Extensional Rheology Produ c t Spe ci f i cat i ons Thermo Scientific HAAKE CaBER 1 Analyzing and Quantifying Extensional Flow Properties Complex flows that contain strong extensional flow fields occur in many industrial processes and applications. Some examples are coating flows, fiber spinning, spraying and printing as well as chewing and swallowing. Materials that might behave very similar in steady shear or Oscillation can behave completely different in an extensional flow field. Hence, knowledge of the extensional behavior is crucial in understanding your fluids behavior towards a certain application or process. Knowledge you will only be able to gain via working with the Thermo Scientific HAAKE CaBER 1*, the only commercially available Extensional Rheometer for fluids on the market. * The HAAKE CaBER was developed by Cambridge Polymer Group (CPG) based on the pioneering work of Russian scientists Entov, Rozhkov and co-workers in capillary break-up rheometry. Principle of Operation: A small quantity of sample is placed between two circular plates. The top plate is rapidly separated from the bottom plate at a userdefined speed, thereby forming a filament by imposing an instantaneous level of extensional strain on the fluid sample. After stretching, the fluid is squeezed together by the capillary force imposing an extensional strain on the fluid. A laser micrometer monitors the midpoint diameter of the thinning fluid filament as a function of time. The relevant extensional parameters of a given fluid, i.e. extensional viscosity and extensional relaxation times can then be quantified. Filament thinning during HAAKE CaBER experiment Normalized filament diameter during HAAKE CaBER experiment for PDMS mixtures 2 Application Solutions Food No matter if you are formulating food products or designing specific food additives, understanding the extensional flow properties is key to success as they play a major role in a wide range of applications and processes present in food industry. No matter if you need to understand specific processing steps like pumping or filling of a fruit juice or the mouthfeeling of a polymer stabilized yoghurt during oral processing, the HAAKE CaBER provides you with quick and reliable results. Those results in regards to your product’s extensional behavior can then be correlated directly with its performance towards described processes, like i.e.: • Chewing • Swallowing • Coating • Spraying • Pumping • Filling Petroleum Due to its very distinct chemical composition, every crude oil behaves differently towards flow fields occurring at various upstream processes in a wide range of temperatures. Extensional flow fields are present during exploration and recovery as well as during transport. Here the knowledge of the extensional properties of your crude as well as the individually composed additives you are dealing with is key to success, no matter if you need to manage an oilfield, operate a pipeline at top performance or design supporting fluids for the petroleum industry. Minimizing cost while keeping the performance at an optimum level is of utmost importance, no matter if you are dealing with: • Crude Oil • Emulsions • Dispersions • Polymer Solutions • Surfactant Solutions Inks and Coatings In most industrial coating techniques like spraying, curtain coating, or blade coating, strong extensional flow fields occur. Accordingly, not only shear but also extensional flow properties of the corresponding complex formulations have to be investigated intensively with respect to processing or application properties like i.e. droplet formation, misting, atomization or curtain stability. • Curtain Coating • Offset Printing • Spraying • Droplet Formation • Misting 3 No matter if you are interested in emulsions, solutions or dispersions, the visco-elastic properties determining a food behavior towards the described applications and processes, of course, depend strongly on its formulation. Polymer or protein additives, as well as solid particles that you introduce to your food products in order to perform a certain task like i.e. stabilizing or gelling, that enhance the customers’ perception have a strong influence on the visco-elastic response towards described extensional flow fields. Food products where the extensional flow properties have a pronounced impact of its industrial and oral processing behavior are: • Dairy Products • Beverages • Condiments • Pastries • Chocolates and Sweets No matter if you are involved in enhanced oil recovery (EOR), polymer flooding or drag reduction, adding polymers, solids or surfactants will change the visco-elastic behavior of either your crude oil or supporting fluid towards extensional flow fields. This very behavior has to be custom-tailored towards optimum performance in extensional flow fields occurring during flow through porous media and pumping for a wide range of fluid types and applications