vita - 1 Bryan Myers, Ph.D.


Curriculum Vitae

Bryan Myers, Ph.D.

Department of Psychology 3038 (office) and 3022 (lab)

University of North Carolina at Wilmington

601 South College Rd.,Wilmington, NC 28403

Office 910-962-3636; Lab 910-962-4028


Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology. Degree conferred: 3/98.

Ohio University, Athens, OH.

Master of Arts in Experimental Psychology, 6/91.

Carleton University, Ottawa, Ont., Canada

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, 6/89.

Carleton University, Ottawa, Ont., Canada


Professor, 8/2011-

Department of Psychology – University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Wilmington, NC

Associate Professor, 8/2006-7/2011

Department of Psychology – University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Wilmington, NC

Assistant Professor, 8/2002-7/2006

Department of Psychology – University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Wilmington, NC

Interim Director, 7/01 – 7/02

Forensic Psychology Program- Alliant International University

Fresno, CA

Assistant Professor, 9/98 to 6/2002

Forensic Psychology Program –Alliant International University

Fresno, CA. vita - 1

vita - 2

Instructor, 9/97-6/98

Department of Psychology - Department of Criminology, Sociology, and Anthropology. University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA.

Adjunct Faculty, 2000-2002

Department of Psychology, California State University - Fresno, CA

Honors and Awards

2008 Discere Aude Award for outstanding efforts in student mentoring. Awarded by the

UNCW Center for Teaching Excellence.


Nunez, N. (PI), Wilkowski, B. (Co-PI), and Myers, B . (Co-PI). Collaborative Research:

Victim Impact Statements in Capital Trials: Examining the Differential Influence of

Anger and Sadness on Juror Sentencing Decisions. Awarded by the National Science

Foundation for $384,803, 2009-2013.

Myers, B.

(2002). Charles Cahill Grant: Lay perceptions of mental health therapy in the recovery of childhood sexual abuse memories (awarded fall 2002 for $1950).

Myers, B . & Ogle, R. (2013). Charles Cahill Grant: The intoxicated eyewitness and the misinformation effect: Does timing matter? (awarded Fall 2013 for $3000)

Research/Editorial Experience

Associate Editor, 9/98-9/06

Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, Haworth Press, Inc .

Editorial Contributor APA dictionary of psychology . Washington DC, American

Psychological Association, 2006.

Ad-Hoc Reviewer,

National Science Foundation

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

American Psychology-Law Society

Law and Human Behavior

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied

Journal of Applied Social Psychology

Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice

Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

Law and Social Inquiry

Psychology, Crime, and Law

Law, Probability, and Risk

Professional Psychology: Research and Practice

Journal of Business and Psychology


Applied Cognitive Psychology

Psychology of Consciousness: Research, Theory, and Practice

Course Instruction

Graduate Courses

Advanced Social Psychology

Foundations of Organizational Behavior

Advanced Policy Analysis

Research Design and Data Analysis I

Research Design and Data Analysis II

Introduction to Forensic Psychology

Trial Consultation


Seminar in Psychology, Law, and Public Policy

Law and Psychology

Undergraduate Courses

Industrial Organizational Psychology

Law and Psychology/Forensic Psychology

Social Psychology

Social Psychology of Criminal Justice

General Psychology/Introduction to Psychology


Research Methods

Organizational Behavior vita - 3

vita - 4


* denotes student co-author


*Mitchell, K., Myers, B ., & *Broszkiewicz, N. (in press). Good or essential? The effects of victim characteristics and family significance on sentencing judgments and perceptions of harm. Psychiatry, Psychology, and Law .

Nunez, N., Schweitzer, K., Estrada, V., & Myers, B . (accepted for publication). The impact of emotions on juror judgments and decision making. In M. Miller and B.

Bornstein (Eds.), Advances in Psychology and Law . New York, NY: Springer.

Myers, B ., Myers, J., *Herndon, P., *Broszkiewicz, N., & *Tar, M. (2015). Beliefs about therapist suggestiveness and memory veracity in recovered memory therapy:

An analogue study. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice , 46, 270-


Nunez, N., Schweitzer, K., Chai, C., & Myers, B . (2015). Negative emotions felt during trial: The effect of fear, anger, and sadness on juror decision making. Applied

Cognitive Psychology , 29 , 200-209.

