). M a x i m a l i m p r o v e m e n t may- t a k e t i m e , b e c a u s e t h e o r g a n i c r e s i d u e t - o r e years o f major algal blooms may contribute toward sediment o x y g e n d e m a n d i n W i l s o n Bay-. A n i m p o r t a n t secondary- r e s u l t o f t h e s e w a g e treatment upgrades was the improvement in w a t e r clarity. S i g n i f i c a n t d e c r e a s e s i n t u r b i d i t y and light attenuation were realized in the upper e s t u a r y a n d t h e r e was a 2 2 % d e c r e a s e i n t h e a v e r a g e l i g h t a t t e n u a t i o n c o e f f i c i e n t estuary-wide. 20.4 29.1 13.0 7.1 14.5 7.5 7.3 7.5 1.4 (28.8) (35.8) (15.1) (2.6) mean median (3.4) (1.9) (0.3) % change 41% 26% 21% 31%** +15% +32% 69%* +3% 22% This should allow for improved submersed aquatic v e g e t a t i o n (SAV) habitat, and the estuary w o u l d b e n e f i t f r o m f u t u r e r e s t o r a t i o n efforts in the form of SAV plantings. Since high light and low nitrate conditions are required for SAV habitat, r e s t o r a t i o n efforts may- o n l y b e f e a s i b l e i n t h e l o w e r estuary-. P h y t o p l a n k t o n b l o o m s d o c o n t i n u e to o c c u r in t h e N e w R i v e r E s t u a r y a l t h o u g h w i t h m u c h less f l - e q u e n c y a n d m a g n i t u d e t h a n i n years b e f o r e t h e u p g r a d i n g o f s e w a g e t r e a t m e n t (Fig. 3). A v e r a g e b o t t o m w a t e r D O c o n c e n t r a t i o n s h a v e i n c r e a s e d in upper estuary stations and bottom-water maximal DO concentrations h a v e i n c r e a s e d as well, b u t p e r i o d s o f s e v e r e b o t t o m w a t e r h y p o x i a still o c c u r at t i m e s (Fig. 2) i n d i c a t i n g t h a t m o r e i m p r o v e m e n t e f f o r t s a r e n e e d e d . P u l s e s o f n i t r a t e c o n t i n u e to o c c u r i n W i l s o n Bay a n d s o m e o f t h e o t h e r u p p e r estuary- s t a t i o n s (Figs. 2 a n d 3). N i t r a t e , a n d to a lesser extent ammonium and orthophosphate, are TABLE 5. Correlation coefficients between hydrological variables and nutrients for upper New River Estuary stations, 1998-2002. Flowday river discharge on day of sample collection; Flow7 mean fiver discharge for week preceding sample collection; Rainday total rainfall in 24-h period preceding sample day; and Rain3d total rainfall in 72-h period preceding sample day. pazamemrs Salinity l~owday l~ow7 0.371 0.0080 0.701 0.0001 0.324 0.0204 0.357 0.0009 0.688 0.0001 0.347 0.0127 0.357 0.0109 0.420 0.0050 0.649 0.0001 0.440 0.0032 0.616 0.0001 0.318 0.0356 Ralnday Ralngd Wilson Bay Aininoniuin Nitrate Phosphate Silicate 0.636 0.0001 0.386 0.0052 0.433 0.0017 0.334 0.0165 M52 AIilIi~oniuIn Nitrate Phosphate Silicate 0.678 0.0001 0.411 0.0056 0.508 0.0005 0.298 0.0490 0.319 0.0349 758 M . A . Mallin et al. TABLE 6. Correlation coefficients between hydrological variables and nutrients for mid to upper New River Estuary stations, 1998-2002. Flowday river discharge on day of sample collection;Flow7 mean river discharge for weekpreceding sample collection; Rainday total rainfall in 24-h period preceding sample day; and Rain3d total rainfall in 72-h period preceding sample day. parameters M47 Ammonium Nitrate Phosphate Silicate Sa/inlty 0.320 0.0360 0.505 0.0005 0.425 0.0040 0.443 0.0030 Iqowday Iqow7 0.547 0.0001 0.416 0.0050 0.584 0.0001 0.327 0.0300 0.302 0.0464 0.371 0.0144 0.611 0.0001 0.299 0.0487 0.317 0.0361 M39 Ammonium Nitrate Phosphate 0.476 0.0011 0.311 0.0400 0.425 0.0040 significantly- c o r r e l a t e d with river d i s c h a r g e . I n p u t s fi-om t h e u p p e r w a t e r s h e d appeal- to b e t h e c a u s e o f t h e n u t r i e n t pulses t h a t o c c u r in t h e p o s t s e w a g e t r e a t m e n t u p g r a d e p e r i o d . S t o r m w a t e r i x m o f f fi-om t h e i m m e d i a t e vicinity- o f t h e estuary- a p p e a r s to b e a minor source of nutrients. Before the upgrades the median inorganic N : P ratio was well b e l o w t h e R e d f l e l d ratio o f 16 a n d t h e m e a l , N : P ratio was s o m e w h a t b e l o w it. N : P ratios well b e l o w 16 are g e n e r a l l y c o n s i d e r e d i n d i c a t i v e o f N l i m i t a t i o n o f p h y t o p l a n k t o n growth. O u r experim e n t s ( T a b l e 2) i n d i c a t e d t h a t t h e N R E was strongly N l i m i t e d b e f b r e wastewater t r e a t m e n t u p g r a d e s . T h e p r e s e n t N : P ratios ( T a b l e 4) a r e s i m i l a r to t h o s e b e f o r e sewage u p g r a d e s , so t h e system is still N l i m i t e d , m e a n i n g N i n p u t s are