UFC 3-220-05
16 January 2004
UFC 3-220-05
16 January 2004
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U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS (Preparing Activity)
Record of Changes (changes are indicated by \1\ ... /1/)
Change No.
This UFC supersedes TM 5-818-5, dated 15 November 1983. The format of this UFC does not
conform to UFC 1-300-01; however, the format will be adjusted to conform at the next revision.
The body of this UFC is the previous TM 5-818-5, dated 15 November 1983.
UFC 3-220-05
16 January 2004
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Chief, Engineering and Construction
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Chief Engineer
Naval Facilities Engineering Command
The Deputy Civil Engineer
DCS/Installations & Logistics
Department of the Air Force
Dr. GET W. MOY, P.E.
Director, Installations Requirements and
Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
(Installations and Environment)
ARMY TM 5-818-5
AIR FORCE AFM 88-5, Chap 6
This manual has been prepared by or for the Government and, except to the extent indicated below, is public property and not subject to copyright.
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Reprints or republications of this manual should include a credit substantially as
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Technical Manual TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418, Dewatering
and Groundwater Control.”
If the reprint or republication includes copyrighted material, the credit should
also state: “Anyone wishing to make further use of copyrighted material, by itself
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TM 5-818-5
AFM 88-5, Chap. 6
WASHINGTON , DC 27 June 1985
No. 1
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chapter 6/NAVFAC P-418, 15 November 1983 is changed as follows:
1. Remove old pages and insert new pages as indicated below. New or changed material is indicated by a vertical bar in the margin of the page.
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Insert pages
i and ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i and iii
A-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
2. File this change sheet in front of the publication for reference purposes.
By Order of the Secretaries of the Army, the Air Force, and the Marine Corps:
General, United States Army
Chief of Staff
Brigadier General, United States Army
The Adjutant General
General, United States Air Force,
Commander, Air Force
Logistics Command
Lieutenant General, Marine Corps
Deputy Chief of Staff, Installation
and Logistics Command
General, United States Air Force
Chief of Staff
*TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
No. 5-818-5
NO. 88-5, Chapter 6
No. P-418
WASHINGTON , DC 15 November 1983
Purpose and scope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Construction dewatering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Permanent groundwater control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Types and source of seepage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sumps and ditches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wellpoint systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deep-well systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vertical sand drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Electroosmosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cutoffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary of groundwater control methods. . . . . . . . . . . .
Selection of dewatering system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Geologic and soil conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Groundwater characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Permeability of pervious strata. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Surfacewater.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Analysis of groundwater flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mathematical and model analyses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flow-net analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Electrical analogy seepage models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Numerical analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wellpoints, wells, and filters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pumps, headers, and discharge pipes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Factors of safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dewatering open excavations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dewatering shafts and tunnels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Permanent pressure relief systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Freezing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Control of surface water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deep-well systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wellpoint systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vertical sand drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cutoffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Piezometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Control and evaluation of performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
*This manual supersedes TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418, April 1971.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFACP-418
Change 1
Types of specifications . . . . . . . . . .
Data to be included in specifications . . . . .
Dewatering requirements and specifications . . .
Measurement and payment . . . . . . . .
Examples of dewatering specifications . . . . . .
NOTATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIELD PUMPING TESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TO ISOTROPIC SOIL CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . .
EXAMPLES OF DETAILED DEWATERING SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation of piezometers for determining water table and artesian hydrostatic pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Permanent groundwater control system . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dewatering open excavation by ditch and sump
Self-jetting wellpoint . . . . . . . . . . .
Use of wellpoints where submergence is small . . .
Drainage of an open deep cut by means of a multistage wellpoint
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vacuum wellpoint system . . . . . . . . .
Jet-eductor wellpoint system for dewatering a shaft . . . . .
Deep-well system for dewatering an excavation in sand . .
Deep wells with auxiliary vacuum system for dewatering a shaft
in stratified materials. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sand drains for dewatering a slope . . . . . . . . . .
Electra-osmotic wellpoint system for stabilizing an excavation
slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Grout curtain or cutoff trench around an excavation. .
Dewatering systems applicable to different soils . . .
Recharge of groundwater to prevent settlement of a building as a
result of dewatering operations . . . . . . . . .
Geologic profile developed from geophysical explorations . . . . .
Permeameters: (a) constant head and (b) falling head . . .
Specific yield of water-bearing sands versus D10 South Coastal
Basin, California . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D 10 versus in situ coefficient of permeability-Mississippi River
Valley and Arkansas River Valley . . . . . . . . . . .
Formulas for determining permeability from field falling head
tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inches of rainfall during 10 and 30-minute and l-hour periods . .
Flow and head for fully penetrating line slot; single-line source;
artesian, gravity, and combined Flows . . . . . . .
Height of free discharge surface h,; gravity flow . . .
Flow and head for partially penetrating line slot; single-line
source; artesian, gravity, and combined flows . . . . . . . .
Flow and head for fully and partially penetrating line slot; twoline source; artesian and gravity flows . . . . . . .
Flow and head (midway) for two partially penetrating slots; twoline source; artesian and gravity flows. . . . . .
Flow and head for fully and partially penetrating circular slots;
circular source; artesian flow . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Head at center of fully and partially penetrating circular slots; circular source; artesian flow . . . . . . .
Flow and drawdown at slot for fully and partially penetrating rectangular slots; circular source; artesian flow . . . .
Head within a partially penetrating rectangular slot; circular
source; artesian flow . . . . . . . . . .
Flow and drawdown for fully and partially penetrating single
wells; circular source; artesian flow . . . . . . . . . .
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFACP-418
Flow and drawdown for fully and partially penetrating single
wells; circular source; gravity flow
Flow and drawdown for fully penetrating single well; circular
source; combined artesian and gravity flows
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
1-1. Purpose and scope. This manual provides
guidance for the planning, design, supervision, construction, and operation of dewatering and pressure
relief systems and of seepage cutoffs for deep excavations for structures. It presents: description of various
methods of dewatering and pressure relief; techniques
for determining groundwater conditions, characteristics of pervious aquifers, and dewatering requirements; guidance for specifying requirements for dewatering and seepage control measures; guidance for
determining the adequacy of designs and plans prepared by contractors; procedures for designing, installing, operating, and checking the performance of dewatering systems for various types of excavations; and
descriptions and design of various types of cutoffs for
controlling groundwater.
1-2. General.
a. It will generally be the responsibility of the contractor to design, install, and operate dewatering and
groundwater control systems. The principal usefulness
of this manual to design personnel will be those portions devoted to selecting and specifying dewatering
and groundwater control systems. The portions of the
manual dealing with design considerations should facilitate review of the contractor’s plans for achieving
the desired results.
b. Most of the analytical procedures set forth in this
manual for groundwater flow are for “steady-state”
flow and not for “unsteady-state” flow, which occurs
during the initial phase of dewatering.
c. Some subsurface construction may require dewatering and groundwater control procedures that are
not commonly encountered by construction contractors, or the dewatering may be sufficiently critical as to
affect the competency of the foundation and design of
the substructure. In these cases, it may be desirable to
design and specify the equipment and procedures to be
used and to accept responsibility for results obtained.
This manual should assist design personnel in this
1-3. Construction dewatering.
a. Need for groundwater control. Proper control of
groundwater can greatly facilitate construction of subsurface structures founded in, or underlain by, pervious soil strata below the water table by:
(1) Intercepting seepage that would otherwise
emerge from the slopes or bottom of an excavation.
(2) Increasing the stability of excavated slopes
and preventing the loss of material from the slopes or
bottom of the excavation.
(3) Reducing lateral loads on cofferdams.
(4) Eliminating the need for, or reducing, air pressure in tunneling.
(5) Improving the excavation and backfill characteristics of sandy soils.
Uncontrolled or improperly controlled groundwater
can, by hydrostatic pressure and seepage, cause piping,
heave, or reduce the stability of excavation slopes or
foundation soils so as to make them unsuitable for supporting the structure. For these reasons, subsurface
construction should not be attempted or permitted
without appropriate control of the groundwater and
(subsurface) hydrostatic pressure.
b. Influence of excavation characteristics. The location of an excavation, its size, depth, and type, such as
open cut, shaft, or tunnel, and the type of soil to be
excavated are important considerations in the selection and design of a dewatering system. For most
granular soils, the groundwater table during construction should be maintained at least 2 to 3 feet below the
slopes and bottom of an excavation in order to ensure
“dry” working conditions. It may need to be maintained at lower depths for silts (5 to 10 feet below subgrade) to prevent water pumping to the surface and
making the bottom of the excavation wet and spongy.
Where such deep dewatering provisions are necessary,
they should be explicitly required by the specifications
as they greatly exceed normal requirements and would
not otherwise be anticipated by contractors.
(1) Where the bottom of an excavation is underlain by a clay, silt, or shale stratum that is underlain
by a pervious formation under artesian pressure (fig.
1-1), the upward pressure or seepage may rupture the
bottom of the excavation or keep it wet even though
the slopes have been dewatered. Factor of safety considerations with regard to artesian pressure are discussed in paragraph 4-8.
(2) Special measures may be required for excavations extending into weathered rock or shale where
substantial water inflow can be accommodated without severe erosion. If the groundwater has not been
controlled by dewatering and there is appreciable flow
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from "Foundation Engineering," G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 1-1. Installation of piezometers for determining water table and artesian hydrostatic pressure.
or significant hydrostatic pressures within the rock or
shale deposit, rock anchors, tiebacks, and lagging or
bracing may be required to prevent heave or to support
exposed excavation slopes.
(3) An important facet of dewatering an excavation is the relative risk of damage that may occur to
the excavation, cofferdam, or foundation for a structure in event of failure of the dewatering system. The
method of excavation and reuse of the excavated soil
may also have a bearing on the need for dewatering.
These factors, as well as the construction schedule,
must be determined and evaluated before proceeding
with the design of a dewatering system.
c. Groundwater control methods. Methods for controlling groundwater may be divided into three categories:
(1) Interception and removal of groundwater from
the site by pumping from sumps, wells, wellpoints, or
drains. This type of control must include consideration
of a filter to prevent migration of fines and possible
development of piping in the soil being drained.
(2) Reduction of artesian pressure beneath the
bottom of an excavation.
(3) Isolation of the excavation from the inflow of
groundwater by a sheet-pile cutoff, grout curtain,
slurry cutoff wall, or by freezing.
1-4. Permanent groundwater control.
Many factors relating to the design of a temporary dewatering or pressure relief system are equally applicable to the design of permanent groundwater control
systems. The principal differences are the requirements for permanency and the need for continuous
operation. The requirements for permanent drainage
systems depend largely on the structural design and
operational requirements of the facility. Since permanent groundwater control systems must operate continuously without interruption, they should be conservatively designed and mechanically simple to avoid
the need for complicated control equipment subject to
failure and the need for operating personnel. Permanent drainage systems should include provisions for
inspection, maintenance, and monitoring the behavior
of the system in more detail than is usually required
for construction dewatering systems. Permanent systems should be conservatively designed so that satisfactory results are achieved even if there is a rise in
the groundwater level in the surrounding area, which
may occur if water supply wells are shut down or if the
efficiency of the dewatering system decreases, as may
happen if bacteria growth develops in the filter system. An example of a permanent groundwater control
system is shown in figure 1-2.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(Fruco & Associates, Inc.)
Figure 1-2. Permanent groundwater control system.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
2-1. General.
a. Temporary dewatering systems. Dewatering and
control of groundwater during construction may be accomplished by one or a combination of methods described in the following paragraphs. The applicability
of different methods to various types of excavations,
groundwater lowering, and soil conditions is also discussed in these paragraphs. Analysis and design of dewatering pressure relief and groundwater control systems are described in chapter 4.
b. Permanent drainage systems. The principles and
methods of groundwater control for permanent structures are similar to those to be described for construction projects. A method often used for permanent
groundwater control consists of relief wells (to be discussed subsequently in detail) installed beneath and
adjacent to the structure, with drainage blankets beneath and surrounding the structure at locations below
the water table as shown previously in figure 1-2. The
water entering the wells and drainage blanket is
carried through collector pipes to sumps, pits, or manholes, from which it is pumped or drained. Permanent
groundwater control may include a combination of
wells, cutoffs, and vertical sand drains. Additional information on the design of permanent drainage systems for buildings may be found in TM 5-818-1/AFM
88-3, Chapter 7; TM 5-818-4/AFM 88-5, Chapter 5;
and TM 5-818-6/AFM 88-32. (See app. A for references.)
2-2. Types and source of seepage.
a. Types of seepage flow. Types of seepage flow are
tabulated below:
Type of flow
Flow characteristics
Seepage through the previous aquifer is confined
between two or more impervious strata, and
the piezometric head within the previous
aquifer is above the top of the pervious aquifer (fig. 1-2).
The surface of the water table is below the top of
the pervious aquifer (fig. 1-2).
For some soil configurations and drawdowns, the flow
may be artesian in some areas and gravity in other
areas, such as near wells or sumps where drawdown
occurs. The type of seepage flow to a dewatering system can be determined from a study of the ground-
water table and soil formations in the area and the
drawdown required to dewater the excavation.
b. Source of seepage flow. The source and distance
L* to the source of seepage or radius of influence R
must be estimated or determined prior to designing or
evaluating a dewatering or drainage system.
(1) The source of seepage depends on the geological features of the area, the existence of adjacent
streams or bodies of water, the perviousness of the
sand formation, recharge, amount of drawdown, and
duration of pumping. The source of seepage may be a
nearby stream or lake, the aquifer being drained, or
both an adjacent body of water and storage in the
(2) Where the site is not adjacent to a river or
lake, the source of seepage will be from storage in the
formation being drained and recharged from rainfall
over the area. Where this condition exists, flow to the
area being dewatered can be computed on the assumption that the source of seepage is circular and at a distance R. The radius of influence R is defined as the
radius of the circle beyond which pumping of a dewatering system has no significant effect on the original groundwater level or piezometric surface (see para
(3) Where an excavation is located close to a river
or shoreline in contact with the aquifer to be dewatered, the distance to the effective source of seepage
L, if less than R/2, may be considered as being approximately the near bank of the river; if the distance to the
riverbank or shoreline is equal to about R/2, or greater,
the source of seepage can be considered a circle with a
radius somewhat less than R.
(4) Where a line or two parallel lines of *wells are
installed in an area not close to a river, the source of
seepage may be considered as a line paralleling the line
of wells.
2-3. Sumps and ditches.
a. Open excavations. An elementary dewatering
procedure involves installation of ditches, French
drains, and sumps within an excavation, from which
water entering the excavation can be pumped (fig.
2-1). This method of dewatering generally should not
*For convenience, symbols and unusual abbreviations are listed
in the Notation (app B).
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering, “G. A. Leonards. ed.. 1962, McGraw-Hill Book
Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 2-1. Dewatering open excavation by ditch and sump.
be considered where the groundwater head must be
lowered more than a few feet, as seepage into the excavation may impair the stability of excavation slopes
or have a detrimental effect on the integrity of the
foundation soils. Filter blankets or drains may be included in a sump and ditch system to overcome minor
raveling and facilitate collection of seepage. Disadvantages of a sump dewatering system are slowness
in drainage of the slopes; potentially wet conditions
during excavation and backfilling, which may impede
construction and adversely affect the subgrade soil;
space required in the bottom of the excavation for
drains, ditches, sumps, and pumps; and the frequent
lack of workmen who are skilled in the proper construction or operation of sumps.
b. Cofferdams. A common method of excavating
below the groundwater table in confined areas is to
drive wood or steel sheet piling below subgrade elevation, install bracing, excavate the earth, and pump
out any seepage that enters the cofferdammed area.
(1) Dewatering a sheeted excavation with sumps
and ditches is subject to the same limitations and serious disadvantages as for open excavations. However,
the danger of hydraulic heave in the bottom of an excavation in sand may be reduced where the sheeting
can be driven into an underlying impermeable stratum, thereby reducing the seepage into the bottom of
the excavation.
(2) Excavations below the water table can sometimes be successfully made using sheeting and sump
pumping. However, the sheeting and bracing must be
designed for hydrostatic pressures and reduced toe
support caused by upward seepage forces. Covering
the bottom of the excavation with an inverted sand
and gravel filter blanket will facilitate construction
and pumping out seepage water.
2-4. Wellpoint systems. Wellpoint systems are
a commonly used dewatering method as they are appli2-2
cable to a wide range of excavations and groundwater
a. Conventional wellpoint systems. A conventional
wellpoint system consists of one or more stages of
wellpoints having 1½ or 2-inch-diameter riser pipes,
installed in a line or ring at spacings between about 3
and 10 feet, with the risers connected to a common
header pumped with one or more wellpoint pumps.
Wellpoints are small well screens composed of either
brass or stainless steel mesh, slotted brass or plastic
pipe, or trapezoidal-shaped wire wrapped on rods to
form a screen. They generally range in size from 2 to 4
inches in diameter and 2 to 5 feet in length and are
constructed with either closed ends or self-jetting tips
as shown in figure 2-2. They may or may not be surrounded with a filter depending upon the type of soil
drained. Wellpoint screens and riser pipes may be as
large as 6 inches and as long as 25 feet in certain situations. A wellpoint pump uses a combined vacuum and
a centrifugal pump connected to the header to produce
a vacuum in the system and to pump out the water
that drains to the wellpoints. One or more supplementary vacuum pumps may be added to the main
pumps where additional air handling capacity is required or desirable. Generally, a stage of wellpoints
(wellpoints connected to a header at a common elevation) is capable of lowering the groundwater table
about 15 feet; lowering the groundwater more than 15
feet generally requires a multistage installation of
wellpoints as shown in figures 2-3 and 2-4. A wellpoint system is usually the most practical method for
dewatering where the site is accessible and where the
excavation and water-bearing strata to be drained are
not too deep. For large or deep excavations where the
depth of excavation is more than 30 or 40 feet, or
where artesian pressure in a deep aquifer must be reduced, it may be more practical to use eductor-type
wellpoints or deep wells (discussed subsequently) with
turbine or submersible pumps, using wellpoints as a
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
Figure 2-2. Self-jetting wellpoint.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap
6/NAVFAC P-418
(From “Foundation Engineering, ” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962. McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 2-3. Use of wellpoints where submergence is small.
supplementary method of dewatering if needed. Wellpoints are more suitable than deep wells where the
submergence available for the well screens is small
(fig. 2-3) and close spacing is required to intercept
b. Vacuum wellpoint systems. Silts and sandy silts
0.05 millimetre) with a low coefficient of permeability (k = 0.1 x 10-4 to 10 x 10-4 centimetres
per second) cannot be drained successfully by gravity
methods, but such soils can often be stabilized by a
vacuum wellpoint system. A vacuum wellpoint system
is essentially a conventional well system in which a
partial vacuum is maintained in the sand filter around
the wellpoint and riser pipe (fig 2-5). This vacuum will
increase the hydraulic gradient producing flow to the
wellpoints and will improve drainage and stabilization
of the surrounding soil. For a wellpoint system, the net
vacuum at the wellpoint and in the filter is the vacuum
in the header pipe minus the lift or length of the riser
pipe. Therefore, relatively little vacuum effect can be
obtained with a wellpoint system if the lift is more
than about 15 feet. If there is much air loss, it may be
necessary to provide additional vacuum pumps to ensure maintaining the maximum vacuum in the filter
column. The required capacity of the water pump is, of
course, small.
c. Jet-eductor wellpoint systems. Another type of
dewatering system is the jet-eductor wellpoint system
(fig. 2-6), which consists of an eductor installed in a
small diameter well or a wellpoint screen attached to a
jet-eductor installed at the end of double riser pipes, a
pressure pipe to supply the jet-eductor and another
pipe for the discharge from the eductor pump. Eductor
wellpoints may also be pumped with a pressure pipe
within a larger return pipe. This type of system has
the advantage over a conventional wellpoint system of
being able to lower the water table as much as 100 feet
from the top of the excavation. Jet-eductor wellpoints
are installed in the same manner as conventional wellpoints, generally with a filter as required by the foundation soils. The two riser pipes are connected to separate headers, one to supply water under pressure to
the eductors and the other for return of flow from the
wellpoints and eductors (fig. 2-6). Jet-eductor wellpoint systems are most advantageously used to dewater deep excavations where the volume of water to be
pumped is relatively small because of the low permeability of the aquifer.
2-5. Deep-well systems.
a. Deep wells can be used to dewater pervious sand
or rock formations or to relieve artesian pressure be-
(From “Soils Mechanics in Engineering Practice, “by K. Terzaghi and R. B. Peck, 1948,
Wiley & Sons, Inc. Used with permission of Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
Figure 2-4. Drainage of an open deep cut by means of a multistage wellpoint system.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
vacuum capacity to ensure efficient operations of the
Note: Vacuum in header = 25 ft; vacuum
in filter and soil in vicinity of wellpoint = approximately 10 ft.
(From “Foundation Engineering,” G. A. Leonards, ed.,
1962, McGraw-Hill Book Company. Used with permission
of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 2-5. Vacuum wellpoint system.
neath an excavation. They are particularly suited for
dewatering large excavations requiring high rates of
pumping, and for dewatering deep excavations for
dams, tunnels, locks, powerhouses, and shafts. Excavations and shafts as deep as 300 feet can be dewatered
by pumping from deep wells with turbine or submersible pumps. The principal advantages of deep wells are
that they can be installed around the periphery of an
excavation and thus leave the construction area unemcumbered by dewatering equipment, as shown in figure 2-7, and the excavation can be predrained for its
full depth.
b. Deep wells for dewatering are similar in type and
construction to commercial water wells. They commonly have a screen with a diameter of 6 to 24 inches
with lengths up to 300 feet and are generally installed
with a filter around the screen to prevent the infiltration of foundation materials into the well and to improve the yield of the well.
c. Deep wells may be used in conjunction with a vacuum system to dewater small, deep excavations for
tunnels, shafts, or caissons sunk in relatively finegrained or stratified pervious soils or rock below the
groundwater table. The addition of a vacuum to the
well screen and filter will increase the hydraulic gradient to the well and will create a vacuum within the
surrounding soil that will prevent or minimize seepage
from perched water into the excavation. Installations
of this type, as shown in figure 2-8, require adequate
2-6. Vertical sand drains. Where a stratified
semipervious stratum with a low vertical permeability
overlies a pervious stratum and the groundwater table
has to be lowered in both strata, the water table in the
upper stratum can be lowered by means of sand drains
as shown in figures 2-9. If properly designed and installed, sand drains will intercept seepage in the upper
stratum and conduct it into the lower, more permeable
stratum being dewatered with wells or wellpoints.
Sand drains consist of a column of pervious sand
placed in a cased hole, either driven or drilled through
the soil, with the casing subsequently removed. The capacity of sand drains can be significantly increased by
installation of a slotted 1% or 2-inch pipe inside the
sand drain to conduct the water down to the more pervious stratum.
2-7. Electra-osmosis. Some soils, such as silts,
clayey silts, and clayey silty sands, at times cannot be
dewatered by pumping from wellpoints or wells. However, such soils can be drained by wells or wellpoints
combined with a flow of direct electric current
through the soil toward the wells. Creation of a hydraulic gradient by pumping from the wells or wellpoints with the passage of direct electrical current
through the soil causes the water contained in the soil
voids to migrate from the positive electrode (anode) to
the negative electrode (cathode). By making the cathode a wellpoint, the water that migrates to the cathode
can be removed by either vacuum or eductor pumping
(fig. 2-10).
2-8. Cutoffs. Cutoff curtains can be used to stop or
minimize seepage into an excavation where the cutoff
can be installed down to an impervious formation.
Such cutoffs can be constructed by driving steel sheet
piling, grouting existing soil with cement or chemical
grout, excavating by means of a slurry trench and
backfilling with a plastic mix of bentonite and‘soil, installing a concrete wall, possibly consisting of overlapping shafts, or freezing. However, groundwater within
the area enclosed by a cutoff curtain, or leakage
through or under such a curtain, will have to be
pumped out with a well or wellpoint system as shown
in figure 2-11.
a. Cement and chemical grout curtains. A cutoff
around an excavation in coarse sand and gravel or porous rock can be created by injecting cement or chemical grout into the voids of the soil. For grouting to be
effective, the voids in the rock or soil must be large
enough to accept the grout, and the holes must be close
enough together so that a continuous grout curtain is
obtained. The type of grout that can be used depends
upon the size of voids in the sand and gravel or rock to
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U.S Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 2-6. Jet-eductor wellpoint system for dewatering a shaft.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 2-7 Deep-well system for dewatering an excavation in sand.
be grouted. Grouts commonly used for this purpose are
portland cement and water; cement, bentonite, an admixture to reduce surface tension, and water; silica
gels; or a commercial product. Generally, grouting of
fine or medium sand is not, very effective for blocking
seepage. Single lines of grout holes are also generally
ineffective as seepage cutoffs; three or more lines are
generally required Detailed information on chemical
grouting and grouting methods is contained in TM
5-818-6/AFM 88-32 and NAVFAC DM 7.3.
b. Slurry walls. A cutoff to prevent or minimize
seepage into an excavation can also be formed by digging a narrow trench around the area to be excavated
and backfilling it with an impervious soil. Such a
trench can be constructed in almost any soil, either
above or below the water table, by keeping the trench
filled with a bentonite mud slurry and backfilling it
with a suitable impervious soil. Generally, the trench
is backfilled with a well-graded clayey sand gravel
mixed with bentonite slurry. Details regarding design
and construction of a slurry cutoff wall are given in
paragraphs 4-9g(2) and 5-5b.
c. Concrete walls. Techniques have been developed
for constructing concrete cutoff walls by overlapping
cylinders and also as continuous walls excavated and
concreted in sections. These walls can be reinforced
and are sometimes incorporated as a permanent part
of a structure.
d. Steel sheet piling. The effectiveness of sheet piling driven around an excavation to reduce seepage depends upon the perviousness of the soil, the tightness
of the interlocks, and the length of the seepage path.
Some seepage through the interlocks should be expected. When constructing small structures in open water,
it may be desirable to drive steel sheet piling around
the structure, excavate the soil underwater, and then
tremie in a concrete seal. The concrete tremie seal
must withstand uplift pressures, or pressure relief
measures must be used. In restricted areas, it may be
necessary to use a combination of sheeting and bracing
with wells or wellpoints installed just inside or outside
of the sheeting. Sheet piling is not very effective in
blocking seepage where boulders or other hard obstructions may be encountered because of driving out
of interlock.
e. Freezing. Seepage into a excavation or shaft can
be prevented by freezing the surrounding soil. However, freezing is expensive and requires expert design,
installation, and operation. If the soil around the excavation is not completely frozen, seepage can cause rap2-7
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 2-8. Deep wells with auxiliary vacuum system for dewatering a shaft in stratified materials.
id enlargement of a fault (unfrozen zone) with consequent serious trouble, which is difficult to remedy.
2-9. Summary of groundwater control
methods. A brief summary of groundwater control
methods discussed in this section is given in table 2-1.
2-10. Selection of dewatering system.
a. General. The method most suitable for dewatering an excavation depends upon the location, type,
size, and depth of the excavation; thickness, stratification, and permeability of the foundation soils below
the water table into which the excavation extends or is
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
Figure 2-9. Sand drains for dewatering a slope.
underlain; potential damage resulting from failure of
the dewatering system; and the cost of installation and
operation of the system. The cost of a dewatering
method or system will depend upon:
(1) Type, size, and pumping requirements of project.
(2) Type and availability of power.
(3) Labor requirements.
(4) Duration of required pumping.
The rapid development of slurry cutoff walls has made
this method of groundwater control, combined with a
certain amount of pumping, a practical and economical alternative for some projects, especially those
where pumping costs would otherwise be great.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 2-10. Electra-osmotic wellpoint system for stabilizing an excavation slope.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 2-11. Grout curtain or cutoff trench around an excavation.
b. Factors controlling selection. Where foundations
must be constructed on soils below the groundwater
level, it will generally be necessary to dewater the excavation by means of a deep-well or wellpoint system
rather than trenching and sump pumping. Dewatering
is usually essential to prevent damage to foundation
soils caused by equipment operations and sloughing or
sliding in of the side slopes. Conventional deep-well
and wellpoint systems designed and installed by companies specializing in this work are generally satisfactory, and detailed designs need not be prepared by the
engineer. However, where unusual pressure relief or
dewatering requirements must be achieved, the engineer should make detailed analyses and specify the dewatering system or detailed results to be achieved in
the contract documents. Where unusual equipment
and procedures are required to achieve desired results,
they should be described in detail in the contract documents. The user of this manual is referred to
paragraphs 6b, 14b, and 2f of Appendix III, TM
5-818-4/AFM 88-5, Chapter 5, for additional discussions of dewatering requirements and contract specifications. Major factors affecting selection of dewatering and groundwater control systems are discussed in
the following paragraphs.
(1) Type of excavation. Small open excavations, or
excavations where the depth of water table lowering is
small, can generally be dewatering most economically
and safely by means of a conventional wellpoint system. If the excavation requires that the water table or
artesian pressure be lowered more than 20 or 30 feet, a
system of jet-eductor type wellpoints or deep wells
may be more suitable. Either wellpoints, deep wells, or
a combination thereof can be used to dewater an exca2-10
vation surrounded by a cofferdam. Excavations for
deep shafts, caissons, or tunnels that penetrate stratified pervious soil or rock can generally best be dewatered with either a deep-well system (with or without
an auxiliary vacuum) or a jet-eductor wellpoint system
depending on the soil formation and required rate of
pumping, but slurry cutoff walls and freezing should
be evaluated as alternative procedures. Other factors
relating to selection of a dewatering system are interference of the system with construction operations,
space available for the system, sequence of construction operations, durations of dewatering, and cost of
the installation and its operation. Where groundwater
lowering is expensive and where cofferdams are required, caisson construction may be more economical.
Caissons are being used more frequently, even for
small structures.
(2) Geologic and soil conditions. The geologic and
soil formations at a site may dictate the type of dewatering or drainage system. If the soil below the water
table is a deep, more or less homogeneous, free-draining sand, it can be effectively dewatered with either a
conventional well or wellpoint system. If, on the other
hand, the formation is highly stratified, or the saturated soil to be dewatered is underlain by an impervious
stratum of clay, shale, or rock, wellpoints or wells on
relatively close centers may be required. Where soil
and groundwater conditions require only the relief of
artesian pressure beneath an excavation, this pressure
relief can be accomplished by means of relatively few
deep wells or jet-eductor wellpoints installed around
and at the top of the excavation.
(a) If an aquifer is thick so that the penetration
of a system of wellpoints is small, the small ratio of
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
screen length to aquifer thickness may result in relatively little drawdown within the excavation, even
though the water table is lowered 15 to 20 feet at the
line of wellpoints. For deep aquifers, a deep-well system will generally be more applicable, or the length of
the wellpoints should be increased and the wellpoints
set deep and surrounded with a high-capacity filter.
On the other hand, if the aquifer is relatively thin or
stratified wellpoints may be best suited to the situation.
(b) The perviousness and drainability of a soil or
rock may dictate the general type of a dewatering system to be used for a project. A guide for the selection
of a dewatering system related to the grain size of soils
is presented in figure 2-12. Some gravels and rock formations may be so permeable that a barrier to flow,
such as a slurry trench, grout curtain, sheet pile cutoff,
or freezing, may be necessary to reduce the quantity of
flow to the dewatering system to reasonable proportions. Clean, free-draining sands can be effectively dewatered by wells or wellpoints. Drainage of sandy silts
and silts will usually require the application of additional vacuum to well or wellpoint dewatering systems, or possibly the use of the electroosmotic method
of dewatering where soils are silty or clayey. However,
where thin sand layers are present, special requirements may be unnecessary. Electroosmosis should never be used until a test of a conventional system of wellpoints, wells with vacuum, or jet-eductor wellpoints
has been attempted.
(3) Depth of groundwater lowering. The magnitude of the drawdown required is an important consideration in selecting a dewatering system. If the
drawdown required is large, deep wells or jet-eductor
wellpoints may be the best because of their ability to
achieve large drawdowns from the top of an excavation, whereas many stages of wellpoints would be required to accomplish the same drawdown. Deep wells
can be used for a wide range of flows by selecting
pumps of appropriate size, but jet-eductor wellpoints
are not as flexible. Since jet-eductor pumps are relatively inefficient, they are most applicable where well
flows are small as in silty to fine sand formations.
(4) Reliability requirements. The reliability of
groundwater control required for a project will have a
significant bearing on the design of the dewatering
pumps, power supply, and standby power and equipment. If the dewatering problem is one involving the
relief of artesian pressure to prevent a “blowup” of the
bottom of an excavation, the rate of water table rebound, in event of failure of the system, may be extremely rapid. Such a situation may influence the type
of pressure relief system selected and require inclusion
of standby equipment with automatic power transfer
and starting equipment.
(5) Required rate of pumping. The rate of pump
ing required to dewater an excavation may vary from
5 to 50,000 gallons per minute or more. Thus, flow to a
drainage system will have an important effect on the
design and selection of the wells, pumps, and piping
system. Turbine or submersible pumps for pumping
deep wells are available in sizes from 3 to 14 inches
with capacities ranging from 5 to 5000 gallons per
minute at heads up to 500 feet. Wellpoint pumps are
available in sizes from 6 to 12 inches with capacities
ranging from 500 to 5000 gallons per minute depending upon vacuum and discharge heads. Jet-eductor
pumps are available that will pump from 3 to 20 gallons per minute for lifts up to 100 feet. Where soil conditions dictate the use of vacuum or electroosmotic
wellpoint systems, the rate of pumpage will be very
small. The rate of pumpage will depend largely on the
distance to the effective source of seepage, amount of
drawdown or pressure relief required, and thickness
and perviousness of the aquifer through which the
flow is occurring.
(6) Intermittent pumping. Pumping labor costs can
occasionally be materially reduced by pumping a dewatering system only one or two shifts per day. While
this operation is not generally possible, nor advantageous, it can be economical where the dewatered
area is large; subsoils below subgrade elevation are
deep, pervious, and homogeneous; and the pumping
plant is oversize. Where these conditions exist, the
pumping system can be operated to produce an abnormally large drawdown during one or two shifts. The
recovery during nonpumping shifts raises the groundwater level, but not sufficiently to approach subgrade
elevation. This type of pumping plant operation
should be permitted only where adequate piezometers
have been installed and are read frequently.
(7) Effect of groundwater lowering on adjacent
structures and wells. Lowering the groundwater table
increases the load on foundation soils below the original groundwater table. As most soils consolidate
upon application of additional load, structures located
within the radius of influence of a dewatering system
may settle. The possibility of such settlement should
be investigated before a dewatering system is designed. Establishing reference hubs on adjacent structures prior to the start of dewatering operations will
permit measuring any settlement that occurs during
dewatering, and provides a warning of possible distress or failure of a structure that might be affected.
Recharge of the groundwater, as illustrated in figure.
2-13, may be necessary to reduce or eliminate distress
to adjacent structures, or it may be necessary to use
positive cutoffs to avoid lowering the groundwater
level outside of an excavation. Positive cutoffs include
soil freezing and slurry cutoff techniques. Observations should be made of the water level in nearby wells
before and during dewatering to determine any effect
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 2-13. Recharge of groundwater toprevent settlement of a building as a result of dewatering operations
of dewatering. This information will provide a basis
for evaluating any claims that may be made.
(8) Dewatering versus cutoffs and other procedures. While dewatering is generally the most expeditious and economical procedure for controlling
water, it is sometimes possible to excavate more economically in the wet inside of a cofferdam or caisson
and then seal the bottom of the excavation with a
tremie seal, or use a combination of slurry wall or
other type of cutoff and dewatering. Where subsurface
construction extends to a considerable depth or where
high uplift pressures or large flows are anticipated, it
may occasionally be advantageous to: substitute a
caisson for a conventional foundation and sink it to the
design elevation without lowering the groundwater
level; use a combination of concrete cutoff walls constructed in slurry-supported trenches, and a tremied
concrete foundation slab, in which case the cutoff
walls may serve also as part of the completed structure; use large rotary drilling machines for excavating
purposes, without lowering the groundwater level; or
use freezing techniques. Cofferdams, caissons, and cutoff walls may have difficulty penetrating formations
containing numerous boulders. Foundation designs requiring compressed air will rarely be needed, although
compressed air may be economical or necessary for
some tunnel construction work.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
3-1. General. Before selecting or designing a system for dewatering an excavation, it is necessary to
consider or investigate subsurface soils, groundwater
conditions, power availability, and other factors as
listed in table 3-1. The extent and detail of these investigations will depend on the effect groundwater
and hydrostatic pressure will have on the construction
of the project and the complexity of the dewatering
3-2. Geologic and soil conditions. An understanding of the geology of the area is necessary to
plan any investigation of subsurface soil conditions.
Information obtained from the geologic and soil investigations as outlined in TM 5-818-1/AFM 88-3,
Chapter 7 or NAVFAC DM7.1, should be used in
evaluating a dewatering or groundwater control problem. Depending on the completeness of information
available, it may be possible to postulate the general
Table 3-1. Preliminary Investigations
Geologic and soil Type, stratification, and
thickness of soil involved
in excavation and
Para 3-2; TM 5-818-1/
AFM 88-3, Chapter 7
Reliability of power system,
damage to excavation or
foundation in event of
f a i l u r e , rate of rebound,
Groundwater or
Para 2-3 and 3-3
Groundwater table or hydrostatic pressure in area and
its source. Variation with
river stage, season of year,
e t c . Type of seepage (artesian, gravity, combined).
Chemical characteristics
and temperature of
groundwater .
Determine permeability from
visual, field, or laboratory tests, preferably by
field tests.
Para 3-4; Appendix C
Availability, reliability,
and capacity of power at
Para 3-5
Degree of possible Rainfall in area. Runoff
water levels in nearby
bodies of water.
Para 3-6
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
characteristics and stratification of the soil and rock
formations in the area. With this information and the
size of and depth of the excavation to be dewatered,
the remainder of the geologic and soil investigations
can be planned. Seismic or resistivity surveys (as well
as logged core and soil borings) may be useful in delineating the thickness and boundaries of major geologic
and soil formations and will often show irregularities
in the geologic profile that might otherwise go undetected (fig. 3-1).
a. Borings.