*Herndon, P., Myers, B ., *Mitchell, K.M.,* Kehn, A., & *Henry, S. (2014). False

Memories for Highly Aversive Early Childhood Events: Effects of Guided

Imagery and Group Influence. Psychology of Consciousness: Research, Theory, and Practice, 1 , 20-31.

*Zimmerman, D., & Myers, B . (2013). Perspective Taking, Gender, and Legal

Instructions in a Sexual Harassment Case. Journal of Forensic Psychology

Practice .

Lecci, L., Beck, C., & Myers, B . (2013). Assessing Pretrial Juror Attitudes While

Controlling for Order Effects: An Examination of Effect Sizes for the RLAQ,

JBS, and PJAQ. American Journal of Forensic Psychology .

Myers, B ., *Roop, A., *Kalnen, D., & *Kehn, A. (2013). Victim impact statements and crime heinousness: Testing the saturation hypothesis.

Psychology, Crime, and Law , 19 (2), 129-143.

Myers, B ., & *Zimmerman, D. (2011). Enter at your own risk: Judgments of harassment in traditional and nontraditional workplaces. American Journal of Forensic

Psychology .

vita - 5

MacKain, S.J., Myers, B ., *Ostapiej, L., & Newman, A. (2010). Job satisfaction among psychologists working in state prisons: The relative impact of individual facets assessing economics, management, relationships, and perceived organizational support. Criminal Justice and Behavior , 37, 306-318.

*Rosol, A., & Myers, B . (2010). Expert testimony on the polygraph test: Issues surrounding admissibility and examination of jurors’ critical evaluation of evidence. In A. Columbus, Ed., Advances in Psychological Research . Nova

Science Publishers.

Myers, B ., *Cooke, E., & *Peterson, J. (2009). The Right Stuff? Personnel Selection in

Law Enforcement. In D. Peters (Ed.) Police Psychology . Nova Science Publishers.

Lecci, L., & Myers, B . (2009). Predicting guilt judgments and verdict change using a measure of pretrial bias in a videotaped mock trial with deliberating jurors.

Psychology, Crime, and Law , 15 , 619-634.

Lecci, L., & Myers, B . (2009). The unseen role of juror bias: Implications and alternatives (pp. 81-102). In A. Kakanowski & M. Narusevich (Eds.) Handbook of

Social Justice . New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Myers, B ., Lecci, L., Cutler, B. (2009). Examining the relation between pretrial juror attitudes and performance (pp. 169-185). In A. Kakanowski & M. Narusevich

(Eds.) Handbook of Social Justice . New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Lecci, L., & Myers, B . (2008) Individual Differences in Attitudes Relevant to Juror

Decision Making: Development and Validation of the Pretrial Juror Attitude

Questionnaire (PJAQ). Journal of Applied Social Psychology , 38 , 2010-2038.

Myers, B . (2008). Legal Authoritarianism. In B.L. Cutler’s Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law . Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA

Myers, B . (2008). Public opinion of the polygraph. In B.L. Cutler’s Encyclopedia of

Psychology and Law . Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA.

*Paclebar, A., Myers, B ., & *Brineman, J. (2007). Criminal profiling: Impact on mock juror decision making and implications for admissibility. In R. N. Kocsis (Ed.),

Criminal Profiling: International Perspectives in Theory, Practice, and Research

(pp.241-262). Totowa , NJ: Humana Press.

Myers, B ., *Weidemann, E, & *Pearce, G. (2006). Psychology weighs in on the debate surrounding victim impact statements and capital sentencing: Are emotional jurors really irrational? Federal Sentencing Reporter , 19 , 13-21.

vita - 6

Myers, B.

, *Latter, R., & *Abdollahi-Arena, M.K. (2006). The court of public opinion:

Lay perceptions of polygraph testing. Law and Human Behavior, 30 , 509-523.

*Capps, E., Myers, B ., & Helms, J. (2004). Therapeutic community counselors: The effects of training and personal substance abuse history on job stress and professional efficacy. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 4 (3) , 31-49.

*Green-McGowan, M., & Myers, B . (2004). Who is the victim anyway? The effects of bystander victim impact evidence on juror sentencing judgments. Violence and

Victims, 19 (3) , 357-374.