like i.e.: • Polymer Flooding • Surfactant Flooding • Displacement Fluids • Retention Fluids • Drag Reduction Independent, if you are working with low visco-elastic, waterborne coatings or high viscoelastic printing pastes, your product will show significant differences in its processability, depending on its formulation. Understanding the relation between extensional flow behavior and composition of your product is the key to your success. • Water-borne/ solvent-borne Coatings • Printing Inks • Inkjet Inks • Adhesives Combined Methods: Produ c t Spe ci f i cat i ons Even for the most demanding applications, i.e. cosmetic emulsions, the HAAKE CaBER 1 can deliver meaningful results via optionally probing for additional information simultaneously. Simultaneous Force Measurement*: In order to get a deeper understanding of the macroscopic material properties of your product towards an extensional deformation, like i.e. tackiness, the HAAKE CaBER 1 can detect normal forces that arise in the fluid filament during the stretching process. The measurement of the normal forces is achieved by utilizing a highly sensitive and fast piezoelectric force sensor. * This normal force option has been developed in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Manfred Wilhelm, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry, Polymeric Materials, Karlsruhe/Germany Apparent extensional viscosity as a function of strain for a viscoelastic polymer solution Filament diameter versus time for a viscoelastic polymer solution Force evolution and filament diameter as a function of time in a HAAKE CaBER experiment Application Support We provide comprehensive product and application solutions and our application specialist team is on hand to answer your questions. Note Application V-206 Selected Product Information: • V-204 Optimization of the filling process of shampoo sachets with the HAAKE CaBER 1 • V-206 The influence of thickeners on the application method of automotive coatings and paper coatings – HAAKE CaBER 1 • V-208 Correlation of misting during printing with extensional rheological investigations on offset printing inks with the HAAKE CaBER 1 • V-211 Optimizing and forecasting the filling behavior of coatings with the HAAKE CaBER • Further information on request Application Note V-204 ion applicat ers on the paper thicken ngs and luence of ve coati th the The inf tions wi automoti iga of est d inv metho gical s – rheolo coating R1 E CaBE HAAK Optimization of the filling process of shampoo sachets with the HAAKE CaBER 1 Rheometer Abstract tested on a high speed packing line with differing degrees of success. Some exhibited the string formation problem that resulted in failure of Key words the sachet seams. : Key Words: Application Notes r, Willenbache : Key words gs • Paper coatin coatings • Automotive • Mistingtional viscosity • Elonga application • Roller CaBER 1 • HAAKE With certain shampoo formulations, ‘strings’ of shampoo are formed when filling sachets during production. This causes the product to spill across the sachet seam area. As a consequence, the sachet cannot be properly sealed. Using the HAAKE CaBER 1 extensional rheometer ‘string forming’ shampoo formulations were easily and quickly distinguished from ‘well performing’ samples. Rotational rheometers were not able to provide this information. • Shampoo • filling • elongational viscosity a) • stringiness gs are deter• HAAKE CaBER paper coatin used and tings and thickeners recipe by the the other mined tions with experitheir interac In the CaBER ner disnents. of thicke compo nt types se in the ment, differe teristic decrea on of rt play a charac ter as a functi are deDr. Norbe diame times Benz filament b) break-up applicaRichard gesellschaft, Different the on Aktien time. any are ding BASF , depen en, Germ coatings Introduction sirable , Ludwigshaf automotive times are ndra Ewers -up tion. When Dr. Alexa short break to obtain the n, While most commercial rheometers sprayed, fic, s in order Jint Nijma ution. are capable of generating only shear Fisher Scienti advantageou le drop distrib d with Thermo flows, in many industrial processes finest possib coatings are applie extenGermany ing“ between and applications the flow is predomand „mist When paper Comparisonshear flow (b). spraying much as Figure 1: inantly extensional in nature. ted as (a) and rollers, be preven sional flow that formu Typical examples of this type of flow should Abstra ct which means -up times and are fiber spinning, paper coating, exbreak possible, coatings with long trusion and filling food or toiletries automotive coatings are lations s. Metho ds Spraying paper and tageou of elonin bottles. This paper describes the ation Mater ial are advan in which the applic 1 extenoptimization of filling shampoo into processes, important role. E CaBER Breakan industrial HAAK sachets. With certain shampoo forflows play ation