05-10 SECTION 26 32 13 ENGINE GENERATORS SPEC WRITER NOTES: Use this section only for NCA projects. Delete between //----// if not applicable to project. Also delete any other item or paragraph not applicable in the section and renumber the paragraphs. PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. This section specifies the furnishing, complete installation, connection and testing of the engine generator system. This includes: air filtration, starting system, generator controls, instrumentation, lubrication, fuel system, cooling system and exhaust system. B. The engine generator system shall be fully automatic and shall constitute a unified and coordinated system ready for operation. C. The engine generator system shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1. Diesel Engine. 2. Lubrication Oil System. 3. Fuel Oil System. 4. Cooling System. //5. Remote Radiator and Enclosure //. 6. Intake and Exhaust Air Systems. 7. Starting System. 8. Generator. 9. Controls, Supervision and Distribution. //10.Outdoor Generator Enclosure.// 11. Spare Parts. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Section 13 05 41, SEISMIC RESTRAINT REQUIREMENTS FOR NON-STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS: Seismic requirements for non-structural equipment. B. Section 26 05 11, REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS: General electrical requirements and items that are common to more than one section of Division 26. C. Section 26 05 21, LOW-VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL POWER CONDUCTORS AND CABLES (600 VOLTS AND BELOW: Cables and Wiring. D. Section 26 36 23, AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCHES: Requirements for automatic transfer switches. E. Section 26 05 26, GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS: Requirements for personnel safety and to provide a low impedance path for possible ground fault currents. ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 1 05-10 F. Section 26 24 11, DISTRIBUTION SWITCHBOARDS: Requirements for secondary distribution switchboards. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The supplier of the diesel-engine generator set shall be responsible for satisfactory total operation of the system and its certification. This supplier shall have had experience with three or more installations of systems of comparable size and complexity in regards to coordinating, engineering, testing and supervising. Each of these installations shall have been in successful operation for three or more years. Prior to review of submittals, the Department of Veterans Affairs reserves the right to: 1. Have the manufacturer submit a list of locations of similar installations. 2. Inspect any of these installations and operations of engine-generator set, and question the user concerning the installations without the presence of the supplier. B. Factory authorized representative shall be capable of providing emergency maintenance and repairs at the project site within ____ hours maximum of notification. C. Engine generator and auxiliary components shall be supplied from a single manufacturer. D. Noise level developed by the generator set shall be as herein specified. E. Factory Test: The Government shall have the option of witnessing the following tests at the factory. The Government will pay all expenses for the Government representative's trip to witness these tests. Contractor shall notify the RESIDENT ENGINEER/COTR 15 days prior to date of testing. Manufacturer shall furnish load banks, testing instruments and all other equipment as necessary to perform these tests. 1. Load Test: Shall include six hours of continuous operation; four hours while the set is delivering 100 percent of the specified KW and two hours while delivering 110 percent of the specified KW. During this test record the following data at 20-minute intervals: Time Engine RPM Oil Temperature Out KW Water Temperature In Fuel Pressure Voltage Water Temperature Out Oil Pressure Amperes Oil Temperature In Ambient Temperature ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 2 05-10 2. Quick Start Test: Record time required for the engine generator set to develop specified voltage, frequency and KW load from a standstill condition. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit in accordance with Section 26 05 11, REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. B. Shop Drawings: 1. Sufficient information, clearly presented, shall be included to determine compliance with drawings and specifications. 2. Data shall be submitted in the following form: a. Technical data sheets (TDS): These include published performance, rating and derating curves, published ratings, catalog cuts, pictures, manufacturer's specifications, material composition, and gauge thickness. b. Description of operation (DO): Manufacturer's literatures and, if suitable, diagrams. c. Calculations (CALC): Detailed engineering calculations with all equations, graphs, assumptions, and approximations shown, and data sources referenced. d. Certification (CERT): Written confirmation as to the document's accuracy, and genuineness. e. Shop Drawings (SD): Scaled drawings showing plan views, side views, elevations and cross sections. f. Diagrams (DGM): These include control system diagrams, elementary diagrams, control sequence diagrams or table, wiring diagrams, interconnections diagrams (between local control cubicles, remote annunciator panels, remote derangement panels, remote monitoring panels, remote exercising panel, illustrative diagrams, flow diagrams, and other like items. 