Math 2250-010 Wed Mar 19 , Discuss section 5.5 variation of parameters method for finding particular solutions is at the end of Monday's notes, and we may use it to do one of the exercises today. This method for finding particular solutions works no matter the right hand side, assuming one has already found a basis of solutions to the associate linear differential equation. It can be more difficult computationally than the method of undetermined coefficients, however. Then begin Section 5.6: forced oscillations in mechanical (and electrical) systems overview: We study solutions x t to m x##C c x#C k x = F0 cos w t using section 5.5 undetermined coefficients algorithms. , undamped c = 0 : In this case the complementary homogeneous differential equation for x t is m x##C k x = 0 k x##C x=0 m 2 x##C w0 x = 0 which has simple harmonic motion solutions xH t = c1 cos w0 t C c2 sin w0 t = C0 cos w0 t K a . So for the non-homongeneous DE the section 5.5 method of undetermined coefficients implies we can find particular and general solutions as follows: k , w s w0 d 0 xP = A cos w t because only even derivatives, we don't need m sin w t terms !! 0 x = xP C xH = A cos w t C C0 cos w0 t K a 0 . , w s w0 but w z w0 , A z C0 Beating! , w = w0 case 2 section 5.5 undetermined coefficients; since 2 p r = r2 C w0 = r C iw0 1 r K iw0 1 our undetermined coefficients guess is xP = t1 A cos w0 t C B sin w0 t 0 x = xP C xH = C t cos w t K a C C0 cos w0 t K a 0 . ("pure" resonance!) , damped c O 0 : in all cases xP = A cos w t C B sin w t = C cos w t K a (because the roots of the characteristic polynomial are never G i w when c O 0 ). , underdamped: x = xP C xH = C cos w t K a C eKp t C1 cos w1 t K a 1 . , critically-damped: x = xP C xH = C cos w t K a C eKp t c1 t C c2 . , over-damped: Kr t x = xP C xH = C cos w t K a C c1 e 1 Kr t C c2 e 2 . , in all three cases on the previous page, xH t /0 exponentially and is called the transient solution xtr t (because it disappears as t/N). xP t as above is called the steady periodic solution xsp t (because it is what persists as t/N, and because it's periodic). F0 , if c is small enough and w z w0 then the amplitude C of xsp t can be large relative to , and m the system can exhibit practical resonance. This can be an important phenomenon in electrical circuits, where amplifying signals is important. Forced undamped oscillations: Exercise 1a) Solve the initial value problem for x t : x##C 9 x = 80 cos 5 t x 0 =0 x# 0 = 0 . 1b) This superposition of two sinusoidal functions is periodic because there is a common multiple of their (shortest) periods. What is this (common) period? 1c) Compare your solution and reasoning with the display at the bottom of this page. > with plots : > plot1 d plot K5$cos 5$t , t = 0 ..10, color = green, style = point : plot2 d plot 5$cos 3$t , t = 0 ..10, color = blue, style = point : plot3 d plot K5$cos 5$t C 5$cos 3$t , t = 0 ..10, color = black : display plot1, plot2, plot3 , title ='superposition' ; superposition 8 4 0 K4 K8 2 4 t 6 8 10 In general: There is an interesting beating phenomenon for w z w0 (but still with w s w0 ). This is explained analytically via trig identities, and is familiar to musicians in the context of superposed sound waves (which satisfy the homogeneous linear "wave equation" partial differential equation): cos a K b K cos a C b = cos a cos b C sin a sin b K cos a cos b K sin a sin b = 2 sin a sin b . 1 1 Set a = w C w0 t, b = w K w0 t in the identity above, to rewrite the first term in x t as a 2 2 product rather than a difference: F xt = 0 2 2 m w K w0 2 sin 1 2 w C w0 t sin v 1 0 w K w t C x cos w t C sin w0t 0 0 2 0 w0 . In this product of sinusoidal functions, the first one has angular frequency and period close to the original angular frequencies and periods of the original sum. But the second sinusoidal function has small angular frequency and long period, given by 1 4p angular frequency: w K w0 , period: . 2 w K w0 We will call half that period the beating period, as explained by the next exercise: 2 F0 2p beating period: , beating amplitude: 2 2 w K w0 m w Kw . 0 Exercise 2a) Use one of the formulas on the previous page to write down the IVP solution x t to x##C 9 x = 80 cos 3.1 t x 0 =0 x# 0 = 0 . 2b) Compute the beating period and amplitude. Compare to the graph shown below. > plot 262.3$sin 3.05$t sin .05$t , t = 0 ..100, color = black, title = `beating` ; beating 200 0 K200 20 40 60 t Resonance: (You can also get this solution by letting w/w0 in the beating formula.) 80 100 Exercise 3a) Solve the IVP x##C 9 x = 80 cos 3 t x 0 =0 x# 0 = 0 . Either use the general solution formula above this exercise and substitute in the appropriate values for the various terms, or use this as a chance to practice variation of parameters for the particular solution. 