Neural Control of Locomotion in Marine Invertebrates Richard Satterlie Frank Hawkins Kenan Professor of Marine Biology, UNCW Cubomedusan Jellyfish Carybdea marsupialis Education/Employment Clione limacina Pteropod Mollusc BS Left – Normal, non-feeding posture. Right – Following ballistic eversion of buccal cones and capture of prey (shelled pteropod) University of California, Santa Barbara, 1978 PostDoc University of Alberta (Canada), 1978-1980 Asst. Prof. Arizona State University, 1980-1985 Assoc. Prof Arizona State University, 1985-1991 Professor Arizona State University, 1991-2004 Lucifer Yellow fill of the swim motor neurons in the inner nerve ring of the hydromedusa Polyorchis. Only a single neuron was filled with the dye, but all neurons are connected by gap junctions which allow passage of the Lucifer Yellow dye. The neurons are ~25µm at their widest diameters. FMRFamide (neuroactive peptide) immunoreactivity surrounding a radial canal of the hydromedusa Proboscidactyla. The nerve cell bodies are ~7µm. Grass Foundation Fellowship in Neurobiology (Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole) 1978 Neural Control of Locomotory Speed In the Pteropod Mollusc, Mollusc, Clione limacina (Projects – available for grad/undergrad participation) Izaak Walton Killam Memorial PostPost-Doctoral Scholarship (University of Alberta) 1979-80 1. Role of a serotonergic arousal system in regulating locomotory speed Comparative Investigation of Swim Control in Jellyfish Dean’ Dean’s Distinguished Teaching Award, ASU, 1990 2. Neural control of a ballistic startle response 4. Role of postinhibitory rebound in swim acceleration in pattern generator swim interneurons PhD Polyorchis penicillatus Awards and Honors Serotonin Immunoreacivity in the cerebral ganglia. Each ganglion is ~300µm in diameter 3. Mechanosensory inputs that trigger swim acceleration Hydromedusan Jellyfish Sonoma State University (California), 1973 Outstanding Professor Award ASU Golden Key National Honor Society, 1990 Carboxyfluroescein fills of the pair of “whole body withdrawal” neurons – cell bodies are the bright circles in the pleural ganglia. These neurons control protective withdrawal of the body. Cerebral ganglia are to the top, intestinal ganglia at bottom center, pedal ganglia bottom (lateral to the intestinals) 5. Serotonin-triggered second messenger systems in pattern generator interneurons and their roles in swim acceleration Distinguished Alumni Award Sonoma State University, 1992 (Projects—available for grad/undergrad participation) Top – low power electron micrograph of the striated swim muscle of the hydromedusa Polyorchis. Bottom – higher magnification of the junction between two of the muscle cells showing a pair of desmosomes surrounding a gap junction. 2. Organization of the nerve ring (ultrastructure and physiology) Fulbright Scholar University of St. Andrews, Scotland, 1994 3. Feeding-related modulation of swim activity 4. Protective “crumpling” and its inhibition of swim activity Parents Association Professor, Professor ASU, 1994-96 6. Role of wing dorsoventral muscles in regulating wing stiffness during swim acceleration Guggenheim Fellow, Fellow 2002-03 5. Vision in cubomedusae (morphology, ultrastructure, and physiology) 7. Buccal cone ultrastructure 8. Role of the pleural asymmetric white cell in reproductive behavior 9. Synapse identification in wings (ultrastructure and immunohistochemistry) 6. Physiology and biomechanics of turning behavior Service (current) Immunohistochemical stain of wing dorsoventral muscles. The dark bands are swim muscle bundles. The dorsoventral muscles run into and out of the plane of the poster, and branch as they reach each surface epithelium of the wing. The swim muscle bands are ~80µm wide. Editorial Board, Board Integrative and Comparative Biology Program Officer, Division of Neurobiology Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Cubomedusae 1. Role of the “Diffuse Nerve Net” in modulation of swimming activity in cubomedusae 7. Modeling of swim pacemaker interactions Top – One of two complex eyes in the rhopalium (sensory club) of the cubomedusa Carybdea. Cubomedusae have four of these sensory clubs, which also contain swim pacemakers. Bottom, left – Section through a rhopalium showing the two complex eyes and two of the four ocelli (less complex photoreceptor structures). Bottom, right – Section through one of the ocelli. Some researchers claim that cubomedusae can form images with the complex eyes. This is an active area of scientific debate and research. 8. Nervous system morphology through the life cycle Scyphomedusae 1. Dual innervation of swim muscle and the role of the “Diffuse Nerve Net” in swim modulation 2. Eyes of scyphomedusae and photoreception 3. Physiology and biomechanics of turning behavior 4. Modeling of swim pacemaker interactions 5. Nervous system morphology through the life cycle Hydromedusae 1. Morphology of conducting systems and their roles in controlling and regulating swimming Sensorin immunoreactivity in the central nervous system of Clione. Sensorin marks primary mechanoreceptor neurons. This is a stereo pair. If you defocus until you see three images, concentrate on the center one of the three, and you may see a single 3-D image. Top trace – intracellular recording of a pattern generator interneuron. Each spike triggers a dorsal swim contraction of the wings. Bottom trace – extracellular recording from the wing nerve. At the arrow, a swim acceleration occurs. Note the increased frequency of interneuron firing, baseline depolarization, and in the wing nerve, recruitment of large spike elements. Double label immunohistochemical preparation from the cubomedusa Tripedalia cystophora. The red stain (actin antibody) shows the striated swim muscle that lines the inside of the bell. Note the striations. The green stain shows neurons of the subumbrellar motor nerve net (tubulin antibody). The large swellings on the green neurons are ~15µm. All Groups (including Anthozoans) Evolution of gap junctions – presence in the Hydrozoa and absence in the Scyphozoa, Cubozoa, and Anthozoa (molecular biology project)