t g.n -0.. Nu*"......J-..?..L. N.,: ( I.D. number Math 22SA-l Practice Final Exam (Mostry *" 3ffiff""1*1,** zoo4) This examis closed-bookandclosed-note.You may usea scientific calculator,but not one which is capableof graphingor of solving differcntial or linear algebraequations.IntegraltablesandLaplace TransformTablesarc includedwith this eftlm. In order to reeeiyefull or prrdal crcdlt on any pnoblem,you muct show ell of your wor* andjusify your comlusions. This examcountsfor 3A%of your cour$egrade. It hasbeenwritten so that thereare200 pointspossible,however,andthe point valuesfor eachproblemare indicatedin the right-handmargin. Good Luckl l) Considerthe differential equation P' (t ; = -P 2 + 7 P -rc lai Find the equilibrium solutionsof this differential equation. P'lfl = - (faZf * rd =- (P-s)e-t (2 points) ? *2,5 (fh"s. 1,* .t 5 z o z -olg 5 o t -rl 3 z + c IL 4 o lc) Classifytheequilibriumsolutionsasbeingstableor unstable. P = 2 is .^'sl4k F =5 i:, s{oLtr (au.^t tf'-tt (4 points) ) ld) Use separationof variablesto solvethe initial valueproblem P' (g = -P 2 + ' 1 P -1 0 &0)=4 forP(t). (15 points) ?2: -*' e-tL P-z ?-s, (r-4(-tc-tb) (t+;at{)= 5+e-3t s, @t . o : d r r il., ? ( tta S * L ^o rbt ' I " 4r/ 7L p - : f-=v -{ h {-L le) AOO(or higltligh$ the graphof your solutionto (1c) to the slopefield picture in (lb). Verify below that your formula for P(t) givesyou the limit predictedby the slopefield, asP approachesinfinity. (5 points) [iL-ao 5 * e-\E I r!6 . 1 t -?5 l+ o 4 r (Jl^t{3 {'.-t- ,"^4{- grcL-c a^- Y"* 1. ?al A small motorboatwith passengerhastotal massof 150kilograms,and its motor is able t, of boatvelocity. UseNewton'slaw to explainwhy (while the mo\ differential equation I lv u'(t)=; - wvt = r.r} [^*s 30 (5 points) ls o v t ; 5 o + b .50 vt 2 I) z -5( So-Sv sc r', t- iort = thn 2c) Solvethe IMTIAL VALUEPROBLEM forthe boat'svelocity,assumingtheboatstartsat rest. You areto solve it TWO of the following FOUR different ways,your choice.-your choicesare (I) FIRST ORDER LINEAR (asin Chaptert) (rI) SEPARABLE (IlI) NTH ORDER LINEAR (with N=1) (as in Chapter5, with particularand homogeneous partsto the solution) (rv) LAPLACE TRANSFORM. (20 points) If you makemultiple anemptsyou must indicateclearly which two areto countfor grading. -L+ 3 c- r = { v ' * fo u i lvrot,o f,r ("'* e a i, ,") =s v s lO v( o ) : dY: - (u-r) *. d+ -4g. -fo4t v-lo e3 tr , ) r_t 3 .i't .+r It: . ,*t, T) -t = i€ +cj to e ir J-& 3tl ' *to + c 4 (=-tD tt v: to * C.- II!a'!{:^J v ( o ) c O { C= - lD uG;i,u +u g ,r'+ tou = J.t v =rp * vrt / Jf -{o*f v(s1= l5 fut sV(s) Ugtt:r+{o.g ,*'" j: g,o " +nYe= a '?'=o vrtrfov=o* c .L gaw 5 o V: tO + V(e)=*(fur) i3'(+- iE.) Vti) 703 4 V[e)(s*fi)=t + ? rq_lg TT.' c;?r s s +'6o v [tl vto\ : O * 1 ( = -l o rod *t 2d) How long does it take the boat to accelerate from rest to half of its terminal velocity? (5 point$) S nt"e-vtt): fto:5 t lo-rbitt =5 5'lodf't .5'{t" t ,o^ts) = -!rb + = -lo !