Chemistry Department Committees 2014/2015 Undergraduate Committee: Curriculum, planning Joan Willey, Chair Members: Steve Skrabal, Nathan Grove, Kelly Lee, Jeremy Morgan, Mike Messina, Antje Almeida Graduate Committee: Bob Kieber, John Tyrell, Co-chairs Curriculum, planning, recruiting Members: Joan Willey, Sridhar What makes our graduate program unique? Varadarajan, Rob Hancock, Paulo Almeida What should CHML 380 become? Should CHM 377 and 380 count towards the BS? Should we reinstate a CHM 105 type course? On-line CHM 101 for nurses, fall 2014 What makes our graduate program unique? How can we recruit non-UNCW students? How many GTAs and PTAs should one faculty member have? Do we want a 5 or 6 semester TA limit? Any limit? TA Welfare/policy committee Examine workload, develop a method to keep track of CHEs. Maintain and update a prioritized equipment needs list. What software do we need site licenses for? Administration: Budget, equipment, reaccreditation (ACS, SACS), planning, tech transfer, workload policies Pam Seaton, Chair Members: Joan Willey, Libbie Schaffer, Paulo Almeida, Jimmy Reeves (Ralph Mead ???) Assessment: Undergraduate (495), graduate (defense reports), disciplinary subcommittees Nathan Grove, Chair Members: Bart Jones, Bob Kieber, Tom Coombs Document current assessment activities. Do we need to do more? Can we improve how we use DUCK data? Publicity, Recruiting: Website, newsletter (?), new methods of communication, posters, outreach Antje Almeida, Chair Members: Jeremy Morgan, Jimmy Reeves, Heather Corpus, Elizabeth Walters, Bob Kieber, Jeff Wright How can we recruit non UNCW grad students? How can we improve distribution of seminar and defense information to the community, university and outside. Update departmental posters. Scholarship: Advertise and assign scholarships, liaison with Advancement Mike Webb, Chair Members: Brooks Avery, Ralph Mead, Chris Halkides, Hee-Seung Lee Can we identify new sources of scholarships? Safety: Policies, training, lab inspections, liaison with EH&S Heather Corpus, Tom Coombs, Cochairs Members: Cecilia Kieber, Richard Lancaster, Kim Fisher, Sridhar Varadarajan How can we improve our safety practices?