UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment

UNCW Office of Institutional Research
and Assessment
Summary of Results from the Sophomore Survey 2010-2012
The Sophomore Survey has been administered since 1998 by the UNC General Administration. The
16 institutions in the UNC system are required to survey their graduating seniors every other spring.
Data from the surveys are used as part of state-wide assessment activities. The survey contains 126
items pertaining to academic and non-academic aspects of sophomores’ experience. A major
redesign of this survey occurred between 2008 and 2010 so data before 2008 cannot be compared to
data from later years. This report compares results from the years 2010 and 2012 for all items. The
survey itself is found in Appendix 1.Complete results are reported in the accompanying tables.
In spring semester 2012, 2,290 sophomores were invited via email to participate electronically in the
survey. UNCW OIRA received 211 completed surveys, for a response rate of 11%, less than the
spring 2010 response rate, 15%.
Academic Items – Overall Results
Instructors:Respondents were asked to rate their satisfaction with their instructors on 7
items using a 5-point Likert scale: 5= Very satisfied, 4=Satisfied, 3=Neither satisfied nor
dissatisfied, 2=Dissatisfied, 1=Very dissatisfied. Overall mean scores on these items in 2012
(shown below) did not differ significantly from mean scores in 2010 according to analyses of
variance comparisons. Means and standard deviations are presented for each question in this
section in Table 1.
o Their ability to motivate me to do my best (M=3.88, SD=.720)
o How carefully they explain the expectations of student performance in the course
(M=4.01, SD=.719)
o How well they explain course material (M=3.93, SD=.743)
o Extent to which they encourage class discussion (M=3.86, SD=.827)
o How effectively they use instructional technology in teaching and learning
activities(M=3.88, SD=.807)
o How quickly they provide feedback on my work (M=3.64, SD=.968)
o The helpfulness of their feedback on my work (M=3.73, SD=.881)
Academic Environment: Respondents were asked how many of their classes at UNCW had
been too large to learn effectively. The mean number of classes in 2012 was 1.12 classes
(SD=1.096) and this did not differ from the average in 2010, 1.19 (SD=1.151). Additionally,
they were asked how many of their classes at UNCW had they had difficulty
understanding the spoken English of an instructor. The mean number of classes in 2012
was .57 classes (SD=.742) and this did not differ from the average in 2010, .65 (SD=.808).
Also, respondents were asked to rate the academic environment on 5 items using a 5-point
Likert scale: 5=Strongly agree, 4=Agree, 3=Neither agree nor disagree, 2=Disagree,
1=Strongly disagree. Mean scores in 2012 (shown below) on one item was significantly lower
than 2010 according to analyses of variance comparisons.Means and standard deviations are
presented for each question in this section in Table 4.
o I consider what I have been learning in my classes valuable(M=4.02, SD=.819)
o My experiences at UNCW have stimulated interest in an intended field of
study(M=4.19, SD=.879)
o I am able to freely explore academic interests at UNCW (M=4.05, SD=.917)
o Students at UNCW are encouraged to ask questions (M=4.10, SD=.729)
o Students at UNCW are given meaningful answers to the questions they ask–
For this item, the mean in 2012 (M=3.84, SD=.755) was significantly lower than in
2010 (M=3.99, SD=.797), F(1,589)=4.545, p=.033.
o At UNCW, students are invited to share their ideas and knowledge (M=4.12,
Academic Advising: Respondents were asked what method of academic advising they
received during their sophomore year. Percentages for respondents in 2012 are shown below.
Professional advisor in my department or college (40%)
Faculty member in my department (29%)
Centralized or campus-wide advising service (e.g. University College) (21%)
University-provided or UNCW web-based advising site (no personal contact) (6%)
Other (4%)
Additionally they were asked to rate their satisfaction with their academic advising on 12
items using a 5-point Likert scale: 5= Very satisfied, 4=Satisfied, 3=Neither satisfied nor
dissatisfied, 2=Dissatisfied, 1=Very dissatisfied. Mean scores in 2012 (shown below) on 7
items were significantly lower than in 2010 according to analyses of variance
comparisons.Means and standard deviations are presented for each question in this section in
Table 5.
