CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary - 10/17/01

CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary - 10/17/01
Members Present:
Dan Baden (CMS/Director)
Patricia Kelley (Earth Sciences/Chair)
Jim Merritt (CMS/Associate Director)
Curt Moyer (Physics/Chair)
Martin Posey (CMS/Resident)
Scott Quackenbush (Biology/Chair)
Steve Skrabal (CMS/Non-Resident)
Joan Willey (CMS/Associate Director)
Members not Present:
Jack Hall (Environmental Studies/Dir.)
Charles Ward (Chemistry/Chair)
Jeff Wright (CMS/Resident)
Recorder: Dennis Ihnat
Discussion Item: IAC Membership
 Dan: Discussed election of CMS non-resident faculty IAC representatives
Steve Skrabal elected to one-year term. Dan made introductions.
Dick Dillaman was elected to two-year term, but has schedule conflict and
will not be able to serve.
o IAC recommendation: Offer Steve Skrabal the two-year term, and
offer Ron Sizemore (runner-up in previous election) the one-year term.
o Will present recommendation at next faculty meeting.
Agenda Item: Security
 Dan: Summary of current issues
ID Badge
o Will set up photo ID day @ CMS
Stolen Items
Center for Marine Science
Office of the Director
5600 MARVIN K. MOSS LANE, WILMINGTON, NC 28409 (910) 962-2300/962-2405
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary - 10/17/01 - Page 2
o Temp cleaning crew employee identified as culprit; items located &
returned; situation has been addressed.
Card reader on CMS Wet Teaching Lab
o Evaluating options to provided necessary access with appropriate
o (Dropped from consideration after faculty consult subsequent to IAC)
Agenda Item: Coastal Ocean Research and Monitoring Program (CORMP)
 Dan: Attended meeting on 11/5 with UNC (GA) to discuss multiple programs:
SEACOOS delayed for a year, but will be talked up in DC
Expectation that CORMP & CARO-COOP (South Carolina program) will
become NOAA line-item
Agenda Item: Strategic Plan
 Dan: Already working on 2 objectives in Education Committee report
See Goal 3, Objectives 4 & 5 (handout)
 Joan: Handout is not final report
Final version was on web page
Will check & confirm final version is available
Agenda Item: Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunities
 Dan: Propose $20K for summer undergraduate research opportunities, depending on
availability of funding.
 Patricia: Alternate external funding sources? (NSF)
 Dan: 1-2 years @ CMS to establish track record, then seek federal funding
 Scott: Effective program would give credits for summer programs
10-15 credits (full summer load)
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary - 10/17/01 - Page 3
o Content-heavy Course (team teach?)
o DIS/Internship
 Martin: Team Teaching has advantages
7 wks, 1 faculty/week…7 faculty share load
Students get exposed to additional professors
 Dan: Start this summer
 Scott: Key is to ensure research earns credit toward degree
 Patricia: Undergraduate summer course requires 15 students
Scott: can get exception for “experiment”
 Scott: Will draft 1-page summary of proposal and pass around IAC
Discussion Item: Graduate students
 Dan: Received faculty request to provide support for graduate students in summer
 General discussion ensued
Agenda Item: Operations Personnel
 Dan: Held mtg. w/OPS group to discuss Service & Quality
Will use CMS funds to hire 3 additional personnel
o IT, Aquaculture Mechanic, & Boat Maintenance
CMS/IT has work order form, working on process
Procedures in place to deal w/illegal attachment to network
Have asked OPS to identify/review job descriptions. Multiple tasking seems
to be diverting attention from primary responsibilities.