MINUTES EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS COMMITTEE March 15, 2012 Members Present Brenda Freese, Chair Don Clothier Debbie Copp Aimee Franklin Suzanne Gilmore Members Absent Alisa Dougless Don Harrison Chad Johnson Mark Morvant Sue-Anna Miller Jannie Porter Will Wayne Frances Wen Al Schwarzkopf Jerry Weber Ex Officio Members Barbara Abercrombie - Absent Julius Hilburn - Absent Nick Kelly Angela Hawpe The meeting was called to order at 1:31. I. Approval of Minutes The February minutes were approved with changes. It was noted that Health Services and Healthy Sooners have developed and are presenting several tobacco cessation classes for OU employees. II. Retiree Medical Update Nick requested the next Employee Benefits Committee meeting be held on April 12, 2012. This earlier meeting date allows time for the membership to discuss and vote on the retiree medical proposal which the President is now considering, and will allow the proposal to be presented at the Board of Regent’s May meeting. The EBC committee membership voted and approved the next meeting to be held on April 12, 2012. Nick discussed an alternative proposal suggested by the Norman Faculty Senate. The first part of that proposal is instituting the deductible earlier and on a phased schedule. The Faculty Senate proposed a $100 deductible be III. implemented in 2014; $200 deductible in 2015; and $300 deductible in 2016. Those affected by this immediately would be existing retirees. There was discussion among the EBC committee regarding the impact of implementing the Faculty Senate proposal. Nick stated the total impact of implementing the proposal add 1% to the liability. The second part of the Faculty Senate’s proposal recommends the University pay 100% of the premium cost for retirees who are 62 or older and have at least 25 years of service. In the current proposal, the University would pay either 75% or 95% of the premium cost. There was some discussion regarding how employees would react to the above recommendations and whether it would alter retirement patterns. There was also discussion regarding the reasoning behind the proposals presented by Faculty Senate. Nick stated Human Resources can have some discussions with the Faculty Senate prior to the next meeting and report at the April meeting. Employee Benefits Committee members will be asked to consider and vote on the most recent proposal presented by HR at the Town Hall meetings at the April 12 meeting. There will be an opportunity to discuss the Faculty Senate recommendation at that time. Update on Proposed OTRS Changes Several rule changes that OTRS has proposed have been approved by their board, and now are pending approval by the legislature. If approved, these new rules will be applied to service after July 1, 2013. The proposed rule changes would require all exempt (professional) employees to contribute to OTRS, including employees who are working less than 20 hours per week. The University would also be required to contribute. Currently, employees who work 30 hours per week or more get a full year of service credit. Under the proposed rule changes, these employees would receive proportional service credits for service after 7/1/2013. The third proposed change also affects service credit. Currently if an employee works half of a year in their final year of employment they receive a full year of service credit. According to the new proposal, these employees would receive one half year of service credit. Beginning July 1, 2013, part time employees who are working less than 20 hours per week in FLSA exempt positions would be required to make an irrevocable election regarding membership in OTRS. If a less than .5 FTE employee hired on or after July 1, 2013 chooses to opt out of OTRS, the University would be required to pay a 2.5% surcharge to OTRS. All of the proposed changes will take effect July 1, 2013 if approved. Nick stated that employees will need to carefully plan for retirement given these changes. Human Resources staff will assure information is provided to all employees explaining the new regulations if adopted. There was discussion regarding how the proposed changes will affect faculty at the Health Sciences Center who earn a portion of their salary from PPP. Nick reported that legal representatives are currently discussing how this will be handled. IV. Health Insurance 2013 Renewal Nick reported that Human Resources staff and Blue Cross/Blue Shield representatives met to begin discussions on the health insurance renewal for 2013. This is our fourth full year with BCBS. Blue Cross representatives reported the state-wide trend in insurance is an increase of approximately 7%. The renewal will be submitted to the Board of Regents in September, so Blue Cross Blue Shield will need to get the proposal to us by early August. We will begin the negotiation process as soon as they are able to gather some data. V. Fidelity/DC Plan Updates A series of workshops targeted to specific populations have been advertised to employees. There are three presentations scheduled at this time for specifically targeted groups of employees on the Norman campus. There will be presentations scheduled for the Health Sciences Center in early April. Fidelity will introduce updates to the website next month and a 457(b) Roth option will be implemented. Human Resources will be sending out surveys to new employees regarding their experience with Fidelity, to determine their level of satisfaction with the company and their services. Most of the feedback from employees regarding Fidelity has been positive. The total fund contributions to Fidelity’s platform have exceeded expectations, so there may be an opportunity for fees associated with the plan to be reduced in the future. There was some discussion by committee members regarding information they had received from Fidelity pertaining to services that can be purchased. Nick stated Human Resources will investigate and determine what was sent to employees. VI. Updates There were no further updates. VII. Other Business There was no other business. Meeting was adjourned at 2:33.