o Accessibility of my primary advisor(M=4.00, SD=1.002)
o Amount of time I am given during advising sessions(M=4.02, SD=.983)
o Advisor’s concern with my academic success– The mean in 2012 (M=3.90,
SD=.985) was significantly lower than in 2010 (M=4.08, SD=1.027), F(1,585)=4.118,
o Advisor keeping me informed about my academic progress (M=3.63, SD=1.100)
o Advisor’s knowledge about university rules and procedures- The mean in 2012
M=3.88, SD=.978) was significantly lower than in 2010 (M=4.05,
SD=.945),F(1,584)=4.389, p=.037.
o Advisor providing me with the information I need about academic courses and
programs– The mean in 2012 (M=3.84, SD=1.085) was significantly lower than
2010 (M=4.04, SD=1.006),F(1,582)=4.754, p=.03.
o Advisor’s knowledge about the requirements for my current major or major of
interest(M=3.98, SD=1.026)
o Advisor’s knowledge about general education and other degree requirements–
The mean in 2012 (M=3.96, SD=.944) was significantly lower than 2010 (M=4.12,
SD=.931),F(1,578)=3.989, p=.046.
o Advisor knowing whom to contact to help me with non-academic problems–
The mean in 2012 (M=3.76, SD=.933) was significantly lower than 2010 (M=3.92,
SD=.949), F(1,583)=3.909, p=.048.
o Advisor's encouragement of participation in educational enrichment
opportunities (e.g., internship, service learning, clubs related to my major)–
The mean in 2012 (M=3.61, SD=.983) was significantly lower than in 2010 (M=3.79,
SD=1.038),F(1,584)=4.003, p=.046.
o Advisor's knowledge about post-graduation educational options (e.g., graduate
school)(M=3.58, SD=.926)
o Advisor's knowledge about post-graduation employment options– The mean in
2012 (M=3.50, SD=.903) was significantly lower than 2010 (M=3.68, SD=.950)
F(1,584)=5.026, p=.025.
Your Conclusions:Respondents were asked to rate their finances and their perceived fit
with UNCW using a 5-point Likert scale, (5=strongly agree, 4=agree, 3=neither agree nor
disagree, 2=disagree, 1=strongly disagree). Mean scores on the Conclusion items in 2012
(shown below) did not differ significantly from mean scores in 2010 according to analyses of
variance comparisons. Means and standard deviations are presented for questions in this
section in Table 6.
I am confident that I made the right decision to attend UNCW (M=4.35, SD=.987)
I believe I was academically prepared to attend UNCW (M=4.47, SD=.765)
I feel that I belong at UNCW (M=4.26, SD=1.025)
I will have the financial resources I need to finish college (M=3.80, SD=1.102)
Educational Plans:Respondents were asked to choose their current primary educational plans.
Percentages from 2012 respondents for the most frequent responses are presented below.
Table 7 presents complete response frequencies and percentages.
o I expect to be continuously enrolled at UNCW until I graduate (including co-ops,
internships, student teaching, etc) (90%)
o I expect to transfer to another college or university in order to pursue my desired
major (3.3%)
o I am not sure about my educational plans at this point (3.3%)
o I expect to transfer to another college or university for reasons unrelated to the major
I want to pursue (2.4%)
Non-academic items – Overall results
Tutoring and Research Support: Respondents were asked to rate satisfaction with academic
assistance / tutoring services and research support on 9 items using a 6-point Likert scale:
6=Don’t know/not applicable, 5= Very satisfied, 4=Satisfied, 3=Neither satisfied nor
dissatisfied, 2=Dissatisfied, 1=Very dissatisfied. “Don’t know/not applicable” was excluded from
calculations of means. On 8 items, the mean scores in 2012 (shown below) were significantly
higher than 2010 according to analyses of variance comparisons. Means and standard
deviations are presented for each question in this section in Table 8.
o Availability of academic assistance or tutoring services on campus –The mean
in 2012(M=4.04, SD=.823) was significantly higher than 2010 (M=3.85, SD=.866),
F(1,528)=5.401, p=.021.
o Academic assistance or tutoring services you have received on campus for
help with writing-The mean in 2012 (M=4.00, SD=.868) was significantly higher
than 2010 (M=3.66, SD=.858), F(1,501)=15.255, p=.000.
o Academic assistance or tutoring services you have received on campus for
help with reading-The mean in 2012 (M=3.69, SD=.775) was significantly higher
than 2010 (M=3.44, SD=.714), F(1,457)=9.440, p=.002.