(1) A thorough knowledge of the extent, thickness, stratification, and seepage characteristics of the
subsurface soil or rock adjacent to and beneath an excavation is required to analyze and design a dewatering system. These factors are generally determined
during the normal field exploration that is required for
most structures. Samples of the soil or rock formation
obtained from these borings should be suitable for
classifying and testing for grain size and permeability,
if the complexity of the project warrants. All of the information gathered in the investigation should be presented on soil or geologic profiles of the site. For large,
complex dewatering or drainage projects, it may be desirable to construct a three-dimensional model of colored pegs or transparent plastic to depict the different
geologic or soil formations at the site.
(2) The depth and spacing of borings (and samples) depend on the character of the materials and on
the type and configuration of the formations or deposits as discussed in TM 5-818-1/AFM 88-3, Chapter 7.
Care must be taken that the borings accomplish the
(a) Completely penetrate and sample all
aquifers that may have a bearing on dewatering an excavation and controlling artesian pressures.
(b) Identify (and sample) all soils or rocks that
would affect or be affected by seepage or hydrostatic
(c) Delineate the soil stratification.
(d) Reveal any significant variation in soil and
rock conditions that would have a bearing on seepage
flow, location and depth of wells, or depth of cutoff.
Continuous wash or auger boring samples are not considered satisfactory for dewatering exploration as the
fines tend to be washed out, thereby changing the
character of the soil.
b. Rock coring. Rock samples, to be meaningful for
groundwater studies, should be intact samples obtained by core drilling. Although identification of
rocks can be made from drill cuttings, the determination of characteristics of rock formations, such as frequency, orientation, and width of joints or fractures,
that affect groundwater flow requires core samples.
The percent of core recovery and any voids or loss of
drill water encountered while core drilling should be
recorded. The approximate permeability of rock strata
can be measured by making pressure or pumping tests
of the various strata encountered. Without pressure or
pumping tests, important details of a rock formation
can remain undetected, even with extensive boring
and sampling. For instance, open channels or joints in
a rock formation can have a significant influence on
the permeability of the formation, yet core samples
may not clearly indicate these features where the core
recovery is less than 100 percent.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 3-1. Geologic profile developed from geophysical explorations.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
c. Soil testing.
(1) All soil and rock samples should be carefully
classified, noting particularly those characteristics
that have a bearing on the perviousness and stratification of the formation. Soil samples should be classified
in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System described in MIL-STD-619B. Particular attention should be given to the existence and amount of
fines (material passing the No. 200 sieve) in sand samples, as such have a pronounced effect on the permeability of the sand. Sieve analyses should be made on
representative samples of the aquifer sands to determine their gradation and effective grain size D10. The
D10 size may be used to estimate the coefficient of
permeabililty k . The gradation is required to design
filters for wells, wellpoints, or permanent drainage
systems to be installed in the formation. Correlations
between k and D10 are presented in paragraph 3-4.
(2) Laboratory tests depicted in figure 3-2 can be
used to determine the approximate coefficient of
permeability of a soil or rock sample; however, permeabilities obtained from such tests may have little relation to field permeability even though conducted
under controlled conditions. When samples of sand are
distributed and repacked, the porosity and orientation
of the grains are significantly changed, with resulting
modification of the permeability. Also, any air entrapped in the sand sample during testing will significantly reduce its permeability. Laboratory tests on
samples of sand that have been segregated or contaminated with drilling mud during sampling operations do not give reliable results. In addition, the
permeability of remolded samples of sand is usually
considerably less than the horizontal permeability kh
of a formation, which is generally the more significant
k factor pertaining to seepage flow to a drainage system.
(3) Where a nonequilibrium type of pumping test
(described in app C) is to be conducted, it is necessary
to estimate the specific yield Sy of the formation,
which is the volume of water that is free to drain out
of a material under natural conditions, in percentage
of total volume. It can be determined in the laboratory
(a) Saturating the sample and allowing it to
drain. Care must be taken to assure that capillary
stresses on the surface of the sample do not cause an
incorrect conclusion regarding the drainage.
(b) Estimating Sy from the soil type and D10 size
of the soil and empirical correlations based on field
and laboratory tests. The specific yield can be computed from a drainage test as follows:
100V y
Sy =
V y = volume of water drained from sample
V = gross volume of sample
The specific yield can be estimated from the soil type
(From “Ground Water Hydrology ”by D. K. Todd, 1959, Wiley & Sons,
Inc. Used with permission of Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
Figure 3-2. Permeameters: (a) constant head and(b) falling head.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(or D10) and the relation given in figure 3-3 or table
3-3. Groundwater characteristics.
a. An investigation of groundwater at a site should
include a study of the source of groundwater that
would flow to the dewatering or drainage system (para
2-2) and determination of the elevation of the water
table and its variation with changes in river or tide
stages, seasonal effects, and pumping from nearby water wells. Groundwater and artesian pressure levels at
a construction site are best determined from piezometers installed in the stratum that may require dewatering. Piezometers in pervious soils may be commercial wellpoints, installed with or without a filter (para
4-6c) as the gradation of foundation material requires.
Piezometers in fine-grained soils with a low permeability, such as silt, generally consist of porous plastic
or ceramic tips installed within a filter and attached to
a relatively small diameter riser pipe.
b. The groundwater regime should be observed for
an extended period of time to establish variations in
level likely to occur during the construction or operation of a project. General information regarding the
groundwater table and river or tide stages in the area
is often available from public agencies and may serve
as a basis of establishing general water levels. Specific
conditions at a site can then be predicted by correlating the long-term recorded observations in the area
with more detailed short-term observations at the site.
c. The chemical composition of the groundwater is
of concern, because some groundwaters are highly corrosive to metal screens, pipes, and pumps, or may contain dissolved metals or carbonates that will form in-
crustations in the wells or filters and, with time, cause
clogging and -reduced efficiency of the dewatering or
drainage system. Indicators of corrosive and incrusting waters are given in table 3-3. (Standard methods
for determining the chemical compositions of groundwater are available from the American Public Health
Association, Washington, DC
d. Changes in the temperature of the groundwater
will result in minor variations of the quantity of water
flowing to a dewatering system. The change in viscosity associated with temperature changes will result in a
change in flow of about 1.5 percent for each 1°
Fahrenheit of temperature change in the water. Only
large variations in temperature need be considered in
design because the accuracy of determining other
parameters does not warrant excessive refinement.
3-4. Permeability of pervious strata. The
rate at which water can be pumped from a dewatering
system is directly proportional to the coefficient of
permeability of the formation being dewatered; thus,
this parameter should be determined reasonably accurately prior to the design of any drainage system.
Methods that can be used to estimate or determine the
permeability of a pervious aquifer are presented in the
following paragraphs.
a. Visual classification. The simplest approximate
method for estimating the permeability of sand is by
visual examination and classification, and comparison
with sands of known permeability. An approximation
of the permeability of clean sands can be obtained
from table 3-4.
b. Empirical relation between D10 and k. The permeability of a clean sand can be estimated from em-
(From “Ground Water Hydrology” by D. K. Todd, 1959, Wiley & Sons,
Inc. Used with permission of Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
Figure 3-3. Specific yield of water-bearing sands versus D10, South Coastal Basin, California.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
Table 3-2. Specific Yield of Water-Bearing Deposits in Sacramento Valley, California
Sand, including sand and gravel, and gravel and sand
Fine sand, hard sand, tight sand, sandstone, and related
Clay and gravel, gravel and clay, cemented gravel, and
related deposits
Clay, silt, sandy clay, lava rock, and related finegrained deposits
(From “Ground Water Hydrology by D. K. Todd, 1959, Wiley & Sons,
Inc. Used with permission of Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
Table 3-3. Indicators of Corrosive and Incrusting Waters
Indicators of
Incrusting Water
Indicators of
Corrosive Water
A pH greater than 7
A pH less than 7
Dissolved oxygen in excess of 2 ppm
2. Total iron (Fe) in excess
of 2 ppm
Hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) in excess of
3. Total manganese (Mn) in
excess of 1 ppm in conjunction with a high pH
and the presence of
1 ppm, detected by a rotten egg
Total dissolved solids in excess of
1,000 ppm indicates an ability to
conduct electric current great
enough to cause serious electrolytic corrosion
Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) in excess of
50 ppm
Chlorides (Cl) in excess of 500 ppm
4. Total carbonate hardness
in excess of 300 ppm
(Courtesy of UOP Johnson Division)
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
Table 3-4. Approximate Coefficient of Permeability for Various Sands
Type of Sand (Unified
Soil Classification System)
Sandy silt
Silty sand
Very fine sand
Fine sand
Fine to medium sand
Medium sand
Medium to coarse sand
Coarse sand and gravel
Coefficient of Permeability k
x 10
x 10
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
pirical relations between D10 and k (fig. 3-4), which
were developed from laboratory and field pumping
tests for sands in the Mississippi and Arkansas River
valleys. An investigation of the permeability of filter
sands revealed that the permeability of clean, relatively uniform, remolded sand could be estimated from
the empirical relation:
k = C (D10)2
k = coefficient of permeability, centimetres per
100 (may vary from 40 to 150)
D 10 = effective grain size, centimetres
Empirical relations between D10 and k are only approximate and should be used with reservation until a correlation based on local experience is available.
c. Field pumping tests. Field pumping tests are the
most reliable procedure for determining the in situ
permeability of a water-bearing formation. For large
dewatering jobs, a pumping test on a well that fully
penetrates the sand stratum to be dewatered is warranted; such tests should be made during the design
phase so that results can be used for design purposes
and will be available for bidders. However, for small
dewatering jobs, it may be more economical to select a
more conservative value of k based on empirical relations than to make a field pumping test. Pumping tests
are discussed in detail in appendix C.
d. Simple field tests in wells or piezometers. The
permeability of a water-bearing formation can be estimated from constant or falling head tests made in
wells or piezometers in a manner similar to laboratory
permeameter tests. Figure 3-5 presents formulas for
determining the permeability using various types and
installations of well screens. As these tests are sensitive to details of the installation and execution of the
test, exact dimensions of the well screen, casing, and
filter surrounding the well screen, and the rate of inflow or fall in water level must be accurately measured. Disturbance of the soil adjacent to a borehole or
filter, leakage up the borehole around the casing, clogging or removal of the fine-grained particles of the
aquifer, or the accumulation of gas bubbles in or
around the well screen can make the test completely
unreliable. Data from such tests must be evaluated
Figure 3-4. D10 versus in situ coefficient of horizontal permeabilityMississippi River valley and Arkansas River valley.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
- NO
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 3-5. Formulas for determiningpermeability from field failing head tests.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
carefully before being used in the design of a major dewatering or drainage system.
3-5. Power. The availability, reliability, and
capacity of power at a site should be investigated prior
to selecting or designing the pumping units for a dewatering system. Types of power used for dewatering systems include electric, natural gas, butane, diesel, and
gasoline engines, Electric motors and diesel engines
are most commonly used to power dewatering equipment.
3-6. Surface water. Investigations for the control of surface water at a site should include a study of
precipitation data for the locality of the project and determination of runoff conditions that will exist within
the excavation. Precipitation data for various localities
and the frequency of occurrence are available in pub
lications of the U.S. Weather Bureau or other reference data. Maps showing amounts of rainfall that can
be expected once every 2, 5, and 10 years in 10-, 30-,
and 60-minute duration of rainfall are shown in figure
3-6. The coefficient of runoff c within the excavation
will depend on the character of soils present or the
treatment, if any, of the slopes. Except for excavations
in clean sands, the coefficient of runoff c is generally
from 0.8 to 1.0. The rate of runoff can be determined
as follows:
Q = ciA
rate of runoff, cubic feet per second
coefficient of runoff
intensity of rainfall, inches per hour
drainage area, acres
(U. S. Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous Publication No. 204)
Figure 3-6. Inches of rainfall during 10- and 30-minute and 1-hour periods.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
4-1. Analysis of groundwater flow.
a. Design of a dewatering and pressure relief or
groundwater control system first requires determination of the type of groundwater flow (artesian, gravity,,
or combined) to be expected and of the type of system
that will be required. Also, a complete picture of the
groundwater and the subsurface condition is necessary. Then the number, size, spacing, and penetration
of wellpoints or wells and the rate at which the water
must be removed to achieve the required groundwater
lowering or pressure relief must be determined.
b. In the analysis of any dewatering system, the
source of seepage must be determined and the boundaries and seepage flow characteristics of geologic and
soil formations at and adjacent to the site must be generalized into a form that can be analyzed. In some
cases, the dewatering system and soil and groundwater flow conditions can be generalized into rather simple configurations. For example, the source of seepage
can be reduced to a line or circle; the aquifer to a homogeneous, isotropic formation of uniform thickness; and
the dewatering system to one or two parallel lines or
circle of wells or wellpoints. Analysis of these conditions can generally be made by means of mathematical
formulas for flow of groundwater. Complicated configurations of wells, sources of seepage, and soil formations can, in most cases, be solved or at least approximated by means of flow nets, electrical analogy models, mathematical formulas, numerical techniques, or a
combination of these methods.
c. Any analysis, either mathematical, flow net, or
electrical analogy, is not better than the validity of the
formation boundaries and characteristics used in the
analysis. The solution obtained, regardless of the rigor
or precision of the analysis, will be representative of
actual behavior only if the problem situation and
boundary conditions are adequately represented. An
approximate solution to the right problem is far more
desirable than a precise solution to the wrong problem.
The importance of formulating correct groundwater
flow and boundary conditions, as presented in chapter
3, cannot be emphasized too strongly.
d. Methods for dewatering and pressure relief and
their suitability for various types of excavations and
soil conditions were described in chapter 2. The investigation of factors relating to groundwater flow and to
design of dewatering systems has been discussed in
chapter 3. Mathematical, graphical, and electroanalogous methods of analyzing seepage flow through generalized soil conditions and boundaries to various
types of dewatering or pressure relief systems are presented in paragraphs 4-2, 4-3, and 4-4.
e. Other factors that have a bearing on the actual
design of dewatering, permanent drainage, and surface-water control systems are considered in this chapter.
f. The formulas and flow net procedures presented
in paragraphs 4-2, 4-3, and 4-4 and figures 4-1
through 4-23 are for a steady state of groundwater
flow. During initial stages of dewatering an excavation, water is removed from storage and the rate of
flow is larger than required to maintain the specified
drawdown. Therefore, initial pumping rates will probably be about 30 percent larger than computed values.
g. Examples of design for dewatering and pressure
relief systems are given in appendix D.
4-2. Mathematical and model analyses.
a. General.
(1) Design. Design of a dewatering system requires the determination of the number, size, spacing,
and penetration of wells or wellpoints and the rate at
which water must be removed from the pervious strata
to achieve the required groundwater lowering or pressure relief. The size and capacity of pumps and collectors also depend on the required discharge and drawdown. The fundamental relations between well and
wellpoint discharge and corresponding drawdown are
presented in paragraphs 4-2, 4-3, and 4-4. The equations presented assume that the flow is laminar, the
pervious stratum is homogeneous and isotropic, the
water draining into the system is pumped out at a constant rate, and flow conditions have stabilized. Procedures for transferring an anisotropic aquifer, with respect to permeability, to an isotropic section are presented in appendix E.
(2) Equations for flow and drawdown to drainage
slots and wells. The equations referenced in paragraphs 4-2, 4-3, and 4-4 are in two groups: flow and
drawdown to slots (b below and fig. 4-1 through 4-9)
and flow and drawdown to wells (c below and fig. 4-10
through 4-22). Equations for slots are applicable to
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering,” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Used with permission of McGraw- Hill Book Company.)
Figure 4-1. Flow and head for fully penetrating line slot; single-line source; artesian, gravity, and combined flows.
flow to trenches, French drains, and similar drainage
systems. They may also be used where the drainage
system consists of closely spaced wells or wellpoints.
Assuming a well system equivalent to a slot usually
simplifies the analysis; however, corrections must be
made to consider that the drainage system consists of
wells or wellpoints rather than the more efficient slot.
These corrections are given with the well formulas discussed in c below. When the well system cannot be
simulated with a slot, well equations must be used.
The figures in which equations for flow to slots and
wells appear are indexed in table 4-1. The equations
for slots and wells do not consider the effects of hydraulic head losses Hw in wells or wellpoints; procedures for accounting for these effects are presented
(3) Radius of influence R. Equations for flow to
drainage systems from a circular seepage source are
based on the assumption that the system is centered
on an island of radius R. Generally, R is the radius of
influence that is defined as the radius of a circle beyond which pumping of a dewatering system has no
significant effect on the original groundwater level or
piezometric surface. The value of R can be estimated
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5,
Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering, ” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962. McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 4-2. Height of free discharge surface hs; gravity flow.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering, ” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962. McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 4-3. Flow and head for partially penetrating line slot; single-line source; artesian, gravity, and combined flows.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering,” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 4-4. Flow and head for fully and partially penetrating line slot; two-line source; artesian and gravity flows.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering,” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 4-5. Flow and head (midway) for twopartially penetrating slots; two-line source; artesian and gravity flows,
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 4-6. Flow and head for fully and partially penetrating circular slots; circular source; artesian flow.
from the equation and plots in figure 4-23. Where
there is little or no recharge to an aquifer, the radius of
influence will become greater with pumping time and
with increased drawdown in the area being dewatered.
Generally, R is greater for coarse, very pervious sands
than for finer soils. If the value of R is large relative to
the size of the excavation, a reasonably good approximation of R will serve adequately for design because
flow and drawdown for such a condition are not especially sensitive to the actual value of R. As it is usually
impossible to determine R accurately, the value should
be selected conservatively from pumping test data or,
if necessary, from figure 4-23.
(4) Wetted screen. There should always be sufficient well and screen length below the required drawdown in a well in the formation being dewatered so that
the design or required pumping rate does not produce
a gradient at the interface of the formation and the
well filter (or screen) or at the screen and filter that
starts to cause the flow to become turbulent. Therefore, the design of a dewatering system should always
be checked to see that the well or wellpoints have ade4-7
Figure 4-7. Head at center of fully and partially penetrating circular slots; circular source; artesian flow.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 4-8. Flow and drawdown at slot for fully and partially penetrating rectangular slots; circular source; artesian flow.
quate “wetted screen length hws” or submergence to
pass the maximum computed flow. The limiting flow
qc into a filter or well screen is approximately equal to
7.48 gallons per minute
x per foot of filter
qc =
or screen
rW = radius of filter or screen
k = coefficient of permeability of filter or aquifer
sand, feet per minute
(5) Hydraulic head loss Hw. The equations in fig-
ures 4-1 through 4-22 do not consider hydraulic head
losses that occur in the filter, screen, collector pipes,
etc. These losses cannot be neglected, however, and
must be accounted for separately. The hydraulic head
loss through a filter and screen will depend upon the
diameter of the screen, slot width, and opening per
foot of screen, permeability and thickness of the filter;
any clogging of the filter or screen by incrustation,
drilling fluid, or bacteria; migration of soil or sand particles into the filter; and rate of flow per foot of screen.
Graphs for estimating hydraulic head losses in pipes,
wells, and screens are shown in figures 4-24 and 4-25.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
Figure 4-9. Head within a partially penetrating rectangular slot; circular source; artesian flow,
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from "Foundation Engineering," G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill Book Company
Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 4-10. Flow and drawdown for fully and partially penetrating single wells; circular source; artesian flow.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from "Foundation Engineering," G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 4-11. Flow and drawdown for fully and partially penetrating single wells; circular source; gravity flow.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from "Foundation Engineering," G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 4-12. Flow and drawdown for fully penetrating single well; circular source; combined artesian and gravity flows.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from "Foundation Engineering," G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 4-13. Flow and drawdown for fully penetrating multiple wells; circular source; artesian and gravity flows.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering, ”G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 4-14. Drawdown factors for fully penetrating circular, rectangular, and two-line well arrays; circular source; artesian and gravity flows.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 4-15. Flow and drawdown for fully penetrating circular well arrays; circular source; artesian flow.
(6) Well or screen penetration W/D.
(a) Most of the equations and graphs presented
in this manual for flow and drawdown to slots or well
systems were basically derived for fully penetrating
drainage slots or wells. Equations and graphs for partially penetrating slots or wells are generally based on
those for fully penetrating drainage systems modified
by model studies and, in some instances, mathematical
derivations. The amount or percent of screen penetration required for effective pressure reduction or interception of seepage depends upon many factors, such as
thickness of the aquifer, distance to the effective
source of seepage, well or wellpoint radius, stratification, required “wetted screen length,” type and size of
excavation, and whether or not the excavation penetrates alternating pervious and impervious strata or
the bottom is underlain at a shallow depth by a less
pervious stratum of soil or rock. Where a sizeable open
excavation or tunnel is underlain by a fairly deep
stratum of sand and wells are spaced rather widely,
the well screens should penetrate at least 25 percent of
the thickness of the aquifer to be dewatered below the
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 4-16. Flow and drawdown for partially penetrating circular and rectangular well arrays; circular source; artesian flow.
bottom of the excavation and more preferably 50 to
100 percent. Where the aquifer(s) to be dewatered is
stratified, the drainage slots or well screens should
fully penetrate all the strata to be dewatered. If the
bottom of an excavation in a pervious formation is
underlain at a shallow depth by an impervious formation and the amount of “wetted screen length” avail-
able is limited, the drainage trench or well screen
should penetrate to the top of the underlying less pervious stratum. The hydraulic head loss through various sizes and types of header or discharge pipe, and for
certain well screens and (clean) filters, as determined
from laboratory and field tests, are given in figures
4-24 and 4-25.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
S E E F I G . 4 - 2 4 F O R D E T E R M I N I N G T H E V A L U E O F H w.
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering,” G. A, Leonards, ed., 1962. McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 4-17. Flow and drawdown for fully penetrating single well; line source; artesian and gravity flows.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering, ” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 4-18. Flow and drawdown for fully penetrating multiple wells; line source; artesian and gravity flows.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering, ” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 4-19. Drawdown factors for fully penetrating circular, line, two-line, and rectangular well arrays; line source; artesian and gravity
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFACP-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering, ” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 4-20. Flow and drawdown for fully penetrating infinite line of wells; line source; artesian flow.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
h e,
P R O D U C E D B Y P U M P I N G Qw
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering, ” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 4-21. Flow and drawdown for fully and partially penetrating infinite line of wells; line source; artesian flow.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering, ” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 4-22. Flow and drawdown for fully penetrating infinite line of wells; line source; gravity flow.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering, ” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 4-23. Approximate radius of influence R.
(b) Head losses in the screened section of a well
Hs are calculated from figure 4-24b. This head loss is
based on equal inflow per unit of screen surface and
turbulent flow inside the well and is equivalent to the
entire well flow passing through one-half the screen
length. Other head losses can be determined directly
from figure 4-24. Hydraulic head loss within a wellpoint system can be estimated from figure 4-25. As
stated in a(4) above, flow into a well can be impeded by
the lack of “wetted screen length,” in addition to hydraulic head losses in the filter or through the screens
and/or chemical or mechanical clogging of the aquifer
and filter.
b. Flow to a drainage slot.
(1) Line drainage slots. Equations presented in
figures 4-1 through 4-5 can be used to compute flow
and head produced by pumping either a single or a
double continuous slot of infinite length. These equations assume that the source of seepage and the drainage slot are infinite in length and parallel and that
seepage enters the pervious stratum from a vertical
line source. In actuality, the slot will be of finite
length, the flow at the ends of the slot for a distance of
about L/2 (where L equals distance between slot and
source) will be greater, and the drawdown will be less
than for the central portion of the slot. Flow to the
ends of a fully penetrating slot can be estimated, if
necessary, from flow-net analyses subsequently presented.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
Table 4-1. Index to Figures for Flow, Head, or drawdown Equations for Given Corrections
Flow to a
Flow to
Assumed Source
of Seepage
Single line
Single line
Single line
Single line
Single line
Single line
Type of
P, F
P, F
4-1, 4-2
4-2, 4-3
4-6, 4-7
P, F
4-8, 4-9
A, G
P, F
P, F
A, G
A, G
A, G
A, G
P, F
Line slot
Line slot
Line slot
Two-line slots
Circular slots
Single well
Single well
Single well
Multiple wells
Circular, rectangular,
and two-line
Circular array
Circular and
Single well
Multiple wells
Circular, line,
two-line, and
Infinite line
Infinite line
Infinite line
G, C
G, C
Approximate radius of influence
Hydraulic head loss in a well
Hydraulic head loss in various wellpoints
Equivalent length of straight pipe for various fittings
Shape factors for wells of various penetrations centered
inside a circular source
Flow and drawdown for slots from flow-net analyses
Flow and drawdown for wells from flow-net analyses
Diagrammatic layout of electrical analogy model
Note: A = artesian flow; G = gravity flow; C = combined artesian-gravity flow; F = fully
penetrating; P = partially penetrating.
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(2) Circular and rectangular slots. Equations for
flow and head or drawdown produced by circular and
rectangular slots supplied by a circular seepage source
are given in figures 4-6 through 4-9. Equations for
flow from a circular seepage source assume that the
slot is located in the center of an island of radius R.
For many dewatering projects, R is the radius of influence rather than the radius of an island, and procedures for determining the value of R are discussed in
a(3) above. Dewatering systems of relatively short
length are considered to have a circular source where
they are far removed from a line source such as a river
or shoreline.
(3) Use of slots for designing well systems. Wells
can be substituted for a slot; and the flow Qw, drawdown at the well (H-hw) neglecting hydraulic head
losses at and in the well, and head midway between
from the equations given in figures 4-20, 4-21, and
4-22 for a (single) line source for artesian and gravity
flow for both “fully” and “partially” penetrating wells
where the well spacing a is substituted for the length
of slot x.
(4) Partially penetrating slots. The equations for
gravity flow topartially penetrating slots are only considered valid for relatively high-percent penetrations.
c. Flow to wells.
(1) Flow to wells from a circular source.
(a) Equations for flow and drawdown produced
by a single well supplied by a circular source are given
in figures 4-10 through 4-12. It is apparent from figure 4-11 that considerable computation is required to
determine the height of the phreatic surface and resulting drawdown in the immediate vicinity of a gravity well (r/h less than 0.3). The drawdown in this zone
usually is not of special interest in dewatering systems
and seldom needs to be computed. However, it is always necessary to compute the water level in the well
for the selection and design of the pumping equipment.
(b) The general equations for flow and drawdown produced by pumping a group of wells supplied
by a circular source are given in figure 4-13. These
equations are based on the fact that the drawdown at
any point is the summation of drawdowns produced at
that point by each well in the system. The drawdown
factors F to be substituted into the general equations
in figure 4-13 appear in the equations for both artesian and gravity flow conditions. Consequently, the
factors given in figure 4-14 for commonly used well
arrays are applicable for either condition.
(c) Flow and drawdown for circular well arrays
can also be computed, in a relatively simple manner,
by first considering the well system to be a slot, as
shown in figure 4-15 or 4-16. However, the piezometric head in the vicinity of the wells (or wellpoints)
will not correspond exactly to that determined for the
slot due to convergence of flow to the wells. The piezometric head in the vicinity of the well is a function of
well flow Qw; well spacing a; well penetration W; effective well radius rw ; aquifer thickness D, or gravity head
H; and aquifer permeability k. The equations given in
figures 4-15 and 4-16 consider these variables.
(2) Flow to wells from a line source.
(a) Equations given in figures 4-17 through
4-19 for flow and drawdown produced by pumping a
single well or group of fully penetrating wells supplied
from an infinite line source were developed using the
method of image wells. The image well (a recharge
well) is located as the mirror image of the real well
with respect to the line source and supplies the pervious stratum with the same quantity of water as that
being pumped from the real well.
(b) The equations given in figures 4-18 and
4-19 for multiple-well systems supplied by a line
source are based on the fact that the drawdown at any
point is the summation of drawdowns produced at that
point by each well in the system. Consequently, the
drawdown at a point is the sum of the drawdowns produced by the real wells and the negative drawdowns
produced by the image or recharge wells.
(c) Equations are given in figures 4-20 through
4-22 for flow and drawdown produced by pumping an
infinite line at wells supplied by a (single) line source.
The equations are based on the equivalent slot assumption. Where twice the distance to a single line source
or 2L is greater than the radius of influence R, the
value of R as determined from a pumping test or from
figure 4-23 should be used in lieu of L unless the excavation is quite large or the tunnel is long, in which case
equations for a line source or a flow-net analysis
should be used.
(d) Equations for computing the head midway
between wells above that in the wells Ah, are not
given in this manual for two line sources adjacent to a
single line of wells. However, such can be readily determined from (plan) flow-net analyses.
(3) Limitations on flow to a partially penetrating
well. Theoretical boundaries for a partially penetrating well (for artesian flow) are approximate relations
intended to present in a simple form the results of
more rigorous but tedious computations. The rigorous
computations were made for ratios of R/D = 4.0 and
6.7 and a ratio R/rw = 1000. As a consequence, any
agreement between experimental and computed
values cannot be expected except for the cases with
these particular boundary conditions. In model studies
at the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment
Station (WES), Vicksburg, Mississippi, the flow from a
partially penetrating well was based on the formula:
Q wp =
1n(R/r w)
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
1n(Rr w)
G = quantity shown in equation (6), figure 4-10
Figure 4-26 shows some of the results obtained at the
inside a circular source. Also presented in figure 4-26
are boundary curves computed for well-screen penetraboundary formulas indicates fairly good agreement for
well penetrations > 25 percent and values of R/D between about 5 and 15 where R/rw > 200 to 1000.
Other empirical formulas for flow from a partially
netrating well suffer from the same limitations.
(4) Partially penetrating wells. The equations for
gravity flow to partially penetrating wells are only
considered valid for relatively high-percent penetrations.
4-3. Flow-net analyses.
a. Flow nets are valuable where irregular configurations of the source of seepage or of the dewatering system make mathematical analyses complex or impossible. However, considerable practice in drawing and
studying good flow nets is required before accurate
flow nets can be constructed.
b. A flow net is a graphical representation of flow of
water through an aquifer and defines paths of seepage
(flow lines) and contours of equal piezometric head
(equipotential lines). A flow net may be constructed to
represent either a plan or a section view of a seepage
pattern. Before a sectional flow net can be constructed, boundary conditions affecting the flow pattern must be delineated and the pervious formation
transformed into one where kn = kv (app E). In drawing a flow net, the following general rules must be observed:
(1) Flow lines and equipotential lines intersect at
right angles and form curvilinear squares or rectangles.
(2) The flow between any two adjacent flow lines
and the head loss between any two adjacent equipotential lines are equal, except where the plan or section
cannot be divided conveniently into squares, in which
case a row of rectangles will remain with the ratio of
the lengths to the sides being constant.
(3) A drainage surface exposed to air is neither an
equipotential nor flow line, and the squares at this surface are incomplete; the flow and equipotential lines
need not intersect such a boundary at right angles.
(4) For gravity flow, equipotential lines intersect
the phreatic surface at equal intervals of elevation,
each interval being a constant fraction of the total net
c. Flow nets are limited to analysis in two dimensions; the third dimension in each case is assumed infinite in extent. An example of a sectional flow net
showing artesian flow from two line sources to a partially penetrating drainage slot is given in figure
4-27a. An example of a plan flow net showing artesian
flow from a river to a line of relief wells is shown in
figure 4-27b.
d. The flow per unit length (for sectional flow nets)
or depth (for plan flow nets) can be computed by
means of equations (1) and (2) and (5) and (6) respectively (fig. 4-27). Drawdowns from either sectional or
plan flow nets can be computed from equations (3) and
(4) (fig. 4-27). In plan flow nets for artesian flow, the
equipotential lines correspond to various values of Hh, whereas for gravity flow, they correspond to H2-h2.
Since section equipotential lines for gravity flow conditions are curved rather than vertical, plan flow nets
for gravity flow conditions give erroneous results for
large drawdowns and should always be used with caution.
e. Plan flow nets give erroneous results if used to
analyze partially penetrating drainage systems, the error being inversely proportional to the percentage of
penetration. They give fairly accurate results if the
penetration of the drainage system exceeds 80 percent
and if the heads are adjusted as described in the following paragraph.
f. In previous analyses of well systems by means of
flow nets, it was assumed that dewatering or drainage
wells were spaced sufficiently close to be simulated by
a continuous drainage slot and that the drawdown
(H-hD) required to dewater an area equaled the average drawdown at the drainage slot or in the lines of
wells (H-h,). These analyses give the amount of flow
QT that must be pumped to achieve H-hD but do not
give the drawdown at the wells. The drawdown at the
wells required to produce H-ho downstream or within
a ring of wells can be computed (approximately) for artesian flow from plan flow nets by the equations
shown in figure 4-28 if the wells have been spaced
proportional to the flow lines as shown in figure 4-27.
The drawdown at fully penetrating gravity wells can
also be computed from equations given in figure 4-28.
4-4. Electrical analogy seepage models.
a. The laws governing flow of fluids through porous
media and flow of electricity through pure resistance
are mathematically similar. Thus, it is feasible to use
electrical models to study seepage flows and pressure
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 4-26. Shape factors for wells of various penetrations centered inside a circular source.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering, ” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 4-27. Flow and drawdown to slots computed from flow nets.
distribution for various seepage conditions. Both twoand three-dimensional models can be used to solve
seepage problems.
b. Darcy’s law for two-dimensional flow of water
(previously identified as equation (1) in fig. 4-27)
through soil can be expressed for unit length of soil
formations as follows:
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 4-28. Flow and drawdown to wells computed from flow-net analyses.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
Since the permeability in fluid flow is analogous to the
reciprocal of the specific resistance for geometrically
similar mediums, the shape factors for Darcy’s law and
Ohm’s law are the same.
flow net constructed using an electrical analogy model
may be analyzed in the same manner as one constructed as in paragraph 4-3.
d. A two-dimensional flow net can be constructed
using a scale model of the flow and drainage system
made of a conductive material representing the porous
media (graphite-treated paper or an electrolytic solution), copper or silver strips for source of seepage and
drainage, and nonconductive material representing
impervious flow boundaries. The electrical circuit consists of a potential applied across the model and a
Wheat&one bridge to control intermediate potentials
on the model (fig. 4-29). The flow net is constructed by
tracing lines of constant potential on the model, thus
establishing the flow-net equipotential lines after
which the flow lines are easily added graphically. A
e. Equipment for conducting three-dimensional
electrical analogy model studies is available at the
WES. The equipment consists basically of a large
plexiglass tank filled with diluted copper sulfate solution and having a calibrated, elevated carrier assembly
for the accurate positioning of a point electrode probe
anywhere in the fluid medium. A prototype is simulated by fabricating appropriately shaped and sealed
source and sink configurations and applying an electrical potential across them. The model is particularly
useful for analyzing complex boundary conditions that
cannot be readily analyzed by two-dimensional techniques.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(Fruco & Associates. Inc.)
Figure 4-29. Diagrammatic layout of electrical analogy model.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
4-5. Numerical analyses.
a. Many complex seepage problems, including such
categories as steady confined, steady unconfined, and
transient unconfined can be solved using the finite element method. Various computer codes are available at
the WES and the NAVFAC program library to handle
a variety of two- and three-dimensional seepage problems. The codes can handle most cases of nonhomogeneous and anisotropic media.
b. A general computer code for analyzing partially
penetrating random well arrays has been developed
based on results of three-dimensional electrical analogy model tests at the WES. The computer code provides a means for rapidly analyzing trial well systems
in which the number of wells and their geometric configuration can be varied to determine quantities of
seepage and head distributions. Wells of different
radii and penetrations can be considered in the analysis.
4-6. Wellpoints, wells, and filters. Wells
and wellpoints should be of a type that will prevent infiltration of filter material or foundation sand, offer
little resistance to the inflow of water, and resist corrosion by water and soil. Wellpoints must also have
sufficient penetration of the principal water-carrying
strata to intercept seepage without excessive residual
head between the wells or within the dewatered area.
a. Wellpoints. Where large flows are anticipated, a
high-capacity type of wellpoint should be selected. The
inner suction pipe of self-jetting wellpoints should permit inflow of water with a minimum hydraulic head
loss. Self-jetting wellpoints should be designed so that
most of the jet water will go out the tip of the point,
with some backflow to keep the screen flushed clean
while jetting the wellpoint in place.
(1) Wellpoint screens. Generally, wellpoints are
covered with 30- to 60-mesh screen or have an equivalent slot opening (0.010 to 0.025 inch). The mesh
should meet filter criteria given in c below. Where the
soil to be drained is silty or fine sand, the yield of the
wellpoint and its efficiency can be greatly improved by
placing a relatively uniform, medium sand filter
around the wellpoint. The filter should be designed in
accordance with criteria subsequently set forth in c below. A filter will permit the use of screens or slots with
larger openings and provide a more pervious material
around the wellpoint, thereby increasing its effective
radius (d below).
(2) Wellpoint hydraulics. The hydraulic head
losses in a wellpoint system must be considered in designing a dewatering system. These losses can be estimated from figure 4-25.
b. Wells. Wells for temporary dewatering and permanent drainage systems may have diameters ranging
from 4 to 18 inches with a screen 20 to 75 feet long depending on the flow and pump size requirements.
(1) Well screens. Screens generally used for dewatering wells are slotted (or perforated) steel pipe,
perforated steel pipe wrapped with galvanized wire,
galvanized wire wrapped and welded to longitudinal
rods, and slotted polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. Riser
pipes for most dewatering wells consist of steel or PVC
pipe. Screens and riser for permanent wells are usually
made of stainless steel or PVC. Good practice dictates
the use of a filter around dewatering wells, which permits the use of fairly large slots or perforations, usually 0.025 to 0.100 inch in size. The slots in well screens
should be as wide as possible but should meet criteria
given in c below.
(2) Open screen area. The open area of a well
screen should be sufficient to keep the entrance velocity for the design flow low to reduce head losses and to
minimize incrustation of the well screen in certain
types of water. For temporary dewatering wells installed in nonincrusting groundwater, the entrance velocity should not exceed about 0.15 to 0.20 foot per
second; for incrusting groundwater, the entrance velocity should not exceed 0.10 to 0.20 foot per second.
For permanent drainage wells, the entrance velocity
should not exceed about 0.10 foot per second. As the
flow to and length of a well screen is usually dictated
by the characteristics of the aquifer and drawdown requirements, the required open screen area can be obtained by using a screen of appropriate diameter with
a maximum amount of open screen area.