Myers, B ., & Greene, E. (2004). The prejudicial nature of victim impact statements:

Implications for capital sentencing policy. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law,

10 (4) , 492-515.

Myers, B ., *Godwin, D., *Latter, R., & *Winstanley, S. (2004).

Victim Impact

Statements and Mock Juror Sentencing: The Impact of Dehumanizing Language on a Death Qualified Sample.

American Journal of Forensic Psychology , 22 , 39-


Myers, B ., *Rosol, A., & *Boelter, E. (2003). Polygraph evidence: The impact of corroborating evidence on guilt judgments . Journal of Applied Social Psychology,

33 , 948-962.

Arbuthnot, J., Myers, B ., & Leach, J. (2002). Linking pretrial knowledge and juror prejudgment: Some methodological considerations. American Journal of

Forensic Psychology, 20 , 53-71.

Lecci, L., & Myers, B . (2002). Examining the construct and predictive validity of the original and revised JBS: A cross-validation of method and sample. Law and

Human Behavior, 26 , 455-463.

Myers, B ., Lynn, S.J., & Arbuthnot, J. (2002) Victim impact testimony and juror judgments: The effects of harm information and witness demeanor. Journal of

Applied Social Psychology, 32 , 2393-2412.

Myers, B ., & *Arena, M. (2001). Trial consultation: A new direction in applied psychology. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice , 32 (4 ), 386-391.

Myers, B ., & Arbuthnot, J. (1999). The effects of victim impact evidence on the verdicts and sentencing judgments of mock jurors. Journal of Offender

Rehabilitation, 29 (3/4) , 95-112.

vita - 7

Myers, B ., & Lecci, L. (1998). Revising the factor structure of the juror bias scale: A method for the empirical validation of theoretical constructs . Law and Human

Behavior, 22 , 239-256.

Lynn, S.J., Lock, T., Myers, B ., & Payne, D. (1997). Recalling the unrecallable: Should hypnosis be used to recover memories in psychotherapy? Current Directions in

Psychological Science, 6 (3), 79-83.

Lynn, S.J., Myers, B ., & Malinoski, P. (1997). Hypnosis, pseudomemories, and clinical guidelines: A socio-cognitive perspective. In D. Read & S. Lindsay (Eds.),

Recollections of trauma: Scientific research and clinical practice

Plenum Press.

. New York:

Myers, B ., & Arbuthnot, J. (1997). Polygraph testimony and juror judgments: A comparison of the Guilty Knowledge Test and the Control Question Test. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 27 , 1421-1437.

Lynn, S.J., Myers, B ., & Sivec, H. (1994). Suggestibility, recovery of repressed memories, and hypnosis: What do we really know? American Journal of Clinical

Hypnosis, 36 , 182-185.

Lynn, S.J., Rhue, J., Myers, B ., & Weekes, J. (1994). Pseudomemory and hypnosis: Real versus simulating subjects. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental

Hypnosis, 17 , 118-129.

Spanos, N.P., Myers, B ., DuBreuil, S., & Pawlak, A. (1992-1993). The effects of eyewitness and polygraph testimony on the beliefs and verdicts of mock jurors.

Imagination, Cognition, and Personality, 3

Published Abstracts

, 42-51.

Kvall, S., Lynn, S.J., & Myers, B . (1993). The gulf war: Effects on hypnotizability.

International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 40 , 206 (Abstract).

Mare, C., Lynn, S.J., Segal, D., Sivec, H., Marsden, K., & Myers, B . (1993). The dream hidden observer: A real-simulator comparison . International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 40

Conference Presentations

, 208 (Abstract).

*Abdollahi, M.K., Myers, B ., & Arrigo, B.A. Organizational and occupational stress in law enforcement. Poster session presented at the annual conference of the

American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, August 2002.

vita - 8

*Brineman, J.,*Kemp, D., *Hill, K., *Spane, L., & Myers, B . Nursing home employees and job satisfaction: A social exchange theory interpretation. State of NC

Undergraduate Research Symposium, Raleigh, November, 2005.