o Academic assistance or tutoring services you have received on campus for
mathematics - Themean in 2012 (M=3.75, SD=.856) was significantly higher than
2010 (M=3.46, SD=.869), F(1,481)=10.186, p=.002.
o Academic assistance or tutoring services you have received on campus for science
(M=3.57, SD=1.009)
o Academic assistance or tutoring services you have received for foreign
language - The mean in 2012 (M=3.86, SD=.836) was significantly higher than in
2010 (M=3.49, SD=.773), F(1,483)=19.830, p=.000.
o Academic assistance or tutoring services you have received on campus for
study skills- The mean in 2012 (M=3.75, SD=.781) was significantly higher than in
2010 (M=3.45, SD=.751), F(1,460)=12.446, p=.000.
o Opportunities to be actively involved with faculty on their research - The mean
in 2012 (M=3.71, SD=.893) was significantly higher than in 2010 (M=3.46, SD=.833),
F(1,489)=7.962, p=.005.
o Access to up-to-date facilities such as labs, studios, and research centers The mean in 2012 (M=3.78, SD=.902) was significantly higher than in 2010 (M=3.59,
SD=.805), F(1,497)=5.187, p=.023.
Library: Respondents were asked to rate satisfactionwith the library on 7 items using a 6point Likert scale: 6=Don’t know/not applicable, 5= Very satisfied, 4=Satisfied, 3=Neither
satisfied nor dissatisfied, 2=Dissatisfied, 1=Very dissatisfied. “Don’t know/not applicable” was
excluded from calculations of means. On 3 items, the mean scores in 2012 (shown below)
were significantly lower than in 2010.Means and standard deviations are presented for each
question in this section in Table 8.
o Helpfulness of staff (M=4.08, SD=.749)
o Space for individual student work – The mean in 2012 (M=3.48, SD=1.193) was
significantly lower than in 2010 (M=3.72, SD=1.093), F(1,558)=6.065, p=.014.
o Space for group work- The mean in 2012 (M=3.23, SD=1.269) was significantly
lower than in 2010 (M=3.48, SD=1.163), F(1,558)=5.346, p=.021.
o Training/instruction for using library and information resources(M=3.74, SD=.868)
o Availability of information/material I need for my class
o Access to online library resources (M=4.15, SD=.689)
o Hours of operation- The mean in 2012 (M=3.27, SD=1.308) was significantly lower
than in 2010 (M=4.27, SD=.833), F(1,560)=122.224, p=.000.
Career Services: Respondents were asked to rate satisfaction with career services on 5
items using a 6-point Likert scale: 6=Don’t know/not applicable, 5= Very satisfied, 4=Satisfied,
3=Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 2=Dissatisfied, 1=Very dissatisfied. “Don’t know/not
applicable” was excluded from calculations of means. The mean scores in 2012 on all items
weresignificantly higher than in 2010 according to analyses of variance comparisons.Means
and standard deviations for are presented for each question in this section in Table 8.
o Helpfulness of staff - The mean in 2012 (M=4.05, SD=.747) was significantly
higher than in 2010 (M=3.70, SD=.816), F(1,465)=15.649, p=.000.
o Information on internships, co-ops, and other career-related experiences -The
mean in 2012 (M=3.89, SD=.832) was significantly higher than in 2010 (M=3.58,
SD=.797), F(1,459)=12.060, p=.001.
o Access to employment opportunities - (e.g. career fairs, interviews, job listings,
etc.) - The mean in 2012 (M=3.92, SD=.856) was significantly higher than in 2010
(M=3.60, SD=.816), F(1,472)=13.488, p=.000.
o Help in preparing for interviews, resumes, etc -The mean in 2012 (M=3.93,
SD=.870) was significantly higher than in 2010 (M=3.64, SD=.783),
F(1,457)=10.534, p=.001.
o Availability of career resources online -The mean in 2012 (M=3.96, SD=.777)
was significantly higher than in 2010 (M=3.61, SD=.770), F(1,464)=17.226, p=.000.
Information Technology: Respondents were asked to rate satisfaction with information
technologyon 7 items using a 6-point Likert scale: 6=Don’t know/not applicable, 5= Very
satisfied, 4=Satisfied, 3=Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 2=Dissatisfied, 1=Very dissatisfied.
