Debate/Discussion (DD) Learning Project (40 points) COM 495: Rhetoric of the Civil Rights Course--Dr. Comeaux Goals/Purposes: • To extend our knowledge base; • To debate and discuss selected issues by probing deeply; • To discover/uncover different perspectives/beliefs on issues; • To search for topics/issues for individual papers (Rhetorical Analysis and Comprehensive Analysis papers); • To facilitate a discussion/debate (DD) learning project with a focused purpose(s) and actively engage the class in learning. TASK: Prepare and present a focused DD on selected issues/questions from your assigned Episode/chapter of Eyes on the Prize and the related reading(s). The DD learning project should last 60 minutes or slightly less and you will be graded on your individual preparation and implementation (20 points) as well as on the instructional design and execution of the whole project (20 points). Your goal is to engage the class in a learning debate/discussion (and/or learning activity). This means that students will actively participate and contribute to their learning. Instructions: • For your assigned chapter, read the chapter from EYES (paperback book), the Episode from the EYES. Guide (on BB under Assigned Readings in CR), and read the corresponding essay listed in your syllabus schedule (all these readings are also on BB under Assigned Readings in CR). READ these before class on the corresponding Thursday. Actually all students should read these certainly before the Tuesday class. • Agree that one or all 3 of you will print a copy of the EYES Guide and the assigned corresponding reading. • During Thursday’s class as you watch the DVD Episode, jot down ideas & questions for your DD. • Meet with your group members ASAP after Thursday class to design the DD learning project. • Use the “Principles & Strategies” handout for help in preparing your focused DD learning project. • Use the EYES Guide and the assigned reading/article to determine the main questions that you will use to facilitate a DD and to design your learning project. • Consider using all or some of the following elements as part of your instructional design for the project: o Introductory overview or agenda summarizing the background and the issues/questions for the class session. o Handouts for the class that provides them with your specific purpose(s) a list of the questions to be discussed, the task or learning activity they are to engage in, the role-play description, case study, etc. o In addition to questions for debate and discussion, consider dividing the class into smaller groups for particular tasks. These small group tasks should be brief and the task and instructions should be very clear and specific (like we did with the CNN documentary in which each group had to provide advice and justify their suggestions relating them to the readings and then present them to the whole class—note that I required individual assignment be prepared before that class). • • After you create the instructional design of your DD project, send it to Dr. Comeaux for approval; NO LATER than Saturday. Then the instructional design with the questions, etc. will be sent to the whole class so they can be prepared to participate. DD Learning Project: Part 2 Suggested Sequence or Process of Preparation for Facilitators Requirements and Responsibilities of Participants Students (or fellow learners in our endeavor together), I am providing this part 2 for clarity and to makesure we are all on the same page. First of all, email and our BB site is a required part of our course. You need to (must) check your email and/or BB each Saturday (sometimes the message will arrive earlier) to find out what the particular required written response will be for the Tuesdays DD Learning Projects. Suggested Sequence/Process of Preparation for Facilitators of the DD Learning Project: Note: the following sequence is an option for all groups but you must communicate (email) with me what option you are taking and ALL 3 team members must agree on the same sequence. 1. All 3 group members agree to watch your assigned episode, read the assigned corresponding chapter, the corresponding EYES guide and (very importantly) the articles BEFORE the Thursday class (in which I will show the episode for the class). 2. One group member send Dr. Comeaux an email (copying the other 2 members) that you have selected step # 1) so she does not count you absent the class of the showing of your episode. 3. All 3 group members meet in the library (or similar agreement) at 12:30 on the Thursday before your assigned day to facilitate your DD project. This will count for your class attendance. Your goal for this meeting(s) will be to complete your handout and preparation for your DD project—it will, of course, take longer than just 75 minutes. If all 3 of you don’t have a class before or after 12:30 that would be an excellent time to agree to use to complete your project. In addition, you can agree to complete step 1 and then meet on Wednesday evening to complete your preparation (and still be excused from class during the showing of your episode). However, I must know (via email) your plan of action—when you met and where. 4. One member send Dr. Comeaux (and the other 2 members) the final draft of your handout (agenda) for your DD project--the class you will teach. Ideally this should be sent by Thursday evening so I can make suggestions and then you can revise accordingly and I can send the required assignment to the class on Friday or at the latest Saturday Morning. (NOTE: I will take the responsibility of deciding which portion of your handout—which questions—to require a written response). 5. You have the option to meet with me (1, 2 or all 3 members) either at 11 a.m. or 2 p.m. on the Thursday of your Episode showing OR on the Friday morning after the showing. You just need to arrange it with me. 6. Show up early—12:15—in our classroom to set up the chairs (get other students to help) and other preparations you have. I will have copies made of your handout for all class members. Requirements and Responsibilities of Participants 1. Check your email each Saturday (even as early as Friday) to find out your required written response (which will be graded and worth 5 points) due for the Tuesday DD Learning Project. 2. If you don’t have an email from me on Saturday morning (that means your mailbox was full or some other technical glitch), so check our BB site under assignments and look for the Tuesday date to find out your required response. 3. If you cannot attend class for any of the DD projects, you may turn in your written response to me for a grade but I must receive it (electronically) before 12:00 on the Tuesday; I will always respond with “Got It” so be sure to check that after you send it.