3. Prior to fabrication, submit for approval the following data for each engine-generator set, transfer device and control and supervisory equipment: a. Engine generator set: TDS, SD// including subtransient reactance and short-circuit current capacity. b. Engine jacket water heaters: TDS c. Muffler assembly: TDS, SD d. Motor-operated damper assembly: TDS e. Day tank and pumps or integral sub-base fuel tank: TDS, CALC f. Batteries, racks and charger: TDS, CALC g. Torsional Vibration: CERT h. Control and Supervisory Equipment: TDS, DGM, DO, SD ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 3 05-10 i. Performance: 1) Voltage regulating equipment: TDS 2) Frequency regulating equipment: TDS 3) Voltage and frequency dips and recovery times due to specified motor loading: CALC 4) Antifreeze derating: TDS 5) Ambient derating: TDS SPEC WRITER NOTES: Include Items j, k, l and m as applicable. //j. Remote radiator: // TDS // SD // //k. Fuel oil system: DGM // //l. Cooling system: DGM // //m. Vibration isolators: TDS, CALC // //n. Sound power level data for the packaged outdoor generator.// //o. Vibration isolation system performance data from no-load to full-load. This must include seismic qualification of the enginegenerator mounting, base and vibration isolation.// C. Manuals: 1. Submit, simultaneously with the shop drawings, companion copies of complete maintenance and operating manuals of the engine generator set and auxiliaries including technical data sheets, wiring diagrams, and information, such as telephone number, fax number, and web sites, for ordering replacement parts. 2. Two weeks prior to the final inspection, submit four copies of the updated maintenance and operating manual to the RESIDENT ENGINEER/COTR: a. Include complete "As installed" diagrams, which indicate all items of equipment and their interconnecting wiring. b. Include complete diagrams of the internal wiring for each of the items of equipment, including "As installed" revisions of the diagrams. c. The wiring diagrams shall identify the terminals to facilitate installation, maintenance, operation and testing. d. Complete lists of spare parts and special tools recommended for two years of normal operation of the complete system. D. Certifications: 1. Prior to fabrication of the engine-generator set, submit the following for approval, to the RESIDENT ENGINEER/COTR: a. A certification in writing that a diesel engine of the same model and configuration, with the same bore, stroke, number of cylinders, and equal or higher BMEP and RPM ratings as the ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 4 05-10 proposed diesel engine has been operating satisfactorily, with connected loads of not less than 75 percent of the specified KW/KVA rating, for not less than 2,000 hours without any failure of a crankshaft, camshaft, piston, valve, injector or governor system. b. A certification in writing that devices and circuits will be incorporated to protect the voltage regulator and other components of the auxiliary electrical power system during operation of the diesel engine-generator set at speeds other than the rated RPM while performing maintenance. Include thorough descriptions with submittal of any precautions, which will be necessary to protect the voltage regulator and other components of the system during operation of the diesel engine-generator set at speeds other than the rated RPM. 2. Prior to installation of the engine-generator set at the job site, submit four copies of the following to the RESIDENT ENGINEER/COTR: a. Certified test data, alternator temperature rise test and strip chart recordings, and photographs showing test setup and equipment. 3. Two weeks prior to the final inspection, submit four copies of the following, to the RESIDENT ENGINEER/COTR: a. Certified test report by the manufacturer of the engine-generator set that the auxiliary electrical power system conforms to the requirements of the drawings and specifications. b. Certified report of field tests from the contractor that the engine-generator set and major auxiliaries have been properly installed, adjusted and tested. SPEC WRITER NOTES: Specify seismic zone factor "Z" value so engine-generator set manufacturers can check/design seismic strength of their equipment. Delete the following paragraph if the enginegenerator set(s) is located outside the seismic zone. //c. A certificate by the manufacturer that the engine-generator set, accessories, and components will withstand the seismic forces (Z=___) and that the set will be fully operational after the seismic event at the project site. // 1.5 STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Equipment shall withstand the mechanical stresses caused by rough handling during shipment in addition to the electrical and mechanical ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 5 05-10 //2. Shall be capable of operating continuously for // two // six // 24 // consecutive hours within any 24-hour period of operation at 110 percent of its specified rating without damage.// D. Assemble, connect and wire the equipment at the factory so that only the external connections need to be made at the construction site. E. Unit shall be factory painted with manufacturer's primer and standard finishes. F. Coordinate the components of the system and their arrangements, electrically and mechanically. G. Connections between components of the system shall conform to the recommendations of the manufacturer of the diesel engine-generator set. H. Couplings, shafts, and other moving parts shall be enclosed and guarded. Guards shall be metal, ruggedly constructed, rigidly fastened and readily removable for convenient servicing of the equipment without disassembling any pipes and fittings. I. Generator set and cooling system shall be furnished with extended life antifreeze solution to protect the system from freezing at all times. J. Generator set shall have the following features: 1. Factory-mounted on a common, rigid, welded, structural steel base. 2. The maximum engine-generator set vibration in the horizontal, vertical, and axial directions shall be limited to 0.15mm with an overall velocity limit of 24 mm/sec RMS, for all speeds. 