“Don’t know/not applicable” was excluded from calculations of means. The mean scores on 4
items in 2012 (shown below) were significantly higher than in 2010 according to analyses of
variance comparisons.Means and standard deviations are presented for each question in this
section in Table 8.
o Training on the technology that I am required to use in my courses –The mean
in 2012 (M=3.82, SD=.797) was significantly higher than in 2010 (M=3.63, SD=.807),
F(1,506)=6.088, p=.014.
o Assistance from the helpdesk (e.g. TAC) in solving my technology problem The mean in 2012 (M=4.03, SD=.918) was significantly higher than in 2010 (M=3.73,
SD=.974), F(1,518)=10.291, p=.001.
o Hours of operation of university computer labs (M=3.81, SD=.911)
o Availability of equipment and software in university computer labs to meet my
needs -The mean in 2012 (M=3.94, SD=.875) was significantly higher than in 2010
(M=3.70, SD=.818), F(1,496)=7.953, p=.005.
o Availability of wireless access on campus (M=3.61, SD=1.260)
o Online course management system (e.g. Blackboard) used in my classes (M=3.79,
o Effectiveness of information technology in improving my learning experience The mean in 2012 (M=3.91, SD=.782) was significantly higher than in 2010 (M=3.76,
SD=.808), F(1,531)=4.467, p=.035.
Other Offices: Respondents were asked to rate other offices that serve them both on
satisfaction with service and quality of staff. For satisfaction with service, the scale used was a
6-point Likert scale: 6=No experience to judge, 5= Very satisfied, 4=Satisfied, 3=Neither
satisfied nor dissatisfied, 2=Dissatisfied, 1=Very dissatisfied. And for quality of staff the scale
was a 6-point Likert scale: 6=No experience to judge, 5=Excellent, 4=Good, 3=Average,
2=Fair, 1=Poor. “No experience to judge” was excluded from calculations of means. Mean
scores in 2012 (shown below) for 7 areas exhibited significant improvement over time.Means
and standard deviations are presented for each question in this section in Table 9 and 10.
o Financial aid application/award process
 Satisfaction with service (M=3.50, SD=1.184)
 Quality of staff-The mean in 2012 (M=3.79, SD=.990) was significantly
higher than in 2010 (M=3.52, SD=.982), F(1,474)=6.947, p=.009.
o Financial aid disbursement process
 Satisfaction with service (M=3.57, SD=1.143)
 Quality of staff- The mean in 2012 (M=3.93, SD=.898) was significantly
higher than in 2010 (M=3.48, SD=.961), F(1,460)=18.058, p=.000.
o Cashier/Student Accounts/Billing Office
 Satisfaction with service (M=3.77, SD=.924)
 Quality of staff- The mean in 2012 (M=3.88, SD=.964) was significantly
higher than in 2010 (M=3.67, SD=.915), F(1,501)=4.910, p=.027.
o Registrar’s Office
 Satisfaction with service(M=3.78, SD=.914)
 Quality of staff (M=3.91, SD=.963)
o Bookstore
 Satisfaction with service (M=3.78, SD=.989)
 Quality of staff (M=3.91, SD=.990)
o Health services
 Satisfaction with service (M=3.84, SD=1.084)
 Quality of staff (M=4.02, SD=1.152)
o Counseling (personal, interpersonal, or psychological)
 Satisfaction with service- The mean score in 2012(M=3.85, SD=.969) was
significantly higher than in 2010 (M=3.57, SD=.827),F(1,452)=8.480, p=.004.
 Quality of staff- The mean score in 2012 (M=4.18, SD=.881) was
significantly higher than in 2010 (M=3.64, SD=.872), F(1,440)=26.934,
o Housing and residence life
 Satisfaction with service (M=3.52, SD=1.111)
 Quality of staff (M=3.68, SD=1.187)
o Campus recreation
 Satisfaction with service (M=3.97, SD=.854)
 Quality of staff- The mean score in 2012 (M=4.24 SD=.766) was significantly
higher than in 2010 (M=3.93, SD=.861), F(1,520)=16.181, p=.000.
o Dining services
 Satisfaction with service (M=3.68, SD=1.006)
 Quality of staff - The mean score in 2012 (M=4.16, SD=.955) was
significantly higher than in 2010 (M=3.91, SD=.941), F(1,546)=8.466, p=.004.