(3) Well hydraulics. Head losses within the well
system discussed in paragraph 4-2a(5) can be estimated from figure 4-24.
c. Filters. Filters are usually 3 to 5 inches thick for
wellpoints and 6 to 8 inches thick for large-diameter
wells (fig. 4-30). To prevent infiltration of the aquifer
materials into the filter and of filter materials into the
well or wellpoint, without excessive head losses, filters
should meet the following criteria:
Screen-filter criteria
Filter-aquifer criteria
Max filter D15
Min aquifer D85
Max filter D50
Min aquifer D50
Min filter D15
Max aquifer D15
If the filter is to be tremied in around the screen for a
well or wellpoint, it may be either uniformly or rather
widely graded; however, if the filter is not tremied
into place, it should be quite uniformly graded (D90/D10
continuous stream to minimize segregation.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
d. Effective well radius. The “effective” radius rw of
a well is that well radius which would have no hydraulic entrance loss Hw. If well entrance losses are
considered separately in the design of a well or system
of wells, rw for a well or wellpoint without a filter may
be considered to be one-half the outside diameter of
the well screens; where a filter has been placed around
a wellpoint or well screen, rw may generally be considered to be one-half the outside diameter or the
radius of the filter.
e. Well penetration. In a stratified aquifer, the effective well penetration usually differs from that computed from the ratio of the length of well screen to total thickness of the aquifer. A method for determining
the required length of well screen W to achieve an effective penetration W in a stratified aquifer is given in
appendix E.
f. Screen length, penetration, and diameter. The
length and penetration of the screen depends on the
thickness and stratification of the strata to be dewatered (para 4-2a(6)). The length and diameter of the
screen and the area of perforations should be sufficient to permit the inflow of water without exceeding
the entrance velocity given in b(2) above. The “wetted
screen length hws” (or hw for each stratum to be dewatered) is equal to or greater than Qw/qc (para 4-2a(4)
and (6)). The diameter of the well screen should be at
least 3 to 4 inches larger than the pump bowl or motor.
4-7. Pumps, headers, and discharge
pipes. The capacity of pumps and piping should allow for possible reduction in efficiency because of in-
crustation or mechanical wear caused by prolonged
operation. This equipment should also be designed
with appropriate valves, crossovers, and standby units
so that the system can operate continuously, regardless of interruption for routine maintenance or breakdown.
a. Centrifugal and wellpoint pumps.
(1) Centrifugal pumps can be used as sump
pumps, jet pumps, or in combination with an auxiliary
vacuum pump as a wellpoint pump. The selection of a
pump and power unit depends on the discharge, suction lift, hydraulic head losses, including velocity head
and discharge head, air-handling requirement, power
available, fuel economy, and durability of unit. A wellpoint pump, consisting of a self-priming centrifugal
pump with an attached auxiliary vacuum pump,
should have adequate air-handling capacity and be
capable of producing a vacuum of at least 22 to 25 feet
of water in the headers. The suction lift of a wellpoint
pump is dependent on the vacuum available at the
pump bowl, and the required vacuum must be considered in determining the pumping capacity of the
pump. Characteristics of a typical 8-inch wellpoint
pump are shown in figure 4-31. Characteristics of a
typical wellpoint pump vacuum unit are shown in figure 4-32. Sump pumps of the centrifugal type should
be self-priming and capable of developing at least 20
feet of vacuum. Jet pumps are high head pumps; typical characteristics of a typical 6-inch jet pump are
shown in figure 4-33.
(2) Each wellpoint pump should be provided with
one connected standby pump so as to ensure continuity
(Courtesy of Griffin Wellpoint Corp. and “Foundation Engineering,”
McGraw Hill Book Company)
Figure 4-31. Characteristics of 8-inch Griffin wellpoint pump.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 4-33. Characteristics of 6-inch jet pump.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Courtesy of Layne & Bowler, Inc., Memphis, Tenn.)
Figure 4-34. Deep-well turbine pump.
of operation in event of pump or engine failure, or for
repair or maintenance. By overdesigning the header
pipe system and proper placement of valves, it may be
possible to install only one standby pump for every
two operational pumps. If electric motors are used for
powering the normally operating pumps, the standby
pumps should be powered with diesel, natural or LP
gas, or gasoline engines. The type of power selected
will depend on the power facilities at the site and the
economics of installation, operation, and maintenance.
It is also advisable to have spare power units on site in
addition to the standby pumping units. Automatic
switches, starters, and valves may be required if failure of the system is critical.
b. Deep-well pumps.
(1) Deep-well turbine or submersible pumps are
generally used to pump large-diameter deep wells and
consist of one or more stages of impellers on a vertical
shaft (fig. 4-34). Turbine pumps can also be used as
sump pumps, but adequate stilling basins and trash
racks are required to assure that the pumps do not become clogged. Motors of most large-capacity turbine
pumps used in deep wells are mounted at the ground
surface. Submersible pumps are usually used for
pumping deep, low-capacity wells, particularly if a
vacuum is required in the well.
(2) In the design of deep-well pumps, consideration must be given to required capacity, size of well
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
Table 4-2. Capacity of Various Size Submersible and Deep- Well Turbine Pumps
Maximum Pump
Bowl or Motor Size
Inside Diameter
of Well
Maximum Capacity
gallons per minute
Deep Well
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
screen and riser pipe, total pumping head, and the lowered elevation of the water in the well. The diameter of
the pump bowl must be determined before the wells
are installed, as the inside diameter of the well casing
should be at least 3 to 4 inches larger in diameter than
the pump bowl. Approximate capacities of various turbine pumps are presented in table 4-2. The characteristics of a typical three-stage, lo-inch turbine pump
are shown in figure 4-35.
(3) Submersible pumps require either electric
power from a commercial source or one or more motor
generators. If commercial power is used, 75 to 100 percent of (connected) motor generator power, with automatic starters unless operational personnel are on
duty at all times, should be provided as standby for the
commercial power. Spare submersible pumps, generally 10 to 20 percent of the number of operating pumps,
as well as spare starters, switches, heaters, and fuses,
should also be kept at the site.
(4) Deep-well turbine pumps can be powered with
either electric motors or diesel engines and gear
drives. Where electric motors are used, 50 to 100 percent of the pumps should be equipped with combination gear drives connected to diesel (standby) engines.
The number of pumps so equipped would depend upon
the criticality of the dewatering or pressure relief
needs. Motor generators may also be used as standby
for commercial power. For some excavations and subsurface conditions, automatic starters may be required
for the diesel engines or motor generators being used
as backup for commercial power.
c. Turbovacuum pumps. For some wellpoint systems requiring high pumping rates, it may be desirable
(Courtesy of Fairbanks Morse, Inc., Pump Division)
Figure 4-35. Rating curves for a three-stage 10-inch-high capacity
to connect the header pipe to a 30- or 36-inch collection tank about 20 or 30 feet deep, sealed at the bottom and top, and pump the flow into the tank with a
high-capacity deepwell turbine pump using a separate
vacuum pump connected to the top of the tank to produce the necessary vacuum in the header pipe for the
wells or wellpoints.
d. Header pipe.
(1) Hydraulic head losses caused by flow through
the header pipe, reducers, tees, fittings, and valves
should be computed and kept to a minimum (1 to 3
feet) by using large enough pipe. These losses can be
computed from equivalent pipe lengths for various fittings and curves.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(2) Wellpoint header pipes should be installed as
close as practical to the prevailing groundwater elevation and in accessible locations. Wellpoint pumps
should be centrally located so that head losses to the
ends of the system are balanced and as low as possible.
If suction lift is critical, the pump should be placed low
enough so that the pump suction is level with the
header, thereby achieving a maximum vacuum in the
header and the wellpoints. If construction is to be performed in stages, sufficient valves should be provided
in the header to permit addition or removal of portions
of the system without interrupting operation of the remainder of the system. Valves should also be located
to permit isolation of a portion of the system in case
construction operations should break a swing connection or rupture a header.
(3) Discharge lines should be sized so that the
head losses do not create excessive back pressure on
the pump. Ditches may be used to carry the water
from the construction site, but they should be located
well back of the excavation and should be reasonably
4-8. Factors of safety.
a. General. The stability of soil in areas of seepage
emergence is critical in the control of seepage. The exit
gradient at the toe of a slope or in the bottom of an excavation must not exceed that which will cause surface
raveling or sloughing of the slope, piping, or heave of
the bottom of the excavation.
b. Uplift. Before attempting to control seepage, an
analysisshould be made to ensure that the seepage or
uplift gradient is equal to or less than that computed
from the following equations:
In stratified subsurface soils, such as a course-grained
pervious stratum overlain by a finer grained stratum
of relatively low permeability, most of the head loss
through the entire section would probably occur.
through the finer grained material. Consequently, a
factor of safety based on the head loss through the top
stratum would probably indicate a more critical condition than if the factor of safety was computed from the
total head loss through the entire section. Also, when
gradients in anisotropic soils are determined from
flow nets, the distance over which the head is lost
must be obtained from the true section rather than the
transformed section.
c. Piping. Piping cannot be analyzed by any rational
method. In a study of piping beneath hydraulic structures founded on granular soils, it was recommended
that the (weighted) creep ratio Cw should equal or exceed the values shown in table 4-3 for various types of
granular soils.
Table 4-3. Minimum Creep Ratios for Various Granular Soils
Creep Ratio
Very fine sand or silt
Fine sand
Medium sand
Coarse sand
Fine gravel
Medium gravel
Coarse gravel including cobbles
Boulders with some cobbles and gravel
From “Security from Under-Seepage Masonry Dams, “by E. W. Lone, pp. 1235-1272.
Transactions, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1935.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
where H - he represents vertical distance from the
groundwater table to the bottom of the excavation.
These criteria for piping are probably only applicable
to dewatering of sheeted, cellular, or earth-dike cofferdams founded on granular soils. Once piping develops,
erosion of the soil may accelerate rapidly. As the
length of seepage flow is reduced, the hydraulic gradient and seepage velocity increase, with a resultant acceleration in piping and erosion. Piping can be controlled by lowering the groundwater table in the excavated slopes or bottom of an excavation, or in either
less critical situations or emergencies by placement of
filters over the seepage exit surface to prevent erosion
of the soil but still permit free flow of the seepage. The
gradation of the filter material should be such that the
permeability is high compared with the aquifer, yet
fine enough that aquifer materials will not migrate
into or through the filter. The filter should be designed
on the basis of criteria given in paragraph 4-6c. More
than one layer of filter material may be required to
stabilize a seeping slope or bottom of an excavation in
order to meet these criteria.
d. Dewatering systems. As in the design of any
works, the design of a dewatering system should include a factor of safety to cover the variations in char-
acteristics of the subsurface soils, stratification, and
groundwater table; the incompleteness of the data and
accuracy of the formulations on which the design is
based; the reduction in the efficiency of the dewatering system with time; the frailties of machines and operating personnel; and the criticality of failure of the
system with regard to safety, economics, and damage
to the project. All of these factors should be considered
in selecting the factor of safety. The less information
on which the design is based and the more critical the
dewatering is to the success of the project, the higher
the required factor of safety. Suggested factors of
safety and design procedures are as follows:
(1) Select or determine the design parameters as
accurately as possible from existing information.
(2) Use applicable design procedures and equations set forth in this manual.
(3) Consider the above enumerated factors in
selecting a factor of safety.
(4) Evaluate the experience of the designer.
(5) After having considered steps l-4, the following factors of safety are considered appropriate for
modifying computed design values for flow, drawdown, well spacing, and required “wetted screen
Factor of Safety for Design (FS = 1.0 + (a+ b+c))
Factor to be Added
to 1.0
(a) Design Data
Experience of Designer
(c) Criticality
Application of Factor of Safety to Computed
Values or System Design Features
Computed Value
System Design Feature
Pump capacity, header, and discharge pipe (Q)
Design Procedure
Increase Q to FS
Drawdown (Ah)
Well spacing (a)
Decrease a by 10 percent
Wetted screen length hws)
w s
Adjust either drawdown or
well spacing, but not
Note: In initially computing drawdown, well spacing, and wetted screen, use flow and other parameters unadjusted for factor of safety.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
In addition to these factors of safety being applied to
design features of the system, the system should be
pump-tested to verify its adequacy for the maximum
required groundwater lowering and maximum river or
groundwater table likely (normally a frequency of occurrence of once in 5 to 10 years for the period of exposure) to occur.
4-9. Dewatering open excavations. An excavation can be dewatered or the artesian pressure relieved by one or a combination of methods described in
chapter 2. The design of dewatering and groundwater
control systems for open excavations, shafts, and tunnels is discussed in the following paragraphs. Examples of design for various types of dewatering and
pressure relief systems are given in appendix D.
a. Trenching and sump pumping.
(1) The applicability of trenches and sump pumping for dewatering an open excavation is discussed in
chapter 2. Where soil conditions and the depth of an
excavation below the water table permit trenching and
sump pumping of seepage (fig. 2-1), the rate of flow
into the excavation can be estimated from plan and
sectional flow analyses (fig. 4-27) or formulas presented in paragraphs 4-2 through 4-5.
(2) Where an excavation extends into rock and
there is a substantial inflow of seepage, perimeter
drains can be installed at the foundation level outside
of the formwork for a structure. The perimeter drainage system should be connected to a sump sealed off
from the rest of the area to be concreted, and the seepage water pumped out. After construction, the drainage system should be grouted. Excessive hydrostatic
pressures in the rock mass endangering the stability of
the excavated face can be relieved by drilling 4-inchdiameter horizontal drain holes into the rock at approximately lo-foot centers. For large seepage inflow,
supplementary vertical holes for deep-well pumps at
50- to 100-foot intervals may be desirable for temporary lowering of the groundwater level to provide suitable conditions for concrete placement.
b. Wellpoint system. The design of a line or ring of
wellpoints pumped with either a conventional wellpoint pump or jet-eductors is generally based on mathematical or flow-net analysis of flow and drawdown to
a continuous slot (para 4-2 through 4-5).
(1) Conventional wellpoint system. The drawdown attainable per stage of wellpoints (about 15 feet)
is limited by the vacuum that can be developed by the
pump, the height of the pump above the header pipe,
and hydraulic head losses in the wellpoint and collector system. Where two or more stages of wellpoints are
required, it is customary to design each stage so that it
is capable of producing the total drawdown required
by that stage with none of the upper stages functioning. However, the upper stages are generally left in so
that they can be pumped in the event pumping of the
bottom stage of wellpoints does not lower the water
table below the excavation slope because of stratification, and so that they can be pumped during backfilling operations.
(a) The design of a conventional wellpoint system to dewater an open excavation, as discussed in
paragraph 4-2b, is outlined below.
Step 1. Select dimensions and groundwater coefficients (H, L, and k) of the formation to be dewatered based on investigations outlined in chapter 3.
Step 2. Determine the drawdown required to
dewater the excavation or to dewater down to the next
stage of wellpoints, based on the maximum groundwater level expected during the period of operation.
Step 3. Compute the head at the assumed slot
(he or ho) to produce the desired residual head hD in the
Step 4. Compute the flow per lineal foot of
drainage system to the slot QP.
Step 5. Assume a wellpoint spacing a and compute the flow per wellpoint, QW = aQp.
Step 6. Calculate the required head at the wellpoint hw corresponding to Qw.
Step 7. Check to see if the suction lift that can
be produced by the wellpoint pump V will lower the
water level in the wellpoint to h,(p) as follows:
V = vacuum at pump intake, feet of water
M = distance from base of pervious strata to
pump intake, feet
average head loss in header pipe from wellH
point, feet
HW = head loss in wellpoint, riser pipe, and swing
connection to header pipe, feet
Step 8. Set the top of the wellpoint screen at
least 1 to 2 feet or more below hw-Hw to provide adequate submergence of the wellpoint so that air will not
be pulled into the system.
(b) An example of the design of a two-stage wellpoint system to dewater an excavation is illustrated in
figure D-1, appendix D.
(c) If an excavation extends below an aquifer
into an underlying impermeable soil or rock formation, some seepage will pass between the wellpoints at
the lower boundary of the aquifer. This seepage may
be intercepted with ditches or drains inside the excavation and removed by sump pumps. If the underlying
stratum is a clay, the wellpoints may be installed in
holes drilled about 1 to 2 feet into the clay and backfilled with filter material. By this procedure, the water
level at the wellpoints can be maintained near the bottom of the aquifer, and thus seepage passing between
the wellpoints will be minimized. Sometimes these
procedures are ineffective, and a small dike in the exC
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
cavation just inside the toe of the excavation may be
required to prevent seepage from entering the work
area. Sump pumping can be used to remove water
from within the diked area.
(2) Jet-eductor (well or) wellpoint systems. Flow
and drawdown to a jet-eductor (well or) wellpoint system can be computed or analyzed as discussed in paragraph 4-2b. Jet-eductor dewatering systems can be designed as follows:
Step 1. Assume the line or ring of wells or wellpoints to be a drainage slot.
Step 2. Compute the total flow to the system for
the required drawdown and penetration of the well
Step 3. Assume a well or wellpoint spacing that
will result in a reasonable flow for the well or wellpoint and jet-eductor pump.
Step 4. Compute the head at the well or wellpoint hw required to achieve the desired drawdown.
Step 5. Set eductor pump at M = hw-Hw with
some allowance for future loss of well efficiency.
The wells or wellpoints and filters should be selected
and designed in accordance with the criteria set forth
under paragraph 4-6.
(a) If the soil formation being drained is stratified and an appreciable flow of water must be drained
down through the filter around the riser pipe to the
wellpoint, the spacing of the wellpoints and the permeability of the filter must be such that the flow from
formations above the wellpoints does not exceed
Q w = kv A i
Q w = flow from formation above wellpoint
K v = vertical permeability of filter
A = horizontal area of filter
i = gradient produced by gravity = 1.0
Substitution of small diameter well screens for wellpoints may be indicated for stratified formations.
Where a formation is stratified or there is little available submergence for the wellpoints, jet-eductor wellpoints and risers should be provided with a pervious
filter, and the wellpoints set at least 10 feet back from
the edge of a vertical excavation.
(b) Jet-eductor pumps may be powered with
individual small high-pressure centrifugal pumps or
with one or two large pumps pumping into a single
pressure pipe furnishing water to each eductor with a
single return header. With a single-pump setup, the
water is usually circulated through a stilling tank with
an overflow for the flow from wells or wellpoints (fig.
2-6). Design of jet eductors must consider the static
lift from the wells or wellpoints to the water level in
the recirculation tank; head loss in the return riser
pipe; head loss in the return header; and flow from the
wellpoint. The (net) capacity of a jet-eductor pump depends on the pressure head, input flow, and diameter
of the jet nozzle in the pump. Generally, a jet-eductor
pump requires an input flow of about 2 to 2½ times
the flow to be pumped depending on the operating
pressure and design of the nozzle. Consequently, if
flow from the wells or wellpoints is large, a deep-well
system will be more appropriate. The pressure header
supplying a system of jet eductors must be of such size
that a fairly uniform pressure is applied to all of the
(3) Vacuum wellpoint system. Vacuum wellpoint
systems for dewatering fine-grained soils are similar
to conventional wellpoint systems except the wellpoint
and riser are surrounded with filter sand that is sealed
at the top, and additional vacuum pump capacity is
provided to ensure development of the maximum vacuum in the wellpoint and filter regardless of air loss.
In order to obtain 8 feet of vacuum in a wellpoint and
filter column, with a pump capable of maintaining a
25 foot vacuum in the header, the maximum lift is
25-8 or 17 feet. Where a vacuum type of wellpoint
system is required, the pump capacity is small. The capacity of the vacuum pump will depend on the air permeability of the soil, the vacuum to be maintained in
the filter, the proximity of the wellpoints to the excavation, the effectiveness of the seal at the top of the
filter, and the number of wellpoints being pumped. In
very fine-g-rained soils, pumping must be continuous.
The flow may be so small that water must be added to
the system to cool the pump properly.
c. Electroosmosis
(1) An electroosmotic dewatering system consists
of anodes (positive electrodes, usually a pipe or rod)
and cathodes (negative electrodes, usually wellpoints
or small wells installed with a surrounding filter),
across which a d-c voltage is applied. The depth of the
electrodes should be at least 5 feet below the bottom of
the slope to be stabilized. The spacing and arrangement of the electrodes may vary, depending on the
dimensions of the slope to be stabilized and the voltage
available at the site. Cathode spacings of 25 to 40 feet
have been used, with the anodes installed midway between the cathodes. Electrical gradients of 1.5- to 4volts-per-foot distance between electrodes have been
successful in electroosmotic stabilization. The electrical gradient should be less than about 15 volts per foot
of distance between electrodes for long-term installations to prevent loss in efficiency due to heating the
ground. Applied voltages of 30 to 100 volts are usually
satisfactory; a low voltage is usually sufficient if the
groundwater has a high mineral content.
(2) The discharge of a cathode wellpoint may be
estimated from the equation
Qe = keieaz
k e = coefficient of electroosmotic permeability
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(assume 0.98 x 10-4 feet per second per volt
per foot)
l e = electrical gradient between electrodes, volts
per foot
a = effective spacing of wellpoints, feet
z = depth of soil being stabilized, feet
Current requirements commonly range between 15
and 30 amperes per well, and power requirements are
generally high. However, regardless of the expense of
installation and operation of an electroosmotic dewatering system, it may be the only effective means of
dewatering and stabilizing certain silts, clayey silts,
and clayey silty sands. Electroosmosis may not be
applicable to saline soils because of high current requirements, nor to organic soils because of environmentally objectionable effluents, which may be unsightly and have exceptionally high pH values.
d. Deep-well systems
(1) The design and analysis of a deep-well system
to dewater an excavation depends upon the configuration of the site dewatered, source of seepage, type of
flow (artesian and gravity), penetration of the wells,
and the submergence available for the well screens
with the required drawdown at the wells. Flow and
drawdown to wells can be computed or analyzed as discussed in paragraph 4-2b.
(2) Methods are presented in paragraphs 4-2b and
4-3 whereby the flow and drawdown to a well system
can be computed either by analysis or by a flow net assuming a continuous slot to represent the array of
wells, and the drawdown at and between wells computed for the actual well spacing and location. Examples of the design of a deep-well system using these
methods and formulas are presented in figures D-2
and D-3.
(3) The submerged length and size of a well screen
should be checked to ensure that the design flow per
well can be achieved without excessive screen entrance
losses or velocities. The pump intake should be set so
that adequate submergence (a minimum of 2 to 5 feet)
is provided when all wells are being pumped. Where
the type of seepage (artesian and gravity) is not well
established during the design phase, the pump intake
should be set 5 to 10 feet below the design elevation to
ensure adequate submergence. Setting the pump bowl
below the expected drawdown level will also facilitate
drawdown measurements.
e. Combined systems.
(1) Well and wellpoint systems. A dewatering system composed of both deep wells and wellpoints may
be appropriate where the groundwater table has to be
lowered appreciably and near to the top of an impermeable stratum. A wellpoint system alone would
require several stages of wellpoints to do the job, and a
well system alone would not be capable of lowering the
groundwater completely to the bottom of the aquifer,
A combination of deep wells and a single stage of wellpoints may permit lowering to the desired level. The
advantages of a combined system, in which wells are
essentially used in place of the upper stages of wellpoints, are as follows:
(a) The excavation quantity is reduced by the
elimination of berms for installation and operation of
the upper stages of wellpoints.
(b) The excavation can be started without a delay to install the upper stages of wellpoints.
(c) The deep wells installed at the top of the
excavation will serve not only to lower the groundwater to permit installation of the wellpoint system but
also to intercept a significant amount of seepage and
thus reduce the flow to the single stage of wellpoints.
A design example of a combined deep-well and wellpoint system is shown in figure D-4.
(2) Sand drains with deep wells and wellpoints.
Sand drains can be used to intercept horizontal seepage from stratified deposits and conduct the water
vertically downward into a pervious stratum that can
be dewatered by means of wells or wellpoints. The limiting feature of dewatering by sand drains is usually
the vertical permeability of the sand drains itself,
which restricts this method of drainage to soils of low
permeability that yield only a small flow of water.
Sand drains must be designed so that they will intercept the seepage flow and have adequate capacity to
allow the seepage to drain downward without any back
pressure. To accomplish this, the drains must be
spaced, have a diameter, and be filled with filter sand
so that
QD = flow per drain
k D = vertical permeability of sand filter
i = gradient produced by gravity = 1.0
A D = area of drain
Generally, sand drains are spaced on 5- to 15-foot centers and have a diameter of 10 to 18 inches. The maximum permeability kv of a filter that may be used to
drain soils for which sand drains are applicable is
about 1000 to 3000 x 10-4 centimetres per second or
0.20 to 0.60 feet per minute, Thus, the maximum capacity QD of a sand drain is about 1 to 3 gallons per
minute. An example of a dewatering design, including
sand drains, is presented in figure D-5. The capacity
of sand drains can be significantly increased by installing a small (1- or 1½-inch) slotted PVC pipe in the
drain to conduct seepage into the drain downward into
underlying more pervious strata being dewatered.
f. Pressure relief systems.
(1) Temporary relief of artesian pressure beneath
an open excavation is required during construction
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
where the stability of the bottom of the excavation is
endangered by artesian pressures in an underlying
aquifer. Complete relief of the artesian pressures to a
level below the bottom of the excavation is not always
required depending on the thickness, uniformity, and
permeability of the materials. For uniform tight shales
or clays, an upward seepage gradient i as high as 0.5 to
0.6 may be safe, but clay silts or silts generally require
lowering the groundwater 5 to 10 feet below the bottom of the excavation to provide a dry, stable work
(2) The flow to a pressure relief system is artesian;
therefore, such a system may be designed or evaluated
on the basis of the methods presented in paragraphs
4-2 and 4-3 for artesian flow. The penetration of the
wells or wellpoints need be no more than that required
to achieve the required drawdown to keep the flow to
the system a minimum. If the aquifer is stratified and
anisotropic, the penetration required should be determined by computing the effective penetration into the
transformed aquifer as described in appendix E. Examples of the design of a wellpoint system and a deepwell system for relieving pressure beneath an open excavation are presented in figures D-6 and D-7.
g. Cutoffs. Seepage cutoffs are used as barriers to
flow in highly permeable aquifers in which the quantity of seepage would be too great to handle with deepwell or wellpoint dewatering systems alone, or when
pumping costs would be large and a cutoff is more economical. The cutoff should be located far enough back
of the excavation slope to ensure that the hydrostatic
pressure behind the cutoff does not endanger the stability of the slope. If possible, a cutoff should penetrate several feet into an underlying impermeable stratum. However, the depth of the aquifer or other conditions may preclude full penetration of the cutoff, in
which case seepage beneath the cutoff must be considered. Figure 4-36 illustrates the effectiveness of a partial cutoff for various penetrations into an aquifer.
The figure also shows the soils to be homogeneous and
isotropic with respect to permeability. If, however, the
soils are stratified or anisotropic with respect to permeability, they must be transformed into an isotropic
section and the equivalent penetration computed by
the method given in appendix E before the curves
shown in the figure are applicable.
(1) Cement and chemical grout curtain. Pressure
injection of grout into a soil or rock may be used to reduce the permeability of the formation in a zone and
seal off the flow of water. The purpose of the injection
of grout is to fill the void spaces with cement or chemicals and thus form a solid mass through which no water can flow. Portland cement, fly ash, bentonite, and
sodium silicate are commonly used as grout materials.
Generally, grouting pressures should not exceed about
1 pound per square inch per foot of depth of the injection.
(a) Portland cement is best adapted to filling
voids and fractures in rock and has the advantage of
appreciably strengthening the formation, but it is ineffective in penetrating the voids of sand with an effective grain size of 1 millimetre or less. To overcome this
deficiency, chemical grouts have been developed that
have nearly the viscosity of water, when mixed and injected, and later react to form a gel which seals the formation Chemical grouts can be injected effectively into soils with an effective grain size D10 that is less than
0.1 millimetre. Cement grout normally requires a day
or two to hydrate and set, whereas chemical grout can
be mixed to gel in a few minutes.
(b) Cement grouts are commonly mixed at water-cement ratios of from 5:1 to 10:1 depending on the
grain size of the soils. However, the use of a high water-cement ratio will result in greater shrinkage of the
cement, so it is desirable to use as little water as practical. Bentonite and screened fly ash may be added to a
cement grout to both improve the workability and reduce the shrinkage of the cement. The setting time of a
cement grout can be accelerated by using a 1:1 mixture
of gypsum-base plaster and cement or by adding not
more than 3 percent calcium chloride. High-earlystrength cement can be used when a short set time is
(c) Chemical grouts, both liquid and powderbased, are diluted with water for injection, with the
proportions of the chemicals and admixtures varied to
control the gel time.
(d) Injection patterns and techniques vary with
grout materials, character of the formation, and geometry of the grout curtains. (Grout holes are generally
spaced on 2- to 5-foot centers.) Grout curtains may be
formed by successively regrouting an area at reduced
spacings until the curtain becomes tight. Grouting is
usually done from the top of the formation downward.
(e) The most perplexing problem connected with
grouting is the uncertainty about continuity and effectiveness of the seal. Grout injected under pressure will
move in the direction of least resistance. If, for example, a sand deposit contains a layer of gravel, the gravel may take all the grout injected while the sand remains untreated. Injection until the grout take diminishes is not an entirely satisfactory measure of the success of a grouting operation. The grout may block the
injection hole or penetrate the formation only a short
distance, resulting in a discontinuous and ineffective
grout curtain. The success of a grouting operation is
difficult to evaluate before the curtain is complete and
in operation, and a considerable construction delay can
result if the grout curtain is not effective. A single row
of grout holes is relatively ineffective for cutoff purposes compared with an effectiveness of 2 or 3 times
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
that of overlapping grout holes. Detailed information
on grouting methods and equipment is contained in
TM 5-818-6.
(2) Slurry walls. The principal features of design
of a slurry cutoff wall include: viscosity of slurry used
for excavation; specific gravity or density of slurry;
and height of slurry in trench above the groundwater
table. The specific gravity of the slurry and its level
above the groundwater table must be high enough to
ensure that the hydrostatic pressure exerted by the
slurry will prevent caving of the sides of the trench
and yet not limit operation of the excavating equipment. Neither shall the slurry be so viscous that the
backfill Will not move down through the slurry mix.
Typical values of specific gravity of slurries used range
from about 1.1 to 1.3 (70 to 80 pounds per cubic foot)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 4-36. Flow beneath a partially penetrating cutoff wall.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC p-418
with sand or weighting material added: The viscosity
of the slurry for excavating slurry wall trenches usually ranges from a Marsh funnel reading of 65 to 90 seconds, as required to hold any weighting material added and to prevent any significant loss of slurry into the
walls of the trench. The slurry should create a pressure
in the trench approximately equal to 1.2 times the active earth pressure of the surrounding soil. Where the
soil at the surface is loose or friable, the upper part of
the trench is sometimes supported with sand bags or a
concrete wall. The backfill usually consists of a mixture of soil (or a graded mix of sand-gravel-clay) and
bentonite slurry with a slump of 4 to 6 inches.
(3) Steel sheet piling. Seepage cutoffs may be created by driving a sheet pile wall or cells to isolate an
excavation in a river or below the water table. Sheet
piles have the advantage of being commonly available
and readily installed. However, if the soil contains cobbles or boulders, a situation in which a cutoff wall is
applicable to dewatering, the driving may be very difficult and full penetration may not be attained. Also,
obstructions may cause the interlocks of the piling to
split, resulting in only a partial cutoff.
(a) Seepage through the sheet pile interlocks
should be expected but is difficult to estimate. As an
approximation, the seepage through a steel sheet pile
wall should be assumed equal to at least 0.01 gallon
per square foot of wall per foot of net head acting on
the wall. The efficiency of a sheet pile cutoff is substantial for short paths of seepage but is small or negligible for long paths.
(b) Sheet pile cutoffs that are installed for longterm operation will usually tighten up with time as the
interlocks become clogged with rust and possible incrustation by the groundwater.
(4) Freezing. Freezing the water in saturated porous soils or rock to form an ice cutoff to the flow of
groundwater may be applicable to control of groundwater for shafts or tunnels where the excavation is
small but deep. (See para 4-12 for information on design and operation of freezing systems.)
4-10. Dewatering shafts and tunnels.
a. The requirements and design of systems for dewatering shafts and tunnels in cohesionless, porous
soil or rock are similar to those previously described
for open excavations. As an excavation for a shaft or
tunnel is generally deep, and access is limited, deepwells or jet-eductor wellpoints are considered the best
method for dewatering excavations for such structures
where dewatering techniques can be used. Grout curtains, slurry cutoff walls, and freezing may also be
used to control groundwater adjacent to shafts or tunnels.
b. Where the soil or rock formation is reasonably
homogeneous and isotropic, a well or jet-eductor sys-
tem can be designed to lower the water table below the
tunnel or bottom of the shaft using methods and formulas presented in paragraphs 4-1 through 4-4. If the
soil or rock formation is stratified, the wells must be
screened and filtered through each pervious stratum,
as well as spaced sufficiently close so that the residual
head in each stratum being drained is not more than 1
or 2 feet. Dewatering stratified soils penetrated by a
shaft or tunnel by means of deep wells may be facilitated by sealing the wells and upper part of the riser
pipe and applying a vacuum to the top of the well and
correspondingly to the filter. Maintenance of a vacuum in the wells and surrounding earth tends to stabilize the earth and prevent the emergence of seepage into the tunnel or shaft.
c. In combined well-vacuum systems, it is necessary
to use pumps with a capacity in excess of the maximum design flow so that the vacuum will be effective
for the full length of the well screen. Submersible
pumps installed in sealed wells must be designed for
the static lift plus friction losses in the discharge pipe
plus the vacuum to be maintained in the well. The
pumps must also be designed so that they will pump
water and a certain amount of air without cavitation.
The required capacity of the vacuum pump can be estimated from formulas for the flow of air through porous media considering the maximum exposure of the
tunnel facing or shaft wall at any one time to be the
most pervious formation encountered, assuming the
porous stratum to be fully drained. The flow of air
through a porous medium, assuming an ideal gas flowing under isothermal conditions, is given in the following formula:
Qa = flow of air at mean pressure of air in flow
P =
p1 =
p2 =
D =
hW =
µw =
µa =
pressure differential p1-p2) in feet of water
absolute atmospheric pressure
absolute air pressure at line of vacuum wells
thickness of aquifer, feet
head at well, feet
coefficient of permeability for water, feet per
absolute viscosity of water
absolute viscosity of air
geometric seepage shape factor (para 4-3)
The approximate required capacity of vacuum pump is
expressed as
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
15- to 20-foot centers have been used to dewater caissons and mine shafts 75 to 250 feet deep. An example
of the design of a deep-well system supplemented with
vacuum in the well filter and screen to dewater a
stratified excavation for a shaft is shown in figure
D-8, and an example to dewater a tunnel is shown in
figure D-9.
d. In designing a well system to dewater a tunnel or
shaft, it should be assumed that any one well or pumping unit may go out of operation. Thus, any combination of the other wells and pumping units must have
sufficient capacity to provide the required water table
lowering or pressure relief. Where electrical power is
used to power the pumps being used to dewater a shaft
or tunnel, a standby generator should be connected to
the system with automatic starting and transfer equipment or switches.
4-11. Permanent pressure relief systems. Permanent drainage or pressure relief systems
can be designed using equations and considerations
previously described for various groundwater and flow
conditions. The well screen, collector pipes, and filters
should be designed for long service and with access
provided for inspection and reconditioning during the
life of the project. Design of permanent relief or drainage systems should also take into consideration potential encrustation and screen loss. The system should
preferably be designed to function as a gravity system
without mechanical or electrical pumping and control
equipment. Any mechanical equipment for the system
should be selected for its simplicity and dependability
of operation. If pumping equipment and controls are
required, auxiliary pump and power units should be
provided. Piezometers and flow measuring devices
should be included in the design to provide a means for
controlling the operation and evaluating its efficiency.
4-12. Freezing.
a. General.
(1) The construction of a temporary waterstop by
artificially freezing the soil surrounding an excavation
site is a process that has been used for over a century,
not always with success and usually as a last resort
when more conventional methods had failed. The
method may be costly and is time-consuming. Until recent years far too little engineering design has been
used, but nowadays a specialist in frozen-soil engineering, given the site information he needs, can design a
freezing system with confidence. However, every job
needs care in installation and operation and cannot be
left to a general contractor without expert help. A fav4-48
orable site for artificial freezing is where the water table is high, the soil is, e.g., a running sand, and the water table cannot be drawn down because of possible
damage to existing structures of water (in a coarser
granular material). The freezing technique may be the
best way to control water in some excavations, e.g.,
deep shafts.
(2) Frozen soil not only is an effective water barrier but also can serve as an excellent cofferdam. An
example is the frozen cofferdam for an open excavation 220 feet in diameter and 100 feet deep in rub
bishy fill, sands, silts, and decomposed rock. A frozen
curtain wall 4000 feet long and 65 feet deep has been
successfully made but only after some difficult problems had been solved. Mine shafts 18 feet in diameter
and 2000 feet deep have been excavated in artificially
frozen soils and rocks where no other method could be
used. Any soil or fractured rock can be frozen below
the water table to form a watertight curtain provided
the freeze-pipes can be installed, but accurate site data
are essential for satisfactory design and operation.
b. Design. As with the design of any system for sub
surface water control, a thorough site study must first
be made. Moving water is the factor most likely to
cause failure; a simple sounding-well or piezometer
layout (or other means) must be used to check this. If
the water moves across the excavation at more than
about 4 feet per day, the designer must include extra
provisions to reduce the velocity, or a curtain wall may
never close. If windows show up in the frozen curtain
wall, flooding the excavation and refreezing with added freeze-pipes are nearly always necessary. A knowledge of the creep properties of the frozen soils may be
needed; if the frozen soil is used as a cofferdam or
earth retaining structure, such can be determined
from laboratory tests. Thermal properties of the soils
can usually be reliably estimated from published data,
using dry unit weight and water content.
c. Operation. The ground is frozen by closed-end,
steel freeze-pipes (usually vertical, but they can be
driven, placed, or jacked at any angle) from 4 to 6
inches in diameter, spaced from 3 to 5 feet in one or
more rows to an impervious stratum. If there is no impervious stratum within reach, the soil may be completely frozen as a block in which the excavation is
made, or an impervious stratum may be made artificially. In one project, a horizontal disk about 200 feet
across and 24 feet thick was frozen at a minimum
depth of 150 feet. Then, a cylindrical cofferdam 140
feet in diameter was frozen down to the disk, and the
enclosed soil was excavated without any water problem.
