AGENDA ITEM 10 INFORMATION ITEM TO: CHAIRMAN MILDE AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD FROM: DALE ZEHNER DATE: AUGUST 20, 2010 RE: CAROLINE COUNTY On August 16, 2010, VRE received a letter from the Caroline County Board of Supervisors regarding a proposed alternatives analysis of passenger rail service for the Carmel Church area. Caroline County will use a $490,000 federal earmark, plus a $122,500 match that they will provide, to perform this work. DRPT will be applying for the funds on their behalf. The scope of work will analyze the potential extension of commuter rail, and other transit services and accompanying facilities to Caroline County. Analysis will include a multimodal transportation center that offers access to bus, park-and-ride, passenger rail, intercity rail, and potential future commuter rail services. VRE has been asked to cooperate with the study by participating in project reviews and sharing information with the study team. VRE staff is willing to provide this cooperation and is satisfied that Caroline County understands that VRE’s cooperation doesn’t signify a commitment to provide commuter rail service to Caroline County. Similarly, Caroline County does not commit to joining VRE before it has fully evaluated the study conclusions.