Board Briefs April 2016

Board Briefs
April 2016
An informal report from Eudora Board of Education regular meetings
The following are highlights of discussion and action
from the board meeting on April 14, 2016.
CONSENT ITEMS. Most items listed on the agenda were
approved without discussion. The retirement of Matt Bova was
pulled from consent and approved after a short reflection by the
board on Bova’s distinguished tenure at Eudora High School.
PUBLIC COMMENT. The board heard a presentation from
Kjersten Inskeep about ideas to celebrate Veterans Day in the
schools and a request from Lindsey Hoover for financial support
for the Arts Coalition of Eudora, ACE, which delivers monthly
art lessons in classrooms at Eudora Elementary.
WEBS REPORT. Principal Ty Pattison presented the annual
report on the WEBS program, which serves students with
behavior disorders from Eudora, Baldwin and Wellsville; the
program is housed at EES and EMS. He began by introducing
staff and recognizing their contributions to student growth. Next,
he reviewed program changes and additions over the past year
that resulted in a sharp decline in office referrals and restraints.
He concluded with a slide show highlighting the classroom
activities and systems that make up the WEBS program. A parent
in attendance also spoke about the difference the WEBS staff
members and program have made for her child. A copy of Ty’s
annual review is available on BoardDocs.
SUPERINTENDENT REPORT. Steve Splichal began with a
status update of the Kansas Legislature’s latest school funding
plan, which is awaiting review by the Kansas Supreme Court
next month. In Eudora, the new plan would reduce state aid for
the LOB. If the court does not find the new formula to meet
the Kansas Constitution’s equity requirement, the legislature
will have until June 30 to propose a satisfactory plan, or school
districts will be closed beginning July 1. Steve reported that at
least two other plans are in the works, but it is still unclear where
the process will lead until the legislature reconvenes at the end
of the month and the court rules after May 10.
Next, he reviewed the Kindergarten Roundup participation
and enrollment projections, which indicate the 2016-2017 will
be slightly smaller than the current year. He also invited board
members to attend the district’s annual award and recognition
program, Applauding Excellence, on April 29.
Steve concluded with a reflection on the new Classified
Employee of the Year Award, which was presented to EHS para
Susie Whalen earlier in the day. More information about Whalen
and the award can be found on the district website.
SPECIAL EDUCATION DIRECTOR. Mike Kelso reported that
the co-op board is preparing to interview three candidates for
the special education director position over the next week and
invited board members, employees and community members
to meet each candidate. Receptions will take place at West
Resource Center, 1310 Winchester Rd. Candidate Daniel Wray
will be at the building from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, April 15;
Jeff Price from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, April 19; and Raj
Sharma from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 20.
Mike also reported that the co-op positions are now fully
staffed for both summer school and next school year. The
co-op budget also has been approved, including an increased
assessment to Eudora of 13.6%, or $127,000.
of bids and lengthy discussion, the board approved a plan to
purchase 500 Dell Chromebooks, as well as protective sleeves
and mobile carts to implement the student technology initiative
discussed in previous meetings. When implemented next August
with new and existing devices, there will be a 1:1 environment
in the high school and 2:1 environment at the middle and
elementary schools.
14TH & CHURCH DEVELOPMENT. Eric Votaw updated the
board on progress by the Eudora City Commission to develop
the former Nottingham property purchased from the district
last fall. He and Steve Splichal also explained a variety of
factors that will be involved in the negotiations process between
the city and the developer. Eric proposed a meeting between
commissioners and school board members to establish an
understanding as negotiations continue with the developer.
Want to know more about board business?
•Attend a board meeting! Meetings are open to the public and usually take place at 7 p.m. on the second Thursday of
each month at West Resource Center. Check the calendar on to see the date of the next meeting.
•Go online! A full, searchable record of minutes and agendas is available online through BoardDocs. The Eudora section
of BoardDocs can be accessed from the district website under School Board > Meetings.