(1) Coaxial with each freeze-pipe is a 1½ to 2-inch
steel, or plastic, supply pipe delivering a chilled liquid
(coolant) to the bottom of the closed freeze pipe. The
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
coolant flows slowly up the annulus between the pipes,
pulls heat from the ground, and progressively freezes
the soil. (A typical freeze-pipe is shown in fig. 4-37.)
After a week or two, the separate cylinders of frozen
soil join to form the barrier, which gradually thickens
to the designed amount, generally at least 4 feet (walls
of 24-foot thickness with two rows of freeze-pipes have
been frozen in large and deep excavations in soft organic silts). The total freeze-time varies from 3 to 4
weeks to 6 months or more but is predictable with high
accuracy, and by instrumentation and observation the
engineer has good control. Sands of low water content
freeze fastest; fine-grained soils of high water content
take more time and total energy, although the refrigeration horsepower required may be greater than for
(2) The coolant is commonly a chloride brine at
zero to -20 degrees Fahrenheit, but lower temperatures are preferable for saving time, reducing the
amount of heat to be extracted, and minimizing frostheave effects (which must be studied beforehand). In
recent years, liquid propane at -45°F has been used
in large projects, and for small volumes of soil, liquid
nitrogen that was allowed to waste has been used.
(These cryogenic liquids demand special care-they are
dangerous.) Coolant circulation is by headers, commonly 8-inch pipes, connected to a heat-exchanger at
the refrigeration plant using freon (in a modern plant)
as the refrigerant. The refrigeration equipment is usually rented for the job. A typical plant requires from
50 horsepower and up; 1000 horsepower or more has
sometimes been used. Headers should be insulated and
are recoverable. Freeze-pipes may be withdrawn but
(From “Tunnel Driven Using Subsurface Freezing. “by C. P. Gail, pp. 37-40.
Civil Engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers. May 1972.)
Figure 4-37. Typical freeze-pipe.
are often wasted in construction; they are sometimes
used for thawing the soil back to normal, in which case
they could be pulled afterward.
d. Important considerations. The following items
must be considered when the freezing technique is to
be used:
(1) Water movement in soil.
(2) Location of freeze-pipes. (The spacing of
freeze-pipes should not exceed the designed amount by
more than 1 foot anywhere along the freeze wall.)
(3) Wall closure. (Freeze-pipes must be accurately
located, and the temperature of the soil to be frozen
carefully monitored with thermocouples to ensure 100
percent closure of the wall. Relief wells located at the
center of a shaft may also be used to check the progress of freezing. By periodically pumping these wells,
the effectiveness of the ice wall in sealing off seepage
flow can be determined.)
(4) Frost-heave effects-deformations and pressures. (Relief wells may be used to relieve pressures
caused by expansion of frozen soil.)
(5) Temperature effects on buried utilities.
(6) Insulation of aboveground piping.
(7) Control of surface water to prevent flow to the
freezing region.
(8) Coolant and ground temperatures. (By monitoring coolant and soil temperatures, the efficiency of
the freezing process can be improved.)
(9) Scheduling of operations to minimize lost time
when freezing has been completed.
(10) Standby plant. (Interruption of coolant circulation may be serious. A standby plant with its own
prime movers is desirable so as to prevent any thaw. A
continuous advance of the freezing front is not necessary so that standby plant capacity is much less than
that normally used.)
4-13. Control of surface water.
a. Runoff of surface water from areas surrounding
the excavation should be prevented from entering the
excavation by sloping the ground away from the excavation or by the construction of dikes around the top
of the excavation. Ditches and dikes can be constructed on the slopes of an excavation to control the runoff
of water and reduce surface erosion. Runoff into slope
ditches can be removed by pumping from sumps installed in these ditches, or it can be carried in a pipe or
lined ditch to a central sump in the bottom of the excavation where it can be pumped out. Dikes at the top of
an excavation and on slopes should have at least 1 foot
of freeboard above the maximum elevation of water to
be impounded and a crown width of 3 to 5 feet with
side slopes of 1V on 2-2.5H.
b. In designing a dewatering system, provision must
be made for collecting and pumping out surface water
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
so that the dewatering wells and pumps cannot be
flooded. Control of surface water within the diked area
will not only prevent interruption of the dewatering
operation, which might seriously impair the stability
of the excavation, but also prevent damage to the construction operations and minimize interruption of
work. Surface water may be controlled by dikes,
ditches, sumps, and pumps; the excavation slope can
be protected by seeding or covering with fabric or asphalt. Items to be considered in the selection and design of a surface water control system include the duration and season of construction, rainfall frequency
and intensity, size of the area, and character of surface
c. The magnitude of the rainstorm that should be
used for design depends on the geographical location,
risk associated with damage to construction or the dewatering system, and probability of occurrence during
construction. The common frequency of occurrence
used to design surface water control sumps and pumps
is a once in 2-to 5-year rainfall. For critical projects, a
frequency of occurrence of once in 10 years may be advisable .
d. Impounding runoff on excavation slopes is somewhat risky because any overtopping of the dike could
result in overtopping of all dikes at lower elevations
with resultant flooding of the excavation.
e. Ample allowance for silting of ditches should be
made to ensure that adequate capacities are available
throughout the duration of construction. The grades of
ditches should be fairly flat to prevent erosion. Sumps
should be designed that will minimize siltation and
that can be readily cleaned. Water from sumps should
not be pumped into the main dewatering system.
f. The pump and storage requirements for control of
surface water within an excavation can be estimated in
the following manner:
Step 1. Select frequency of rainstorm for which
pumps, ditches, and sumps are to be designed.
Step 2. For selected frequency (e.g., once in 5
years), determine rainfall for 10-, 30-, and 60-minute
rainstorms at project site from figure 3-6.
Step 3. Assuming instantaneous runoff, compute volume of runoff VR (for each assumed rainstorm)
into the excavation or from the drainage area into the
excavation from the equation
c = coefficient of runoff
R = rainfall for assumed rainstorm, inches
A = area of excavation plus area of drainage into
excavation, acres
(The value of c depends on relative porosity, character,
and slope of the surface of the drainage area. For impervious or saturated steep excavations, c values may
be assumed to range from 0.8 to 1.0.)
Step 4. Plot values of VR versus assumed duration of rainstorm.
Step 5. Plot pumpage rate of pump to be installed assuming pump is started at onset of rain.
This method is illustrated by figure D-10.
g. The required ditch and sump storage volume
the (maximum) difference between the accumulated
runoff for the various assumed rainstorms and the
amount of water that the sump pump (or pumps) will
remove during the same elapsed period of rainfall. The
capacity and layout of the ditches and sumps can be
adjusted to produce the optimum design with respect
to the number, capacity, and location of the sumps and
h. Conversely, the required capacity of the pumps
for pumping surface runoff depends upon the volume
of storage available in sumps, as well as the rate of
runoff (see equation (3-3)). For example, if no storage
is available, it would be necessary to pump the runoff
at the rate it enters the excavation to prevent flooding.
This method usually is not practicable. In large excavations, sumps should be provided where practicable to
reduce the required pumping capacity. The volume of
sumps and their effect on pump size can be determined
graphically (fig. D-10) or can be estimated approximately from the following equation:
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
5-1. General. The successful performance of any
dewatering system requires that it be properly installed. Principal installation features of various types
of dewatering or groundwater control systems are presented in the following paragraphs.
5-2. Deep-well systems.
a. Deep wells may be installed by the reverse-rotary
drilling method, by driving and jetting a casing into
the ground and cleaning it with a bailer or jet, or with
a bucket auger.
b. In the reverse-rotary method, the hole for the
well is made by rotary drilling, using a bit of a size required by the screen diameter and thickness of filter.
Soil from the drilling is removed from the hole by the
flow of water circulating from the ground surface
down the hole and back up the (hollow) drill stem from
the bit. The drill water is circulated by a centrifugal or
jet-eductor pump that pumps the flow from the drill
stem into a sump pit. As the hole is advanced, the soil
particles settle out in the sump pit, and the muddy
water flows back into the drill hole through a ditch cut
from the sump to the hole. The sides of the drill hole
are stabilized by seepage forces acting against a thin
film of fine-grained soil that forms on the wall of the
hole. A sufficient seepage force to stabilize the hole is
produced by maintaining the water level in the hole at
least 7 feet above the natural water table. No bentonite drilling mud should be used because of gelling in
the filter and aquifer adjacent to the well. If the hole is
drilled in clean sands, some silt soil may need to be
added to the drilling water to attain the desired degree
of muddiness (approximately 3000 parts per million).
(Organic drilling material, e.g., Johnson’s Revert or
equivalent, may also be added to the drilling water to
reduce water loss.) The sump pit should be large
enough to allow the sand to settle out but small enough
so that the silt is kept in suspension.
c. Holes for deep wells should be vertical so that the
screen and riser may be installed straight and plumb;
appropriate guides should be used to center and keep
the screen plumb and straight in the hole. The hole
should be some deeper than the well screen and riser.
(The additional depth of the hole is to provide space
for wasting filter material first put in the tremie pipe
if used.) After the screen is in place. the filter is tre-
mied in. The tremie pipe should be 4 to 5 inches in diameter, be perforated with slots ¹/16 to ³/32 inch wide and
about 6 inches long, and have flush screw joints. The
slots will allow the filter material to become saturated,
thereby breaking the surface tension and “bulking” of
the filter in the tremie. One or two slots per linear foot
of tremie is generally sufficient. After the tremie pipe
has been lowered to the bottom of the hole, it should be
filled with filter material, and then slowly raised,
keeping it full of filter material at all times, until the
filter material is 5 to 10 feet above the top of the
screen, The filter material initially poured in the tremie should be wasted in the bottom of the hole. The
level of drilling fluid or water in a reverse-rotary
drilled hole must be maintained at least 7 feet above
the natural groundwater level until all the filter material is placed. If a casing is used, it should be pulled
as the filter material is placed, keeping the bottom of
the casing 2 to 10 feet below the top of the filter material as the filter is placed. A properly designed, uniout tremieing if it is poured in around the screen in a
heavy continuous stream to minimize segregation.
d. After the filter is placed, the well should be developed to obtain the maximum yield and efficiency of
the well. The purpose of the development is to remove
any film of silt from the walls of the drilled hole and to
develop the filter immediately adjacent to the screen
to permit an easy flow of water into the well. Development of a well should be accomplished as soon after
the hole has been drilled as practicable. Delay in doing
this may prevent a well being developed to the efficiency assumed in design. A well may be developed by
surge pumping or surging it with a loosely fitting
surge block that is raised and lowered through the well
screen at a speed of about 2 feet per second. The surge
block should be slightly flexible and have a diameter 1
to 2 inches smaller than the inside diameter of the well
screen. The amount of material deposited in the bottom of the well should be determined after each cycle
(about 15 trips per cycle). Surging should continue until the accumulation of material pulled through the
well screen in any one cycle becomes less than about
0.2 foot deep. The well screen should be bailed clean if
the accumulation of material in the bottom of the
screen becomes more than 1 to 2 feet at any time dur5-1
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
ing surging, and recleaned after surging is completed.
Material bailed from a well should be inspected to see
if any foundation sand is being removed. It is possible
to oversurge a well, which may breach the filter with
resulting infiltration of foundation sand when the well
is pumped.
e. After a well has been developed, it should be
pumped to clear it of muddy water and sand and to
check it for yield and infiltration. The well should be
pumped at approximately the design discharge from
30 minutes to several hours, with periodic measurement of the well flow, drawdown in the well, depth of
sand in the bottom of the well, and amount of sand in
the discharge. Measurements of well discharge and
drawdown may be used to determine the efficiency
and degree of development of the well. The performance of the well filter may be evaluated by measuring the accumulation of sand in the bottom of the well
and in the discharge. A well should be developed and
pumped until the amount of sand infiltration is less
than 5 to 10 parts per million.
f. Deep wells, in which a vacuum is to be maintained, require an airtight seal around the well riser
pipe from the ground surface down for a distance of 10
to 50 feet. The seal may be made with compacted clay,
nonshrinking grout or concrete, bentonitic mud, or a
short length of surface casing capped at the top. Improper or careless placement of this seal will make it
impossible to attain a sufficient vacuum in the system
to cause the dewatering system to operate as designed.
The top of the well must also be sealed airtight.
g. After the wells are developed and satisfactorily
tested by pumping, the pumps, power unite, and discharge piping may be installed.
h. Where drawdown or vacuum requirements in
deep wells demand that the water level be lowered and
maintained near the bottom of the wells, the pumps
will have to handle a mixture of water and air. If such
a requirement exists, the pump bowls should be designed to allow increasing amounts of air to enter the
bowl, which will reduce the efficiency of the pump until the pump capacity just equals the inflow of water,
without cavitation of the impellers. The impellers of
deep-well turbine pumps should be set according to the
manufacturer’s recommendations. Improper impeller
settings can significantly reduce the performance of a
deep-well pump.
5-3. Wellpoint systems.
a. Wellpoint systems are installed by first laying
the header at the location and elevation called for by
the plans as illustrated in figure 5-1. After the header
pipe is laid, the stopcock portion of the swing connection should be connected to the header on the spacing
called for by the design, and all fittings and plugs in
the header made airtight using a pipe joint compound
to prevent leakage. Installation of the wellpoints generally follows layout of the header pipe.
b. Self-jetting wellpoints are installed by jetting
them into the ground by forcing water out the tip of
the wellpoint under high pressure. The jetting action
of a typical self-jetting wellpoint is illustrated in fig-
Plan of a typical wellpoint system.
(From “Foundation Engineering,” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill Book
Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure 5-1. Plan of a typical wellpoint system.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
ure 5-2. Self-jetting wellpoints can be installed in medium and fine sand with water pressures of about 50
pounds per square inch. Wellpoints jetted into coarse
sand and gravel require considerably more water and
higher water pressures (about 125 pounds per square
inch) to carry out the heavier particles; either a hydrant or a jetting pump of appropriate size for the
pressures and quantities of jetting water required can
be used. The jetting hose, usually 2 to 3 inches in diameter, is attached to the wellpoint riser, which is picked
up either by a crane or by hand and held in a vertical
position as the jet water is turned on. The wellpoint is
allowed to sink slowly into the ground and is slowly
raised and lowered during sinking to ensure that all
fine sand and dirt are washed out of the hole. Care
should be taken to ensure that a return of jet water to
the surface is maintained; otherwise, the point may
“freeze” before it reaches grade. If the return of jet water disappears, the point should be quickly raised until
circulation is restored and then slowly relowered. In
gravelly soils, it may be necessary to supplement the
jet water with a separate air supply at about 125
pounds per square inch to lift the gravel to the surface.
If filter sand is required around the wellpoint to increase its efficiency or prevent infiltration of foundation soils, the wellpoints generally should be installed
using a hole puncher and a jet casing to form the hole
for the wellpoint and filter. When the wellpoint reaches grade and before the water is turned off, the two
halves of a swing connection, if used, should be lined
up for easy connection when the jet water is turned off
and the jetting hose disconnected.
c. Where a wellpoint is to be installed with a filter
(i.e. “sanded”), generally the wellpoint should be installed in a hole formed by jetting down a 10- to 12inch heavy steel casing. The casing may be fitted with
a removable cap at the top through which air and water may be introduced. The casing is jetted into the
ground with a return of air and water along the outside of the casing. Jetting pressures of 125 pounds per
square inch are commonly used; where resistant strata
are encountered, the casing may have to be raised and
dropped with a crane to chop through and penetrate to
the required depth. A casing may also be installed using a combination jetting and driving tool, equipped
with both water and air lines, which fits inside the casing and extends to the bottom of the casing. Most of
the return water from a ‘hole puncher” rises inside the
casing, causing considerably less disturbance of the adjacent foundation soils. After the casing is installed to
a depth of 1 to 3 feet greater than the length of the as-
(Courtesy of Griffin Wellpoint Corp.)
Figure 5-2. Self-jetting wellpoint.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
sembled wellpoint, the jet is allowed to run until the
casing is flushed clean with clear water.
d. The wellpoint is placed in the casing, the sand filter tremied or poured in, and the casing pulled. Care
should be taken to center the wellpoint in the casing so
that it is completely surrounded with filter material.
Before the wellpoint is connected to the header, it
should be pumped to flush it and the filter and to
check it for “sanding.” All joints connecting wellpoints
to the header should be made airtight to obtain the
maximum needed vacuum.
e. Wellpoint pumps, similar to that shown in figure
5-3, are used to provide the vacuum and to remove
water flowing to the system. To obtain the maximum
possible vacuum, the suction intake of the pump
should be set level with the header pipe. Wellpoint
pumps should be protected from the weather by a shelter and from surface water or sloughing slopes by
ditches and dikes. The discharge pipe should be watertight and supported independently of the pump.
f. Vacuum wellpoint systems are installed in the
same manner as ordinary wellpoint systems using a jet
casing and filter, except the upper 5 feet of the riser is
sealed airtight to maintain the vacuum in the filter.
g. Jet-eductor wellpoints are usually installed using
a hole puncher and surrounding the wellpoint and riser pipe with filter sand. Jet eductors are connected to
two headers-one for pressure to the eductors and
(Courtesy of Moretrench American Corp.)
Figure 5-3. Characteristic parts of a wellpoint pump.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
another for return flow from the eductors and the
wellpoints back to the recirculation tank and pressure
5-4. Vertical sand drains. Vertical sand drains
can be installed by jetting a 12- to 18-inch casing into
the soil to be drained; thoroughly flushing the casing
with clear water; filling it with clean, properly graded
filter sand; and pulling the casing similar to installing
“sanded” wellpoints. It is preferable to place the filter
sand through a tremie to prevent segregation, which
may result in portions of the filter being too coarse to
filter fine-grained soils and too fine to permit vertical
drainage. Sand drains should penetrate into the underlying pervious aquifer to be drained by means of wells
or wellpoints.
5-5. Cutoffs.
a. Cement and chemical grout curtains.
(1) Cement or chemical grouts are injected
through pipes installed in the soil or rock. Generally,
pervious soil or rock formations are grouted from the
top of the formation downward. When this procedure
is followed, the hole for the grout pipe is first cored or
drilled down to the first depth to be grouted, the grout
pipe and packer set, and the first zone grouted. After
the grout is allowed to set, the hole is redrilled and advanced for the second stage of grouting, and the above
procedure repeated. This process is repeated until the
entire depth of the formation has been grouted. No
drilling mud should be used in drilling holes for grout
pipes because the sides of the hole will be plastered
with the mud and little, if any, penetration of grout
will be achieved.
(2) Mixing tanks and pump equipment for pressure injection of cement or chemical grouts vary depending upon the materials being handled. Ingredients
for a grout mix are loaded into a mixing tank equipped
with an agitator and, from there, are pumped to a storage tank also equipped with an agitator. Pumps for
grouting with cement are generally duplex, positive
displacement, reciprocating pumps similar to slush
pumps used in oil fields. Cement grouts are highly
abrasive, so the cylinder liners and valves should be of
case-hardened steel. Chemical grouts, because of their
low viscosity and nonabrasive nature, can be pumped
with any type of pump that produces a satisfactory
pressure. Grout pump capacities commonly range
from 20 to 100 gallons per minute at pressures ranging from 0 to 500 pounds per square inch. The maximum grout pressure used should not exceed about 1
pound per square inch times the depth at which the
grout is being injected.
(3) The distribution system for grouting may be
either of two types: a single-line system or a recirculating system. Because of segregation that may de-
velop in the pressure supply line from the pump to the
grout injection pipe, the line must occasionally be
flushed to ensure that the grout being pumped into the
formation is homogeneous and has the correct viscosity. The grout in a single-line system is flushed
through a blowoff valve onto the ground surface and
wasted. A recirculating system has a return line to the
grout storage tank so that the grout is constantly being circulated through the supply line, with a tap off to
the injection pipe where desired.
(4) Additional information on grouting is contained in TM 5-818-6.
b. Slurry walls.
(1) Slurry cutoff trenches can be dug with a
trenching machine, backhoe, dragline, or a clam bucket, typically 2 to 5 feet wide, The walls of the trench
are stabilized with a thick bentonitic slurry until the
trench can be backfilled. The bentonitic slurry is best
mixed at a central plant and delivered to the trench in
trucks or pumped from slurry ponds. The trench is carried to full depth by excavation through the slurry,
with the trench being maintained full of slurry by the
addition of slurry as the trench is deepened and extended.
(2) With the trench open over a limited length and
to full depth, cleaning of the slurry is commenced in
order to remove gravelly or sandy soil particles that
have collected in the slurry, especially near the bottom
of the trench. Fair cleanup can be obtained using a
clamshell bucket; more thorough cleaning can be obtained by airlifting the slurry to the surface for circulation through desanding units. Cleaning of the slurry
makes it less viscous and ensures that the slurry will
be displaced by the soil-bentonite backfill. After cleaning the “in-trench” slurry, the trench is generally backfilled with a well-graded mix of sand-clay-gravel and
bentonite slurry with a slump of about 4 to 6 inches.
The backfill material and slurry may be mixed either
along and adjacent to the trench or in a central mixing
plant and delivered to the trench in trucks.
(3) The backfill is introduced at the beginning of
the trench so as to displace the slurry toward the advancing end of the trench. In the initial stages of backfill, special precautions should be taken to ensure that
the backfill reaches the bottom of the trench and that
it assumes a proper slope (generally 1V on 5H to 1V on
10H). In order to achieve this slope, the first backfill
should be placed by clamshell or allowed to flow down
an inclined ramp, dug at the beginning end of the
trench. As the surface of the backfill is built up to the
top of the trench, digging the trench resumes as shown
in figure 5-4. As the backfill is bulldozed into the back
of the trench, it flows down the sloped face of the already placed backfill, displacing slurry as it advances.
Proper control of the properties of the slurry and back5-5
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
fill is required to ensure that the slurry is not trapped
within the backfill.
(4) The backfill should be placed continuously as
the trench is advanced. By so doing, sloughing of the
trench walls will be minimized, and the amount of bentonitic slurry required kept to a minimum. The level of
the slurry in the trench should be maintained at least 5
feet above the groundwater table. Care should be taken to control the density and viscosity of the bentonitic slurry as required by the design. To minimize wastage of bentonitic slurry, it may be necessary to screen
out sand and gravel in order to reuse the slurry. (Construction techniques are still being developed.)
(5) The toe of the backfill slope should be kept
within 50 to 150 feet of the leading edge of the trench
to minimize the open length of the slurry-supported
trench. During placement operations, excavation and
cleaning operations proceed simultaneously ahead of
the advancing backfill. (It should be noted that because of the geometric constraints set by the backfill
slope, the amount of open trench length supported by
slurry is a function of the depth of the trench. For example, if the trench is 100 feet deep and the backfill
slope is 1V on 8H, the open length will be about 900 to
950 feet-800 feet along the slope of the backfill face
plus 100 to 150 feet from the backfill toe to the leading edge of the trench.)
(6) When the trench is complete and the backfill
occupies the entire trench, a compacted clay cap is normally placed over the trench. Key steps in this construction sequence involve the mixing of the bentonite-water slurry, excavation and stabilization of the
trench, cleaning of the slurry, mixing of the soil-bentonite backfill, displacement of the slurry by the backfill, and treatment of the top of the trench. Each of
these items must be covered in the specifications.
c. Steel sheet piling. Steel sheet pile cutoffs are constructed employing the same general techniques as
those used for driving steel sheet piles. However, precautions should be taken in handling and driving sheet
piling to ensure that the interlocks are tight for the
full depth of the piling and that all of the sheets are
driven into the underlying impermeable stratum at all
locations along the sheet pile cutoff. Methods and
techniques for driving steel sheet piling are described
in numerous references on this subject.
d. Freezing. Freezing the soil around a shaft or tunnel requires the installation of pipes into the soil and
circulating chilled brine through them. These pipes
generally consist of a 2-inch inflow pipe placed in a
6-inch closed-end “freezing” pipe installed in the
ground by any convenient drilling means. Two headers
are required for a freezing installation: one to carry
chilled brine from the refrigeration plant and the other to carry the return flow of refrigerant. The refrigeration plant should be of adequate capacity and should
include standby or auxiliary equipment to maintain a
continuous operation.
5-6. Piezometers.
a. Installation. Piezometers are installed to determine the elevation of the groundwater table (gravity
or artesian) for designing and evaluating the performance of a dewatering system. For most dewatering
applications, commercial wellpoints or small screens
are satisfactory as piezometers. The selection of wellpoint or screen, slot size, need for filter, and method of
installation is the same for piezometers as for dewatering wellpoints. Holes for the installation of piezometers can be advanced using continuous flight auger with
a hollow stem plugged at the bottom with a removable
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 5-4. Installation of a slurry cutoff trench.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
plug, augering with more or less simultaneous installation of a casing, or using rotary wash-boring methods.
The hole for a piezometer should be kept filled with
water or approved drilling fluid at all times. Bentonitic drilling mud should not be used; however, an organic type of drilling fluid, such as Johnson’s Revert or
equivalent, may be used if necessary to keep the
drilled hole open. Any auger used in advancing the
hole should be withdrawn slowly from the hole so as to
minimize any suction effect caused by its removal.
When assembling piezometers, all fittings should be
tight and sealed with joint compound so that water
levels measured are those actually existing at the location of the wellpoint screen. Where the water table in
different pervious formations is to be measured, the
riser pipe from the piezometer tip must be sealed from
the top of the screen to the ground surface to preserve
the isolation of one stratum from another and to obtain the true water level in the stratum in which the
piezometer is set. Such piezometers may be sealed by
grouting the hole around the riser with a nonshrinking
grout of bentonite, cement, and fly ash or other suitable admixture. Proportions of 1 sack of cement and 1
gallon of bentonite to 10 gallons of water have been
found to be a suitable grout mix for this purpose. Fly
ash can be used to replace part of the cement to reduce
heat of hydration, but it does reduce the strength of
the grout. The tops of piezometer riser pipes should be
threaded and fitted with a vented cap to keep dirt and
debris from entering the piezometer and to permit the
water level in the piezometer to adjust to any changes
in the natural water table.
(1) Hollow-stem auger method.
(a) After the hole for the piezometer is advanced
to grade, 1 to 2 feet below the piezometer tip, or after
the last sample is taken in a hole to receive a piezometer, the hollow-stem auger should be flushed clean with
water and the plug reinserted at the bottom of the auger. The auger should then be slowly raised to the elevation that the piezometer tip is to be installed. At this
elevation, the hollow stem should be filled with clean
water and the plug removed. Water should be added to
keep the stem full of water during withdrawal of the
plug. The hole should then be sounded to determine
whether or not the hollow stem is open to the bottom
of the auger. If material has entered the hollow stem
of the auger, the hollow stem should be cleaned by
flushing with clear water, or fresh Johnson’s Revert or
equivalent drilling fluid if necessary to stabilize the
bottom of the hole, through a bit designed to deflect
the flow of water upward, until the discharge is free of
soil particles. The piezometer screen and riser should
then be lowered to the proper depth inside the hollow
stem and the filter sand placed. A wire spider should
be attached to the bottom of the piezometer screen to
center the piezometer screen in the hole in which it is
to be placed.
(b) The filter sand should be poured down the
hollow stem around the riser at a rate (to be determined in the field) which will ensure a continuous flow
of filter sand that will keep the hole below the auger
filled as the auger is withdrawn. Withdrawal of the auger and filling the space around the piezometer tip and
riser with filter sand should continue until the hole is
filled to a point 2 to 5 feet above the top of the piezometer screen. Above this elevation, the space around the
riser pipe may be filled with any clean uniform sand
up to the top of the particular sand stratum in which
the piezometer is being installed but not closer than 10
feet of the ground surface. An impervious grout seal
should then be placed from the top of the sand backfill
to the ground surface.
(2) Casing method. The hole for a piezometer may
be formed by setting the casing to an elevation 1 to 2
feet deeper than the elevation of the piezometer tip.
The casing may be set by a combination of rotary drilling and driving the casing. The casing should be kept
filled with water, or organic drilling fluid, if necessary, to keep the bottom of the hole from “blowing.”
After the casing has been set to grade, it should be
flushed with water or fresh drilling fluid until clear of
any sand. The piezometer tip and riser pipe should
then be installed and a filter sand, conforming to that
specified previously, poured in around the riser at a
rate (to be determined in the field) which will ensure a
continuous flow of filter sand that will keep the space
around the riser pipe and below the casing filled as the
casing is withdrawn without “sand-locking” the casing
and the riser pipe. Placement of the filter sand and
withdrawal of the casing may be accomplished in steps
as long as the top of the filter sand is maintained above
the bottom of the casing but not so much as to “sandlock” the riser pipe and casing. Filling the space
around the piezometer tip and riser with filter and
should continue until the hole is filled to a point 2 to 5
feet above the top of the piezometer screen. An impervious grout seal should then be placed from the top of
the sand backfill to the ground surface.
(3) Rotary method. The hole for a piezometer may
be advanced by the hydraulic rotary method using
water or an organic drilling fluid. After the hole has
been advanced to a depth of 1 or 2 feet below the piezometer tip elevation, it should be flushed with clear
water or clean drilling fluid, and the piezometer, filter
sand, sand backfill, and grout placed as specified above
for the casing method, except there will be no casing to
b. Development and testing. The piezometer should
be flushed with clear water and pumped after installation and then checked to determine if it is functioning
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
properly by filling with water and observing the rate
of fall. A lo-foot minimum positive head should be
maintained in the piezometer following breakdown of
the drilling fluid. After at least 30 minutes have
elapsed, the piezometer should be flushed with clear
water and pumped. For the piezometer to be considered acceptable, it should pump at a rate of at least 2
gallons per minute, or when the piezometer is filled
with water, the water level should fall approximately
half the distance to the groundwater table in a time
slightly less than the time given below for various
types of soil:
Type of Soil in
Which Piezometer
Screen Is Set
Sandy silt (>50% silt)
Silty sand (<50% silt,
>12% silt)
Fine sand
Period of
Time of
50 Percent Fall
If the piezometer does not function properly, it will be
developed by air surging or pumping with air if necessary to make it perform properly.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
6-1. General. The success of a dewatering operation finally hinges on the proper operation, maintenance, and control of the system. If the system is not
operated and maintained properly, its effectiveness
may soon be lost. After a dewatering or pressure relief
system has been installed, a full-scale pumping test
should be made and its performance evaluated for adequacy or need for any modification of the system. This
test and analysis should include measurement of the
initial water table, pump discharge, water table in excavation, water table in wells or vacuum in header system, and a comparison of the data with the original design.
6-2. Operation.
a. Wellpoint systems.
(1) The proper performance of a wellpoint system
requires continuous maintenance of a steady, high vacuum. After the system is installed, the header line and
all joints should be tested for leaks by closing all
swing-joint and pump suction valves, filling the header
with water under a pressure of 10 to 15 pounds per
square inch, and checking the line for leaks. The next
step is to start the wellpoint pump with the pump suction valve closed. The vacuum should rise to a steady
25 to 27 inches of mercury. If the vacuum on the pump
is less than this height, there must be air leaks or worn
parts in the pump itself. If the vacuum at the pump is
satisfactory, the gate valve on the suction side of the
pump may be opened and the vacuum applied to the
header, with the wellpoint swing-joint valves still
closed. If the pump creates a steady vacuum of 25
inches or more in the line, the header line may be considered tight. The swing-joint valves are then opened
and the vacuum is applied to the wellpoints. If a low,
unsteady vacuum develops, leaks may be present in
the wellpoint riser pipes, or the water table has been
lowered to the screen in some wellpoints so that air is
entering the system through one or more wellpoint
screens. One method of eliminating air entering the
system through the wellpoints is to use a riser pipe 25
feet or more in length. If the soil formation requires
the use of a shorter riser pipe, entry of air into the system can be prevented by partially closing the main
valve between the pump and the header or by adjusting the valves in the swing connections until air entering the system is stopped. This method is commonly
used for controlling air entry and is known as tuning
the system; the pump operator should do this daily.
(2) A wellpoint leaking air will frequently cause
an audible throbbing or bumping in the swing-joint
connection, which may be felt by placing the hand on
the swing joint. The throbbing or bumping is caused by
intermittent charges of water hitting the elbow at the
top of the riser pipe, In warm weather, wellpoints that
are functioning properly feel cool and will sweat due to
condensation in a humid atmosphere. A wellpoint that
is not sweating or that feels warm may be drawing air
through the ground, or it may be clogged and not functioning. Likewise, in very cold weather, properly functioning wellpoints will feel warm to the touch of the
hand compared with the temperature of the atmosphere, Vacuum wellpoints disconnected from the
header pipe can admit air to the aquifer and may affect adjacent wellpoints. Disconnected vacuum wellpoints with riser pipes shorter than 25 feet should be
(3) Wellpoint headers, swing connections, and
riser pipes should be protected from damage by construction equipment. Access roads should cross header
lines with bridges over the header to prevent damage
to the headers or riser connections and to provide access for tuning and operating the system.
b. Deep wells. Optimum performance of a deep-well
system requires continuous uninterrupted operation of
all wells. If the pumps produce excessive drawdowns
in the wells, it is preferable to regulate the flow from
all of the wells to match the flow to the system, rather
than reduce the number of unite operating and thus
create an uneven drawdown in the dewatered area.
The discharge of the wells may be regulated by varying the pump speed (if other than electric power is
used) or by varying the discharge pressure head by
means of a gate valve installed in the discharge lines.
Uncontrolled discharge of the wells may also produce
excessive drawdowns within the well causing undesirable surging and uneven performance of the pumps.
c. Pumps. Pumps, motors, and engines should always be operated and maintained in accordance with
the manufacturer’s directions. All equipment should
be maintained in first-class operating condition at all
times. Standby pumps and power units in operating
conditions should be provided for the system, as discussed in chapter 4. Standby equipment may be required to operate during breakdown of a pumping unit
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
or during periods of routine maintenance and oil
change of the regular dewatering equipment. All
standby equipment should be periodically operated to
ensure that it is ready to function in event of a breakdown of the regular equipment. Automatic starters,
clutches, and valves may be included in the standby
system if the dewatering requirements so dictate. Signal lights or warning buzzers may be desirable to indicate, respectively, the operation or breakdown of a
pumping unit. If control of the groundwater is critical
to safety of the excavation or foundation, appropriate
operating personnel should be on duty at all times.
Where gravity flow conditions exist that allow the water table to be lowered an appreciable amount below
the bottom of the excavation and the recovery of the
water table is slow, the system may be pumped only
part time, but this procedure is rarely possible or desirable. Such an operating procedure should not be attempted without first carefully observing the rate of
rise of the groundwater table at critical locations in
the excavations and analyzing the data with regard to
existing soil formations and the status of the excavation.
d. Surface water control. Ditches, dikes, sumps, and
pumps for the control of surface water and the protection of dewatering pumps should be maintained
throughout construction of the project. Maintenance
of ditches and sumps is of particular importance. Silting of ditches may cause overtopping of dikes and serious erosion of slopes that may clog the sumps and
sump pumps. Failure of sump pumps may result in
flooding of the dewatering equipment and complete
breakdown of the system. Dikes around the top of an
excavation to prevent the entry of surface water
should be maintained to their design section and grade
at all times. Any breaks in slope protection should be
promptly repaired.
6-3. Control and evaluation of performance. After a dewatering or groundwater control
system is installed, it should be pump-tested to check
its performance and adequacy. This test should include
measurement of initial groundwater or artesian water
table, drawdown at critical locations in the excavation,
flow from the system, elevation of the water level in
the wells or vacuum at various points in the header,
and distance to the “effective” source of seepage, if
possible. These data should be analyzed, and if conditions at the time of test are different than those for
which the system was designed, the data should be extrapolated to water levels and source of seepage assumed in design. It is important to evaluate the system
as early as possible to determine its adequacy to meet
full design requirements. Testing a dewatering system
and monitoring its performance require the *installation of piezometers and the setting up of some means
for measuring the flow from the system or wells. Pressure and vacuum gages should also be installed at the
pumps and in the header lines. For multistage wellpoint systems, the installation and operation of the
first stage of wellpoints may offer an opportunity to
check the permeability of the pervious strata, radius of
influence or distance to the source of seepage, and the
head losses in the wellpoint system. Thus, from observations of the drawdown and discharge of the first
stage of wellpoints, the adequacy of the design for lower stages may be checked to a degree.
a. Piezometers. The location of piezometers should
be selected to produce a complete and reliable picture
of the drawdown produced by the dewatering system.
Examples of types of piezometers and methods of installation are given in paragraphs G-546) and
G-6h(2) of Appendix G. Piezometers should be located
so they will clearly indicate whether water levels required by specifications are attained at significant locations. The number of piezometers depends on the
size and configuration of the excavation and the dewatering system. Normally, three to eight piezometers
are installed in large excavations and two or three in
smaller excavations. If the pervious strata are stratified and artesian pressure exists beneath the excavation, piezometers should be located in each significant
stratum. Piezometers should be installed at the edge of
and outside the excavation area to determine the
shape of the drawdown curve to the dewatering system and the effective source of seepage to be used in
evaluating the adequacy of the system. If recharge of
the aquifer near the dewatering system is required to
prevent settlement of adjacent structures, control
piezometers should be installed in these areas. Where
the groundwater is likely to cause incrustation of well
screens, piezometers may be installed at the outer edge
of the filter and inside the well screen to monitor the
head loss through the screen as time progresses. In
this way, if a significant increase in head loss is noted,
cleaning and reconditioning of the screens should be
undertaken to improve the efficiency of the system.
Provisions for measuring the drawdown in the wells or
at the line of wellpoints are desirable from both an operation and evaluation standpoint.
b. Flow measurements. Measurement of flow from a
dewatering system is desirable to evaluate the performance of the system relative to design predictions.
Flow measurements are also useful in recognizing any
loss in efficiency of the system due to incrustation or
clogging of the wellpoints or well screens. Appendix F
describes the methods by which flow measurements
can be made.
c. Operational records. Piezometers located within
the excavated area should be observed at least once a
day, or more frequently, if the situation demands, to
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
ensure that the required drawdown is being maintained. Vacuum and gages (revolutions per minute) on
pumps and engines should be checked at least every
few hours by the operator as he makes his rounds.
Piezometers located outside the excavated area, and
discharge of the system, may be observed less frequently after the initial pumping test of the completed
system is concluded. Piezometer readings, flow measurements, stages of nearby streams or the elevation of
the surrounding groundwater, and the number of wells
or wellpoints operating should be recorded and plotted
throughout the operation of the dewatering system.