likely to s t i m u l a t e p h y t o p l a n k t o n growth. S i n c e r i v e r d i s c h a r g e at p r e s e n t a p p e a r s to b e t h e p r i n c i p a l s o u r c e o f n i t r a t e ( T a b l e s 5, 6, a n d 7), we c o n c l u d e t h a t n i t r a t e p u l s e s fi-om u p p e r w a t e r s h e d n o n p o i n t sources are likely d r i v i n g t h e p r e s e n t algal b l o o m s . A n a n a l o g o u s s i t u a t i o n o c c u r r e d in T a m p a Bay-, Florida, w h e r e t h e w e l l - d o c u m e n t e d e s t u a r i n e i m p r o v e m e n t s , s u c h as R~inday R~ingd algal b l o o m d e c r e a s e s a n d seagrass c o v e r increases, w e r e r e v e r s e d f b r a p e r i o d in t h e late 1990s as a result of increased nonpoint source N inputs d u r i n g a p r o l o n g e d wet p e r i o d ( ] o h a n s s o n a n d Greening 2000). T o c o n t i n u e w a t e r quality- i m p r o v e m e n t s in t h e N e w River it w o u l d b e p l x l d e n t to c o n c e n t r a t e o n n o n p o i n t s o u r c e n u t r i e n t r e d u c t i o n , p a r t i c u l a r l y in t h e u p p e r w a t e r s h e d . A m a j o r l a n d use in t h e u p p e r N e w R i v e r w a t e r s h e d is i n d u s t r i a l i z e d l i v e s t o c k p r o d u c t i o n , w i t h 138 r e g i s t e r e d C A F O s i n t h e c a t c h m e n t (Fig. 1). T h e s e facilities c a n c o n t r i b u t e n u t r i e n t i n p u t s to n e a r b y streams t h r o u g h l a g o o n l e a k a g e , spraylield, ixmoff a n d s u b s u r f a c e d r a i n a g e , a c c i d e n t s , a n d illegal d i s c h a r g e s ( B u r k h o l d e r et al. 1997; M a l l i n 2 0 0 0 ) , a n d call c o n t r i b u t e a i r b o r n e ammonium to w a t e r b o d i e s as f a r as 80 k m d o w n w i n d ( W a l k e r et al. 2 0 0 0 ) . Tactics t h a t c o u l d r e d u c e n u t r i e n t e x p o r t fi-om t h e s e facilities i n c l u d e installation of mixed-vegetation buffer zones along a d j o i n i n g s t r e a m b e d s , constlxlction o f e n g i n e e r e d w e t l a n d s to e n h a n c e d e n i t r i f i c a t i o n , a n d u s e o f w a s t e w a t e r t r e a t m e n t systems to r e m o v e n u t r i e n t s TABLE 7. Correlation coefficients between hydrological variables and nutrients for means of 8 New River Estuary stations, 1998-2002. Flowday river discharge on day of sample collection;Flow7 mean river discharge for weekpreceding sample collection; Rainday total rainfall in 24-h period preceding sample day; and Rain3d total rainfall in 72-h period preceding sample day. parameters Ammonium Niu'ate Phosphate Silicate Salinity ]~owday ]~ow7 0.264 0.0001 0.552 0.0001 0.501 0.0001 0.614 0.0001 0.316 0.0001 0.396 0.0008 0.137 0.0092 0.372 0.0001 0.459 0.0001 0.199 0.0001 R~Snday R~Sngd 0.125 0.0130 0.117 0.0270 0.136 0.0104 0.204 0.0001 0.188 0.0001 Reversal of Estuarine Eutrophication (i.e., biological nutrient removal). Since this estuaryis o n l y s l o w l y f l u s h e d a n d s u b j e c t t o s t r a t i f i c a t i o n and potential bottom water hypoxia, continued efforts to reduce nutrient inputs are especially critical. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS F o r f u n d i n g we t h a n k the following sources: the University of N o r t h Carolina Water Resources Research Institute (Project #70136), the Center for Applied Aquatic Ecology at N o r t h Carolina State University, the University of N o r t h Carolina at Wilmington, a n d the U.S. Marine Coq)s at Camp Lejeune. For facilitation we t h a n k Mr. Brynn Ashton, Mr. Scott Brewer, Dr. J o A n n Burkholder, Dr. Lawrence Cahoon, Ms. Marian McPhaul, Dr. James Merritt, a n d Mr. Rick Shiver. For field a n d laboratory assistance we t h a n k Scott Ensign, Tara MacPher~on, Christian Preziosi, Chris Shank, Ashley Skeen, and Ellen W a m b a c h a n d for data analysis help we t h a n k Maverick Raber a n d Lisa Thatcher. We t h a n k Holly Greening a n d two anonymous reviewers for helpful manuscript comments. LITERATURE CITED ALBERT, R. C. 1987. T h e historical context of water quality m a n a g e m e n t for the Delaware estuary. Estuaries 11:99-107. ANnERSON, D. 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SOURCES OF UNPUBLISHED MATERIALS AS~ITON, B. personal commnnication. Environmental Managem e n t Department, Marine Corps Base, PSC Box 20004, Camp Lejenne, N o r t h Carolina 28542-0004. HOLDER, R. personal commnnication. City of Jacksonville Pnblic Services D e p a r t m e n t , P. O. Box 128, Jacksonville, N o r t h Carolina 28541. Received, February 18, 2005 Revised, rune 7, 2005 Accepted, rune 28, 2005