*'('s) = 3O !t-z( % 2o.8 v.) 3) Considerthis initial valueproblem,whichcould ariseasa springproblemwith forcedoscillations: x' '(t>+4 x=3 co{z t) x{0)= 1 x ' (0 ) = t 3a) If this vrasmodelinga singlemassand2 sp$nsconfieurationasshownbelow,and if the massm yas I kg, what value (AND UNIT$ffffi-guEdnrt*t k would leadto the differential equationabove? (4Points) F}*ti*.5-f H yr**ll: * ta1 'a -Zh lr':,[: lt) - kx npqf * + Frt) ,.tt v z[x .F v/v'- 3b) Solvethe initial value problemabove,USING LAPLACE TRANSFORMS.(Hint: usethe tableyou havebeenprovided with to do the inverseLaplacetransformations.) (16points) x " + *x = 3*s zt .2f X t r \ - i- 2 + + X (s )=J 5 st+tl XI'r(*++)=tfr* + s +2* Xk)=dh.-fo"fu sin zb $ b sa L + str tl.t \r+x l , t ) = 3 t t t\ -#- ,fe,bh V"4 3c) What hsppensto th€ solutionto tris problemasr increases?\I/hat physical phenomenon is exhibitedin this forcedoscillationproblem? (5 points) l, \r-escr^a-r^<^c- W" f"*rrl. of *L^-( A"l k*) , auJ C{J^. h** t.". "*if"Lot {vohrrrS,'**b ir"t'r'^'t-- 4) Considerthe homogeneous linear differential equationfor a function x(t): x, , ,( t ) + 2 x , ' (t )+ 5 x ' (t ) = 0 4a) What is the dimensionof the solutionspaceto this differcntial equation? (5 points) \^A 4b) Find a basisfor the solutionsto this DE. (10 points) 1. y (r l = l ' t r r 2 r L + 5 r ' - o = r ( *+2..k 5) / \ \, 4=o\o. Q+,,1-* ts:o t'.J"=-? / {,I t)' r t\? t2 i I ts=-\tu 5o v=-zl'lF =-t{"; e(-t+z*)t = i+ Gs rL + ;sirnrt) L,, tL^rrL, /t *rt\ is ct b oh). 4c) Find the generalsolution to the differential equation x'' '(t) + 2 x ' ' (t )+ 5 x ' (t ) = l$ xH = (r+ 6e-Lt*srL+ge't s;nrb (10 points) XP= Ct 't I tr*,.r,,t C s'f"+ 16' + \'= c f,= t'n','= o s" L*? * oro tq C-rl? L'z \* !E K :2 + c ,+ tE -Lt CrC 6SLL * qe 5,i^?-b 5) Considerthe matrix A definedby ^[:i] 5a) Find the characteristic polynomial and factor it to find the eigenvalues of A. (Hint, the eigenvalues you get should be = 0, 4, -5; your job is to derive these values.) g*er-rl o -o+r lA+r1= 3 li-^J^ I l-6-r| [o 6 - z ' l-[ 1 6 -t+ l =tr-^)Fc-r)(-z-l) + tL (5 points) r -6-),I 6 L I ;-(X.+0(Xr C)(X.+al+ re ' - (f+rltt) tl'+z) tlz s -fSttltr ,'=L I 5b) An eigenvoctorfor l, = 0 is given by zo),'rz+ 17 : - ( f + 11. + a{ 3 -l ( A1+12.+e,o) 5 -X(XtqXr+lJ h-b X=O,-1.