3. The isolators shall be constrained with restraints capable of withstanding static forces in any direction equal to twice the weight of the supported equipment. 4. Automatic start, accelerate to the specified RPM and deliver the specified KW/KVA output at 60 Hz within 10 seconds after a single pole contact closes in a remote device. 5. Recover rapidly from instantaneous changes between no load and the specified KW/KVA rating, and the reverse changes of load, without damage. 6. Shall be capable of operating satisfactorily as specified for not less than 10,000 hours between major overhauls. 7. Engine-generator set shall be statically and dynamically balanced at the factory in order to comply with the maximum vibration velocity specified in paragraph 3.1.D. 2.2 DIESEL ENGINE A. Coupled directly to a generator. B. Minimum 4-cylinders. C. Operating speed shall be 1800 RPM. ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 8 05-10 paralleling operations and when supplying a UPS system. A. Isochronous; electronic or hydraulic type. B. Steady-state speed band at 60 Hz shall not exceed plus or minus 1/3 of one percent. C. At 60 Hz, when load changes equal to 25 percent of the specified KW/KVA rating, frequency change shall not exceed two percent and it shall recover to 60 Hz within three seconds. D. At 60 Hz, when load changes equal to 100 percent of the specified KW/KVA rating, frequency change shall not exceed eight percent and it shall recover to 60 Hz within five seconds. E. While the engine is running, manual speed adjustments may be made. 2.4 LUBRICATION OIL SYSTEM A. Pressurized type. B. Positive-displacement pump driven by engine crankshaft. C. Full-flow strainer and full-flow or by-pass filters. D. Filters shall be cleanable or replaceable type and shall remove particles as small as 3 microns without removing the additives in the oil. For by-pass filters, flow shall be diverted without flow interruption. E. Extend lube oil sump drain line passing out through the skid base and terminate it with a drain valve and plug. //F. Provide a 120-volt oil heater for exterior generator set//. 2.5 FUEL OIL SYSTEM A. Shall comply with NFPA 37 and NFPA 30, and have the following features: 1. Injection pump(s) and nozzles. 2. Plungers shall be carefully lapped for precision fit and shall not require any packing. 3. Filters or screens, which require cleaning or replacement, will not be permitted in the injection system assemblies. 4. Return surplus oil from the injectors to the main storage tank by gravity or a pump. 5. Filter System: a. Dual primary filters shall be located in the day tank. b. Secondary filters (engine mounted) shall be located so the oil will be thoroughly filtered before it reaches the injection system assemblies. c. Filters shall be cleanable or replaceable type and shall entrap and remove water from oil as recommended by the engine manufacturer. B. Day Tank: ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 10 05-10 1. Capacity of the day tank shall be not less than: a. 50 gallons for generator sets specified from 50 KW to 200 KW. b. 75 gallons for generator sets specified from 201 KW to 300 KW. c. 4 hours fuel consumption based on 100% load for generator sets specified over 300 KW. 2. Shall be welded steel, UL approved. 3. Secure, pipe and connect the tank adequately for maximum protection from fire hazards, including oil leaks. 4. Incorporate a vent, drain cock, shutoff cocks and gauge glass. Terminate the vent piping outdoors with mushroom vent cap. 5. Incorporate a float switch on the day tank to control the fuel oil transfer pump and to actuate an alarm in the engine generator control cubicle when the oil level in the tank drops below the level at which the transfer pump should start to refill the tank. a. The float switch contacts, which control the fuel oil transfer pump, shall be set to energize the pump when the liquid level in the tank reaches 1/3 of the total volume of the tank. b. The float switch contacts, which actuate the low fuel oil day tank alarm device, shall be set to alarm and energize the second fuel transfer pump when the liquid level in the tank reaches 1/4 of the total volume of the tank. 6. Day tank and engine supply line elevations shall be below the elevation of the injector return outlet on the engine. SPEC WRITER NOTES: In the following paragraph delete the items enclosed by //_____// where the radiator will not be more than 10 feet above the engine. 