*Broszkiewicz, N., *Kaniuka, A., *Mitchell, K.M., *Butler, D., *Cunningham, K.,

*Jones, K.C., Myers, B ., & Ogle, R . Intoxicated eyewitnesses: The effects of timing on susceptibility to misinformation . Poster presented at the Annual

Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.,

August 9, 2014.

*Capps, E., Myers, B ., & Helms, J. Therapeutic Community Counselors: The Effects of

Training and Personal Substance Abuse History on Job Stress and Professional

Efficacy. Paper presentation at the American Psychology-Law Society conference, March 2004, Scottsdale AZ.

Chai, C., Schweitzer, K, Nunez, N., & Myers, B . Jurors emotional reactions to a capital trial: Testing how negative emotions affect sentencing decisions . Paper presented at the annual American Psychology-Law Society Conference in Portland, OR,

March 8, 2013.

Cohen, D., *Jancik, J., & Myers, B . The use of signal detection theory to unmask the effects of juror bias due to extralegal information. Poster presentation at the

Sandhills Regional Conference, UNC-Wilmington, March 2004.

*Cooke, E., *Peterson, J., *Henry, S., Myers, B.

, & Lecci, L. (2010). Case Closed:

Measures of Legal and Traditional Authoritarianism, Need for Closure, and Mock

Juror Judgments. Poster presented at the annual conference of the American

Psychology-Law Society, Miami, March 2-5, 2011.

*Drayton, P.,*Hostetler, B., *Neal, J., *Thacker, M, *Mauldin, M, *Wampler, L, *Spane,

L, & Myers, B . Sex role spillover in the workplace: Judgments of sexual harassment across occupations. Poster presentation at the Sandhills Regional

Conference, UNC-Wilmington, March 2004.

*Fournier, D., *Herndon, P., *Lewis, W., *Nobles, A., & Myers, B . Early childhood events and false memories: The role of compliance and imaginal abilities. State of

NC Undergraduate Research Symposium, Raleigh, November, 2005.

*Godwin, C.D., Myers, B ., & Helms, J. Attitudes toward juvenile crime sanctions as a function of fear of crime and knowledge of crime trends. Paper presentation at

American Psychology-Law Society Conference, March 2004, Scottsdale AZ.

*Henry, S., *Mitchell, K., *Broszkiewicz, N., *Barlow, M., Myers, B ., & Rogers, R.

Eliciting empathy in capital jurors: The effects of victim impact statements . Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society,

New Orleans,LA, March, 2014.

vita - 9

*Henry, S.,*Mitchell, K., *Kanuika, A., *Broszkiewicz, N., Myers, B ., & Nunez, N .

Capital Juror's Sentencing and Victim Impact Statements: Empathy Predicts

Mitigation Influence and Sentencing Judgments. Poster presented at the

Annual Conference of the Association for Psychological Science, May 25 th ,


*Herndon, P., *Brineman, J., *Kehn, A., *Ramsey, H., & Myers, B . False memory reports of early childhood events: The effects of group influence and guided imagery. Poster presented at the American Psychology-Law Society (Div. 41) conference. St. Petersburg, FL., March, 2006.

*Herndon, P., Myers, J., *Sorman, J., *McGuinness, K., *Holsinger, E, *Thayer, A.,

*Crissman, J,*Sansone, H., & Myers, B . Perceptions recovered memory therapy.

Poster presentation at the Sandhills Regional Conference, UNC-Wilmington,

March 2004.

*Hostetler, B., *Drayton, P., *Gillogly, M., *Thacker, M, *Neal, J, *Holsinger, E &

Myers, B.

Individual differences in judgments of sexual harassment. Poster presentation at the Sandhills Regional Conference, UNC-Wilmington, March


*Kemp, D., *Drayton, P., *Hill, K., *Neal, J., *Hostetler, B., *Houchins, A., *Gillogly,

M, Myers, B . Burnout and Job Satisfaction as Predictors of Intent to Quit in

Nursing Home Employees. Poster presentation at the Sandhills Regional

Conference, UNC-Wilmington, March 2004.

Kehn, A., Johns, M., Nunez, N., Myers, B . Victim impact statements in capital trials:

Examining the influence of negative emotions on jury sentencing decisions. Poster to be presented at meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society (APA Div

41), March 2008.

