On the Tzitzeica Curve Equation Lewis R. Williams Faculty Mentor: Nicoleta

On the Tzitzeica Curve Equation
Lewis R. Williams
Fayetteville State University
Faculty Mentor: Nicoleta Bȋlă
Fayetteville State University
The Tzitzeica curve equation is a nonlinear ordinary differential equation whose solutions are
called Tzitzeica curves. The aim of this paper is to present the Tzitzeica curve equation along
with new, particular families of Tzitzeica curves.
Explorations |Science, Mathematics, and Technology
Lewis R. Williams
Explorations |Science, Mathematics, and Technology
Lewis R. Williams
Explorations |Science, Mathematics, and Technology
Lewis R. Williams
Explorations |Science, Mathematics, and Technology
Lewis R. Williams
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Explorations |Science, Mathematics, and Technology
Figure 4
Figure 5
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Lewis R. Williams
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