The data on the performance of the dewatering system
should be continually evaluated to detect any irregular
functioning or loss of efficiency of the dewatering system before the construction operations are impeded, or
the excavation or foundation is damaged.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
7-1. General. Good specifications are essential to
ensure adequate dewatering and groundwater control.
Specifications must be clear, concise, and complete
with respect to the desired results, special conditions,
inspection and control, payment, and responsibility.
The extent to which specifications should specify procedures and methods is largely dependent upon the
complexity and magnitude of the dewatering problem,
criticality of the dewatering with respect to schedule
and damage to the work, and the experience of the
probable bidders. Regardless of the type of specification selected, the dewatering system(s) should be designed, installed, operated, and monitored in accordance with the principles and criteria set forth in this
7-2. Types of specifications.
a. Type A. Where dewatering of an excavation does
not involve unusual or complex features and failure or
inadequacy of the system would not adversely affect
the safety of personnel, the schedule, performance of
the work, foundation for the structure, or the completed work, the specifications should be one of the following types:
(1) Type A-1. .A brief specification that requires
the Contractor to assume full responsibility for design,
installation, operation, and maintenance of an adequate system. (This type should not be used unless the
issuing agency has considerable confidence in the Contractor’s dewatering qualifications and has the time
and capability to check the Contractor’s proposal and
(2) Type A-2. A specification that is more detailed than type A-1 but still requires the Contractor
to assume the responsibility for design, installation,
operation, and maintenance. (This type conveys more
information regarding requirements of design and
construction than type A- 1 while retaining the limitations described in (1) above.)
b. Type B. Where dewatering or relief of artesian
pressure is complex and of a considerable magnitude
and is critical with respect to schedule and damage to
the work, the specifications should be of one of the following types:
(1) Type B-1. A specification that sets forth in
detail the design and installation of a “minimum” systern that will ensure a basically adequate degree of watering and pressure relief but still makes the Contrac-
tor fully responsible for obtaining the required dewatering and pressure relief as proven by a full-scale
pumping test(s) on the system prior to start of excavation, and for all maintenance, repairs, and operations.
(2) Type B-2. A specification that sets forth in
detail the design and installation of a system that has
been designed to achieve the desired control of groundwater wherein the Government or Owner assumes full
responsibility for its initial performance, based on a
full-scale pumping test(s), but makes the Contractor
responsible for maintenance and operation except for
major repairs required over and beyond those appropriate to normal maintenance. (This type of specification eliminates claims and contingencies commonly
added to bid prices for dewatering and also ensures
that the Government gets a dewatering system that it
has paid for and a properly dewatered excavation if
the system has been designed and its installation supervised by qualified and experienced personnel.)
(3) Type B-3. A specification that sets forth the
desired results making the Contractor solely responsible for design, equipment, installation procedures,
maintenance, and performance, but requires that the
Contractor employ or subcontract the dewatering and
groundwater control to a recognized company with at
least 5 years, and preferably 10 years, of experience in
the management, design, installation, and operation of
dewatering systems of equal complexity. The specification should also state that the system(s) must be designed by a registered professional engineer recognized as an expert in dewatering with a minimum of 5
to 10 years of responsible experience in the design and
installation of dewatering systems. This type of specification should further require submittal of a brief but
comprehensive report for review and approval including:
(a) A description and profile of the geology, soil,
and groundwater conditions and characteristics at the
(b) Design values, analyses, and calculations.
(c) Drawings of the complete dewatering system(s) including a plan drawing, appropriate sections,
pump and pipe capacities and sizes, power system(s),
standby power and pumps, grades, filter gradation,
surface water control, valving, and disposal of water.
(d) A description of installation and operational
(e) A layout of piezometers and flow measuring
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
devices for monitoring performance of the system(s).
(f) A plan and schedule for monitoring performance of the system(s).
(g) A statement that the dewatering system(s)
has been designed in accordance with the principles
and criteria set forth in this manual.
(h) The seal of the designer.
(This type of specification should not be used unless
the Government or Owner has or employs someone
competent to evaluate the report and design submitted, and is prepared to insist on compliance with the
above .)
7-3. Data to be included in specifications. All data obtained from field investigations relating to dewatering or control of groundwater made
at the site of the project should be included with the
specifications and drawings or appended thereto.
These data should include logs of borings; soil profiles;
results of laboratory tests including mechanical analyses, water content of silts and clays, and any chemical
analyses of the groundwater; pumping tests; groundwater levels in each aquifer, if more than one, as measured by properly installed and tested piezometers, and
its variation with the season or with river stages; and
river stages and tides for previous years if available.
Borings should not only be made in the immediate vicinity of the excavation, but some borings should be
made on lines out to the source of groundwater flow or
to the estimated “effective” radius of influence. Sufficient borings should be made to a depth that will delineate the full thickness of any substrata that would
have a bearing on the control of groundwater or unbalanced uplift pressures. (Additional information on
field investigations and the scope of such are given in
chap 3.) It is essential that all field or laboratory test
data be included with the specifications, or referenced,
and that the data be accurate. The availability, adequacy, and reliability of electric power, if known,
should be included in the contract documents. The
same is true for the disposal of water to be pumped
from the dewatering systems. The location and ownership of water wells off the project site that might be effected by lowering the groundwater level should be
shown on one of the contract drawings.
7-4. Dewatering requirements and specifications. The section of the specifications relating
to dewatering and the control of groundwater should
be prepared by a geotechnical engineer experienced in
dewatering and in the writing of specifications, in cooperation with the civil designer for the project. The
dewatering specifications may be rather general or
quite detailed depending upon the type of specification
to be issued as described in paragraph 7-2.
a. Type A specifications.
(1) If the specification is to be of Types A-1 and
A-2 described in paragraph 7-2a(1) and (2), the desired results should explicitly specify the level to
which the groundwater and/or piezometric surface
should be lowered; give recommended factors of safety
as set forth in paragraph 4-8; require that all permanent work be accomplished in the dry and on a stable
subgrade; and advise the Contractor that he is responsible for designing, providing, installing, operating,
monitoring, and removing the dewatering system by a
plan approved by the Contracting Officer or the Engineer. This type of specification should note the limitations of groundwater information furnished since
seepage conditions may exist that were not discovered
during the field exploration program. It should be
made clear that the Contractor is not relieved of responsibility of controlling and disposing of all water,
even though the discharge of the dewatering system
required to maintain satisfactory conditions in the excavation may be in excess of that indicated by tests or
analyses performed by the Government. This type of
specification should not only specify the desired results but also require that the Contractor provide adequate methods for obtaining them by means of pumping from wells, wellpoint systems, cutoffs, grouting,
freezing, or any other measures necessary for particular site conditions. The method of payment should also
be clearly specified.
(2) Prior to the start of excavation the Contractor
should be required to submit for review a proposed
method for dewatering the excavation, disposing of
the water, and removing the system, as well as a list of
the equipment to be used, including standby equipment for emergency use. (This plan should be detailed
and adapted to site conditions and should provide for
around-the-clock dewatering operation.)
(3) Perimeter and diversion ditches and dikes
should be required and maintained as necessary to prevent surface water from entering any excavation. The
specifications should also provide for controlling the
surface water that falls or flows into the excavation by
adequate pumps and sumps. Seepage of any water
from excavated slopes should be controlled to prevent
sloughing, and ponding of water in the excavation
should be prevented during construction operations.
Any water encountered in an excavation for a shaft or
tunnel shall be controlled, before advancing the excavation, to prevent sloughing of the walls or ‘boils” in
the bottom of the excavation or blow-in of the tunnel
face. If the flow of water into an excavation becomes
excessive and cannot be controlled by the dewatering
system that the Contractor has installed, excavation
should be halted until satisfactory remedial measures
have been taken. Dewatering of excavations for shafts,
tunnels, and lagged open excavations should continue
for the duration of the work to be performed in the ex-
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
cavations unless the tunnel or shaft has been securely
lined and is safe from hydrostatic pressure and seepage.
(3) The specifications should also require that the
Contractor’s plan provide for testing the adequacy of
the system prior to start of excavation and for monitoring the performance of the system by installing piezometers and means for measuring the discharge
from the system.
b. Type B specifications.
(1) Types B-1 and B-2 specifications (para
7-2b(1) and (2)) should set forth not only the required
results for dewatering, pressure relief, and surface water control, but also a detailed list of the materials,
equipment, and procedures that are to be used in
achieving the desired system(s). The degree of responsibility of the Contractor for dewatering should be
clearly set forth for specification types B-1 and B-2 as
previously stated in paragraph 7-2. With either type
of specification, the Contractor should be advised that
he or she is responsible for operating and maintaining
the system(s) in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendation relating to equipment and in accordance with good construction practice. The Contractor
should also be advised that he or she is responsible for
correcting any unanticipated seepage or pressure conditions and taking appropriate measures to control
such, payment for which would depend upon the type
of specification and terms of payment.
(2) Type B-3 specifications (para 7-2b) should include the basic requirements set forth above for types
A-1 and A-2 specifications plus the additional re-
quirements set forth for type B-3 specifications in
paragraph 7-2.
7-5. Measurement and payment.
a. Payment when using types A-1 and A-2 specifications is generally best handled by a ‘lump sum” payment.
b. Payment when using type B- 1 specifications may
be based on a lump sum type, or unit prices may be set
up for specific items that have been predesigned and
specified with lump sum payment for operational and
maintenance costs.
c. Payment when using type B-2 specifications is
generally on the basis of various unit prices of such
items as wells, pumps, and piping, in keeping with normal payment practices for specified work. Operation
for maintenance and repairs generally should be set up
as a lump sum payment with partial payment in accordance with commonly accepted percentages of
work completed.
d. Payment when using type B-3 specifications
would generally be based on a lump sum type of payment.
e. Payment for monitoring piezometers and flow
measuring devices is generally made in keeping with
the method of payment for the various types of dewatering specifications described above.
7-6. Examples of dewatering specifications. Examples of various types of specifications described in paragraph -72, based on specifications actually issued and accomplished in practice, are included in appendix G .
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFACP-418
Government Publications
Department of Defense
Military Standard
Departments of the Army and the Air Force
TM 5-818-1/AFM 88-3, Chap. 7
Unified Soil Classification System for Roads, Airfield
Embankments, and Foundations
Soils and Geology: Procedures for Foundation Design
of Buildings and Other Structures (Except Hydraulic
Soils and Geology: Backfill for Subsurface Structures
Grouting Methods and Equipment
TM 5-818-4/AFM 88-5, Chap. 5
TM 5-818-6/AFM 88-32
Department of the Navy
Soil Mechanics
Deep Stabilization and Grouting
Nongovernment Publications
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Steel Bars, Carbon, Cold-Finished, Standard Quality
A 108-81
Castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium-Nickel,
A 743-83
Nickel-Base, Corrosion Resistant for General
Foundations and Earth Structures
* U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1985-461-028-10160/401-M
Change 1 A-1
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
Area of filter through which seepage is passing, drainage area, radius of a circular group of wells; area of
permeability test sample, area of entrance section of pipe in measuring flow through a venturi meter
or with a Pitot tube, or area of stream of water at end of pipe in jet-flow measurement
Cross-section area of sand drain
-Equivalent radius of a group of wells
Area of orifice
Spacing of wells or wellpoints
Distance between two lines of wells, length of weir crest, or circumference of a vertical pipe in fountain
flow calculations
Width of drainage slot, or end dimension of a rectangular drainage slot
Half width of rectangular array of wells
Half length of rectangular array of wells
Coefficient for friction loss in pipes; coefficient for empirical relation of D10 versus k; coefficient for
empirical relation of k versus R; calibrated coefficient of discharge in measuring flow through a venturi meter or orifice; coefficient for measuring flow with a Pitot tube; or center of a circular group of
Coefficients for gravity flow to two slots from two-line sources
Weighted creep ratio for piping
Factors for drawdown in the vicinity of a gravity well
Coefficient of runoff
Thickness of homogeneous isotropic aquifer, or inside diameter of a discharge pipe
Thickness of equivalent homogeneous isotropic aquifer
Effective grain size
Thickness of a pervious stratum, or pressure tap diameter
Pipe diameter
Orifice diameter
Transformed thickness of homogeneous, isotropic pervious stratum
Electrical potential difference or voltage
Extra-length factor
Effective area factor
Factor for computing drawdown at any point due to a group of wells with circular source of seepage, or
Factor for computing drawdown at any point due to a group of wells with line source of seepage
Factor for computing drawdown midway between end wells of a line of wells with a circular source of
Factor for computing drawdown midway between end wells of a line of wells with a line source of seepage
Factor of safety
Factor for computing drawdown at center of a group of wells with circular source of seepage
Factor for computing drawdown at center of a group of wells with line source of seepage
Factor for computing drawdown at a well m in a two-line well array with a circular source of seepage
Factor for computing drawdown at a well in a group of wells with circular source of seepage
Factor for computing drawdown at a well in a group of wells with line source of seepage
Correction factor for a partially penetrating well from Kozeny’s formula or Muskat’s formula
Groundwater table or level
Acceleration of gravity, 32.2 feet per second squared
Height of water table (initial) or piezometric surface, or crest height in fountain flow measurement;
gravity head
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
Drawdown or head differential, or residual drawdown after a pump test
Drawdown expressed as Hz-H2o
Head dimension in the measurement of flow with a Parshall flume
Average head loss in header pipe to pump intake
Friction head loss in screen entrance or filter and screen entrance
Friction head loss in riser pipe and connections
Friction head loss in well screen
Velocity head loss in well
Total hydraulic head loss in well or wellpoint
Distance from bottom of sheet pile or cutoff wall to impervious boundary
Head at a specific point P, head on permeability test sample in constant head permeability test; final
head on permeability test sample in falling head permeability test; pressure drop across an orifice; observed head on crest in weir flow measurement; or head at a specific time during a pump test
Height of free discharge above water level in a gravity well
Head at center of a group of wells
Maximum head landward from a drainage slot or line of wells, or maximum head between two slots or
lines of wells
Head in an artesian drainage slot, average head at a line of wells, or height of bottom of excavation in
computing the creep ratio
Head midway between wells, or height of mercury for pipe orifice flow measurement
Head in a gravity drainage slot or at equivalent drainage slot simulating a line of wellpoints or sand
drains, or initial head on permeability test sample in the falling heat permeability test
Head at point P
Height of free discharge above water level in drainage slot
Velocity head in measuring flow with a Pitot tube
Head at well, wellpoint, or sand drain
Wetted screen length
Head in a wellpoint that can be produced by the vacuum of a wellpoint pump
Electric current or rate of flow
Hydraulic gradient of seepage, well number, intensity of rainfall
Electrical gradient between electrodes
Drawdown at any well
Constant used in jet-flow calculations
Coefficient of permeability of homogeneous isotropic aquifer
Transformed coefficient of permeability
Coefficient of permeability for the flow of air
Vertical coefficient of permeability of a sand drain
Coefficient of electroosmotic permeability
Effective permeability of transformed aquifer
Horizontal coefficient of permeability
Vertical coefficient’ of permeability
Distance from drainage slot, well, or line of wells or wellpoints to the effective source of seepage, length
of permeability test sample, or seepage length through which Ah acts in determining a seepage gradient
Distance from drainage slot to change from artesian to gravity flow
Distance from well j to source of seepage
Half the distance between two parallel drainage slots or lines of wells; long dimension of a rectangular
drainage slot, or number of strata penetrated by a well in calculating effective well screen penetration
Height of pump intake above base of aquifer
Mean sea level
Number of equipotential drops in a flow net
Number of flow channels in a flow net
Number of wells in system or group, or porosity, number of strata in an aquifer for transformed section
calculations, or number of concentric rings in measuring flow with a Pitot tube
Number of equipotential drops from seepage exit to point P
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
Point at which head is computed, or factor for drawdown in the vicinity of a gravity well
Mean absolute pressure inflow system
Absolute atmospheric pressure
Absolute air pressure at line of vacuum wells
Rate of flow to a fully penetrating drainage slot per unit length of slot, capacity, or rate of pumping, or
rate of surface water runoff
Rate of flow of air
Rated capacity of vacuum pump at atmospheric pressure
Rate of flow to a sand drain
Flow to well in an electroosmotic drainage system
Total surface water pump capacity
Rate of flow to a partially penetrating drainage slot per unit length of slot
Total flow to a wellpoint system
Total flow to a dewatering system
Flow to a well or wellpoint
Flow to an observation well
Flow to well i
Flow to well j
Flow to a partially penetrating artesian well
Rate of flow, or flow per unit length of section flow net
Limiting flow into a filter or well screen
Radius of influence of well, rainfall for assumed storm, or ratio of entrance to throat diameter in measuring flow through a venturi meter
Distance from well to change from artesian to gravity flow
Radius of influence of well i
Radius of influence of well j
Distance from well to point P, or distance from a test well to an observation piezometer
Distance from image well to point P
Distance from well i to point P
Distance from well i to well j
Radius (effective) of a well
Radius (effective) of well j
Coefficient of storage, the volume of water an aquifer will release from (or take into) storage per unit of
surface area per unit change in head. (For artesian aquifers, S is equal to the water forced from storage by compression of a column of the aquifer by the additional load created by lowering the artesian
pressure in the aquifer by pumping or drainage. For gravity flow aquifers, S is equal to the specific
yield of the material being dewatered plus the water forced from the saturated portion of the aquifer
by the increased surcharge caused by lowering the groundwater table.)
Extrapolated S value used in computations for nonequilibrium gravity flow
Distance from point P to image well i
Distance from image well i to well j
Specific yield of aquifer (volume of water that can be drained by gravity from a saturated unit volume of
Height of bottom of well above bottom of aquifer
Duration of rainfall, coefficient of transmissibility in square feet per minute (the coefficient of permeability k multiplied by the aquifer thickness D), or thickness of less pervious strata overlying a more
pervious stratum
Coefficient of transmissibility in gallons per day per foot width
Depth of water in well, or elapsed pumping time
Time for cone of drawdown to reach an impermeable boundary or a source of seepage
Elapsed pumping time since pump started
Elapsed time since pump stopped
Time at zero drawdown or at start of pump test
Argument of W(u), a well function
Volume of water in permeability test, volume of sample in specific yield test, velocity, or vacuum at
pump intake
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
Volume of sump storage
Volume of surface water runoff
Velocity at center of concentric rings of equal area in measuring flow with a Pitot tube
Volume of water drained in specific yield test
Penetration of a drainage well, slot, or cutoff wall in a homogeneous isotropic aquifer, penetration of a
between water table in a cofferdammed area and base of the sheet piling or cutoff wall, or size of
flume in the measurement of flow with a Parshall flume
Effective depth of penetration of a drainage slot or well into aquifer
Exponential integral termed a “well function”
Length of a drainage slot, distance from center line of excavation to sheet pile or cutoff wall, or distance
along axis of a discharge pipe to a point in the stream in jet-flow measurement
Distance from drainage slot to a specific line, actual vertical dimension in an anisotropic stratum, or distance perpendicular to the axis of a discharge pipe to a point in the stream in jet-flow measurement
Transformed vertical dimension in an anisotropic stratum
Depth of soil stabilized by electroosmosis, or height of crest above bottom of approach channel in weirflow measurement
Gamma function for determining G
Unit weight of water
Change in piezometric head for a particular seepage length; drawdown; artesian head above bottom of
slope or excavation
Maximum head landward from a line of wells above head at wells
Head midway between wells above that at a well
Drawdown at well in a line of wells below head he at an equivalent drainage slot
Change in drawdown during pump test between two different pumping rates
Pressure differential
Drawdown in feet per cycle of (log) time-drawdown curve in pump test
Residual drawdown in feet per cycle of (log) t’/t”
Submerged unit weight of soil
Uplift factor for artesian wells or wellpoints
Midpoint uplift factor for artesian wells or wellpoints
Extra-length coefficient for flow to a partially penetrating drainage slot
Absolute viscosity of air
Absolute viscosity of water
Specific resistance to electrolyte
Geometric shape factor (dimensionless)
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
C-1. General. There are two basic types of pumping tests: equilibrium (steady-state flow) and nonequilibrium (transient flow).
a. Equilibrium-type test. When a well is pumped,
the water discharged initially comes from aquifer storage adjacent to the well. As pumping continues, water
is drawn from an expanding zone until a state of equilibrium has been established between well discharge
and aquifer recharge. A state of equilibrium is reached
when the zone of influence has become sufficiently enlarged so that: natural flow into the aquifer equals the
pumping rate; a stream or lake is intercepted that will
supply the well (fig. C-1); or vertical recharge from
precipitation on the area above the zone of influence
equals the pumping rate. If a well is pumped at a constant rate until the zone of drawdown has become stabilized, the coefficient of permeability of the aquifer
can be computed from equilibrium formulas subsequently presented.
b. Nonequilibrium-type test.
(1) In this type of test, the value of k is computed
from a relation between the rate of pumping Q, drawdown H’ at a point P near the well, distance from the
well to the point of drawdown measurement r, coefficient of storage of the aquifer S, and elapsed pumping
time t. This relation permits determination of k from
aquifer performance, while water is being drawn from
storage and before stabilization occurs.
(2) Nonequilibrium equations are directly applicable to confined (artesian) aquifers and may also be used
with limitations to unconfined aquifers (gravity flow
conditions). These limitations are related to the percentage of drawdown in observation wells related to
the total aquifer thickness. Nonequilibrium equations
should not be used if the drawdown exceeds 25 percent
of the aquifer thickness at the wall. Little error is
introduced if the percentage is less than 10.
c. Basic assumptions.
(1) Both equilibrium and nonequilibrium methods
for analyzing aquifer performance are generally based
on the assumptions that:
(a) The aquifer is homogeneous and isotropic.
(b) The aquifer is infinite in extent in the horizontal direction from the well and has a constant
(c) The well screen fully penetrates the pervious
(d) The flow is laminar.
(e) The initial static water level is horizontal,
(2) Although the assumptions listed above would
seem to limit the analysis of pumping test data, in
reality they do not. For example, most pervious formations do not have a constant k or transmissibility
T(T = k x aquifer thickness), but the average T can
readily be obtained from a pumping test. Where the
flow is artesian, stratification has relatively little im-
(Courtesy of UOP Johnson Division)
Figure C-1. Seepage into an aquifer from an adjacent river.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
portance if the well screen fully penetrates the aquifer; of course, the derived permeability for this case is
actually kh. If the formation is stratified and kh > kv,
and the flow to the well is gravity in nature, the computed permeability k would be <kh and >kv.
(3) Marked changes of well or aquifer performance during a nonequilibrium test indicate that the
physical conditions of the aquifer do not conform to
the assumptions made in the development of the
formula for nonsteady flow to a well. However, such a
departure does not necessarily invalidate the test data;
in fact, analysis of the change can be used as a tool to
better determine the flow characteristics of the aquifer.
C-2. pumping test equipment and procedures. Determination of k from a pumping test requires: (a) installation of a test well, (b) two, and preferably more, observation wells or piezometers, (c) a
suitable pump, (d) equipment for sounding the well
and adjacent piezometers, and (e) some means for accurately measuring the flow from the well.
a. Test and observation wells. The test well should
fully penetrate the aquifer to avoid uncertainties involved in the analysis of partially penetrating wells,
and the piezometers should be installed at depths
below any anticipated drawdown during the pumping
test. The number, spacing, and arrangement of the observation wells or piezometers will depend on the characteristics of the aquifer and the geology of the area
(figs. C-2 and C-3). Where the test well is located adjacent to a river or open water, one line of piezometers
should be installed on a line perpendicular to the river,
one line parallel to the river, and, if possible, one line
away from the river. At least one line of piezometers
should extend 500 feet or more out from the test well.
The holes made for installing piezometers should be
logged for use in the analysis of the test. The distance
from the test well to each piezometer should be meas-
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure C-2. Layout of piezometers for a pumping test.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
ured, and the elevation of the top of each accurately
determined. Each piezometer should be capped with a
vented cap to keep out dirt or trash and to permit
change in water level in the piezometer without creating a partial vacuum or pressure. The test well and
piezometers should be carefully installed and developed, and their performance checked by individual
pumping or falling head tests in accordance with the
procedures discussed in chapter 5 of the main text.
b. Pumps.
(1) The test pump should be a centrifugal, or more
preferably, a turbine or submersible pump. It should
be capable of lowering the water level in the well at
least 10 feet or more depending upon the characteristics of the formation being tested. The pump should
preferably be powered with an electric motor, or with
an engine capable of operating continuously for the
duration of the test. The pump discharge line should
be equipped with a valve so that the rate of discharge
can be accurately controlled. At the beginning of the
test, the valve should be partially closed so that back
pressure on the pump can be varied as the test progresses to keep the rate of flow constant.
(2) During a pumping test, it is imperative that
the rate of pumping be maintained constant. Lowering
of the water level in the well will usually cause the
pumping rate to decrease unless the valve in the discharge line is opened to compensate for the additional
head or lift created on the pump. If the pump is powered with a gas or diesel engine, changes in temperature and humidity of the air may affect appreciably
the operation of the engine and thus cause variations
in the pumping rate. Variations in line voltage may
similarly affect the speed of electric motors and thus
the pumping rate. Any appreciable variation in pumping rate should be recorded, and the cause of the variation noted.
(3) The flow from the test well must be conveyed
from the test site so that recharge of the aquifer from
water being pumped does not occur within the zone of
influence of the test well.
c. Flow and drawdown measurements.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure C-3. Section of well and piezometers for a pumping test with gravity flow near well.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(1) The discharge from the well can be measured
by means of an orifice, pitometer, venturi, or flowmeter installed in the discharge pipe, or an orifice installed at the end of the discharge pipe, as described in
appendix G. The flow can also be estimated from the
jet issuing from a smooth discharge pipe, or measured
by means of a weir or flume installed in the discharge
channel. For such flow measurements, appropriate
consideration must be given to the pipe or channel hydraulics in the vicinity of the flow-measuring device.
Formulas, graphs, and tables for measuring flow from
a test well are given in appendix G.
(2) In thick aquifers, or in deposits where the
material varies with depth, it may be desirable to de-
termine the permeability of the various strata of the
formations in order to better determine the required
length and depth or well screens of wellpoints for the
design of a dewatering or drainage system. This
permeability can be determined by measuring the
vertical flow within the well screen at various levels
with a flowmeter. The flow from the various strata can
be obtained by taking the difference in flow at adjacent measuring levels; the flow-meter, equipped with a
centering device, is placed in the well before the pump
is installed. Typical data obtained from such well-flow
measurements in a test well are shown in figure C-4.
These data can be used to compute the coefficient of
permeability of the various strata tested as shown. The
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure C-4. Coefficient of permeability kh of various strata determined from a pumping test and flow measurements in the well screen.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
correlation between D10 and kh shown in figure C-4
was based on laboratory sieve analyses and on such
well-flow tests.
d. General test procedures.
(1) Before a pump test is started, the test well
should be pumped for a brief period to ensure that the
pumping equipment and measuring devices are functioning properly and to determine the approximate
valve and power settings for the test. The water level
in the well and all observation piezometers should be
observed for at least 24 hours prior to the test to determine the initial groundwater table. If the groundwater
prior to the test is not stable, observations should be
continued until the rate of change is clearly established; these data should be used to adjust the actual
test drawdown data to an approximate equilibrium
condition for analysis. Pumping of any wells in the
vicinity of the test well, which may influence the test
results, should be regulated to discharge at a constant,
uninterrupted rate prior to and during the complete
(2) Drawdown observations in the test well itself
are generally less reliable than those in the piezometers because of pump vibrations and momentary
variations in the pumping rate that cause fluctuations
in the water surface within the well. A sounding tube
with small perforations installed inside the well screen
can be used to dampen the fluctuation in the water
level and improve the accuracy of well soundings. All
observations of the groundwater level and pump dis-
charge should include the exact time that the observation was made.
(3) As changes in barometric pressure may cause
the water level in test wells to fluctuate, the barometric pressure should be recorded during the test.
(4) When a pumping test is started, changes in
water levels occur rapidly, and readings should be
taken as often as practicable for certain selected piezometers (e.g., t = 2, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, and 60
minutes) after which the period between observations
may be increased. Sufficient readings should be taken
to define accurately a curve of water level or drawdown versus (log) elapsed pumping time. After pumping has stopped, the rate of groundwater-level recovery should be observed. Frequently, such data are important in evaluating the performance and characteristics of an aquifer.
C-3. Equilibrium pumping test.
a. In an equilibrium type of pumping test, the well
is pumped at a constant rate until the drawdown in the
well and piezometers becomes stable.
b. A typical time-drawdown curve for a piezometer
near a test well is plotted to an arithmetical scale in
figure C-5 and to a semilog scale in figure C-6. (The
computations in fig C-6 are discussed subsequently.)
Generally, a time-drawdown curve plotted to a semilog
scale becomes straight after the first few minutes of
pumping. If true equilibrium conditions are established, the drawdown curve will become horizontal.
(Courtesy of UOP Johnson Division)
Figure C-5. Drawdown in an observation well versus pumping time (arithmetical scale).
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Courtesy of UOP Johnson Division)
Figure C-6. Drawdown in an observation well versus pumping time (semilog scale).
The drawdown measured in the test well and adjacent
observation wells or piezometers should always be
plotted versus (log) time during the test to check the
performance of the well and aquifer. Although the
example presented in figure C-6 shows stabilization to
have essentially occurred after 500 minutes, it is considered good practice to pump artesian wells for 12 to
24 hours and to pump test wells where gravity flow
conditions exist for 2 or 3 days.
c. The drawdown in an artesian aquifer as measured
by piezometers on a radial line from a test well is plotted versus (log) distance from the test well in figure
C-7. In a homogeneous, isotropic aquifer with artesian
flow, the drawdown (H-h) versus (log) distance from
the test well will plot as a straight line when the flow
in the aquifer has stabilized. The drawdown H2-h2
versus (log) distance will also plot as a straight line for
gravity flow. However, the drawdown in the well may
be somewhat greater than would be indicated by a projection of this straight line to the well because of well
entrance losses and the effect of a “free” flow surface
at gravity wells. Extension of the drawdown versus
(log) distance line to zero drawdown indicates the
effective source of seepage or radius of influence R, beyond which no drawdown would be produced by pumping the test well (fig. C-7).
d. For flow from a circular source of seepage, the
coefficient of permeability k can be computed from the
formulas for fully penetrating wells.
Artesian Flow.
Qw =
Gravity Flow.
Qw =
Qw = flow from the well
D = aquifer thickness
H = initial height of groundwater table (GWT)
h = height of GWT at r
(H-h) or (H2-h2) = drawdown at distance r
from well
R = radius of influence
An example of the determination of R and k from an
equilibrium pumping test is shown in figure C-7.
e. For combined artesian-gravity flow, seepage from
a line source and a partially penetrating well, the coefficient of permeability can be computed from well-flow
formulas presented in chapter 4.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5. Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Courtesy of UOP Johnson Division)
Figure C-7. Drawdown versus distance from test well.
C-4. Nonequilibrium pumping test.
a. Constant discharge tests. The coefficients of
transmissibility T, permeability k, and storage S of a
homogeneous, isotropic aquifier of infinite extent with
no recharge can be determined from a nonequilibrium
type of pumping test. Average values of S and T in the
vicinity of a well can be obtained by measuring the
drawdown with time in one or more piezometers while
pumping the well at a known constant rate and analyzing the data according to methods described in (1), (2),
and (3) below.
(1) Method 1. The formula for nonequilibrium
flow can be expressed as
H-h =
H - h = drawdown at observation peizometer, feet
well discharge, gallons per minute
W(u) = exponential integral termed a “well function” (see table C- 1)
T’ = coefficient of transmissibility, gallons per
day per foot width
1.87r 2S
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
r = distance from test well to observation
piezometer, feet
S = coefficient of storage
t’ = elapsed pumping time in days
The formation constants can be obtained approximately from the pumping test data using a graphical method of superposition, which is outlined below.
Step 1. Plot W(u) versus u on log graph paper,
known as a “type-curve,” using table C-1 as in figure
Step 2. Plot drawdown (H-h) versus r2/t’ on log
graph paper of same size as the type-curve in figure
Step 3. Superimpose observed data curve on
type-curve, keeping coordinates axes of the two curves
parallel, and adjust until a position is found by trial
whereby most of the plotted data fall on a segment of
the type-curve as in figure C-8.
Step 4. Select an arbitrary point on coincident
segment, and record coordinates of matching point
(fig. C-8).
Step 5. With value of W(u), u, H-h, and r2/t’
thus determined, compute S and T’ from equations
(C-3) and (C-4).
Step 6. T and k from the following equations:
(square feet per minute)
(feet per minute)
(2) Method 2. This method can be used as an approximate solution for nonequilibrium flow to a well to
avoid the curve-fitting techniques of method 1 by
using the techniques outlined below,
Step 1. Plot time versus drawdown on semilog
graph as in figure C-9.
Step 2. Choose an arbitrary point on time-drawdown curve, and note coordinates t and H-h.
Step 3. Draw a tangent to the time-drawdown
(From “Ground Water Hydrology “by D. K. Todd, 1959, Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Used with permission of Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
Figure C-8. Method 1 (Superposition) for solution of the nonequilibrium equation.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Ground Water Hydrology” by D. K. Todd, 1959, Wiley & Sons,
Inc. Used with permission of Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
Figure C-9. Method 2 for solution of the nonequilibrium equation.
drawdown in feet per log cycle of time.
mine corresponding W(u) and u from figure C-10.
Step 5. Determine the formation constants by
equations (C-3) and (C-4).
(3) Method 3. This method can be used as an approximate solution for nonequilibrium flow to a well if
the time-drawdown curve plotted to a semilog scale becomes a straight line (fig. C-6). The formation constants (T’ and S) can be computed from
(From “Ground Water Hydrology” by D. K. Todd, 1959, Wiley & Sons. Inc.
Used with permission of Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
Figure C-10. Relation among F(u), W(u), and u.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
drawdown in feet per cycle of (log) timedrawdown curve
to = time at zero drawdown in days
An example of the use of this method of analysis in determining values of T, S, and k is given in figure C-6,
using the nonequilibrium portion of the time-drawdown curve.
(4) Gravity flow. Although the equations for nonequilibrium pumping tests are derived for artesian
flow; they may be applied to gravity flow if the drawdown is small with respect to the saturated thickness
of the aquifer and is equal to the specific yield of the
dewatered portion of the aquifer plus the yield caused
by compression of the saturated portion of the aquifer
as a result of lowering the groundwater. The procedure
for computing T’ and S for nonequilibrium gravity
flow conditions is outlined below.
Step 1. Compute T’ from equation (C-3).
Step 2. Compute S from equation (C-4) for various elapsed pumping times during the test period, and
plot S versus (log) t’.
Step 3. Extrapolate the S versus (log) t’ curve to
an ultimate value for S’.
Step 4. Compute u from equation (C-4), using
the extrapolated S’, the originally computed T’, and
the original value of r2/t’.
Step 5. Recompute T’ from equation (C-3) using
a W(u) corresponding to the computed value of u.
(5) Recharge: Time-drawdown curves of a test
well are significantly affected by recharge or depletion
of the aquifer, as shown in figure C-11. Where recharge does not occur, and all water is pumped from
storage, the H’ versus (log) t curve would resemble
curve a. Where the zone of influence intercepts a
source of seepage, the H’ versus (log) t curve would resemble curve b. There may be geological and recharge
conditions where there is some recharge but not
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure C-11. Time-drawdown curves for various conditions of recharge.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
enough to equal the rate of well flow (e.g., curve c). In
many areas, formation boundary conditions exist that
limit the area1 extent of aquifers. The effect of such a
boundary on an H’ versus (log) t graph is in reverse to
the effect of recharge. Thus, when an impermeable
boundary is encountered, the slope of the H’ versus
(log) t curve steepens as illustrated by curve d. It
should be noted that a nonequilibrium analysis of a
pumping test is valid only for the first segment of a
time-drawdown curve.
b. Step-drawdown pump test.
(1) The efficiency of a well with respect to entrance losses and friction losses can be determined
from a step-drawdown pumping test, in which the well
is pumped at a constant rate of flow until either the
drawdown becomes stabilized or a straight-line relation of the time-drawdown curve plotted to a semilog
scale is established. Then, the rate of pumping is in-
creased and the above-described procedure repeated
until the well has been pumped at three or four rates.
The drawdown from each step should be plotted as a
continuous time-drawdown curve as illustrated in figure C-12. The straight-line portion of the time-drawdown curves is extended as shown by the dashed lines
in figure C-12, and the incremental drawdown AH’
for each step is determined as the difference between
the plotted and extended curves at an equal time after
each step in pumping. The drawdown H’ for each step
is the sum of the preceding incremental drawdowns
and can be plotted versus the pumping rate as shown in
figure C-13. If the flow is entirely laminar, the drawdown (H-h for artesian flow and H2-h2 for gravity
flow) versus pumping rate will plot as a straight line; if
any of the flow is turbulent, the plot will be curved.
(2) The well-entrance loss He, consisting of friction losses at the aquifer and filter interface through
the filter and through the well screen, can be deter-
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure C-12. Drawdown versus elapsed pumping time for a step-drawdown test.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure C-13. Drawdown versus pumping rate for a step-drawdown test.
mined from the drawdown versus distance plots for a
step-drawdown pump test as illustrated in figure
C-14. The difference in drawdown between the extended drawdown-distance curve and the water elevation measured in the well represents the well-entrance
loss and can be plotted versus the pumping rate as
shown in figure C-15. Curvature of the Hw versus QW
line indicates that some of the entrance head loss is the
result of turbulent flow into or in the well.
c. Recovery test.
(1) A recovery test may be made at the conclusion
of a pumping test to provide a check of the pumping
test results and to verify recharge and aquifer boundary conditions assumed in the analysis of the pumping test data. A recovery test is valid only if the pumping test has been conducted at a constant rate of discharge. A recovery test made after a step-drawdown
test cannot be analyzed.
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure C-14. Drawdown versus distance for a step-drawdown test for determining well-entrance loss.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure C-15. Well-entrance loss versus pumping rate for a step-drawdown test.
(2) When the pump is turned off, the recovery of
the groundwater levels is observed in the same manner
as when the pump was turned on, as shown in figure
C-16. The residual drawdown H’ is plotted versus the
ratio of log t'/t", where t’ is the total elapsed time
since the start of pumping, and t" is the elapsed time
since the pump was stopped (fig. C-17). This plot
should be a straight line and should intersect the zero
(Courtesy of UOP Johnson Division)
Figure C-16. Typical drawdown and recovery curves for a well pumped and then allowed to rebound.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Courtesy of UOP Johnson Division)
Figure C-17. Residual drawdown versus t’/t” (time during recovery period increased toward the left).
residual drawdown at a ratio of t'/t" = 1 if there is
normal recovery, as well as no recharge and no discontinuities in the aquifer within the zone of drawdown.