2.6 ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM A. Liquid-cooled, closed loop, with // radiator mounted on the engine generator set // remote radiator // and integral engine driven circulating pump // as shown on the drawings. B. Cooling capacity shall not be less than the cooling requirements of the engine-generator set and its lubricating oil while operating continuously at 110 percent of its specified rating. //C. Water circulating pumps shall be the centrifugal type driven by engine. Incorporate pressure relief devices, where required, to prevent excessive pressure increase after the engine stops. // D. Coolant shall be extended life antifreeze solution, 50 percent ethylene and 50 percent soft water, with corrosion inhibitor additive as recommended by the manufacturer ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 11 05-10 D. BMEP for the diesel engine, while the engine-generator set is delivering 100 percent of its specified output, shall not exceed the following maximum limits: SPEC WRITER NOTES: Designer shall provide generator set BMEP. E. The minimum cubic inch displacement of the engine shall not be less than the value calculated from the following equation: Displacement = BHP_x_K_ BMEP x RPM Where BHP = Specified KW + R 0.746 x G K = 396,000 for 2-cycle engines K = 792,000 for 4-cycle engines BMEP = Values specified above RPM = 1800 G = generator efficiency expressed as a decimal R = horsepower of radiator fan R = O, when electric motor driven radiator fan is herein specified F. The engine shall be able to start in a 4.5 degrees C (40 degrees F) ambient temperature while using No. 2 diesel fuel oil without the use of starting aids such as glow plugs and ether injections. SPEC WRITER NOTES: In the following subparagraph, insert 0.44 for fuel oil consumption for generator sets rated less than 500 KW and 0.40 for sets rated 500 KW, or more. G. Fuel oil consumption of the engine rate shall not exceed _________ pounds of fuel oil per BHP per hour when it delivers 100 percent of its specified KW/KVA rating. H. Equipped with electric heaters for maintaining the engine’s coolant temperature in the range of 32-38 degrees C (90-100 degrees F) as recommended by the manufacturer. 1. Install thermostatic controls, contactors, and circuit breaker protected circuits for the heaters. 2. The heaters shall operate continuously except while the engine is operating or the water temperature is at the predetermined level. 2.3 GOVERNOR SPEC WRITER NOTES: Delete hydraulic type governor when generator set is used in ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 9 05-10 paralleling operations and when supplying a UPS system. A. Isochronous; electronic or hydraulic type. B. Steady-state speed band at 60 Hz shall not exceed plus or minus 1/3 of one percent. C. At 60 Hz, when load changes equal to 25 percent of the specified KW/KVA rating, frequency change shall not exceed two percent and it shall recover to 60 Hz within three seconds. D. At 60 Hz, when load changes equal to 100 percent of the specified KW/KVA rating, frequency change shall not exceed eight percent and it shall recover to 60 Hz within five seconds. E. While the engine is running, manual speed adjustments may be made. 2.4 LUBRICATION OIL SYSTEM A. Pressurized type. B. Positive-displacement pump driven by engine crankshaft. C. Full-flow strainer and full-flow or by-pass filters. D. Filters shall be cleanable or replaceable type and shall remove particles as small as 3 microns without removing the additives in the oil. For by-pass filters, flow shall be diverted without flow interruption. E. Extend lube oil sump drain line passing out through the skid base and terminate it with a drain valve and plug. //F. Provide a 120-volt oil heater for exterior generator set//. 2.5 FUEL OIL SYSTEM A. Shall comply with NFPA 37 and NFPA 30, and have the following features: 1. Injection pump(s) and nozzles. 2. Plungers shall be carefully lapped for precision fit and shall not require any packing. 3. Filters or screens, which require cleaning or replacement, will not be permitted in the injection system assemblies. 4. Return surplus oil from the injectors to the main storage tank by gravity or a pump. 5. Filter System: a. Dual primary filters shall be located in the day tank. b. Secondary filters (engine mounted) shall be located so the oil will be thoroughly filtered before it reaches the injection system assemblies. c. Filters shall be cleanable or replaceable type and shall entrap and remove water from oil as recommended by the engine manufacturer. B. Day Tank: ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 10 05-10 1. Capacity of the day tank shall be not less than: a. 50 gallons for generator sets specified from 50 KW to 200 KW. b. 75 gallons for generator sets specified from 201 KW to 300 KW. c. 4 hours fuel consumption based on 100% load for generator sets specified over 300 KW. 2. Shall be welded steel, UL approved. 3. Secure, pipe and connect the tank adequately for maximum protection from fire hazards, including oil leaks. 4. Incorporate a vent, drain cock, shutoff cocks and gauge glass. Terminate the vent piping outdoors with mushroom vent cap. 5. Incorporate a float switch on the day tank to control the fuel oil transfer pump and to actuate an alarm in the engine generator control cubicle when the oil level in the tank drops below the level at which the transfer pump should start to refill the tank. a. The float switch contacts, which control the fuel oil transfer pump, shall be set to energize the pump when the liquid level in the tank reaches 1/3 of the total volume of the tank. b. The float switch contacts, which actuate the low fuel oil day tank alarm device, shall be set to alarm and energize the second fuel transfer pump when the liquid level in the tank reaches 1/4 of the total volume of the tank. 6. Day tank and engine supply line elevations shall be below the elevation of the injector return outlet on the engine. SPEC WRITER NOTES: In the following paragraph delete the items enclosed by //_____// where the radiator will not be more than 10 feet above the engine. 