o On-campus shuttle/transportation services (i.e. Seahawk Shuttle)
 Satisfaction with service (M=3.54, SD=1.000)
 Quality of staff (M=3.76, SD=1.101)
o Campus Police
 Satisfaction with service (M=3.78, SD=.971)
 Quality of staff- The mean score in 2012 (M=3.93, SD=1.096) was
significantly higher than in 2010 (M=3.67, SD=.971), F(1,492)=6.621, p=.01.
o Parking
 Satisfaction with service (M=2.70, SD=1.279)
 Quality of staff (M=2.90, SD=1.401)
The following online services were evaluated on satisfaction with ease of navigation
using a 6-point Likert scale: 6=No experience to judge, 5= Very satisfied, 4=Satisfied,
3=Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 2=Dissatisfied, 1=Very dissatisfied. “No experience to
judge” was excluded from calculations of means. Mean scores in 2012 (shown below) for 2
online services exhibited significant change over time. Means and standard deviations are
presented for each question in this section in Table 11.
o Online billing services(M=3.87, SD=.965)
o Online financial aid services - The mean score in 2012 (M=3.89, SD=.921) was
significantly higher than in 2010 (M=3.68, SD=.988), F(1,515)=5.224, p=.023.
o Online course registration system - The mean score in 2012 (M=3.78, SD=1.120)
was significantly lower than in 2010 (M=3.96, SD=.935), F(1,564)=4.167, p=.042.
Campus Security: Respondents were asked if they knew how to report someone if they
observed them behaving suspiciously or threateningly on campus. In 2012, 74% answered
yes. Also they were asked how likely they would be to report such a person using a 4-point
Likert scale: 4=Very likely, 3=Somewhat likely, 2=Somewhat unlikely, 1=Unlikely. In 2012, the
average likelihood was 3.25 (SD=.724) and this was no different than 2010.Means and
standard deviations are presented for most questions in this section in Tables 12-15.
Additionally, respondents were asked to rate satisfaction with availability of crime and crime
prevention information on a 5-point Likert scale: 5= Very satisfied, 4=Satisfied, 3=Neither
satisfied nor dissatisfied, 2=Dissatisfied, 1=Very dissatisfied. Mean scores in 2012 (shown
below) did not differ from 2010.
o Availability of public information about crimes on campus(M=3.88, SD=.993)
o Availability of information about crime prevention and safety on campus(M=3.99,
Finally, respondents were asked to rate how safe they felt on campuson 8 items using a 5point Likert scale: 5=Not applicable/never there, 4=very safe, 3=pretty safe, 2=not very safe,
1=not at all safe. “Not applicable/never there” was excluded from mean calculations. On 5
items, mean scores in 2012 were significantly higher than in 2010.
o In campus residence halls during the day/early evening - The mean score in
2012 (M=3.78, SD=.414) was significantly higher than in 2010 (M=3.51,
SD=.883), F(1,484)=14.899, p=.000.
o In campus residence halls at night (M=3.64, SD=.514)
o Using the parking lots, garages, and/or decks on campus during the day/early
evening (M=3.64, SD=.561)
o Using the parking lots, garages, and/or decks on campus at night - The
mean score in 2012 (M=3.24, SD=.754) was significantly higher than in 2010
(M=3.09, SD=.761), F(1,503)=4.441, p=.036.
o In non-residence buildings on campus during the day/early evening (e.g.,
classrooms, libraries, etc.) - The mean score in 2012 (M=3.74, SD=.439) was
significantly higher than in 2010 (M=3.64, SD=.503), F(1,551)=5.449, p=.02.
o In non-residence buildings on campus at night (e.g., classrooms, libraries,
etc.) - The mean score in 2012 (M=3.42, SD=.626) was significantly higher than
in 2010 (M=3.27, SD=.682), F(1,519)=6.600, p=.01.
o Outside on the grounds of the campus during the day/early evening (M=3.66,
o Outside on the grounds of the campus at night - The mean score in 2012
(M=3.13, SD=.767) was significantly higher than in 2010 (M=2.94, SD=.808),
F(1,532)=6.970, p=.009.
