Name________________________ Student I.D.___________________ Math 2250-4 Quiz 11 SOLUTIONS April 12, 2013 1a) Use the methods we've been discussing to find the general solution to the system of differential equations x# t = y# t 0 1 x K8 K6 y . (8 points) 0Kl K8 1 K6 K l 2 = l lC6 C8 = l C6 lC8 = lC4 l =K4 the homogeneous system is 4 1 0 K8 K2 0 l =K2 the homogeneous system is 2 1 0 K8 K4 0 / / 4 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0v= 0v= lC2 1 K4 1 . K2 Thus the general solution is x t y t = c1 eK4 t 1 K4 C c2 eK2 t 1 K2 . 1b) For any solution x t , y t T to the first order system of DEs above, what is the second order differential equation satisfied by x t ? (2 points) The first order system reads x# t = y y# t =K8 x K 6 y . Thus x##= y#=K8 x K 6 y =K8 x K 6 x# . We can also write this DE in the usual form for an unforced undamped mechanical or electrical system x##C 6 x#C 8 x = 0 . (And we continued this discussion in class after the quiz, remarking once again on the correspondence between Chapter 5 and Chapter 7, in the cases where first order systems of DE's arise from converting nth order linear DE's to systems of n first order linear DE's.)