AGENDA ITEM 9-D ACTION ITEM TO: CHAIRMAN MILDE AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD FROM: DALE ZEHNER DATE: APRIL 16, 2010 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO APPROVE THE ADDITION OF AN EARLY MORNING EXPRESS TRAIN ON THE FREDERICKSBURG LINE RECOMMENDATION: The VRE Operations Board is being asked to authorize the Chief Executive Officer to add an early morning Express Train on the Fredericksburg line beginning July 19, 2010. BACKGROUND: As part of the FY 2011 budget presentation in December, VRE staff presented a service expansion proposal designed to mitigate crowding on trains, fully utilize VRE equipment, provide expanded service, and increase ridership. The proposal included lengthening trains and adding an express train which required two morning trains (one on each line) and two evening trains (one on each line) to terminate and originate at the L’Enfant VRE station. A public outreach campaign seeking comments on the proposal commenced on February 1, 2010. Survey Monkey was also launched on March 12 to collect information on specific scenarios posed to the passengers. After preliminary review of the comments received, a modified proposal with three options was presented to the public and the deadline for comments was extended to March 31, 2010. The modified proposal included the following options: Option 1 - Add two railcars to trains 300/307 Option 2 - Option 1 plus add an express train on Fredericksburg Line to store at L’Enfant Option 3 - Option 2 plus store another consist at L’Enfant, to add railcars to Manassas Line 326/329 and Fredericksburg Line 308/311 PUBLIC COMMENT: Public hearings were held in Alexandria, Burke, Woodbridge, Fredericksburg, Manassas, and the Union Station area. Sixty-eight people attended the hearings and 2,744 surveys were completed on Survey Monkey. Nearly 45% of the official comments received, summarized below and samples also attached, expressed concern regarding the origin and termination of trains at L’Enfant. The consensus from these passengers was that reducing the amount of service available to them in order to provide seats to other passengers was unjust. The majority of passengers attending the hearings stated that they would prefer overcrowding to terminating or originating any trains from the L’Enfant station. They felt that the delay in their schedules and inconvenience would far outweigh the benefits received. Many riders also indicated that they would move to trains on either side of the train proposed to terminate or originate at L’Enfant, furthering the crowding on those trains. It is estimated that at least 400 to 600 of the current VRE riders would be disadvantaged or inconvenienced by terminating and originating VRE at L’Enfant A summary of the e-mails, faxes and letters sent to “Public Comment” at VRE is provided below: Not Happy with Proposed Changes re: L’Enfant Happy/Okay with Proposed Changes re: L’Enfant Thrilled with Express Train Want Express Train on Manassas Line Happy/Okay with All Proposed Changes Not Happy/Okay with any of the Proposed Changes Want Woodbridge added to Express Want Quantico added to Express Want Union Station to Remain Station on Express* Total 216 23 93 16 111 3 11 11 11 495 *Number low because discussions regarding elimination of Union Station from Express train did not occur until after the comment period began. 2 While we found that the majority of all riders completing the Survey Monkey supported the concept of adding railcars, it was not surprising that the support was predominantly to passengers not traveling to Union Station. The Survey Monkey questionnaire and summary of the results are attached. Please note that any comments received as part of Survey Monkey were reviewed and considered but not included in the summary of official public comment. RECOMMENDED PROPOSAL After presenting riders with several options and evaluating the collective comments made, VRE staff is recommending a modified proposal in which an express train would be added to the Fredericksburg line. While initial thoughts were to have the express train terminate at L’Enfant, requiring an evening train to also originate at L’Enfant, the proposal is now to run a short express train that can be stored on the existing tracks at Ivy City. If approved, the express train would depart Fredericksburg at 5:05AM and make stops at Fredericksburg, Leeland, Brooke, Woodbridge, Alexandria, Crystal City, L’Enfant and Union Station beginning July 19, 2010. FISCAL IMPACT: The annual cost for operating the express train is estimated at $386,000. If 200 new trips are made on VRE, the train will be cost neutral. If only 160 new trips are made on VRE, the annual net cost would be $106,000. We estimate a minimum of 160 new riders of VRE and expect the number to be closer to 200 after one year. The cost is included in the FY 2011 budget, as presented to the Operations Board in December. 3 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: CHAIRMAN MILDE AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD DALE ZEHNER APRIL 16, 2010 AUTHORIZATION TO APPROVE THE ADDITION OF AN EARLY MORNING EXPRESS TRAIN ON THE FREDERICKSBURG LINE RESOLUTION 9D-04-2010 OF THE VIRGINIA RAILWAY EXPRESS OPERATIONS BOARD WHEREAS, as part of the FY 2011 budget presentation in December, VRE staff proposed a service expansion plan in which an express train would be added and two morning and two evening trains per day would provide service only as far as the L’Enfant VRE station; and, WHEREAS, this proposed plan included adding an express train and lengthening several existing trains to provide more seats; and, WHEREAS, VRE initiated a public outreach campaign to seek comment on the proposal on February 1, 2010, which was extended until March 31, 2010; and, WHEREAS, following public comment, a modified proposal is now being recommended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the VRE Operations Board authorizes the Chief Executive Officer to add an early morning Express Train on the Fredericksburg Line beginning July 19, 2010. 