Locating Copyright Holders


Locating Copyright Holders

by Attorney Lloyd J. Jassin

Getting Permission

If you intend to use someone's copyrighted work, unless the use is considered a fair use, you must obtain that person's written permission. Under federal copyright law, only the copyright owner or someone acting with the owner's authority, such as a publisher, can grant that permission. While not every unauthorized use of a copyrighted work is an infringement, whenever you use another person's words, illustrations, photographs, charts or graphs in your own work you must be sensitive to the risk of infringing that individual's copyright.

The following information is provided to help you plan your permission strategy and locate copyright holders more easily. For a more detailed approach, consult The Copyright Permission & Libel Handbook , by Jassin & Schechter (John Wiley & Sons).

Where to Begin.

Begin your search with the copyright notice. The copyright notice identifies who owns the copyright. However, the copyright owner does not always have the authority to grant you permission.

For permission to quote from a book, you must contact the publisher’s rights department. If the publisher has gone out of business, or the book is out of print, you’ll need to trace the author by doing a copyright search or contacting one of the authors’ organizations listed below.

It Takes Time . The permission process should begin when you start researching and preparing your work.

Permission requests are often ignored, denied or lost. Unless the use is considered a fair use , your work cannot be published without proper permissions.

Use Common Sense.

All sources of material you’ve borrowed or quoted from should be flagged and identified. Knowing where a particular quote, passage, or photograph came from will save you hours of work later on. And, remember, there may be multiple copyright owners of the material you want to use.

Locating Copyright Holders

Useful links and postal addresses to assist you identify and locate rights holders:

I. Trade & Professional Groups (A-Z)

II. Licensing Organizations & Searchable Databases a) Authors b) Photographers c) Songwriters d) Visual Artists e) Motion Pictures

III. Online Copyright Permission Pages a) Book Publishers b) Playwrights c) Magazines & Journals

IV. Search Copyright & Trademark Office Records a) Search Copyright Office Records b) Search Trademark Office Records c) Intellectual Property Research Firms

V. Miscellaneous

Find A Grave

Online Telephone Directories

Vital Records (United States)



Advertising Photographers of America(APA)

PO Box 361309

Los Angeles, CA 90036

800-272-6264 (Tel.) www.apanational.org

American Federation of Musicians (AF of M)

1501 Broadway

New York, NY 10036

212-869-1330 (Tel.) www.afm.org

American Medical Writers Association.

40 West Gude Drive, Suite 101

Rockville MD 20850-1192

301-294-5303 (Tel.) amwa@amwa.org

(e-mail) www.amwa.org

American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA)

1501 Broadway, Ste. 302

New York, NY 10036

212-997-0947 (Tel.) www.asja.org

American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP)

150 North Second Street

Philadelphia, PA 19106

215-451-ASMP (Tel.)

215-451-0880 (Fax) http://www.asmp.org

The American Society of Picture Professionals

409 S. Washington Street

Alexandria, VA 22134

703-299-0219 (Tel.)

703-299-0219 (Fax) aspp1@idsonline.com

(e-mail) www.aspp.com

Association of American Publishers (AAP)

71 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10003-3004 www.publishers.org

Association of Authors' Representatives, Inc.

P.O. Box 237201

Ansonia Station, New York, NY 10003 www.aar-online.org

The Authors Guild

31 East 28 th

Street, 10 th


New York, NY 10016

212-563-5904 (Tel.) staff@authorsguild.org



Dog Writers Association of America, Inc.