The ratio t'/t" approaches one as the length of the recovery period is extended.
(3) The transmissibility of the aquifer can be calculated from the equation
where As’ = residual drawdown in feet per cycle of
(log) t'/t" versus residual drawdown curve. Displacement of the residual drawdown versus (log) ratio t'/t"
curve, as shown in figure C-18, indicates a variance
with the assumed conditions.
(Courtesy of UOP Johnson Division)
Figure C-18. Displacement of residual drawdown curve when aquifer conditions vary from theoretical conditions.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
This appendix consists of figures D- 1 through D-10, which follow.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering,” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure D-1. Open excavation; two-stage wellpoint system; gravity flow.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering, ” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw- Hill Book Company.)
Figure D-2. Open excavation; deep wells; gravity flow.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering, ” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure D-3. Open excavation; artesian flow; pressure relief design by flow net.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure D-4. Open excavation; combined deep-well and wellpoint system; gravity flow.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering,” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure D-5. Open excavation; pressure relief combined with sand drains; artesian and gravity flows.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering,” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure D-6. Trench excavation; pressure relief by wellpoints; artesian flow.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Modified from “Foundation Engineering,” G. A. Leonards, ed., 1962, McGraw-Hill
Book Company. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
Figure D-7. Rectangular excavation; pressure relief by deep wells; artesian flow,
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure D-8. Shaft excavation; artesian and gravity flows through stratified foundation; deep-well vacuum system.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure D-9. Tunnel dewatering; gravity flows; deep-well system.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
PROBLEM: Determine sump and pump capacity to control surface water in an excavation, 4 acres in area, located in Little Rock, Ark., for a rainstorm frequency of 1 in
5 years and assuming c = 0.9. Assume all runoff to one sump in bottom of excavation.
V R = cRA
Rainstorm, min
R, in.
V R - (x 10 g a l )
Assume sump pump capacity = 4000 gpm. From plot, required storage = 50,000 gal.
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure D-10. Sump and pump capacity for surface runoff to an excavation.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
E-1. General. All of the analytical methods for
computing seepage through a permeable deposit are
based on the assumption that the permeability of the
deposit is isotropic. However, natural soil deposits are
stratified to some degree, and the average permeability parallel to the planes of stratification is greater
than the permeability perpendicular to these planes.
Thus, the soil deposit actually possesses anisotropic
permeability, with the permeability in the horizontal
direction usually the greatest. To construct a flow net
or make a mathematical analysis of the seepage
through an anisotropic deposit, the dimensions of the
deposit and the problem must be transformed so that
the permeability is isotropic. Each permeable stratum
of the deposit must be separately transformed into isotropic conditions. If the seepage flows through more
than one stratum (isotropically transformed), the
analysis can be made by a flow net constructed to account for permeability of the various strata.
E-2. Anisotropic stratum. A homogeneous,
anisotropic stratum can be transformed into an isotropic stratum in accordance with the following equation:
y = actual vertical dimension
kh = permeability in the horizontal direction
k v = permeability in the vertical direction
The horizontal dimensions of the problem would remain unchanged in this transformation. The permeability of the transformed stratum, to be used in all
equations for flow or drawdown, is as follows:
mine the required length of well screen W to achieve
following procedure can be used. This method is used
in analyses to determine penetration depths needed to
obtain required discharge from partially penetrating
wells or wellpoints. Each stratum of the previous foundation or aquifer with thickness d and horizontal and
vertical permeability coefficients kh and kv, respectively, is first transformed using equation (E-1) into an
The transformed coefficient of permeability of each
stratum from equation (E-2) is
The thickness of the equivalent homogeneous isotropic
aquifer is
where n equals the number of strata in the aquifer.
The effective permeability of the transformed aquifer
where n equals the number of strata in the aquifer.
The effective well-screen penetration into the transformed aquifer is
E-3. Effective well penetration. In a stratified aquifer, the effective well penetration usually differs from that computed from the ratio of the length
of well screen to total thickness of aquifer. To deter-
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
F-1. General. The simplest method for determining the flow from a pump is to measure the volume of
the discharge during a known period of time by collecting the water in a container of known size. However,
this method is practical only for pumps of small capacity; other techniques must be used to measure larger
F-2. Pipe-flow measurements.
a. Venturi meter. The flow from a dewatering system can be accurately measured by means of a venturi
meter installed in the discharge line. In order to obtain
accurate measurements, the meter should be located
about 10 pipe diameters from any elbow or fitting, and
the pipe must be flowing full of water. The flow
through a venturi meter can be computed from
b. Orifices.
(1) The flow from a pipe under pressure can be
conveniently measured by installation of an orifice on
the end of the pipe (fig. F-2), or by insertion of an orifice plate between two flanges in the pipe (fig. F-3).
The pressure tap back of the orifice should be drilled at
right angles to the inside of the pipe and should be perfectly smooth as illustrated in figure F-4. A rubber
tube and glass or plastic pipe may be used to measure
the pressure head. The diameter of the orifice plate
should be accurate to 0.01 inch; the edge of the plate
should be square and sharp, should have a thickness of
/8 inch, and should be chamfered at 45 degrees as
shown in figure F-2. The approach pipe must be
smooth, straight, and horizontal; it must flow full, and
the orifice should be located at least eight pipe diameters from any valves or fittings. The flow for various
sized cap orifice-pipe combinations can be obtained
from figure F-5.
(2) The flow through an orifice in a pipe can be
computed from
The pressures h1 and h2 may be taken as illustrated in
figure F-1 for low pressures, or by a differential mercury manometer for high pressures. Gages may be
used but will be less accurate.
(Courtesy of Fairbanks Morse. Inc., Pump Division)
Figure F-1. Venturi meter.
(Courtesy of Fairbanks Morse. Inc., Pump Division)
Figure F-2. Pipe cap orifice.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Courtesy of Fairbanks Morse, Inc., Pump Division)
d 2/ d1
Note: The diameter of the orifice should never be larger than 80
percent of the pipe diameter in order to obtain a satisfactory pressure reading.
Figure F-3. Orifice in pipe.
c. Pitot tube. The flow in a pipe flowing full can also
be determined by measuring the velocity at different
locations in the pipe with a pitot tube and differential
manometer, and computing the flow. The velocity at
any given point can be computed from
(Courtesy of Fairbanks Morse, Inc., Pump Division)
Figure F-4. Approvedpressure taps.
V = velocity
C = meter coefficient
g = acceleration of gravity
h = velocity head
The flow is equal to the area of the pipe A times the
average velocity V, or
Q = AV
(Courtesy of Fairbanks Morse, Inc., Pump Division)
Figure F-5. Pipe cap orifice chart.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
thickness and freeboard must be subtracted from the
measured y to obtain the correct value of y.
v = velocity at center of concentric rings of equal
n = number of concentric rings
F-3. Approximate measurement methods.
a. Jet flow. Flow from a pipe can be determined approximately by measuring a point on the arc of the
stream of water emerging from the pipe (fig. F-6),
using the following equation:
Q = flow, gallons per minute
A = area of stream of water at end of pipe in
square inches. If the pipe is not flowing full,
the value of A is the cross-sectional area of the
water jet where it emerges from the pipe, The
area of the stream can be obtained by multiplying the area of the pipe times the Effective
Area Factor (EAF) in figure F-7 using the
ratio of the freeboard to the inside diameter of
the pipe.
x = distance along axis of the discharge pipe
through which the stream of water moves
from the end of the pipe to a point(s), inches
y = distance perpendicular to the axis of the discharge pipe through which the stream of
water drops, measured from the top or surface
of the stream of water to point(s), inches
It should be noted that the x and y distances are measured from the top of the stream of water; if y is measured in the field from the top of the pipe, the pipe
b. Fountain flow. The flow from a vertical pipe can
be approximated by measuring the height of the use of
the stream of water above the top of the pipe (fig.
F-8). Two types of flow must be recognized when dealing with fountain flow. At low crest heights, the discharge has the character of weir flow, while at high
crest heights the discharge has the character of jet
flow. Intermediate values result in erratic flow with
respect to the height of the crest H.
(1) Where the flow exhibits jet character, it can be
computed from
Q = flow, gallons, per minute
K = constant varying from 0.87 to 0.97 for pipes 2
to 6 inches in diameter and h = 6 to 24 inches
D = inside pipe diameter, inches
H = vertical height of water jet, inches
Where the flow exhibits weir character, it can be approximated by using the Francis Formula, Q = 3.33
Bh3/2, with B being the circumference of the pipe.
(2) Some values of fountain flow for various nominal pipe sizes and heights of crest are given in table
F-4. Open channel flows.
a. Weirs. Flow in open channels can be measured by
weirs constructed in the channel. Certain dimensional
relations should be recognized in constructing a weir
to obtain the most accurate flow measurements as
shown in figure F-9. The weir plate should be a noncorrosive metal about 1/4 inch thick with the crest 1/8
inch wide, and the downstream portion of the plate
beveled at 45 degrees. The crest should be smooth, and
the plate should be mounted in a vertical plane perpendicular to the flow. The channel walls should be
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure F-6. Flow from pipe.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC p-418
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure F-7. Effective area factor for partially filled pipe.
Table F-1. Flow (gallons per minute) from Vertical Pipes
Height of Crest H
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
Nominal Diameter of Pipe, inches
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure F-8. Fountain flow measurement.
Courtesy of Fairbanks Morse, Inc., Pump Division
Figure F-11. Plan and elevation of the Parshall measuring flume.
(Courtesy of Fairbanks Morse. Inc., Pump Division)
Figure F-9. Rectangular suppressed weir.
smooth and parallel, and extend throughout the region
of flow associated with the weir. Complete aeration of
the nappe is required for rectangular suppressed
weirs. The approach channel should be of uniform section and of a length at least 15 times the maximum
head on the weir. Smooth flow to and over the weir is
essential to determination of accurate rates of flow.
The head on the weir should be measured with a hook
gage located in a stilling box at the side of the approach channel. The communication pipe to the stilling box should be about 1½ inches in diameter and
should be flush with the side of the channel. Formulas
for calculating the flow over various types of weirs are
shown in figure F-10.
b. Parshall flume. Flow in an open channel may also
be measured with a Parshall flume (fig. F-11). The
head drop through the flume is measured by two gates
(fig. F-11); but if the depth of water at the lower gage
is less than 70 percent of the depth at the upper gage,
the flow is termed “free” and the discharge can be determined by reading the upstream hook gage alone.
The construction and dimensions of a Parshall flume
are shown in figure F-11 and table F-2. The free flow
discharge of a Parshall flume is given in table F-3.
(Courtesy of Fairbanks Morse, Inc., Pump Division)
Figure F-10. Formulas for computing flow over various types of weirs.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
G-1. General. This appendix provides examples
based on actual specifications for installation of dewatering or pressure relief systems, extracted from
Government and private industry contract documents.
They have been selected and presented to illustrate the
various types of specifications described in the test
(para 7-2).
G-2. Types of specifications.
a. Type A specifications are projects where the dewatering is not too critical with respect to damage to
the permanent work or safety to personnel, and only
the desired results are to be specified. This type of
specifications makes the Contractor completely responsible for design, installation, and operation of the
system(s). Specifications may be brief (type A-1) or
more detailed (type A-2), depending upon complexity
and criticality of the dewatering or pressure relief system. The examples of these two types are from Corps
of Engineers projects.
b. Type B specifications are recommended for large,
complex systems, or where the dewatering or pressure
relief is critical with regard to construction of the project, damage to permanent work, and safety.
(1) Type B-1. A specification that gives a detailed
design and requirements for installation of a “minimum” system but makes the Contractor responsible
for operating and maintaining the system, supplementing it as necessary to obtain the required results.
The installation is then checked with a full-scale
pumping test to verify its adequacy.
(2) Type B-2. A specification that gives a detailed
design and installation procedure but makes the Contractor responsible only for normal repairs and operations. The Government or Owner thus assumes the responsibility for the adequacy of the system and its
components, major repairs, and replacement of equipment if necessary.
(3) Type B-3. A specification that is similar to
type A, wherein only the desired results are specified,
except the degree of difficulty or criticality of the system requires that the Contractor retain an “Expert” in
the field of dewatering or pressure relief systems to design, supervise installation, and monitor the system.
c. Types A-1 and B-3 specifications should not be
used unless the issuing agency has considerable confidence in the (dewatering) qualification of the bidders;
ample time and knowledge to check the Contractor’s
submittals; and a willingness to reject the Contractor’s
proposals and accept any associated delays in starting
the project until an acceptable design is submitted.
d. For large and complex dewatering projects where
dewatering is critical to the safety of the work, type
B-l specifications are recommended; types A-2 and
B-3 may be suitable if the Owner or Engineer can or
will enforce the provisions relating to approval of design, installation, and operation.
G-3. Example of type A-1 specifications
a. General. The Contractor shall provide all dewatering necessary to keep the construction and work
areas dry. The Contractor shall design, install, operate, and maintain an adequate system. The system
shall be of sufficient size and capacity to maintain a
dry condition without delays to construction operations.
b. Submittals. The Contractor shall submit a proposed dewatering plan for approval of the Contracting
Officer prior to initiation of any construction or excavation operations. The plan shall show all facilities
proposed for complying with this section.
c. Payments. Payment for all work covered in this
specification will be made at the contract lump sum
price for “dewatering,” which price shall constitute
full compensation for furnishing all plant, equipment,
labor, and materials to install, operate, maintain, and
remove the dewatering system.
G-4. Example of type A-2 specifications
a. Scope. This section covers the design, furnishing,
installation, operation, maintenance, and removal of a
dewatering system, complete.
b. Dewatering.
(1) General. The dewatering system shall be of a
sufficient size and capacity as required to control
hydrostatic pressure on all clay strata below elevation
- 13.0 feet to depths indicated by the logs of borings,
to permit dewatering of the area specified in paragraph d below, and to allow all material to be excavated, piles driven, and concrete placed, all in a dry
condition. The system shall include a deep-well system, a wellpoint system, other equipment, appurte-
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
nances, and related earthwork necessary for the required control of water. The sequence of installation of
components of the dewatering system shall be in accordance with the specifications and drawings. The
system shall remain in continuous operation, as specified, until a written directive to cease dewatering operations has been received from the Contracting Officer.
(2) Control of water. The Contractor shall control,
by acceptable means, all water regardless of source.
Water shall be controlled and its disposal provided for
at each berm. The entire periphery of the excavation
area shall be ditched and diked to prevent water from
entering the excavation. The Contractor shall be fully
responsible for disposal of the water and shall provide
all necessary means at no additional cost to the Government.
c. Design. The dewatering system shall be designed
using accepted and professional methods of design and
engineering consistent with the best modern practice.
The dewatering system shall include the deep wells,
wellpoints, and other equipment, appurtenances, and
related earthwork necessary to perform the function.
A representative of the Contractor shall visit the site
to determine the conditions thereof. The Contractor
shall be responsible for the accuracy of the drawings
and design data required hereinafter.
(1) Drawings and design data. The Contractor
shall submit for the approval of the Contracting Officer, within 30 calendar days after receipt of Notice to
Proceed, drawings and complete design data showing
methods and equipment he or she proposes to utilize in
dewatering, including relief of hydrostatic head, and
in maintaining the excavation in a dewatered and in a
hydrostatically relieved condition. The material to be
submitted shall include, but not necessarily be limited
to, the following:
(a) Drawings indicating the location and size of
berms, dikes, ditches, all deep wells, observation wells,
wellpoints, sumps, and discharge lines, including their
relation to water disposal ditches.
(b) Capacities of pumps, prime movers, and
standby equipment.
(b) Design calculations proving adequacy of system and selected equipment.
(d) Detailed description of dewatering procedure and maintenance method.
(2) Responsibility. Approval by the Contracting
Officer of the plans and data submitted by the Contractor shall not in any way be considered to relieve
the Contractor from full responsibility for errors
therein or from the entire responsibility for complete
and adequate design and performance of the system in
controlling the water level in the excavated area and
for control of the hydrostatic pressures to the depths
hereinbefore specified. The Contractor shall be solely
responsible for proper design, installation, proper
operation, maintenance, and any failure of any component of the system.
d. Dewatering system.
(1) Deep-well system. The clay and sand strata below elevation - 13.0 feet are continuous over a large
area. Removal of soils above elevation - 25.0 feet. A
deep-well system shall be provided to relieve this pressure. The pressure shall be relieved in the sand strata
such as those indicated on boring S-II-SS-1-62(A)
from 67.5 to 72.0 feet and from 85.5 to 142.5 feet.
These strata will vary in elevation and thickness over
the area. The deep-well system shall be of sufficient
capacity to lower the hydrostatic head to elevation
-40.0 feet as measured in observation wells at nine
points in the excavation. One installed spare deep well,
complete and ready for immediate operation, shall be
provided for each two operating wells. The use of gasoline prime movers will not be permitted in the operation of deep wells. At each of the nine points two observation wells shall be installed. One observation well
shall be installed with the screen in the upper sands,
and one observation well shall be installed with the
screen in the lower sands. The riser pipe for the observation wells will be 2-inch pipe in 5-foot sections. One
of the observation points shall be constructed at coordinate N254 460, E260 065. The remainder of the
observation points will be located by the Contracting
Officer after the dewatering plan is submitted. The exact tip elevation of all observation wells will be established after the dewatering plan is submitted; however, the tip elevation in the lower sand will be at least
100 feet below original ground surface, and the tip elevation of the observation wells in the upper sands will
be approximately 70 feet below original ground surface. The Contractor shall maintain the observation
wells and keep daily records of readings until otherwise directed by the Contracting Officer.
(2) Wellpoint system. A wellpoint system shall be
used above the top of clay shown on the borings at approximate elevation - 14.0 feet but to dewater the
area from original ground surface to the top of the
clay. This system shall have sufficient capacity to lower the head within the excavation to the top of the
e. Available soil test data and pumping test data.
The soil test data obtained by the Government are
shown on the boring logs. Additional laboratory data
and samples of the soils from borings shown in the
plans are available in the District office for inspection
by bidders. Typical permeability data from laboratory
tests at this site are tabulated. Pumping tests have not
been made at the site; however, the soil profile at the
B-1 and B-2 test stand excavation is similar to this
site and this excavation is now being dewatered by a
deep-well system. Data on this system can be inspected
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
at the office of the Area Engineer or in the District office.
f. Standby equipment. The Contractor shall furnish
standby pumping equipment power as follows:
(1) Diesel, liquid petroleum gas, and gasoline
fueled prime movers for pumps shall have 50 percent
standby equipment.
(2) Portable electric generators shall have 100
percent standby generating equipment.
(3) Commercial electric power, which is available
at the site, shall have 100 percent standby electric generating equipment.
(4) The Contractor shall provide not less than one
complete spare pumping unit for every five pumping
units other than deep-well pumps in the system. In no
case shall less than one standby pumping unit be provided. The sizes of the standby pumping units shall be
subject to the approval of the Contracting Officer.
g. Damages. The Contractor shall be responsible
for, and shall repair without cost to the Government,
any damage to work in place, the other Contractors’
equipment, and the excavation, including damage to
the bottom due to heave and including removal of material and pumping out of the excavated area that may
result from his or her negligence, inadequate or improper design and operation of the dewatering system,
and any mechanical or electrical failure of the dewatering system.
h. Maintaining excavation in dewatered condition.
(1) General. Subsequent to completion and acceptance of all work, including piling and concrete work, in
the excavated area, the Contractor shall maintain the
excavation in a dewatered condition and the water
level in the observation wells at the specified and approved elevation until such time as the succeeding
Contractor commences dewatering operations, and a
written directive to cease pumping operations has
been received from the Contracting Officer. System
maintenance shall include but not be limited to 24hour supervision by personnel skilled in the operation,
maintenance, and replacement of system components;
standby and spare equipment of the same capacity and
quantity as specified in f above; and any other work required by the Contracting Officer to maintain the excavation in a dewatered condition. Dewatering shall be
a continuous operation and interruptions due to outages, or any other reason, shall not be permitted.
(2) Responsibility. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damages to accepted work in the excavation area and for damages to any other area caused by
his or her failure to maintain and operate the system
as specified above or from water overflowing his or her
i. System removal. Upon receipt of written directive
to cease dewatering operations from the Contracting
Officer, the Contractor shall remove all dewatering
equipment from the site, including related temporary
electrical secondary as approved by the Contracting
Officer. All wells shall be plugged and/or filled. Removal work required under this paragraph does not include any of site cleanup work as required elsewhere in
these specifications.
j. Method of measurement. Dewatering, as specified
in K(2) below, to be paid for will be determined by the
number of calendar days (24 hours), counted on a dayto-day basis, the excavation is maintained in a dewatered condition, measured to the nearest hour, from
completion and final acceptance of the concrete foundation for the A- 1 test stand area to the date on which
a written directive to cease pumping operations is received from the Contracting Officer.
k. Payment.
(1) Dewatering during excavation and construction. Payment for furnishing all designs and engineering data, plant, labor, equipment, material, and appurtenances and for performing all operations in connection with designing, furnishing, installing, operating,
and maintaining the dewatering system until the work
in the area is completed and accepted will be made at
the applicable contract lump sum price for “Dewatering A-1 Test Stand Area, Deep Wells,” and “Dewatering A-1 Test Stand Area, Except for Deep Wells.”
Twenty-five percent of the contract price for each item
will be paid upon completion of the installation of the
dewatering system for the excavation. A second 25
percent of the contract price for each item will be paid
upon satisfactory completion of 80 percent of the estimated excavation quantity. A third 25 percent of the
contract price for each item will be paid upon satisfactory completion of 100 percent of the required excavation. Fifteen percent of the contract price for each
item will be paid when final acceptance of all work in
the excavation is made. The remaining 10 percent of
the contract price for each item will be paid after written notice to cease dewatering operations has been issued and final cleanup and final acceptance of all work
has been made.
(2) Maintaining area in dewatered condition. Payment for furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, and
material and for performing all operations in connection with maintaining the accepted excavations in a
dewatered condition will be made at the applicable
contract unit price per calendar day for “Maintaining
A-1 Test Stand Excavation in Dewatered Condition.”
No payment will be made for this item for periods,
measured to nearest hour, during which the dewatering system is not operated and maintained as specified
(3) Removal of systems. Payment for furnishing
all plant, labor, equipment, and material and for performing all operations in connection with removal of
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
the dewatering system will be made at the applicable
contract lump sum price for “Removal of A-l Test
Stand Dewatering System.” However, if the Contractor so elects to sell the installed and operating system
to the succeeding Contractor or to dispose of the system in place by other means, as approved by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall be relieved from
the requirements of the specified removal work and no
payment will be made for this item.
G-5. Example of type B-1 specifications
(dewatering and pressure relief).
a. Scope. This section covers furnishing, installation, operation, maintenance, and removal of the jeteductor wellpoint and pressure relief well systems, as
subsequently specified in this section; control of any
seepage from the soils above the bottom of the excavation not intercepted by the jet-eductor wellpoint system deemed necessary by the Contractor to permit installation of the sheeting shown to grade as specified;
pumping of surface water or seepage through the
sheeting during excavation or after the jet-eductor dewatering system is turned off or removed; and installing any additional pressure relief wells, pumps, and
appurtenances, if necessary, to maintain the hydrostatic water level in the clayey silty sand and sandy silt
(semipervious) stratum (about el 235 ± 1 foot) beneath
the excavation at all times.
b. Responsibility. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for furnishing, installing, operating, maintaining, and removing all wellpoint, pressure relief,
and seepage or surface water control systems. However, any pressure relief wells, pumps, piping, and
electrical wiring and controls required to lower and
maintain the hydrostatic water level in the semipervious stratum below the bottom of the excavation, other than the pressure relief system specified, will be
paid for as an extra.
(1) The Contractor shall be responsible for:
(a) Installing and testing the wellpoint and pressure relief systems as specified.
(b) Dewatering or controlling any seepage from
the soils above the bottom of the excavation so that
the sheeting may be installed without any significant
sloughing of earth during excavation and placement of
sheeting and pea gravel backpack.
(c) Maintaining the hydrostatic water level in
the semipervious stratum below elevation 250.0 feet
at all times.
(d) Maintaining the bottom of the excavation
free of all seepage or surface water until the structural
mat has been placed and the waterproofing installed
up to the top of the mat.
(e) Operating, maintaining, and monitoring the
wellpoint and pressure relief well systems. System
maintenance shall include but not be limited to at least
daily supervision by someone skilled in the operation,
maintenance, and replacement of system components;
at least one spare submersible pump and controls and
one pressure pump of the same capacity as specified;
and any other work required by the Contracting Officer to maintain the excavation in a dewatered and
hydrostatically relieved condition. Dewatering and
pressure relief shall be a continuous operation and interruptions due to power outages, or any other reason,
shall not be permitted. Some responsible person shall
also monitor the dewatering sump pumping, and
pumping the relief wells continuously until the succeeding contractor assumes the responsibility for such,
and the Contractor has received a written instructive
that he or she is no longer responsible for this operation.
(2) The Contractor shall also be fully responsible
for any failure of any component of the systems. The
Contractor shall be responsible for all damages to
work in the excavation area and for damages to any
other area caused by failure to maintain and operate
the dewatering and pressure relief systems as specified.
c. Wellpoint and pressure relief systems.
(1) General. The jet-eductor wellpoint system
specified is to lower the groundwater table adjacent to
the excavation and intercept seepage from the sandy
and gravelly soil above the Cockfield formation (at
about el 253.0 feet) so that excavation and placement
of the wood sheeting and pea gravel backpack can be
accomplished with minimum difficulty, and with little
if any sloughing of the soil from the cut slope. The
wellpoint system combined with a sump ditch between
the sheeting and edge of structural mat when properly
installed, maintained, and pumped should permit placing the “mud” mat on foundation soils free of any surface water. If the Contractor considers the spacing of
the wellpoints inadequate to accomplish the excavation and placement of the wood sheeting, as specified,
he or she should space the wellpoints closer. The wellpoint system shall remain in continuous operation until the excavation has been dug to grade and the “mud”
mat poured. After the “mud” mat has been placed, the
wellpoint system may be turned off and any seepage
through the wood sheeting removed by sump pumping. After the “A” piezometers for monitoring the
groundwater table above the Cockfield formation and
the wellpoint system have been installed, the system
shall be tested for flow and groundwater lowering prior to starting any excavation. The well system is to relieve excess hydrostatic pressure in the semipervious
stratum below the excavation to insure no heave of the
soil strata above this stratum. It is imperative that no
heave of the soil strata above the semipervious stratum occur inasmuch as the building will be founded directly on the foundation soils above this stratum.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(2) Control of water. The Contractor shall control
all surface water, any seepage into the excavation, and
hydrostatic pressure in the semipervious stratum beneath the excavation, regardless of source. Any opening in the wood lagging, through which seepage is carrying any soil, shall be promptly caulked. Any water
seeping, falling, or running into the excavation as it is
dug shall be promptly pumped out. The entire periphery of the excavation area shall be suitably diked, and
the dike maintained, to prevent any surface water
from running into the excavation. The Contractor
shall be fully responsible for disposal of all water from
the excavation and from the wellpoint and relief well
systems in an approved manner at no additional cost
to the Government.
(3) Wellpoint and pressure relief system data. The
Contractor shall submit for approval by the Contracting Officer, within 10 calendar days after receipt of
Notice to Proceed, complete information regarding
motor generator, pumps, wellpoints, jet-eductors, well
screens, and any other equipment that he or she proposes to utilize in dewatering and relieving hydrostatic
pressure, and in maintaining the excavation in a dewatered and hydrostatically relieved condition. The data
to be submitted shall include, but not necessarily be
limited to, the following:
(a) Characteristics of pumps and motor generator, and types and pertinent features of well screens,
wellpoints, and jet-eductor pumps.
(b) Plans for operating, maintaining, and monitoring the wellpoint and relief well systems.
(4) Jet-eductor wellpoint system.
(a) The soils at the site consist essentially of fill,
clays and silts, and some silty sand and clay sands with
occasionally pea gravel above the Cockfield formation.
The jet-eductor wellpoint system has been designed to
lower the groundwater table and intercept most of the
seepage that will flow toward the excavation. Because
of the impervious Cockfield formation at about the
bottom of the excavation, it is not possible to lower the
groundwater table and intercept most of the seepage
that will flow toward the excavation as it is dug. Because of the impervious Cockfield formation at about
the bottom of the excavation, it is not possible to lower
the groundwater table completely down to the top of
this stratum or to intercept all seepage above it. By
proper installation, the jet-eductor wellpoint system
should intercept most of the seepage and stabilize the
soil sufficiently to install the wood sheeting subsequently specified without any significant sloughing of
the soil behind the sheeting prior to placement of the
pea gravel backpack. The fact that some minor seepage
may bypass the wellpoints should be anticipated by
the Contractor. The tips for the wellpoints shall be installed approximately 12 inches below the top of the
Cockfield formation as encountered during installation of the system.
(b) The wellpoints shall have a minimum screen
or slotted length of 30 inches and shall be of the “bottom suction” type. The wellpoint screens shall be of 30mesh cloth or have #25 slots. The wellpoints shall be of
a high-capacity type with a diameter of approximately
2½ inches. The jet-eductor pumps and pressure and return riser pipes shall have a capacity and be operated
at a pressure which will produce a minimum flow of 2
gallons per minute with a static lift of 25 feet. If the
Contractor uses jet-eductor pumps with a yield capacity greater than 3 gallons per minute, it will be necessary for him to redesign the pressure and return header lines. The pressure pumps and recirculation tank
shall be designed by the Contractor. The pumps shall
have adequate head and pumping characteristics to
match the number and capacity of the jet-eductors being used. Both the pressure and return header lines
shall be provided with pressure gages at the pumps
and across the excavation from the pumps. Overflow
from the recirculation tank shall be arranged so that
the flow from the wellpoint system can ye readily
(c) The filter sand to be placed around the wellpoints and up to within 10 feet of the ground surface
shall be a clean, washed sand (A) having a gradation
falling within the following range:
U.S. Standard
Sieve Size
Filter Sand A
Percent Passing
(d) The wellpoints shall be installed by a combination of driving and jetting (with a hole puncher) a
12-inch “sanding” casing to approximately 1 foot below the top of the Cockfield formation, rinsing the
“sanding” casing until there is no more sediment in the
casing, centering the wellpoint and lowering it to the
bottom of the hole, placing Filter Sand A in the casing
around the wellpoint in a heavy continuous stream up
to within 10 feet of the ground surface, and then filling the remainder of the hole with a thick bentonitic
grout or by pouring in a mixture of dry sand containing 10 percent granular bentonite, up to the ground
surface. Before the working day is over, all wellpoints
installed that day shall be pumped with a small centrifugal pump, capable of producing a 25-foot vacuum,
until the effluent becomes clear. Jet water used for installing the wellpoints shall be clear polished so that
return of jet water up through the sanding casing is
achieved before the casing has been driven to a depth
of more than about 10 feet from the surface. It may be
necessary or expeditious to prebore the holes for the
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
wellpoints with a 10-inch auger prior to driving and
jetting the 12-inch sanding casing to grade. Any such
predrilling should be accomplished in a manner which
will not cause any caving of the hole as it is drilled. In
jetting the sanding casing for the wellpoints, provision
shall be made to prevent jet water from spraying over
sidewalks and streets being used for pedestrians
and/or vehicular traffic, and from running over or into
streets being used by such. The Contractor will be responsible for disposal of jet water in a manner satisfactory to the City and the Construction Manager.
(e) Each jet-eductor wellpoint shall be provided
with a suitable strainer at the top of the pressure riser
pipe to prevent the entrance of any particles, which
might clog the jet-eductor nozzle, and a stopcock or
valves, which will permit isolating the wellpoint to
permit pressure testing and pumping the wellpoint
separately if desired.
(5) Pressure relief wells and pumps. The pressure
relief wells shall be installed at the locations specified.
These wells are to reduce the hydrostatic head in the
semipervious stratum below the excavation to elevation 250.0 feet or lower as measured by the B piezometers installed in this same stratum at the locations, as
subsequently specified.
(a) The screens for the relief wells shall be 10
feet long and shall be installed in the semipervious
stratum at about elevation 235 ± 1 foot. The screens
shall have a nominal diameter of 4 inches. They may
be manufactured of slotted Schedule 40 PVC pipe,
Johnson wire-wrapped screen, or other approved
screen. The screens shall be covered with 30-mesh
brass or stainless steel gauze or slotted with #20 slots
with a minimum open area of 5 percent. The riser pipe
shall also have a 4-inch nominal diameter; it may be
either PVC plastic pipe or steel. The screen portion of
the wells and up for a distance of 5 feet above the top
of screen shall be surrounded with a clean, washed uniform filter sand (B) with the following gradation:
U.S. Standard
Sieve Size
Filter Sand B
Percent Passing
Suppliers who can furnish Filter Sands A and B are as
Filter Sand
Filter Sand
(b) Pumps for the relief wells shall be submersible pumps suitable for installation in 4-inch nominal
diameter wells with a capacity of 3 to 10 gallons per
minute at a total dynamic head (TDH) equal to 50 feet.
The Contractor shall be responsible for designing and
installing the electrical system for powering the submersible pumps in the relief wells. The electrical system shall meet the local electrical code and be approved by the Contracting Officer. Each pump shall be
provided with a starter and fuse disconnect with a
clearly visible red light mounted on the control panel
that shows red when the pump is running. A motor
generator with a capacity capable of starting all of the
submersible pumps in the relief wells at one time shall
be provided and hooked into the electrical system at all
times. This generator shall be operated to keep the
pumps in the relief wells running in event of power
failure. It shall be maintained in first class condition,
protected from the weather, and started at least twice
a week to check its operating condition.
(c) The bottom of the screens for the relief wells
shall be installed at or slightly below the bottom of the
semipervious stratum as encountered during installation. They shall be installed using the same procedure
as specified for the wellpoints except that in all probability it will be necessary to predrill the holes to grade
with a lo-inch auger because of the difficulty in jetting
through some of the clay strata to be penetrated. After
the (12-inch) sanding casing has been driven and jetted
to grade, the well screen and riser pipe shall be centered accurately and lowered to within 1 foot of the
bottom of the casing. Filter Sand B poured into the
sanding casing around the well riser pipe in a heavy
steady stream until the filter sand is at least 5 feet
above the top of the screen; the remainder of the hole
may be filled with clean medium sand. The sanding
casing shall then be immediately pulled. After the well
has been installed, it shall be promptly pumped with a
centrifugal pump capable of producing a 25-foot vacuum until the effluent is clear. The submersible pump
then shall be lowered and suspended in the well with
the intake of the pump at about the top of the well
screen. The pump or discharge pipe shall be provided
with a check valve, and the connection between the
discharge pipe from the pump to header pipe shall be
provided with a gate valve which will permit removal
of the pump if necessary. The top of the well shall be
sealed with a suitable well cap or plate provided with a
hole through which a sounding line may be lowered to
determine the water level in the well when testing and
monitoring the system. A full-scale pumping test shall
be run on the completed system to determine its adequacy and pumping rate. This test shall be run for a
minimum of 6 hours. The water level in the B piezometers and in the wells and flow from the system shall be
measured at the following intervals after the start of
pumping: 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3
hours, 4 hours, and 6 hours.
(d) All of the submersible pumps shall be new,
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
and one new spare pump and controls shall be at the
job site at all times. The electrical system and controls
shall be designed so that failure of any one pump, or
the need to disconnect and replace a pump, does not
adversely affect operation of any other pump.
(e) The Contractor shall be responsible for recording the results of the pumping tests on the well
system and furnishing them to the Construction Manager. He shall also advise the Construction Manager at
least three days in advance of making this test so that
a representative of the Government can observe the
(f) Because of the importance of preventing any
significant artesian head in the semipervious stratum
above the bottom of the excavation, tees shall be installed in the riser pipe for the deep wells to provide
relief of this artesian pressure in event of any pump or
electrical failure. These tees shall be provided with
plugs during installation of the wells; as the excavation is carried down to each tee, the plug in that tee
shall be removed and a 2-inch pipe with brass check
valve inserted in the tee so that water can flow into the
excavation. As each tee is connected into the excavation, the tee above shall be sealed.
(g) Installation of the wellpoint and the relief
well systems shall be supervised by someone with at
least 5 years actual experience in installing such systems. A log of each relief well shall be maintained by
the Contractor; forms for logging installation of the
wells will be furnished by the Contracting Officer.
(6) Piezometers. Piezometers shall be installed at
the locations specified to measure the groundwater table in the line of wellpoints and in the excavation (A
piezometers), and to measure the hydrostatic water
level in the semipervious stratum beneath the excavation (B piezometers). The tips of the A piezometers
shall be set at the top of the Cockfield formation; the
tips of the B piezometers shall be set in the middle of
the semipervious stratum. The A piezometers shall be
surrounded with Filter Sand A; the tips of the B piezometers shall be surrounded with Filter Sand B. The
A piezometers shall be installed using the same equipment and procedure specified for installing the wellpoints; the B piezometers shall be sealed with an expanding cement bentonite grout up to at least elevation 252.0 feet. After sealing around a B piezometer,
the sanding casing shall be checked to see if there is
any bentonite or cement in the casing; and if such exists, the casing shall be thoroughly washed prior to installation of the next piezometer.
(a) The piezometers shall consist of a 1.50-inch
inside diameter (I.D.) (Sch 40 or 80) PVC screen with
0.025- to 0.030-inch slots connected to 1.50-inch I.D.
(Sch 40 or 80) PVC riser pipe. Screens shall be 5 feet
long. The joints of the screen and riser shall be flush
(inside and outside) and shall be glued together with
PVC pipe cement. The top of the riser shall be cut off
30 inches above the ground surface and provided with
a threaded cap with a ‘/,-inch hole in the side. The upper part of the piezometer shall be protected by installing a 6-inch I.D. cardboard casing around the riser embedded 2 feet below the ground surface and filling the
casing with concrete. After removal of the cardboard
casing, the top 30 inches of each piezometer shall be
painted day-glo orange, and the piezometer number
marked in 3-inch-high black characters.