behaviour With the (Capillary is al eter it gation the applic mulations, ‘strings’ of shampoo are be suffisional rheom Rheometer) Introd uction incannot As a result, sional ment to in many formed when filling the sachets, fluids often with traditional up Exten a simple experi flows occurworking prout comof these in le ation terised witho with which causes the product to spill and possib and Elong charac rties flows Products ciently quickly production ments. product gical prope across the seam area. As a consehave veexamine dustrial lly where changes or the rheolo shear experi viscosities can rties. flow. quence, the sachet cannot be properly plications an elongation cesses, especia shear section en prope cross tion in betwe these similar s ine sealed. This failure is expensive as it nt elonga is placed 1 extenof liquid experience and determ E g, pumof liquid ry differe ed, is E CaBER the HAAK A drop will result in the disposal of many HAAK ng, coatin filament are divert l plates in With the is then cantly. Sprayi ses are typica t eter, a liquidunder the parallel plate improperly sealed sachets. two signifi rheom upper ed sional in almos 1. The filling proces the stretch (in 50 ms), Using classical rotational or CaBER . Using that is relevant ping or quickly characcreated e tension that are up very e is elonter as ry. The of surfac moved examples the sampl filament. oscillatory shear experiments, no rties influence the filament diameof the es of indust which prope discernible differences could be obin life a liquid during all branch elongational quality and the decrease of producing breakage of the served between the five shampo of gated, on of time le to characterise terisation development and in orle g and a functi ial ct valuab ormulations investigated. The use of lowit is possib The neckin nt provides ore essent rties in produ nt, iour and ct theref filame is tional behav in a simple liquid filame about the produ nceof the HAAKE CaBER 1 (Capillary assurance ise product prope the elonga pasty liquids ation rties of of the substa Breakup Extensional Rheometer) to inform der to optim processes. run viscosity gical prope properties 2). s coaction e lines rheolo otive flow proces or produ ned (Figur shown inhowever, allowed the characterizaautom they way. The flow, the tion of the formulations’ extensional being examiring principle water-based In a shear elongational flow l typical microationa – in an properties in a quick and easy exThe measu simple: A laser the parallel 1). Elong e in of is se 3 rties (figur decrea thus providing a solution Figure of converge tion prope simures the onperiment, elonga t be meter measu ter D as a functi to hasthe problem. re canno flows and nal diame therefo upper plate reShampoos consist of 80 -90% sample with rotatio y substances t after the n. The analysed that displa positio water with more then 2% detergent, the time lated and Materials in its final viscosity is caliour in foaming agents and about 1% fraarrived rheometers. tional t gical behav y remengrances r rheolo and preservatives [1]. Often may displa lative elonga a simila 1from the measu experiment in elonga culated the shear nt properties sample = f(t)). n of the result (D very differe tional e tensio rheologiIf the surfac absolute elongaThe tional flows.discusses the n, the ined. and shear is know This article elongational be determ ners ter as a of ity can thicke diame s viscos results cal of variou such in the string decrease to which experiments lations, added. and formu have been thickeners Rheology Rheology Application Notes • Coatin to the printin • Elonga g Dr. Eberh g plate tional viscos ard Pietsc latter is and when • Mistin moiste h ity Thermo the The measurements were carried outg ned, water are forme Fisher • Scientific, droplets d with the HAAKE CaBER 1 Offset printin When there in the printin Germany g ink • CaBER g ink. extensional rheometer. The HAAK E CaBER ink string are such drople 1 that forms ts in experiment gives a quick insight into ween the in the gap an printing betthe material properties under an roller and ber blank Abstract et, the ink the rubextensional deformation which occur, In practi ce, relativ can spray. for example, during the sachet filling. stickin The tenden ess (short e terms such as It impossible to determine the , cy long) are for often used printin misting and rigidit g inks was on offset to descri extensional properties of a fluid y perties samples examined be the proof a printin using using a traditional rotational rheoon two besides g meter HAAK the rotatio rheological ink. In additi nal meter. on, rheovalue (sticki E RheoS variables the extens the tack In an extensional flow the streamional rheom tress 600 and lative value. ness) is defied CaBER as a reeter HAAK A foreca lines converge and the velocity 1. tenden E The results cy of printi st regarding increase (i.e. the acceleration) is in the and to