WGS Internship/DIS Explorations Checklist Spring 2013

WGS Internship/DIS Explorations Checklist
Spring 2013
_____ CAS-approved site identified or new site in process or approval
_____ Site supervisor identified
_____ Site expectations clear
_____ Academic expectations clear (course if pass/fail; see CAS course contract)
_____ WGS internship expectations read
The components of the internship are as follows:
1. Interns are expected to work a minimum of 15-20 hours per week (including during summer sessions) at the
internship site or as representing the site on sponsored programs. These hours must be verified, documented, and
evaluated by the internship site supervisor.
2. Interns must keep a professional journal. The journal must be submitted to the WSRC director on a weekly basis.
3. Interns are expected to meet regularly with the WSRC director, bi-weekly meetings are encouraged.
4. Interns are expected to turn in a final report, which is related to the internship experience and produce samples of
materials created during the internship. The final report should be a brief reflection piece on the internship.
Details on what is appropriate for each internship will be decided individually between the WSRC director and
student intern.
5. Students must have a positive evaluation from the site supervisor.
_____ Resume prepared or updated
_____ Pre-meeting questionnaire completed and submitted on Blackboard
_____ Second meeting questionnaire completed and submitted
Reflection journal entries submitted for:
_____ Friday, Jan 25
_____ Friday, Feb. 1
_____ Friday, Feb. 8
_____ Friday, Feb. 15
_____ Friday, Feb. 22
_____ Friday, March 1
_____ Friday, March 8
_____ Friday, March 19
_____ Friday, March 26
_____ Friday, April 3
_____ Friday, April 10
_____ Friday, April 17
_____ Friday, April 24
Content for reflections journal follow:
Suggestions: your reflection entries should go beyond mere description of tasks to include the following: what went well
that week; what did not; what you could have done differently; what you supervisor could have done differently; what
obstacles and successes you met; what you learned; how your WGS course content helped you prepare for these tasks, or
how it came into play; what is next on your plate
______ Meeting with academic advisor scheduled for every 2-3 weeks, contact Ms. Styes, 962-7870. Please schedule for
the whole semester; we can move meetings, if necessary.
_____ Mid-semester feedback requested from site supervisor
_____ Completed required readings and related question sheets, if requested
_____ Posted 5 comments, questions or responses on the Blackboard course blog
_____ Presented internship at our end-of-semester discussion. Report includes: any materials, educational programs,
reports, and such, created for the site. Presentation may include poster presentation or PowerPoint.