DWAA, Secretary

173 Union Road

Coatesville, PA 19320 dwaa@dwaa.org

(e-mail) www.dwaa.org

The Dramatists Guild

110 West 44th Street, 7th floor

New York, NY 10036

212-398-9366 (Tel.) www.dramaguild.com/

Graphic Artists Guild (GAG)

90 John Street

New York, NY 10038-3202

212-791-0330 (Tel.) www.gag.org

Licensing Industry Merchandisers' Association (LIMA)

350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2309

New York, NY 10118-6293

212-244-1944 (Tel.) info@licensing.org

(e-mail) www.licensing.org

Magazine Publishers of America

919 Third Avenue

New York, NY 10022-3901

212-872-3700 (Tel.) www.magazine.org

Museum Digital Library Collection

41 East 11 Street, 11th Floor

New York, NY 10023

212-331-1140 www.museumlicensing.org

National Association of Black Journalists

University of Maryland

8701-A Adelphi Road

Adelphi, Md. 20783-1716

301-445-7100 (Tel.) www.nabj.org

National Cartoonists Society (NCS)

10 Columbus Circle, #1620

New York, NY 10019

212-627-1550 (Tel.) www.reuben.org


National Writers Union (NWU)

National Office East

113 University Pl. 6th Fl.

New York, NY 10003

212-254-0279 (Tel.)

212-254-0673 (Fax) nwu@nwu.org

(e-mail) www.nwu.org

Mystery Writers of America

17 E. 47th St., 6th floor

New York NY 10017

212-888-8171 (Tel.)

212-888-8107 (Fax) mwa_org@earthlink.net


PEN American Center

568 Broadway

New York, NY 10012-3225

212-334-1660 (Tel.) pen@pen.org

(e-mail) www.pen.org

Picture Agency Council of America (PACA)

P.O. Box 308

Northfield, MN 55057-0308

P.O. Box 308

800-457-PACA (7222) (Tel.) www.stockindustry.org

Publishers Marketing Association (PMA)

627 Aviation Way

Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

310-372-2732 (Tel.) www.pma-online.org

Romance Writers of America

16000 Stuebner Airline Rd., Ste 140

Spring, TX 77379

832-717-5200 (Tel) info@rwanational.com


Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc. (SFWA)

PO Box 877

Chestertown MD 21620 www.sfwa.org

Small Press Center (SPC)

20 West 44th Street

New York, NY 10026

212-764-7021 (Tel.) smallpress@aol.com



Society of Children's Book Writers

& Illustrators (SCBWI)

8271 Beverly Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90048 USA

323-782-1010 (Tel.)

323-782-1892 (Fax) scbwi@scbwi.org

(e-mail) www.scbwi.org

Society of Illustrators http://www.societyillustrators.org

Society of Professional Journalists

National Journalism Center

3909 N. Meridian St.

Indianapolis, IN 46208

317-927-8000 (Tel.) questions@spj.org

(e-mail) www.spj.org

Software & Information Industry Association

1090 Vermont Ave, NW, 6 th


Washington, DC 20005

202-289-7442 (Tel.)

202.289-7097 (Fax) www.siia.org

Text and Academic Authors Assoc. Inc. (TAA)

Koquina Hall, #234

140 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersberg, FL 33701

813-553-1195 (tel.) http://taaonline.net

Toy Industry Association (TIA)

1115 Broadway

New York, NY 10010

212-675-1141 (Tel.) www.toy-tia.org

Western Writers of America

209 E. Iowa

Cheyenne, WY. 82009 hogranch@email.msn.com

(e-mail) www.westernwriters.org

Writers Guild of America, East, Inc. (WGA, East)

555 West 57th Street

New York, NY 10019

212-245-6180 (Tel.) http://www.wgaeast.org/

Writers Guild of America, West, Inc..

8955 Beverly Hills Boulevard

West Hollywood, CA 90048-2455

310-550-1000 (Tel.) www.wsa.org



Publishers Marketplace www.publishersmarketplace.com/search.html

Publishers Marketplace has an excellent searchable database of agents, editors, publishers, packagers and writers

The Authors Registry

31 East 28 th


New York, NY 10016

212-563-6920 (Tel.) staff@authorsregistry.org


The Authors Registry maintains an extensive directory of authors, with contact addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses.

Copyright Clearance Center (CCC)

222 Rosewood Drive

Danvers, MA 01923

978-750-8400 (Tel.) www.copyright.com

The CCC is a photocopying clearance house that collects permission fees for photocopying of books, journals, newsletters, newspapers and scientific monographs.