On- and off-campus activities: Respondents were asked how often they attended on- and
off-campus activities. Below the most frequent response in 2012 for each activity is
presented. Complete response frequencies and percentages are presented in Table 16 and
o Workshops, seminars, speakers, etc. outside of class (28% chose“1-2 times a
o University sponsored art events (e.g., plays, musical performances, exhibits)
(29% chose“1-2 times a year”)
o Multicultural/diversity events or programs (42% chose“never”)
o Community service/volunteer work (28% chose “never”)
o Intramural activities (including club and recreational sports) (46% chose “never”)
o Co-curricular activities (e.g., University-sponsored student organization, student
government, Greek life) (41% chose “never”)
o Intercollegiate athletic events (e.g.,UNCW basketball games)(33% chose
o Hours spent working for pay on campus during academic year (80% chose
o Hours spent working for pay off campus during academic year (62% chose
Additionally, respondents were asked how satisfied they were aspects of on- and offcampus activitieson 4 items using a 5-point Likert scale: 5= Very satisfied, 4=Satisfied,
3=Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 2=Dissatisfied, 1=Very dissatisfied. Mean scores in 2012
(shown below) did not differ from 2010. Means and standard deviations are presented for most
questions in this section in Tables 17.
o Weekend activities on campus for students (M=3.42, SD=.944)
o The ease with which I can get involved in campus organizations (M=3.73,
o Opportunities on campus to interact with or learn from people from a range of
racial/ethnic or cultural backgrounds (M=3.60, SD=.893)
o Opportunities on campus to develop leadership skills (M=3.80, SD=.853)
Sophomore Survey
Section A: Academic Environment and Advising.
Please rate your overall satisfaction with instructors on your campus for each of the following:
Their ability to motivate me to do my best
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
How carefully they explain the expectations of student performance in the course
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
How well they explain course material
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
The extent to which they encourage class discussion
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
How effectively they use instructional technology in teaching and learning activities
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
How quickly they provide feedback on my work
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
The helpfulness of their feedback on my work
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following:
I consider what I have been learning in my classes valuable.
( ) Strongly agree
( ) Agree
( ) Neither agree nor disagree
( ) Disagree
( ) Strongly disagree
My experiences at UNCW have stimulated interest in an intended field of study.
( ) Strongly agree
( ) Agree
( ) Neither agree nor disagree
( ) Disagree
( ) Strongly disagree
I am able to freely explore academic interests at UNCW.
( ) Strongly agree
( ) Agree
( ) Neither agree nor disagree
( ) Disagree
( ) Strongly disagree
Students at UNCW are encouraged to ask questions.
( ) Strongly agree
( ) Agree
( ) Neither agree nor disagree
( ) Disagree
( ) Strongly disagree
Students at UNCW are given meaningful answers to the questions they ask.
( ) Strongly agree
( ) Agree
( ) Neither agree nor disagree
( ) Disagree
( ) Strongly disagree
At UNCW, students are invited to share their ideas and knowledge.
( ) Strongly agree
( ) Agree
( ) Neither agree nor disagree
( ) Disagree
( ) Strongly disagree
How many of your classes at UNCW do you feel have been too large for you to learn effectively?
( ) None
( ) One
( ) Two
( ) Three
( ) Four or more
In how many of your classes at UNCW have you had difficulty understanding the spoken English
of an instructor?
( ) None
( ) One
( ) Two
( ) Three
( ) Four or more
Which of the following choices best reflects your primary source for academic advising during your
sophomore year?
( ) Faculty member in my department
( ) Professional advisor in my department or college
( ) Centralized or campus-wide advising service (e.g., University College)
( ) University-provided or UNCW web-based advising site (no personal contact)
( ) Other [
Please rate your level of satisfaction with the person or office serving as your designated primary
source for academic advising/guidance.
Accessibility of my primary advisor
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Amount of time I am given during advising sessions
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Advisor's concern with my academic success
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Advisor keeping me informed about my academic progress
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Advisor's knowledge about university rules and procedures
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Advisor providing me with the information I need about academic courses and programs
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Advisor's knowledge about the requirements for my current major or major of interest
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Advisor's knowledge about general education and other degree requirements
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Advisor knowing whom to contact to help me with non-academic problems
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Advisor's encouragement of participation in educational enrichment opportunities (e.g., internship,
service learning, clubs related to my major)
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Advisor's knowledge about post-graduation educational options (e.g., graduate school)
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Advisor's knowledge about post-graduation employment options
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Please rate your level of satisfaction with Academic Assistance/Tutoring Services.