2.6 ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM A. Liquid-cooled, closed loop, with // radiator mounted on the engine generator set // remote radiator // and integral engine driven circulating pump // as shown on the drawings. B. Cooling capacity shall not be less than the cooling requirements of the engine-generator set and its lubricating oil while operating continuously at 110 percent of its specified rating. //C. Water circulating pumps shall be the centrifugal type driven by engine. Incorporate pressure relief devices, where required, to prevent excessive pressure increase after the engine stops. // D. Coolant shall be extended life antifreeze solution, 50 percent ethylene and 50 percent soft water, with corrosion inhibitor additive as recommended by the manufacturer ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 11 05-10 E. Radiator core tubes material shall be as recommended by the engine manufacturer. F. Fan shall be driven by // multiple belts from engine shaft // totally enclosed electric motor //. SPEC WRITER NOTES: Delete the following paragraph if remote radiator is not used. If it is used, make sure its motor is connected ahead of emergency panel circuit protection. //G. Remote Radiator Enclosures: 1. Shall be rugged, tamperproof assemblies framed with steel channels, angles and braces. Provide fan shroud and fixed louvers and bird screens at both air intake and exhaust. 2. Shall be securely bolted together to facilitate future dismantling. Carriage type bolts shall be used with the washers and locknuts on the inside of the enclosures. 3. Door shall be leveled sheet steel attached with concealed or semi-concealed hinges. Include a stop edge around the inside of the door opening and a metal rod stop for 90 degree opening. 4. Anchor the enclosures to concrete bases with bolts, not less than 15mm (1/2-inch) diameter. 5. Radiator fan motor shall be totally enclosed with guarded V-belt drive and an adjustable mounting base. 6. Coolant piping shall be copper tubing as recommended by the manufacturer.// H. Coolant hoses shall be flexible per manufacturer's recommendation. I. Self-contained thermostatic-control valve shall modulate coolant flow to maintain optimum constant coolant temperature as recommended by the engine manufacturer. SPEC WRITER NOTES: Coordinate motor operated dampers provided in Division 23 with the engine generator set. J. Motor-Operated Dampers: 1. Dampers, which are provided under Section 23 31 00, HVAC DUCTS AND CASINGS, shall be two-position, electric motor-operated. 2. Dampers shall open simultaneously with the starting of the diesel engine and shall close simultaneously with the stopping of the engine. 2.7 AIR INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEMS SPEC WRITER NOTES: Coordinate fresh air intake location with architectural drawings and make sure the air intake is ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 12 05-10 located away from any exhaust gases to avoid cross contamination. A. Air Intake: 1. Provide an engine-mounted air cleaner with replaceable dry filter and dirty filter indicator. B. Exhaust System: SPEC WRITER NOTES: Include the following paragraph only when the drawings show such an arrangement. Make sure the exhaust gases leaving the generator are diffused properly into the air stream. //1. Where turbo-charges are required, they shall be engine-mounted, driven by the engine gases, securely braced against vibration and adequately lubricated by the engine's filtered lubrication system //. 2. Exhaust Muffler: a. Shall be Critical grade type and capable of the following noise attenuation: Octave Band Hertz (Mid Frequency) Minimum db Attenuation (.0002 Microbar Reference) 31 5 63 10 125 27 500 37 1000 31 2000 26 4000 25 8000 26 3. Pressure drop in the complete exhaust system shall be small enough for satisfactory operation of the engine-generator set while it is delivering 110 percent of its specified rating. 4. Exhaust pipe size, from the engine to the muffler, shall be as recommended by the engine manufacturer. Pipe size from muffler to air discharge shall be two-pipe sizes larger than engine exhaust pipe. 5. Connections at the engine exhaust outlet shall be made with a flexible exhaust pipe. Provide bolted type pipe flanges welded to each end of the flexible section. C. Condensate drain at muffler shall be made with schedule 40 black steel pipe through a petcock. D. Exhaust Piping and Supports: Black steel pipe, ASTM A-53 standard weight with welded fittings. Spring type hangers, as specified in Section 23 05 ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 13 05-10 D. Balance: 1. The vibration velocity in the horizontal, vertical, and axial directions shall not exceed 16.25 mm (0.65 inch) per second peak at any specific frequency. These limits apply to main structural components such as the engine block and the generator frame at the bearings. 2. Balance the engine-generator set statically and dynamically at the factory in order to comply with the maximum specified vibration velocity. E. Exhaust System Insulation: 1. Adhesive and insulation materials shall be applied on clean, dry surfaces from which loose scale, and construction debris has been removed by wire brushing. 2. Fill all cracks, voids and joints of applied insulation material with high temperature 1093 degrees C (2000 degrees F) insulating cement before applying the outer covering. 3. The installation shall be neat, thermally and structurally tight without sag, neatly finished at all hangers or other penetrations and shall provide a smooth finish surface. 4. Insulation and jacket shall terminate hard and tight at all anchor points. 5. Insulate completely from engine exhaust flexible connection through roof or wall construction, including muffler. 