-5 t/ Find eigenvectors for the other two eigenvalues, to get a basis for R^3 made out of eigenvector$ of A. 7\=-'l Ito l-l 07- 3 I -L0 o 6L ur- t - Zo oC z jL+t, o6 l +r+*, Ra 7- o -Lo o o D 3r o oo o v,. niF o q3 t - \o ,[1lj Ifil,Lil r -l o o L t o oo n"Fq ; 'Hl v=r V3* * vz=-th z o 'qo"q o +L o 63 o o (20 points) X,=-5 J V ril' Oo ? ,L o v3=t urz-lb V r r - t{ b i"t ., v:, til fil 6) Considerthe following three-tankconfiguration. In tank one thereis uniformly mixed volumeof 6O gallons,andx(t) poundsof saltsolute. [n tank two thereis mixedvolumeof l0 gallonsandy(t) pounds of salt. In tank threethereis 30 gallonsof liquid andz(t) poundsof salt. Waterus pumpedslowly from tank one to tank two. frorn tank two to tank three,andfrom tank threebackto tank one,andall ratesare 60 gallonsper hour. xttl trt) * !a? 6a) Model this tank configuration, to arrive at the first order system of differential equations dx, X.t= t 'qi- % . o= F 3 - L o + 3o 6o q 2 ? -x dt gdt 1'r6o#-r"e {: dz dt =n-b? +za 5o x/=-( 2 ' = 6 o5 - c o! lo 30 J'= x -tY = nA_r, Z'= :lLll t* *"o (5 points) )w 63 4z 6b) Assumethar at time t=0 thereare40 poundsof salt in tank l, 20 poundsin tank 2 and40 poundsin tank 3. Solvethe initial valueproblemin this case. Note that you havealreadyfound the eigenvectors andeigenvaluesfor thematrixwhich appeaniin this system,in problem5. (15points) "H], c, .,;*'ll] 'f t *5 [i] xFtt) e[ ,c .o: G -2 -l 4o -l LO t -t 33 81 -6htq _ln 4 r -t-t o +5 o6q L {lt> to zo ? nsu tro lo -'lo I o o lo ol oo to 3o -fo $o =ril liil ,,[:] -{o i*,.o -,,r-'ril ;i] Sr , S ,4i'r* 'l 6c) What happensto the salt arrcunts in eachtank ast approachesinfinity? Why would you get the sameanswerif the initial 100poundsof salt weredistributedin different proporrionsto the threetanks? Explain. (5 points) = rof tl - {^n"] ti^ ir.+1 #.* ll I lto I LsJ Lr"J -H.^'s,^,,'ll h.( 'H^.e,r:Jrrdv {xa"2 tv} [cc^a-gr [r,'n^{r^1 crtt'-"{t'.ln'o^. i* at t 3 r^'t t laq "d,/ So ao.n^.r^"( a^'tt l.l (^ r,oerts tpL0J"lf) to,^lar, {Dfu'& u'r[n*r" g-1o.'l"a^^,(. 7) Considerthe following configurationof two massesheld togetherwith a singtespring,on a frictionless table. The mirr on tie tet is 2 kilograms,the one on the right is 6 kilogfams- The Hooke's from restpositionto the right, asusual, constantk is 6 Netwons/meter.Measurcpositiie displacements indicated' as and usex(t) and y(t) for thesedisplacements, F*t t-t - Xtt) *r'tt ?a) Showthat this mass-springsystemsatisfiesthe secondorder systemof differential equations :ll;l [:::'J=[_: Lr < " = 6 ( j - x ) (5 poin*) x"= - 3 r + 3 "t 6 { ' = - 6( 3- x - ) 5'' r^To Tb) Find the generalsolutionto this systemof differentialequations.Hint: This is a secondorder syite* of twddifferential equations,so the solutionspaceis 4-dimensional.You will needto gettwo above. Think aboutwhat you are linearly independentsolutionsfrom eachof the matrix eigenspaces with zeroeigenvalue. get eigenvector the you from can modelingto understandthe solutions (10 points) i " = A* +rO.fu.-b-U V, st*'' t r'os,.rt t *.{t ,^}t-tr,N*:€.a'[1A (av'1-3 = **42* ' tA-rtl= * (x+gJ _L I \-,;^ o 2..= *1 j o f \ -r IO n'tll 2..-4, , *.L D1 ] lo I 3 \r r o'r11. f [ A V= d +1's*l(tr,(, +<"t)il ulo i"='o = C*r.t)Ad ! i ttt'(c, = X(r.