Thomas C. Coombs    Education

Thomas C. Coombs Education 2008‐2013 University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS Postdoctoral Research Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Aubé 2003‐2008 Emory University, Atlanta, GA PhD in Synthetic Organic Chemistry Advisor: Dr. Lanny Liebeskind 1999‐2003
Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA Bachelor of Science, Chemistry and Biology Professional Experience Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, January 2013‐Present. Lecturer, University of Kansas, Department of Chemistry, Fall 2011 Teaching Assistant, Emory University, 2003‐2004 Research Experience Postdoctoral Research (2008‐2013), University of Kansas, Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Aubé University of Kansas Chemical Methodologies and Library Development Center (KU CMLD) University of Kansas Specialized Chemistry Center (KU SCC) ‐
Parallel synthesis of heterocyclic compound libraries and medicinal chemistry studies of the premature aging disorder Hutchinson‐Gilford Progeria Syndrome Doctoral Research (2003‐2008), Emory University, Advisor: Dr. Lanny Liebeskind ‐
Organometallic method development using molybdenum complexes of heterocycles and total synthesis of alkaloid natural products Experience Mentoring Research Students University of North Carolina Wilmington, January 2013‐present ‐
Currently supervising two graduate students (Micha Pitzen and Evan Timpy) ‐
Currently supervising four undergraduate students in funded summer 2013 undergraduate research experiences: William Ashley, Thomas Lathrop, Dev Sanyal, and Stacey Allen. ‐
Currently supervising one CHM 499‐Honors Work in Chemistry student (Hannah King) ‐
Supervised six undergraduate students enrolled in CHM 491‐Directed Individual Study (Fall 2013/Spring 2014): William Ashley, Moses Barker, Deanna Harrell, Samantha Moynan, Sloan Friedman, and Thomas Lathrop. Publications 1.
Coombs, T. C.; Tanega, C.; Shen, M.; Wang, J. L.; Auld, D. S.; Gerritz, S. W.; Schoenen, F. J.; Thomas, C. J.; Aubé, J. Small‐molecule pyrimidine inhibitors of the cdc2‐like (Clk) and dual specificity tyrosine phosphorylation‐regulated (Dyrk) kinases: Development of chemical probe ML315. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2013, 23, 3654‐3661. Wrobleski, A.; Coombs, T. C.; Huh, C. W.; Li, S.‐W.; Aubé, J. The Schmidt Reaction. In Organic Reactions; Denmark, S. E. et. al., Eds.; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Hoboken, NJ, 2012; Vol. 78, pp 1‐320. Coombs, T. C.; Lushington, G. H.; Douglas, J.; Aubé, J. 1,3‐Allylic Strain as a Strategic Diversification Element for Constructing Libraries of Substituted 2‐Arylpiperidines. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 2734‐2737. Coombs, T. C.; Huang, W.; Garnier‐Amblard, E. C.; Liebeskind, L. S. Novel Substitutions of 1‐Alkoxy‐ and 1‐
Arylsulfonyloxy‐η3‐Allylmolybdenum Complexes. A Case for η1‐Alkenyl Carbene Complexes as Intermediates. Organometallics 2010, 29, 5083‐5097. Coombs, T. C.; Zhang, Y.; Garnier‐Amblard, E. C.; Liebeskind, L. S. Organometallic Enantiomeric Scaffolding. Sequential Semipinacol/1,5‐“Michael‐like” Reactions as a Strategic Approach to Bridgehead‐Quaternary Center Aza[3.3.1]Bicyclics: Application to the Total Synthesis of (‐)‐Adaline. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 876‐877. Coombs, T. C.; Lee, M. D. IV; Wong, H.; Armstrong, M.; Cheng, B.; Chen, W.; Moretto, A. F.; Liebeskind, L. S. Practical, Scalable, High‐Throughput Approaches to η3‐Pyranyl and η3‐Pyridinyl Organometallic Enantiomeric Scaffolds using the Achmatowicz Reaction. J. Org. Chem. 2008, 73, 882‐888. Selected Presentations ‐
University of Kansas School of Pharmacy Graduate Honors Symposium, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, January 10, 2012. “Development of Inhibitors or the Clk Class of Enzymes”. Chemical Methodologies and Library Development Center (CMLD) Program Meeting 2009, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, August 10, 2009. “Spatially‐ and Conformationally‐Diverse Piperidines”. ‐
Poster: Coombs, T. C.; Neuenswander, B.; Aubé, J. “Shape‐Diverse” Libraries From Piperidine Epoxides: Conformational Control and Regioselectivity. Presented at the Combinatorial Chemistry Gordon Research Conference, Colby‐Sawyer College, New London, NH, June 7‐12, 2009. Awards, Honors and Affiliations ‐
ETEAL Summer Undergraduate Research and Creativity Awards (UNCW), $3,000, Summer 2014 Cahill Research Award (UNCW) $3,000, 2014‐2015 American Chemical Society, Petroleum Research Fund, $50,000, 2014‐2016 Member, American Chemical Society 