Sample News Release For Immediate Release (Date) Contact: (Whom should the news source contact if they have questions? Have name and phone number) Lake volunteers are working to prevent the spread [DATELINE] Volunteers across Wisconsin are preparing to meet aquatic invasive species head-on. This spring, volunteers will take a frontline defense against aquatic invasives by participating in the Clean Boats, Clean Waters Watercraft Inspection program. Trained volunteers will be staffed at boat landings to instruct boaters on how and where invasive species are most likely to hitch a ride into water bodies and how to perform watercraft inspections. (Organization hosting the workshop) will host the Clean Boats, Clean Waters workshop at (location) on (date). The training workshop will be held from (insert time). There is no cost to attend the workshop, but for a fee of $25.00 attendees will be given a handbook and a resource kit that contains educational materials, a DVD, invasive species identification cards, watercraft inspection stickers, and T-shirts that can be worn during the watercraft inspections. However, this summer, each lake represented at a workshop will receive one free handbook and resource kit. According to Erin McFarlane, Aquatic Invasive Species Volunteer Coordinator, the training and resource materials provided in the workshop will help volunteers organize and conduct a boater education program in their community. By performing boat and trailer checks, distributing informational brochures, and collecting suspect specimens, volunteers can make a difference in preventing the spread of invasive species. “I believe this is only the tip of the iceberg for volunteer efforts in preventing invasive species spread,” said McFarlane. “With more communities involved in protecting lake quality, I predict there will be more resource kits and workshops planned for other parts of the state.” For reservations and directions, contact (Contact name and number of the person organizing the event).