+4) ,F (r,ostt r q{9,1}+ + -',.)[l] r^tt*^ s Fh^1 sf'lt, nbihL ItVe.Sl*t t+-o"*V a[ U^.s"r* s(uJ, r^i.lL 3*r. (, ose^'llalv or^t cb 0 gl*rtt na5 | a1l. = lh4 Yst 79t , 8) Considerth€ systemof differential equationsbelow which modelstwo populationsx(t) andy(t). (You canthink of this asanextensionof problem(5) for thepopulationx(t), which now finds itself in the presenceof anotherspeciesy(t).) l a 'l I o, l[ zr-"-rll ll=ll t# l t * y +x y r (2poin'ls) t,y-ff-1:bt \j..3,i f,3,f{. 7ur.+n) 8a) If this wasa modelof rwo inrcractingpopulations,whichmodelwouldit be? Explain. T":lt ffi* [,,fl[H,..u)' 8b) Find the equilbriumsolutionsto this systemof differentialequations.There "*}qo"lhffit: x*o 6L z*-i=p 1tc-xL-xy=o=r(-l-x1) {S * 15= o =J (-e*J ./ Y=o /r., $oxv lql LO) Fl LoJ ^lo ' J Gpoina) \*"r V l=2 --^l f'51 L zJ 8c) Only one of your equilbrium solufionshaspositive populationsof both species.Linearizethe populationmodel nearthis equilbrium point. U$eyour analysisto classify which type of equilbrium point this is. (I0 points) rll r= f F *? l = Lcrc,7J 3(s,,)= f-t L2 rlrrl= L; 3 -r-: ] L'^*^^t"L,"- ;'llt L:1=r: -5 - 5\ I _^l l? : f+5 1.+to 4 -^ <- fi ' { ' rc , ?o 2- ^= 4s9=rn =-e, 1 rg 2 / a LtI:-. t Pt-4u- Qt:y \ eltv. 1L "*'(*r$t -tn$t)i 8d) Using your work from (8c), fill in the missingpieceof thepplanephaseportrait below. Also draw th" thg phasediagramsalongeachof the positivc x andy axes. Thsn makea p,redictionabotrtlong term behaviorof solutionsto this populationmodel,assumingboth populationsstartout positive. (Depending on your analysisin (Ec)yourprediction may or may nof dependon wherein the fimt quadrantttreinidal populationv€ctoris located.) (5 poins) x'-?*+F+q 10 Y'* -6f+xY I l t iJ I i I t i r' .l {i J lil /i ,/ IiI I i I Iit t :t I Iit .1. f : t 6 l i t . t I' I ti t ti , - a' i v5 t t!t , l :, ti t t t:t lif tl II I I l;t I t: l I:\ tr l :l ; I rl L r; '-'- ----':"" ""'t" 4 3 t:l r t lI : ; tY l: r:\ \: \:r \:\ i- . i- .- i * *- !s si* c-.it-.. r--it-- r-- . -i* *i* *. iq *i**i*** i *, s-- i t l+. """1"f G \ : r F \ -t\- ta a - i*.- i**i**i< - - q iq t- - !r - - s+.-iq *-!+- +-3s--*..i *-ir- *i* - t i t t i J + . - is - r s i\ *- :t- s:GG*:G\+ "' :!ts' .tr *:+ \G\ - i- - - - - er - r J r r r - - . . . - i r . . . . . . - r . . . - . - r - J - . . . . r - . . \ r r r r r r r r l r r . . . - . - J . . . . L . r . . 1 . . . . . r . - a - - - - - '- - . l. +- :+- €:* r i- J a t a e/.-:c' "'-':.f""""r':'--"'1"-" (t- ; 'F\*i;G- +- lt--- <-.-!tq.. tr-- v-.i*- g;g g !r\-:th. Gb - "'1" " " "1----- --- \ :a G..: rh. rF.-i !F- +-: its... {-:<t- (F .- (ts, . . - . . .-:..:.-:......:'..-...-.l ....- .Nw:- ' ...- .- .l......._.:...' ..". 2 .tt\ It.\\.\t.til hi raaa * i r.. *l+- *. - I o o i'; V 5 6 7 .\ 89 I [ ,^sror,["] 1=['t -t ]fnl +" Lu'l [z , lL,\ 10