(b) Each piezometer shall be pumped after installation and then checked to determine if it is functioning properly by filling with water and observing
the rate of fall. For the piezometer to be considered acceptable it shall pump at a rate of at least 0.5 gallon
per minute, or when the piezometer is filled with water, the water level shall fall approximately half the
distance to the groundwater table in a time less than
the time given below for various types of soil:
Type of Soil
in which piezometer
screen is wet
Sandy silt (>50% silt)
Silty sand (<50% silt,
>12% silt)
Fine sand (<12%silt)
Period of
Approximate time
of 50 percent
fall, minutes
If the piezometer does not function properly, it shall be
developed by air surging or pumping with air if necessary to make it perform properly.
d. Available soil data. Generalized soil profiles and
logs of boring were made for Government. Samples of
the soils from the borings made by
available for inspection by bidders at
e. Damages. The Contractor shall be responsible and
shall repair any damage to the excavation, including
damage to the bottom due to heave, that may result
from his or her negligence, improper operation of the
dewatering and pressure relief systems, and any mechanical or electrical failure of the systems.
f. Maintaining excavation unwatered and pressure
relieved. Subsequent to completion and acceptance of
all work in the excavated area, the Contractor shall
maintain the excavation unwatered and the water level in the B piezometers at or below elevation 250.0 feet
until placement of the structural mat is complete and
the backfill has been placed to elevation 256.0 feet,
and a written directive to cease pumping has been received from the Contracting Officer. The Contractor
shall be responsible for maintaining the excavation unwatered and pressure relieved during this period as set
for above except for operation of the wellpoint system.
g. Removal of wellpoint system. After excavation to
grade, installation of drainage ditch, sump pump, and
placement of the “mud” mat, the wellpoint system may
be removed. Removal of the wellpoint dewatering sysG-7
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
tern shall include pulling all of the wellpoints and related header pipes, pumps, recirculation tank, and
temporary electrical secondary, as approved by the
Contracting Officer. Any holes remaining after pulling
the wellpoints shall be filled with sand. Sump pumping of seepage and surface water thereafter shall continue as required to keep the excavation in an unwatered condition until all structural concrete work and
backfill are complete, and the succeeding Contractor
has assumed responsibility for maintaining the excavation in an unwatered condition.
h. Method of measurement. Dewatering, as specified in f above, to be paid for will be determined by the
number of calendar days (24 hours), counted on a dayto-day basis, the excavation is maintained in an unwatered condition and pressure relieved, from completion
and final acceptance of the concrete mat to the date on
which a written directive to cease pumping operations
is received from the Contracting Officer.
i. Unit price. Any pressure relief wells and related
apurtenances required in addition to the specified
pressure relief system shall be paid for at the unit
price for “additional pressure relief wells.”
G-6. Example of type B-2 specifications
(dewatering and pressure relief).
a. Scope. This section covers: furnishing, installing, operating, and maintaining the dewatering systems shown on the drawings and specified herein; unwatering the Phase I excavation; installing any additional dewatering wells, pumps, and appurtenances, if
necessary, to lower and maintain the hydrostatic water level in the sand formation beneath the excavation
to a level at least 5 feet beneath any Phase II excavated
surfaces, and have the capacity to lower the water level to elevations -29.0 and -35.0 feet beneath the
chamber and gate bay sections, respectively, of the
lock for a Red River stage of elevation 60.0 feet; and
controlling seepage from the soils above and below the
bottom of the excavation, not intercepted by the specified well and jet-eductor systems, by installing additional jet-eductor wells, wellpoints, pumps, and appurtenances if necessary, so as to assure a stable bottom at
grade for the Phase II excavation and prevent any significant seepage or raveling of excavated slopes. The
dewatering systems shall include deep wells; jet-eductor wells; wellpoints and/or sand drains if required;
pumps, engines, and piping; and related appurtenances; and dikes, ditches, sumps, and pumps necessary for control of surface water. The dewatering systems shall remain in continuous operation, as specified, until completion of this (Phase II) Contract and
the systems are transferred to the Phase III Contractor
or to the Government.
b. Compliance with specifications and drawings.
The contractor shall designate a representative or
engineer experienced in dewatering large excavations
whose responsibility will be to assure that the dewatering systems comply with the contract plans and specifications with respect to materials, installation, maintenance, and operation of the dewatering systems so as
to control subsurface pressures, groundwater and seepage, and surface water, and maintain records as specified herein. The “dewatering” engineer’s duties shall
include the following:
(1) Materials and equipment. The Contractor’s
“dewatering” engineer shall obtain all specified data
and supervise making all tests and/or measurements to
determine that all materials incorporated in the work
are in accordance with the plans and specifications.
Materials and equipment to be checked shall include,
but not be limited to, well screens, riser pipes, filter
sand, pumps, column pipe, gear drives, couplings, diesel engines, well discharge pipe and fittings, header
pipe, valves, discharge system outlet structures, piezometers, and related appurtenances.
(2) Installation. The Contractor’s “dewatering”
engineer shall check to be sure that specified procedures and methods for installing wells, pumps, jeteductor wells, piezometers, and any other supplemental dewatering or groundwater control system required are installed in accordance with the specifications and drawings.
(3) Operation and maintenance. The Contractor’s
“dewatering” engineer shall supervise the operation
and maintenance of the dewatering systems, supplemental groundwater control facilities if any, surface
water control systems, and shall assist with obtaining
all required piezometric, well performance, and flow
data. The Contractor shall inspect the test starting of
each nonoperating dewatering pump and engine installed in a well or on the system on a weekly basis and
include in a daily report reference to the conduct of the
test, the number of pumps and engines tested, and any
unsatisfactory performance data and remedial action
taken. The Contractor’s “dewatering” engineer shall
notify the Contractor and the Contracting Officer’s
Representative (C.O.R.) immediately of any event or
information not in accordance with the specifications.
Thirty days prior to completion of the work under this
contract, the Contractor shall furnish to the Government a complete set of “as-built” drawings of the dewatering facilities installed, and all significant operational, maintenance, and performance data and records.
(4) Records. A copy of all inspection and test data
relating to materials, installation, operation and maintenance, and performance of the dewatering systems,
and supplemental groundwater control facilities if
any, as required, shall be promptly furnished to the
Contracting Officer.
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
c. General. The dewatering systems shall be installed, operated, and maintained so as to reduce the
artesian pressure in the sand formation below the excavation, and control seepage from any excavated
slopes or into the bottom of the excavation as specified
below, so that the work covered under this contract
can be accomplished in stable areas free of water and
without heaving of soil strata overlying the sand aquifer within the cofferdammed area.
(1) Dewatering requirements. Construction dewatering to be performed by the Contractor shall consist of:
(a) Dewatering lock and dam excavation by
pumping from deep wells; jet-eductor wells; and any
other supplemental groundwater control facilities if
(b) Unwatering the Phase I excavation.
(c) Testing adequacy of deep-well system prior
to and after unwatering the Phase I excavation. Evaluation of the adequacy of the jet-eductor system after
unwatering the excavation.
(d) Controlling and removing of surface water
falling into the excavation.
The dewatering systems for Phase II excavation for
the lock and dam shall be constructed in accordance
with the details shown on the drawings and the requirements herein specified. The dewatering systems
shall be installed and operated by the Contractor to
control seepage from any excavated slopes or the bottom of the excavation so as to assure a stable work
area at grade and prevent raveling or sloughing of excavated slopes, and to lower the hydrostatic water level in the deep underlying sand formation so that as the
excavation progresses the piezometric heads and
groundwater table are maintained at least 5 feet below
the bottom of the excavation and 3 feet below the
slopes at all times, as measured by construction piezometers. After the hydrostatic water level in the deep
sand formation has been lowered to the required levels
beneath the excavation, it shall be maintained at the
required elevations so that all testing and construction
operations can be performed in the dry without interruption.
(2) Design of dewatering systems. The (dewatering) well system has been designed to lower the hydrostatic water level to elevation -26.0 feet in the deep
sand formation beneath the excavation for the dam
and to elevation - 35.0 feet beneath the lock (or below)
with a river stage at elevation 60.0 feet, with as many
as two to five well pumps off depending on their location.
(a) The jet-eductor wells (indicated by borings
made in and around the excavation) have been designed to drain semipervious soils in the top stratum
to prevent or minimize any detrimental seepage from
the (main) excavated slopes around the excavation. Ad-
ditional jet-eductor wells may be required to control
seepage from other sections of the slopes around the
excavation. As shown by the boring logs and subsequently referenced reports, the stratification of the
top stratum soils above the deep sands is erratic (more
so in some areas than others). The deep wells and jeteductor wells, subsequently installed around the top or
upper berm for the excavation, may or may not completely dewater or stabilize all slopes or areas in the
bottom of the excavation. Dewatering facilities for
control of groundwater in the lower part or bottom of
the excavation, if required, shall be designed by the
Contractor subject to approval of the Contracting Officer. Facilities for unwatering the Phase II excavation, and controlling and sump pumping surface water, shall be designed by the Contractor.
(b) The Contractor shall submit for approval by
the C.O. within 15 calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed complete information regarding methods and equipment he or she proposes to utilize for installing the jet-eductor wells and pumping the dewatering wells required by these specifications. The Contractor shall at the same time submit detailed design
data and drawings for the system he or she plans for
controlling surface water and unwatering the excavation for the Phase I work. The material to be submitted
shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: capacities and characteristics of all well and
jet-eductor pumps, engines, gear heads, flexible couplings, and standby equipment; description of equipment and procedures he or she proposes to use for installing the dewatering wells, jet-eductor wells, and
any supplemental dewatering facilities, if required, in
the bottom or lower part of the excavation; calculations and drawings of dikes, ditches, sumps, pumps,
and discharge piping for unwatering the Phase I excavation and for controlling surface water; and a detailed description of his or her procedures and plans
for supervising the installation, operation, and maintenance of the dewatering systems to insure that the systems are installed as specified herein and that they are
operated and maintained so as to preserve the systems
in first class working conditions subject to normal
wear, throughout the life of this contract.
(c) Approval by the Contracting Officer of the
plans and data submitted by the Contractor shall not
relieve the Contractor from the responsibility for controlling surface water, seepage, and artesian head and
groundwater levels in the excavated areas as, and to
the extent, specified herein.
(3) Responsibility. The Contractor shall be fully
responsible for furnishing, installing, operating, and
maintaining the dewatering and jet-eductor well systems, as specified, and any other seepage and surface
water control systems required for control of groundwater as herein specified. However, any jet-eductor or
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5,
Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
dewatering wells, pumps, piping, etc., required to control groundwater in the main excavated slopes around
the excavation and in the deep sand stratum below the
bottom of the excavation will be paid for as an extra.
Any supplemental measures for control of seepage,
whether perched or otherwise, in the bottom of the
Phase II excavation or from excavated slopes in the
bottom of the excavation, will not be paid for as an extra.
(a) The Contractor shall be responsible for: installing and testing the dewatering well and jet-eductor system as specified prior to and after unwatering
the Phase I excavation; unwatering the Phase I excavation; dewatering and/or controlling any seepage from
specified excavated slopes or in the bottom of the excavation so as to prevent any raveling or other instability of the slopes while unwatering of the Phase I excavation and driving the test and foundation piling under this contract; maintaining the hydrostatic water
level in the deep sand formation at least 5 feet below
the bottom of the excavation and any excavated
slopes, and controlling any detrimental seepage
emerging from pervious soils in the top stratum; lowering the groundwater table in pervious or semipervious strata in the top stratum at least 3 feet below
any excavated slopes except at the contact with an underlying impervious stratum; maintaining the bottom
of the excavation free of all seepage or surface water
until the end of this contract; and operating and maintaining the dewatering systems.
(b) The Contractor shall be responsible for installing and operating continuously the dewatering
well systems specified herein, and any other supplemental wells, pumps, and engines, necessary to lower
and maintain the hydrostatic head in the deep underlying sand formation 5 feet or more below any Phase II
excavation, and with the capacity of lowering the
groundwater table below elevation -29.0 feet in the
chamber and elevation -35.0 feet in the gate bay
areas for the lock, for a projected Red River stage of
elevation 60.0 feet. The Contractor shall also be responsible for maintaining the groundwater table in
silt, silty sand, and sand strata, penetrated by the
Phase I or Phase II excavation at least 3 feet below the
surface of the slope, and shall control any seepage at
the contact between seeping soil strata and impervious
strata occurring at any time which might otherwise
cause raveling or instability of the slope at that level.
Any noncompliance with the above specified groundwater control requirements shall be promptly rectified
in accordance with these specifications.
(c) The Contractor shall be responsible for all
damage to work in excavated areas caused by failure to
maintain and operate the dewatering systems as specified.
(4) Installation sequence. Prior to installation of
the deep and jet-eductors dewatering wells, the Contractor shall submit a plan of his or her procedures and
equipment for accomplishing the work within fifteen
(15) days of his or her Notice to Proceed. After receiving approval of such procedures and equipment, he or
she shall install and test the above dewatering system,
including unwatering the Phase I excavation, within
120 calendar days. Any apparent deficiencies in the
deep or jet-eductor well systems for whatever cause
shall be corrected within 15 calendar days after evaluation of the pumping tests made on the systems and
notification by the Contracting Officer. There shall be
no unwatering of the Phase I excavation until the
deep-well system has been installed and tested, and no
unwatering of the excavation more than 3 to 5 feet below any reach of the uppermost berm, where jet-eductor wells are to be installed, until all of the jet-eductor
wells specified are installed.
(5) Testing dewatering system. After the deepwell dewatering system has been completely installed,
its adequacy shall be checked by the Contractor making a pumping test on the entire system, as directed by
the C.O.R., prior to unwatering the Phase I excavation
and at the completion of unwatering the Phase I excavation. The jet-eductor systems shall be continuously
operated while unwatering the Phase I excavation and
the adequacy of its performance evaluated after completion of unwatering and as the excavation for Phase
II is carried to grade. The performance of the dewatering systems will be evaluated by the Government. If
the dewatering well system and jet-eductor wells are
found to be inadequate to control the groundwater and
artesian head below the excavation, they shall be supplemented as provided for subsequently in these specifications.
(6) Operation during contract. The Contractor
shall operate and maintain the specified dewatering
well and jet-eductor systems and any supplementary
wells or seepage control measures that may have been
installed, as needed to comply with these specifications during the complete period of this contract.
(7) Transfer of dewatering system to Phase III
Contractor. Upon completion of this contract, the Contractor shall turn over the complete deep-well, jeteductor, and surface water control systems and all
standby equipment to the Phase III Contractor or the
Government who will at that time assume ownership
and operation of the dewatering and surface water
control systems. The Phase III Contractor will be responsible for removal of the systems in accordance
with his Phase III contract.
(8) Unwatering excavation for Phase I contract. It
will be the responsibility of the contractor to unwater
the excavation made during the Phase I contract for
this project. No unwatering of the excavation shall be
started until after the deep-well and jet-eductor dewa-
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
tering systems have been completely installed and initially tested. When, and if, the first full-scale pumping
test conducted on the dewatering system shows the
system adequate to lower and maintain the hydrostatic water level in the deep underlying foundation 3 to 5
feet below the water level in the excavation as it is unwatered, the Contracting Officer will advise in writing
that the Contractor may proceed with unwatering the
excavation. The water level in the Phase I excavation
shall be lowered at a rate not to exceed 1 foot per day
or slower if there is any sign of raveling or instability
of the excavated slopes.
(9) Surface water control. The Contractor shall install, operate, and maintain dikes, ditches, sumps,
pumps, and discharge piping for controlling surface
water so as to prevent flooding of the work area for
driving the test and foundation piles for the dam.
(10) Available soil and pumping test data.
(a) Some of the soil test data obtained by the
Government are shown on the boring logs. Additional
logs of borings made for the project are plotted in _ _
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dated
. The above report and additional laboratory data and samples of soils from the borings shown
on the plans are available in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ office of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
(b) Pumping tests have been performed on three
wells installed at the site. One of these test wells (Well
A) was installed with 190 feet of l6-inch nominal diameter well screen that more or less fully penetrated
the deep sand aquifer beneath the excavation site; two
of the test wells (Wells B and C) were installed to a
depth of approximately 80 feet for the purpose of testing the upper top strata of silty sands and sandy silts.
The locations of the test wells and some of the piezometers installed in connection with making the
pumping tests are shown on the drawings. The elevation of the well screens for the test wells and piezometers and logs of borings made along the piezometer
lines radiating out from the test wells were plotted. A
hydrograph of the Red River and Piezometers PA9 and
PA9A installed 2970 and 3970 feet from Test Well A,
observed during the test on Well A, are shown on a
drawing of these specifications. Plots were made of
drawdown observed while pumping Test Well A, corrected for an estimated (natural) change in the groundwater table during these tests as a result of a rise on
the Red River. Results of the pumping tests made on
Test Wells B and C were also plotted. No correction
was made for any natural change in the groundwater
table during the pumping test on Wells B and C inasmuch as there was very little change in the river stage
during the pumping test on these wells. A report on
the pumping test made at the site by
and design of the dewatering systems may be exam-
ined at the New Orleans District Office or at the office
_ _ _ _ _ . The Government guarantees the accuracy of the basic river stage and pumping test data as obtained for the particular wells installed at the locations tested; however, as the logs of
borings indicate, the characteristics of the subsurface
soils at the site vary considerably, and therefore the
Contractor should not assume that the data obtained
from the pumping tests made at the locations specified
are representative of all conditions that exist at the
site. Therefore, it shall be the responsibility of the
Contractor to make his or her own evaluation of the relation of the pumping test data to subsurface conditions at other locations at the site.
(c) The subsurface soils at the site consist of a
top stratum of clays, silts, and fine sands, with widely
varying degrees of arrangement and stratification,
with a depth of about 80 to 120 feet. A stratum of
rather pervious sand underlies the entire site with a
thickness of approximately 220 feet. The top of this
deep thick sand stratum varies from about elevation
- 20.0 to - 70.0 feet. Logs of three borings (M-1, M-2,
and M-3) made 500 feet deep indicate that this sand
stratum is underlain by a clay stratum about 120 feet
thick at a depth of about 290 to 380 feet. This clay
stratum may or may not be continuous. It is underlain
by more sand to a depth of about 400 feet.
(d) The Red River flows along and around a portion of the site for the excavation, the deeper parts of
the river in the vicinity of the excavation range from
approximately elevation 10.0 to -20.0 feet. To what
extent the channel of the river provides an open source
of seepage into the underlying deep sand formation is
not known; the logs of a few borings made in the bed
and along the bank of the river are shown in the previously referenced report by
. It will be
the responsibility of the Contractor to make his or her
own evaluation of the effect of the Red River on dewatering and control of seepage into the excavation, not
otherwise covered by these specifications.
(e) Chemical analyses of sample of groundwater
taken from Test Wells A, B, and C on 28 April 1978
gave the following results:
Well A
Chloride (Cl)
Suspended Solids (ppm)
Volatile Solids (ppm)
Total Solids (ppm)
Total Dissolved Solids
Total Volatile Solids
Sulfate (ppm)
Hardness (CaCO3) (ppm)
Well B
Well C
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
Well A
Calcium (ppm)
Iron (total) (ppm)
Hydrogen Sulfide (ppm)
Total Alkalinity
(CaCO 3) (ppm)
Carbon Dioxide
(CO2) (ppm)
depth Well B
Well C
d. Deep-well dewatering system.
(1) Scope. The work provided for herein consists
of furnishing all labor, material, equipment, and tools
to construct, develop, test pump, and disinfect the filter sand, well, and pump for the dewatering wells to be
installed around the perimeter of the excavation at the
locations shown on the drawings and as specified herein. The work also includes installation of the pumps,
diesel engines, gear drives, couplings, discharge pipes,
valves, fittings, flow measurement devices, and discharge pipe.
(2) Design. The deep-well system specified has
been designed to lower the groundwater table in the
deep sand stratum beneath the excavation to elevation
- 26.0 feet beneath the dam, elevation - 29.0 feet beneath the lock chamber, and elevation - 35.0 feet beneath the gate bays for a design Red River stage of elevation of 60.0 feet (estimated maximum river stage for
a frequency of 1 in 20 years). The purpose of the deepwell system is to lower the hydrostatic head in this
sand stratum so as to prevent seepage into the bottom
of the excavation and to prevent any heave of impervious soil strata that overlie the deep sand formation
in certain areas of the excavation. It is imperative that
there be no heave of the bottom of the excavation during either Phase II or Phase III construction of the lock
and dam. If evaluation of the pumping test made at
the completion of unwatering the Phase I excavation
indicates the need for additional dewatering wells,
pumps, engines, discharge piping, and appurtenances,
the Government will design the supplemental system
and furnish the design to the Contractor for installation. The Contractor will be reimbursed for the cost of
installing any supplemental wells, pumps, engines,
discharge piping, and appurtenances, when completely
installed and ready for operation. The Contractor shall
be responsible for designing any features of the well
system not specifically covered by these specifications
or drawings.
(3) Installation of wells.
(a) Location of wells. The dewatering wells shall
be installed at the designated locations. Soil conditions
in the areas where the wells are to be installed are depicted in a general way by the boring logs made around
the excavation. Subsurface conditions and stratification are erratic at this site, and clay, silt, and sand
strata (with or without gravel and cobbles) may be encountered in drilling the holes for the specified wells.
Logs and wood debris have also been encountered in
making borings and drilling wells at some locations at
the site.
(b) Depth of wells. The wells shall be installed to
a depth so that the top of the specified length of screen
(100 feet) is set approximately 5 feet below the top of
fine (or coarser) sand as determined at the time of
drilling by the C.O.R. The elevation at which the top of
the screen shall be set is shown on certain logs of borings along the line of the dewatering wells. The top of
to be set will probably vary from what is shown on the
boring logs. The hole drilled for the wells will be
logged by the C.O.R. If buried logs or boulders are encountered which, in the opinion of the C.O.R., render
it impractical to advance the drill hole to the design
depth, the C.O.R. may adjust the depth in order to utilize the well in the system at the depth actually obtained, or he or she may request the Contractor to
abandon the well, plug the hole by backfilling, and
construct another well at an adjacent location.
(c) Drilling. The dewatering wells shall be
drilled by the reverse rotary method to a depth which
will permit setting the top of the screen in fine (or
coarser) sand as determined at the time of drilling by
the C.O.R. The water level in the sump pit and the well
shall be maintained a minimum of 8 feet above the
groundwater table at all times until the well screen,
riser pipe, filter, and backfill have been placed. Drilling of the well shall be carried out so as to prevent any
appreciable displacement of materials adjacent to the
hole or cause any reduction in the yield of the well. (A
temporary surface casing with a minimum length of
20 feet shall be set prior to the start of drilling.) The
diameter of the hole drilled for the well shall be 28 to
30 inches. The hole shall be advanced using a reverserotary drill rig with a (minimum) 5-inch I.D. drill stem.
While drilling and installing the well, the drill hole
shall be kept full of (natural) drilling fluid up to the
ground surface with turbidity of about 3000 parts per
million. No bentonite drilling mud shall be used while
drilling or installing the well. Silt may be added to the
drilling water to attain the desired degree of muddiness (approximately 3000 parts per million) if necesary. If natural turbid water, or with silt added,
proves insufficient to keep the hole stable, an approved organic drilling compound such as Johnson’s
Revert, or equivalent, may be added to the drilling
fluid. The Contractor shall dig a sump pit large enough
to allow the sand to settle out but small enough so that
some silt is kept in suspension. The drilled hole shall
be 3 feet deeper than the well screen and riser to be installed in the hole. All drilling fluid shall be removed
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
from the well filter and the natural pervious information after the well is installed.
(d) Installation of well screen and riser.
Step 1. Assembly. The joints between the
screen sections and between the screen and riser pipe
shall be welded with stainless steel rod. Particular care
should be exercised to avoid damaging the screen and
riser. It shall be centered in the well hole or casing and
held securely in place during placement of the filter by
means of spiders and approved centering guide, tremie
holder, or other approved method. Prior to installation
of any screen and riser the Contractor shall submit to
the Contracting Officer for approval full details of the
method, equipment, and devices he proposes to use for
centering and holding the screen and riser pipe in the
well hole.
Step 2. Installation. The assembled screen and
riser pipe shall be placed in the well hole in such a
manner as to avoid jarring impacts and to insure that
the assembly is not damaged or misaligned.
Step 3. Alignment. Each completed well shall
be sufficiently straight and plumb that a cylinder 10
feet in length and 2 inches smaller in diameter than
the inside diameter of the well may be lowered for the
full depth of the well and withdrawn without binding
against the sides of the screen or riser pipe. A variation of 6 to 12 inches will be permitted in the alignment of the screen and riser pipe from a plumb line at
the top of the well; however, this will not relieve the
Contractor of the responsibility of maintaining adequate clearance for bailing, surging, and pumping required for pumping the wells.
(e) Placement of sand filter (A). After the screen
and riser pipe have been placed, the filter sand shall be
tremied into the annular space between the well screen
or riser pipe and the drilled hole using a 4- or 5-inch-diameter tremie pipe with flush screw joints and at least
two slots 1/16 inch wide and about 6 inches long per linear foot of tremie. The tremie pipe shall be lowered to
the bottom of the hole and then filled with filter sand.
(If the filter sand has a tendency to segregate, the filter sand shall be kept moist following delivery to the
work site in order to minimize segregation.) After the
tremie has been filled with filter sand, it shall be slowly raised, keeping the tremie full of filter sand at all
times until the filter sand has filled the hole up to
within 15± feet of the ground surface. The bottom of
the tremie pipe shall be kept slightly below the surface
of the filter sand in the hole as the tremie is raised.
(f) Development of well. After installation of
the well, it shall be developed by surging with a surge
block and pumping, as described below, for not less
than 30 minutes. (If Revert or equivalent approved organic drilling additive has been used in drilling the
hole, a breakdown agent such as Johnson’s Fast-Break
or equivalent shall be added to the well in accordance
with the manufacturer’s recommendations prior to
surging.) Development of the well shall be started
within 4 to 12 hours after the well has been installed.
Surging of the well shall be accomplished with a surge
block raised and lowered through the well screen at a
speed of 2 to 3 feet per second. The gaskets on the
surge block shall be slightly flexible and have a diameter about 1 inch smaller than the inside diameter of
the well screen. The amount of material deposited in
the bottom of the well shall be determined after each
cycle (about 10 to 20 trips per cycle). Surging shall continue until the accumulation of material pulled
through the well screen in any one cycle becomes less
than 0.2 foot. The well screen shall be bailed clean
with a piston-type bailer when the accumulation of
material in the bottom of the screen becomes more
than 2 to 3 feet at any time during surging; the well
shall also be cleaned after surging is completed. After
completion of surging, the well shall be pumped with
the pump section about 1 foot off the bottom of the
well until the discharge is clear and is reasonably free
of sand (less than 10 to 20 parts per million sand).
Such pumping shall begin within 2 hours after surging
and shall continue for not less than 30 minutes. The
well shall be pumped so as to achieve a drawdown of
not less than 20 feet, or a flow of approximately 1000
gallons per minute, whichever is first. If, at the completion of pumping, the well is producing sand at a
rate in excess of 10 to 20 parts per million, it shall be
resurged and pumped again. Alternate surging and
pumping shall be continued until material entering the
well during either surging or pumping is less than the
amount specified above, but not for a period longer
than 6 hours. Wells which continue to produce an excessive amount of sand or filter material during development shall be abandoned as requested by the C.O.R.
except that, if he or she so elects, he or she may request the Contractor to continue to develop the well by
an approved method. If, after such further development, a well meets the above stated requirements, it
shall be completed, and after successful completion of
the required pumping test, the well will be accepted.
If, after completion of all surging and pumping, there
is more than 0.5 foot of material in the bottom of the
well, such material shall be carefully removed with
either a piston-type bailer or by pumping. The water
resulting from pumping the well shall be discharged
outside the work area at locations approved by the
C.O.R. Pertinent data regarding installation of the
wells will be recorded by the C.O.R. After completion
of satisfactory development of a well, the grout seal
shall be placed.
(g) Disinfection of drill hole and filter sand.
During the drilling operation, a minimum of 1 pound
of calcium hypochlorite shall be added to the drilling
fluid every 2 hours. As the filter sand is placed in the
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
well, calcium hypochlorite shall be added to evenly distribute a minimum of 2 pounds per ton of filter. Upon
completion of development of the well and prior to installing the well cover, a minimum of 5 pounds of
granular 70 percent calcium hypochlorite shall be
dropped in the well and allowed to settle to the bottom.
(h) Covers. The top of a well shall be sealed immediately after completion of installation with a watertight seal which shall be kept in place at all times,
except during cleaning and pumping operations, until
the pump and gear drive are installed.
(i) Abandoned wells. Holes for wells abandoned
prior to placement of well screen and riser pipe shall
be filled with sand and cement grout. Wells abandoned
after placement of well screen and riser pipe may be
pulled and the remaining hole filled with sand to within 25 feet of the surface. The remaining 25 feet should
then be backfilled with an approved cement grout.
Bentonite may be added to the grout to improve its
pumpability. If the Contractor elects to leave an abandoned well screen and riser in place, it shall be plugged
as described above. Wells which are abandoned as a result of alignment or plumbness being outside of these
specifications, or wells which produce sand in excess of
5 parts per million after development and pump testing, shall be replaced by the Contractor at no cost to
the Government.
(j) Well records. The following information regarding the installation of each well will be recorded
by the C.O.R. The Contractor shall cooperate and assist the C.O.R. in obtaining the following information: well number, location, top of riser (mean sea level), date and time test started and stopped, depth to
water in well before and at end of pumping, elevation
of water in well immediately before and at end of
pumping, flow in gallons per minute, depth of sand in
well before and after completion of pumping, rate of
sanding at end of pumping period, depth of sand in
well after cleaning, screen length, depth of hole, inside
depth of well, depth to sand in well after cleaning, top
of well screen (mean sea level), top of filter (mean sea
level), bottom of well (mean sea level), top of well,
method of surging, material surged into well (last cycle) in feet, total material surged into well in feet, rate
of pumping and drawdown, total pumping time, and
rage of sand infiltration at end of pumping in parts per
(4) Pumping test on each well.
(a) Upon completion of installation, surging,
and developing pumping, each well shall be subjected
to a pumping test. Prior to commencement of the
pumping test, and again after completion of the pumping test, the depth of the well shall be measured when
the C.O.R. is present by means of an approved flat-bottom sounding device.
(b) The pump shall be capable of pumping at the
rate of 1500 gallons per minute, over a period of time
sufficient to satisfactorily perform the pumping test
specified. An approved means for accurately determining the water level in the well and a calibrated flow
meter or orifice of standard design for the purpose of
measuring the discharge from the well during the
pumping test shall be provided. The Contractor shall
furnish and install the necessary discharge line so that
the flow from the well can be pumped into an adjacent
area approved by the C.O.R. The pumping and sand infiltration test shall be conducted in the presence of the
C.O.R., who will record the following test data: well
number, location, top of riser (mean sea level), date
and time test started and stopped, depth to water in
well before and at end of pumping, elevation of water
in well immediately before and at the end of pumping,
rate of sanding at end of pumping period, and depth of
sand in well after cleaning.
(c) The Contractor shall test each well by pumping continuously for a minimum of 2 hours. Pumping
shall be at a constant rate sufficient to produce either
a drawdown of 20 feet, or a constant rate of flow of
1500 gallons per minute, whichever occurs first. The
computed rate of sanding shall take into consideration
the pumping rate, the rate of sand emerging from the
pump, and the amount of emptying or buildup of sand
in the bottom of the well during the (sand) testing period as determined accurately with a flat-bottom sanding device. No test pumping of a well will be permitted
concurrently with drilling, surging, or pumping of any
other well within 300 feet thereof.
(d) In the event that sand or other materials infiltrate into the well during the pumping test, the following procedure will be followed: If the rate of sand
infiltration during the last 15 minutes of the pumping
test is more than 5 parts per million, the well shall be
resurged by manipulation of the test pump for 15 minutes after which the test pumping shall be resumed
and continued at the rate specified above until the
sand infiltration rate is reduced to less than 5 parts
per million. If at the end of 6 hours of pumping the
rate of infiltration of sand is more than 5 parts per
million, the well shall be abandoned unless the C.O.R.
requests the Contractor to continue to test pump and
perform such other approved remedial work as he considers desirable. If, after such additional test pumping
and other remedial measures, the sand infiltration
rate of the well is reduced to less than 5 parts per million, the well will be accepted. Upon completion of the
pumping test, any sand or filter material in the bottom
of the well shall be removed by pumping or with a piston-type bailer.
(5) Installation of pump and chlorination. Each
dewatering well shall be chemically treated with calcium hypochlorite (chlorine) within 24 hours after the
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
test pump is removed. A solution of calcium hypochlorate (HTH) shall be mixed with water in a tank (minimum capacity of 3000 gallons to obtain a 1000-partsper-million chlorine solution). (Fifteen pounds of (dry)
70 percent calcium hypochlorite will make 1000 gallons of 1000-parts-per-million chlorine solution.) A
minimum of 30 gallons per foot of screen shall be
pumped into the well through a hose extended to the
bottom of the well. As the chlorine solution is pumped
into the well, the hose shall be withdrawn at a rate
which will insure that the chlorine solution is added
uniformly from the bottom of the well to a point 10
feet above the top of the well screen. The chlorine solution in the well shall then be surged with a loose fitting
surge block for 1 hour. The permanent dewatering
pump shall then be immediately installed, and the well
pumped until the chlorine is essentially removed. (If it
is not possible to promptly install, the permanent
pump, the chlorine should be allowed to set 3 or 4
hours, and the well pumped by some means to remove
the chlorine.) If the permanent pump is subsequently
installed, the well and pump shall be rechlorinated as
described above except the surging shall be omitted.
(6) Equipment and materials.
(a) Quality. All installed equipment and materials shall be new except the discharge header system
which may be either new or “like new” used pipe.
(b) Power units. Each of the 64 deep wells shall
be equipped with a direct drive diesel power unit. The
engines shall be certified to produce a minimum of 115
continuous net horsepower at 1800 revolutions per
minute to the gear drive and shall be a Caterpillar
Model 3304 T, Detroit Diesel Model 4-71N, or equivalent as approved by the Contracting Officer. The unit
shall be skid mounted with clutch power takeoff, have
hood and side panels, fan shroud, muffler, high temperature and low oil pressure shutdown, battery, and
fuel supply. Any additional item to make the unit
function on a continuous 24-hour-per-day operation
shall also be included. Engines shall be operated within the revolution-per-minute limits of the manufacturer’s recommendations. The unit shall be leveled and
mounted on a 6-inch-thick concrete base. Prior to operation, each unit shall be started and serviced by a
manufacturer’s factory trained representative, or
equally qualified mechanic. The power units shall be
operated and maintained in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations. Each power unit
shall have an independent fuel tank with a capacity of
at least 500 gallons. Fuel lines shall be provided with
an approved screen or filter and shall be attached to
the tank so that rain or contaminants may not enter
the tank. The tank shall be properly vented and
equipped with a drain plus and filler port. All fuel
tanks shall be new and cleaned prior to being placed in
service. At the commencement of pumping, the Con-
tractor shall have at the jobsite five new complete diesel power units. During the pumping period, the
Contractor shall have a minimum of five (new or remanufactured) diesel power units, complete with all
components, available as standby. The Contractor
shall also keep in stock on the jobsite other miscellaneous spare parts essential to routine maintenance of the
engines, pumps, gear heads, flexible couplings, valves,
etc., as considered appropriate and approved by the
(c) Pumps. Deep-well turbine pumps, similar or
equivalent to such pumps manufactured by LayneBowler, Fairbanks-Morse, Johnston, Jacuzzi, or other
qualified pump manufacturer, shall be designed for
pumping clear water at a rated capacity of 1500 gallons per minute at a total dynamic head of 200 feet
and pump speed of 1800 revolutions per minute with a
bowl efficiency of about 80 percent. The pump bowl assembly shall be of close-grained cast iron porcelain
enamel-coated inside and fitted with replaceable
bronze wear rings and sleeve-type shaft bushings. Impellers shall be cast iron or bronze and designed for
nonoverloading. The bowl shaft shall be high-chrome
stainless steel of sufficient diameter to transmit the
pump horsepower with a liberal safety factor and rigidly support the impellers between the bowl or case
bearings. The pump column assembly shall consist of
thirteen lo-foot sections of lo-inch steel threaded pipe
with line pipe couplings. Bronze spiders with rubber
bearings shall align the shaft bearings in each section.
Line shafts shall be of Grade 1045 (ASTM A 108) steel
ground and polished with Type 304 (ASTM A 743)
stainless steel sleeves to act as a journal for each rubber line shaft bearing. A lo-foot section of lo-inch
threaded suction pipe shall be screwed into the bottom
of the pump bowl, The discharge head shall be provided for mounting the gear drive and supporting the
pump columns, bowls, and suction pipe. The design
shall permit the drive shaft to be coupled about the
stuffing box to facilitate easy removal and replacement of the driver. The stuffing box shall be of the
deep bore type with a minimum of six rings of packing
and a steel case. The packing gland shall be the bronze
split-type and secured with stainless steel studs and
silicone bronze nuts.
(d) Gear drive and flexible coupling. A right
angle gear drive with a gear ratio of 1:l shall be installed on each pump. Horsepower rating shall be
based on American Gear Manufacturers Association
standards for spiral bevel gears. Ball and roller bearings shall have a capacity to carry the horsepower and
thrust loads for a minimum of 20,000 hours. The housing shall be a rigid semisteel casting properly proportioned to insure correct alignment of the gears under
full load. Case-hardened spiral bevel gears shall be
held in position by antifriction bearings selected to
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
convey the loads over a 4-year period of operation. A
large stream of oil shall be pumped to the gears and
bearings by a pump located in the base of the housing.
The vertical shaft shall be hollow to allow for easy adjustment of the pump shaft. Provision shall be made
for circulating water through a copper coil installed inside the case. A flexible drive shaft, Watson-Spicer
WL-48, or equal, shall be provided with each gear
drive. The shaft shall be a minimum of 36 inches long
and provided with drive flanges to fit the engine and
gear drive. A protective cover made of galvanized
sheet metal or expanded metal shall be permanently
attached between the engine and gear drive to shield
the drive shaft.
(e) Standby equipment. At the commencement
of pumping, the Contractor shall provide and have in
stock at the jobsite three new complete standby turbine pumps. During the pumping period, the Contractor shall continue to have a minimum of three (new of
rebuilt) pumps available as standby units, which shall
be complete with column, shafting, pump head, gear
drive, and flexible coupling.