3b) Compare the solution graph below with the beating graph in exercise 2. > plot 40 3 t$sin 3$ t , t = 0 ..40, color = black, title = `resonance` ; resonance 400 0 K400 > 10 20 t 30 40 Damped forced oscillations c O 0 for x t : m x##C c x#C k x = F0 cos w t Undetermined coefficients for xP t : k xP = A cos w t C B sin w t C c xP #=KA w sin w t C B w cos w t 2 2 C m xP ##=KA w cos w t K B w sin w t . _________________________________________ 2 L xP = cos w t k ACc B wKm A w 2 C sin w t k BKc A wKm B w . Collecting and equating coefficients yields the matrix system kKm w 2 Kc w cw A kKm w B 2 F0 = , 0 which has solution A B = kKm w 1 kKm w 2 2 2 C c2w 2 cw Kc w F0 kKm w 2 F0 = 0 kKm w kKm w 2 2 C c2w 2 2 cw In amplitude-phase form this reads xP = A cos w t C B sin w t = C cos w t K a with F0 C= . (Check!) kKm w cos a = 2 2 C c2w 2 kKm w kKm w sin a = 2 2 2 C c2w 2 cw kKm w 2 2 . 2 C c2w And the general solution x t = xP t C xH t is given by x = xsp C xtr = C cos w t K a C eKp t C1 cos w1 t K a 1 . , underdamped: , critically-damped: x = xsp C xtr = C cos w t K a C eKp t c1 t C c2 . , over-damped: Important to note: Kr t x = xsp C xtr = C cos w t K a C c1 e F0 1 Kr t C c2 e 2 . if w z w0 and c z 0 , because the m denominator will then be close to zero. This phenomenon is practical resonance. , The phase angle a is always in the first or second quadrant. , The amplitude C in xsp can be quite large relative to Exercise 4) ( a cool M.I.T. video.) Here is practical resonance in a mechanical mass-spring demo. Notice that our math on the previous page exactly predicts when the steady periodic solution is in-phase and when it is out of phase with the driving force, for small damping coefficient c! Namely, for c small, when 2 2 2 2 w !! w0 we have a near zero (in phase) for xsp ,because sin a z 0, cos a z 1; when w OO w0 we have a near p (out of phase), because sin a z 0, cos a zK1; for w z w0 , a is near p , 2 because sin a z 1, cos a z 0 . Exercise 5) Solve the IVP for x t : x##C 2 x#C 26 x = 82 cos 4 t x 0 =6 x# 0 = 0 . Solution: x t = 41 cos 4 t K a C 10 eKt cos 5 t K b a = arctan 0.8 , b = arctan K3 . > with DEtools : > dsolve x## t C 2$x# t C 26$x t = 82$cos 4$t , x 0 = 6, x# 0 = 0 ; x t = K3 eKt sin 5 t C eKt cos 5 t C 5 cos 4 t C 4 sin 4 t (1) Practical resonance: The steady periodic amplitude C for damped forced oscillations (two pages back) is F0 C w = . kKm w Notice that as w/0, C w / F0 k 2 2 C c2w 2 and that as w/N, C w /0. The precise definition of practical resonance occuring is that C w have a global maximum greater than F0 k , on the interval 0 ! w !N . 2 (Because the expression inside the square-root, in the denominator of C w is quadratic in w it will have 2 at most one minimum in the variable w , so C w will have at most one maximum for non-negative w. It will either be at w = 0 or for w O 0, and the latter case is practical resonance.) Exercise 2a) Compute C w for the damped forced oscillator equation related to the previous exercise, except with varying damping coefficient c: x##C c x#C 26 x = 82 cos w t . 2b) Investigate practical resonance graphically, for c = 2 and for some other values as well. Then use Calculus to test verify practical resonance when c = 2. > with plots : 82 > C d w, c / 2 2 : 2 26 K w C c2 $w > plot C w, 2 , w = 0 ..20, color = black, title = `practical resonance when c=2` ; practical resonance when c=2 8 5 3 1 0 > 5 10 w 15 20 The mechanical-electrical analogy, continued: Practical resonance is usually bad in mechanical systems, but good in electrical circuits when signal amplification is a goal....recall from earlier in the course: Kirchoff's Law: The sum of the voltage drops around any closed circuit loop equals the applied voltage V t (volts). 1 For Q t : L Q ## t C R Q # t C Q t = V t = E0 sin w t C 1 For I t : L I## t C R I# t C I t = V# t = E0 w cos w t . C Transcribe the work on steady periodic solutions from the preceding pages! The general solution for I t is I t = Isp t C Itr t . Isp t = I0 cos w t K a = I0 sin w t K g , g = a K F0 C w = kKm w 2 2 C c2w 0 I0 w = The denominator 1 KL w Cw 2 2 E0 w 0 I0 w = 1 2 KL w C E0 1 KL w Cw p . 2 2 C R2 w 2 . 2 C R2 C R2 of I0 w is called the impedance Z w of the circuit (because the larger the impedance, the smaller the amplitude of the steady-periodic current that flows through the circuit). Notice that for fixed resistance, the impedance is minimized and the steady periodic current 1 amplitude is maximized when = L w , i.e. Cw 1 C= if L is fixed and C is adjustable (old radios). 2 Lw 1 L= if C is fixed and L is adjustable 2 Cw Both L and C are adjusted in this M.I.T. lab demonstration: