Curriculum Vitae Dr. Hyunjung “Kelly” Lee Education

Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Hyunjung “Kelly” Lee
601 S. College Rd, Wilmington, NC 28403
Phone: 910-399-2477, E-mail:
1997 – 12/ 2002
Ph. D in Inorganic Chemistry
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Research Advisor: Prof. Prabir K. Dutta
Thesis title; Investigation of photoelectron charge transfer using zeolite membrane
M.S. in Inorganic Chemistry
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea
Research Advisor: Prof. Joon T. Park
Thesis title: Synthesis and reactivity of CpWOs3(CO)9(Ctol)(OSiEt3)(H) mixed metal
B. S. in Chemistry
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Professional Experience
2009 – present
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
2003 – 2007
Senior Research Scientist
MacDermid, Inc., Waterbury, CT
Teaching Experience
University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, NC
Taught senior level inorganic chemistry laboratory (CHML445).
The course covers inorganic syntheses, characterization of compounds, kinetics
study, electrochemistry, and computational modeling with common software
such as Hyperchem. Co-authored a lab manual to cover recent development in the
field. Each lab session includes a 30 minute lecture.
Taught junior/senior level physical chemistry laboratory (CHML321,
CHML420). The courses cover thermodynamic and quantum chemistry. Each
class consists of one hour lecture followed by two hour experiment in the lab.
Both courses are also designated as writing intensive course (approved by
UNCW), which emphasizes scientific communication in writing.
Taught advanced organic chemistry laboratory (CHML312).
The course covers advanced technique in organic syntheses, separation of
mixtures and characterization using spectroscopic and chromatographic
Teaching General Chemistry lecture (CHM101) during SU12 semester.
The course is the first part of introductory chemistry, directed at freshmen (both
science majors and non-science majors)
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Graduate teaching assistant
Taught undergraduate general chemistry laboratory. Duties include supervising
labs for 25 students, teaching recitations, proctoring and grading exams and
Student Advising
Advised chemistry majors.
Advised on average 10 undergraduate students each semester, pursuing either BS
or BA degree in chemistry. Met with each student at least once a semester and
spent minimum 30 minutes to talk about his/her plan for the future. The
discussion includes 1) student’s academic progress in the current semester, 2) my
suggestion for the courses to be taken in the following semester, 3) student’s
interest in each suggested course, and 4) student’s plan for the future, both in
academic and general terms. Helped chemistry majors begin and establish their
Participated advising seminar hosted by UNCW.
Knowledgeable in the new basic study curriculum implemented by UNCW. Have
kept track of the changes in university studies requirement.
Research Experience
Extensive experience in the formulation and analysis of specialty chemical
Synthesis and characterizations of organic and inorganic compounds
In-depth knowledge and experience of polymer coating process
Proficient analytical chemist -- Skills include SEM, EDS, XRD, fluorescence
spectroscopy, NMR, IR, and UV-Vis spectroscopy.
Senior Research Scientist
MacDermid, Inc., Waterbury, CT
Developed new specialty chemical products demonstrating commercial successes.
1) Formulated and tested specialty chemical products for metallization of printed
circuit boards using nano particles, wetter, dispersing agent, surfactant and
various other components.
2) Developed new chemical products for manufacturing antennas for mobile
Scaled up lab-developed new products from beaker scales to manufacturing
Developed analytical methods to analyze complicated field samples.
Communicated and traveled to global customer sites to test new products and
resolve issues for existing products.
Managed multiple projects in a laboratory environment.
Participated in marketing projects to promote new products.
Graduate Research Assistant
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Developed a novel and highly efficient method of inorganic-organic composite
membrane preparation based on nano-sized inorganic particles and photoresist
Investigated photochemical charge separation and hydrogen fuel generation
systems for fuel cell applications.
Synthesized inorganic-organic composite materials as well as characterized them
with X-ray powder diffraction spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy and
electron microscopy.
SEM and EDS operator for the research group -- Analyzed various kinds of
samples for group members.
Graduate Research Assistant
KAIST, Taejon, Korea
Synthesized moisture- and air- sensitive organic ligands and inorganic compounds
using inert atmosphere techniques: Dry box, Schlenk and Vacuum line
Characterized products utilizing NMR, IR, UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy and
X-ray crystallography.
2006 October
2007 May
Lee, H. “Process for preparing a non-conductive substrate for electroplating”,
USA Patent 7,128,820
Lee, H. and Retallick, R.R. “Process for preparing a non-conductive substrate for
electroplating”, USA Patent 7,214,304
2011 March
2005 February
2002 April
1999 June
Lee,H, “Turn-on fluorescent sensors for Mercury(II) in solution” Invited seminar,
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Retallick, R.; Lee, H.; Ding, Y.; Spencer, T. “Bridging the gap-technical capabilities
of a direct plate PTH process”, 10th ECWC conference, Anaheim, CA
Lee, H.; Dutta, P.K. “Phortoelectron transfer across a zeolitic membrane: Routes to
permanent charge separation” ACS 223rd Spring National Meeting, Orlando, FL
Lee, H.; Dutta, P.K. “Hydrothermal synthesis of free-standing chabazite-type membranes”
ACS Central Regional Meeting, Columbus, OH
[1] Lee, H.; Lee, H.-S.; Riebenspeis, J.; Hancock, R. “Mechanism of ‘Turn-on’ Fluorescent Sensors for
Mercury(II) in Solution, and its Implications for Ligand Design.”, Inorg. Chem., 2012, 51(20), 10904.
[2] Kim, Y.; Lee, H.; Dutta,P.K.; Das, A. “Zeolite-mediated photochemical charge separation using a surfaceentrapped ruthenium polypyridyl complex”, Inorg. Chem., 2003, 42(13), 4215.
[3] Lee, H.; Dutta, P.K. “Charge transport through novel zeolite Y membrane by a self exchange process”, J.
Phys. Chem., 2002, 106(46), 11898.
[4] Lee, H.; Dutta, P.K. “Synthesis of free-standing chabazite-type films”, Microporous and Mesoporous
Materials, 2000, 38(2-3), 151.