CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary – October 2, 2002 –...

The University Of North Carolina At Wilmington
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary – October 2, 2002 – Page 1
Members Present:
Dan Baden (CMS/Director)
Patricia Kelley (Earth Sciences/Chair)
Jim Merritt (CMS/Associate Director)
Curt Moyer (Physics/Chair)
Martin Posey (CMS/Resident)
Scott Quackenbush (Biology/Chair)
Steve Skrabal (CMS/Non-Resident)
Ron Sizemore (CMS/Non-Resident)
Joan Willey (CMS/Associate Director)
Jeff Wright (CMS/Resident)
Members not Present:
Jack Hall (Environmental Studies/Dir.)
(Course conflict this semester)
Charles Ward (Chemistry/Chair)
Recorder: Dennis Ihnat
Discussion Item: National Ocean Science Bowl
 Diane Talley was invited to provide an overview to the IAC
State-wide science competition for high school students
UNCW/CMS will host this year and next year
Draft brochure provided to IAC
 Ron Sizemore is working with Diane Talley on this project
Discussion Item: Meeting Notes from 9/4/2002
 Motion: IAC reviewed meeting notes from previous meeting and approved for
Discussion Item: New CMS Operations Facility
 Dan Baden provided overview of process to date.
Feasibility Study
The University Of North Carolina At Wilmington
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary – October 2, 2002 – Page 2
Neighborhood Advisory Committee was provided overview and will have
opportunity to participate in programming phase.
New Special Use Permit required
Committee has reviewed proposals from Architecture firms and their teams,
conducted interviews, and identified top three acceptable teams for Chancellor
to make recommendation to Board of Trustees.
Once BOT makes selection, firm will be contracted and Programming Phase
will commence. The CMS “Operations Facility Circular of Requirements”
will provide starting point.
 Faculty will be consulted during programming phase
 On-going activities at CMS-MG will continue during construction. Every effort will
be made to minimize impact of construction on those activities.
 A question was raised regarding what will be done with the old CMSR facility once
the new Operations Facility is completed.
Not known at this time.
Discussion Item: CMS Strategic Plan
 Comments received from IAC Members on draft provided at last month’s IAC
meeting have been incorporated.
 Motion: IAC approved final draft of “CMS Strategic Plan – 2002 Update” and
directed that the Plan be posted on the CMS web page for faculty review.
Discussion Item: Keenan Professorship
 Ron Sizemore provided update
 Candidate field has been narrowed down
The University Of North Carolina At Wilmington
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary – October 2, 2002 – Page 3
 Interviews planned for January/February 2003
 Will try for August 2003 start date, but negotiable
Discussion Item: Fall Semester Faculty Meeting
 In general discussion, it was stated that normally would be best to hold early in
 General discussion ensued regarding best day of week and time for CMS faculty
meeting, given other conflicting demands on faculty.
General agreement that best time would be noon on a Friday
 In order to give faculty sufficient lead time for planning, the CMS Fall Faculty
Meeting will be held on Friday November 15, 2002. Agenda will include:
Elect new IAC Members (one resident and one non-resident faculty)
Affirm “CMS Strategic Plan – 2002 Update”
Affirm Policies and Procedures Manual
Operations Facility Update
Discussion Item: CMS Social Events
 Two potential social activities proposed:
Halloween/“Day of the Dead” costume party on Saturday evening
November 2nd.
Mardi Gras
 Would include CMS Faculty/Staff/Students, and Faculty/Students from all of the
sciences, regardless of program.