*Kehn, A., *Roop, A., *Kemp, D., * Lewis, S., & Myers, B ., Victim impact statements, crime heinousness, and mock juror sentencing judgments: Testing the saturation hypothesis. Poster presented at the American Psychology-Law Society (Div. 41) conference. St. Petersburg, FL., March, 2006.

*Latter, R., Myers, B.

, & *Abdollahi, M.K. Lay perceptions of polygraph evidence.

Poster session presented at the annual conference of the American Psychological

Association, San Francisco, CA, August 2001.

Leach, J., Arbuthnot, J., & Myers, B . Pretrial publicity and pretrial biases: Assessing exposure using continuous measures of retention. Presentation at the annual convention of the American Psychological Society, Washington, DC, May, 1998.

vita - 10

Lecci, L., & Myers, B . Validating the factor structure of the juror bias scale.

Presentation at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association.

Toronto, Ont., Canada, August 1996.

Lecci, L., Myers, B ., Denning, C., Littel, L, Robertson, A., & Gorbe, K. Assessment of juror bias in a community sample. Paper presented at the 108th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington D.C.,

August, 2000.

Lecci, L., Myers, B ., Wirth, R.J., Alford, R., & Snowden, J. Development of the Pretrial

Juror Bias Questionnaire (PBJQ). Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Society, Toronto, Canada, June, 2001.

*Lewis, W., *Herndon, P., *Thayer, A., *Holsinger, E., & Myers, B . The effects of prior beliefs about memory on lay perceptions of recovered memory therapy. State of

NC Undergraduate Research Symposium, Raleigh, November, 2005.

Lynn, S.J., Myers, B ., & Malinoski, P. Hypnosis, Pseudomemories, and clinical guidelines: A socio-cognitive perspective. Paper presented at the National

Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Advanced Study Institute, France, June


*Mitchell, K., *Henry, S., *Broszkiewicz, N., *Leone, K., *Savarese, A.,*Kaniuka, A.,

Myers, B ., & Nunez, N. Victim Impact Statements and Receptivity to Mitigating

Factors: Comparing a Sample of Death Qualified and Excludables. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Psychological Science,

May 24 th

, 2013.

*Mitchell, K.M., *Westphal, C., *Barlow, M., *Broszkiewicz, N., Myers, B . The effects of victim character and family significance on sentencing decisions in capital trials . Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological

Association, Washington, D.C., August 9, 2014.

Myers, B . (chair). From the lab to the courtroom: Social science and jury decision making. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American

Psychological Society, May, 2003.

Myers, B . Forensic Psychology Practitioners: Impacting the Criminal and Civil Courts.

Paper presented at the annual convention of the California Psychological

Association. San Jose, Ca., March, 2000

Myers, B ., & Arbuthnot, J. The effects of misleading postevent information on recognition tests for three retention intervals: Evidence supporting a response bias interpretation. Presentation at the annual convention of the Midwestern

Psychological Association. Chicago, Ill., May 1995.

vita - 11

Myers, B ., & Arbuthnot, J. The effects of polygraph testimony on jury verdicts: A comparison of the Control Question Test and the Guilty Knowledge Test.

Presentation at the annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological

Association. Chicago, Ill., May, 1995.

Myers, B ., Arbuthnot, J., & Lynn, S.J. Victim impact statements lead to harsher sentencing judgments in mock jurors. Presentation at the annual convention of the American Psychological Society, Washington, DC, May, 1998.

Myers, B ., Cooke, E., Henry, S., & Nunez, N. (2012). Victim Impact Statements and

Emotion Ratings Using Capital Penalty Phase Transcripts . Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, August 2-5,

Orlando, FL.

Myers, B ., *Godwin, C.D., *Winstanley, S., & *Latter, R. Dehumanizing the offender in victim impact statments. Poster session to be presented at the annual conference of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August 2001.

Myers, B ., Lynn, S.J., Rhue, J., & Weekes, J. Pseudomemories in real and simulating subjects. Presentation at the annual convention of the American Psychological

Association. Washington, D.C., August, 1992.

Myers, B ., *Ramsey, H.L., *Wilson, S., *Holliday, A.D., *Musser, B., *Villodas, M.,

*Brown, E., *Flynn, M. Expert Psychological Testimony Concerning Repressed

Memories in a Civil Trial. Poster presented at the annual conference of the

Association for Psychological Science, May 27, 2007.