3.2 START UP AND TESTING A. Provide the services of a factory-authorized, factory-trained representative of the diesel engine-generator set manufacturer to inspect field-assembled components, and equipment installation and supervise the field tests B. When the complete auxiliary electrical power system has been installed and prior to the final inspection, tests all components of the system in the presence of the RESIDENT ENGINEER/COTR for proper operation of the individual components and the complete system and to eliminate electrical and mechanical defects. C. Furnish fuel oil, lubricating oil, anti-freeze liquid, water treatment and rust inhibitor and load bank for testing of the diesel engine-generator set. D. Field Tests for the Diesel Engine-Generator Set: 1. Test the engine generator set for eight hours of continuous operation as follows: a. First six hours while the set is delivering 100 percent of its specified KW rating. ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 20 05-10 1. The charger shall maintain one percent voltage regulation from no load to full load for line voltage variation of 10 percent and frequency variation of ± 3 Hz from 60 Hz. 2. The charger shall maintain a nominal float voltage of 1.4 vdc and a nominal equalizing voltage of 1.6 vdc. 3. The charger shall be capable of continuous operation in an ambient temperature of –20 to 60 degrees C (-30 to 104 degrees F) without derating. The charger shall be convection cooled and housed in a NEMA 250, Type 1 enclosure. The charger shall have a hinged front door and all components shall be accessible from the front. 4. Provide both AC and DC transient protection. Charger shall be able to recharge a fully discharged battery without tripping AC protective devices. AC circuit breaker shall not trip under any DC load condition including short circuit on output terminals. 5. The charger shall be capable of recharging the fully discharged battery in 12 hours and simultaneously power the Supervisory and Control panel. 6. The charger shall have fused AC input and DC output protection, and shall not discharge the batteries when AC power fails. 7. The charger shall have the following accessories: a. On-Off control switch with pilot light. b. Hand adjustable 0 to 24 hour equalize charge timer. c. AC power failure alarm light. d. High DC voltage alarm light. e. DC voltmeter – 5 percent accuracy. f. DC Ammeter – 5 percent accuracy. 2.9 GENERATOR A. Synchronous, amortisseur windings, bracket-bearing, self-venting, rotating-field type connected directly to the engine. B. Lifting lugs designed for convenient connection to and removal from the engine at the construction site. C. Integral poles and spider, or individual poles dove-tailed to the spider. D. Insulation shall be as required for the ambient temperature and other requirements designated in the paragraph, DIESEL ENGINE-GENERATOR SET, in this section. E. Designed for sustained short circuit currents in conformance with NEMA Standards. F. Designed for sustained operation at 125 percent of the RPM specified for the generator set without damage. ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 15 05-10 G. Telephone influence factor shall conform to NEMA Standards. H. Furnished with brushless excitation system or static-exciter-regulator assembly. I. Nameplates attached to the generator and exciter shall show the manufacturer's name, equipment identification, serial number, voltage ratings, field current ratings, KW/KVA output ratings, power factor rating, time rating, temperature rise ratings, RPM ratings, full load current rating, number of phases and frequency, and date of manufacture. J. At full load, the efficiency shall be not less than: 1. 89 percent for sets specified from 60 KW to 175 KW. 2. 92 percent for sets specified over 175 KW. K. The neutral shall be electrically isolated from equipment ground and terminated in same junction box as the phase conductors. SPEC WRITER NOTES: 1. Include reference to "Master Control Cubicle" when paralleling of generator sets is involved. 2. Include reference to "Remote Annunciator Panel" when shown on the drawings. It is usually to be located at the Boiler Plant or Engineering Control Center. 3. Include reference to "Remote Derangement Panel" when shown on the drawings. It is usually to be located at a guard station or nearby nurses' station. 4. Include reference to "Remote Monitoring Panel" when shown on the drawings. It is usually to be located at the Engineering Control Center. 5. Include reference to "Exercising Control Panel" when multiple transfer switches are remote from Generator Room. 2.10 EQUIPMENT FOR CONTROLS, SUPERVISION AND DISTRIBUTION A. Shall include Remote Annunciator Panel. 1. Control Equipment shall be in accordance with UL 508, NEMA ICS-4, ICS-6 and ANSI C37.90.1. 2. Wiring: Insulated, rated at 600 volts, UL approved. a. Install the wiring in vertical and horizontal runs, neatly harnessed. b. Terminate all external wiring at heavy duty, pressure type, terminal blocks. 3. Clearly and permanently label the equipment, wiring terminals and wires. 4. Laminate or mount under plexiglas appropriate wiring diagrams and mount them within the frame on the inside of the cubicles and panels. SPEC WRITER NOTES: ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 16 05-10 1. When paralleling of diesel generator sets is not involved, delete last sentence in paragraph "11" and entire paragraph "12" below. 2. In the following paragraph insert the number of generator sets to operate in parallel. 5. The system shall be designed and manufactured employing the most modern technology to insure maximum reliability and longevity. It shall be arranged for automatic and manual starting, and stopping, //and paralleling of up to //______// diesel generator sets //. 6. All indicating lamps and switches shall be accessible and mounted on the cubicle doors. SPEC WRITER NOTES: 1. Include paragraph entitled "Remote Annunciator Panel" when shown on the drawings. 