Availability of academic assistance or tutoring services on campus
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Academic assistance or tutoring services you have received on campus for help with writing
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Academic assistance or tutoring services you have received on campus for help with reading
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Academic assistance or tutoring services you have received on campus for mathematics
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Academic assistance or tutoring services you have received on campus for science
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Academic assistance or tutoring services you have received for foreign language
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Academic assistance or tutoring services you have received on campus for study skills
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Section B: Help Outside the Classroom
Please rate your satisfaction with Research Support.
Opportunities to be actively involved with faculty on their research
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Access to up-to-date facilities such as labs, studios, and research centers
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Please rate your level of satisfaction with the Library.
Helpfulness of staff
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Space for individual student work
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Space for group work
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Training/instruction for using library and information resources
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Availability of information/material I need for my class assignments
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Access to online library resources
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Hours of operation
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Please rate your level of satisfaction with Career Services.
Helpfulness of staff
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Information on internships, co-ops, and other career-related experiences
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Access to employment opportunities (e.g. career fairs, interviews, job listings, etc.)
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Help in preparing for interviews, resumes, etc.
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Availability of career resources online
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Please rate your level of satisfaction with Information Technology.
Training on the technology that I am required to use in my courses
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Assistance from the helpdesk (e.g. TAC) in solving my technology problems
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Hours of operation of university computer labs
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Availability of equipment and software in university computer labs to meet my needs
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Availability of wireless access on campus
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Online course management system (e.g. Blackboard) used in my classes
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Effectiveness of information technology in improving my learning experience
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Section C: Other Offices That Serve You
These next questions ask for your opinion first about the services provided by various other offices on
campus, and then about the staff associated with those offices.
First, please rate your satisfaction with the services provided by the following offices on campus:
Financial Aid: Application/award process
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Financial Aid: Disbursement process
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Cashier/Student Accounts/Billing Office
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Registrar's Office
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Health Services
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Counseling (personal, interpersonal, or psychological)
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Housing and Residence Life
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Campus Recreation
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Dining Services
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
On-campus shuttle/transportation services (i.e. Seahawk Shuttle)
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Campus Police Department
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Now, please rate your satisfaction with the staff associated with the following offices on campus:
Financial Aid: Application/award process
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Financial Aid: Disbursement process
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Cashier/Student Accounts/Billing Office
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Registrar's Office
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Health Services
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Counseling (personal, interpersonal, or psychological)
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Housing and Residence Life
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Campus Recreation
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Dining Services
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
On-campus shuttle/transportation services (i.e. Seahawk Shuttle)
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Campus Police Department
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
How satisfied are you with the ease with which you can navigate through the following online
Billing system (i.e. E-Bill)
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Financial aid system (i.e. SeaNet)
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Course registration system (i.e. SeaNet)
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Section D: Campus Safety
In the following questions, please consider "day/early evening" to be 7:00am to 8:00pm, and "night" to
be after 8:00pm and before 7:00am.
In general, how safe do you feel:
In campus residence halls during the day/early evening
( ) Very safe
( ) Pretty safe
( ) Not very safe
( ) Not at all safe
( ) Not applicable - never there
In campus residence halls at night
( ) Very safe
( ) Pretty safe
( ) Not very safe
( ) Not at all safe
( ) Not applicable - never there
Using the parking lots, garages, and/or decks on campus during the day/early evening
( ) Very safe
( ) Pretty safe
( ) Not very safe
( ) Not at all safe
( ) Not applicable - never there
Using the parking lots, garages, and/or decks on campus at night
( ) Very safe
( ) Pretty safe
( ) Not very safe
( ) Not at all safe
( ) Not applicable - never there
In non-residence buildings on campus during the day/early evening (e.g., classrooms, libraries,
( ) Very safe
( ) Pretty safe
( ) Not very safe
( ) Not at all safe
( ) Not applicable - never there
In non-residence buildings on campus at night (e.g., classrooms, libraries, etc.)
( ) Very safe
( ) Pretty safe
( ) Not very safe
( ) Not at all safe
( ) Not applicable - never there
Outside on the grounds of the campus during the day/early evening
( ) Very safe
( ) Pretty safe
( ) Not very safe
( ) Not at all safe
( ) Not applicable - never there
Outside on the grounds of the campus at night
( ) Very safe
( ) Pretty safe
( ) Not very safe
( ) Not at all safe
( ) Not applicable - never there
How satisfied are you with:
Availability of public information about crimes on campus
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Availability of information about crime prevention and safety on campus
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
If you observed someone on campus behaving suspiciously or in a threatening manner, would you
know how to report it?