Myers, B ., *Rosol, A., & *Boelter, E. Polygraph testimony and juror judgments:

Corroborating evidence does not affect verdicts. Presentation at the annual convention of the American Psychological Society. Denver, CO., June 1999

Myers, B ., Spanos, N.P., & Burgess, C. The role of compliance in the breaching of hypnotic amnesia. Presentation at the annual convention of the American

Psychological Association. San Francisco, C.A., August 1991.

Myers, B ., Spanos, N.P., DuBreuil, S.C., & Pawlak, A. The effects of eyewitness and polygraph testimony of the beliefs and verdicts of mock jurors. Presentation at the annual convention of the Canadian Psychological Association. Ottawa,

Canada, June, 1990.

Nunez, N. Egan-Wright, D., Kehn, A., & Myers, B . (2011, March). Impact of different methods of victims impact statement delivery at capital trials: Emotionality of statements and its impact on sentencing decisions.

Talk presented at the 4 th

International Congress of Psychology and Law, Miami, Florida.

vita - 12

Nunez, N., Schweitzer, K., Myers, B . The impact of angry versus sad victim impact statements on sentencing decisions in capital trials . paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS-Div 41 APA). San

Diego, March 2015.

*Paclebar, A., Myers, B ., *McCombs, A., *Heiston, V., & *Ramsey, H. The prejudicial impact of expert testimony by a criminal profiler. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Atlanta Georgia, May 30,


*Pearce, G.T., *Weidemann, E., *Zimmerman, D., *Meyer, E., *Swarthout, K., *Fussell,

C., *Raab, S., Myers, B . Negative Pretrial Publicity and Juror Judgments:

Evidence Against a Demand Characteristics Explanation. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Association for Psychological Science, May 25, 2007.

*Peterson, J., *Cooke, E., *Rock, R., *Evans, C., *Gentry, J., *Romeo, N., *Veniez, T.,

*Nicholson, C., & Myers, B . Authoritarianism and Legal Authoritarianism:

Correlation with Juror Judgments. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Chattanooga, TN, March 12, 2010.

*Powell, C., Myers, B ., Lecci, L., *Crissman, J., & Cutler, B. Predicting Juror

Performance using Measures of Pretrial Juror Bias. Poster presented at the annual conference of the American Psychological Society in Los Angeles, May,


*Raab, S., *Meyer, E., *Zimmerman, D., *Weidemann, E., Myers, B ., Kehn, A., Johns,

M., & Nunez, N. Emotions, legal judgments, and victim impact statements: Why death qualification matters. Poster presented at the annual conferences of the

Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Duke University, October, 2007.

*Rosol, A, Myers, B ., Barrios, F., & Davis, S. Polygraph Expert Testimony in a

Simulated Sexual Assault Trial. Poster presented at the annual conference of the

American Psychological Society, Miami Beach, FL., June 8-11, 2000.

Stafford, J., Lynn, S.J., Myers, B ., Marmelstein, L., Locke, T., & Hawke, B. Cultural narratives, dissociative identity disorder, and severe abuse: A study of role-played enactments. Presentation at the annual convention of the American Psychological

Society. Washington, DC, May, 1998.

Stafford, J., Lynn, S.J., Lock, T., Marmelstein, L., Hawk, B., & Myers, B .

Cultural scripts, satanic ritual abuse, and multiple identities: A study of roleplayed enactments. Presentation at the annual convention of the American

Psychological Association. San Francisco, CA, August, 1998.

vita - 13

*Weidemann, E., *Hart, H., *Tar, M., *Zimmerman, D., Myers, B . Victim impact statements: The role of expectations in juror judgments. Poster to be presented at meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society (APA Div 41), March 2008.

*Zimmerman, D., *Raab, S., *McClure, K., *Weidemann, E., & Myers, B . The effects of the reasonable woman standard on perspective taking and judgments of sexual harassment. Poster to be presented at meeting of the American Psychology-Law

Society (APA Div 41), March 2008.

Memberships in Societies

American Psychology-Law Society

Division 41 of the American Psychological Association.