4 SAMPLE OF COMMENTS RE: PROPOSED SERVICE CHANGES I like your idea of making the express train terminate at L’Enfant – less impact on current riders Having trains terminate and originate at L’Enfant Plaza will make my riding experience worse. I already avoid departing from L’Enfant because it is overcrowded. I strongly prefer continuing the 5pm departure from Union Station on the Manassas Line. Thank you. Great ideas and options for service capacity due to the high demand for VRE rail services. There has to be a better way to add cars to prevent crowding without eliminating stops for others. By eliminating stops to Union Station, you are providing an inferior service to others. VRE does a great job and the service is much appreciated. However, both VRE and Metro need to closely watch their fare costs as it is increasingly becoming more expensive to take mass transit than it is to drive. It is great that parking at VRE is for the most part free. I’ve been using VRE for over 10 years and have always wished there would be a train arriving into Union Station at 9:30am and leaving Union Station at 8pm. PLEASE do not screw your customers by your success. I stood with you when your on time % was in the 50’s. Now I’m standing most mornings. Take care of me! I think the idea of eliminating the deadheading train in the middle of the day is a good idea and the addition of the express train in the morning. Any thinking “outside the box” to better serve the riders is a good thing. 1 Thank you for the awesome service! These proposed enhancements will only improve a great service. I was thinking this morning how much I take VRE for granted – and that is strangely perhaps. . . the greatest compliment I can give! That is, I know you’re going to get me to work and back safely, reliably, well informed, courteously, and mostly right on time. NOT minor accomplishments, particularly given that you don’t own the rails we ride on!!! I love riding VRE. You are incredibly responsively and genuinely try to make VRE the best it can be. I ride to Union Station on the Manassas Line every day. I work at the US Capitol. While terminating at L’Enfant would be difficult, I would support it if less people had to stand in the mornings. Thanks for all that you do! Ending trains at L’Enfant is a terrible solution from my point of view. It means fewer trains that I can take to get to and from work. Seems like a big benefit of your proposal is to add a train to the Fredericksburg line by hurting Manassas line riders. If you end trains at L’Enfant, please adjust the schedules of other trains to reduce the time gap between trains that serve my stations (Burke to Union Station). PLEASE STOP advertising for more VRE riders until you can adequately serve the customers you have now. Thank you. Your proposed plan would result in my no longer using VRE for my commute. Terminating a train at L’Enfant is OK, but not originating from Union Station is not. Boarding at L’Enfant is already extremely overcrowded and difficult. People affected by the trains that will terminate at L’Enfant can always take the metro from Union Station to L’Enfant. Please make decisions that affect the most riders in a positive way, not just the few. Also, VRE rocks. Thanks for the continued safe ride to work! It would be an inconvenience to have to switch trains when taking Manassas 330 in the morning. One large reason I rider VRE over Metro is the straight shot between home 2 and Union Station – not having to switch trains. With 1/4 of your ridership, at least, heading to Union Station, it’s a disservice to have to change trains. Thanks for your consideration. I very strongly do NOT support changes in service which include ending train service at L’Enfant. I would prefer to stand. As a rider, I feel I am continually having to make adjustments to my schedule to accommodate something from VRE. I take an earlier train than I used to due to the parking situation at Broad Run. I have now had to switch to the Manassas station in order to get parking. Now, I may have to adjust schedules again because of the trains not going all the way into Union Station. I realize that VRE is trying to improve service, but for any passengers who need to detrain and wait for another train, it is an additional inconvenience and adds more time to an already lengthy trip. Would VRE consider taking all trains into Union Station and then returning a train set back to the storage yard? When will VRE start making adjustments for its passengers instead of the passengers making adjustments for VRE? Some points to look at are as follows: 1. The number of people who use the VRE to get to Ft. Belvoir in the morning and evening 2. The new DOD facility which is being built south of Springfield and will open in 2011 and will increase ridership 3. How many stops do you add before it is no longer an express train Thx Much for the great service you all provide. Keep up the good work and don’t get frustrated by the limited number of unhappy riders who usually also happen to be the most vocal. Although I travel from Lorton to Union Station 5 days a week, I can adjust my schedule around the trains that terminate at L’Enfant. I would prefer less crowding by adding more cars and timely arrival to work are most important to me. 3 Take the bikes off the train until you get a handle on the overcrowding please. I appreciate your work. VRE does an outstanding job obtaining customer input, both through these types of surveys, your CEO chats, etc. I think that is the sign of a mature, respectable organization who truly wants to give back to the community. An earlier morning express will allow me to switch to a four day work schedule. I’m very much supportive of your efforts to improve the quality of service. Thank you very much. 4 Survey Monkey Results Total of 2,744 surveys completed. Majority of responses from Fredericksburg and Broad Run station riders in the morning and L’Enfant and Union Station riders in the evening. Majority of responses from Manassas line riders (53%) over Fredericksburg line riders (45%). Fifty-seven percent of Fredericksburg line riders surveyed do not want to see an earlier train added to the Fredericksburg line. o Majority of those responding “no” currently travel to Union Station. o When asked what was needed instead, 91.3% said a morning train and 92.5% said an evening train. Sixty percent of riders did not feel additional stops should be added to the express train beyond Fredericksburg, Brooke and Leeland. However, if one was added the majority thought it should be at Woodbridge. Over half of all passengers have standees on their morning train and over 70% have standees on their evening train. Majority of Union Station passengers did not have standees on their morning trains but did on their evening trains, although they personally found a seat 90.5% of the time in the evening. Over 95% of passengers on both lines would support the addition of railcars to reduce crowding. o Nearly 70% of Union Station passengers would not support additional railcars if it meant terminating at L’Enfant. o Majority of non-Union Station passengers on both lines would support additional railcars even if it means terminating trains at L’Enfant. Nearly eighty percent of all Fredericksburg line riders would support the addition of an express train if it could only be added by terminating trains at L’Enfant – although nearly 90% of these responses where from passengers who don’t travel to Union Station.