Copyright Licensing Agency CLC)

90 Tottenham Court Rd

London W1T 4LP

020 7631 5555 (Tel.)

020 7631 5500 (Fax) cla@cla.co.uk

(e-mail) www.cla.co.uk

CLA is a UK-based photocopy clearance organization that licenses users for copying extracts from books, journals and periodicals. iCopyright.com

200 Mill Avenue South

Suite 400

Renton, WA 98055

425-430-4555 (Tel.)

425-227-6478 (Fax) www.icopyright.com

iCopyright.com is a web-based copyright clearance service that allows users to instantly reprint, reuse, and distribute content published on the Internet.


Publication Rights Clearinghouse (PRC)


113 University Pl. 6th Floor

New York, NY 10003

212-254-0673 (Tel.) www.nwu.org/prc/prchome.htm

The Publications Rights Clearinghouse (PRC) is the National Writers Union's (NWU) online royalty collection agency for freelance writers.

The WATCH File

Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center

The University of Texas at Austin

P.O. Drawer 7219

Austin, TX 78713-7219

512-471-9119 (Tel.) http://tyler.hrc.utexas.edu/

The WATCH file (Writers, Artists, and Their Copyright Holders) is a searchable online database containing the names and the addresses of rights holders or contact persons for authors (and artists).

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. b. Photographers

Photographer’s Index

A comprehensive internet directory for photography. Search for photographers, stock photo houses and much more. www.photographersindex.com

c. Songwriters (Composers & Lyricists)

ASCAP: Los Angeles

7920 Sunset Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90046

213-883-1000 (Tel.) www.ascap.com

ASCAP: New York

One Lincoln Plaza

New York, NY 10023

212-595-3050 (Tel.) www.ascap.com

BMI: Los Angeles

8730 Sunset Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90069

310-659-9109 (Tel.) www.bmi.com

BMI: New York

320 West 57th Street

New York, NY 10019

212-586-2000 (Tel.) www.bmi.com



10 Columbus Circle

New York, NY 10019

212-586-3450 (Tel.) www.sesac.com

The ASCAP and BMI song title databases allows researchers to search by song, title, songwriter or publisher for information on songs and songwriters registered with these performing rights societies. If you don't know which society a writer belongs to, look at the liner notes that accompanied the CD or cassette. If a songwriter isn't registered with ASCAP, there's an excellent chance he or she is affiliated with BMI. If all else fails, contact SESAC.

Harry Fox Agency, Inc. (HFA)

National Music Publishers' Assoc., Inc.

475 Park Ave. South

New York, NY 10016

646-742-1651 (Tel.) www.nmpa.org

HFA licenses musical compositions for use on records, tapes, CDS and computer chips. It also licenses musical compositions for use in audio/visual works including motion pictures, television programs, commercials and multi-media. HFA maintains a searchable database of 2 million songs called www.songfile.com

Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI)

17201 NE Sacramento Street

Portland, OR 97230

503-257-2230 (Tel.)

800-234-2446 (Toll Free) dirofcopyrights@ccli.com


CCLI licenses permission to copy over 150,000 songs for congregational use. d. Visual

Art Museum Image Consortium (AMICO)

2008 Murray Ave, Suite D

Pittsburgh, PA 15217

412- 422-8533 (Tel.) www.amico.org

The AMICO Library is the compilation of digital multimedia documentation of works of art contributed by

AMICO museum members. The AMICO Library is available on a subscription basis to institutions of higher education, public libraries, and museums.

Artists Rights Society (ARS)

536 Broadway, 5th Floor

New York, NY 10012

212-420-9160 (Tel.) www.arsny.com


VAGA (Visual Artists and Galleries Association)

350 Fifth Avenue

Suite 6305

New York, NY 10118

(212) 736-6666 (Tel.)