2. In Article 2.13, paragraphs B.1a and b, change the word "Which" to "When" if paralleling of sets is not involved. 2.11 REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR PANEL A. Remote annunciator panel shall be installed at the location shown on the drawings. B. The annunciator shall indicate alarm conditions of the emergency or auxiliary power source as follows: 1. Individual visual signals shall indicate: a. Which generator is operating to supply power to load. b. Which battery charger is malfunctioning. c. When main storage tank is low. 2. Individual visual signals plus a common audible alarm shall warn of the following: a. "Low lubricating oil pressure - FIRST STAGE." b. "Low coolant." c. "Excessive coolant temperature - FIRST STAGE." d. Low fuel - day tank." e. "Overcrank" (failure to start). f. "Overspeed." C. The annunciator shall also have the following features: 1. One pushbutton momentary contact switch. Label switch "LAMP - TEST". Initiating this switch shall momentarily actuate the alarm buzzer and all the indicating lamps. 2. Audible Alarm: There shall be an audible alarm, rated for 85 dB at 10 feet, which shall become actuated whenever an alarm condition occurs. ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 17 05-10 A momentary-contact acknowledge pushbutton shall silence the audible alarm, but not clear the alarm lamp. Elimination of the alarm condition shall automatically release the seal-in circuit for the audible alarm and extinguish the alarm lamp //. SPEC WRITER NOTES: When a derangement panel is required, insert the following paragraph. 2.12 SOUND ATTENUATED ENCLOSURE A. The emergency generator set and related equipment shall be housed in an outdoor weatherproof enclosure. The generator will function properly without overheating in the ambient conditions specified. // Enclosure shall be weatherproof and sound attenuated (maximum 85 dBA at 1525 mm (five feet) from any side, top and bottom to no more than 75 dBA when measured at 15 meters (50 feet) horizontally from any part of the enclosure) //Enclosure shall be walk-in type and sound attenuated (maximum 85 dBA at 1525 mm (five feet) from any side, top and bottom to no more than 75 dBA when measured at 15 meters (50 feet) horizontally from any part of the enclosure or appendage on the enclosure.)// Sound ratings shall be based on full load condition of engine/generator in a single unit operation condition. Airflow configuration of the unit will be intake through rear of unit and discharge air vertically up. Enclosure shall be suitable for winds up to 193 kmh (120 mph); roof load shall be equal to or greater than 200 kg/sq m (40 lbs per sq. ft). Nondistributed loading as required. B. The enclosure shall meet the following requirements: 1. The exterior finish shall be guaranteed for a period of 10 years to be free from any defects when properly maintained. //2. Enclosure shall be of sufficient size allowing for code clearances and proper servicing isles without removal or opening of enclosure panels.// 3. Radiator exhaust outlet shall be ducted through the end of the enclosure. 4. All exterior surfaces shall be factory painted with industrial enamel. 5. Unit shall have sufficient guards to prevent entrance by small animals. 6. Batteries to fit inside enclosure and along side the engine provide protective shield. (Batteries under the generator are not acceptable.) 7. Exhaust System: The silencer shall be critical grade, mounted and thermally insulated inside the enclosure. Insulation must be provided ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 18 05-10 for the silencer, flex and all discharge piping. The weight of the silencer shall not be supported by engine. The exhaust pipe size shall be sufficient to insure that exhaust backpressure does not exceed the maximum limitations specified by the engine manufacturer. The exhaust silencer outlet roof penetration shall be sealed to prevent the entrance of rain, snow and sleet. A stainless steel bellowed flex shall be provided. 2.13 SPARE PARTS A. For each engine-generator set: 1. Six lubricating oil filters. 2. Six primary fuel oil filters. 3. Six secondary fuel oil filters. 4. Six intake air filters. B. For each battery charger: 1. Three complete sets of fuses. 2. One complete set of indicating lamps. C. For each control and supervisory panel: 1. Three complete sets of fuses. 2. One complete set of indicating lamps. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install concrete bases of dimensions shown on the drawings for packaged engine-generator sets. B. Installation of the engine generator set shall comply with manufacturer's written instructions and with NFPA 110. C. Mounting 1. Support the base of engine-generator set on vibration isolators, each isolator bolted to the floor (pad), generator base bolted to isolator. 2. Install sufficient number of isolators so that the floor (pad) bearing pressure under each isolator is within the floor (pad) loading specification. 3. Install equal number of isolators on each side of the engine-generator set's base. 4. Locate isolators for approximately equal load distribution and deflection per isolator. Base of the engine-generator set shall be drilled at the factory for the isolator bolts. 5. Isolators shall be shipped loose with the engine-generator set. 6. All connections between the engine-generator set and exterior systems, such as fuel lines, electrical connections, and engine exhaust system and air exhaust shroud, shall be flexible. ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 19 05-10 D. Balance: 1. The vibration velocity in the horizontal, vertical, and axial directions shall not exceed 16.25 mm (0.65 inch) per second peak at any specific frequency. These limits apply to main structural components such as the engine block and the generator frame at the bearings. 2. Balance the engine-generator set statically and dynamically at the factory in order to comply with the maximum specified vibration velocity. E. Exhaust System Insulation: 1. Adhesive and insulation materials shall be applied on clean, dry surfaces from which loose scale, and construction debris has been removed by wire brushing. 2. Fill all cracks, voids and joints of applied insulation material with high temperature 1093 degrees C (2000 degrees F) insulating cement before applying the outer covering. 3. The installation shall be neat, thermally and structurally tight without sag, neatly finished at all hangers or other penetrations and shall provide a smooth finish surface. 4. Insulation and jacket shall terminate hard and tight at all anchor points. 5. Insulate completely from engine exhaust flexible connection through roof or wall construction, including muffler. 3.2 START UP AND TESTING A. Provide the services of a factory-authorized, factory-trained representative of the diesel engine-generator set manufacturer to inspect field-assembled components, and equipment installation and supervise the field tests B. When the complete auxiliary electrical power system has been installed and prior to the final inspection, tests all components of the system in the presence of the RESIDENT ENGINEER/COTR for proper operation of the individual components and the complete system and to eliminate electrical and mechanical defects. C. Furnish fuel oil, lubricating oil, anti-freeze liquid, water treatment and rust inhibitor and load bank for testing of the diesel engine-generator set. D. Field Tests for the Diesel Engine-Generator Set: 1. Test the engine generator set for eight hours of continuous operation as follows: a. First six hours while the set is delivering 100 percent of its specified KW rating. ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 20 05-10 b. Last two hours while the set is delivering 110 percent of its specified KW rating. c. If during the 8-hour continuous test a failure occurs, either the diesel engine shuts down or the full KW rating of the load bank is not achieved, the test is null and void. The test(s) shall be repeated until the satisfactory results are attained at no additional cost to the government. 2. Record the following test data at 30-minute intervals: a. Time of day, also reading of running time indicator. b. KW. c. Voltage on each phase. d. Amperes on each phase. e. Engine RPM. f. Frequency. g. Engine water temperature. h. Fuel pressure i. Oil pressure. j. Outdoor temperature k. Average ambient temperature in the vicinity of the diesel engine. l. Average ambient temperature in the vicinity of the starting batteries. 3. Demonstrate that the generator set will attain proper voltage, frequency and will accept 100 percent block load within 10 seconds from a cold start after the closing of a single contact. 4. Furnish a resistance type load for the testing of the generator: a. When approved in writing by the RESIDENT ENGINEER/COTR prior to the testing, the Contractor may use connected loads in the building (resistant plus other types) as part of the test load provided the Contractor assumes complete responsibility for the use of the connected loads, including personnel injuries and property damage. b. Test loads shall always include adequate resistance to assure stability of the loads and equipment during all of the testing operations. The test load KW rating: 1) Shall not be less than 110 percent of the specified KW rating of the largest generator set. 2) Shall not be less than 35 percent of the sum of the specified KW ratings of the all generator sets in a paralleling system. E. Battery and Starting System Test: ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 21 05-10 1. Demonstrate that the batteries and cranking motor are capable of 5 starting attempts of 10 second cranking each at 10 second intervals with the battery charger turned off. F. Test local and remote panels: Simulate engine failures while checking for proper operation of each indicating lamp, alarm device and reset button. (It is recommended that one VA inspector be located in the generator room and another at the site of remote panels. By means of telephone or walkie-talkies, the inspectors should be assured of proper operation and coordination of these panels.) G. At the completion of the field tests, fill the underground storage tank with fuel of grade and quality as recommended by the manufacturer of the engine. H. When any defects are detected during the tests, correct all the deficiencies and repeat all or part of the 8-hour continuous test as requested by the RESIDENT ENGINEER/COTR, at no additional cost to the Government. I. Provide test and inspection results in writing to the RESIDENT ENGINEER/COTR. 3.3 INSTRUCTIONS AND FINAL INSPECTIONS A. Laminate or mount under Plexiglas a set of operating instructions for the system and install instructions within a frame mounted on the wall near the diesel engine-generator set as requested by the RESIDENT ENGINEER/COTR. B. At the final inspection in the presence of a VA representative, demonstrate that the complete auxiliary electrical power system operates properly in every respect. C. Furnish the services of a competent, factory-trained engineer or technician for five, 4-hour periods for instructions to VA personnel in operation and maintenance of the equipment, on the dates requested by the RESIDENT ENGINEER/COTR. - - - END - - - ENGINE GENERATORS 26 32 13 - 22