Document 12016573



B. A. Communication Studies (COM)

College: Arts & Sciences


Course requirements for all UNCW degrees include: (1) University Studies, (2) specific major requirements, and (3) sufficient elective hours for a combined total of a minimum of 124 hours.


See University Studies sheet and/or information on the web at

(2) MAJOR REQUIREMENTS – COM (Minimum 42 hours)

Core Courses: (21 hours)

_____ CSC 105 Introduction to Computing and Computer Applications (3)

_____ COM 101

(Meets Computer Competency Requirement )

Public Speaking (3)

(Meets Oral Communication Competency Requirement )

Introduction to Communication Studies (3) _____ COM 105

_____ COM 200

_____ COM 301

_____ COM 305

_____ COM 400

Research Methods (3) Prerequisites: A grade of “B” or better in COM 105 and CSC 105

Rhetorical Theory (3) Prerequisites: A grade of “B” or better in COM 200 and COM major

Communication Theory (3) Prerequisites: A grade of “B” or better in COM 200 and COM major

Communication Studies Capstone (3) Prereqs: COM 301 or 305, and senior standing in COM

(Meets Applied Learning Requirement )

Elective Courses: (21 hours)

Note: At least 12 of these hours must be at the 300- or 400-level. At least 3 of these 12 hours must include a 400-level course other than COM 491 or 498.

_____ COM_____

_____ COM_____ Choose 21 additional hours of COM courses.

_____ COM_____

_____ COM_____

_____ COM_____

_____ COM_____

_____ COM_____

With respect to these 21 hours, please note the following restrictions on the maximum number of credit hours from these courses: COM 104 (0 hours), COM 160 (0 or 3 hours),

COM 212 (3 hours), COM 295 (6 hours), COM 491 (0 hours), COM 495 (6 hours), COM

498 (3 hours).

A minimum “C” (2.00) average across the seven core courses and 21 additional hours of communication studies coursework is required.

NOTE: A maximum number of credit hours may be counted toward graduation from these courses as follows: COM 216

(8 hours), COM 491 (9 hours) and COM 498 (12 hours). COM 160 may be used to fulfill University Studies or be counted toward the COM major but not both.


_____ Elective hours to equal a minimum of 124 hours

Requirements to declare PRE-COM: Complete one of these two requirements:

(1) Earn a “B” or better in COM 105 before completing the declaration if student will not yet have completed 45 hours after completing COM 105.

(2) Be currently enrolled in COM 105 if student will have completed 45 hours at the end of the semester in which he or she declares PRE-COM

Completion of an application available online is also required at the time the student declares PRE-COM.

Requirements to become COM: A PRE-COM student must complete COM 105 and COM 200 with a grade of “B” or better in each.

For further information, see the COM web site: and

12/Undergraduate%20Catalogue%20Master%20Word.pdf#page=127 .



COM 101 Public Speaking (3)

COM 104 Concepts in Communication Studies (3)

COM 105 Introduction to Communication Studies (3)

COM 116 Performance of Literature (3)

COM 160 Engaging Contemporary Media (3)

For courses numbered 299 or above, please consult the undergraduate catalogue for prerequisites.

COM 300 Applied Quantitative Research Methods (3)

COM 301 Rhetorical Theory (3)

COM 305 Communication Theory (3)

COM 310 Performance of Literature II (3)

COM 200 Research Methods (3) Prerequisites: A grade of

“B” or better in COM 105 and CSC 105

COM 210 Performance of Children’s Literature (3)

Prerequisite: COM 116 or consent of instructor

COM 211 Storytelling (3) Prerequisite: COM 116 or

COM 313 Performance of Southern Prose (3)

COM 319 On-Camera Performance (4)

COM 334 Public Relations I (3)

COM 346 Interracial Communication (3) consent of instructor

COM 212 Storytelling in the Community (3) Prerequisite: consent of instructor

COM 356 Speech Writing (3)

COM 358 Diversity in Public Communication (3)

COM 361 Media Law and Ethics (3)

COM 362 Communication Ethics (3)

COM 219 Voice and Diction (3)

COM 220 Interpersonal Communication (3) Prerequisite:

A grade of “B” or better in COM 105

COM 223 Mediation and Conflict Management (3)

COM 368 Broadcast Journalism II (3)

COM 372 Studies in Organization Communication (3)

COM 374 Communication Consulting (3)

COM 378 Business and Professional Communication (3)

Prereq: A grade of “B” or better in COM 105

COM 226 Health Communication (3) Prerequisite: A grade of “B” or better in Com 105

COM 231 Integrated Marketing Communications I (3)

COM 380 Field Video Production I (3)

COM 382 Studio Video Production I (4)

COM 387 Desktop Publishing (3)

COM 388 3D Computer Animation II (3)

Prereq: A grade of “B” or better in COM 105

COM 232 Writing as Strategic Communication (3)

Prerequisites: ENG 103 or 201, a grade of “B” or better in COM 105, and PCOM or COM major

COM 400 Communication Studies Capstone (3)

COM 415 Experimental Theatre (3)

COM 420 Interpersonal Communication I (3)

COM 246 Communication with Deaf and Hearing-

Impaired Persons (3) Prereqs: A grade of “B” or better in COM 105 and PCOM or COM major

COM 250 Introduction to Political Communication (3)

COM 421 Nonverbal Communication (3)

COM 425 Negotiation (3)

COM 431 Integrated Marketing Communications II (3)

COM 434 Public Relations II (3)

COM 436 Public Relations Case Studies (3)

Prerequisite: A grade of “B” or better in COM

105 or consent of instructor

COM 256 The Art of Persuasive Speech (3) Prerequisite:

COM 101

COM 438 Advertising II (3)

COM 458 Rhetoric of Faith Healing (3)

COM 465 Media, Culture and Society II (3)

COM 257 Argumentation and Debate (3) Prerequisite:

COM 101

COM 258 Rhetoric of Popular Culture (3) Prerequisites:

A grade of “B” or better in COM 105 and PCOM

COM 473 Communication Training and Development


COM 474 Organizational Culture (3)

COM 480 Field Video Production II (4) or COM major

COM 265 Media, Culture and Society I (3) Prerequisites:

A grade of “B” or better in COM

105 and PCOM or COM major

COM 481 Demo Reel (1)

COM 482 Studio Video Production II (4)

COM 483 Television Production Workshop (4)

COM 486 Digital Multimedia II (3)

COM 268 Broadcast Journalism I (3) Prerequisites: ENG

103 or 201, a grade of “B” or better in COM

105, and PCOM or COM major

COM 271 Small-Group Communication (3)

COM 491 Directed Individual Study (1-3)

COM 495 Advanced Seminar in Communication Studies


COM 498 Internship in Communication Studies (3 or 6)

Prerequisites: A grade of “B” or better in COM

105 and PCOM or COM major

COM 272 Introduction to Organizational

Communication (3) Prereqs: A grade of “B” or

COM 499 Honors Work in Communication Studies (2-3) better in COM 105 and PCOM or COM major

COM 280 Introduction to Digital Video Production (3)

Prerequisites: A grade of “B” or better in COM

105 or 160 and PCOM or COM major, or consent of instructor

COM 283 Digital Audio I (3)

COM 286 Digital Multimedia I (3) Prerequisite: CSC 105 or consent of instructor

COM 288 3D Computer Animation I (3) Prerequisite:

CSC 105 or consent of instructor

COM 295 Seminar in Communication Studies (1-3)

Prerequisite: A grade of “B’ or better in COM