(212) 736-6767 (Fax) rpanzer@vagarights.com


ARS and VAGA are artists' rights organizations that license reproduction rights to users of visual art on behalf of members. ARS represents the estates of many of the artists active in France in this century, including Kandinsky, Braque, Chagall and Miro. VAGA represents thousands of artists worldwide, from struggling artists to well-known names such as Robert Motherwell and Larry Rivers. e. Motion Pictures

Searchable Motion Picture Databases:

Internet Movie Database www.imdb.com/

Motion Picture Studios:

Motion Picture Licensing Corporation (MPLC)

An independent copyright licensing service authorized by motion picture studios and independent producers to grant license for the public performances of home videos. http://www.mplc.com/index2.htm


Academic Book and Journal Publishers:

A service of the Professional Center Library for Law and Management, Wake Forest University. Designed for teachers and scholars. http://pcl.wfu.edu/

AcqWeb Directory of Publishers and Vendors

Compiled by AcqWeb. An international directory of publishers and vendors used by libraries. It links to publisher web sites and email addresses. http://acqweb.library.vanderbilt.edu/ / b) Playwrights

Searchable Theatre Databases:

Internet Theatre Database http://theatredb.com/

Major Play Publishers :

Dramatists Play Services, Inc.

440 Park Avenue South

New York, NY 10016

212-683-8960 (Tel.)

212-213-1539 (Fax) www.dramatists.com


Dramatic Publishing Company

311 Washington St.

Woodstock, IL 60098

800-448-7469 (Tel.)

800-334-5302 (Fax) plays@dramaticpublishing.com


Music Theatre International

545 Eigth Avenue

New York, NY 10018-4307

212-868-6668 (Tel.)

212-643-8465 (Fax) www.mtisho.com

Samuel French, Inc.

45 West 25th Street

New York, NY 10010-2751

212-206-8990 (Tel.)

212-206-1429 (Fax) www.samuelfrench.com

See also, The Dramatists Guild above. c) Magazines & Journals


PubList is a searchable database of over 150,000 domestic and international print and electronic publications including magazines, journals, e-journals, newsletters, and monographs. It provides publisher addresses, editor contacts, circulation data, and ISSN numbers. www.publist.com

IV. COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARK SEARCHES a. Search U.S. Copyright Office Records

A free online service of the United States Copyright Office www.copyright.gov/records

Copyright Office

Library of Congress

Washington, DC 20559

202-707-9100 (forms & publications hotline) www.copyright.gov/ b. Search the U.S. Trademark Office Records

A free online service of the United State Patents & Trademark Office www.uspto.gov/main/trademarks.htm

Trademark Assistance Center

United States Patent & Trademark Office

2900 Crystal Drive, Room 4B10

Arlington, VA 22202-3515

703-308-9000 (Tel.)

703 308-HELP (Tel.) www.uspto.gov


c. Intellectual Property Research Firms

•Government Liaison Services

200 North Glebe Road, Suite 321

Arlington, VA 22203

703-524-8200 (Tel.)

800-642-6564 (Toll Free) gsl@trademarkinfo.com

(e-mail) www.trademarkinfo.com

•Thomson & Thomson

1750 K Street, N.W., Suite 200

Washington, DC 20006-2305

800-356-8630 (Tel.) www.thomson-thomson.com

Leading professional copyright and trademark search firm


• Find A Grave

Hit a dead end? Find A Grave is an online database containing the location of thousands of famous graves from around the world. If all else fails, write the cemetery office for information about next of kin. www.findagrave.com

•Online Telephone Directories (United States)

Find a person using the online White Pages. Find a business using the online Yellow Pages.


•Syndicated Newspaper Cartoonists, by Index

Daryl Cagles’ Pro Cartoonists Index contains hundreds of links to syndicated cartoonists. www.cagle.slate.msn.com/prolinks/library/syndARTISTS.asp

•Vital Records Information (United States)

This website contains information about where to obtain vital records (such as birth, death & marriage certificates and divorce decrees) from each state, territory and county of the United States. The site has convenient links to online versions of the White Pages and Yellow Pages. www.vitalrec.com

Related Article:

New Rules For Using Public Domain Materials

Suggestions for links beyond this list should be sent to links@copylaw.com


9 April 2004

© 2004 The Law Offices of Lloyd J. Jassin. All Rights Reserved.