( ) Yes
( ) No
If you observed someone on campus behaving suspiciously or in a threatening manner, how likely
would you be to report it?
( ) Very likely
( ) Somewhat likely
( ) Somewhat unlikely
( ) Very unlikely
Section E: On- and Off-Campus Activities
About how often during the typical year do you attend or participate in each of the following campus
Workshops, seminars, speakers, etc. outside of class
( ) 1 or more times weekly
( ) 2-3 times a month
( ) Once a month
( ) 2-3 times a semester
( ) 1-2 times a year
( ) Never
University sponsored art events (e.g., plays, musical performances, exhibits)
( ) 1 or more times weekly
( ) 2-3 times a month
( ) Once a month
( ) 2-3 times a semester
( ) 1-2 times a year
( ) Never
Multicultural/diversity events or programs
( ) 1 or more times weekly
( ) 2-3 times a month
( ) Once a month
( ) 2-3 times a semester
( ) 1-2 times a year
( ) Never
Community service/volunteer work
( ) 1 or more times weekly
( ) 2-3 times a month
( ) Once a month
( ) 2-3 times a semester
( ) 1-2 times a year
( ) Never
Intramural activities (including club and recreational sports)
( ) 1 or more times weekly
( ) 2-3 times a month
( ) Once a month
( ) 2-3 times a semester
( ) 1-2 times a year
( ) Never
Co-curricular activities (e.g., University-sponsored student organization, student government,
Greek life)
( ) 1 or more times weekly
( ) 2-3 times a month
( ) Once a month
( ) 2-3 times a semester
( ) 1-2 times a year
( ) Never
Intercollegiate athletic events (e.g., UNCW basketball games)
( ) 1 or more times weekly
( ) 2-3 times a month
( ) Once a month
( ) 2-3 times a semester
( ) 1-2 times a year
( ) Never
Please rate your overall satisfaction with:
Weekend activities on campus for students
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
The ease with which I can get involved in campus organizations
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Opportunities on campus to interact with or learn from people from a range of racial/ethnic or
cultural backgrounds
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Opportunities on campus to develop leadership skills
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
( ) Dissatisfied
( ) Very dissatisfied
Section F: Conclusions
To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following:
I am confident that I made the right decision to attend UNCW.
( ) Strongly agree
( ) Agree
( ) Neither agree nor disagree
( ) Disagree
( ) Strongly disagree
I believe I was academically prepared to attend UNCW.
( ) Strongly agree
( ) Agree
( ) Neither agree nor disagree
( ) Disagree
( ) Strongly disagree
I feel that I belong at UNCW.
( ) Strongly agree
( ) Agree
( ) Neither agree nor disagree
( ) Disagree
( ) Strongly disagree
I will have the financial resources I need to finish college.
( ) Strongly agree
( ) Agree
( ) Neither agree nor disagree
( ) Disagree
( ) Strongly disagree
While school has been in session this academic year, about how many hours per week have you
spent working for pay on campus?
( ) 1-5
( ) 6-10
( ) 11-15
( ) 16-20
( ) 21-25
( ) 26-30
( ) More than 30
While school has been in session this academic year, about how many hours per week have you
spent working for pay off campus?
( ) 1-5
( ) 6-10
( ) 11-15
( ) 16-20
( ) 21-25
( ) 26-30
( ) More than 30
How does your job affect your school work?
( ) I do not have a job
( ) My job does not interfere with my school work
( ) My job takes some time away from my school work
( ) My job takes a lot of time away from my school work
Which of the following best describes your current educational plans?
( ) I expect to be continuously enrolled at UNCW until I graduate (including co-ops, internships,
student teaching, etc)
( ) I expect to transfer to another college or university in order to pursue my desired major
( ) I am not sure about my educational plans at this point
( ) I expect to transfer to another college or university for reasons unrelated to the major I want
to pursue
( ) I do not expect to complete a degree at UNCW or at any other college or university in the
foreseeable future
( ) I expect to graduate from UNCW, but I plan to take some time off between semesters
( ) I do not expect to complete a degree at UNCW or at any other college or university in the
foreseeable future
( ) I expect to graduate from UNCW, but I plan to take some time off between semesters