If you enjoy playing basketball, join us at our Cardinal Basketball Camp. We will be working on the basics of fundamental basketball. Passing, shooting, dribbling and team play will be covered. It will be a fun week of basketball, so bring a friend, and we look forward to working with you at our Cardinal Basketball Camp. Coach Deterding, Coach Tegtmeier and Coach San Romani Eudora High School Dates: Monday, May 23rd – Thursday, May 26th Times: 8:30 – 9:30 am 9:30 - 11:30 am 12:15-2:00 pm Where: Eudora High School Fee: $40 per person by May 18th (family rate: $20 for each additional sibling) $45 after May 18th Includes daily refreshment, camp tshirt and camp basketball K -2nd Grades Boys/Girls (Grade in 16-17) 6th - 8th Grades Boys (Grade in 16-17) rd th 3 -5 Grades Boys (Grade in 16-17) (limited scholarships are available, email to inquire) If you have questions, you can email: kyledeterding@eudoraschools.org (Return by May 18th to guarantee shirt) """"" """"" Campers Name__________________________ Grade in 16 - 17___________________ T-Shirt size: YS YM YL S M Make checks payable to: Cardinal Basketball L XL XXL Mail to: Cardinal Basketball c/o Kyle Deterding 2203 Church St/ PO Box 712 Eudora, Ks 66025 I hereby discharge, waive, and release the Cardinal Basketball staff & USD 491, the owners of the facility which injury or damage to myself and my child may occur by virtue of, or arising out of, or in connection with any participation and any of the activities of Cardinal Basketball Camp. By executing this document, I hereby acknowledge that basketball is a sport in which serious injury and/or death may be possible outcome of participation or attendance and I hereby assume, and/or assume on behalf of my child may be exposed. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THIS RELEASEOF LIABILITY WAIVER FORM AND SIGN IT WILLINGLY. _______________________ Parent or Guardian _________ Date _______________________ Parent Phone Number _______________________ Parent email