(f) A minimum of 20 feet of each size of header
pipe and two of each size of Dresser couplings (or
equivalent) shall be on site for emergency repair if necessary. Twelve S-inch flanged nipples shall also be kept
on site for adding S-inch rubber or plastic cloth discharge hose for emergency pumping of the deep wells
in event of discharge pipe failure. Sixty-five hundred
feet of S-inch rubber or plastic cloth hose shall be kept
on site for pumping of individual wells.
(g) Operation and repair or replacement. The
pumps shall be operated so that the water level in the
wells is not lowered below the pump bowl. The pumps
and engines shall remain in operable condition at all
times with no more than two wells or pumps being inoperative at any one time. No two adjacent wells or
pumps shall be inoperative at the same time. The Contractor shall take immediate steps to repair or replace
any well, pump, gear drive, or engine which is inoperative. Should the efficiency of a dewatering well show
any significant reduction from its initial efficiency,
the Contractor may, at the direction of the C.O.R., be
required to redevelop and/or chemically treat the well
as directed by the Contracting Officer, the cost of
which will be paid for under paragraph 3 (Changes) of
the General Provisions of the Contract.
(h) Riser pipe. The riser pipe for the wells shall
be 16-inch diameter, 0.250-inch or thicker wall, steel
(i) Well screen. The well screen shall be Johnson, Houston, or equal, wire-wrap type 304 stainless
steel screen with a minimum inner diameter of 15
inches (16-inch pipe size) with a nominal length of 100
feet. The width of the slots will be 0.040 inch. The
(keystone or trapezoidally shaped) screen wire shall be
wrapped and welded on 0.177-inch round rod. The well
screen shall be furnished in lengths of 10 or 20 feet.
One section of screen for each well will be provided
with a stainless steel bottom plate.
(j) Filter sand. The filter around the well screen
and riser pipe shall be an approved washed (clean) sand
or crushed stone composed of hard, durable, uniformly
graded particles free from any inherent coating. The
filter sand shall contain no detrimental quantities of
vegetable matter, nor soft friable, thin, or elongated
particles, and shall meet the following gradation requirements:
Filter Sand A
U.S. Standard
Sieve No.
Percent by weight
If blending of two or more sands is required to obtain
the specified gradation, the blending shall be accomplished so as to achieve a uniform mix approved by the
(k) Discharge system. The discharge piping is
for the purpose of conveying the water from the dewatering wells to the flotation channel on the south side
of the cofferdam area. Under no conditions shall the
Contractor discharge water from the dewatering systems outside of the cofferdam dike other than at the
specified location. The header pipe installed at the
specified locations shall be standard structural grade
pipe with the following minimum wall thicknesses:
Pipe diameter, inches
Minimum wall thickness, inches
The diameter of the pipe will vary from 12 to 42
inches. Connections may be made either by welding or
by Dresser couplings with tie rods. The pipe shall be
laid straight, on approved blocking, in a workmanlike
manner. Where crossing a road or ramp, the pipe shall
be laid in an open separate culvert. The discharge pipe
through the cofferdam dike shall have welded joints
and be provided with “seepage” fins. A 42-inch Calco,
or equivalent, flap gate shall be installed on the end of
each discharge pipe. The discharge line from the well
to the header shall be 8 inches in diameter and include
a gate valve that can be locked or will remain in a fixed
position while partially closed, a positive check valve
and a pitometer cock for insertion of a pitot tube to
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
measure well flow. Certain wells shall be provided
with a tee and blind flange for connection of an 8-inch
discharge hose in event of damage or failure of the
main discharge header pipe. The Contractor shall construct splash facilities for discharge water at the
dredge channel. The Contractor shall maintain the discharge splash facilities so as to prevent erosion or damage to the channel slopes and to modify such if found
(7) Pumping test on the dewatering systems.
(a) After the deep-well dewatering system is
completely installed, a pumping test shall be made on
the entire system by pumping all the wells at the same
time at a constant pump speed or flow rate for each
well, the pumping rate to be determined by the C.O.R.
prior to the test. If the selected pumping rate lowers
the water level in any well below the pump bowl, the
engine speed shall be reduced or the discharge valve
partially closed so that the water level in that well is
not lowered below the pump bowl.
(b) This test, the first, shall be made prior to
starting to unwater the Phase I excavation. The wells
shall be pumped continuously for at least 24 hours and
for not more than 48 hours as required by the C.O.R.
The Contractor shall have previously installed the M
piezometers around the perimeter of the excavation,
the R, S, and T piezometers on lines out from the excavation, and provision has been made to measure the
flow as shown on the drawings and specified herein.
The C.O.R. will keep a systematic record of discharge
throughout the test period and will record the water
level in the piezometers and wells immediately prior to
commencing the test and at certain intervals thereafter. The pumping test shall be conducted under the
general direction of the C.O.R. with the Contractor being responsible for actual operation of the system.
(c) If an analysis of the pumping data by the
Government indicates probable adequacy of the system, the Contractor may start unwatering the Phase I
excavation while continuing to operate the dewatering
well system so as to maintain the groundwater table in
the deep sand formation, as indicated by the M piezometers installed around the top of the excavation, 3
to 5 feet or more below the water level in the excavation.
(d) After the Phase I excavation is unwatered,
all wells shall be pumped at a constant rate to be prescribed by the C.O.R. for at least 48 hours and not
more than 120 hours, as determined by the C.O.R., as
a further check on the adequacy of the dewatering well
system with the excavation unwatered. As during the
first test, the rate of flow from each well and the entire system shall be measured throughout the test period, and the water level in the M, R, S, and T piezometers and in the dewatering wells will be measured and
recorded at certain intervals during the test. The ade-
quacy of the deep-well system will be evaluated on the
basis of the pumping test made upon completion of
unwatering of the excavation, for a Red River stage of
elevation 60 feet. If at the end of the pumping test, an
analysis of the data by the Contracting Officer or his
C.O.R. indicates the system to be adequate, it will be
approved; if the dewatering well system appears to be
inadequate, for a design Red River stage of elevation
60 feet, the Contracting Officer will direct the Contractor to install additional dewatering wells, pumps,
engines, and necessary pertinent piping and fittings
for which he will be compensated as an extra.
(e) If it appears, while unwatering the Phase I
excavation and the second pumping tests on the deepwell system, that the groundwater table in the top
stratum has not been adequately lowered by the specified jet-eductors wells and pumping the deep-well system, the Contractor shall install whatever additional
jet-eductor wells, pumps, and piping considered necessary by the C.O.R. for which he will be compensated as
an extra.
e. Jet-eductor well system.
(1) Scope. The work provided for herein consists
of furnishing all labor, material, equipment, and tools
to install, develop, and test pump the jet-eductor wells
to be installed around the perimeter of the excavation
at the locations shown on the drawings and as specified herein.
(2) Design. The jet-eductor wells to be installed on
the upper berm around the excavation at elevation 28
to 34 feet are to intercept the seepage from silt, sandy
silt, silty sand, and sand strata which are penetrated in
some areas by the outer excavation slopes. The purpose of the jet-eductor wells is to lower the groundwater table below the slopes of the main excavation and
to prevent any detrimental raveling or instability of
the slopes caused by seepage. The jet-eductor wells
shown on the contract drawings and as specified herein have been designed to lower the groundwater table
in the upper silts and sands to within about 2 or 3 feet
of the contact with any underlying impervious
stratum where shown on the drawing. However, other
reaches of the outer excavated slopes than shown on
the drawings may require dewatering or drainage. If
observations indicate the need for dewatering other
reaches of the outer slopes, the Government will
design the supplemental jet-eductor wells and system
and furnish the design to the Contractor for installation. The Contractor will be reimbursed for the cost of
any supplemental wells, jet-eductor pumps, and piping
when completely installed and ready for operation, as
an extra. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for
controlling the groundwater table and seepage from
and below the main excavated slopes as specified
herein, and for proper installation, operation, maintenance of the specified jet-eductor wells, and any supG-17
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
plemental dewatering measures installed for controlling the groundwater within the excavation.
(3) Installation of jet-eductor wells.
(a) Location and depth of wells. The jet-eductor
wells shall be installed at the designated locations. Soil
conditions where the jet-eductor wells are to be installed are depicted in a general way by the logs of borings made around the excavation. The wells should
extend about 2 feet below the bottom of the pervious
strata being drained. The required depth of the wells
may vary considerably from those indicated on the
(b) Drilling and jetting. The jet-eductor wells
shall be installed in the following manner:
Step 1. Predrill a 10- or 11-inch hole 2 feet
below the silt or silty sand stratum to be drained. Hydraulic rotary, or auger, methods of drilling may be
used. No drilling muds or additives, other than clear
water, shall be used in drilling the hole for the well.
The hole shall be kept full of water during the predrilling, and withdrawal of the auger, so as to minimize
Step 2. After predrilling the hole to grade, it
shall be washed out by driving and jetting (with clear
water) a 12-inch “sanding casing” with a hole puncher
to the bottom of the predrilled hole.
Step 3. After the “sanding casing” is driven and
jetted to the required depth, it shall be washed clean
by jetting with clear water. The jet pump, pipe, and
hose shall be of sufficient capacity to produce an upward velocity inside the casing to efficiently remove
all material in the casing, so that the well screen and
riser can be set to grade. The “sanding casing” shall be
kept filled with water until the well screen and filter
sand have been placed so as to prevent any “blow in” of
the bottom of the hole.
(c) Installation of well screen and filter sand.
After the sanding casing has been cleaned by jetting
and the clear depth in the casing checked by sounding
with an approved device, the well screen shall be lowered to the bottom of the casing. Particular care shall
be exercised in handling and placing the screen so as
not to damage it. Complete assembly of the screen and
riser pipe on the ground surface will not be permitted.
Two or three connections shall be made to the assembly as it is placed in the casing. Approved centralizers
shall be furnished and attached to the screen at intervals not greater than 20 feet. The design and attachment of the centralizers to the well screen shall be submitted to the C.O.R. for approval. The top of the riser
pipe shall be securely covered or capped to prevent the
filter sand from falling into the well. The method of
placement shall assure a fairly rapid, continuous, uniform rate of placement of filter sand, which will
evenly distribute the filter sand around the screen.
The rate of placing the filter sand shall not cause
bridging of the sand in the “sanding” casing. As the filter material is placed in the well screen, 70 percent
granular calcium hypochlorite shall be added to evenly
distribute a minimum of 2 pounds per ton of filter. The
method of placement shall be approved by the C.O.R.
(d) Development of jet-eductor wells. Within 12
hours after installation of each well, it shall be developed by means of air-lifting. A 2-inch inner diameter
air line shall be lowered in the well to within 1 foot of
the bottom of the well and sufficient air be pumped
through the air line to cause the well to flow. For lowyielding wells, it may be necessary to add clear water
to help develop the well and remove any sand that may
have entered the screen. Air-lifting shall continue until all sand or filter material is removed from inside
the screen and water from the well flows clear. Each
well shall be developed for a minimum of 20 minutes.
(e) Chlorination of well. Upon completion of installation of the well and prior to installing a cap on
the top of the riser, a minimum of 3 pounds of 70 percent granular calcium hypochlorite shall be dropped
into the well.
(f) Well top. The 4-inch riser shall extend 6
inches above the ground surface and shall be sealed
around the riser pipe for the jet-eductor pump. The
well number shall be painted on the top of the riser
(g) Riser pipe. The 4-inch riser pipe for the wells
shall be 15 feet in length. The filter sand shall extend
to within 8 to 10 feet of the berm surface; the space
around the riser pipe from the filter to the berm surface shall be grouted with an approved bentonite-cement grout.
(h) Well records. A report showing depth, elevations, date of installation, approximate rate of flow
during development, and any other data concerning installation of each well will be completed by the C.O.R.
The water level in the well shall be recorded at the
time of installation. The Contractor shall assist in obtaining the installation data. If the jet-eductors or
pumps appear to be losing their efficiency with the
passage of time, the Contractor may be required to redevelop and/or chemically treat the wells as directed
by the Contracting Officer, the cost of which will be
paid for under paragraph 3 (Changes) of the General
Provisions of the Contract.
(4) Materials .
(a) Riser pipe. The riser pipe and the 2-foot
blank pipe on the bottom of the screen shall be 4-inch
diameter, flush-joint Schedule 80, type 2110 PVC
(b) Screen. The screen shall be 4-inch, Schedule
80, type 2110 PVC screen. The screen shall be slotted
with .025-inch slots in sufficient numbers to give a
minimum area of opening of 5 percent. The screen section of the well shall extend from the top of any semi-
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
pervious strata as shown by the boring logs, or as encountered, to the depth specified.
(c) Filter sand. Filter sand around the well
screen shall be washed (clean) uniform sand or crushed
stone composed of hard, tough, and durable particles
free from any adherent coating. The filter sand shall
contain no detrimental quantities of vegetable matter,
nor soft, friable, thin, or elongated particles, and shall
meet the following gradation requirements:
Filter Sand B
U.S. Standard
Sieve No.
Percent by weight
(5) Jet-eductor pumps and header pipe. The jeteductor pumps shall have the specified pumping capacities. The pressure pumps for operating the jeteductor pumps shall have a diesel engine with a horsepower of at least 110 and a capacity of 1800 gallons
per minute at a total dynamic head of at least 150 feet
on a continuous basis. The standby pumps shall have
the same horsepower and capacity. The pressure
header pipe shall be Schedule 40; the return header
pipe shall have a minimum wall thickness of 0.20 inch.
The sump pumps for the jet-eductor systems shall be
an electric, automatic priming type, with a capacity of
pumping 600 gallons per minute at TDH = 50 feet.
f. Surface water control
(1) The Contractor shall be fully responsible for
designing all features of the system for unwatering the
excavation and controlling surface water that may fall
into the excavation. The sump pumping system shall
be designed with sufficient storage and pumping capacity to prevent flooding the bottom of the excavation for the dam for at least a 1 in lo-year rainfall intensity, assuming 100 percent runoff, for the following periods:
30 minutes
1 hour
2 hours
Intensity, inch/hour
Amount, inches
In any event, the Contractor shall be responsible for
controlling whatever surface runoff occurs, regardless
of rainfall intensity, so as to protect the area for pile
driving and testing from flooding.
(2) The Contractor shall submit for approval within 15 calendar days, after he or she has received a Notice to Proceed, drawings, design data, and characteristics of the equipment he proposes to utilize in
unwatering and controlling surface water. The data
and drawings to be submitted shall include, but not
necessarily be limited to:
(a) Location and size of sumps, pumps, and
(b) Height and elevation of dike around
(c) Characteristics of sump pumps and
horsepower of engines.
(d) Location and size of discharge ‘piping. (Surface water shall not be pumped into the discharge
header for the dewatering (well) system).
g. Dewatering perched groundwater in lower
part or bottom of excavation. The Contractor shall be
fully responsible for design and installation of any supplemental dewatering facilities that may be required
to control any seepage or groundwater in the bottom
or lower part of the excavation in order to assure a stable subbase and permit work to be conducted in the
“dry.” These supplemental measures may include wellpoints, sand drains, French drains, and appropriate
pumps, piping, and appurtenances as necessary and
approved by the C.O.R. subject to satisfactory performance of the facility installed. Pay for any such supplemental dewatering, if required, for the lower or bottom part of the excavation should be included in the
price for excavation. There will be no charges or claims
for extra compensation or time extension for any supplemental dewatering performed in the bottom or
lower part of the excavation.
h. Monitoring dewatering systems.
(1) General. Continuous control of seepage into
and artesian pressure beneath the excavation is essential for driving the test and foundation piles for the
dam, and subsequent construction of the lock and
dam. It is therefore imperative that the dewatering
systems have adequate capacity to control the groundwater beneath the slopes and the excavation as specified at all times. In order to check the adequacy and
performance of the dewatering systems, the Government will make the following measurements and evaluate the data:
(a) Measure the groundwater table beneath the
bottom of the excavation by means of M, R, S, and T
piezometers installed in the deep sand aquifer that
underlies the site at specified locations.
(b) Measure the groundwater table at selected
locations where the excavation penetrates silts and
silty sands in the top stratum overlying the deep sand
formation by means of N piezometers installed at the
(c) Measure the flow from individual wells and
from the complete dewatering system.
(d) Measure the water level in the dewatering
(e) Measure sand in the flow from dewatering
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(f) Measure the head loss through the filter and
well screen for selected wells.
(g) Read river stages.
The piezometers for monitoring the groundwater table
beneath the slopes and bottom of the excavation shall
be installed by the Contractor. The pitometers for
measuring the flow from individual wells and from the
complete system will be furnished by the Government.
Copies of the data obtained by the Government will be
promptly furnished to the Contractor. The Contractor
will furnish and install the pitometer inserts. Operation and maintenance of the dewatering systems, any
supplemental groundwater control facilities if required, and surface water control facilities shall be supervised by someone trained and with at least 5 years
of actual experience in managing large dewatering systems and operating pumps and engines.
(2) Piezometers.
(a) Locations. The M, R, S, and T piezometers
shall be installed to measure the groundwater table in
the deep sand formation beneath the excavation, between the dewatering wells, and on three lines out
from the excavation at the approximate locations
shown on the drawings. The N piezometers shall be installed to measure the groundwater table in semipervious strata in the bottom of the excavation and midway between jet-eductor wells at the approximate locations. The Contractor shall stake the piezometers at
designated locations. The tips of M, R, S, and T piezometers for measuring the groundwater table in the
deep sand formation shall be set in clean sand at elevation -80.0 feet or below as necessary; the tips of the N
piezometers for measuring the groundwater table in
semipervious strata in the top stratum shall be set at
the bottom of the semipervious strata.
(b) Piezometer materials. The N piezometers
shall consist of a 1.50-inch I.D. (Schedule 80) PVC
screen with 0.025-inch slots connected to a 1.50-inch
I.D. (Schedule 80) PVC riser pipe. The screens shall be
10 feet long. The joints of the screen and riser shall be
flush (inside and outside) and shall be glued together
with PVC pipe cement. The filter sand (B) shall meet
the specifications set forth for jet-eductor wells. Depending upon the method of installation, the riser and
screens for the M, R, S, and T piezometers shall be as
specified above, or 1.5-inch galvanized iron riser pipe
connected to a 1.5- by 30-inch self-jetting wellpoint
with a 30- to 40-mesh stainless steel screen.
(c) Installation of piezometers. Holes for piezometers may be advanced by either: using an 8-inch
O.D. continuous flight auger with a 33/8-inch I.D. hollow stem with the hollow stem plugged at the bottom
with a removable plug; augering and more or less
simultaneous installation of a 6-inch casing; or using a
rotary wash drilling procedure (6-inch diameter) and
an organic drilling fluid, such as Revert, if necessary,
to keep the drilled hole open. The tip of the piezometers shall be installed at approximate depths or elevations as approved by the C.O.R.; piezometers shall also
be installed as instructed. The hole for a piezometer
shall be kept filled with water or an approved organic
drilling fluid at all times. Bentonitic drilling mud shall
not be used. Any auger used in advancing the hole
shall be withdrawn slowly from the hole so as to minimize any suction effect caused by withdrawing the
auger. (Hollow-stem augers shall be filled with drilling
fluid before pulling the plug in the bottom of the
auger.) Drilling and installation procedures shall be as
specified below and shall be in accordance with accepted practice and to the satisfaction of the C.O.R.
Method 1. Hollow-stem auger. After advancing
the hole for the piezometer to grade (1 to 2 feet below
the piezometer tip), or after taking the last sample in a
hole to receive a piezometer, the hollow-stem auger
shall be flushed clean with water and the plug reinserted at the bottom of the auger. The auger shall then
be slowly raised to the elevation that the piezometer
tip is to be installed. At this elevation the hollow stem
shall be filled with clean water and the plug removed.
Water shall be added to keep the stem full of water
during withdrawal of the plug. The hole shall then be
sounded to determine whether or not the hollow stem
is open to the bottom of the auger. If material has entered the hollow stem of the auger, the hollow stem
shall be cleaned by flushing with clear water, or clean
Revert drilling fluid, if necessary, to stabilize the bottom of the hole, through a bit designed to deflect the
flow of water upward, until the discharge is free of soil
particles. The piezometer screen and riser shall then be
lowered to the proper depth inside the hollow stem
and the filter sand placed. (A wire spider of design approved by the C.O.R. shall be attached to the bottom of
the piezometer screen so as to center the piezometer
screen in the hole in which it is to be placed. Use two
crossed wires just above the plug in the tip.) Filter
sand shall be poured down the hollow stem around the
riser at a rate (determined in the field) that will ensure
continuous filter sand flow down the hollow stem
around the riser and piezometer, and will keep the 8inch hole below the auger filled with filter sand as the
auger is withdrawn. Withdrawal of the auger and filling the space around the piezometer tip and riser with
filter sand shall continue until the hole is filled to a
point about 5 feet above the top of the piezometer
screen. Above this elevation, the space around the
riser pipe may be filled with any clean, uniform sand
with less than 5 percent passing a No. 100 U.S. Standard sieve up to within 20 feet of the ground or excavated surface. An impervious grout seal shall be placed
around the top 20 feet of the ground or excavated surface. An impervious grout seal shall be placed around
the top 20 feet of the hole for the M, R, S, and T pie-
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
zometers, and 5 feet for the N piezometers.
Method 2. Casing. The hole for a piezometer may
be formed by setting a 6-inch casing to an elevation 1
to 2 feet deeper than the elevation of the piezometer
tip. The casing may be set by a combination of rotary
drilling and driving the casing. The casing shall be
kept filled with water, or organic drilling fluid if
necessary, to keep the bottom of the hole from “blowing.” After the casing has been set to grade, it shall be
flushed with water or (clean) drilling fluid until clear
of any sand. The piezometer tip and riser pipe shall
then be installed and the filter sand poured in around
the riser at a rate (to be determined in the field) which
will insure a continuous flow of filter sand down the
casing that will keep the hole around the riser pipe and
below the casing filled with filter sand as the casing is
withdrawn without “sand-locking” the casing and riser
pipe. (Placement of the filter sand and withdrawal of
the casing may be accomplished in steps as long as the
top of the filter sand is maintained above the bottom
of the casing but not so much as to “sand-lock” the
riser pipe and casing.) Filling the space around the piezometer tip and riser with filter sand shall continue
until the hole is filled to a point about 5 feet above the
top of the piezometer screen. Above this elevation, the
space around the riser pipe may be filled with any
clean, uniform sand and the hole grouted as specified
in Method 1 above.
Method 3. Rotary. The hole for a piezometer may
be advanced by the hydraulic rotary method using
water or an organic drilling fluid. The hole shall have a
minimum diameter of 6 inches. After the hole has
been advanced to a depth of 1 or 2 feet below the piezometer tip elevation, it shall be flushed with clear
water or clean drilling fluid, and the piezometer, filter
sand, sand backfill, and grout placed as specified in
Method 2 above, except there will be no casing to pull.
Method 4. Self-jetting. The M, R, S, and T piezometers may be drilled to within 4 feet of planned total
depth, then clean water used to advance the self-jetting wellpoint to the design grade without the use of
filter sand around the wellpoint. The seal and backfill
for the piezometers shall consist of a pumpable
cement-bentonite grout, with a ratio of 1 gallon of bentonite per bag of cement, or equivalent cement grout
approved by the C.O.R. (Only enough water shall be
added to make the grout pumpable.) The tops of the
risers shall be cut off 36 inches above the ground surface. The upper part of the piezometer shall be protected by installing a 6-inch I.D. PVC or corrugated
metal pipe around the riser cemented in to a depth of 3
feet below the ground surface. The number of the piezometer shall be marked with 3-inch-high black letters
on the pipe guard around the riser pipe.
Method 5. Sampling. Split-barrel samples shall be
obtained at 5-foot intervals and at every strata change
for the N piezometers. Samples shall be obtained using
a 13/8-inch (minimum) I.D. split-barrel or 3-inch Shelby
tube sampler by driving or pushing. The length of
drive or push shall not be less than 3 inches. If there is
insufficient sample recovery to identify the soil properly, another sample shall be obtained immediately below the missed sample. If desired, the sampler may be
advanced using driving jars on a wireline.
(d) Development and testing. After each piezometer is installed, it shall be promptly flushed with
clean water, developed, and pumped to determine if it
is functioning properly. (If an organic drilling fluid has
been used, Johnson’s Fast Break, or equivalent, shall
be added in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations to break down the drilling fluid.) A 10foot minimum positive head shall be maintained in the
piezometer following addition of the Fast Break. After
at least 30 minutes has elapsed, the piezometer shall
be flushed with clear water and pumped. The piezometer may be pumped with either a suction pump or by
means of compressed air. The approximate rate of
pumping during development shall be measured. Piezometers installed in the deep sand formation will be
considered acceptable if they will pump at a rate of 2
to 5 gallons per minute or more. Piezometers installed
in the semipervious strata within the top strata will be
considered acceptable if they will pump at a rate of at
least 0.5 gallon per minute, or when the piezometer is
filled with water, the water level falls approximately
half the distance of the groundwater table in a time
less than the time given below for various types of soil:
Type of soil in
which piezometer
screen is set
Period of
time of
50 percent fall
Sandy silt (> 50% silt)
Silty sand (< 50% silt, > 12%
Fine sand (< 12% silt)
If the piezometer does not function properly, it shall be
developed by a combination of air surging and pumping with air as necessary to make it perform properly.
If the piezometer still will not perform properly, it
shall be reinstalled at a nearby location selected by the
(e) Monitoring groundwater table. The Contractor shall read all M and N piezometers at least once a
week, selected piezometers at least twice a week, some
of the piezometers in the deep sand formation daily,
and the water level in the dewatering and the jet-eductor wells at least once a week for his or her information and use in operation of the dewatering systems
and control of groundwater as specified. The Contractor shall record what deep well and jet-eductor wells
are being pumped when he takes his piezometer or
water level readings. The C.O.R. will also read the M
TM 5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC p-418
and N piezometers on a schedule similar to the above
for his own check and evaluation purposes.
(f) Records. The Contractor shall furnish copies
of all piezometer and water level readings to the
C.O.R. within 24 hours of being taken. Copies of piezometer, water level, and flow measurements made by
the C.O.R. will be furnished to the Contractor within
24 hours.
(3) Dewatering system flow.
(a) Flow measurements. The flow from individual dewatering wells will be measured by means of a
pitometer installed in the discharge pipe from the
well. As a check on the pitometer measurements and
on the performance of the well pump, the rate of flow
being pumped will also be estimated from the pump
characteristic curve, engine speed, static lift of the
water, and the pressure in the discharge pipe at the
top of the well. Flow from the entire dewatering system will also be measured by means of a pitometer. All
flow measurements will be made by the C.O.R. assisted by the Contractor’s “dewatering” engineer.
(b) Frequency of measurement. The total flow
from the dewatering system shall be measured once or
twice a week and the flow from individual wells weekly or biweekly, as appears appropriate.
(c) Records. All flow measurements will be recorded by the C.O.R. and a copy of the data furnished
to the Contractor within 24 hours. The C.O.R. will be
responsible for reading the river gage and recording
the data; a copy of the river gage reading will be furnished to the Contractor each day.
(4) Sanding. The flow from each dewatering well
will be monitored for sanding. The rate of sanding will
be determined by taking a measured amount of water
being pumped from each well and the sand content determined. The maximum rate of sanding acceptable
will be 5 parts per million. The rate of sanding will be
checked once a week by the C.O.R. and the data recorded. A copy of the data will be furnished to the Contractor within 24 hours.
i. Operation and maintenance of dewatering and
surface water control systems.
(1) Supervision. Supervisory personnel shall be
present onsite during normal working hours and shall
be available on call 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, including holidays.
(2) Operating personnel. Sufficient personnel
skilled in the operation, maintenance, and replacement of the dewatering and surface water control systems, components, and equipment shall be onsite 24
hours a day, 7 days per week, including holidays, at all
times when the systems are in operation.
(3) Well pumping restriction. The pumping rate of
any dewatering (deep) well shall be adjusted, if necessary, by adjustment of engine speed or valving so that
the water level in no well is lowered below the pump
bowl. With approval of the C.O.R., the pump bowl may
be lowered. In order to maintain maximum well efficiency, the deep-well system shall be operated by
pumping whatever number of wells are required to
achieve the specified water level lowering in the deep
sand formation without pumping any well more than
1200 gallons per minute except in an emergency or if
required to achieve the specified water level lowering.
(4) Responsibility. Dewatering the excavation includes the control of seepage and artesian pressure in
the deep sand stratum underlying the site and the control of seepage from the upper silts and silty sand for
the duration of this contract. Included are the operation and maintenance of the deep-well, jet-eductor
well, and surface water control systems.
(5) Repair and replacement. The specified number
of wells and pumps shall be available for use at all
times. All damaged or malfunctioning wells or well
components shall be repaired or renewed as expeditiously as possible while continuing to maintain the required water levels. The Contractor shall be responsible for all replacement equipment and the repair and
maintenance of all system components so as to maintain the system fully operational. Replacement equipment and materials shall conform to the requirements
of these specifications.
(6) Maintenance criteria. The Contractor shall
maintain a regularly scheduled maintenance program
which shall conform with the equipment manufacturer’s recommendations and include all other work
necessary to maintain all components fully operational. The maintenance program shall include, but not be
limited to, checking the flow rate and water elevation
in each well. All data and records shall be submitted to
the C.O.R. at the completion of this contract. The Contractor shall also maintain any nonoperating pumps
and engines. Maintenance shall include, but not be
limited to, starting each nonoperating pump and engine on a weekly basis and operating the pump for a
minimum of 15 minutes. All pumps, both operating
and nonoperating, shall be tested for wear, independently, on a monthly basis. The Contractor shall conduct a shutoff head test and a test to verify that the
pump is capable of operating at its rated head capacity. The Contractor shall renew all pumps having a
test result less than 75 percent of the manufacturer’s
rated shutoff head or rated capacity. The maintenance
tests shall be conducted under the supervision of the
Contractor Quality Control representative and under
the observation of the C.O.R.
j. Damages. The Contractor shall be responsible and
shall repair without cost to the Government, any work
in place, another contractor’s equipment, and any
damage to the excavation, including damage to the
bottom due to heave that may result from his negligence, improper operation and/or maintenance of the
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
dewatering system, and any mechanical failure of the
k. Transfer of system. The succeeding Contractor
for Phase III construction, or the Government, shall
take title to the complete surface and dewatering systems when the Contractor for Phase II completes his
or her work. The facilities to be transferred include all
dewatering wells, jet-eductor wells, pumps, engines,
gear drives, piezometers, header pipe, valves, and all
spare parts and standby equipment pertinent to the
surface and groundwater control systems. The dewatering systems shall be continuously operated during the transfer of the system to either the Phase III
Contractor or to the Government. The (succeeding)
Contractor for Phase III work, or the Government,
shall take title to the complete dewatering well, jeteductor, and surface water control systems as installed
when either assumes responsibility for maintaining
the excavation dewatered. The Contractor (Phase II)
shall not be responsible for removing any of the dewatering systems or grouting of wells or supplemental
dewatering facilities, if any, installed by him or her, at
the end of his or her contract or subsequently thereafter.
l. Measurement and payment.
(1) Unwatering Phase I excavation.
(a) No measurement will be made for unwatering Phase I excavation.
(b) Payment for unwatering Phase I excavation
will be made at the lump sum price and shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all plant, labor,
materials, and equipment necessary to unwater Phase
I excavation.
(2) Surface water control and sump pumping.
(a) No measurement will be made for surface
water control and sump pumping.
(b) Payment for surface water control and sump
pumping will be made at the lump sum price and shall
constitute full compensation for furnishing all plant,
labor, materials, and equipment for surface water control and sump pumping, regardless of the source of
(3) Deep dewatering wells.
(a) Dewatering wells will be measured for payment on the basis of each well successfully completed
and accepted by the Government,
(b) Payment at the contract unit price for installation of dewatering wells shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all plant, labor, materials, and
equipment for performing all operations necessary to
install, develop, and test pump each well.
(4) Dewatering turbine pumps, engines, and accessories.
(a) Dewatering turbine pumps, engines, and accessories as specified on the drawings will be measured
for payment on the basis of each pump properly installed and fully operational.
(b) Payment at the contract unit price for installation of dewatering turbine pumps, engines, and accessories shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all plant, labor, materials, and equipment for
furnishing and installing the pumps and engines.
(5) Standby turbine pumps.
(a) Standby turbine pumps will be measured for
payment on the basis of each complete pump placed on
the jobsite.
(b) Payment at the contract unit price for furnishing standby turbine pumps shall constitute full
compensation for furnishing the pumps and placing in
appropriate storage. Each standby turbine pump shall
include all components shown on the drawings including, but not limited to, 130 feet of column pipe and
shafting, pump bowls, suction pipe, pump head, gear
drive, and flexible coupling.
(6) Standby diesel power units.
(a) Standby diesel power units will be measured
for payment on the basis of each complete power unit
placed on the jobsite.
(b) Payment at the contract unit price for furnishing standby diesel power units shall constitute full
compensation for furnishing all plant, labor, materials, and equipment for furnishing the diesel engines
and placing in appropriate storage. Each standby diesel power unit shall include all components shown on
the drawings including the 110-horsepower diesel engine with clutch power takeoff and fuel tank.
(7) Well discharge header system.
(a) No measurement will be made for the well
discharge header system.
(b) Payment for the well discharge header system will be made at the lump sum price and shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all plant,
labor, materials, and equipment necessary to install
the system. The system includes, but is not limited to,
header pipe, valves, fittings, outfall structures, and accessories.
(8) Jet-eductor wells.
(a) Jet-eductor wells will be measured for payment by the linear foot to the nearest foot from the
(berm) ground surface to the bottom of the PVC pipe
as installed.
(b) Payment at the contract unit price for installation of jet-eductor wells shall constitute full compensation for all plant, labor, header pipe, pumps, engines,
tanks, valves, connections, materials, and equipment
for performing all operations necessary to install the
jet eductors and pumping system as shown on the
(9) Piezometers.
(a) M, R, S, T, and N piezometers will be measured for payment on the basis of each piezometer sucG-23
5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
cessfully installed and tested.
(b) Payment at the contract unit price for installation of M, R, S, and T piezometers shall constitute
full compensation for furnishing all plant, labor, materials, and equipment for performing all operations
necessary to install, develop, and test the M, R, S, and
T piezometers.
(c) Payment at the contract unit price for installation of N piezometers shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all plant, labor, materials, and
equipment for performing all operations necessary to
install, develop, and test N piezometers.
(10) Testing, operation, and maintenance of dewatering systems.
(a) No measurements will be made for testing,
operation, and maintenance of the deep-well and jeteductor well systems.
(b) Payment for testing, operations, and maintenance of the dewatering systems as specified will be
made at the lump sum price and shall constitute full
compensation for the duration of this contract and until the systems are transferred to the Phase III Contractor or the Government.
G-7. Example of type B-3 specifications
a. General.
(1) The dewatering system shall be designed by
the Contractor using accepted and professional
methods of design and engineering consistent with the
best modern practice.
(2) The dewatering system shall be of sufficient
size and capacity as required to control ground and
surface water flow into the excavation and to allow all
work to be accomplished in the “dry.”
(3) The Contractor shall control, by acceptable
means, all water regardless of source and shall be fully
responsible for disposal of the water. The Contractor
shall confine all discharge piping and/or ditches to the
available easement or to additional easement obtained
by the Contractor. All necessary means for disposal of
the water, including obtaining additional easement,
shall be provided by the Contractor at no additional
cost to the owner.
b. Design.
(1) Contractor shall obtain the services of a qualified dewatering “Expert” or a firm to provide a detailed plan for dewatering the excavation. Contractor
shall submit his or her dewatering plan to the Engineer for review and approval. The material to be submitted shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(a) The qualifications and experience of the selected dewatering “Expert” or the firm (minimum of 5
years of proven experience in the design of equivalent
system required).
(b) Drawings showing the soil conditions, stratification, and characteristics; location and size of
berms, ditches, and deep wells; piezometers, wellpoints; and sumps and discharge lines or ditches.
(c) Capacities of pumps, prime movers, and
standby equipment.
(d) Design calculations including design parameters and basis of such parameters, factors of safety,
characteristics of pumping equipment, piping, etc.
(e) Detailed description of procedures for installing, maintaining, and monitoring performance of
the system.
(2) Notice to Proceed issued by Engineer or receipt of the dewatering plans and data submitted by
Contractor shall not in any way be considered to relieve the Contractor from full responsibility for errors
therein or from the entire responsibility for complete
and adequate design and performance of the system in
controlling the groundwater in the excavated areas.
The Contractor shall be solely responsible for proper
design, installation, operation, maintenance, and any
failures of any component of the system.
(3) The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of the drawings, design data, and operational
records required.
c. Damages. The Contractor shall be responsible for
and shall repair without cost to the Owner any damage
to work in place, other Contractor’s equipment, utilities, residences, highways, roads, railroads, private
and municipal well systems, and the excavation, that
may result from his or her negligence, inadequate or
improper design and operation of the dewatering system, and any mechanical or electrical failure of the dewatering system.
d. Maintaining excavation in dewatered condition.
Subsequent to completion of excavation and during
the installation of all work in the excavated area, the
Contractor shall maintain the excavations to a dewatered condition. System maintenance shall include
but not be limited to 24-hour supervision by personnel
skilled in the operation, maintenance, and replacement of system components, and any other work required to maintain the excavation in a dewatered condition. Dewatering shall be a continuous operation and
interruptions due to outages, or any other reason, shall
not be permitted.
e. System removal. The Contractor shall remove all
dewatering equipment from the site, including related
temporary electrical service. All wells shall be removed or cut off a minimum of 3 feet below the final
ground surface and capped. Holes left from pulling
wells or wells that are capped shall be grouted in a
manner approved by the Engineer.
TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
The proponent agency of this publication is the Office of the Chief
of Engineers, United States Army. Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) direct to HQDA
(DAEN-ECE-G), WASH DC 20314.
By Order of the Secretaries of the Army, the Air Force, and the Navy:
General, United States Army
Chief of Staff
Major General, United States Army
The Adjutant General
Chief of Staff
Director of Administration
Rear Admiral, CEC, U.S. Navy Commander, Naval Facilities
Engineering Command
Army: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-34B, requirements for TM 5-800 Series: Engineering and Design for Real Property Facilities.
Air Force: F
Navy: Special distribution.