ng inks frequency for the amplit spray to foam the direction of the flow (Figure 1a). ude and curve, the development is desirable very test This in contrast to the situation in a creep and for ink and the the printin and for their flow curve recorement shear flow where the streamlines are use in g machi with the measune. rotational parallel and the velocity increase is do not correlate rheometer perpendicular to the direction of with mistin printin g. g during Mater the flow (Figure 1b). With the ial and rotational metho ds form (samp possible rheometer, with the le B). it was Two offset aid of the break-up meter HAAK The rotatio nal rheofilament time E RheoS mined at printing inks draw distinc to easily and air bearin were exatress 600 a) a tempe quickly tions betwe gs permit rature of with regard tenden ological s all the to their en differe 40°C with cies for usual rheexami tenden misting nt The inks printin curve measu nations such with offset were availa cy to mist. g inks. as flow modified ble in their surements, rements, flow (sample limit meauncreep and A) and mation Introduction modified recovery, jump and oscillation deforwell as normal force measu tests, as Offset printin rements. used metho g is the most widely d in the A thin printing film industry. Comparison onto the of printing ink of offset printin is applie printin g form of rollers g inks b) via a systemd . In one hour, to print approximate it is possib le using this ly 10,000 method. sheets crucial to printin Factors that are g quality printing include inks the their wettab used with ility, gradat regard to drying. ion, sheen and Offset printin g ink consis compo Figure 1: Comparison between nents ts of extensional flow (a) and shear flowand (b).additiv pigment, bindin the 3 g es. agent It is a suspen complex sion with rheological are influe properties nced by that used. the compo nents In the printin that smoot g process, it h and sharpl is required tear-off 1 y define edges are d scumm obtained ing (misti and that ng) voided. When the of the ink is aink is transf erred Figure 1: Ampli tude curve in CS mode shampoos contain antistatic agents, thickeners and conditioners [2]. Current health and beauty trends make it important to stabilize specialeffect particles in gels, body washes or shampoos, hence the addition of thickeners to prevent the sedimentation of these particulate phases [3]. A problem with thickeners, however, is that they can be the cause of unwanted extensional properties, i.e. they can cause string formation. These unwanted rheological properties can manifest themselves in an unpleasant and ”slimy” feeling while using the product. They can also cause string formation during the high speed filling of shampoo into sachets or bottles, resulting in improper sealing of the sachet or messy bottles. Slowing down the filling speed would solve the problem, but that has implications for the throughput capability of the production line. A far better solution would be to modify the formulation of the shampoo in such a way that the highest filling speed can be used. In this investigation five shampoos with different formulations were tested to find out which formulation could be filled into the sachets successfully at a high filling speed. All formulations were previously 1 Looking for something else? Contact us! info-mc.de@thermofisher.com © 2012/08 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. · CaBER is a registered trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries. Copyrights in and to photographs of instruments are owned by Thermo Fisher Scientific. Copyrights in and to the spray gun image, the dough image and the drilling rig image are owned by a third party and licensed for limited use only to Thermo Fisher Scientific by iStockphoto. This document is for informational purposes only. Specifications, terms and pricing are subject to change. Not all products are available in every country. Please consult your local sales representative for details. Material Characterization China Tel. +86 (21) 68 65 45 88 info.mc.china@thermofisher.com 623-2058 V1 France Tel. +33 (0) 1 60 92 48 00 info.mc.fr@thermofisher.com India Tel. +91 (20) 6626 7000 info.mc.in@thermofisher.com Japan Tel. +81 (45) 453-9167 info.mc.jp@thermofisher.com Correlat ion extension of misting du ring pri al rheolo nting wi gical inv printing th est inks wi th the HA igations on off set AKE Ca BER 1 Experimental thermoscientific.com/mc Benelux Tel. +31 (0) 76 579 55 55 info.mc.nl@thermofisher.com Application Note V-208 Kevin Barber, Thermo Electron Stone, UK Dr. Alexandra Ewers, Jint Nijman,Thermo Fisher Scientific, Karlsruhe, Germany United Kingdom Tel. +44 (0) 1606 548 100 info.mc.uk@thermofisher.com USA Toll Free +1 866-537-0811 Tel. +1 978-513-3720 info.mc.us@thermofisher.com International/Germany Dieselstr. 4 76227 Karlsruhe Tel. +49 (0) 721 4 09 44 44 info.mc.de@thermofisher.com